
Would anyone be interested in me sharing some fics I've written? I largely wrote them for my own amusement, but if anyone is interested I can link the pastebins here.
yea by all means, go for it
Hey man, i love it this fics
Keep going dude
I'm making a fat shinji RP account on Twitter can anyone think of a good play on words for a handle
Never mind I thought of something
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It's Shinji's birthday today!

Happy birthday to this best of fattened boys. Hopefully he's having a nice slice of cake.

Although really, it would be better if he were a gluttonous hog and ate the entire cake himself.
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best i can do is this marginally higher res version from psrm's old photobucket
These are great! keep up the slobby toilet content
Please include more desperation in these as if he can actually hold it but just has an accident anyway, I love it >w<
Dude you definitely have a talent
Can't wait for more fics
Also special thanks for the toilet content it's absolutely great
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Author here, thanks for the compliment! I'm glad that so many people seem to like the fics. Shinji is a bit of a muse of mine.

Incidentally, are there any particular scenarios you guys would like to see? Anything you'd really like Shinji (and Kaworu) to get up to? I could always use ideas for more stories.
I’d love to see some sexual scenarios play out between the two, especially with some slobbiness and toilet content mixed in with it!
Find it’s really rare to see sex in a lot of stories for some reason, either way good luck on your writing!
Well I did write a sex scene here:


And Kaworu has jerked him off a few times. I guess I could try and think of something else to do with the two of them.
Idea for something naval fucking made.
As for non sex ideas perhaps kaworu takes an immobile shinji to a mall food court in like a cart or something
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Well, he's not immobile yet, but he's certainly getting there. If you've read all the stories, you've probably noticed that Shinji has been putting on weight. He started at around 200 kilograms, then he crept up to 250 kilograms, and now he's closing in on 300 kilograms. So he's gone from around 440 pounds, to around 550 pounds, and the newer stories I'm writing are bringing him closer and closer to around 660 pounds.

So Shinji has gone from "really fat" to "absolutely gigantic." And I kind of want to keep it up.
to clarify I’d really like to see some stories where they have sex or with Shinji being jerked off but with some slob and toilet stuff while they do, like Shinji farting or messing himself during an orgasm etc
If of course you don’t want to stick to solely grounded stories and go for something more fantastical, a story where Shinji is skinny and Kaworu intends to fatten him up by giving him a potion etc that causes him to become an obese slob during sex would be nice to see, or even any kind of rapid weight in general!
Naval fucking too would be nice to see : )
How about something similar to one of the stories already there - Kaworu intentionally giving Shinji tons of drinks and food to fill him up, and when the boy gets desperate to go Kaworu still just keeps him there, filling up fuller and fuller~ He’d try to hurry to the loo but be too big to actually fit in the door, forcing him to hold it in place, only to unload and relief himself in his pants right in front of Kaworu~
Theseme are really good
Though did you mean to post the same link twice?
What is it about shinji that makes him such a good fatboi? Like I wanna take care of him and feed him till he's a useless ball of lard
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He's very vulnerable and tender. He's timid and craves affection, and when he gets it he's putty in your hands. You want to see him cared for, pampered and fed. Almost like a pet.

He feels rather feminine as a personality, especially when the show really leans into his feelings for Kaworu. It makes you suspect he'd be a soft, jiggly fat boy, feminine in shape, as opposed to hard and hairy.

All in all he's an ideal feedee in a fattening relationship.
That definitely summs it up. You know... A collar would look good on shinji. Plus I'd love to make him feel safe and comfortable.
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He's got so much pain and trouble in his life that if you just showered him with comfort and pleasure he'd probably be completely open to it. It'd be easy to turn him into a pampered pig. Plus, he likes to cook, so we know he likes to eat.

Also, according to his most recent figure, he's got quite the butt for a teenage boy. If he fattened up he'd probably be bottom-heavy and feminine, with a big, wide ass.
Man I neeeeed more obese shinji Ikari in my life
These are great, love to see what a big spoiled helpess hog Shinji has become
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Nice quints.

Writer here, glad you're enjoying the stories. It's funny: you'd think that, by now, I'd be tired of writing all these. But I'm just having a ton of fun. It's so enjoyable to consider Shinji as an obese, gluttonous, pampered plaything, that I keep coming up with scenarios to show him off. I think I enjoy using him as a toy as much as Kaworu does.

