
(102 KB, 1063x752, satisfied_spooky_slob_by_neverwheatsoggyeat_dfgrg74-pre.jpg) (96 KB, 1063x752, a_smug_slob_and_his_servant_by_neverwheatsoggyeat_df75f5j-pre.jpg) (45 KB, 800x480, 1bc809db86bfb9fb5d53db19a60fb9dc01f81a3f8070fab347c91c515a5be8ee.png) (1.4 MB, 3373x3799, 211516b7843346d4e6bc2a25e2b5b083ca7c09f05643391648ed5c408c9b8921.jpg) (181 KB, 1573x1204, 064d5b5f76af66f32a2418e65102314f7e53f35364ec6c2d7a39ab8f93b8ed72.jpg)
This is a new one since the previous one does not exist
What would a fat stand ability be like?
BTW, on the subject, there's a new Jojo out now. It's part 9, Jojolands. Besides the new main character, Jodio Joestar, there's also his older brother, Dragona, who appears to be a cross-dresser and possible non-transition transexual. (I'm not clear on their pronouns to be fair. Dragona dresses and seems to act like a woman, but doesn't correct Jodio on calling them "big bro). Just letting you guys know in case anyone is interested
Well if it's interesting
(486 KB, 1600x1417, IMG_9735.jpeg)
There has to stands that cause all this weight.

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