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What's the biggest gain you've ever seen firsthand? What's your most dramatic personal experience with boys getting big?
No the biggest gain but definitely the fastest ive seen, guy i went to highschool was always fat, probably about 240 pounds, started hitting the gym and slimmed down to about 170ish. Then we started hanging out more and reconnecting (we were friends as kids then lost contact for years) and we found a mutual attraction to each other coz we are both bi, it was then i started encouraging him to eat and he stopped the gym and got lazier, long story short he packed on 110 pounds in 7 months it was amazing
Ive done 63 pounds in a year myself
>>2709 It was a lot of water weight though
Nice. How much do you weigh?
i'm like 150lbs, just put on 50lbs and lost it again as an experiment

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