
Did they delete their work or something? If so, bump
They deleted most of their older work off DeviantArt. And i can't seem to find it on twitter.
They seem to have deleted most of their older art from DeviantArt. And i can't find it on twitter as well.
(103 KB, 1280x960, IMG-4212.JPG)
This is one of the works that got deleted off their DeviantArt. Glad i saved this.
Bumping, their stuff was too good to go to waste
(131 KB, 1280x960, tord.jpg)
This one just got deleted as well.
There are only like 9 artworks left on their DeviantArt now.
(75 KB, 850x889, IMG-3361.JPG)
I also had this one saved. (spoiler for v0re)
(240 KB, 2048x1964, F-3L0E3WsAA2BFk.jpg)
I found this on their twitter and now it's one of my favorites. So i'll post it here to keep this thread from dying. (spoiler for farts)
>>8082 (OP)
Didn't this artist also do fat art of Stranger Things?
Yes they did. Sadly i didn't save any of that.
Yes they did. Sadly those were deleted as well
anything new?
Got a couple more Matt and Tord ones from this artist. Don't know why they deleted all of their Eddsworld stuff just because they changed fandoms. That's lame as hell! (As someone else here already noted)
(149 KB, 2048x1745, FX5_dpqWYAIzDOd.jpg)
I had three more images in the same folder of this one, but I think they might've been of another artist. I just know that this was on their gallery as well
As far as I know they’ve gone from spiderverse Peter Parker, to stranger things, to eddsworld, and now they exclusively draw adventure time art. I have a feeling it’s a weird sense of embarrassment, once they cross over to a new hyperfixiation. But it’s a shame since that’s a lot of good hyper male stuff gone completely. If anyone happens to have any of the spiderverse stuff I’d appreciate it, I have no luck since they also burn through usernames I can’t keep track of.
(102 KB, 1280x960, 1652495491.2083bf63-8eae-46ee-b91f-530e541af7d0.jpg) (116 KB, 1280x960, 1651733005.4bff989c-0db1-437b-8d41-6ef056a2020c.jpg) (104 KB, 1280x1025, 1649141731.4277f43d-ba16-476d-aaed-e8aa5bbfc632_jpeg.jpg) (128 KB, 1280x960, 1649811131.4d28c3c4-1f9b-4a4a-9ddc-5ebf7f0466c3_jpeg.jpg) (154 KB, 2048x1535, 11fb254aa04fd2391dafe87e381d4ce3d0b7f043f788beb1235ec3523bd1304a.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2802x2285, 1648454701.95b4dc82-a622-440e-9bbd-73193bd2da04.png)
I know, it's just annoying that they delete everything once they move on. I don't mind them switching their fixiation every once in a while, but removing all instances of their previous work is just a little too far
I'll be posting those fat Matt and Tord pics soon. Have just been busy lol
(189 KB, 2048x1238, IMG_3366.jpeg) (276 KB, 2048x1535, IMG_3367.jpeg)
Male blob stuff of this caliber is hard to come by, so yeah, I agree. Hell I could even swear they’ve done it further in the past, might’ve even had a Harry Potter phase or something. And Thanks for these by the way.
I don't know why she's so hellbent on deleting all of her work every time she switches fandoms
@ Anon ^ yeah. I find that very frustrating and annoying. Like, why make such great pics, only to go and eventually remove every last trace of them, and make out as if they never existed. I don't get it. She was also very rude to me when I asked if she could draw any fat/expansion pics of Edd. She told me she might only do unfinished sketches of Edd. But no finalized colored or shaded images of him. Because she said he was her "least favorite of the main 4." Then when I asked if she'd be fine if I commissioned some Edd expansions from her, she cussed me out and blocked me.
That was a big time bummer for me, because Edd is my favorite of the 4! (Tho I love them all)
But yeah, she drew such awesome expansions of the other 3, but none of Edd!
Before I always thought the reason she deleted her drawings was maybe because she received some kind of backlash for them. But turns out no. Which made my respect for her go down even lower.
(96 KB, 808x633, file.png)
Yeah I don't know, she's very VERY talented but she has some bizarre decisions when it comes to her own art
Definitely one of the strangest artists I've ever encountered. (And one of the most unreasonably rude and snobbish as well.) Also, from what I'm aware of, there were two Edd sketches that she drew, but she never planned to finish. One was an inflation, the other one was a super tubby/fat pic. So a while back, (after the fact she told me personally that she was never gonna finish the sketches) I commissioned some friends to redraw them in high quality and detail, and they came out great! I found it so unfair how she drew such awesome fat art of the other 3 Eddsworld cuties, but never gave Edd any love, when he's the cutest character of them all! And the most deserving of being fattened up and bloated. Anyway, I will be posting the two redrawn Edd pics later, and I hope you'll enjoy them! ^^
(1.5 MB, 2729x2131, Eddloon.png) (1.4 MB, 3000x2249, Very Fat Edd.jpg)
Here are the two Edd pics I was talking about! Both are redrawn by two separate artists. And to think that the pics these were based on would have only remained just that, sketches. And very crude ones at that. Just because PeachBellies doesn't like Edd, shouldn't mean that us Edd fans who love expansion should be left out of seeing him all filled out, and bloated up! Glad I had these good talented friends to do him justice. <3
Would absolutely love to see some other skilled artists draw the big cutie like this too!
(78 KB, 959x1280, 4d12aba0-1d51-401c-918a-2fa3cf0dde0d.jfif) (85 KB, 1280x1171, 33eeb025-8526-4fb8-91c0-68c24d0f964a.jfif) (84 KB, 1280x959, bd78bf50-9852-4e02-8ce7-3b0310edf9ec.jfif) (100 KB, 1280x959, 4d175cdc-a3b2-4138-b99a-eb00eca34fa2.jfif) (98 KB, 1280x959, 507553b3-b709-4d8a-b685-cc3bf3c4ed04.jfif) (37 KB, 1007x793, a223f7c1-58eb-4a7e-b3fa-c6c0a199cdb3.jfif)
I have these ones. loved it when she drew him as you can see.
I also marked the gassy ones as spoiler.
Anyone have the full Gumlee drive? I think it was deleted
To whoever posted the rest of those fat Tord and Matt pics, you're a God-send! Would love to see more if there are still any left to post. Gosh, those are amazing! <3
Anyone have the full resolution file of the inflated Tom pic? I seem to remember it originally being bigger.
I'm referring to this one
I know this is the bhm thread but I’m asking anyway, does anybody have that deleted picture of fionna on the couch gaming ?
Thank you but no, it was from when they’d just started with the Fionna art on Twitter
Kind of a long shot but does anyone have any of their art from before the Eddsworld phase, especially the stuff with the Weasley twins?
Bump on this!! Ive been searching for their Weasley twins art forever as well>>12349

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