
(104 KB, 705x699, Digimon Boys Thread.jpg)
Fat Digimon Boys Thread.
Inauguration Party Edition.
Post boys only, if the Digimon is in the picture, it's okay.
Is there no more illustration of digimon boy?
There is, it’s just most posters are put off by the irl fats in this part of the website that they don’t want to put in the effort. Ironically leading those on bbwdraw to consider our postings even more worthless than their predjudices would already lead them.
I never cared about this character but it's pretty amusing to see he has quite a following in Japan in the fat boys community.
I would hoped to see Takato feed Lee/Henry with bread from his parents' bakery instead, but they both look pretty good nonetheless!
I hope this thread will increase the number of Fat Digimon Boys illustrations.
More Digi bois
There are few illustrations of Fat Digiboys...can't help but pray that many people will draw it in the future?
>that Guilmon
Jesus Christ how horrifying
I want more Davis..
I strongly agree!
I like funfiction, but I have a strong desire to see illustrations of fat Davis.
However,if there is a function, please let me know.
Davis climbed into bed for the evening. The day had been absolutely exhausting. “Man I need a vacation from all of this.” He was dressed in some pretty plain blue pajamas. “Another test failed.” He sighed falling back into bed, his head crashing into his pillow with a thud. The lead up to his entrance exams had been absolutely brutal.
Veemon smiled as he hopped up onto the bed. While Davis had been exhausted the past fews days, his digimon partner had been in brighter spirits than ever! “Get some sleep man.” He said giving his partner a light hug. “You’ll feel better in the morning!”
“Yeah, I hope so. I need to rest before the big one.” Davis turned off his lamp, and finally settled in for bed. Veemon on the other hand only pretended to go to sleep. He had plans for the evening.
When he was sure Davis was absolutely asleep, he got up and walked as quietly as possible over to their closet. Inside he had hidden a very valuable artifact. “Here it is! The ticket to happiness.” He pulled out a small object, hidden in the pocket of a jacket Davis hadn’t worn in years. When he had it in the moonlight, you could faintly see its outline. A light blue pacifier. “I can’t believe we found them! Or that there were so many!”
He walked back over to Davis, looking at his best friend sleeping in the moonlight. “This will make sure you never have to deal with all that school crap ever again.” Gently, he rubbed the nub to Davis lips. He held it in place there, until they parted a little. Slowly, he took it into his mouth, and began to suckle on it just like a baby.
Veemon smiled, looking at the boy. “By morning, your classes will be a lot easier.” He hopped up into bed, and went to sleep next to his partner.

