
OCs = waste of space.
Going political while drawing degenerate shit makes you the punching bag, this should apply to all fetishes. Including lolifags.
Absolutely seconded

If I can add to the complaint I also wanna bring up how tryhard it feels when multiple artists get commissioned to draw the same flavorless OC in a short span of time
OCs and copyright characters are literally the same thing or at least come from the same core of the creative process.
What did the mod change with this thread? Says he edited it.
yeah, I don't understand the abject hate OCs as a whole get from some spergs. Canon characters do have the inherent advantage of being easier to form an emotional attachment with, but there's still a lot of good OCs out there

he probably edited the title and subtext. No complaints from me, BananaMan's just being based as usual
Manbaby thread is the superior title for a message board full of autists.
Nah..... Just call it "Never"
(186 KB, 500x500, pepepopcorn.png)
Manbaby>community salt

don't try to give these threads a civilised title, be self aware that it's all immature self referential whining and embrace it
Don't call it Morbius. That title sounds stupid
>Canon characters do have the inherent advantage of being easier to form an emotional attachment with
And you just hit the nail on the head. Context matters, which is why people commission characters they like in the first place. I don't know anything about some guy's OC except what she looks like. This is the same reason why the Lucyfag who monopolized BWS for a while got so much shit. Is the art good? Yeah. But it gets old fast if you don't give a shit about that particular character.

But Lucyguy owes you nothing and it's their money?
Artists drawing the same character for the 2643th time (that's not their OC) is such a waste of talent and makes the community feel stagnant
Best example being BWS drawing Lucy and Welrod 60% of the time
Oh, my, GOD!!!!!!
I find a Canon characters hot because I know they story and complex personality. I don't care about just another OC only because she's looks "hot". It's sallow. I think it would be much better if instead of another OC they'd draw a popular character.
>>99636 (OP)
Speaking of Robot001, where’s their thread? Easily the most talented fetish artist out there! Nobody can compare!
>>99636 (OP)
>Where the Robot001's of the fetish community can share their takes.
That's quite the insult.
>But it gets old fast if you don't give a shit about that particular character.
And how is that any different from a canon character if you don't care for them either?
(27 KB, 397x400, $_1.jpg)
You guys ever listen to The Doors? Favourite album from them?
Is that a dude? You need to learn how to draw better
It’s between self-titled and Strange Days for me
I heard a rock song once it was called old and fat. There was a thot that liked music while we fucked and she also liked to smell my balls
(19 KB, 527x215, FuckMeInTheAss.png)
this account is probably the dumbest shit i've seen in a while. i cant believe people still care about this
When'd this become an issue? People have been doing jailbait for ages.
They don't. You posted that here and wasted your time. Noone besides me will respond to your comment because you are a cunt and they don't like you. Likewise, you are the only anon on this site evil enough to get a kick out of such stupid faggyness. You had your kek, w
Real life. You had your kek. Off with you. I bet you don't even like fat nasty thots. Get out of our site
stfu racist. Go back to world star hip hop
Usually, "crusaders" going to that extent have their own shame to hide or are a teen thinking they're doing a civic duty. Possibly some combination of the two.
Either way I don't imagine dedicating an entire account to searching for sexualized underaged characters would be healthy for their mind.

Reminds me of that loser during the big underage scare that was compiling a list of artists who drew underage/loli characters on Twitter who eventually I think got attacked or just run off after a couple of days.
If this dude is anything like other puritans I've seen they're currently in the dms of 16 year olds sending them their tits
Why? Why would anyone make this?
>america is the whole world
Every time.
>>99767 I'm not sure if you just stumbled into the wrong board or just doing this for shits and giggles but I like the song Love Me Two Times. Haven't really listened to them enough to state an opinion.
Well no one really seems to be giving this loser and real attention so hopefully it stays that way. The internet is full of dumbasses trying to create problems out of nothing for the sake of purpose. This is a prime example of that.
Fatfag commissioners are simultaneously the best AND worst autists.
>no, she needs more folds
>no, not THAT many
>like a whale but if it was a fat woman
>why did you hide the belly button
>why aren't you paying attention, hyperfat but not a monster like that sketch
>looks great but please add something to show she stinks a bit, greenish-brown lines but not too green because that implies she farted
>Fatfag commissioners are simultaneously the best AND worst autists.
That's quite the generalist way to put it. Haven't you had any commissioners who are more orderly with their descriptions without sounding like they're 8? On top of that, who are you?
is this account an elaborate troll? if not the person who runs it must be mentally ill, nobody sane would commit so much effort and research into replying to random fat artists on twitter telling them their characters are 17 and not 18. They're not even getting attention, I scrolled through their tweets and didn't see a single one with a retweet, like, or response of any kind. several of their replies are even hidden because twitter thinks they're innapropriate so lots of people won't see their weird 'name and shame' campaign.
(263 KB, 1112x1580, GET OFF MY LAWN.png)
I refuse to believe that the majority of posters on the FNF thread aren't underaged.

That's the power of projection.
This kind of gets to why Woot's OCs are my favorites. Even though most are one-offs, he uses dialogue and before-and-afters to flesh them out (no pun intended) so you get a sense of how their personality and lifestyle plays into and is affected by their size. Most OCs solely trade on their design, which usually isn't compelling to me in and of itself -- those extra steps to build out his characters makes them more appealing than even his fanart.
Completely Agree.
Even though the vast majority of them are one-offs, W-OO-T makes the best OCs.

I aesthetically like Toroboro's OCs as well, but you can never really get into their personalities because they will completly change personality and design every-time he draws them. Kyoho went from a tall and skinny Oneesan to tan and fit to a short busty shy imouto to a busty shy goth girl to a confident busty goth girl to a short haired busty goth girl with a massive belly. At this point I'm just gonna pretend that it's just the character in different stages of their life or something.
Now I'm not going to shit on Daviel w fries, because he's a nice WG artist with a lot of potential and I don't hate him. But...god fucking damnit, why is he drawing so much Azur Lane and Hololive stuff? It's not like the sizes are normal either. The girls end up galaxy-sized all the fucking time at the end of each commission. And behind all the Azur Lane comms it's the same person! It's as if he's a goddamn gacha addict or something. It's starting to become annoying, because I really liked his early art when he still had some dignity left in him. What an utter disappointment
I feel similarly about SunsleptOS with how he draws mostly Dragon Ball Z girls. He has done comms with characters not from DBZ, but seeing girls from other franchises would be nice. Otherwise, his art is pretty good, especially the force feeding ones.
I never had a problem with a commissioners. All I tell them: 1. give me a character ref 2. give me ref of a body type. Then I send a sketch, then I do a small changes if they are need some, but mostly they are give me enough in the description.
Takamoom is a better artist than BWS. There, I got that off my chest.
Fuck no, Takamoom does too much trans garbage and male shit.
Have you tried maybe, i don't know, not looking at those then if they make you so mad? BWS does an equal amount of ignorable shit
The dude's following only one person on Twitter: Jesus Christ.

Almost definitely a troll. Bait eaten.
Takamoom's quality varies too much, and while I agree that BWS does plenty of ignorable art, he at least gets one knockout every once in a while.
Taka is up there with Nyanilla in a category I can vaguely describe as "good art but talks like a braindead preteen", which wouldn't be a problem if they weren't *constantly talking about every mundane thought that crosses their mind*.
Hell no, bro. Takamoom might draw well, but he's nowhere near as good as BWS. The way he draws faces is pretty crap. What the fuck are you smoking?
What’s more interesting to me is the reactions of a noticeable majority of the community. A while back, the idea of drawing characters under 18 was considered a huge no-no by most people on Twitter (iirc it was because of Jeetdoh leaving). Now everyone seems to think this level of reasoning is stupid because someone dedicated an account specifically for it. Sounds like a lot of hypocrisy to me. SugarRoll in particular is pretty anal about this shit, so they’re probably seething rn.
Drawing fat anime/videogame characters who are below 18 has become common place, whetever people like it or not. Calling artists like Jeetdoh out was useless since I think he still does this shit, and the stupid bot account shown here is proof that some fetishists don't give a crap about a character's age. I'd say "get over it" to a certain group of people, but I'm sure my words will fall to deaf ears anyway
>Has become
It alweays was, as evidenced by the absolute monopoly of Pokegirl fat art.
This moralfagging about ages is a recent thing and I don't even think its that common, moreso that its just an extremely vocal minority and so many artists fear backlash
Oh yeah, artists DO fear backlash. It could turn into a domino effect and end up ruining their online career. Honestly, I don't give a crap if those moralists criticize my work when I start drawing, I could always move to more obscure platforms
Never even heard of him
Can back this up, artists do fear backlash.
Explain this, because I completely fail to see how this is the case.
So I did the slightest bit of investigative work in checking on that account by looking at its followers. The account is probably owned by SugarRoll, even though it's based off of conjecture:
- one of the accounts cites that SugarRoll made their avatar, which the user appears to cite as their OC
- another follower account appears to be lurking on the board itself
- the main account is purely going after fat fetish content when it could be going after more mainstream content
If I had to cite something as another instance of "your behavior is annoying to the point where I, a stranger who did not know who you were until now, am being impacted by it", this is it.
>If I had to cite something as another instance of "your behavior is annoying to the point where I, a stranger who did not know who you were until now, am being impacted by it", this is it

Every time I see one of these faggots, my stubborn dislike of being told what to do rears it's head, and I feel the urge to draw a newborn being raped just to annoy them
(196 KB, 1118x1278, 1615949195005.jpg)

While my first instinct would be to call this a stretch but considering how petty, naive and immature artists, especially SugarRoll, have shown themselves to be I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Just imagine getting so upset and butthurt over drawings of 16/17 year old's (not even pre-teen or actual lolis) that you feel the need to take it upon yourselves to police others as if you're some brave, noble, defender of drawn images.

Imagine having absolutely no fucking life that artists, presumably their peers, are dunking on you as having no life either.

Imagine if that time and effort were put towards something useful and worthy of their time instead of trying to police the twitter, for free no less!
Those terminally online pick up many strange habits and misplace priorities.
I've always wondered how easy it would be to engineer some strange and vicious new internet norm.

Like if I said maybe that hypno/oblivious WG had to stop, without saying that I wanted NSFW art to stop altogether, and I had time and a several sockpuppet accounts to astroturf my false opinion--calling out artists who did it, and calling others to my aid thru the various accounts. How long before at least a few spineless wimps bought it and the movement got out of my hands, into something really annoying?
This comment's kinda funny considering we're on the 7th thread of just screaming into an echo chamber about things fetish artists do that make us all grumpy.
At least this gimmick account is confronting the artists, as stupid, pointless and overreacting as it is.
smell it, and if it smells weird pour it all out. if it still smells fine it's going to taste fine. generally it can go a few days past the sell by date before it actually goes sour (or you're unlucky and it goes sour on the date).
It's definitely not an echo chamber because the artists/their inner circle members all keep tabs on what's said in here, especially with the modern antagonistic relationship that exists between most fat-of-she artists and this imageboard.
As he came into the thread
There was a sound of a screeching crackhead
Technically, store bought milk is pasteurized, so there’s no bacteria in it. So even if it’s filled with chunks and tastes like your mother’s
clitoris, it won’t poison you.
100k of truth.
Not that gets are a thing here, anyways.
My nigga, excuse me? Could we get a 3 letter agency inside here real quick?
Oh no... Is it that time of the day already, dusk? Not again. I feel a shitstorm coming. At this point I may as well make my own chan that is only for lesbians. lesbo-chan. None of you are invited
(1.4 MB, 3930x1152, df8bzx0-b8f000af-387a-4229-9363-c52779d2c320.jpg)
100$ for this low quality shit? The lineart isn't even clean like the rest of their drawings. It amazes me that there are people out there who will spend their money on this crap
I certainly believe artists shouldn't sell themselves short, and commission prices tend to be a race to the bottom, but yeah the anatomy and line quality is way too lackluster to be charging that.
(379 KB, 861x491, 123457.png)
Wtf its easy to order a VERY good quality for $100. This is not even an anatomy, no muscules or bones just some blobs. Wtf is this "heads" its like anti-anatomy even for a beginner. Its should be at least like this.
>he is a janitor
>on a fat fetish imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his job very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power and control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he can't handle it when people criticize artists and the community because it aggravates his stomach ulcer
>he changes names of critical threads because he thinks Jeetdoh will give him a lap dance in his maid costume
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parents' house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
(262 KB, 1920x2285, kumiko_in_da_ice_cream_by_takamoom_df87vda-fullview.jpg)
I knew this was gonna be a hard thing to admit my opinion on to the Better-With-Salt-chan imageboard but I will try to explain my thoughts.
It really comes down to proportions. First let me clarify that I think BWS is still a very talented and skilled artist. I believe where they differ is in proportions and colouring.BWS puts out a lot of work that barely looks human, whether it be weird fat distributions on unnaturally wide bodies. While Moom has an equal amount of misses, I think his highs are much higher, and his colouring of things like skin seem always more natural than BWS, in addition to having believable human proportions.
The mod who edited the title of this thread is the person who made the first manbaby thread for us to complain in in the first place. Cry more.
>in addition to having believable human proportions.
I don't really see this as an important feature of an SSBBW artist, so long as their art doesn't become ridiculous or uncanny. I do think that bws occasionally whiffs with the colouring, and frankly getting good at that is a hurdle for a lot of artists, but on the whole his art is much more expressive and the compositions more interesting than Taka's work. Actually now that I think about it I can't say that there's really much difference between the two's colour in "finished" works, as they both employ the "shiny fat girl skin" a lot. I don't think they're remarkably different artists.

