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I recently wanted to gain weight, but the fat is not distributed as I would like, since it only accumulates in my stomach, so could you please give me tips, diets and routines to have an ideal body, full of rolls, fat legs and a big ass
>>4252 (OP)
what are you eating? fat in the stomach comes from unhealthy foods, if you want to be soft you'll have to throw a lot of healthy foods in there too. stuff like nuts, sunflower seeds, rice and avocados are high in calories but are healthy too and will promote soft fat gain. also, do some light cardio. if you're eating enough of the previously mentioned foods you'll still gain weight and the light cardio will keep it away from the stomach.
ew, salad and workouts...
>>4252 (OP)
>tips, diets and routines to have an ideal body, full of rolls, fat legs and a big ass
Retarded answer full of half- and quarter-truths? See >>4255
The real and unpleasant answer?
You're shit out of luck, unless you want to get rid of your family jewels.
you want to say what's wrong about my advice?
There is no magic food that suddenly makes your ass fat while leaving all your innards fat-free. Especially not for men.
Caloric surplus + exercise is good advice, though.
Not entirely true- at least, potentially. There's been research on certain fats being a little more likely to be turned into Subcutaneous fats rather than Visceral. It's only early days, but there was a really good thread on it last year with tons of research and links to articles- but the jist of it was that dairy products and especially pure cream had that specific type of fat in them.

That combined with the fact that Visceral fat is *slightly* more likely to be burned than Subcutaneous means that with the right diet with a caloric surplus combined with enough exercise can lead to potentially better outcomes for us feedees.

I wish something like this was more likely to be researched- but unfortunately we are left with side studies and accidental discoveries in the feedism community.

And yes, unfortunately for us male gainers it is more likely to be visceral fat. But we have to do what we can to even the odds even a little for the healthiest possible* gains
I kind of want to do that.

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