Incidentally, I certainly don't have a monopoly on this idea, so if anyone else feels like writing a fat Shinji story, feel free to give it a try. It's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.
Honestly the laziness/size induced messiness, very fun! Would love to see more, though maybe I could write too, if you have any tips?

Cleaning up the big boy sounds like a good Prompt, as well as the Big 300 you're clearly building to
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>if you have any tips

I mean, just try and keep the personalities of everyone involved consistent with what's in Neon Genesis Evangelion. One of the major reasons I think Shinji makes such a good pampered fat toy is precisely because of what he's like as a character. Desperate for affection, but too timid and emotionally stunted to make the effort to put himself out there and risk getting hurt.

Shinji wants unconditional love and affection, and he wants it handed to him without him having to do any work. Kaworu gives that to him, and so Shinji is putty in his hands. It's easy to believe he'd do anything Kaworu asked him to do as long as he kept getting that love and affection, including fattening himself up to huge sizes.

Also, frankly, this all speaks to Shinji having a hidden capacity for gluttony and laziness. His self-loathing, neediness, and navel-gazing seems like it could easily transform into greed and sloth if it were properly nurtured, which Kaworu certainly does in my stories.

Ultimately, Shinji comes across more than once in NGE as someone who'd be perfectly happy just being a kept pet who didn't have to worry about anything. Kaworu has given him that in my stories, and Shinji's as happy as a pig in mud.

In a way, I'm having fun writing these because they're kind of a "bad end" for Eva, if you think about it. Shinji getting seduced into being a kept pig instead of making the effort to change himself for the better. It's hot for that reason because it's kind of a corruption of him, in a way that goes against Anno's message.

So keep all that in mind if you want to write, and you should be good.
Funny enough me and a friend were discussing bad end Eva a while ago and how shinji has so little volition that even a hint of love and luxury would give you full control over his life.
I think I'll try my hand at writeing since you inspired me.

How's something with collars sound... Maybe even hypnosis
Whoever is writing these, you're pretty good anon, these are a delight to read.

Keep up the good work!
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Writer here, I'm very flattered to have you praising them so much. Your own Shinji/Kaworu stories were kind of where it all started. They were what planted the idea in my head of Shinji and Kaworu being a great feedee/feeder combo. I wanted to see what happened when I took the concept to extremes: making Shinji fatter, gayer, slobbier, and more helpless than he'd ever been depicted before. Glad you've enjoyed the result.
holy shit who is this
Jesus christ how much for a butt pic
I dumped that suit, and i have tiny butt btw
Is this account still active or do you still rp there
Love your work so so so much. I know it might be a different than normal but would love if we could have a story where shinji is super gassy and slobby and fat and to prove this to him Kaworu, brings asuka over to react to and make fun of shinji. I know you mainly do male stuff but would just love the idea of asuka teasing the helpless slob
Well may be out of your comfort zone would love to see some fat slobby females... maybe the main 3 girls. They would be around maybe 400 pounds and slobby each, but nothing compaired to shinji. As for plot Kaworu would invite them over for a few reason, the first is so his lover can see just how truly big he is, second wants more helping feeding him, and third ( do not have to do) wants them to dress up shinji in more female looking clothes as it would be cute
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Writer here. As it so happens, I have had an idea in mind for a story roughly similar to that. Kaworu bringing Asuka by to see Shinji in all his hoggish glory, and her relentlessly mocking him as a result. I think it would end with her pegging him and he loves it like the queer he is.

To be honest, I am actually bisexual, not really gay, and in fact I usually prefer women to men. It takes a certain sort of dude to push my buttons. It just so happens that Shinji is one such dude, hence all the fun I've had with him.
In that cause since Asuka is a special thing to me and we’ll need more slob fat stuff of her, can she maybe be a gross fat slob like him in another story but since you know she is a egotistical girl she will never admit it, so tease shinji about his size and terrible bowels but is not much better at all. Can you maybe do that to
Maybe open up your dms on it so I can confirm I’m from bbw chan lol
Have you written wg and slobs storys for other series if so mind sharing
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All right, lads, here's what you've all been waiting for: Shinji hitting 300 kilograms.


And you know what? With this, I think I am going to take a break. I may write more Shinji stories in the future. I may not. It's possible this is the last you'll see of me. But I did what I wanted to do: I got Shinji from 200 kilograms to 300 kilograms. There's possible hints of more to come in this story, but I'm not sure I'll ever write it.

Someone else can write more of this colossal Shinji Ikari, but I don't think I will. Not for a while, anyway.