He was also the first one to wake up the next morning. Slowly he got up, and pulled the covers off davis. It had worked. His belly was now hefty, making his down right fat. It was big and soft, about six inches of padding. Davis’s whole body was covered in padding now. His cheeks were soft, and arms were thick. Veemon remembered the normal Davis, and Davis would too, but the world would only know what he had turned the boy into.
Davis slowly woke up, feeling his stomach move as he leaned up. “Oh… man… I had some crazy dreams last night. Morning … vee… He said looking down at himself, which forced him to stop. “What in the world?!” He put his hands to his inflated belly, feeling them sink into the fat. “I didn’t have any fattening yesterday?”
Veemon faked waking up, knowing he had to play his part to ease davis into it. He’d love it in no time, but at first it would be difficult. “What’s the matter Davis? Have another accident?”
Davis’s eyes went wide. “What?” He looked like he didn’t even understand what Veemon had said. “I put on like, forty pounds overnight! That’s what happened!”
“You look normal to me Davis. I’m just worried about you wetting the bed so much. Especially since I share it with you. You know your mom is talking about putting you back in training pants.”
Davis seemed to look horrified, but veemon made it out of the room before he could ask any questions. Davis got up, feeling his fat bounce for the first time. “What in the world was he talking about. He looked around the room as he stood up, putting on his slippers. As he walked out, he could smell his mother making pancakes.
“Morning Davis, your sister is already over at her friends house, and Veemon is going to be your babysitter like usual.” Davis looked mortified at that.
“Babysitter?” However, his mother cut him off.
“I take it no accidents last night?”
“What? No!” He said, loudly and still surprised.
“Because your father and I are really thinking about putting you in training pants again. I think we might have made a mistake moving you up to the big boy undies so fast.” Davis looked like he didn’t understand a single word. He was so dumbfounded he couldn’t even respond. “Well eat up! You’re a growing boy.”
Davis sat down at the table, feeling like he absolutely just needed time to work out what in the world was going on. In front of him though, was a large stack of pancakes drenched in butter and syrup. “Oh… thanks.” Veemon was sitting across the table, already eating.
The boy started to eat, happy for a distraction. As he chowed down though, all the sugar went straight to his body. His belly started to push out, arms thickening against his sleeves, and under neath the table, he started to have to spread his legs. Veemon smiled as his partner bloated out in front of his eyes. He hadn’t noticed yet, but he was going obese quickly. His chest had bloated into a flabby pair of moobs. They pushed out against his shirt, making his new body visible. However, in side his pajama bottom, something else was happening. A new garmet was forming over his crotch, making him push his legs apart even further.
“Oh here, I put your favorite pacifier on a string.” His mother walked over, holding the pacifier that Veemon had slipped in Davis’s mouth the night before. It was attatched to a white lanyard now, and she put it over his head. Davis almost recoiled in horror.
“What in the world, I don’t need...a…” But then he stopped himself. The weight of the small object felt good… somehow reassuring. He felt crazy, but he liked it! He wanted that pacifier there. “Um… Thanks mom!”
As he finished his meal he stood up. “Woah! Again?” He looked down at his body, this time holding his gut up with two hands. “I’m obese!”
“Yeah, I’m kind of impressed. You can eat as much as a digimon.” Veemon got up and walked over to him. “Your mom will leave in a little bit, so I’ll be in charge then.
Davis looked down at him. “What are you crazy?”
“Well come on, only one of us finished potty training.” Veemon reached out and pulled down Davis’s pants. “Hold on, I want to check you for an accident!” He looked up, and was internally dissapointed. He was looking at a XXL pull up with dinosaurs printed all over it. It presed into davis;s flabby legs slightly, and his gut sagged down over the top of it. “Looks like you’re okay so far. Try to use the bathroom okay.” Veemon smiled again, realizing that he’d lose his control soon. “Try sucking on your pacifier if you get nervous.”
Veemon hopped out of the room. “I’m gonna get stuff ready, good luck in there!”
He had left intentionally before Davis could ask any questions. The boy walked into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. “Holy Cow! How did I get so fat?!” He raised up his belly in disbelief. Then he finally saw his training pants. “No way! What, going on?!”
First thing was first, he got on the scale. “Four Hundred Pounds!” Not exactly but close enough.
The second thing was the training pants. He put his hands to them, feeling them squish. The padding felt natural against his body. “Okay…. Veemon said to try using the toilet?” He looked over at it. Then suddenly he got incredibly nervous. His heart started pounding. “I’m scared of the toilet?” He said in disbelief. A Lot of weird stuff had been going on but this was the strangest! “Man… I need to go!” He said as he suddenly realized he needed to go. The urge was immediate, like he had somehow not noticed he need to pee. He stepped over the toilet and froze. “Oh… but I dont want to use that thing!” His mind was a storm of change. Insinctually, he reached for the pacifier around his neck, and started sucking.
It was the last straw. With that, the flood gates opened and he wet his training pants. It was… oddly relaxing to do it. “Veemon!” He said from around his pacifier. Still, a part of his mind paniced. “Veemon I wet myself!”
His partner got there in a few seconds, now looking him over. “I knew it was too soon to put you in training pants. Lucky we still have a ton of diapers laying around. Come on” Veemon reached up and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the bathroom. Davis was feeling so nervous now. What was wrong with his head?
When they got back to his room, there were some noticeable changes. All of his soccer posters were gone, replaced by anime wall scrolls. All animes intended for young kids. His school text books were gone from his desks, in fact most of his books were gone. In there place were books clearly meant for a kindergartner. My first book, Dr. Suess, I Can Leaern to Add. All bizzarre book titles. Davis got nervous, and started to suck harder on his pacifier.
“Here, lay down.” There was a matt on the floor and Davis slowly got down onto it.
“Veemon something’s wrong with me!” He said it around the pacifier that he felt he needed more than ever. “This isn’t right! I’m potty trained! I’m in shape!”
Veemon smiled as he began to take off Davis’s pajamas, revealing his soaked training pants. He thought it was finally time to reveal everything. “You had potty training. You were in shape. Now you’re a big baby!” Veemon smiled as he finally pulled down the soiled pants. He picked up a large fatty sized diaper.
“What are you talking about?” Davis asked seeing the huge white padding about to go on him.
“Its that pacifier you can’t resist. Its making you into a big baby. Here, lift your rear end up so I can slide this under you.” Davis did so without hesitation, sitting back down on the padding.
“Its this thing?” He took it out of his mouth to look at it. “It’s doing all this.”
“The weight and the regression.” Veemon smiled, putting the diaper up front and taping it down. The boy was now in nothing but his diaper, revealing his flabby body for everyone to see. “You’re potty training will be gone soon, and you’re about to find it really hard to read or count!”
In deed, Davis’s head started to feel funny, and he put his pacifier back in to calm down. “Why?”
“Well you were too stressed out!” Veemon said, as he patted Davis’s diapered crotch. “You all were, so I made you into a big baby! No more worries, just relaxing, eating, watching cartoons, and an occasional diaper change.” He took a few steps back. “Now, I arranged a play date with Tai, so I’m hoping you’ll put on more weight before he gets here.”
Davis slowly stood up, hearing his diaper crinkle as he got to his feet. He felt the padding spread his fat legs apart. It forced him to waddle when he walked. His gut bounced back and forth as he got into the living room. Veemon was waiting for him with a bottle of milk. “Here, I want you nice and bulky!”
Davis at this point didn’t feel any impulse to resist. Veemon was his baby sitter, and his beset friend! He took the bottle and let the pacifier drop out of his mouth. “Why dont you go and watch cartoons. Here, I’ll help you with the remote.”
Davis went along with it, planting his fat diapered but onto the couch, and starting to suck down his milk. Each drop that went into his belly seemed to warm his belly. “See, isn’t being a big baby awesome!” Veemon hopped onto the couch, and put his paws on Davis’s belly. “You way better off with me as your permanent baby sitter.” He rubbed Davis’s flab, feeling it start to bloat under his hands.
His weight gain was fast this time. Sagging over the front of his diaper even more, his belly was the most noticeable, but his lovehandles started to grow out too. His moobs blue up, pushing against his arms that were spread out on top of his flabby body. He was moving up to a third chin. “Man Davis, you make a cute fatty.” He was bloated and fat. “We can weight you later, but I’m pretty sure you got another hundred right there.”
Veemon patted his belly one more time. “Tai should be here soon, so I’m gonna get some snacks ready. You be good!” Davis finished with his bottle, and then put his pacifier back into his mouth. He really did feel good, incredibly good! A few minutes later Tai was there, and it seemed like agumon had given him a similar treatment.
“Looking good Davis!” Tai said with a smile. He was every bit as obese as Davis was. Still he was covered up in a onesie that was dotted with dinosaurs. He still gave off a crackling sound when he walked though. He toddled forward, waddling around his fat legs and his diaper. He sat down on the couch next to Davis.
“Woah Tai… you too?” Davis smiled as he asked the question.
“Yep! I love it! Agumon was talking about making me forget to walk as well.” He patted his huge gut.
“You know, I think I could get to enjoy this.”
It has been two long months since MaloMyotismon was defeated and Davis was already working to start up his food stand business. With the whole world knowing about the existence of digimon, the world was at peace and Davis began by starting off with a small stand in Tokyo.

