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I know we all want to see thin guys grow fat, and fat guys grow fatter. So I thought it might be productive to have a thread where we collect enhancements and assists that will amplify and increase a human male's capacity for weight gain.

Starting out with this handy list of appetite stimulants:


At least some of these are FDA-approved. That's right, CLINICALLY PROVEN to make you more gluttonous. After all, to get big you've got to eat big. You won't become a pig if you don't eat like a pig.

I figure this thread can be a repository of all sorts of gaining enhancement stuff: stimulants, techniques, advice, maybe even the best things to order at individual fast food restaurants if you really want to pack on the pounds.

Basically I want to make a thread that collects info that could be extremely useful for guys wanting to get big.
I've tried Eatmor, it works, but its a bit weak/subtle. Taking it 1 hour before a meal is also a bit annoying to plan around. I've wanted to try other stuff like Feast Mode, but never gotten around to it.
(154 KB, 358x529, FeastMode.png)
You mean this stuff?

If so, I've got a guy in a thread on /trash/ who swears by its effectiveness. Says his wife started taking it and went from 200 pounds to 400 pounds in a few years. If it can make you double your weight there's got to be something to it.
I dont think it comes cheap though. So im not about to rush out and buy it. One day Ill try it, or someone might send me some to test.
I had to try this and ordered it instantly! Had to get it from an US store and ship it over to germany.

Despite weighting 250 Kg, my appetite is quite low. I never was good at eating large amounts of food at once and prefer eating more smaller meals over the day.

I got 90 pills delivered today and took three pills with my meal. Didnt expect much. I ordered two big calzome just in case. Normaly i maybe could eat one.

While i was eating the first calzone everything was like before but then i felt like being bit more hungry again. This did not stop so i started surprisingly the second calzzone. She took a while to eat but i managed to eat ALL.

Thats an improvement and now half an hour later i have to fill a growing void in my stomach with 1 liter of chocomel and it does not help to feel full. My stomach is visible full from the outside but still rumbling again. Wtf? This a miracle pill?
anything that enables obesity is good and should be promoted
I think im in heaven guys.

Im hungry all time now and my belly is full to the brim. I dont feel full from my head or from too much taste of the same stuff now. Only feel fullness of my belly. Im eating so much im cooking all day lol

Not kidding in these few days im rapidly gaining. I can suddely eat like i should with my weight. At this rate, i should gain good. Cant believe it but i already gained 4 Kg oO

Also noticed that i overall feel better. Like refreshed and full of energy. Not so tired and happy because of this. Also my digestive system feels stable now. No stomach pain, less gas, no strange fullness, no feeling like somethingvis swollen ( which i had sometimes).

I just feel great. This cant be a placebo. This helps me a lot!
These are mostly insoluable fibre (psylium husk) + whatever 'herbs' they have on hand and insoluable fibre speeds up yo' poops and also the pills state to take with a big ol' glass of water/liquid so of course it'll "feel better".
If you're trying to gain, you're trying to max calories which means you're lacking insoluable fibre which in turn causes digestion issues.
You would accomplish the same or even more for less money by taking psylium husk capsules and smoking weed, tbh.
To be honest. I tried all but weed in the last 20 years. Weed is not legal here and i hate smoking and stuff that makes you feel like being drugged.

I have gone through a lot of garbage products. Some herbs, teas,special meals, weight gainer, plantpased pills of all youbcan imagine, hokuspokus expensive garbage. I tried it all because since i had my vegan ex, my appetite is gone.

I slowly fought myself up to 250 Kg, barely able to stuff myself so i focused on not moving. I tooknthat pills and boom, all my problems gone. Maybe there exists something with similar effect somewhere out there which is cheaper and even more efficient. Have not found it yet

Also its a bold move to assume i dring ehm ... water. I swallow this pills with coke lol

Also whats upnwith the pooping? I poop normal. Like not faster. Takes same time to ... unload? Its just more because i eat around 7000 calories now instead of 3000.

All i can say is, it works for me. Body changes are visible for me after days, so since they are not expensive, i might get more.

Im willing to try out different stuff.
Which one did you order?
Feast mode. 90 Pills.
Gotta love random internet misinformation like “insoluble fiber will actually help you feel less full as you stuff yourself”

Written by some sub 250 pounder surely
want and need this
peanut butter with ice cream
heavy whipping cream shaken with flavored syrup
5k a day from that alone easy

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