I hope I have entertained you all. Farewell.
No problem thanks for all the great work.
You been amazing have a great break. Have you or do you plan wrighting storys for other series. If so please do share
Genuinely waiting for part 3
I like your fics
This is really good, love that Kaworu's putting on some pounds too
I'm really glad to see more stuff around Shinji being a fatass. Seeing all this great writiing really puts me in the mood to write about a fatass Sjinji getting his revenge on Asuka
This is good stuff, I love the idea of Shinji becoming such a fat slob. Maybe he won't make it all the way up to 661 pounds, like he did with the last writer, but this is very good regardless.
Shinji was meant to be a fat toy. He's so submissive and starved for affection. He's meant to be pampered and fattened and turned into a pet. He deserves to be 400, 500, 600 pounds, and to then be fucked in his fat ass. He'd probably moan with delight as he was sodomized. He's meant to be fed and fucked. A natural swine.
Trust me I intend to make shinji at least 2000 pounds maybe more
Now that's what i love to hear
Massive slobby blob shinji
He should be a huge hog that gorges himself daily, and then moans as he takes enormous shits, and is then cleaned up just so he can be fucked. A pure livestock animal.
The need for a barely mobile Shinji is very strong
Seconding this
Absolutely superior idea
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Honestly I love some of the stories where Shinji pisses himself. It's not as dramatic as the shitting but I love the idea of fat Shinji lazily peeing his pants. Fat boys wetting themselevs is hot, shows how lazy and far gone they are. It needs to be a more common thing, and definitely with Shinji.
Im not really into the bathroom stuff tbh but I'm thinking of maybe writing some kind of mind control. Maybe intelligence loss or hypnosis.
Perhaps kaworu somehow turns shinji into a stupid angel
I might still write the bathroom stuff if I get into it.
I honestly don't think you need formal mind control. Like, Kaworu doesn't have to actively hypnotize Shinji. Just look at what the show itself does: all Kaworu needs to do is shower Shinji with unconditional love and affection, and Shinji is under his total control. Shinji is happy to be a kept pet, not doing any thinking or worrying, as long as he has Kaworu's love. So I think it's less a matter of mind control than it is manipulation. Shinji's a mess mentally, Kaworu's love turns him into Kaworu's toy.
It doesn’t even haft to be manipulative when considering his approach to shinji in the manga spin off. Kawaru could be wholesome if you write it so
Finally cleared my writer's block
Part 3 will be out today or tomorrow
looking forward
Return of the king
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Hello, all! Funny that our friend >>5436 has returned, because I'm the writer of most of the earlier Shinji/Kaworu weight gain and slob rentries, and I decided to return too. For one, last story.

Because it occurred to me that, despite taking inspiration from FC Punk's Shinji/Kaworu stories, he did one thing I didn't manage to do with my last story: take Shinji above 700 pounds. I ended my last story with Shinji at 300 kilograms, so about 660 pounds. It felt a shame not to meet and exceed FC Punk's max weight with Shinji, so I came back and wrote one last story.

This will be the very final thing I write regarding fat Shinji. So I very much brought the matter to an end. Shinji is fatter, slobbier, more helpless, more spoiled, and gayer than ever in this story.

And there's a bit of a dark twist at the end. You all may not approve. But I wanted to end the story and everything I'd written on a rather ominous note, something that lets you know that, as erotic as Shinji's fate in these stories may be, it's not really compatible with the overall message of Eva.

So you all may not approve of the ending. But here you go. Hope you enjoy, and farewell.

I was going to say. Kaworu in this picture is literally exactly how Shinji is almost always depicted.

I do wish there was more fat, submissive Shinji art. It almost feels like we have more writing than drawing of him, at this point.
there's just not enough shinji. i saw we start commissioning art of the boy.
heya, author of shinjis fate here. im writing part 4. thoughts on shinji topping? i think the bigger boy being on top would be cute.
By the by if you have any specific suggestions or are interested in evangelion rp you can find me here.
I'm not sure about Shinji topping. I've always seen him as the submissive, feminine one in the relationship. The one being fucked, as opposed to doing the fucking.