Don't jerk yourself off just because you're one of Barclay stooges, it's embarrassing for everybody here.
(559 KB, 3055x2934, Takamoom-1538207728077873152-img1.jpg) (7.2 MB, 4640x4073, 107b_kobuko.png) (1.1 MB, 3126x1544, CurtainCall.png) (385 KB, 2048x1724, ebc706ed7b2688e02e5d77c083207b14bf27bbdc5c57f1fce85d868d5ee2359d.jpg)
Got a point on both ends tbh
Taka's more grounded when it comes to proportion, but BWS knows when to exercise creative license

Maybe it works for you, maybe it doesn't; but I think the overall production value, polish, and attention to detail gives BWS an edge here
I think overall this is kind of disingenuous, it's not like Taka doesn't have highs since (s)he's been getting better as an artist, but there are definitely several gaps between them. Salt's work overall is more dynamic: there are more scenes of intimacy or closeness, more pictures where body fat is flowing or constricted in really pleasurable scenarios, more illusions of movement. I think your gripe about proportions and distribution only becomes real when we get into the blob images he's done, the time he's spent practicing and drawing shows. All you have to do to see how hard it is to draw large sizes is go to >>>/ssbbw/, pick an image of one of the girls posted and think about how big she must be face to face, THEN think about how you'd pose her or what she'd look like with an extra hundred pounds.
This is also more subjective and I think a LOT of artists (even ones I'm biased towards) suffer from the issue that they don't really feel anything about some of the characters they draw. Taka is one of them, but Salt is not and it's one thing that I think makes him quite rare. We're all aware about the Lucy arc and the new character beef with Welrod from GFL, but I think it makes your work stand out more as an artist if you like the character/series the character is from. Dookus is also a good example of this: majority of his drawings are pokegirls but damn he likes his pokegirls, and he's streamed himself playing pokemon nuzlock runs. Kurocaze loves the Takao-class of ships from Kantai Collection. If you like what you do, it shows, but if you range anywhere from apathetic about to hating what you do, it also shows regardless of your technical skill.
Didn't know Dook did nuzlocks, that's cool.
I like the idea of artists actually having a connection for the characters they draw, I just gotta say though, as much as I like Dook's art, I wish he'd branch out a little more with his character picks. Aside from maybe Elesa, his taste in pokegirls is pretty normie tier lol
>The Better-With-Salt-chan imageboard
The fuck is this supposed to mean? People shit on Salt here all the time, and most of it is bs whining. Quit trying to play the "dissenting voice in an oppressive crowd" card
>BWS puts out a lot of work that barely looks human
BWS isn't a master off proportions, but he's better than most, including Moom. What about Moom's proportions is better? In a lot of Moom's work you have the "disconnected hips" problem. You need to post images, because right now I'm not buying what you're saying.
(36 KB, 596x401, RIP.png)
We did it, Reddit!
>.BWS puts out a lot of work that barely looks human, whether it be weird fat distributions on unnaturally wide bodies.
To be fair most people think super morbidly obese persons look human.
(194 KB, 1024x1006, one_little_slip_by_thedookus_df7b53x-fullview.jpg)
I don't mind his character choices, but things like this drive me up the wall. I swear he hates bellies for how often he blocks them from view, tucks them in pants or shorts, or does perspectives that doesn't do them any favours.
Do retards still forget people grow the fuck up?
I’m so fucking tired of this “REEEEE CANON AGE” spergery
It’s probably some nonce tranny running that account which makes it all the better
I'm someone who's tired of the constant stream of pokegirl art but like I said, if someone really likes drawing their characters, I have no qualms and I usually find myself liking the work.
>Didn't know Dook did nuzlocks, that's cool.
Yeah, I saw him tweet about it a few times. It's cool to see someone be a genuine fan of the series/material their favorite characters to draw fat-of-she are from, although I'm not really looking to try to interact in the same stream chat as some of the people I've seen type in various art stream chats. I think at one point he was on the fence of trying out Guilty Gear as well.
>Aside from maybe Elesa, his taste in pokegirls is pretty normie tier lol
Like I said, it's also apparent if an artist is lukewarm on drawing a certain character, or if the reason for drawing the character is shallow. Sometimes you've got faves and sometimes your faves are just pretty run-of-the-mill.
Oh yeah can't wait to stop drawing half of characters just because some western commie start to cry about it.
I'm tired of this shit, they post a highly detailed art piece, a digital painting for example, and expect of someone to "edit" it, even if it requires redrawing the thing completely.
Not your picrelated, of course.
And they are also obnoxious to the hell.
>up there with Nyanilla in a category I can vaguely describe as "good art but talks like a braindead preteen"
dead on dude
fucking nyanilla, first time I ever saw her was when one of her shitty socjus posts got shared, had no idea she was an expansion artist

based 100k post, cry about echo chambers all you want when the people with the actual influence are all brain dead
we're just anons tired of the constant bullshit

the recent phenomena of jacking up commission prices is only going to test just how whale-ish this community is

imagine stanning for jannies
even here

what a pussy gimmick account, if you're gonna do that shit, at least put some effort into it
To whoever said Takamoom's art is better than BWS': The way he draws faces is shit, as seen in that Sound Euphorium picture (Can't remember the protagonist's name for the life of me), and sometimes the characters look really weird. The shading is also kinda wonky. Sending a single image as proof to why he's a better artist won't work here lmao

He doesn't hate bellies, but he DOES hate boobs. He's one of the leaders of the cult of "Pancake boob, medium belly, big arms, big legs, wide but smooth ass." It's okay to have a preference, but when you and all your friends just draw the same fat distribution and same characters over and over again it's just weird. It's even worse when it is done in writing form *Cough* Zerpes *Cough*

Also is it just me or did his art-style somehow become worse overnight? Like, the quality of his art is good, but the actual style is so putting.
Gonna play the role of Dookus Defense Force: if the guy is producing art with a preference he has and he's not being paid, I think it's fine. He likes what he likes, plenty of other artists do fat + big booba, cellulite, etc., and he hasn't done any bizarre things with his online persona/gallery that would warrant criticism. Granted I'm not sure about his current style, something does feel off.
Woah... I mean, I can see why... that face is horrifying
Yeah, it's not flattering at all.
What's throwing me off is the shape of the back of the head. And her ear's super-small, as well as her hands.
I don't much care for flab, I prefer fatties like how BWS draws them, round and plump. But the...sasquatch grimace she's giving the camera just makes the picture uncanny, she looks like an actual gross fat lady you'd spot at the beach. Not to mention the missing hair on the side makes it look like she just had a lobotomy, or her anime hair physics are trying to escape from her gross fat fuck head.
(435 KB, 3148x2449, FCez918XoAwix2u.jpg)
Slap a couple of tattoos on her and you have most real fatties, I'm not surprised it didn't get a good response. I won't knock the character choice, but there's a reason that we're here fapping to anime girls instead of 3D women.
I find Doofus is firmly in the camp of hit-or-miss style, but great at coming up with interesting scenarios and concepts that make his art interesting. He's great at giving his flab a feeling of squishy heft that's borne down by gravity.

Interesting point, and honesty I kind of see it after going through his archive. His bellies look particularly flat next to the luscious arms, thighs and butts he draws.
That’s some fucked proportions on that arm, hair is wack, and face is horrendous. Dudes style is hit or miss at least BWS is consistent with his work for the most part
Did you call him Doofus on purpose or was that auto correct doing it's thing? And that image is just too much hips and thighs. Having preference is one thing, but that much imbalance is overkill.

God, didn't even notice her ear until you brought it up. That's the smallest ear I've ever seen.

Her forearm is fucked.
I hate this "Im too good to draw just a regular anime style" shit. Just slap here a generic anime face and it would be way better.
The real Dookpill is that he's actually quite awful at anatomy, but really damn good at round fat forms, so he can hide the former with the latter
Damn I didn't expect this to turn into just dogpile dunking on him. I think even in the face of his current flaws he's still quite good and has a bright future. I'm considering myself rude for even saying this but he's light years better than a lot of genuinely crappy but popular artists who hide their lack of skill behind extremely simplistic art styles and sketches that never go anywhere. His early work was rough but promising and he's still young, I think he's only just hit his 20s or something. Dudes comparing him to BWS who has years of experience and mistakes on him, clown behavior.
>Did you call him Doofus on purpose or was that auto correct doing it's thing?
Autocorrect. The only artist I would ever make fun of that way is Bamboo-fail.
>And that image is just too much hips and thighs. Having preference is one thing, but that much imbalance is overkill.
Ten men, ten tastes. Don't knock the thooba.

Well these threads are all about people passing off their personal preference as the word of God. I also think that they're being too harsh on an original artist, but that's just the way the threads go.
This thing is a monstrosity, looks like a before/after for uglification fetish. The face has a "please kill me" look. The body is hardly more flattering. I officially demote the artist one full grade tier level down - not for drawing this, but for having drawn it and deciding to release it after. This passed their quality check. They disrespect themselves and the very craft. Incase they read this- delete this to redeem half a grade tier back, along with some of your dignity.
(119 KB, 444x440, 1374796030634.png)
I don't mind that at all. Huge boobs are fine, but can quickly get monotonous after a while. If anything I'm glad artists are realizing that and switching it up now.

This looks like complete shit though. How the hell did this get past the drawing board? I'd be unironically ashamed to present this to anyone, I'd just throw it away, start over, and never look back.
Jesus, you ingrates are annoying.

You guys are aware that occasionally making a shitty drawing every now and then is part of being an artist, right? What the hell is with this “give up and quit” shit ya’ll are preaching?
(48 KB, 289x260, 1571633366779.png)
It's just people voicing their criticisms which you aren't really allowed to on Twitter, albeit harshly.
And I can't blame them, it looks unusually bad for Dook's standards and I had similar thoughts when I saw the art for the first time.
Guys, we're free to dunk on Doofus as much as we want (Especially after seeing that Marnie drawing). What's up with you all? Can't you notice the goddamn ear? C'mon, defending jim won't lead anywhere
*Defending him
Then I guess it really does take one to know one.
(236 KB, 2200x1700, EJjqB5kVUAU8jm0.jpeg)
This pic is the last Dook pic that didn't feel extremely off-putting art-style wise. It's like he almost became a different artist. The Marnie pictures that he does now also feel off because he's using his weird aged up Marnie design that he made which has a really gross looking mullet.
Oh, and while I'm at it, the way he handles drives is terrible. He will make promises of a decently long drive with a huge final size, and then after 2 or 3 parts will be like "I'm not having fun anymore :(" or "This is getting too much attention." He was also one of the only artists that drew some of the weirder fat fetishes without being a tasteless and "UwU"-y. It's genuinely funny that when he tried to do that recent "Draw the fattest body parts you can" challenge, it was literally nothing compared to almost all of his old blob stuff. Also I really don't get the narrative that top heavy WG art is "Oversaturated". He will literally argue with people about it, and when he's proven wrong he will just meme his way out of the conversation (See him saying "Okay Boober" to Happypal who was just having a regular debate)
>Oh, and while I'm at it, the way he handles drives is terrible. He will make promises of a decently long drive with a huge final size, and then after 2 or 3 parts will be like "I'm not having fun anymore :(" or "This is getting too much attention."
That's how most artists with weight gain drives. Twitter plays a huge part in that because of how unpopular immobile/blob sizes are there, which leads to artists either ending the drive a round or two early, or make the gaining requirements so strict to that size can't be reached so it fucks over people who like it. There's also artists who casually are like "Oh, something came up so I can't finish this. Sorry!".
WG drives are a fucking joke in general, especially since they're done on Twitter most of the time. But at least they don't cost a cent to me, so I just react to the tweet and move on with my life
(490 KB, 1536x2048, 1644530491387.jpg)

>Also I really don't get the narrative that top heavy WG art is "Oversaturated"

How can anyone in their right mind say that unironically? The amount of top heavy fatty wank I've seen has gone down dramatically since the move to twitter. Hell the increase in the old FoxFire/Toroboro style where the entire lower body is a blob while the tits/arms/face/belly (any combination or all) are thin has actually gained more traction as of late despite artists and people going "eww" before when other artists would do that.

Why is it so hard for these artists to admit that they're chasing normie twitter likes which usually falls under "OMG DUMP TRUCK ASS UNGA BUNGA" nowadays.
On the topic of oversaturated bottom heavy art, I never hear anyone talk about seatbeltdraws. His style is all over the place and too inconsistent.
The criticisms themselves are getting retarded. Did you even read >>100219 ? A preteen wrote it: just repeated the same point we discussed and went on some retarded spiel about the craft like artists have all good pieces. We all know the piece is shit, the comments are getting "put me in the screencap" tier.
On the one hand, I don't know who the fuck Happypal is and the word "debate" always signals that the other party started it. On the other, WG drives are just engagement farming so they're inherently stupid and top/belly is slowly falling to the wayside.
He's fine, though, if anything his style has been getting more consistent even in the past year.
>On the other, WG drives are just engagement farming so they're inherently stupid
I disagree. I think it's fine for artists to be in touch with their followers as long as it doesn't lead them down a of mistakes like Jeetdoh. Besides the only thing about WG drives that's "stupid", is how they're managed by most artists.
>You guys are aware that occasionally making a shitty drawing every now and then is part of being an artist, right?
Yes, and also being an artist is having the self-awareness to realize you made a bad drawing. No one's telling him to quit, just not to present garbage and expect people to like it.

I mean, it's not like there's much to say about him. He's just alright.
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This is one weight gain drive that was handled extremely well, it was done by AshenWolf55 earlier this year. What she did was only have one round that lasted a week, and after the week ended, she made a full sequence based on the results of that one round, which is why the gaining conditions only appear in the first part. This is how I wish every weight gain drive was handled, so artists can still provide something for all size preferences, while they keep the power to choose the weight for each part. No one misses out.
Do you guys think that spiking dooks food with cocaine might help him create better art?
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Honestly, if you're doing a drive, but you think that anything past immobile is "Too Fat", then you just shouldn't be doing a drive.

