
(261 KB, 2048x1538, Megamilkwhiteiscute.jpg)
Does anyone have a collection of just Megamilkwhite/Vern's IRL stuff? It's all mixed in with his art on twitter.
Also post your favorites I guess.
Nice thread can you download some of his videos from only fans

So yummy! I'd love to suck/lick his pupa-berried part. Such a perfect creature he is!
Thanks, but all this videos are so short it's like blue ball city. Are these really all he has on his Onlyfans?
I know this doesn't belong here but can anyone update his kemono please?
>>3070 nah I got all these from his Discord server before he made it private
Why does he wear that glove?
It's an artist thing, prevents cramps in the dominate hand.
FTM? Or is there anything with his dick?
Wait really? And here I was hoping for a dick pic.
Does ftm not have the ability to attach cock to tran?
Nah, even though some of these are really short, I've legit nutted just watching some of his twitter vids. That's how sexy he is
Soo is there any new videos or photos
can somebody update his coomer? been ages since its been updated (i am desperate)
can someone update his Coomer page?
Better than nothing.
I do agree though, please someone update the coomer.party page, he released a few really good ones on his onlyfans
coomer hasnt been updated in 5 months, somebody update please
he is a boy, though.
It doesnt matter if he's trans.
really don't understand why people think folk care that much.
most fat dudes already have their dicks too buried to be of any use so who cares if they're trans.
She's a yaoi porn-addicted woman who wanted to BE the cute boys she schlicks to. This thread should be on /ee/, not /bhm/.
She's just a woman. Saying "I'm a boy" doesn't make you a boy.
Well, you see the thing is, he actually pulled off the being cute thing.
And again, doesn't matter if he's trans or if he was a girl, hes still a boy, not that hard to follow.
Deluded women aren't men
Your just jealous cause he's cuter than half the men on here.
I bet you cried when you heard that Audrey Hale died.
For one, who the fucksm Audrey hale?
Two, i think your just coping cause a trans man looks 100x better than half the cis men on here.
thats the truth
if lgbt is more about porn nowadays its because curious hedonists hijacked the cause of the peoples who truly need to have their voice heard . today all it takes are 5 lines discussion with a person who pretend to be from them to reach the underwear part , their whole identity is linked to sex now when in reality a real trans with real social problem wont care about the pride of getting naked outside or kissing in front of kids they will just want to be seen as normal and have a family . but on each pride all we see are peoples who look like if they are working in a red light district with theor strip dancer moves and btichy accents and behaviours .

sadly most average net users got intimidated enough by cancel culture they got convinced that anyone can be a trans nowaday they forget that in majority of cases its just hedonism mixed with curiosity and decadent thinking of "why not" logic "why not i dont try anal and see" "why not i dont act like a woman i am tired of being a man" " why not i try to be dominated" its not a true thing in their bodies related to genitals and testosteron , its just pure hedonism and this doesnt make a pervert a trans .
this one here have a strong fetish and crushes that easily made her a tomboy but i am sorry those tits that face that hip and under fupa arent trans on anything this is just yet an another curious pervert who pretend to be something else .
you cannot be what you want just because you say so and cancel culture cannot force this to happen . this is a girl just like how peachypup is a gay dude . that lad can grow a beard and nothing in his body prove he is otherwise other than his hedonism
Bro, it's not that deep.
He just trans, get a fucking grip.
its a tomboy with a 100% female body and behaviour . you go learn some sicence . its this kind of thinking what hijack real trans people's place because any pervert or curious nowadays seems to claim anything he want . no wonder some claim to be apaches as sarcasm .
one does not simply become a trans just because in his fantasies its sexy to be of the opposite gender
Wah wah wah kys already
why are you all saying hes trans hahaha just because a guy wears a bra for a photo doesn't mean hes afab
No, he is trans he was afab.
Its just the rest of these incels on here have seen a guy who looks halfway decent on these hellish boards and decided to throw a bitch fit about it.
someone gonna send a link of his server? i'd like to join and the one he posted don't work no more
please stop being retards and update the coomer
ffs his coomer hasnt been updated october, please god somebody update it already
funny to see the board that's focused on compiling all the irl images of a cute chubby boy turned into a shitfest of talking about tranny stuff

also hi megamilk how's things seeing as you're watching us now
Woman larping as a teenage boy, double weird.
>>3038 (OP)
How much money would this guy make doing this I'm almost the same size and I don't gain on purpose
Transphobes are so fucking annoying on this site. There's a good number of trans people with this kink and you retards just have to fucking deal with it. They're just normal people who are into weird shit JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS FUCKING SITE. When trans people take selfies and admire their bodies the dumbfucks always say "agp" or "larp" but everyone takes pictures of themsleves when they feel fucking hot. We're all human, egotistical, self-admiring, masturbating. Transphobic dickweeds just cant help themsleves from whining like little fucking babies under any thread with even one trans person in it. Anyway, this guy is hot and his art is great too.
I don't have a problem with trannies like I don't want them to stop existing or anything, we've all got our thing. Mine is fat guys so I don't want to see fat women here pretending to be one. They should just have their own board.
>>8645 you cant just decide you are trans just because you have a crush for a boy character you wanna impersonate . this is deviancy and hedonism and as far i know transexuality is related to a medical condition where the genital or body shape isnt correct and not matching the testosterone level and spirit .
those who pretend it just for kink reasons are just hedonists and decadents and curious peoples who wish they were different for pleasure reasons . i know an adult who wanna be a loli too and be fucked , will you consider him trans ? but you will consider any guy who wanna be a girl as trans ?

no one is phobic . this one here is a tomboy girl not a dude. and since when we consider tomboys as trans ? we gonna just assume now any girl with short hair and a hoodie as boy ?
this one here precisely do that out of fetish . she see herself as kaneki but there is nothing else that qualify her as trans .
She STILL looks like a fat woman, she is still larping as a teenager male boy, she is STILL texting with underage kids (-18) on her X, formerly Twitter, she is still drawing underage characters even if she says people who draw them are pedos.

No ammount of fat or self-convincing will change that, I'm tired of this, as a gay bro, I don't want to be gaslighted into liking woman.
>she is STILL texting with underage kids
any evidence of this?
>why she deleter her discord.
>why she deleted her DeviantArt.
>why she deleted her previous twitter account with 17k followers, including anime teenager boys and girls.
>why she likes the "pedo" art of young boys and girls of pixiv japanese artists
>she is leftist coomsumerist, not even a true leftist.
>why she hides her groomming past
>why she lies about her previous actions.

I wonder why there is no proof!11!1!
so you're saying you have no evidence then?
Pure manipulation SEC illegal activities
so when can we get a link to his discord?
Never at this rate it seems
None of that is evidence. If you have any evidence, I would like to see it.
I used to be a mod for his Discord server. We took underage content very seriously and I never heard about anything like this. He deleted the server because he is utterly incapable of managing a community and gets scared at the slightest provocation.
It's amazing how you are replying to an old post in a low movement thread and in own volution admits that there was underage content and those incidents happened.
There was never any art with underaged characters posted on the server. Us mods were instructed to look through members' socials and ban them if they interacted with such content though. And two weeks ago is not a long time on this site.
She draws a lot of underage characters plus again, of your own volution, admiting of stalking underage or possible underage people, there was and there are still happeningl the facts we jave brought up.
This thread dedicated to a literal who, keeps getting bumped because none of you people can shut the fuck up. I genuinely can’t tell if I should hate you for making me see this garbage every time I come here or respect you for keeping it alive for this long.

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