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Anybody has his twitter archive?

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According to people on /d/, chubbiexpress Is back on twitter as ExJockFan.
Do they have any evidence to back up its the same person
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His account is privated rn but he pretty much explicitly said that he was back
Shouldn't wey start to upload his new stuff here too?
Can someone upload some of his new stuff here or does he have a tumblr or anything?
Does anyone have access?
The problem with this guy though is like... Isnt he a kid?
He used to be, which is why Shoclu drawing porn for him was so fucked, but he's back now and is apparently 18, so while still kinda odd not fully gross like before
Shoclu was a minor during the time too, Rotvir (and Blewdle afterwards) just tried to frame him as a creepy guy.

Either way the fact that there are minors getting more and more involved on this community is worrying.
You guys are too puritan, I always liked Weight Gain since I was like 12, kids are sexual active.
Willing to share any?
minors obviously are sexually active, but they don’t need to be interacting with adults or spaces with adults.
How could I get access
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Got access to his twitter account
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I'll upload more later
much appreciated—this thread made my night
Can someone with access use something like twitter-media-downloader and create an archive with everything? This guy is an amazing artist but it's so hard to get his art
thanks so much for delivering, anon
Can we get an reup?
Set to private, somebody can upload to here?
Can I get a re-up?

Can I get a re-up?
Can someone posed anything Pokemon related?
for the love of GOD if anyone follows this guy, share some of his stuff. ive been DYING to see that one genshin sequence he was doing one more time.
can we get a re-up please??
do you have access to his twitter? if so, can you post more from it? ive been dying to see that one genshin impact sequence he was doing before he went private.
Once a kind anon posted a dump when I asked for it, now I am paying it back with a dump

Grab it while you can
What should we use?
It's a base64 doubly encoded url, pretty standard for shares. You can find websites to decode it
Geisha from the new Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
There was a story of a guy getting fattened and then their friend also getting fattened when they found out. last pic I saw was the maids feeding them. anyone knows the sequence I'm talking about or at least have it?
Twitter might be going down soon, so if anyone else has access to his account, you should try to salvage his art
The dump link abpve has expired, can someone re-upload his stuff?
can someone kindly re-upload the zip and some their recent stuff as well.
Anyone got a re-up on the archive?
they drew stardew?Need more pls
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So his twitter is private…again. Does anybody have an archive of his stuff?
His art is the most zoomer thing ever, and this is not a compliment.
I see your point but I think it’s worth saving his work just in case he’s gone for good this time
I have quite a bit, but not all. I'll try and complie what I have, but I also follow his Twitter if anyone is trying to hunt something specific
can you reup this?
Willing to pay for a twitter acc with access to his @ for steam games. Reply here to continue
This guys is probably the most drama and stupid bhm artist around, insufferable.

what's the reason behind this guy constantly making his account private? is it cos he drew most of this stuff before he was 18 or something?
can anyone post his stuff if they’re following plump on twt!
Drama queen and a way to increase the value of his inner-cicle and drawgins, guy is very talented but equally retarded.
i feel like the guy's a stalker as well seeing as he tweets so much about wanting his own fat boyfriend. am i right on that bit about him drawing this stuff before he was 18?
Stalker feels like a dramatic and random accusation for no reason, but he does claim to be 19 now and he made his account in 2021, so yeah good chance some of his really old sketches were made when he was 17.
I mean.. he's a guy who clearly likes fat guys. How does wanting a fat boyfriend make him a stalker? Lol But his account is gone anyway. He was tweeting about being worried it would be deleted so maybe he was banned idk.
sadly not. Apparently he spoke to Chumb0ii, who tweeted that he deleted his account intentionally. Feels odd to me, since he left the account up the last time he left, but still.

Does anyone here have a complete archive of all the art?
You guys understand that this guy is basically an attention seeker right? If you ignore him and his drama he will stop doing this, it's not good for him that you treat him like that, just ignore it and move on.

If you speak to him privately you will know he is:

- A moralfag that will always bash people to not enjoying "Fat PeopleTM" the way it's correct.

- Radical American Leftist which is funny.

- Bad mouths artists.

- Draws teenagers and kids but they are 18+ but still look like teenagers and kids while he bashes out people who draw the same type of characters.
I'm here to jack off to drawings of Diluc so fat that he struggles to breath from simply exhisting, not to debate whether or not the person drawing it is an asshole.