Funnily enough, I think those Marin drives that Anastafilia did were some of the better drives in recent memory. Idleminded's drives weren't bad either, though I'm simply not a huge fan of his artstyle. It's not even bad, I'm just not the biggest fan of combining animated characters with semi-realistic features. Also Pic related got a laugh out of me.
>Honestly, if you're doing a drive, but you think that anything past immobile is "Too Fat", then you just shouldn't be doing a drive.
There's artists who think USBBWs (600 pounds minimum) are too fat, not just immobiles or blobs. Drives should never end with fewer then 800 pounds, and artists who are willing to cut them off early or sway the additives to prevent those bigger sizes from happening shouldn't being holding drives to begin with. Pocharimochi is the most damning example after she moved away from bigger sizes.
Yeah I can confirm that SugarRoll is a petty piece of shit when it comes to fictional characters' ages. He blocked me when I called him out for his bullshit "Asuka Shikinami Langley is still a minor despite being 28 as of Evangelion 3.0 because she still looks 14 and age is just a number" logic.
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Can anyone give me the tl:dr with OhasiArt?

Their art started off strong with the pink haired girl being chubby but constantly teasing about her maybe or maybe not gaining weight. Then she became tan. Then a demon, then he started introducing a bunch of different OCs that look like garbage
He started drawing niggers and ruined it.
Utterly dogshit take, this is the reason most drives are a waste of time. Any decent sequence should go through a reasonable gradient before devolving into different shades of blob. It's still their faults for making poor estimates of their popularity/userbase, but I totally understand why some artists are frustrated when their drive jumps from stick to amorphous lump in an instant
You’re so fucking cool dude, so edgy
No, no. He's got a point
>>100416 Be yourself, bootylove. Gh & stop sucking
gomd, wh00re
Their art style has gotten worst a lot of lanky figures with noodle arms and legs and yeah this black chick he’s been drawing is trash compared to pink but considering the amount normies frothing over this new oc I don’t think anything is going to change. Dude peeked with that one weight gain sequence I don’t think we’re gunna get anything like that again
Shut the fuck up, faggot. It's because of people like you that we have to look at these fucking subhumans and all of this troon bullshit.
JIMBOOOOOOOO rip gone too soon
Also never in my life did I think there’d be a discussion about the doors in a bbw kink site but here we are and I’m here for it
Oh shit dude, I’m so sorry. You’re totally right. Calling black people subhumans isn’t just edgy bullshit. You’re so fucking cool my guy

I’m not really into black chicks either but implying that anyone who is is just a frothing normie is kinda shitty dude ngl
>>100467 Well I guess if you think I am cool I should take your word for it. As they say, immitation is the best form of flattery and I love to get my dick wet. If only you had a vagina though, then i'd be set for life.
sums up strangermoist's output. bro has cancelled so many promising drives, a lot of them paid, because they either lost interest and/or forgot.
also, unrelated: what's the scoop on debulover. bro has fascinated me for so long cuz he's a literal 30 yr old man screeching on twitter about star wars and anime n shit but also has enough money to purchase hundreds of saxxon comms encompassing numerous series collections, and having like half of them colored by vascaloid.
>It's still their faults for making poor estimates of their popularity/userbase, but I totally understand why some artists are frustrated when their drive jumps from stick to amorphous lump in an instant
That still doesn't grant them the excuse to cut off drives earlier then they originally planed. They should still commit to the whole thing, anything less is dishonest to their viewers.
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Now let's take her wig and contact lenses off, shall we?
Are there any traditional artists worth looking at?
You know the old say, "A fool and his parents money, are easily parted".
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Dat muhfighin bitch be stealin two basketballs nsheit
Are there any good traditional artists out there?Seems to be a lot of 5 second doodles and shitty scans
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Assuming you're looking for active artists and not ones who didn't disappear years ago:
One of the best artists out there. He's a boss at coloring and shading, he goes nuts with skindentation, and unlike most artists his backgrounds look like more than an afterthought.
>Chet Rippo
Great grasp on the fundamentals of drawing, but a lot of his art isn't fat/weight gain.
The weakest of the bunch, but his figures have a nice sense of weight to them. He's slowly getting better, I'm looking forward to seeing where he's at in a year's time.
He's also less advanced than the first two but he's still worth keeping an eye on, he's got potential and is gradually improving.
This guy abandoned that fat game he was making, crying shame. Also his twitter is fucking impossible to find if you don't follow him.
Hammy's probably one of the best artists up right now ngl
>>100676 BigHammy also posts quite a bit on this site. He even started that Nagatoro thread.
Magicstraw’s traditional catalog from right before he vanished from the face of the Earth is GOATed
This is unfortunately the case with a lot of Japanese artists in general; their names are almost impossible to remember, and even if you do, they're super hard to search for. I saw one artist on Pixiv who made great artwork, but their username was literally just "K".
Not really bitching, just a nitpick. How come there's rarely any dragon quest wg art? You'd think there would be more due to dq11 and its sucess, but no, it's still a treasure hunt to find some.
I absolutely love Dragon Quest and want to draw more art of it. Keep an eye out.
It hasn't stopped anyone before, but I would say it's DQ's hideous character design and brainless art direction.
Kill yourself and acquire taste, in that order.
The only people who can be forgiven for liking the ugly, bland mess that is Dragon Quest are Japanese schoolkids who don't know any better.
>akira toriyama
>bad character design and art direction
3/10, i responded but try not to be so obvious next time
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>really gross looking mullet
What is the worse hairstyle fad, the mullet or the half shaved head look females think looks good?

>has enough money to purchase hundreds of saxxon comms
How much does Saxxon charges to produce garbage, anyways?

Magic's art was really starting to deteriorate by the time the artist died abruptly. If the artist was a Jap, I'd think they ended up starting a family.

>You'd think dq 11 would increase it's popularity in america due to the sales
Not really; the kinda people within the WG community are almost all swayed by memes and peer pressure but that being said, even without being fueled by a meme or being Purse Owna or a shitty remake of Final Fantasy 7, DQXI still had a good uptick in art in comparison to previous entries.

We could've had a real boom had Squeenix not have butchered the offline version of DQX.

Lies make Baby Jesus cry!

Fuck, didn't know Witch Valencia could turn people into pastries before this pushed me into putting more effort into looking. I wonder if Toriyama made her while he was trying to figure out a new Android for Dragonball.
How stupid do you have to be to shit on Dragon Quest's character design? I'd say the modern Final Fantasy games are WAY worse, but of course the more popular series in untouchable
You sir have SHITE taste, my man. How can you look at toriyama's work and go "yeah, looks like shit"?
Honestly, outside of final fantasy xv, I couldn't be bothered to remember any good modern designs from final fantasy, not to mention the storylines keep getting worser.
Funny how there's a shitload of dragonball wg art but almost the opposite for dq despite both being designed by toriyama.
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>Funny how there's a shitload of dragonball wg art but almost the opposite for dq despite both being designed by toriyama.
Because they're in completely different leagues in terms of popularity. DB is a shonen juggernaut with large fanbases among multiple ethnicities.
Also, attaching a renowned author's contribution into a franchise is not a guarantee of success. No one reads J.K Rowling's new books despite HP being the world's most successful book series on many metrics.
> I'd say the modern Final Fantasy games are WAY worse
This, have COMPLETELY lost interest in FF after going through most of X.

Squeenix unfortunately credited the wrong persons art style for the earlier games successes, most people don't remember the portraits as a representation for the characters as much as the persons responsible for combat and overworld sprites.
Sadly we'll likely see art style "updates" for every single FF at this rate, it's already been done to almost half of 1-9.

>not to mention the storylines keep getting worser.
That shit also doesn't help.
Nothing will match the disappointment of looking up a character just to see that they have next to no fat art. Ig if u want some things done u gotta do it urself
(958 KB, 1045x1210, 57708798_p0.jpg)
I'd sooner throw Xeno and Star Ocean under the bus than Hot Topic and genderswapped Cloud Final Fantasy. I wonder had Squeenix not ran off all their talent, would gothic shotacon Nomura and worse Toriyama have gotten as high up in the company as they have.

The greatest crime that was ever committed is no one making a mod to replace the main guy in FFXV with Edgar Allen Poe.

It's easier and cheaper to watch anime and read manga.

If Squeenix hadn't been sabotaging DQ for the past decade, we might've been able to gain a good footing and attracted enough people to get a stable production of fat art but no, instead we get worse versions of games, butchered translations, years of droughts, and constantly fucked with.

I don't even think they put the first 6 games up on Steam.

>Sadly we'll likely see art style "updates" for every single FF at this rate, it's already been done to almost half of 1-9
It's hilarious how DQ jumped to using Octopath Traveler's shit while FF fucks up its sprites and tries to go bankrupt again with shit like FFVII remake.

When that's practically every character you're interested in, you get used to it.
>If Squeenix hadn't been sabotaging DQ for the past decade, we might've been able to gain a good footing and attracted enough people to get a stable production of fat art
As much as I'd like to see more fat art of DQ women, it's lack of popularity outside of Japan hurts it quite a lot.
I wouldn't mind subbing to Fapolantern's patreon but I'm worried he'll DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING sooner or later.
>FFANumber5 holds a poll to see which duo of characters she would do a weight gain drive for, only to later create an OC of herself as a pig and does a weight gain drive on that instead of the winning duo.
She's such a shitty person.
It's popular in Europe which I imagine was why Nintendo was publishing it in the west until DQXI.

Her fans deserve far worse from that walking bag of garbage.
Nice art you guys got here
>Her fans deserve far worse from that walking bag of garbage.
Because they still follow her after what she did, right? Or is it for some other reason?
>after what she did
I'm referring to that whole thing with her boyfriend back then, even though the pig self insert nonsense sucks too.
I'm referring to having been one of the major players who started the attack on any fat art of anything under 18. Anyone who starts that big of a shit circus on a whim, isn't someone anyone should want sticking around because they're liable to start some other bullshit.
Right, I forgot she was one of them. Been hearing more about that bashing of under 18 art again recently. ...If you're who I think you are, message me on either DeviantArt or Patreon. There's more I wish to know.
And the OC self insert looks hideous as shit too
Why does bbwalt oppose a burp only thread? I don't want to see sweaty fucking ugly ass farting bitches alongside burp content.

This board put the kibosh on mine when I tried to make one months ago.

So many pics on here have burps but no burp thread, go to slob. That garbage can of content make me nauseated. I can't enjoy the meager helpings of burp pics it gives.
>Why does bbwalt oppose a burp only thread? I don't want to see sweaty fucking ugly ass farting bitches alongside burp content.
>This board put the kibosh on mine when I tried to make one months ago.
Oh, it's you again. We've been over this. A burp only thread would be redundant on the /alt/ because of it being under slob which already has a thread over there as you mentioned.
>So many pics on here have burps but no burp thread, go to slob.
Mod has been getting better about putting burps under spoilers here when they get reported, however a dedicated thread for them here is not allowed due to it being slob.
>That garbage can of content make me nauseated. I can't enjoy the meager helpings of burp pics it gives.
I don't understand how you think burps are fine. The gassy ones are just as bad as farts imo.
Burps being slob is subjective. What if a girl burps because she ate a lot?

Slob is painting a broad brush in regard to the way this forum defines it.

Depends on how it's drawn. Text burps exist. Plus, farts are related to scat and the two can go together.
>Mod has been getting better about putting burps under spoilers here when they get reported, however a dedicated thread for them here is not allowed due to it being slob.
You are absolutely fucking retarded, what kind of schizo extremist opinion is this? I thought that anon was exaggerating or leaving out details at first, but are *burps* genuinely being enforced as slob content?
this guy is probably the spaz that reports all of them in the first place. i would imagine the burping, etc images get left up because the mods don't actually care and they just put them under spoilers hoping this retard will shut up about it.
that guy you responded to*
Anybody know what the deal is with negative din on twitter, he privated and I didn't see a reason why, fucking sucks I can't see shit now
I do nothing of the sort.

I like when people post burp pics here.
>I don't understand how you think burps are fine. The gassy ones are just as bad as farts imo.
No one gives a shit what your braindead opinion is. The vast majority of people who like burps are not into full-on slob. That is simply a fact. Even as someone who likes both it is plain as day that it is stupid to lump them together.
>You are absolutely fucking retarded, what kind of schizo extremist opinion is this?
It's fact that a burping thread was here at one point, and was deleted.
>Burps being slob is subjective.
No it's not. Burping gets caught in the air, exactly like how a fart does. They come from different parts of the body, and one smells worse then the other, but they're both the same otherwise.
>The vast majority of people who like burps are not into full-on slob.
There's an even bigger majority who likes neither.
I say he should go ahead, I can understand being on the light side of something while everyone else that's running the thread are by far the most degenerate fucks on the spectrum.

It also helps that it'd help push off the threads that aren't supposed to be there.

A simple burp isn't slob but just unloading them or making the burp be a cloud of green gas, pushes it into Slob.
You're entitled to your own personal standards of eroticism, but it's grossly disingenuous and/or embarrassingly ignorant to claim that more than a miniscule fraction of people think like you. I guess I could understand being uncomfortable with like, depicting burps as giant green clouds, but that's a niche within a niche, and even STILL I'm sure there's a firm divide between people who can get off to that but not farts vs full-on slobfags. Burps are a common, arguably vanilla staple of fat fetishizing
>There's an even bigger majority who likes neither

what am I supposed to manbaby at here?
Severa would never support that trash.
what do you guys think about Gaining Perspective by Drblackjack and Lazorchef?
(17 KB, 500x317, ironic.jpg)
You should not downplay your complains.

To be honest, he is pitiful. Imagine having a split identity, dirigate a discord full of clowns, simultaneously trying to please twatterfags and twattertroons, tiptoeing around the holy nigger cow of America del Norte in a country that has less than 5% of black population AND still think he is somehow above every single other artist in the fat community.

