
Someone please repost the Forger pics?
Thank you. It’s been his best in a while.
>>11608 (OP)
Thread got nuked AGAIN after we JUST talked about not posting kids? and that was like... what, 3 days ago? wtf, anons. Get it together.
This site really has a beef against the PSRM threads and the Pokemon threads
18+ or it gets the axe. Zero fucks given
What the hell is PSRM?
Oh, nevermind. I know what’s you mean
As it should be.
Just wish the rule was applied universally.
does anyone have all the photos from the previous thread? i miss all the goodies there
Let's post that sweet Inazuma Eleven drawings.
Nope. Those are children. Let's not do that or this thread may disappear.
I like plump boys!!!!
Disgusting fucking pedo
Literally we just talk about it,the thread will get nuked because you cant read or just an ignorant braindead pedo. literally go F*** yourself
GG..We are gonna get nuked. cause some guy decides to be a pedo or purposely wants this thread nuke. no point reviving this thread as long this dude is here
this thread was open to share unseen 18+ PSRM art. and people like this guy exist to nuke it, KNOWING IT WILL HAPPEN AND WILL BE WARNED. yall dont deserve to see those unseen ones
I'm pretty sure the guy who submitted that last pic was a troll.
It sucks that we can't have nice things bc of ppl like that (pedos) but oh well.
It's been nice while it lasted lads.
if ppl want to share underage fatties how about using MEGA files? is that still a no?
(106 KB, 900x635, 754645654.jpg)

I'm not a pedo, just a supporter for plump boys, a fat childhood and a world where we don't get older!
Tell that to the judge
If you wanna share cp at least use mega files.
If you don't do that, then my theory that you're just a troll is true.
You have mental illness
says the dude who cant fucking read. create your own thread. literally you know this will get nuked yet you chose to share
Mods, op, admins, just. Delete some of these posts instead of the whole thread please.
(71 KB, 800x566, 21212121.jpg)
The more (you) complain, the more I will post.
Hahaha..Peak mental illness. This thread is gonna get nuked anyways. Post all you want. it's not a threat anymore. Keep posting
Lol, imagine saying you want to support, and wanting the thread nuke. HAHAHA. someone is either dumb or a troll
Bruh,its not even out yet
calm down lol
that clark kent is superman
(42 KB, 491x480, GOyPINLWQAEFA10.jpg)
oh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt my head he says sam lane
>>11608 (OP)
Okay, I was away from the board for a couple of months, and see that previous thread got deleted.
And I did not save art from it.

Is there archive with the thread, or just an archive of Prison's works? I comstantly see works that not on his DA
By the way guys, you all know you can download the high res, right? Most of his commission stuff is usually not, but personal stuff and I assume the subscription posts are high res stuff.
Though if the file size is too big for the site, i be happy with it being scaled down until it was.
He was brainwashed by brainiac prime
'Just want to see his stuff past 800x550. I like seeing the finer details.
I need that beware the batman have 3d cartoon today
Bruce Wayne get fatten up by alfred with some cakes
>>11608 (OP)
Oh well agent kay this from mib the series season 2 version your redhead version that weird hair version call you eat me he says i get fatten up by blue goo slime boy i need fat at best 90s today
Your best season 2 version of agent kay
Love this agent kay
Redhead version of agent kay
Does anyone have the von lycaon/superman subscriber bonus?
His account is deleted.
It finally happened after 20 years.
(87 KB, 1280x720, 7209597.jpg)
this episode agent k get feed force time
i got fatter and fatter i just best fat edits
uhhh... PRSM?
just checked and no he isn't lol wtf
damn i mean PSRM, my b.
Does anyone have the images of Von lycaon by the artist prissonsuit?
where is superman
Maybe if someone stop demanding it like people owe them the picture, someone would post it. Like literally you deserve nothing, be polite lol. is please so hard
Looks like he just posted a part 2 of that wolf.
Savvy, stop demanding, no one owes you anything, either wait or at least havw the decency to say please.
Savvy seems to constantly post incoherent nonsense which keeps getting removed by mods, so it's best to just ignore them.
Anyone have the lucas lee images he just put out? I don't have anything to offer in return as I'd normally like to do, but I'd greatly appreciate it
Awesome! Thanks a lot! ^-^
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Is it alright to ask for the Von Lycaon pieces he did?
I don't have anything to give back but I'd appreciate it!
Aw thank you! Appreciate this <3
(I felt rude for asking but I'm glad you thought I was nice enough to send them)
next ones superman
Lol..Savvy isnt it obvious that the dude will only share it if you are at least polite. unless the word please is very hard lol
you don't whats going on with savvy anon
why are people dogging on savvy like
this is an image archive board none of us owe eachother anything honestly

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