Not to mention, doesn't he have a small dick? I think that's even canon, he's undersized. You've got to think it would pretty quickly be buried under his blubber and rendered unusable.
>>2036 (OP)
I need to see Shinji being fed my Misato
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>Misato as a dommy mommy feeder

That could be a lot of fun. Imagine her stuffing him with pastries and candy and then fucking his big butt with a strap-on. Shinji would probably moan and call her "mommy" as she fills his ass to the limit.
Then I need to get a misato cosplay

Shinji really does work well as a feedee with anyone, doesn't he? He's so docile and submissive and feminine that him being fattened and dommed works well with pretty much every member of the Eva cast.
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Semi-regular writer here, I've written another rentry pastebin story of Shinji and Kaworu:


Be advised, there's a LOT of poop in this one. All contained in a diaper, but still. I may have gone a bit overboard on the defecation. But I was just in that sort of mood.
Based actually
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How else are you going to take a boy you've sodomized into incontinence anywhere? Kaworu's merely being a diligent caretaker.
>>6448 I wouldn't know because I'm not homosexual such as yourself. So you do what you do.
Yeah, bit overemphasis on poop there, but Shinji is still a good pampered pig
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He really is. Honestly, the main thing I get out of describing his uncontrollable bodily functions is just the added emphasis on how helpless he's become. He's so fat, so unhealthy, and so totally out of control of his own body. He's completely become Kaworu's kept pet. And he doesn't see anything wrong with it. It goes along with the idea that these stories are all kind of a "Bad End" for Shinji, relative to what his character is SUPPOSED to accomplish in Eva itself.

An erotic Bad End, but still, he's basically gone in the complete opposite direction he winds up in in Episode 26, or EoE, or even the Rebuilds. Instead of maintaining his individuality, asserting himself, and learning to do the hard work of seeking love even at the risk of being hurt, he's retreated into the prison of Kaworu's love, pampering, and feeding.

He's essentially become less than human, just a kept creature. That's kind of what I'm getting at with all the incontinence. He's lost control of everything, even his own body. And it makes him happy, even when it shouldn't.
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Just got done reading this. It's great. I kind of love the idea that Misato is a chubby chaser. We've talked a lot about Kaworu as a feeder for Shinji, but Misato would make a good one too, considering she takes just as dominant a role as Kaworu in her relationship with Shinji.
Oh damn you just gave me a great fic idea, misato turning shinjis into an alcoholic slob and treating him as a pet
That sounds like fun. I love "pampered pet pig" Shinji, it's half the reason the fics in this thread are so great, and why FC-Punk's Shinji fics are great, too.
Indeed, he's a great fit for the role.
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Author of the Rentry fics here. I'm starting to wonder if I've run Shinji through. I don't have as much creative juice for new stories of him as a fat and pampered pig. I always run out of steam with my weight gain muses eventually, and I think I am running out of steam with Shinji.

So before I stop writing stories with him entirely, I figured I'd take requests/suggestions. Is there anything you'd like to see in a fic that you haven't so far? Any scenarios you'd like to see from Kaworu's pampered pig that you haven't seen yet? Maybe I can bang out just a couple more fics before the muse leaves me entirely. We'll see.
Thank you for all the stories you’ve already done for Shinji. They’ve been awesome to read.
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You're welcome! I've enjoyed playing around with him, turning him into Kaworu's kept creature. I hope everything I've written will serve as inspirations for future fics, and maybe future art, as well.
Thanks for all the good work! They've been really fun stories.

I think it'd be cool to see what Asuka thinks of the pig that used to be her rival, or a return of Dr Akagi, but only if those interest you.
I've enjoyed seeing how helpless Shinji has become, seeing more of his full incontinence (especially bladder, that's a bit rare) would be neat
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I've actually had one good story in mind involving Asuka. Naturally she's not impressed with how Shinji has degraded.

I have another story in mind involving Rei. Maybe I'll write both of them.
Hey just curious have you written other stories for other characters on other threads or just in general we love to see them as your writing is so top tier. Love how slob your stuff is. Also i don’t mind if your story’s are mwg or fwg.
Another great part, a wonderful description of Shinji's physical form, plus his mental panic attack at just seeing someone from his old life was well written. Just another way to show how far he's fallen.
would love to see some silly lovey-dovey stuff, kind of like >>5673 but with shinji being a subby blob :V

i'm a sucker for slobs in really cute situations.
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Maybe Kaworu really doting on his fat pet?

Shinji does love it when Kaworu makes him feel special. Shinji has become somewhat needy and spoiled, but Kaworu loves it. It's fun to write about, Shinji being spoiled and pampered and being so utterly helpless and dependent.