It's beyond pathetic. Even the most deadbeat autist who draws fat chicks in mspaint is at least an order of magnitude more dignified than him, better than him, more complete than him, not trying to please others for the sake of frail vanity, but rather genuinely enjoying the thing he is doing.
We already know the dude's a nutcase who can't come to terms with himself, we've been over this in some of the earlier manbaby threads. To be frank, the fact that you're even using this profile change as a manbaby talking point is a win for him: he gets to show support and dunk on le ebul alt-right imageboard trolls who like the art he's ashamed of and who hate transsexuals without doing much at all.
Heh heh, you are a fun one.
He can make no use of nothing, can he?
It doesn't matter if he can or cannot either. What those "people" think also does not matter. Placing little care in such things is the only reasonable decision to make. They would believe in things that they do, doing what they did and so on. However, being blind of evil is also not an option, because for being blind to it, you'll end up just like them.
The fact that he feels that urge to have a high moral ground obviously indicates the inherent weaknesses of his position.
>He hates what someone else loves? Good. Let him plunge into the crisis even more.
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This is so much fun, for it is so absurd.
>imagine trying to reassure yourself that what you do is right by making a foe in his own image
>imagine fighting thoss windmills tirelessly, doing so day by day
>imagine lumping all the people who lurk on the imageboards under to resemble what you think of them, with it ultimately reflecting no one else but you
>just imagine
No wonder why he's so... so bambood all the time.
I can't believe they're still supporting BLM after it's obvious enough to even Commiefornia that it's a scam organization.

Wait...**Carlos was in Droog?"
It should also apply to Fire Emblems and RWBY, how the fuck did that subpar shit clicked among chubby chasers? Is this place really the rock bottom of the internet?
gdi Twitter keeps on further limiting functionality and visibility if you're not logged in. I'm going to have to make an account to follow people there aren't I?
There's alternatives like nitter (but the fucking thing works whenever it feels like) you can find what you've missing out at DeviantArt or Tumblr through art thieves.
Because most people in the WG community are tasteless.

>Fire Emblem
Waifu Emblem hit and Nintendo can't bring themselves to move away from it.

It got memed into popularity from its early fight animation work and then shippers took hold.

>the fucking thing works whenever it feels like
Switch to a different instance when one's having a bad day.
Part of me feels that this is a fundamentally crass fetish in that we're getting off to an excess of female flesh. It's almost too much of a good thing.
It's not a surprise that a crass fetish attracts tasteless people.
>>101273 By "tasteless people" do you mean stupid and evil?
No, just people who think that One Piece, Fairy Tale, and other shounen-shit, character designs look good.
Or the people below even them who masturbate exclusively to Nintendo characters.
Then what are some that each of you like then instead of only bitching about what you think is bad taste?
>"Stop liking things I don't like!"

Cope and Seethe anon.
I feel like the digital art space for not just WG content, but all forms of digital art would be so much better if the artists actually used art websites as their main form of posting. Even if they have to post to 2 or 3 sites, it's still a lot better than the current days of twitter and the previous days of tumblr where everything is buried under reblogs/retweets, random sporadic thoughts and political opinions and the horrific abominations that are reaction memes. Plus, with art websites, most people feel compelled to post their completed works instead of hundreds of rough sketches and reposts.
I highly agree. I've noticed that while keeping to Deviantart and a couple of hentai sites leads to me missing a few great artists, it also leads to me missing any artist drama or bullshit political opinions.
Checking out threads on here is the only sense I have of fattywankers as a "community",so I have only the vaguest idea why most of these creators piss people off, and I can tell I'm not missing much by failing to pursue the issue.
I vouch for pre-Awakening Fire Emblem before the self insert shit started.
At least its not Pokemon.
Is it really surprising though? Like yeah, it's kinda pathetic, but we've known he's a gigantic asshole with a fabergé ego for ages now. The fact you even give this guy the time of day to begin with is baffling.

>What those "people" think also does not matter.
Then why do you care?

>because for being blind to it, you'll end up just like them.
And now you're just projecting.
He says it's an LGBT ally, so he might just say "trans rights" every once a blue, like with BLM.
It doesn't matter. Why? Because we have a separate discussion, or at least some sort of such here, and the anon whom I replied to cared enough to inform me that they will care. As you see, I cared for his reply, but not for them.
>you're just projecting
Okay, now I will said trans women are wo(men), blm acab, etc. and given the chance will join the grooming cult of sorts. Because it's right thing to do, it's not evil and purely rational and reasonable in any single way.
I have keks everytime those twatterbros start repeating those words like some mantra of sorts, only not be excommunicated by their peers.
Trannies are starting to go out the window; if anything it'll be reproductive rights.
Yeah, trannies aren't trending anymore. Abort is the new word of the month lmfao
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Being a fatfag does not make you a hypocrite for finding other fetishes such as inflation, blueberries, pregnancy, or vore disgusting and I'm tired of pretending that it does.
I used to find pregnancy art fucking weird until the wife got pregnant. Now it's on par with fats and weight gain for me, but in a more wholesome way. The good pregnant art touches the heart and not the penis. It's something that feels extremely vanilla despite being a bit out there.
Can't stand inflation or blueberries though.
It 100% does, what the fuck are you on about?

And don't pull the "Oh but fat is natural so it's not weird like those ones".

So is pregnancy, stop being a bitch baby.


Mentally stunted manchildren are the only ones who could come up with something as cringe worthy as "Nintoddlers" as an insult.
I wouldn't call those fetishes "disgusting" like the other anon (people can like what they like or whatever), but I think it's completely fair to be into fat people and find other forms of expansion unappealing. Fucking massive difference between "cute chubby girl" and "big blue FRUITY girl leaking JUICE out of her nipples" or "she ATE her friend WHOLE in a SINGLE BITE and her stomach is STRETCHING LIKE RUBBER."
I really do think shit being physically possible makes it less conceptually degenerate. When you get into berry, inflation, vore, and immobile/blob/"her limbs no longer look connected to bones" content, you kinda have to realize that you're a niche audience within a niche audience and even people into more general fats/expansion might find your preferences repulsive.
I don't even find those other ones disgusting, just stupid. I hate when fat art gets lumped together with inflation or berry shit
Based, Nintendo games are childish as fuck. I don't get how anyone can still play them as a grownup. But even as a child, I didn't get them.
Inflation is especially retarded. Just like the blueberry is. Sphereshit disgusts me, it's beyond lazy and unimaginative.
Seethe, Nintoddler.
Oh, and I do hate when the girls get bigger, they somehow grow taller. So they get those ogre proportions. There are many artists who are faulty of this.
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For me it's just a case of finding the character designs if not simply unappealing (which is the case for One Piece, I just find them brash and ugly, especially if an artist is copying how Oda), then at the very least a bit unsuited for fap material. I can't really get into masturbating to something that is very clearly made to entertain schoolkids, not in any holy-than-thou moral way, but simply because it feels awkward. I can't really get off to characters that are too blatantly "cartoony." I don't have the same problem with other series that are also aimed at younger audiences but have less "shounen" flavoured character design, i.e. Jujutsu Kaisen.
As for what I liked to see as far as fats go, my taste runs rather plain as far as anime goes. I like one-off OCs like woot's and think that most gacha games throw enough moe at a wall for them to end up with some decent designs that I can wack it to. Fate/GO and Helltaker are probably my favorites as far as games go. I also must admit I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that last line, because I won't go past a nice Pokegirl or FE character.
I've also commissioned art of OCs.
>I also must admit I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that last line, because I won't go past a nice Pokegirl or FE character.
At least you admit to it.
>"Oh but fat is natural so it's not weird like those ones". So is pregnancy
You know what you can do with fat that you can't do with pregnancy though? Fondle, squeeze, and bury your face in it. I dislike pregnancy because of how you can't do anything fun with it and how it fetishizes an unborn being.
I only like fat belly. I dont care about big belly if it is a pregnant one, stuffed, etc. Its only should be fat for me. Same for a "bbw" girls with a huge hips/boobs but with a thin belly, it is a different fetish.
>I only like fat belly. I dont care about big belly if it is a pregnant one, stuffed, etc. Its only should be fat for me.
Female One Piece character designs got really garrish and exaggerated over the years but they started out fairly modest and grounded, you can't really trash talk it and then say you like OCs lol
imagine being so high on your own shit that you think you can call something that people are attracted to retarded, lazy and unimaginative. You don't have to like it, I don't either, but jesus just let other people like what they like
Who's stopping them? You act as if complaining on the internet will stop them from liking things forever.This thread is all about lambasting what you dislike, hence "Manbaby Thread"
I gotta be honest, I hate new trends more because they're becoming rehashes of old trends. The clown waifu/clussy saga came and went years ago on /v/ and now it came back because it hit Twitter. As such, we have all these artists bitching and moaning about how they're "tired" of anime characters but now they're suddenly going "man I NEED clussy" because an Ace Attorney character (anime-stylized game btw) was a literal circus clown as her part in the story.
Tell me you don't know how pregnant bellies work without telling me.

>Fetishizes an unborn being

What the fuck are you on?
>can’t do anything fun with it
>fetishizes an unborn being
You’re not supposed to be turned on by the fetus itself? You’re supposed to be turned on by the fertility of your woman and the fact that you’ve managed to continue your lineage
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Oppai loli combined with the insanely pure characters that the Japanese tend to make their 6yr olds, when done right and well, can be such a potent form of cuteness that it doesn't take much to overdose.

>imagine being so high on your own shit that you think you can call something that people are attracted to retarded, lazy and unimaginative
While I can't really speak for inflation, he nailed blueberryfags. Almost everything they create is just a recreation of the same scenes from the movies.
>You’re not supposed to be turned on by the fetus itself?
>You’re supposed to be turned on by the fertility of your woman and the fact that you’ve managed to continue your lineage
I don't get the appeal. I'll just stick to soft fat female bellies that don't have anything like pregnancy, vore, or non fat stuffing going on.
Ok, just don’t act like it’s so incomprehensible that people like the other aspects of pregnancy, or the more round and firm shape of the belly compared to a bunch of sagging fat
Except I'm not acting, I really don't get it. What you're describing sounds like you'd get turned on by rubbing a watermelon or anything else that's firm and round. That's just weird.
>well my last 261 reports didn't get the other 6 threads deleted but maybe if i just report this one 4 more times
Are you actually autistic? I'm asking this genuinely. I need to know what sort of disability causes someone to act like this. Just hide the fucking thread, it's not hard.
You're still dealing with that person? Isn't there a way to permaban them? BTW, thanks for the assistance with some of the threads trying to pop up this week. Someone from the /alt/ board hasn't been happy lately.
"Firm SHAPE", pregnant bellies aren't solid like watermelons.

They're squishy.
What would make a pregnant belly squishy if there's no fat involved? Is it the baby that's inside? It's pretty obvious that I've never felt a pregnant belly before, so enlighten me.
>265 reports
how can one man be such a fucking sped(yes I said man, you will never be a woman, reportspamming faggot)
>you can't really trash talk it and then say you like OCs lol
I definitely can when artists are making attractive characters than "pros" like Oda.
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I honestly think that One Piece girls would like fine if their torsos weren’t so...weird? Like, I think if you just look from the breasts and up it looks okay, but everything below just doesn't look right. I get that anime and One Piece especially is not meant to be realistic, but I would prefer if the women weren’t just Xs with boobs at the top. Oh shoot, I just remembered what thread we're in. Uhhhh, Jeet should of never came back.
Don't fap on megumin she's under 18. Same for Madoka girls! And and even kill la kill!
the characters aren't real and never will be real
so fucking tiresome
generally agree with ya, although there's some banger OP fetish stuff out there (not a fan of the series so I don't hold those characters in super high regard)
also good taste with those pics, 1,3 and 4 especially
I enjoy both fats and inflation (latter more so) so it's always fun when my brothers start fighting over, essentially, the same shit
it's just a different form of curve, lads
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Va va voom, maybe reverse Hartman Hips.

Raven from Teen Titans is 14 until Trigon arrives.

>it's just a different form of curve, lads
Dude, that's like comparing apples and oranges; they have relatively the same shape but they're absolutely nothing alike.
>Raven from Teen Titans is 14 until Trigon arrives.
yeah.... what a shame not that anon. Shit Velma and Daphne are like 15/16 it's crazy out here
Scooby Doo is kind of a chaotic mess that's jumping around them being in high school, to them being in college, and then you have Zombie Island where they're out of school and with jobs. Just choose what time appeals to you.

The real losers are the robosexuals.
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Oda delivers (or rather delivered) great designs and fan art can fix the wonky proportions.
I just find OCs to be either bland or over designed but each to their own I suppose

Surprised this community will still get into these genuine arguements on Twitter when there's characters like Yoko Littner or any Pokemon protag
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Inflation should be a separate fetish, really.
It's so obvious that explaining it sounds more like a chore. Being inflated is simply not equal to being fat. In the first case, the body is expanded by external forces, while with the latter its internal metabolic processes that make the adipose deposits.
Agreed, inflation and blueberryfags have no place in fat community. It baffles me that expansionfags don't get the talk so often, because they are the only ones who imply the bodily growth and are compatible to the degree with fat fetish.
Her face looks like the mask of Agamemnon.
Cartoonists are just cranky because companies have legal departments that sic lawyers on them for ruining the brand. Since fan art is illegal to begin with, a lot of fetish artists have no leg to stand on. Many of them are not as imaginative as the other indie artists that opt to make their own stuff to challenge DC and Marvel
nah yeah, the two are ultimately separate and should be acknowledged as such
but people who aren't into it won't give a fuck, I remember the old mangapunksai deviantart drama and how she mixed the two up

fast forward seventeen years and that's all DA is good for lmao, even with their sudden and hesitant embracing of fetish art for their patreon-lite service

>fan art is illegal to begin with
parody laws say hi anon
You're an artist? Which sites do you usually post on and what's your name there?
I'd be stupid to reveal my identity. Ignore my ID is different I'm on different wifi.
link 5 good artists with yourself among them. We won't know which one you are and we get extra fap material
Everything is a parody now though. Even Thor is a parody. The last non parody I saw was Top Gun Maverick
I'm a z-lister so I'd stick out. On top of that youd notice who I am after one of the following names posts a Dragon Quest piece. All you'll get out of me is that I'm not an artist who's outspoken about their politics.
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What a fucking faggot. “Oh, you’re interested in my art? Too bad. You don’t want to follow my specific guidelines, so you don’t get to see shit. Go fuck yourself!”
>>101712 I understand why artists put 18+ in their bio but people shouldn't have to give out personal information. That's one of the major rules of internet safety.

