
(540 KB, 590x787, fatty.png) (410 KB, 1886x2048, F6KYd7PXoAAVKMN.jpg) (140 KB, 1080x1387, fatterigrow-47-1080px.jpg) (68 KB, 640x853, tumblr_cf6ecc8a27b615d137c3f1f6b4a0a6b8_28ee3898_640.jpg)
basically i'm looking for fatties that are more feminine than the typical ones.


here's ones i currently know of
Thanks for these! I knew about Leo (wish his coomer would get updated…) but nice to have some more fatties like this… I really don’t go for the hairy bear/beer belly look and this stuff is way harder to find in comparison : )

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