It's fun to write Kaworu petting him and stroking him, and Shinji being thrilled by it. Maybe something gentle, where the big boy is simply pampered as he lounges in bed. Some toilet action would probably result, since, of course, Shinji is a very poopy boy these days.
The ending with Shinji cumming and messing himself at the same time is oh so good, love seeing a fatty who can’t help but make a mess when they orgasm! Love your work : )
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Wish we could get a drawfriend ITT. I'd love some original art. Maybe even illustrating some of the moments in these stories.
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Author here, try this out for size:


I really wanted to emphasize just how emasculated Shinji is in this story, but it's also got some nice cute stuff with him and Kaworu.
I adore the stories here and love to see one with asuka in it as i just love to see that dynamic happen.
Another great entry!
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>all that emphasis on how small Shinji's cock is

Cute, and also 100% canon.
Very nice, great to see what a spoiled, effeminate mess Shinji has become
Source on this?
Thoughts on asuka as a mean bully/sadistic feeder?
Pretty great. Asuka works well as the /fit/ asshole paired up with another fat character, and Shinji is no exception.

And of course she has to peg him when she's done stuffing his face.
I could see Asuka degrading and making him feel even more of a pig than he already is. maybe some force feeding, depends. Maybe he has a similar panic attack like how he did with Rei.
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Author here, I have a story in mind that involves Asuka and she absolutely degrades him. Not just for how fat he is but how gay he is, too. Mocking Shinji for being an effeminate queer who loves cock in his ass.

It's a mockery fueled by disgust, too. Remember, there was always a certain level in the show where Asuka respected Shinji. He had a higher sync ratio than her, killed more Angels than her, endured more than she did. She didn't like it but she did have at least a grudging respect for him.

So when she's confronted with what Kaworu's turned him into, she's repulsed. And man, is she going to let him know it.
Sounds awesome, can’t wait!
Excellent work, Anon!

On the subject of images, has anyone tried playing around with AI to create some fat Shinji?

I think it would be fun if someone tried to bring some of the scenes in these stories to life.
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With the site going down, someone might want to collect all the writings together so they're not lost to time.
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I was going to say.

The rentry pastebin links will still work wherever they are, but it might be good to collect the links somewhere. Maybe in a separate pastebin? Some place they'll all be accessible.
Holy shit that's really great! Would love to see more Shinji edits.
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All right, Anons, here's the moment you've all been waiting for: the Asuka story.


I've got one last, final story in mind, one final "adventure" for Shinji and Kaworu. Something to end the whole story cycle on. There'll be a surprise guest in that one, too, so sit tight. Should be up tomorrow or the next day.
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Author here.

Now, finally, at long last... we have come to the end.

As BBWChan itself is ending, I have written the very last Shinji Ikari weight gain story in the cycle. There are no more stories after this.

None written by me, anyway.

Here you go:


I hope I've been able to make you smile. This is the last of it all. Like I said, other people may write fat Shinji stories in the future, but I shall not.

I hope you've enjoyed all my contributions. Good night, and good luck.
Two great pieces, both very awesome. Thank you for all your work and creativity in making this story. I wish you success in your next creative project. Good Luck.
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Author here. You're welcome! I'm very happy to everyone who seems to have gotten enjoyment out of these stories.

As I've mentioned before: in addition to being weight gain stories, slob stories, and homoerotic stories, I've always envisioned these stories as functioning as a "Bad End" for Shinji, versus where he ends up in the canon of NGE. Both the show, EoE, and the Rebuilds all end with him getting over his limitations, accepting that he has to move forward, and striding into the future to actualize his potential.

So I thought it would be fun to write a progression of stories where, instead of moving forward, he sinks deeper and deeper into oblivion. Fatter and fatter, more and more helpess, more and more no longer capable of making decisions for himself or attaining self-actualization. Him losing control of his bowels, and eventually his bladder, was part of that. I like combining weight gain with bodily functions as a general rule, but here it serves the dual purpose of totally stripping Shinji of his ability to be independent. Swathing him in the diapers was symbolic: he's regressed into an infantile state, the total opposite of where Anno says he's supposed to go.

So in addition to weight gain, slob, and queer eroticism, I also see these stories as indulging in the corruption fetish, which is another subfetish that I like to combine with weight gain. This is a version of Shinji that has failed to learn the lessons and make the progress that he makes in the show, EoE, and the Rebuilds. Instead, he's been seduced by the easy affection Kaworu offers, and is not strong enough to break away from it.