Also, thank archival sites as a counter-action.
not good enough. if you draw porn you must have your followers dm you their photo id and proof of insurance or you're a pedophile
People lie about their age on the Internet all the time
(613 KB, 971x2274, Call the Wambulance.jpg)
I'm feeling sad and I don't have enough money, so this is where you come in– Send $$$ to my ko-fi please, and thank you.
I have nothing again supporting a good artist. But I don't know anything about this dude.
I don't get who's actually following this nutcase. After the "underage drawing police account" thing I went to actually check this person's art and it's not good. It's not even like a "heh I'm gonna dunk on this artist by calling their art Not Good" but it's that incredibly simplistic style that all the stagnant and/or clout-chasing artists have as a built-in excuse to not learn anything about art past a certain point. Don't even pay attention to whoever this artist is, not worth the time or energy to post about their most recent spergout.
I'd love to support you but I get the feeling you wouldn't even want my money, considering I'm blocked on your Twitter.
I just don't understand it. Interacting with kids in any sort of sexual context is kinda fucked, but it's not really interaction - it's just high schoolers wanting to look at porn. You looked at this shit before you turned 18 too, right? Let them have their porn.
Had to see for myself and yeah you're right. Their art is far from bad but also doesn't have any real distinction to it. It's like the fattywank equivalent of some middling pulp comic
Is this an ironic post?
What fucking artist, especially a jackass one, comes to bbwchan of all places to beg for money?
Anon, did you not read the filename? It's obviously ironic.
mobileposting, couldn't read
I would maybe understand it if it were those accounts that have Friday Night Funkin' porn on all their profile pictures and banners, but then they literally say that they are 14 in their bio. But this is simply people choosing not to give any information at all. It's worrying how much more common it is for artists to look through all their followers details and even post private DMs on a whim. Scary stuff.
Call the Wambulance it says, and I was able to see it as a mobileposter. You have to view it in desktop mode.
well I've seen it now and wasn't doubting you
Mr Man seriously joined anti-loli?
I haven't seen anything supporting that claim, and it would be majorly hypocritical too given he's actually drawn fat lolis.
When have Twittards ever worried about coming off as hypocritical?
At first I genuinely didn't understand why fetish artists would put politics on their timeline, like, can't they just keep that stuff to their personal accounts? But then that's when I realised that of course they wouldn't do that, because then they wouldn't get attention. It's genuinely sad that people use the small amount of fame they get from being a fetish artist to spew their political hot takes into people's faces. And they wonder why they're not any more popular. There is a reason why you don't see too many non-english speaking artists flooding their timeline with "This country is fucked 😠😠😠".
I stopped following politics over the summer. I think Twitter artists have themselves to blame for voting Uncle Joe who yearns for the days of segregation.
did it myself back in high school, of course that was back when people weren't EVER this stuck up over the age of anonymous internet people
fnf fans are almost all minors yet the characters themselves are at least 18 according to what official info is available
it's a shame because it's the first newgrounds hit in years but it's been taken over by insufferable children
ironically, the only time I've seen any of my fav Jap artists talk a lot about politics was congratulating Ken Akamatsu on getting elected lmao
but for western artists, it's just sad seeing their TL filled with nothing but political bullshit clickpieces and never any art, pressurizedpleasure is a perfect example, you'd never know they were an artist taking a glance at their TL
He posts this shit almost every fucking month, I’m pretty sure people (especially those who follow him) got the message
I don't know how that's surprising to you when there's been about a dozen who have done it so far, like Jeet or if you want a really big one, Arkveveen

I know they have their own selves at fault for Brandon and his crushing inflation and food shortages fueled by his intentional destruction of the oil industry but that's beside the point, you shouldn't totally drop politics because you'll miss the Hawaiians lose a war against feral chickens and topple the Aussies long reign.

The Democrats were already pushing hard for segregation long before he got into office.
But bro le southern strategy, dems aren’t racist anymore!
All le bad racists became republicans like Strom Thurmond, Strom Thurmond, and Strom Thurmond!
>>101808 How fucking stupid do Americans have to be to think that all (or most) of the racists politicians woke up one day and decided "Hey fellas, let's all go to the Republican side. That way we can be united and racist-strong!"
I'm not a burger, but I find it funny that the democratic push for le black inclusivity will effectively recreate segregation. Oh, and think of banning the interracial marriage. Clownworld will rationalize this by stating that black people are sexually marginalized etc. Or whatever the bullshit they will come up with.
Das rite, prussian education system. Reliable workforce and militarymen are needed.
But you education is bad, no doubt. Protestanism and secular education don't go well.
>At first I genuinely didn't understand why fetish artists would put politics on their timeline, like, can't they just keep that stuff to their personal accounts?
Social Media in general actively encourages using any kind of clout you have and stand on it as your personal soapbox. Hell, you don't even need THAT, it's like retards literally can't help themselves but shove unrelated politics anywhere they go, regardless of the topic at hand.

Case in point.
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>Art unrelated.

I don't care about artists opinions. The only one I know about is xmasterdavid trying to go into NFTs, which he backpedalled on almost immediately when he realized no one was gonna pay Ethereum for a fat pic of Elsa already on kemono.party. If an artist says something you don't like, just pirate their artwork. You were gonna do it anyway.

I like the magmaman comics but the quality for Patreon cost has dropped massively recently. I'm all for him adapting other people's stories into comic form, but the "plot changes" seem to just derail the comic to the point he's forced to just hiatus them. Moving Back Home could still be going but nope, changed the plot, threw a self-insert boyfriend in there, and oh no, wrote into a corner. Pounds and Pastries was going great and then, haitus - because everyone wanted to see the redhead get fat instead. Alright, do a "munchies" adaptation from the old dimensionsmagazine days, and make the munchies look like demented monkeys ripped from Sekiro. If I wanted to pay for a comic where the art stopped just as the woman started getting at the fatness I like, I would just pay Kip. As someone pointed out in the last thread, magmaman has commissioned comics for other artists he could work on.

The edit thread and the free commissions threads need to be merged. People don't seem to understand how fattening up official artwork would essentially need to redraw the artwork.

Axel-Rosered's problem is he only ever wants to draw what he wants to draw. His art is fine but I'd really like to see something other than the same two templates from an art pack that was wildly overpriced.

A shoutout to the archivers who save lost and deleted content. No bitching here, you're good people.

I don't really have a problem with MetalForever, Betterwithsalt, or RounderSofter. They're all competent artists who give people what they want and want to pay for. I would like it if the one guy didn't insist on commissioning so much Lucy but that's not the artist's fault.

Saxxon sucks. A comic where it has blocks of Consolas - a horrible font for a comic - and then just a white background with lines and "yeah its a fat face bro trust me". You wouldn't know where the face was if the food wasn't spewing all around it. It's not to my taste, but even if it was, the art isn't all that great.

Kipteitei wants to quit OCs and just start adapting stories like magmaman. And not filling out the blanks in the story and pacing it one pound a year weight gain style. Actual fetish story pacing. I don't know why I even bothered posing the idea, Kip's too proud and mighty to give a shit about anything they didn't come up with themselves. But for God's sake, Kip, if you see this - work on your pacing. Makes glacial look light speed. You're not making high art that comic book stores would sell so why bother with the story, literally no one gives a fuck post-climax.

AloysiusEroticArt is as bad as Saxxon. I saw in an old manbaby thread that someone said his characters look like they're made out of gum and it's spot on. There's a weight gain sequence on his DeviantArt that looks like a different woman each stage, legit.

Someone needs to hack Robot001's DeviantArt and delete all their work. They are a parody of parody fat art. Just burn it all down.

I don't like TubbyToon's art. It's just not good. Feel free to reply with a good example if you can find one.

Just taking this time if you got this far to remind everyone of the other boards, such as BBWAlt for the alternative (slob) art, INF for balloons and inflation, and ELite for the WG stories specific parts. I'm sure you all know but there's usually one jannie that doesn't.

BBWChan is on the Wayback Machine, and enough of it is there you can find old and lost art threads very easily. Might take a while stabbing at the dartboard before you hit the right date, but if it was worth it, it's all there.

Zanki Zero is the same guy who worked on Danganronpa, with an actual fat girl as part of the main cast, and the community has somehow never jumped on it? The game is weird but so is Danganronpa. Seems like a home run for the people on that thread.

Also, why is none of the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs art any good? You'd have thought even Axel would've had a stab at a pinup by now. Movie's been out longer than Robot001 has been failing to make fap art.

Final thought, could someone on the site change the UI so that "name" and "subject" are more relevant to Username and Subject of Thread, because I'm sick of having to find a thread to realize I'm actually looking for "you all saw the nintendo direct" R: 58 I: 241
The Love Hina guy ran on the conservative ticket in Japan and won by campaigning. Fetish Artists operate out of fear that conservatives are taking away their stuff
I'm so fucking sick off all the faggot shit taking over this fetish.
can you learn to compartmentalize better so I can actually make an attempt at reading this wall of text you babbling freak
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I skimmed
Axel's art is trash if you're not looking for inflation.

>free commissions threads
Request threads; if there's no form of pay being given, it can't be a commission.

>I don't really have a problem with MetalForever, Betterwithsalt, or RounderSofter. They're all competent artists
Metal is worse than Axel, everything looks like inflation except when it's a blob and even then he can't figure out how to draw a fat leg after all the years he's been cranking pics out, and he also can't figure out how to give more dimension to his faces and clothing.

>why is none of the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs art any good
Because the movies weren't any good.

>Zanki Zero is the same guy who worked on Danganronpa, with an actual fat girl as part of the main cast, and the community has somehow never jumped on it
People don't care for everything a dev puts out.
Cucamonga! Cheesy fettucini alfredo night
>>101896 South American wetback latinos? Or just niggers?
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I have never met more repugnant people than faggots or trannies (which are mostly the same thing). It is impossible to for tranny to be mentally sound, because the always have a laundry list of other mental illnesses besides their primary one, with it being trans.
They are attention addicted sexual deviants who's pornography obsession spiralled into degeneracy.
A trans "woman" will never think, feel or behave like a woman. It is an abhorrent simulacre, a disgusting homunculus of flesh made to resemble the form of a woman, but failed miserably.
A trans "woman" can only crudely imitate the nature.
They cannot simply BE female, as all the females are. They are bitter, broken people who should never have a talk with other person until they fix their innate deviancy. They are cuckoos and they will never, ever pass.
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Based, but I was just talking about otherwise ordinary artists (on twitter of course) being slowly coaxed into drawing fat dudes on their main account. There used to be the solid divide between straight and gay fanart, I much prefer the days of yore when artists didn't cross the streams.
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Yeah I loved Magic's stuff, I wonder what happened to him? Hopefully he's doing well.

>Someone needs to hack Robot001's DeviantArt and delete all their work
Robot's been on the site for over 14 years but hasn't improved from his ugly-ass style at all. Even Chris-chan has more visible improvement in his art.

Trannies are the most selfish, vile creatures I've ever seen and the fact that this dumbass "special gender" cult bullshit is being pushed on the youth so easily shows a failure of our species. Their dumbassery would be brushed off by any slightly sane person, but for some reason they seem to be a black hole of logic.
I don't like Kipteitei and it's rare that they ever produce an art that isn't a beach ball belly, their art can't even be considered fat art if it's only a bloated belly.
Also artists who disclose it in their bio that no minor can follow them is an absolute dumbass, don't interact with them that's all but anyone with 2 brain cells can lie about their age you absolute fuckwit.
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I really do wish this alphabet shit would hurry up and fuck off out of the mainstream. I swear to God I hated faggots less in like 2005 than I do now
I like how you single out "on Twitter" when I swear every single website has gotten more bi or bi-curious over the years. I think it's just one of the inevitable results of the community's growth coinciding with how internet culture has changed, when it was just a bunch of edgy weebs in the 2000's nobody dared to draw males because they'd get lynched, but it's hard to have all those fatties on the internet without kids and the like noticing even if they only lurked so the next generation was always being primed up.

So now our community's larger than ever and at the perfect time for people to start experimenting more with sexuality and shit, you could say it's rather poor luck if you want. I also notice there's actually a lot more women in the community too so it's not just a fag thing either. Back in the good old days anyone that said they were a woman was just a horny roleplayer like Jellobuns fuckin' was and you'd always get a controversy every year or so when their true gender was revealed.

The willingness to experiment is probably what's also resulting in artists with several kinks showing up as well, like all the Transformation/Slapstick art, Slob of many kinds and way more Health Issue kink stuff than there used to be. Hell thanks to Axel there's basically Diaper stuff on the mainstream now.
If you're a total deviant it's probably a better time than ever honestly.

