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I've seen ups and downs from people here on transgender fat boys, want to hear some people's opinions, do you care? Is it a turn on/off etc etc just tell me
Don't wanna start a thing, being curious only
Fat is fat.
For me it's a turn-off and I'm 100% for trans rights, sadly, it just doens't come out as right to me in terms of relationship.
Im orry my wife isnt black. Sorry to offend you ppl dropping dead left & right
What about a content related to gender reverse weight gain in this thread?
Have been with one for a while. Best sex in my life and really nice realtionship. You just have to keep open mind aobut that they dont look like cis men. Plus trans ppl are ofter autistic but you propably are too if you use this site.
honeslty I wouldn't date or have relations with one because i like cock lol and they either have vaginas or a scary meat tube which looks nothing like a penis and may fall off at any given moment x
a fat guy is a fat guy, i don't mind ftm stuff but i don't go out of my way to find it or anything

If I had to choose between a masc looking ftm fatty and living forever alone, I'd likely take the former even if they're more autistic than me about culture. Better to live with another being than going insane after 3+ months of solitude and buying 200 expensive and crappy cars and guitars that send me deeper into poverty.

Also sometimes there are some genuinely hot/cute transmascs, nonzero amount, much like MTFs to be honest.
Keep it in ee.

Gigantic turn-off.

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