
Surprise, want a discount? Which price you would like? ;)
Or would you like to see shorter parts but not as expensive?
15 dollars each seems fair !
Hmm tis would still be 30 bucks together. Since this is our start into this and im always broke too lol, how about i do a highlight video of both parts. Just cutting unnecessary content away and make it 15 bucks instead of 30?
Sounds awesome !
Awesome ! I just bought it and i love how her hand disappear in your fat when she touch your dick. So hot.

Honestly ? Sex stuff with your GF like how you guys have sex. Maybe some close up blow job and jerk off. Just have fun.
Thanks a lot! We will do a lot of videos in the future and do all this you said and much more.

We bought our first video equip, a good tripod to use with my smartphone, webcam and late a real camcorder. First upgrade even when it's small. Once our home is cleaner too, content will put out more frequently. Hope its all stuff you like. We also dont want to be over expensive. So i'm glad you liked it!

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