
>>3230 (OP)
Unrelated,but do you have any more art from the person who made these images? If i recall,they deleted their deviantart account a while ago.
No just this sequence
who made this, it's cute!

Its made by vakdrawsstuff on twitter!
ngl doomer boy is so underrated we need more fat art of him
(63 KB, 640x853, Catcern.jpeg)
>we've reached the point where people are fapping to fucking wojaks
May as well crank it to fat ragefaces while you're at it.
Oh hey that's me
Americans are fucked up.
>>3230 (OP) Still extremely upset that megamilkwhite pushed this artist to delete everything because they "traced" one of megamilkwhite's works but it turned out that literally just the moob shape and head position was similar
thats what happened? damn what an asshole, dont just jump to conclusions like that
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I don't know whether there's a lot of these per se, but there are definitely more than you'd think there'd be.
(77 KB, 1837x1217, 20230820_151311.jpg)
This pic just disappered from the internet and idk why
we need more of him, he's such a good target for blowing up
(182 KB, 2048x2048, degen.jpg)
Love how he's blushing. He hates it on the surface but inside it's the best thing that ever happened to him :3

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