
So I heard that Kipteitei apparently drew Rori once a upon a time for a private gift for Cakehoarder, except she apparently ended up posting it to 4chan anyway. Does anybody have this supposed Kipteitei Rori pic???
I want to sniff his underwear so much...
Rori looks so good...
How do you guys think it smells?
You people are actually fucking weird, these are children.
Teenagers above 16.
I'm pretty old and look way younger, 10 to 15 years, just don't be an USA American.
>"teenagers above 16"
Still doesn't make them legal in most states and countries.
And also you using "yeah, they are definitely 45 years old, they just look 10 years-old" exuse is bullshit, the thread tirle legit says fat SHOTA thread, shota means a underage boy.
if you want to complain about drawings instead of actual child abuse then go back to twitter you stupid nigger, we're not harming anyone leave us alone
what the actual fuck are you talking about, how am i not complaining about child abuse, this is literally child porn, which some people who abuse children usually share/make/jack off too then you back up your argument by saying a racial slur, and you are, this is FUCKING CHILD PORN.
Cartoons are not the same as real life. No one is harmed or exploited. A drawing doesn’t have to give consent because it’s an image made from scratch by an adult for the enjoyment of other adults. Maybe image boards aren’t for you and you should stick to more conventional sites. No one cares about your pearl-clutching here.
“they are 45 year old, they look like 10”
Shotajiji, am I right?
None of these characters are real, there is no such thing as muh 2D rights, you are as autistic as chris chan if you think anything else.
(27 KB, 640x831, Zv2eNJu_d.webp)
I believe this is it, just found it while browsing some old /d/ archives.
I'm the original anon that asked for this, so thanks for finding it. You a real one (I aint even into boys/shotas/males whatsoever, I was just morbidly curious to see if there was such a pic in existence. An interesting rare find to be sure)
(74 KB, 662x1000, Florian Belly.jpg)
You're welcome! I'm always happy to help keep obscure/old art in circulation. Preservation has become a big thing of mine in recent years.
Rori's cute, but I also remember Cake drawing this chubby cow shota that I thought was even cuter. I hope someone here has saved the art she drew of him, because she deleted those pics a while back and I stupidly took her status as a shotafag for granted. I never expected her of all people to go full moralfag and delete most of her underage art.
Being a mentally ill canuck will do that to you, anon
>Being mentally ill
Who's fault is that? Who does 1 sue? I'm waiting.
(192 KB, 695x379, Squidbiscuit Shotas 2.png) (285 KB, 920x520, Squidbiscuit Shotas 1.png) (57 KB, 214x318, Squidbiscuit Shotas 3.png) (39 KB, 182x336, Squidbiscuit Shotas 4.png)
Oh, and speaking of preservation, I noticed that Squidbiscuit wiped all her art from her DA account, which was her old stuff that she doesn't have posted anywhere else. Didn't save everything, sadly, but I do have some shotas I smartly squared away in case of emergency. Guess she remembered that she's supposed to be a rabid tumblrite/twittertard and didn't want her like-minded (fair weather) friends to stumble upon her no-no art, lol.
Omg that first image is beautiful
This is literal child porn, you freaks.
>think about the cartoons, won’t anyone think about the cartoons!
You incels keep echoing the same points of "their drawings, so they don't count as child porn!!"
They do, it's still pictures of children in fetishizing/sexual scenarios.
The fact of the matter is, real or not, these are still images sexualizing children.
(105 KB, 1024x724, Nice Try Jeetdoh.jpg) (75 KB, 800x800, Rori Grope.jpg) (806 KB, 1920x1080, Frankie Mac Gains.png)
If you fap to fat people then I suppose it means that you find IRL obesity-related health issues attractive.
If you fap to vore then I suppose it means that you find IRL cannibalism attractive.
If you fap to furries, I suppose it means that you find IRL animals attractive.
TLDR stop being a disingenuous retard and go choke on a nigger dick.
Did you just use the n-word to prove a fucking point?

Also, no, it's not the same as any of that.
Looking at fantasy fetish bullshit on the Internet is diffrent to looking at literal sexual images of children you fucking moron.
Yeah, i guess I am moral fagging, then.
Cause, posting and most probably fapping to literal pictures of fat children, is kinda against most people's morals.

Also, if one of your points is that i made a spelling mistake, you know your kinda grasping at straws.
(327 KB, 905x1280, E7D263D1-8D76-4578-A8A1-E4E909153F73.jpeg)
Alright Anon, I’ll engage in good faith. Please explain why you believe a drawing of a fictional character is equivalent to a photo or video of a real human child who can not consent and is being harmed by an adult. “It’s a drawing of a child” is not an argument. Articulate the moral, ethical, and literal harm being done by a drawing or render. Looking forward to your reply!

In the meantime check out this pudgy cutie!
Finally, someone who hasn't called me a slur yet, and I'll be happy to explain.

From my perspective, these are still children, real or not.
Yes, sure, you could still make the argument that it doesn't matter as its just art, but so is art that zoophiles make of literal animals getting fucked or gore porn, does that make those good, are they still just art and people shouldn't get angry over it?

And also, most of this art of children in sexual scenarios are made BY adults for adults, which, in my opinion is just pedophilia to an extent, cause they are litterally drawing children, yes they aren't real but the thought of the child doing these sexual acts are still there, and they distribute it to other adults who have a fascination for children.

I am also looking forward to your response, anon.
>"don't say the n-word you meanie! >:("
>still acting like a pearl-clutching disingenuous retard
Holy shit go back to Twitter you colossal faggot.
> And also, most of this art of children in sexual scenarios are made BY adults for adults
That is the distinction. In my view, anything that occurs in the fantasy realm (thoughts, art, role play with other consenting adults) is OK, even if I personally find it gross. I find scat play to be horrific but I’m not going to tell someone they can’t do it. If someone wants to jerk off to a drawing of a corpse that makes my stomach turn, but again that’s their business. The line is when someone who is not capable of consenting or doesn’t want to consent is compelled to participate in a sexual act. Obviously, this does not apply to cartoons.

I really don’t care if these images are “against your morals.” You don’t have to approve of them. No laws are being broken (in the US at least) and the only people involved in the consumption of them are the artists and the users of this board, deviantart, Twitter or wherever, all of whom are 18+ (assuming the terms of service are being followed). Adults playing with other adults. I see no harm and you haven’t convinced me that there is any being done.
Nah, don't feel like it.
Also, the n-word is a literal fucking slur, of course I'm going to point that out.
(84 KB, 900x1164, Satisfied Snacking.jpg)
You're complaining about slurs on a chan site, tourist-kun. Jesus Christ, you twitterfags are all the same: you don't even bother trying to fit in with site culture and expect it to accommodate YOU.
Aww, how cute they have there own language to talk with fellow virgins and pedophiles, let me try to communicate...

Soyboy pedo-chan, kun-chan childrenfags no based, autism-kun, coomer doomer..uuhh some slurs here, some more bullshit here..
I hope I made my point clear!
I don’t go here because I am not into fictional children or jack off to it but jesus christ, just ignore it if you are here to complain.

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