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Amazed this isn't a thread already. Figured there'd be more threads about big fat sumos in their mawashis or existing wrestlers either from Japan or elsewhere.

Would Sumo wrestlers in commercials count? Like actors who dressed up in mawashis for an ad or even a show/movie?
I also doubt this will be about who won which match and about the training/lifestyle of a sumo wrestler.
>>11191 (OP)
There was an Asian Superchub thread and a Sumo's in the commercials thread.
A link to a gallery of sumo wrestlers for the one in the orange mawashi in the gallery can anyone identify him?

As well as group shots of smaller Sumos.
Do we also want to talk of the sport's history and symbolism and how one gets to be big as a Sumo wrestler? As well as depictions of wrestlers in fiction?
I heard the sport started to celebrate harvests and to honor the gods. To be as big as a mountain and initially wrestlers were more ripped than fat. When did the image that wrestlers be big huge men start?
Also wondered about mentioning of Sumos depiction in fiction like the difference between eastern and western depictions in fiction.

In western stuff it's one parade of fat jokes after another. Whereas in Japan, I do see some fat jokes with sumo wrestlers in anime manga but they still get across the moves and training they go through.

I was amazed to know of Fangirls of the wrestlers because they don't seem to exist in most anime/manga. The designs of wrestlers too in most anime/manga tends to be super fat with cartoonist/ugly faces or muscle/fat builds with a prominent gut but muscular arms/legs. I figured that most mangaka aren't into sumo and thus wouldn't focus on it a lot in their stories. They probably wouldn't focus on the fan girls who find the wrestlers sexy because of this.

Also figured that the stereotypical Sumo build wouldn't fit into most mangakas idealized male forms in their heads. I know that it's easy to say all men want women with big ol' tiddies, a nice slender waist and legs for days. With male builds usually lean and muscular or thick muscular. Figured the stereotypical obese sumo build isn't seen as appealing to them and thus wouldn't want to focus on it or portray it as sexy/desirable.

Plus I doubt the lifestyle of a sumo would be appealing to the average Japanese man. As they have to undergo harsh training and work everyday and dedicate themselves completely to the sport. Different than other sports stuff where someone can do other stuff beyond the sport they train for. Plus most Japanese men don't get as big as a Sumo wrestler and thus wouldn't fantasize such a body as being attractive/desirable.

I know there are exceptions, there are some works where female characters show interest in Sumo wrestlers. As well as works like Hinomaru Zumo or various Bara works that focus on sumo wrestlers.

Whenever I see Sumo characters in most anime/manga, I never see scenes where female characters drool over them. I wouldn't say male writers can't have scenes of women drooling over beefcake, it's just that the classic image of a Sumo wrestler isn't something they want to explore as beefcake.

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