It was a quiet day, it was after hours and Davis knew it was time to close, but there was a slight dilemma, there was so much food prepared for display and it was gonna go to waste unless someone ate it. "Man, what a long day!"

"Tell me about it Davis" Said Veemon as he brought in the platters to start snacking down. Soon Davis was eating up enough food for four people, and he still had a long way to go.

Veemon had also started to chomp down on the remaing food. Both of them had started to pack a few pounds away thanks to this little way of disposing spare food, but neither was complaning. Just last week, Veemon had gained six pounds and Davis had surprisingly gained a whole 10 pounds. The word "flast stomachs" was not a word to use for neither of them as Veemon looked like he was expecting to give birth soon and Davis had gotten a softer rear aswell as a bigger one at that and his belt and pants were harder to close for every day as Davis had gotten a neat little muffin top that just looked kinda cute on him.

But 1 fifth through the remaing food, Davis needed a break. Not only couldn't he see his belt any longer, but he felt that the thing was going to burst soon and the pressure was crushing him.

Davis went to the bathroom and opened his pants only for his stomach to bulge outward in a spherical inflation. Davis felt his former abs and stomach and realized he was going to get fat at this rate. Davis was no good with math or biology, but it was clear to him by the time the food had digested that Davis would gain seven more pounds plus everything else in this stuffing session since he was only a fifth of the way through. "Well If I'm gonna be a restaurant owner, might was well be big." Davis said optimistically while slapping his now sensitive belly. Then put on some bigger pants and saw that there were some middle-schoolers in the store. "Um hi. You do realize the stand is closed, right?"