It's Shinji in a diminished, failed state, and on a certain level every other Eva character that shows up knows it. Ritsuko loves it, because Ritsuko's rather corrupt herself; but Rei, Asuka, and Mari are all disgusted by him, not just because he's fat, not just because he's smelly and gross, but because they can all tell that he's a failure.

It was particularly important to me for Mari to show up in the very last story, because of the role she plays in the Rebuilds, especially at the end of 3.0 + 1.0, where she helps Shinji free himself from the "curse of Eva" once and for all. Here, Shinji is so far gone, so sunken into pleasure and affection, that she can't even meet him face to face. We know she likes to smell people, so I wanted her to smell the two scents that typify this corrupted Shinij: semen and feces.

I wanted her to show up specifically so she could be disgusted by the smell, then turn around and leave. By leaving, she's essentially cut off Shinji's last possible avenue of escape. He's fully Kaworu's fattened pet now, until the end of time. It's an incredibly bad Bad End, the more I think about it. But that's pretty hot, isn't it?

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'm glad you all have enjoyed.
a bad ending that fits perfectly for him, took forever for shinji to redeem himself and meanwhile it only took Kaworu's infectious pampering and corruptive tastes to bring Shinji down to a point so low that barely anyone else can reach
Ya know, it's weird we don't Have a shinji bot yet.

I know this isn't the ai board but still
shinji idea

what if he was used as a garbage disposal?
I haven't checked this document file in a bit, has it been updated to reflect the final two stories?
I thought of Angel breeding cattle, pretty much just to go that extra mile with Kaworu having full control over Shinji
Someone should write a fic of fat Shinji not being able to fit into the entry plug. Specifically of his ass being too fat.

That or Shinji just barely squeezing in the first time, and then being too fat to get out.
would this include like, mpreg and lactation?
Would Shinji grow a vagina in this case? Full feminization.

Also given how much pooping he does in some of the stories in this thread, he could also produce manure in addition to milk.
either that or his cock mutates into an ovipositor
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Who else would be a good feeder for Shinji?

There's a lot of candidates. Misato, Rei, Kaji, Hikari, and on and on. Kaworu is the best one but he's far from the only suitable fattener for Shinji.
Asuka would be the type of feeder to tease and humiliate Shinji to get off on how he's degraded himself and she'd get turned on seeing him flustered. Mari also has feeder potential.
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Mari occupies the same "dommy mommy" sphere as Misato, but it's arguably more fucked up because she's canon endgame as per the Rebuilds.

Hell, if you think about it, Mari has basically groomed Shinji since he was an infant. It's at least as fucked up as how possessive and controlling of him Kaworu is in the pastebin fics in this thread. You could potentially slot Mari into Kaworu's role pretty easily and nothing about that helpless, submissive fat Shinji would have to change.

Only difference is that of course she wouldn't be able to fuck him once his tiny cock got too fat-buried. Maybe she'd be ultra-dominating and get off on how Shinji's too fat to have sex with her.
>>8793 people still think bank accounts with cards is only accounts out there. My oh my. They're centuries away
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I think Shinji could still eat her out like pictures related but I didn't even consider her potential that much, it's insanely hot. Imagine if Shinji had multiple feeders to go down the harem route, I could see Mari and Kaworu working together to tease him while intimately rubbing his belly together.
*Pic related, fuck I hate autocorrect
Imagine Kaworu fucking fat Shinji in the ass while Mari sucks his dick. Pure domination. Imagine them both working to infantilize him and pamper him, tickling his blubbery chins and calling him their special boy, playing with his nipples, too. Shinji as fat as a livestock animal and utterly hypnotized by their spell.
Very hot!

Nice small penis, too.
we need some preggy shinji
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Oh man, speaking of "dommy mommy" feeders, you know who'd really fit that bill for Shinji? Pic fucking related.

Imagine a scenario where Yui comes back, or even if she never left. Pampering and fattening her special little boy into helpless obesity, spoiling him and controlling him, determined to give him the perfect life and keep him entirely under her control. Like Kaworu but worse.

Imagine Shinji's fat face moaning "Mommy..." as she reaches under his fupa to give him a handjob, telling him what a good boy he is.
I'm going to keep this idea in my back pocket lol
>fat incest between Yui and her son
you've caught my attention, would Yui get fat too?
That's an interesting question. My initial instinct is to say "no," because the appeal here is Yui smothering and dominating Shinji and taking full control of his life, and she might not be able to do that if she gained weight herself.

