
Whats ur social ? Yeah u r cute
@beachballbelly on Twitter
Yeah, you’re cute
you look forlorn in second pic but yeah ur 👍
Bro you look super good, you have a very classic look that shows a some very good atributes to you.

I *strongly* suggest you to not post nude pictures or even reveal your face in your f***r*y account due to security reasons and to be honest, you're pretty good looking and interesting you don't need to sell yourself short.
Yeah ure cute but u can definitelly get some more drip, maybe an earring or two or a necklace, trying a different shape of glasses, a new hair style would help too etc

Not trying to shit on ya but its nice updating oneself from time to time, people tend to notice and like it

Damn. Thanks for the detailed response I really appreciate it
Ye I recently got new glasses. Needed some anyway

Yeah you look like a decent guy, but hows ur game? Can you make urself interesting while talking to someone else, can u make it laugh? Have u got a cultural and social background?
>>5964 (OP)
Dont know why anons are lying to you but holy shit you look repulsive
Get a better haircut and actually do some skin care altough Idk if that will fix your autistic looking fetal alcohol syndrome face
Get rid of the glasses and you're a 7-8/10
(175 KB, 566x908, 6cb.png)
If he gained more and hit the gym he would be this
>>5964 (OP)
lol youre the guy that runs that shitty discord and who always makes fun of anyone else's belly pictures even though all the ones you post are shitty inflation ones

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