Actually we wanted to ask if we could help out." They said nodding their heads.
"How so?" Davis said confused.

"Simple. Our dads are business investors and they want to help expand your stand's reputation. All we ask is for you to showcase your best dishes to our corporate sponsors in two weeks and if it's liked, we'll fund you." They said reassuringly.

Davis was shocked. He didn't know whether to gape with food falling out of his mouth or choke on his meal, but either way, this was just the break he needed. "Well alright, where do I sign."

"Wonderful, our dad is here's the contract. All we need is a little fallback money." They said. So for the next few days, Davis & Veemon were frantically trying out new recipes and perfecting the ones they already had. The stress, plus the lack of outdoor activity and testing their new recipes led Davis & Veemon to gain at least another twenty pounds of weight, mostly in hot dogs, burgers and sandwiches.

Davis soon came to the realization that it would be difficult to make a new tantalizing recipe, so he had to call for help from his friends.

He called for T.K, Julie and Ken. And Ken and Julie had to Davis' shock and surprice, had gotten together.

When the three reunited with eash others, they all were shocked at the HUGE Davis and Veemon, but Davis and Veemon had responded by pocking Ken and T.K in thier stomachs, they had put on some pounds aswell. Ken said that it was thanks to a slow metabolism and the fact that he and Julie always buys icecream on thier dates, and T.K, he had been laying on his bum ever since the end of Malomytoismon and actually, next to Davis and Veemon, who together weighted 359 pounds, T.K was the heaviest as he had a really poky potbelly and a button soon ready to burst.

Davis and Veemon went back in to collect themselves.Then they came back out and told them of thier plans.

"Great so let's get started" Veemon proposed. "Everyone went into the kitchen to get started. After several days of hard work, almost to the sixth day of the two weeks before Davis's deadline, they made several amazing new sandwiches and secret sauces for their meals. Then came the big day, the investors came in and they were all very large and well-rounded men. They sat down at a table and began to test the food and gave it a great review, so they batted around meaningless business details and Davis now had the money to hire some graphic designers to advertise his company and could buy a bigger lot for his apartment and his restaurant.

All this happened within three months and Davis had already reached the 300 lb mark and it was showing. Davis now could only waddle to get around and his belly almost covered his groin when sitting down thanks in part to his short adult stature and he now had moobs the size of baseballs. Veemon eventually looked like a semi-spherical dragon with nearly no tail as he grew, though unlike Davis who was slowing down and getting weaker, Veemon was getting stronger and faster.

Davis decided to celebrate a night out with his buddies and invited all the guys to a mens' night out. It seemed everyone had a big belly,some developing moobs and cushy asses by then. Tai and Matt were at the weight a junior sumo wrester in adult bodies. Izzy was well over 350 and sat at the booth rather than the bar due to his struggle to get up there. T.K. was about Davis's size and Ken was around Izzy's size, though Ken carried it better than everyone else. When Cody came in, the whole room gasped in shock and realized that Cody was no longer the "little guy" any more.
Rather the opposite. Cody was the largest of them all actually. Weighting in at the weight of 2 and a half sumo wrestlers without any traning or muscle weight added, just fat. And he was actually so high that he craweld in on all four through the door. When Cody actually stood up and said high to everyone, it all went black for Davis, not because he was drunk, he had amazing alchol tolerance, but because of just the cheer shock to see an over 950 pounds Cody crawl through the door.

Davis came to after some time and Cody explained that his metabolism was like that of a rock,and well, he hadn't done that mutch, barely anything since the death of Malomyotismon. Ken had been the most activate of all of them, having gone on a food date with Julie everyday on the week, that was what had caused him to gain weight so fast.And Cody who had done the exact opposit was now a mountain. Davis disappeared into the darkness once again.
That is pretty hot, not in a weird way, just as a self-insert
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always had a crush on Matt so who better to turn into a fat fuck?
Could we please see more?
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Just out of curiosity, which digiboys would you all like to see fatten up more often

And do you all have any ideas for WG stories or scenarios with them that you wanna share?
Tai, Matt, and TK
In their adult designs.
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For those looking for good and fresh obese TK art
I want to see more fat digi boys illustrations.
Digibump! Who is your favorite Digiboy to be a blob?
Why people like Davis so much? It's because of his personality or his tanned skin?
I don't know what other people think, but I like fat Davis because he is cute.Therefore, I hope that there will be more illustrations of fat davis.

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