I think they are actually aware of that, it's just to cover their bases so if anyone actually manages to successfully lie about their age and call them out later on they have something to fall back on to say they never wanted that kind of audience.
who gives a shit about lgbtq+ people? if you're not an idiot who thinks they're all pedophiles and if you're not a nazi who believes they're communist jewish degeneracy that will destroy society then why devote so much attention to them?
Okay Nintoddler

>The edit thread and the free commissions threads need to be merged. People don't seem to understand how fattening up official artwork would essentially need to redraw the artwork.
No, they don't need to be merged. The two-thread setup has worked fine so far and this board isn't suffering from having one less "fat-of-shes from this one incredibly-specific show/game/franchise" thread.
>it's just to cover their bases so if anyone actually manages to successfully lie about their age and call them out later on they have something to fall back on to say they never wanted that kind of audience.
yep, this is the answer. there are a few loud voices crying against minors seeing porn on the internet and everyone else just follows along because the realistic position that there's no reasonable way to limit minor's ability to access porn without putting undue restraints on adult users makes you sound either lazy/morally negligent or supportive of children viewing porn. Plus the first generation of children who found porn on the internet long ago grew up into mature adults and there were no serious ill effects.

You can't really stop kids from viewing porn without implementing some draconian ID checks which would destroy internet anonymity and cause lots of artists to stop producing content for fear of having their sexuality found out/being prosecuted by conservative regimes. Even if major sites implemented ID checks other sites would continue to host porn and what would governments be able to do? force all websites hosting images, video, or text to have a comprehensive ID admittance system? no smaller sites would be able to exist as they wouldn't have the resources to implement it and it'd be massively expensive/hard to create/organise across hundreds of countries.
Someone has to be really desperate to have a boner on his stuff.
They get much more mainstream attention than is warranted. It's a fad that's reaching braindead levels.It reminds me of Disco.
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>A trans "woman" will never think, feel or behave like a woman
Honestly, if it wasn't for the insanity, that would be the only positive for the most part.

Not the rampant yuri but with western butch characters?

>I wonder what happened to him
He overdosed and suicided from the burnout his production caused. Probably out there being a family man.

>Robot's been on the site for over 14 years but hasn't improved from his ugly-ass style at all
It's not a style, it's a lack of skill!!

>Cowboy Bebop pic
Pretty sure those are just cross dressers.

The hard times are gonna murder it in cold blood.

>So now our community's larger than ever and at the perfect time for people to start experimenting more with sexuality and shit
Why in the hell would the size of a group have anything to do with artists turning gay, let alone take 30-40 years of a constant changing of artists.

>The willingness to experiment is probably what's also resulting in artists with several kinks showing up
That's just degeneracy.

The real reason is because they're all either weak willed and try to be apart of whatever seems popular or they see it as untapped capital.

>there are a few loud voices crying against minors seeing porn on the internet
No, I think almost everyone can find themselves in support of that but if their parents can't be damned to act like actual parents and monitor their internet activity; why should it be on me to tip toe around.

>Plus the first generation of children who found porn on the internet long ago grew up into mature adults and there were no serious ill effects
Pic related, how can you look at us Millenials and say that with a straight face.

>have a boner on his stuff
What, you have a deli shop fetish? Just gotta wrap your sausage in inky paper?

>It reminds me of Disco
I think you mean the cults of the 70s and 80s.
(1.1 MB, 719x1666, mutilation is fun.png)
Because rather than considering if they're the problem, they expect you to ignore reality and play their game of pretend. Otherwise, they pull that "uwu babey wholesome" mask off and get ready to seek out your destruction.

Not everything's black and white though. I feel sorry for the gay people who just want to live their lives being lumped in with mentally and emotionally unstable clowns.

>Pretty sure those are just cross dressers.
I think you're right, I just thought they were accurate to how troons look. My bad.

I lurve me some Jew's Clues
this criticism is so fucking tired and dumb, there's a thing called belly heavy gain and visceral fat
It is funny because Steve is basically ruining smash right now. 15 year olds are winning the first major tournaments of their lives using Steve which has never happened before. I think the plan is to wait a year or so until he gets banned. They are right on the money about how Fighter Pass 2 added a bunch of characters that actively break smash, however, Steve was only recently played to his potential.
I think the thing about this that is important is that he was acting like a fucking sperg and banning people from his server over it.
Ana never said anything about DLC characters having game-breaking mechanics, he was literally just salty over a 3rd party character from a game he didn't particularly like making it into Smash.
Smash Bros isnt a fighting game
You're a character throwing hands with another character in an attempt to knock them out of the ring.

It's a fucking fighting game, how is it not

Ana lives in his head rent free lol
if anything it proves how shallow their line of thinking is since the first thing Ken proposed is preserving old and shut down video games lol
>Axel's art is trash if you're not looking for inflation.
yup, his inflation stuff can be great, everything else is mid at best
my beef with kip is his ongoing fear of allowing his girls to keep get bigger
that ending diner and taxi sequence to No Lunch Take Out was a fucking diamond mine, the next one with the succubus was almost a wet fart in comparison
smash is for kids but Ana isn't wrong, especially if you look at the recent tourney results
Begging you to look at >>>/bbw/ and see that in belly-heavy gain other body parts still receive body fat.
Neither goes nearly as far as Kips without having started spreading out.

Steve was a wasted spot

>15 year olds are winning the first major tournaments of their lives using Steve which has never happened before
If they're beating Esports Smash faggots, I can't totally hate him anymore; this is starting to feel like Sophies choice.

Doesn't that make Quake and Super Mario 64, fighters? Hell, you can take out all weapons and have everyone punch each other to death in Timesplitters.

How's their line of thinking shallow? They pushed for him because he ran on trying to put an end on the censorship they're being forced to do to pander to the West.

Smash is E for Everyone.
In his defense the paranoid-as-fuck Ana was starting to not trust anyone after that leak of various racist/transphobic comments from private Discords and his Streams happened a few years ago, so the Steve stuff leaking out made him go feral and Snom ended up being dismissive about all the Steve stuff as well so Ana just decided to blame him and banned him outright.

He definitely got the wrong guy because I was the one who actually leaked his Steve autism because I still think it's fucking funny how much he freaked out over something so largely insignificant.
I'm pretty sure he still has no idea who I am either.
Remind me why the hell why're talking about motherfucking Super Smash Bros here of all places?
Okay... so I mean, I get it- it's easy to say the 'wrong' thing in 202x to get shit on by lefties. But why on your 'professional' artist persona account? Dude should separate the two. Learn from [current] Kip and Salt, those dudes DO NOT talk outside of art posts to my knowledge. Maybe a reply here and there like "thanks!" but if they ever said something of significance outside their expected range, it'd probably be reposted here 10000 times. Kip learned to STFU after his rat saga lmfao. Drops the gum-blob shit and doesn't try to defend it, just let people shit on you. Salt casually drops a 'canonical' aged 12 character so fucking blown up she'd outgrown Z-cups and people still think this relates to reality and children? "Ight k, not even going to discuss this with you" is Salts way. Gives the shitters no power over you, and no ammo. [Ana] Dudes gotta learn.
One artist had a shitfit about Steve Minecraft being added to it.
>They pushed for him because he ran on trying to put an end on the censorship they're being forced to do to pander to the West
yeah my point is that the whole
>Ken is bad because he's in a conservative party
worry was retarded lol
discord drama spilling out has not made anything better
and fuck pussies who take private chats and work to slander people, it's pretty damn comparable with taking privately said comments and trying to slander people publicly with them
try reading anon
Most people in the WG community are autistically addicted to Nintendo games.

>it's easy to say the 'wrong' thing in 202x to get shit on by lefties
20xx; this shit was already in full gear by the time the 20s started up.

I wouldn't be surprised if the lefties go after him as some kind of far right soggy kneed neo nazi, even though he ran as part of the liberal democratic party.

Ken better be careful muddling around in Nintendo's bread and butter, or he might find himself Epsteined.

>and fuck pussies who take private chats and work to slander people
Fuck dumb asses who use pisscord and expect privacy.
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Pretty awful opinion. They're literally the same thing as copyrighted characters you brandwhore lol

What, do you go even more braindead when you don't see your shitty corporate product dangled in front of your head for less than a second? Fuck off lol

I actually hope you don't follow any artists with OCs, you're the exact kind of slime between the toes that people try to filter out of their community
Why is there such a stigma against those who like Nintendo games or fat art of Nintendo women? Shouldn't it not matter because of how it still delivers waifu material just like any other company?
It's a fact that members of BBW-chan deeply hate Nintendo and its characters, even the fans. They'll use whatever means possible to bring them down and mock them lmao
CoRpOraTe PrOduct. iM sOooo WoKe.
The dude is right though. The only difference between characters in shows and games and the ones artists online create is exactly as he said. You're a fucking troglodyte if you think otherwise.
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The brunt of the litter have a beyond cult like behavior and will defend the company to their death, no matter how evil and greedy the company is actually being. Their games have taken a hit by their push towards open world and the inability to figure out what to do moving forward, now that Iwata's leftovers seems to have dried up.

Wait, all this time I was joking about Eternal Darkness getting into Smash, when I should've been pushing Fatal Frame since I think Nintendo is at the very least part owner now.

He's not right; the characters of a corporation or a successful indie, tend to have their own stories and an interesting world to move around in, and aren't at best a mary sue created just to feed their lust for a fat character that hits all their interests. Whenever someone in this community tries to give their Donut a personality, it either starts out of the gate as an obnoxious asshole or eventually deteriorates into one. And finally I can say there's only two people who know how to properly use colors and how to make an interesting outfit for their Donut and nobody will blink an eye because all of them are just that terrible.
Lol, fuck off with that dude. All of them are just Mary Sues or created for fulfilling specific artist interests? What about someone like BWS, with a handful of OCs that are developing through multiple stories/comics? That's just the person that I thought of off the top of my head, I'm sure there are others. Quit acting like no fat artist is creative, you're just wrong.
They make up a staggeringly large percentage of fat art, and the minute space left is a bloodbath for competing between the autistics with OCs and disproportionate cash to splurge on them, Persona/RWBY/common shounen series characters, characters the artist (actually) likes, and whoever manages to get their favorite character in edgewise as a comm.
>All of them are just Mary Sues or created for fulfilling specific artist interests?
Yes. This is quite literally what fuels an OC.
>I'm sure there are others
Pocharimochi, Ohasi.
>Quit acting like no fat artist is creative, you're just wrong.
It isn't like there literally are zero creative fat artists, but artists have lamented in the past that they do nothing with their own OCs. Surprise: those OCs are the equivalent of those furry character sheets where it's either some quirky high fantasy/sci-fi or commonplace design that you'd see anywhere else. "My OC is a cow-woman!", "My OC is a candle-girl!", and "My OC is a shortstack demon!" are either just quirky or overused, no matter how many fetish-y situations you try to shoehorn them into.
Nintendo characters aren't funny or interesting enough to make weight gain scenarios out of. The lack of third party characters also hinders the company.
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I haven't read a single one that had a good story, OC or not.

>Quit acting like no fat artist is creative
Who's acting?

>common shounen series characters
They're nothing in the face of anime of the month series.

Is there anything to them beyond a bunch of disjointed pics that seems to change their personalities to whatever the artist feels like in that page?

Got a link?

>It isn't like there literally are zero creative fat artists, but artists have lamented in the past that they do nothing with their own OCs
It's not just OCs, it's everything, established characters and OCs.

>The lack of third party characters also hinders the company
Not really, they drew everyone back in with the Wii and stabilized with the Switch, and now that Sony is censoring the Japs to death, there will likely be a huge shift to the Switch. Hell, with the economies exploding all over the world and chip shortages, they'll all probably try to dial their games back instead of trying to pander to the graphics whores.
Damn dude, you're so cool. Hating on things is so cool. Bet everyone on your middle school playground thinks you're the coolest.
>>102172 Erm technically that would make me the coolest, by your own measure, because I hate everything. Everything that is stupid at least. Including you and your stupid generic comment. What do I win? I can't wait I am so excited
So I have to be hating because I think the community is just going through the motions or outright rotting, because I don't think there's a single person who can make a good comic without at best crapping out halfway through, or because I think you can win a dozen lotteries before you come across one well designed OC who's also a fleshed out character and living in an interesting world?
I think the complaint about shitty OCs is somewhat valid. Though It's not always personalities and what not that most people care about when wanking. Unless said character's annoying or unlikable, though some can look past that, I'm not one of them when from my viewpoint they're terrible people. Different people may like that, I don't. Massive turn off if it's a big part of the character.

Off the top of my head Woot has made some solid OCs. Design-wise at the least. Granted said artist makes a LOT of one off OCs, so they're bound to have one or two that appeals to someone.
Don't know what draws people to read Kips shit with generic anime bitches (emphasis on bitches) with ear-wings glued to their heads. Personalities always remind me of western thots I'd be happier to see in a Guro or "rape by ugly bastards" doujin.

>the community is outright rotting
I definitely agree with this. I don't even come here much for pictures anymore as I can find most of the high quality stuff that's worth a damn straight from Pixiv.
The western scene for a significant part has an excess of artists exploiting retards for endless cash flow on Patreon. The JPs should tap into that so they can produce more high quality artwork more often as the paypigs supporting some of these people have to be desperate.
Dudes, there’s a fucking surplus of good fats artists like never before. If you think the community is “rotting” it’s because you’re looking in the wrong places.

Also, BWS’s OCs were mentioned and nobody has said why they’re bad. I think they’re quite fun and have been getting developed for a long time now.
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>Acts like hotshit bullying other autists
>Leaves DA to join the echo chamber that is Twitter
>Drops the ball and all of the sudden becomes a wokescold
This is why his shit should be shared around without credit.

>Bait and switch
Mad lad who replied him didn't get a red flag, he could've used the quote retweet though, censorbots are retarded.