Then again, it's possible that she does get fat, just not AS fat as Shinji.
I'd say she packs on a few pounds until hitting somewhere around 300-400lbs whilst shinji has skyrocketed past 5 or 6 tons
Considering the Freudian symbolism in EVA with the Entry Plugs basically being artificial wombs and Yui's soul being inside Unit-01, along with other stuff like that, mother-son incest is actually on-brand.
There's so much that's "on-brand" in this thread, it's great. I've really realized that Shinji makes a great submissive fat boy just with his canon personality, you don't have to make him OOC at all. It's why this thread has worked so well, the best weight gain subjects are the ones you don't have to squint to justify.
>too fat to masturbate

Always hot on a big boy.
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You know, poop is inherently gross, but it really works for this version of Shinji.

I think it's because it happens as a direct result of Kaworu fucking him so much. As we see in the other stories, he's pretty greedy for buttsex. He's a glutton not just for food but for sex as well. And just like his greed for food has left him an obese blob, his greed for sex has left him unable to control his bowels.

He's an uncontrollable glutton when it comes to multiple appetites in these stories, and I love that his body bears the evidence of that. Kaworu has gotten this boy's appetites so completely out of control, it's really hot, and it's hot when Shinji directly faces the consequences of his own greed. Especially because his response over and over is to brush off his size and his health issues and his pants-shitting, and sink deeper into Kaworu's control.

It's diabolical but it's really hot precisely for that.
I'd like to see this boy go even further than where the writing stopped tbh, just outright becoming so fat and so putrid that his body has become his own prison, losing more and more ability to see around him as the mountains of fat rolls consume his body whilst his mind breaks good and proper, and it can go further than how mindfucked shinji is as of now.

His body has basically turned into an organic sewage factory as he's pissing and shitting at just the sight or even thought of eating more food or Kaworu, the room at this rate has become his potty since the pants have given way more than a while ago to the ever-increasing pile of shit his ass is just gushing out like a broken fire hydrant.

Finally due to being fucked so hard and so often, his body has drastically changed to fit for being mere breeding cattle, his boy titties are gargantuan and spew milk at just a simple squish, and then there's the option where Kaworu has impregnated Shinji with a new batch of Angels. Pretty much ending in Shinji becoming breeding cattle for his lover's kind.
Well, Anon, you could always write it yourself, you seem to have a good idea of what you want to see.

Of course to be pregnant/give birth Shinji would need a vagina and a uterus. But Eva has so much bullshit in it that this isn't out of the question to actually happen.
I wanted to share the idea first to see if it catches anyone's interests. Now I'll start writing it, and as for the preggy part i prefer the idea his cock mutates into an ovipositor. Like Kaworu is molding Shinji to be compatible for breeding.
Well that's consistent with the idea that Kaworu merely sees Shinji as useful/amusing rather than truly caring about him.

It's an idea I've always liked and that I think makes perfect sense. Kaworu isn't even human, how the hell is he ACTUALLY going to care for Shinji like a human would?

I like the idea that he basically views Shinji as a pet. It shows up in the stories in this thread, and in FC Punk's stories, too. A pampered pet that he keeps fat and happy for his own amusement, but one that he doesn't really feel true human-style LOVE for.
if i may ask, what kinda angels would shinji be birthing?
also i know this is a shinji focused thread but it'd be kinda hot if this bad end scenario spread to others
(3.1 MB, 1280x883, asuka_forcefeed_by_azzka245_dfdedo7-fullview.png)
>also i know this is a shinji focused thread but it'd be kinda hot if this bad end scenario spread to others

The trouble is the other characters don't really have someone like Kaworu, who's well-positioned to take total control of Shinji and doom him.

I will say that if Asuka were ever in a similar position as Shinji she'd probably become a fattened, helpless pet too. She's really very similar to Shinji when you get right down to it, and just as vulnerable to the siren song of effortless love and affection. She'd collapse into useless obesity just like Shinji does, if she received the same spoiling he did.
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I just love how naturally he feminizes. Shinji doesn't come up too often in fat femboy discussions but he's really perfect for it. All these pics of him in a dress. Him wearing a muu-muu in these rentry fics. Him getting a dress put on him in a few of FC-Punk's stories, too. He takes so easily to the soft, submissive feminine role, it feels really natural for him.