It's not everything, but I have a large chunk of his stuff here https://we.tl/t-BMm7PcQqqb
We don't care about the artist's personal life. Oh well, he chose to leave and won't make more art, it's his choice, maybe some shit went down in his life, but this is not the place to talk about it.
Just post his work, he's already made hundreds of pieces. This isn't Twitter, stop clogging with irrelevant shit
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This. He was just some faggot who did commision for like 100 bucks, doubt he was even into this shit. Either way good riddance to him hope he killed himself or his source of income is damaged now or whatever
can anyone drop a file full of his work. shame to see him delete everything
well he deleted his account now so its really fucking funny to me
Anyone have any of his ace attorney miles x edgeworth stuff? Can’t find it archived anywhere ://
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I hate the fagotry of these new artists, you draw fetishes, of course you gonna be controversial but instead of not taking everything serious or get depressed or something and delete everything, in any case, have have a big collection, but i wasn't able to save the gifts and genishin impact story, can someone has the link of an archive?
Does anyone have the one where the guy is on a mobility scooter?
what is that??? dropbox mega??
can we get a reupload for the archives?
Seriously what website does this fucking go in? I'm retarded I know.
I just realized that lying in the bed pic is the same as the gengar...
Google “Base 64 decode”
Thanks anon. It's expired anyway but thanks.
Will miss his work, the guy seemed too soft to be drawing this sort of stuff so maybe that's why he left, glad that there's at least this page to archive his art
I've seen someone else claim, that he deleted his account, because he didn't want it to be associated with the visual novel that he is currently working on, so maybe he will return to this kind of art once that is done.

Or maybe he will just get bored during the summer break and start drawing stuff like this again.
Sadly common for fetish artists to nuke their shit because they want to go "legit". Also common for them to come crawling back.
Does anyone got a reupload of the archive?
He did that and also spoke to several kids about his fetish along with leaving a trail of breadcrumbs including posting one of his work in a server full of danganronpa fans who are minors lmfao
Seriously, its so funny the last drama he got into was one about him fetishizing mexicans or latinos or some shit, serves him right
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Anybody got stuff from Trying0120/Trying0119? Apparently they're a guy, and honestly I just wanna see their inflation content at this point. Anything helps👍
Someone find the project hes in and publically expose him already ffs, hate moralfags
it's project eden's garden, not that hard to find, it's a danganronpa fangame, there's a discord for it and everything
How is this allowed lmfao, how is this not a fetish to him.Hes absolutely delusional
Ah yes because drawing any fat character in a normal setting = fetish art
this but unironically
No one is drawing a 500lbs character just because retard
It's called Eden's Garden, it's a Danganronpa fangame. It's literally in his Twitter bio, I don't know how you people are retarded enough to not notice.
This place is very casual when it comes to enforcing rules and constantly gives idiots a free pass.
Those same idiots only post here because they're banned everywhere else.
Maybe this is just me coping, but I don't see any good reason to actually "expose" him. From what I am seeing, he is drawing increasingly more fat art, even on his SFW account. That, coupled with it being the summer break currently in Europe, it is probably only a matter of time until he will say something like "Hey guys, I've come to enjoy drawing bigger bodies recently, but I know that it isn't everyone's thing, so I will make a separate account for it."
"Exposing" him would, in my eyes, only push him away further from making art like this again, causing everyone to loose.
Do you know that this artist in the past bad mouthed a lot of people, right? He actually went on to say that people who draw fat art are disgusting, pedos etc.
do you have proof of ANY of this?
I'm also gonna ask for some proof here. I have followed him for quite a while and I wouldn't have seen him ever say that. Plus, it wouldn't make any sense, since he is drawing it himself now, on a public SFW account
That’s so weird because I remembered an artist doing something like this and the community including this artist was dogging on him
proof now I need it for my expose doc im writing rn
You know he lives in europe?Very interesting. Totally not samefagging are we, nifast?kek
Why tf are we even talking about exposing him? Are we not here just for fat art? Enjoy what’s here and move on with your life.
everyone knows he lives in Europe
I found this screenshot of his old Twitter account, congratulating him for reaching 1000 followers, whilst searching for old art of his.

See, if I make claims I can back them up, unlike other people here.

Also, the artist who bad mouthed people was Ar00m, if I remember correctly.
Thanks for not being a tard anon lol
yeah dont be an asshole folks, just let him vibe. pretty sure he's gonna come back and do nsfw stuff again soon.
Yes, especially considering how quickly he got commissions on his NSFW account compared to now.
If I remember correctly, the slots were filled up a lot quicker back then.
Does anyone have the pic he did of Kaveh shortly before he deleted his twitter?
>comes back without posting new art or any old art
>Instead reblogs something about blah blah fat acceptance woke bs
lmao he's literally been reposting his old work and drawing every day, you're acting like a baby
to be fair anyone who uses "woke" in the year of our lord 2023 is guaranteed to act like a baby
Are you just too retarded to turn the NSFW filter off?
Did I imagine an animation with sound where a blob-tier guy tries to stand up using a trapeze bar? Can't seem to find it
Anyone know what is his nsfw acc?
Does anyone have complete archive of their work? I trying to create mega.nz or google drive link so people wouldn't have to keep asking for a re-up.
does anyone have the art he did of the ~6 foot 5 500lb guy with white hair and a beanie? or the OCs who were in their early 20's and like 1000lbs?
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Do you have proof of this? I don’t really want to support someone who shows fetish content to kids.
Keeping this heart pumping
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He’s still uploading stuff on his tumblr, plumpybread
Does anyone have the google drive link someone posted with all his artwork saved? It was posted not too long ago but I cant find it anywhere now.
Ask and I will appear.
Just when I thought 375 per year was enough my business partner tried to kill me for 280 euros like come on dude
Post that link. Its probably the best, most organized archive I've ever seen
it's him yes, I've known about it for years

don't make a fuss about it though

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