>Totally ignored Super Smash DLC got clogged with shitty RPG characters
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>I think you can win a dozen lotteries before you come across one well designed OC who's also a fleshed out character and living in an interesting world?
If I wanted that I would read a book. Just show me a goddamn belly so I can coom already. Acting like there's any more context to a picture of a fat anime girl stuffing her face than there is to a picture of an "original character" doing the exact same thing is disingenuous, both are equally contrived fetish scenarios made for the explicit purpose of provoking lust. There's no high ground either way.

imo the Japanese are going perfectly fine without following the Western model of content creation, in fact I would say that some Japanese artists I've followed have actually declined on terms of the quality and quantity of their output after switching to patreon/fanbox. Having a steady flow of income does not guarantee a steady flow of work, sometimes it feels like the more an artist is making on his patreon, the less they feel the need to post.
Personally I'm against anything like patreon that encourages artists to hide away in their own little niche. It's a massive pity that great guys like CrossedCrescent have retreated entirely to private servers and doesn't really participate in the community anymore.
Visceral fat is very male looking thing, not sexy.
Minecraft? More like Mein Kampf. Kek.
Idk, it's some nintoddler shit.
>after that leak of various racist/transphobic comments from private Discords
Based. Personally, if I were to be an artist, I would shit on those "people" in plenty. After all, having socials is cringe in itself.
>emotional attachment
Hahahahah, lmao. This gets me. Imagine being *emotionally attached* to the characters you are intended to jerk off to. Kek.
Interesting question, but Nintendo designs are for toddlers. You probably can jerk off to some kids cartoons as well with same degree of success.
Mario the Italian cuck plumber?
Chuck's fuck and suck
>All these retards arguing over oc’s and characters.
>Not just doing both
And that’s why KINOstuffer is still the best after all these years. Followed by, gnight and butlova.

Defending Kekshitkei.

>Rightfully calls reetendo craps generic shit only enjoyed by people who watch friends.
Simpson’s meme
Brabby kek. That was a big one. Every smelt a pizza fart made with vegetable oil? Shit’s good.

>Having a social account in the first place.
Let me guess, liberal art student? Wakanda forever! Now back to your discord ya snicking redditor.
>Personally I’m against anything like Patreon
If you want artists to keep producing work regularly, you shouldn’t be against it.
Artists need to get a day job. Independent Artists are just as obnoxious as comic artist cause they want to get paid every time they draw.
And the fuck is wrong with that? Welcome to the real world, where people get payed for providing goods and services. I bet if every artist you think should get a “real job” did so, you’d be crying that there’s not enough entertainment anymore.
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Why should I pay for art when I can save money and go to the theaters? You sound schizo
>If you want artists to keep producing work regularly, you shouldn’t be against it.
Like I said, a lot of artists stop producing work regularly once they start a patreon.
That's because artists are no longer ambitious. They become older and conservative.
>go to the theaters
Oh I see, I’m dealing with a retard who throws away their money.
This is factually untrue. At least for the successful ones. BWS is one of the most financially successful artists in the community and is producing more art than ever.
>Having a steady flow of income does not guarantee a steady flow of work
For most well-adjusted people, it does, actually. That's literally how a job works. The Japanese artists I paypig for are very consistent and have obvious timings for when they're going to be busy (i.e., things like Nikuket and Comiket) and they're not going to be pumping work out. I support artists that produce art I like, have demonstrated that they like what they do, that they can keep themselves in order, and aren't vindictive towards me because some completely unrelated spergs have rustled them the wrong way.
The only thing I wish (western) artists would realize is that I can't paypig to all of the ones I like for a double-digit price point, even $3 to $5 per artist adds up for multiple artists. I have steady income as an adult but I remember exactly what my money situation was in my teens. Imagine being a teen who has anywhere from $0 to $35 in their parent-supervised checking account, IF they even have one.
If they're worth anything, they'll pause their Patreon or they'll alert their patrons on their situation and let them decide whether to cancel their subscriptions or not. I'm subbed to one artist who trickles out work but they have a low subscription price point, and they are working on more ambitious stuff. I think this is the case with several artists, as well. I don't really blame them for not doing things like status updates since I've seen the type of people who are active commenters/Discord members, there's nothing you can get out of that type of person except circlejerking or "hehe what if she was BIGGERER but its so good anyway im COOM man". At least BWS has enough population volume for his Patreon that a newsletter makes sense.
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You are the only retard here. Patreon is not lucrative and it's restrictive. Why should I pay for art when I can get the highlights on kemono party?
>not lucrative and restrictive
How so?
>why pay for art when I can get the highlights on kemono party?
Why go to the theater when you can pirate the movie?
Artists are making below minimum wage on Patreon and it's annoying watching them talk about their depression. Besides, I am already doing breast expansion pics without doing Patreon, so I am not interested unless Cross Crescent or these other artists find me and pitch their ideas
Not all artists are in that spot though. Some make plenty. And they’re the ones who are most productive. So basically, it seems it can be lucrative if you’re dedicated and work hard. Just like anything else in life.
>BWS is one of the most financially successful artists in the community and is producing more art than ever.
bws is easily an exception to the rule, if anything he has so many subscribers because unlike a lot of other artists he sticks to his schedule, draws great art weekly, and doesn't come off as cliquish.
I'm definitely not arguing that ALL artists stop working once they make a patreon, but I think that overall its impact on the community has been negative.
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Have some updoots kind sir.
You are asking the right questions. Why should I pay for rather unsatisfactoty experience in the movie theater. I would rather watch the pirated movie at home. At any time that I want, in any position I find comfortable to watch it, with my own beverages and without any retards spoiling the whole thing.
2nd and 3rd world Chads keep on winning
>breast expansion
Oh, that was my starting fetish which led me to where I am now.
>big booba
>breast expansion
He's a reliable artist, but something doesn't click for me with his art. But that doesn't nullify his remarkable scheduling, especially if we compare him with the other artists.
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>The JPs should tap into that so they can produce more high quality artwork more often as the paypigs supporting some of these people have to be desperate
The ones that have been doing that have been rotting or going through the motions alongside the West. If what I've heard about the Yen starting to crash is true, the Japs are likely to have more of them try to help bolster their wallets.

>BWS’s OCs were mentioned and nobody has said why they’re bad
I don't feel like looking for them, so I just accepted it as an exception to the rule so either link some examples or shut up.

Persona was a shit choice, Cloud shouldn't have ever been added that Sephiroth would need to be added as his villain, Sora is just shit, but Hero has every reason to be in there as the first JRPG console series; it just sucks they had to go with Hanson as the main character.

>If I wanted that I would read a book. Just show me a goddamn belly so I can coom already
Then it isn't a character, it's just a model.

>Acting like there's any more context to a picture of a fat anime girl stuffing her face than there is to a picture of an "original character" doing the exact same thing is disingenuous
There's a massive difference between a near mindless character stuffing their gullet that you don't know anything about and a character with a history and motivation to be working off her wobbling pot belly instead of digging into another slice of cake when her belly is already feeling full from her large lunch and other half of cake.

>Having a steady flow of income does not guarantee a steady flow of work, sometimes it feels like the more an artist is making on his patreon, the less they feel the need to post
Not to mention being closed off with only your biggest kiss asses, can cause you to slack off in quality.

>Imagine being *emotionally attached* to the characters you are intended to jerk off to. Kek.
Makes me think your love life with your wife is dead or she's dragging your terrified ass into the bedroom.

What else am I supposed to call it?

>And that’s why KINOstuffer is still the best after all these years. Followed by, gnight and butlova.
Pic related; I don't know what you are but you do not belong in this world.

>They become older and conservative
They should but they don't.

Why pirate movies when you can get them from your local library?

>something doesn't click for me with his art
Is it his characters looking like they've grown taller as their waist expands? Maybe the bodies overpower the heads.
Gotta love KIPteitei. He never draws the girl of his namesake anymore.

"He doesn't like how fat he made her."
Invalid argument. She could be slimmed a bit. I don't care. It's dumb he's been ignoring her for years.

He should change his name to Syd something. She's the new Kip.
well that explains the dogshit attitude
also lol at still holding BLM up after the mansion scandal
lmao here's your (you)
agreed, my only complaint with BWS's stuff is sometimes he makes the characters grow taller to account for getting fatter and that's just being all sorts of wrong
but that aside he's one of my fav artists who isn't afraid of the twitter cliq's bitching about fictional borderline ages (if they look old enough it's fine by me)
About fucking OCs. Every time someone drawing they shitty OC instead they can draw any waifu like Rei, Ryoko, etc. Any waifu. OCs are the soulless waste of space and a brain vomit.
I’ve never noticed that Salt makes characters taller, and if he does it isn’t nearly as bad as a lot of other artists. He at least seems to make an effort.
Yeah but if it isn’t a waifu you like you’re going to bitch and whine like a child anyway so why should these artists give a flying fuck what you think?
Well, what's the point of telling me to stick around if your to scared to even namedrop where you post? You might as well have told me next to nothing.
Something that I think makes Salt’s OCs more appealing to people (apart from how well drawn the art/comics featuring them are) is how simple they are to understand. Salt is a good enough writer to make simple scenarios for his characters to get into fetish scenarios and react in their own unique ways. (Ex. Chloe being in denial, Halie’s crush on Nat, and the latter struggling to not gain weight) that’s really all you need, but a lot of artists like Kip probably think they need a long, drawn out story with lore and stuff happening to garner interest. You guys were also praising Woot’s characters, and I also think it’s for the same reason. The simplicity is key.
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Yeah, W-oo-t's is really good at doing OCs.
Even though the majority of them will only appear once, it's specifically done in a way that immediately shows you what the character is like because they're in so few images.
If anything, I think that W-oo-t gives us a greater understanding of his characters by simply showing us a day in their lives, or their story summarised as opposed to long form comics. And heck, even then, W-oo-t is capable of doing long term stories too (Still would like even just one more chapter of the Paige story though)
TLDR: W-oo-t good
I remember when he was still on that one oekaki imageboard where he originally got his start and he did the goth girl sequence where she got heavier, then the girl who got locked in the pastry factory or something. That's when I knew he was onto something. He went through a really rough patch during that time where he just vanished and then reappeared doing the doodle or die prompts, which were his resurgence. He's made some weirdly brazen tweets recently about what people like which I didn't expect from someone like him, but I still think he's a great guy and artist who I'm glad got through his troubles.
>Woot's a male feminist
Hide yo huge women, hide yo immobile women!

Holy shit, Molly Coddles is still around, I always thought she eventually died and found something else to do.
For all the pedophile talk in this thread, I don't know how the Spy X Family thread wasn't brought up. There's fats of literal toddlers in there and it was genuinely disturbing to see.
>REEEEEEEE lefties trying to shut down our freedom of speech by cancelling people for drawing sexualised children!!!
>REEEEEEEE lefties degenerating society with their secret pedophilia sex cults!!!
the reactionaries on this board don't have any consistent ideology, they despise pedophiles and accuse anyone they don't like of being them but when it comes to actual child pornography they will endlessly justify it and make exceptions so they don't have to reassess their own actions and taste in wank material. Of course there's a distinction between irl child porn that involves the physical abuse of children, but it's still disgusting to see prepubescent children sexualised.

It is pretty hilarious seeing people whinge about the lefty pedophile corruption on a board that has fetish art of children being posted without any attempt to remove it.
>the reactionaries on this board don't have any consistent ideology, they despise pedophiles and accuse anyone they don't like of being them but when it comes to actual child pornography they will endlessly justify it
I have never defended child porn and will continue not doing so. This was my first time commenting on the subject and it was immediately after I saw what was in the Spy X Family thread, so you can shove it with the generalist comments.

I have reported those images (not all of them because I don't want to flood the mod with what would likely be over 10 reports), so it's on him now. And on sites like DeviantArt, it's based on number of reports from multiple people. One person alone can't get something removed.
wasn't calling you a reactionary, I was making a tangential comment and not directly addressing your post lol. My post was more a jab at the people who dominate this thread and tend to dictate this site's culture, the sort I expected to pile onto your post whilst having made contradictory comments previously
>I have reported those images (not all of them because I don't want to flood the mod with what would likely be over 10 reports), so it's on him now.
I'd be surprised if anything happened. A good amount of child porn discussion was nuked on that thread weeks ago, while the images which incited it were left up.
I really don't understand why people on this board defend child fetishization so vehemently. There's a big difference between drawing a developed-looking character who is canonically 17 versus a literal prepubescent 6-year-old, but most of the anons here miss the nuance and label critics of both as the same "woke reactionary Twitter lefties." We're all depraved as shit for beating it to shitty fat fetish hentai, but finding fat toddlers sexually appealing is an entirely different universe of morally fucked. The "but fictional characters aren't real!" argument holds absolutely no weight when said fictional characters are baby-ass kids - you aren't directly harming a real person, but you're actively defending and enabling motherfuckers who find the concept of an elementary schooler's body sexually arousing. It's fucked up.
My retarded brothers in Christ, they're fucking drawings. A non-schizophrenic could tell the difference.
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6yr olds aren't toddlers, or at least I don't think it is from that being the age where they start verbalizing normally and their egos kick in to the point where you start getting your first urges to smack them across the room.

>A living breathing child is the same as inanimate ink on paper and bytes on silicon

>I have reported those images (not all of them because I don't want to flood the mod with what would likely be over 10 reports), so it's on him now
Lolis aren't banned from /bbwdraw/, only loli generals; why do you think the Pokemon, Naruto, Totally Spies, Miraculous Ladybug, and Teen Titans threads are still around?

>I really don't understand why people on this board defend child fetishization so vehemently. There's a big difference between drawing a developed-looking character who is canonically 17 versus a literal prepubescent 6-year-old
So what you're saying is that changing a loli into a shortstack like pic related makes it kind of okay?

>anons here miss the nuance and label critics of both as the same "woke reactionary Twitter lefties."
Well duh, they're the largest loudest group making a a fuss about fictional characters; had you started this conversation back in the early 2000s, you would have been labelled as a bible thumping nut or Soccor Mom.

>The "but fictional characters aren't real!" argument holds absolutely no weight when said fictional characters are baby-ass kids - you aren't directly harming a real person, but you're actively defending and enabling motherfuckers who find the concept of an elementary schooler's body sexually arousing
Call me when they start touching children instead of just lusting after lolis.

