
(23 KB, 300x225, tumblr_p1odpzkoFr1v1ps0yo1_400.jpg)
Post pictures and videos of real life immobile guys.

Starting this thread with a Superxlchubboy video:

I would love to get him into a harness.. I remember there was a gif of his carer washing his fupa. It was beautiful
>she's on Tumblr was posting some extra cuts of the documentary
You can't just say that without providing at least some sort of lead
name of the 4th pic (on the right)?
Sauce for the first and second pictures?
His name is Majorheft
Goddamn what a beautiful specimen of extreme obesity. I have heard that he's passed away from a heart attack.
When is this from?
(8.3 MB, 1280x720, HD_720p_(2).mp4)
Here's what I managed to pick up. You got a week.
As a bonus, here's a video of who I might think be the same guy as >>2495.
Fuck, listen to that lard wheeze!

Is this the video the other poster linked?
So cute! I want to see more superxlchubboy photos and videos!
Any content of his from around his peak weight?
Does anyone have these Superxlchubboy images or videos?
only videos i've got but still looking for more
Wow does she have any other profiles? I did see some posts on tumblr but can’t find them now. There was one of him when he started gaining and jiggling his thigh in front of her.
Unfortunately no, every time that she opened a Tumblr at a certain time she deleted it although you can see her different usernames that she had in the reblogs of fat lovers let me check
I wish there was a guy that size, with that care
I'm new to this board. How do these links work?
Your never gonna believe but she’s my feeder now lol. I’m about 650 at the minute and I was 450 when we started going out about a year and half ago. I’ve always wanted to be immobile but I don’t want my pictures online for people to see I just want me and feeder to experience it. I might go public one day but for what I don’t need money and I’ve got her to feed me to death. We’re perfect for each other cause we can tv together even though there’s a 35 year gap cause we’re both cultured enough to enjoy the same things. The age gap cause it means I’ll die before her so I’m not sure why I said that lol. I’m high I smoke weed bye
Credible possibly, but how has your day to day been since you have been in contact with her
pics or it didn't happen
That’s a lie because I’m friends with her and she’s not feeding anyone right now.
She’s still a feeder though.

Still looking for an answer
If true, how do you support your feedee lifestyle money wise? Does she pay for everything? Do you have inheritance or a work from home job or something?

I hope to one day reach immobility (only a tiny 330 lbs so far) but the cost is prohibitive - both for food and for quality of life things like the cranes, special equipment etc.
The only part of this I believe is when you said "I'm high".
(312 KB, 2151x1066, wuhan-man.jpg)
not immobile but close enough to it.
that one wagey guy in Wuhan who gained almost 300 pounds within 5 months of the lockdowns in 2020.
300 pounds in 5 months! That's gotta be a record
I forgot about this lol but yeab she was a nurss for 30 years, shes saved money and she'll get her pension in the next couple. I don't work lol eating is my full time job, she does some stuff on the side as well even if she's not actually working anymore. She has all the stuff, I mean I'm pretty much immobile at this point I haven't left. Bed since like march I think and I don't think I ever will again.
Ok it didn't happen lol, I'm not really interested iñ exhibitioning Myself but Id like to be in the record books>>3014
Is it really that unbelievabl4
I've loved it but I didn't really expect the romantic elements, I thought it would mothed,/son but no were like an actual couple she's met my parents lol, Ivd been a fat pig all my life and they know about the feederism stuff cause you know internet and stuff I wrote so there not surprised. But yeah I feel both in love and complet sexual fulfilment so it's awesome lol, I eat 20k-30k calories a day sometomes more but that's the aim lots of pizzas, lots of burgers, lots of chocolate, lots of ice cream. I can eat pretty much all day my aim is like 50k calories.
Apart from eating well cleaning that's about am hour and it's my favourite thing ever, it's so arousimg and romantic.
>>662 (OP)
I want to watch this! Please repost this file again!
Anyone got any footage of Paul mason when he was being washed I remember seeing that years ago and he looked like jelly
I’m into immobility/health issues/extreme feederism. Any feeders wanna talk about it?
That’s great thanks. He was truly massive I’ve heard he’s essentially house bound again and still piling on the pounds.
It amazes me how he so big in the first place the caregivers must have let him eat what he wanted.
this man is an unconscious gainer
Has anyone here met someone who's immobile? Curious to find out some first hand experiences.
Not first hand but I've talked to a couple guys who claim to have met up with immobile or close to it guys before. The thing that makes them believable for me is they all describe kind of the same thing. The reality of meeting someone like that is letting yourself in because they can't get up from the chair or bed, they're usually smelly and unwashed, and one guy told me his desire for that large of a man never came back after experiencing the reality of it in person, said it just made him feel guilty and sad about the whole thing.
I would like to meet someone immobile too but yeah, I do wonder if actually meeting someone like that would give me a similar feeling. I hope they are well taken care of by a caretaker feeder.
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I’ve spoken to Maria (Paul masons enabler) before and explained with great detail what it’s like being a caregiver to someone who is immobile with one of them being ensuring they get enough food each day because if their intake changes suddenly their body can have ramifications.
That’s a picture of her.
Do you have any other information?
Do you have more information to that? Like how did they even meet those immobile people in the first place?
That's the weird thing I think for some people the gross stuff is actually what attracts them, its not that they really like fatties, it's just their natarul caregivers and they'll latch onto whoever needs the most help
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How is that even possible?!
What did he eat?
Does anyone have more of Paul Mason in particular a scene where he was blubbering around in his reinforced bed and throwing towels in a strop over his diet being controlled.
Maria would definitely have that and I want to see that too
My crazy theory is about maria have a lot of paul manson private stuff (like uncensored showers)
but every time it appears she quickly deletes her account to avoid people's questions lol
Well she was his feeder and caregiver so makes sense she has lots of intimate stuff we haven’t seen yet of Paul.
I’m betting there’s some homemade stuff.
The way she talks about feeding is so tempting to get yourself that big for her.
I think its just some weird autist whos obsessed with them both. Everything "she" posts is publicly available.
Where is this from???
I'm pretty sure they're not actually a nurse because they only seem to post clips from documentaries. That video clip has to have come from somewhere else.
How did you find her?
>Steven Assanti
If there's a hell he's going there. If you don't know the things he's done wrong:
>used taxpayer money to get fat and sustain himself
>made multiple videos basically giving taxpayers the finger
>went to the hospital on the taxpayer's dime and refused to lose the weight
>brought food to the hospital bed until he was kicked out
>went crying to the news about unfairness
I recommend you format the drive that image was saved on, then chuck it into a deep fryer until it no longer resembles metal and plastic.
Does anyone have videos of BigPaulAK?
What the hell is this guy doing here?
>>11113 Steven Assanti is an immobile man, isn't that what this is about
I know. But he's probably the worst kind of an immobile man.
Paul Mason is confirmed to be bedridden at 500+ pounds again. Let’s hope he absolutely balloons.

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