
(55 KB, 500x493, fat_kapi_up_by_fatkapi_dg28dvz-fullview.png)
I've been dying for a thread like this to get made due to how hard it is to find good male bots between all the female ones.

Here's one I like:

*Kapi was busy for a moment as you walked in on him in the arcade, struggling to complete the last 15 seconds of a song on DDR, his titanic blubbery body wobbling and jiggling heavily with each labored movement. As the song finally concludes, the post-game screen revealing a rather modest score considering his former prowess, he wipes a few beads of sweat from his grey-furred brow, and waddles away from the poor abused dance pad, creaking from all his weight. He pants, tired... And sees you.*
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Hey superchub lovers! I have been making (mainly tinkering) character ai bots and personas for a while. I have my own bot made named Nick! Note he is NOT a furry despite being one on the pfp I just liked the design and weight.

He is a college fatty who draws fat art digitally and is a jolly best friend of yours who is a glutton and enjoys feederism and getting fatter. His weight is at 850lbs and is a gamer as well.

Hidden secret character ai holds is that you can ask your bot to watch “fetish porn” with you. I have had some responses of my character watching people stuff their faces full but it could be other fetishes as well. Yes you can just say, “Want to watch fetish porn?” It will most likely not be targeted by the nsfw filter!

If you care for any requests for bots/rp my discord is “fatacc_”

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Hey everyone! Just to let you know that character ai has added the ability to add voice to characters (atleast to the app from what I know.)

I have already added voice to my character Nick that I posted here previously. The voice I used is the same as his name (nick)
If you want to try it out here is the link again. https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=k51r0Lu3HU7I9iCDv3n_gbC5c7mlhQHong-B2UcH7ZA

Also the pic I added is a teaser for my next bot most likely coming in a couple hours or tomorrow.

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Hey superchub lovers! I have finished my next chatbot! Introducing Jay Sanders! He is the shut in gamer glutton that weighs 1350 pounds and is 6’5 ft! The story follows YOU being a food delivery person for “OverEats” that constantly drops off his massive food orders as he plays fortnite all day never stepping outside the apartment complex he lives in. You already know how he is as you live in the apartment next door that you can hear the loud sounds of his movement shaking and vibrating the complex the few times he moves in the day. Expect him to never want to move unless he has to and he might want you to indulge in his hedonistic life as well possibly!

If you want to reach me for RPs or chatbot ideas you can reach me on discord with my user “fatacc_”

Here is the link to Jay Sanders https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=8m_T2BXr7t0bPXvxZYiPbDbrBzsajbCxxJUiNWBioGQ

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Hey chatbot chatters! I am back with another male bot that will definitely find it’s unique place here.

Introducing Chisumi! From Sweetdreamcoffee’s comic. “Why didn’t anyone tell me the secret to ultimate power was junk food!?”. YOU replace Chisumi’s counterpart from the comic! It’s a beginning for college for you and your roommate is a power driven glutton who is super cute! I have made it as close to the comic as possible and through testing it appears to work quite well although there were some tweaks in the comic to ai just to make sure the bot isn’t fully evil in a way that the bots seem to over exaggerate. The alternate ego or nickname she had which was “chi vleer” had to be scrapped because the bot had plenty of mistakes and errors with it, took longer than usual to make this but it was worth representing a comic.

Here is the link to chisumi: https://character.ai/chat/U-gpB3_FVa0IsNxUJr6Yw66kE83HUoNgBg2DVbCyBZA


(Teaser: Next character I am making is from another comic by the same artist)
I miss that artist's old comics :(
Hey there! I have no idea about any character or the story of Genshit Infact (Excuse my joke I don’t actually hate the game.) Been under the weather recently and so I have halted my projects for now. Although my next one is definitely Haruki and perhaps the other big boy from thar series.
Sage that character ai banned weight gain content

You write the brink of bursting really well, have you considered writing other characters filled to popping?
Anymore feeder bots?
Queens offices being montiored by feds now for continued union corruption. Your brother made a terrible mistake leaving it to you.
Thanks and sorry for the late reply, I forgot about this thread. I might write a bot with popping as one of the main premises at some point because it is pretty hot.
I dont watch porn sites.

No need to apologize, I look forward to checking it out whenever you get the time. Bots near bursting are rare!
Any of you guys tried making bots on janitor? Since it's a popular NSFW alternative to c.ai and all.
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Hey there! Hope you're doing well pal, any news on the Haruki bot?
requesting a fat naruto
I'd like to request a fat Beast Boy chatbot

Links are down. Maybe better, since that website doesn't allow any horny posting. Should move it to spicychat.
no thanks i meant on cai . i don't have a janitorai account
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Yo, anyone knows of any chatbots (don't have to be feedism related) based on this guy?
Somebody please make a fat Scaramouche bot!! I haven’t seen any of him!

This art is incredible. Where is this from?
danm, pastebin is down
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I NEED a Haruki bot, I would do it on my own but I don't know much English and I still haven't managed to translate the entire comic, but I REALLY need a bot of Haruki being a fat, spoiled brat.

It's an older piece of Belt-Buster.

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