
>>6790 (OP)
Shit like this makes me very grateful that the boomers of the Dimensions Magazine era are dying off. It isn't sexy and there is no "historic value" either.
At least it has a decent story and is original, unlike the 4000th Hentai anime posted this month.
>a questionably-aged teenager suddemly getting fat
pick one
It came out in like 2003. It definitely was original. Nobody was doing shit like this back then and deviantart hadn't even began to take off.
(256 KB, 773x1000, randypearcover.jpg) (254 KB, 674x1000, randypearpage1.jpg) (537 KB, 764x1000, page2.jpg) (378 KB, 800x1000, page3.jpg) (466 KB, 736x900, page9.jpg) (430 KB, 662x871, page10.jpg)
>>6790 (OP)
i found a few panels on the wayback machine, but the rest of them won't load and that pdf's seemingly vanished from the web. now i'm just as curious as you, very annoying how something that supposedly influenced a lot of people in the community is this difficult to find. doesn't seem like fatfanplus has had any kind of online presence in years either
>It isn't sexy
idk, randy looks kinda cute for someone from a boomer archie fetish comic. maybe i'm biased because i spent so much time fantasizing about gay fat boys in high school
I actually have the whole pdf saved believe it or not. Will try to upload later when I have time.
Plz i go to the file too late and i NEED see that comic
(330 KB, 825x1234, randypearpage18[1].jpg)
had this saved almost 8 years ago, I think its all that was released
late, but i downloaded the pdf before it went down, here it is: https://files.catbox.moe/2hnflw.pdf

also thank you to the anon that actually delivered and uploaded it, despite the unfortunate choice of file sharing site

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