
You look pretty good!

Very nice skin, fat distribution, I would recommend you doing some minor weigh exercise.
Do you have Discord? If you wan to chat, add me.VictoryRush#0846
I could start doing some weight exercise, but i want a lot of soft fat lol
You need to become addicted to dessert. You will become extra fat and extra flabby if you build your bulk with sugar and carbs. Also, if you develop a sweet tooth you will become gluttonous, and gluttony is what will get you big.

You need to be inhaling dessert. Cake, pie, cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts, snack cakes, ice cream. You need to eat it, and lots of it.
I bought about 8 boxes of snack cakes from walmart last week. I'll go for more soon!
That's not enough. You need to have dessert at least with lunch and dinner, and you need to indulge througout the day. A doughnut here, a cupcake there, a slice of pie or cake just in the middle of the day. You need to be absolutely feasting on sugar.

Also: Starbucks is your friend, their frappucinos are calorie bombs.
Alright. I'll bump up the sweet feasting. I've also drank heavy cream a ton last month and I need to get back on that.
As a general rule, you need to treat yourself and indulge yourself every time you get even the faintest of ideas about it. Every time you even vaguely think about eating something, you need to go get a snack cake or a cookie, or maybe something bigger if you're out and about.

You need to condition yourself to indulge, to treat yourself, over and over throughout the day. It needs to become your lifestyle. You need to do it until it becomes second nature.

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