
man can somebody please update his kemono already, hasn't been updated in a few months. a update to his coomer would also be nice
>>4598 He hasn't updated it yet.
Somebody please update this guy's kemono party page please! it hasn't been updated in ages. I beg of you lol
Vern has really good art, I wish he drew characters that people actually care about
I prefer if they draw obscure characters
Can anyone please update his kemono?
>"oh wow this guy looks like he makes good ar-"
>mostly paywalled
consider kemono to avoid the paywall
oh wait i just noticed it hasn't been updated yet my bad
Can you update the kemono?
i fucking wish i could
Why do artists do this?
Because artists need money to survive?
Noooo they should only cater to me and me only anyone can pick up a pencil and draw man fuck artists for wanting food and rent money and shit now excuse me as I pay for a 40 dollar gacha png
Just get a fucking job like the rest of us? Alternatively, take more commissions. I shouldn’t have to pay a monthly fee to see your gallery. Historically, this was how it worked, and it worked well.
If someone makes art and people pay money to see that art, then that is their job. You can pay once to get access to the whole archive and then cancel if you want. Not a bad deal at all.
>Just get a fucking job like the rest of us?
Jealousy. Gotcha.
>If I can't have it, nobody can
Artists are not some special group who should get paid for passively existing. I’d take having to individually pay for imagesets over a monthly subscription. Go shill your elitist faggotry over on twitter.
If you want to pay for an imageset, you can pay for an imageset. You can pay less than $10 for a month and literally get all of the art they've ever posted. Then you can cancel until they've worked up enough of a backlog for it to be worth paying again. Subscribing to someone's patreon doesn't lock you into a fuckin blood pact. And how is an artist who churns out 10+ images a month for their subscribers just 'passively existing'?
No sane person would pay a subscription fee for a fucking picture gallery. Fuck off back to twitter.

You guys seem to have no understanding on how royalty work.
In case you didn't know when you pay for music - musicians get paid even if this song isn't written yesterday.
And there is no reason it shouldn't work for graphical artists.

And one of the reasons one would be considered a sane person - they understanding this shit without throwing temper tantrums on porn board because those who made art their job are getting paid.
>>6103 quit this fucking tantrum already. this site is meant to be 18+
Typical shill response. Fuck off back to your artist butt-buddies.
His coomer page hasn't been updated since October. . . I'm about to fork over the $7 bros
please god just update his kemono already how has it taken this long
Typical bbw chan response
Anyone has the gerudo link he posted on patreon?
His art is epic thats all that matters any wins?
Please someone share the Link (legend of Zelda character) he recently posted to patreon pleaaase
Someone update his kemono already
Can someone please update this person's kemono party??? They keep everything behind the paywall nowadays! Thank you
Can someone please update this man's kemono party? thank you
Anyone can update kemono
Update kemono pls

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