
(454 KB, 2048x1692, another_fanart_by_kagu02_dfukq68.jpg)
Always disappointed that almost nobody takes the canon inflation scene with Vegito and rolls with it (Or adds rolls to it)
(467 KB, 2500x2700, FwlCm8WaAAABz5X.jpg)
Vegeta makes a good chubster too. You should post here if you finish it
(78 KB, 1200x702, GGRtWdNW0AAx36l.jpg)
Why does Vegito make such a gorgeous fatty, like seriously, I want to see more of this man weighing more than a blue whale.
(166 KB, 1280x960, 52342432222.jpeg)
We lost one of the greatest contemporary comic artists, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Ball, Doctor Slump, Dragon Quest and many other derivative and inspired works from Professor Akira Toriyama.
(73 KB, 800x566, error___expansion_overload_part_1_by_prisonsuit_rabbitman_dahn5mt-414w-2x.jpg) (51 KB, 800x565, error___expansion_overload_part_2_by_prisonsuit_rabbitman_dahui3k-414w-2x.jpg) (52 KB, 800x566, error___expansion_overload_part_3_by_prisonsuit_rabbitman_dai2yvn-414w-2x.jpg) (42 KB, 800x567, error___expansion_overload_part_4_by_prisonsuit_rabbitman_daibfry-414w-2x.jpg) (50 KB, 800x566, error___expansion_overload_part_5_by_prisonsuit_rabbitman_dajn23b-414w-2x.jpg)

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