I wonder if Kaworu would eventually have him wearing makeup. Blush, lipstick, maybe even painted nails.
Just the Angels, I don't care much for in depth info about what the angels will look like, aside from them probably just gonna be Kaworu clones or they have similarities to Kaworu cos its his seed
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We need more scenarios for fat Shinji. Stuff that can happen to him. Something to give both artists and writers ideas.
Yes, I’ve been wanting to draw some mutual gain of shinji x one of the women for a while
Weird take i have but do you believe if shinji and asuka were fat they d be more open to talking their feelings unlike the original? Humility is a powerful element.
Learning now to grow cannabis or talk about humiliation and therapist related content. Dumb bitch ass huge as fuck though but ill still hit. Good ole serg
I hate reddit are you learning to grow pot or cook. Or just troll on outtrageous events on reddit
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Honestly I want to see ultra-fat Shinji in a muumuu, like he wears in a lot of these stories. Hell, draw him in Homer's muumuu from "King-Sized Homer" for some added meta-fucksmithing.
Feeder predator Misato who delights in having a fat boy feedee in Shinji and is turned on by his shrinking penis.
Aren't there those doujins where she takes the dominant role in the relationship with Shinji, jerking him off and fingering his asshole? Imagine that, but it's a feeder/feedee dynamic instead.
I been down bad for obese slobby Shinji and would love chat and discuss ideas. I got quite a few for hin depending on the ship and all.
One idea I had for a Shinji and Asuka mutual gain basically involes Shinji having gained weight, either by accident or Asuka maybe fattening him up for fun or something like that. Now Shinji has bigger moobs/boobs than Asuka. Asuka gets jealous of this and decides to gain some weight to try and get bigger boobs. The issue is she gain mainly in her ass and gut so they never get bigger. Then from there she and him learn to enjoy there weight ect... I just love the idea that Shinji has the more feminie looking fat body or the girl he is gaining with.
I like the idea that Shinj's ass is always bigger than hers, too. Maybe Asuka is an "apple" and gains mainly in her gut and arms.
Where I lived I didnt have cellphone, parents, siblings or the comfortable tech you have now. There were days I was left alone for hours as a young child growing up. You should be afraid of me. Afraid of these scares you put on me
All for standing up for myself I was banished. What a fucking life right
How could you do me like that. And continue. No fiery like the leader in the zodiac. You played with fire. Im going to fucking burn all of you now.
Yeah thats be super hot an work. Like she total still have an ass and wide hips but her fat ass be wide and but not super big in terms of her cheek sizes. Well shinji has like a massive bubble butt. Her also having massive arms is amazing. Now lets think of other ideas for this hehe. Your idea added to mine well.
Well if you want to feminize/humiliate Shinji you could put him in a dress like some of these fics have done. Maybe he gets so incredibly fat that he can't wear pants any more.
(147 KB, 648x667, shinjiass.png)
I NEED more fat Shinji getting fucked in the ass. I love how all the art and fics always give him such a nice fat butt, perfect for sex.
Yeah its so sexy. He has a massive sexy doughy feminie ass and hips. He just such a fat hog, and he 100% needs to get his massive gassy ass fucked.

Based. Love how Shinji farts up a storm in a lot of these fics.
The only two things Shinji's fat, doughy wobbly ass is good for are being relentlessly plowed for hours on end and spewing out enough rancid, putrid gas to make a factory smokestack look like an air purifier
And of course it's a bit of a symbiotic relationship, as all the fics about him get into. The more he's fucked, the more he farts. A big, fat boy with a greasy, fatty diet and a soft, loose anus is guaranteed to be a gas factory.
Dudes in prison got gas pumps LMAO
honestly, shinji's better as mindless farting angel breed stock. immobile, in a mental haze saturated with his own sent.
you know what would be hot? room filling blob shinji with an entry plug shoved up his ass
I kinda had an idea for Shinji being the obese gassy fat ass he is. Like what if like the main girls and Kaworu each have a different view on his gas and slobby habits. Kaworu loves Shinji gas and all that. Well Asuka hates it at first and always tease him for being so gassy but she soon develops an extreme love for his gross gas, but she does not want him knowing she still tease him and all that about. Misato I feel like she be like in different to it, like she just kinda accepts that he's like that, though she may like yell at him if he release a really bad one. When she drunk though she probably finds how gassy his ass is and how bad they smell so so so funny. Rei probably doesn't like the gas and find it gross, but still want to help shinji so she just does not say much. For Mari and others I'm not a 100% sure so let me know if you have idea or liked this dumb headcanon
Honestly half the eroticism of these scenarios is that they're kind of degrading for Shinji. It's erotic to see him emasculated and embarrassed, helpless and unable to control himself. It's just a really good fit with his personality.

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