
(514 KB, 2048x1609, IMG_1765.jpeg) (117 KB, 598x374, IMG_1767.jpeg) (95 KB, 598x374, IMG_1768.jpeg) (644 KB, 2048x1695, IMG_1766.jpeg)
Found these on twitter a month ago, but lost the @ of the artist. Haven’t been able to find since. Any clue who it might be?
It‘s @gay420gayyy on Twitter. Tho they‘ve currently got that account on private
Because they're just lasercosmo but are no longer underage and got buttmad that they immediately got called out despite the fact that they put 0 effort in changing their style + they ran away with people's cash.
I knew this artstyle looked familiar
i just looked the @ on twitter and he deactivated again. why would he vanish all of sudden?
also, running away with ppl cash? i think i need more context for that >>11330
Tbh if plumpybread can make a comeback I think he should too. Unless the situation was more fucked up than that.b
You have higher resolution pics of the 2nd and 3rd image? They're only 598x374
Basically he would take people's money and take up to a year to finish a person's commission. He was taking too many and actively complained to him about an update. It wasn't until a few months later I finally got an art piece. A lot of people dislike him for this honestly. I just hate being lied to and learning he was a minor in an adult space
I didn't he was a minor at the time. God now it's fuckin gross doing the math and having a 15 year old draw kink art. He really called out other minors being in the kink community as he was one at the time. It's such a double standard to protect himself from being caught.
It says it's an Alt acc, what is his main then?
Possibly @C00lranchh, but it's on private and not accepting follows
Someone has access to his account?
Update, seems he changed it again to @OiIspiIIl, which are all i's except for the last, and weeded out 20 followers. It's possible that he's reading this thread, if so I want him to know that despite people recognizing his style from back then, there's no need to let guilt and paranoia control him. If he still has the desire to express himself to others judging by his private account, then publicly addressing the past and making amends might alleviate some internal turmoil.
honestly I hope he reopens to the public. I'll be honest, I was looking at his stuff when I was 14-16 before he deactivated. . . since he's an adult now, I don't really see an issue in him staying private.
*going public, not staying private. my brains all kinds of scrambled
Ugh, he only accepts mutuals
Is there more drawings LeTouit? I honestly find it kinda hot
Do you have any more art of his LeTouit like I wanna see more??

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