
Mods consider pokeboys to be too problematic so they will ban this thread BUT they will let real life pictures of underage boys and girls be posted.

I think they are DigiBros who hate Pokemon.
And yet the BBWDraw thread has an wntire pokégirls thread. Talk about hypocrisy.
This site is pretty much dead, you are the Kieran and ghostboy fan?
Bitch u not from the bronx stop
Melrose whats up? On that time. Fuck around & find out.
This is an amazing artist, is sad that he doesn't draw more pokeboys.
Who is your favorite boy?
Go makes a perfect fatty.
What about Roy?
Why you like Goh so much?
Is there art of the professors? Or any of the art from the last threads?
Funny how she showed up. Being petty and all just recently. Now she showing there oh shit just fuck off hefney
You have to be more specific.
Dang it. We lost the ash x goh pic again.
What is this Ash x Goh pic?
It’s art by lordffparaphilum
Someone will post it again, but if you love a picture so much, just save it.
The one that is lost in time is the one where Goh is super fat and there is a Pokemon trainer sitting on him but this is the one the guy is looking for.
How much u make a hour to delete comments you feel proud lol
(182 KB, 789x620, 543543.png)
This is the lost pic I was talking about.
Hey I sent him that lol
I would love to RP with someone or write some greentexts here about Goh and Roy.
Amazing! Thanks! I thought a lot of those were lost in time, I even forgot that the last one existed

Do you have a folder too?.
Do people like Weight Gain + Diapers?
any more fat Allister
What are some good fanfics about Pokeboys weight gain?
Who's the artist of this?
Dufel3, there is another pic of Goh that he drew
Anyone know what happened to this artist? I think he went by ffphilum or something
Vanished from the internet without any trace, most of his pages are active in the sense that they he don't upload or update them, I believe he is okay and doing well for himself just don't want to be connected to fetish art, he was fearing the famous witch hunt of drawing fat boys.
Does anyone want to write greentexts about fat poke boys?
It's more inflation-oriented and more of a POV of how Pokegirls would inflate you, but here's a few that I saved from a while ago on /inf/, as well as some additions from the male inflation thread over there.

>Hilda pumps her dates on the 1st meeting with compressed air pills in their drinks.

>Hex berriesboys who lose to her through wacky magic.

>May teases guys she meets into swelling from sexual frustration (because logic).

>Bea and Nessa make water balloons out of male trainers they seduce and stick hoses into.

>Cynthia cuts to the chase and gives guys she finds cute "blowjobs".

>Skyla, the pilot with huge titties, just loves it when things float and are airborne, like that dude trainer who just walked in.

>Some girls like May, Nemona, and Carmine are just deviants and have a Pokémon or two that know Gust just for these moments.

>And every Water-type specialist is into water inflation. You're not safe around Nessa, Lana, or Misty.

>Sonia teases her assistant, refusing to let him cum until he's ready to blow like an overfilled spunk bomb

>Jessie uses a classic bike pump to turn her male target into a replacement hot air balloon for Team Rocket.

>Rosa presses the big red button out of oblivious curiosity causing her partner to spontaneously start swelling like a balloon until he fills the room.

>Serena smugly uses all sorts of teases and humiliating while her Drifblim puffs up a rival to give him a body to match his ego.

> Jasmine needs to cross over the Olivine shore but she has no Water-Types, and you'd be the perfect raft

> Flannery invites you to her gym, but the hot springs in her stadium "accidentally" trap you and flood you up with pleasantly warm water til you're obscenely round

> Glacia loves ramen. She also loves attaching guys up to vats full of ramen broth and watching them expand.

>Female Team Plasma grunts roam the alleyways and forests armed with expanding weaponry to hunt down any guys they take a fancy to and blimp then.
>Often seen in groups of 4
that last Elio is amazing

anyone have more of the main protag pokeboys? specifically Red/Blue/Ethan/Brendan/Lucas/Nate/Hilbert/Elio/Victor/Florian? or Ash?
James is peak fatass material
Facts! I need that Twink to be fattened up more
I like that his change of stance means that he is now a serious fatfuck who loves to eat.
draw a girl call it a boy.

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