Wait, there's something I've been wanting to ask you guys on the other side of this; what if the loli doesn't gain weight but is the main feeder manipulating and coaxing all the women around her into destroying their diets and copping feels through hugs?
Drawings of a character who is only 6 years old. Hell from what I've read on a wiki, it's possible that she's actually 4 years old. Either way it's disturbing that anyone would make fetish art of her or anyone her age, and saying that "it's a drawing" doesn't justify doing so.
>Totally Spies
The spies aged with each season as they progressed through high school and into college for the later seasons. They're listed as 21-22 in the show's last season, so they're legal.
yeah, sexualising characters like that is fine imo. The people throwing fits over people drawing characters with developed forms who happen to be canonically 16 or 17 give the toddler-fuckers an easy out by painting all people against CP as weird legalist prudes. I don't care that someone drew momo from MHA or clover from totally spies fat, but it's weird af to draw sexualised fetish art of sexually undeveloped characters like mabel from gravity falls, or lilo from lilo and stitch, or the toddler from spy x family. Those characters could not be confused for adults by the casual viewer like so many anime waifus.
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>The spies aged with each season as they progressed through high school and into college for the later seasons
And yet most hold passion Patties dearly, even though they were 14 during that.

>legalist prudes
I think you mean moralistic prudes since for all intents and purposes, drawings of fictional is legal no matter how sexual the picture is.

>I don't care that someone drew momo from MHA or clover from totally spies fat
So as long as they're drawn by the French or are early bloomers; it's okay?
this is a good thing if it means salt will finally stop drawing lucy
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pic related
if the fucking chinese spyware gambling game can understand the point you have no excuse not to

the increasing rate of random tantrums had me unfollowing him as a precaution, his stuff is pretty same-y so if there's a true banger I'd see it in retweets or whatever eventually
Twitards can't separate the two because if they do, their made up genders will mean nothing.

There, you got a few. Take your retarded losing argument back to tw*tter where it belongs. The be-all-end-all, the only thing that ever needs to be said, is that it's drawings on paper. There is logistically nothing wrong with the act of fapping to it in isolation, and you will never be able to cite evidence stating it contributes to IRL crime just like all those news stations in the 90s who thought watching Power Rangers would make your children shank their classmates.
>I'd be surprised if anything happened.
As you thought, nothing happened. My comments were deleted, and nothing I reported got deleted. Hell, the mod didn't even remove/spoiler the male I reported even though it's not protected by that one rule.
I note that you mentioned it's a (fictional) character

That's all there is to it
Those reeing "it's just a drawing!" are probably the same ones that bitch when an artist draws fat men or traps

Clearly if you can fap to the drawn depiction of a child without being a pedo, then you can fap to drawn men without being gay by the logic here
But none of them draw lolis.
The fact that she's fictional doesn't matter. You're trying to justify fetish content of a 4 to 6 year old which makes you among the most vile form of scum on the planet. Consider donating yourself to science so humanity can find a way to be rid of pedophiles like yourself.
Mod, what's the deal? Thought this was a thread for complaints about the kind of art that comes up in the community, so why did all the posts about underage art get deleted? Not only that, but you didn't delete some bump posts in other threads or the male in the Spy X Family thread. Care to explain the logic behind all that?
Screeching about liberals and pedophiles has nothing to do with art of fat women. You are never going to convince anyone that their stance on drawings is wrong. The site has had threads on lolis for years so obviously Barclay doesn't give a fuck and, by extension, neither do I. Your arguments are irrelevant. The second any of these anime characters become real people you go ahead and let me know, until then shut the fuck up and go back to twitter.
Ok, now explain why the bump post on the Marmalade Man thread and the fat male on the Spy X Family thread is still up. The latter at the very least should be under spoilers because that one rule doesn't protect male fats in franchise threads. And for the record, I don't use that trash site.

So what does posters endlessly seething about trannies and SJWs and whatever other politics they dislike have to do with art of fat women? Are you going to delete all the posts that have to do with that too, or are you just going out of your way to shield any light being shown on the pedos?
"light being shown." what do you niggers think you're journalists now? there's like three loli threads on alt right now, they ain't hiding and they've been making threads since long before your stupid ass came here. go back
A lot of posts seething over trannies did actually get deleted.
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>what do you niggers think you're journalists now
Dude, low blow.

>there's like three loli threads on alt right now
The butt thread was pretty much murdered from a heavy diet of trash pics within moments of its first post.
It makes sense to remove this kind of discussion from legitimate art threads, since text walls drown out actual content pretty easily; this thread, though? Really don't see how flinging shit at artists for doing literally anything under the sun is any more relevant to fat women than complaining about the presence of lolicon on the site. It would be ideal to leave this thread as dumping grounds for stupid ass flame wars - they're gonna happen any way you cut it, so you might as well quarantine them to a single thread.
I personally think that lolicon is child porn and should not be hosted on the site, but I am A) not an admin and B) probably outnumbered by middle-aged men who miss their early 2000s internet in all of its edgy glory. For those reasons, there's obviously not going to be anything as drastic as a ban, but I'd at least like to argue that lolicon should be moved to alt. More extreme, niche kinks within the general fat fetish (slob, gas, furries, etc.) are already pushed to alt, and loli shit feels like it fits right in with the bunch. To put it in the most blunt terms possible, lolis do a very good job at killing my erection and I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same way.
From a design standpoint, this board is probably the best way to view fat shit in the current day and age. Twitter is dogshit because it absolutely was not designed to be an art site and attempts to assblast you with as many trending topics and promoted tweets as it can at all times. Deviantart is alright if you know where to go, but it's a lot easier to find a constant stream of solid art from a variety of sources (some of which may otherwise be paywalled) here. Making draw in particular more accessible/digestible to newer users should be a goal - alt can handle what it already handles.
> miss their early 2000s internet in all of its edgy glory

Simply put it was freer then.People were more inclined to do whatever the fuck they wanted. Most edgy humour is lazy shit, but its existence, to me, means that people are actually at ease to do whatever it is they want. Before, when everything was edgy, you could move past the edgy paradigm and do something more meaningful.Now that everything is 'cleaner' you become a pariah trying to shift the paradigm.

There's this unbearable sense of 'properness' on the internet these days, which I think is disheartening to people who grew up without that. It's like being forced to attend an endless fancy dinner party, when you used to hang out in dive bars.

Btw, the drawings aren't real anon, quit moralfagging.
(253 KB, 1920x1080, media_EmzYmtdVcAEWjfT.jpg)
>lolis do a very good job at killing my erection
Stop trying to think with your erection and think with your heart!

Government and Corporations took over and killed the internet in the early 2010s after smartphones enabled the unwashed masses to invade. Everyone who remembers privacy and free speech are hoping decentralization will break the shackles.
(63 KB, 640x480, 16679a9f3e30349743f5deaeed9cd9829b9f4b91_hq.jpg)
I was a teenager during 2000 and I remember Nu-Metal, Hot Topic, and Emo Music being edgy. As a kid in the 90s, Gangsta Rap, and Grunge were considered edgy. In terms of gaming, Kefka and Sephiroth were the edgiest characters. The only thing edgier than that was Super Saiyan Gohan synched to Linkin Park and Takato telling his pet digimon to eat Beelzemon in a fit of spite. I made it to the present sanity in tact.
(378 KB, 790x790, Gundramon.jpg) (162 KB, 430x600, BT6-065.png)
>Hot Topic
>Emo music
>Kefka and Sephiroth
>God of Chaos running around as a clown
>A momma's boy throwing a tantrum
What's next, Lavender Town in Pokemon, Megaman EXE being Lans dead twin brothers digitized brainwaves, or Super Sentai having monsters trying to shoot children dead? It only becomes edgy when they put a dark or violent scene in but it has nothing to do with pushing the story forward or feels forced in the scene.

>Digimon Tamers
Its creator really wants to make something new like the large batch of Digimon movies they were putting out as their fix for 02 where they're all older and knowing his history with Lain, he's likely gonna kill someone in the series if he's allowed. You want an actual edgy scene, there's no better example than when digital Cthulhu wanted to rape a new line of Digimon out of Kari, during 02.

Digimon has always had a bit of a badass streak going on but I can't speak for the recent animes.
I don't think it's possible. Kari is far more assertive in the dub to the point I can see them bending over backwards. Digimon are just hopeless pedophiles
Roxas617 is one of the most toxic fat artists I've seen, yet people are quick to defend him when he does something controversial. It's insane.
looked them up, I think when an artist produces large amounts of fat loli fetish art they don't attract a particularly critical crowd
I was always put off by how inconsistent his art is from piece to piece.

tbf I found no proof of him tracing, so I assume he just follows his references REALLY closely.
one of the most annoying artists of recent time honestly. IDK how he's friends with a lot of people when he seems to be the type to throw you under the bus for any minor inconvenience for some moral brownie points
There is no greater tool or idiot currently making fat art.

>loli fetish art
>doesn't attract a particularly critical crowd
That's the whole weight gain scene, not just loli. Lolicons are just stuck with a far larger negative good/bad art ratio since there's way less people willing to do them, so I imagine many just grin and bear the deranged.

Not to mention it's takes absolutely nothing to piss him off
>Not to mention it's takes absolutely nothing to piss him off
I've been living under a rock, what sort of trouble did he get into?
When it comes to a lot artists who get complained about on this thread, I'm always alarmed when I got to check them out and see both how few followers they have and how completely shit their art is. Are standards really this low around here?
Have you seen some of the uploads/threads people make?
>he thinks it's limited to around here
Brother if only you knew how much of an absolute curse this fetish is.
(3.3 MB, 1280x534, nuclear_fire_washes_away_the_sin.webm)
Dunno, just find yourself a bottle of strong booze and look at his twatter comments; when he's not posting anything it's either far lefty commie bullshit or him being in a fight with someone. He's also block crazy.

Burn it all down and cull the herd; post apocalyptic state to rebirth from!
Far lefty commie bullshit and fights. Sounds like 90% of artists
Hey guys.

Ummmmm *looks at notecards*

Minorities my god what’s up with them?
>IDK how he's friends with a lot of people when he seems to be the type to throw you under the bus for any minor inconvenience for some moral brownie points
Again, there's quite a few people like that in this community unfortunately.
Last shitty person I can recall to get expunged was FAF (was a russian fat furry artist) for doxxing people for sharing from his patreon.
Mind you that was only because of Deviantart, Furaffinity, and even Patreon dropping a ban hammer on him for that, and then he simply remade accounts and was back to status quo. Does gay furry shit now, which is just fine as the prior work was heading into NTR territory before it ended.

The rest of the shitty people are, and will continue to be, unfortunately tolerated and even defended here to the point they've seen screencaps of them shitting on their supporters but will continue to run typical defense/shilling, and even then after all of that people like FAF also still have some contingent of braindead supporters left, so good luck changing anything.
Guess that's why this thread exists after all. Kind of miss the days when shitty people were properly run off from this community.
Not too long ago a fat artist got exposed for sending nudes to teenagers and she's still kicking around with braindead asskissers, it takes a miracle to excommunicate anyone
I'm a bit out of the loop, but what on earth happened to PrinceCoffeeCakes?
I didn't check his art in years and go back to find him deleting hundreds of artworks for seemingly no reason and speaking in the same stupid cryptic meme way that some other overly entitled/rude artists talk.
It's especially weird considering he was one of the more down to earth and honest artists from what I remember.
Also if anyone has an archive of his deviantart or something, that would be pretty epic.
I don't miss him cause most of his work sucked. Made some of the weirdest faces and was terrible with weight distribution.
I mean, I agree. It's one of the reasons why I didn't even bother keeping up with his art. But hey, I can admit I have low standards, but they used to be even lower. I mean, I liked his stuff at SOME point, so knowing what on earth happened would be cool I suppose.
Think all of us had low standards at one point. I thought Axel was the best a long time ago, but then new artists popped up over the years and started surpassing him like it was nothing, while he barely improved and began getting into all kinds of jank shit. He can still produce a good piece on rare occasions, but it would be a diamond in the rough and you'd have to do a lot of digging to see it again.
Having a massive ego and going from being downright homophobic to fawning over fat dudes tends to lower one's quality of art and mental stability
Why do people call each other autist? I've now wondered that. Is it like an insult or just an alternative for calling someone stupid.

sorry if i sound like an autist (trademark) myself
(841 KB, 1744x1866, deviantart_767831035_super duper beach time booty bash party funtime pl.png)
So funnily enough I just learned that CoffeeCake actually was involved in that "Fat Artist Jape" trend and actually trashed on Axel. Even though I hated that "Jape" stuff, this one at least has a decent point to it with how his art packs were scammy, unlike Bambooale and others meme-ing over BWS and Trinity Fate for no reason.

It's partly a synonym for stupid, but more focused on the specific ways in which actual Autistic people may act and respond in certain situation. It's especially more common with WG and other fetish art due to this kind of stuff generally being more likely to appeal to autistic people. I wish I could give a better explanation, but I'm no doctor, just another autist.
Because they aren't aware that Autism has different levels to it. People with High Functioning Autism only have slight mental barriers that hinder them socially, but are otherwise on par with those without Autism, commonly having around the same IQ levels as them. Low Functioning Autism however greatly hinders one's mental capabilities, having virtually no social skills at all and is on par with those who are mentally retarded.
Like >>102907 said, it's more to do with how people act or react to situations and not because of intelligence or supposed lack thereof. However there are those who still use it to refer to people as stupid, likely because of the 2nd half of what I said on >>102908.
Okay thanks guys.

Also, i love that image that basically is what Axel's art packs are.

This guys really needs to expand his mindset for fetishes instead of whatever the fuck kind of shit he's been producing.

like, giving girls pig features (like noses, ears, ect). Come on Axel! I just wanna see woman eat and get fat, not them turning into fucking swines.
It can be used as an insult for people who put too much effort into meaningless shit and ones who completely overreact to a situation. It can also be used as praise for someone who works really hard, beyond what is seen as common effort or even hard working, to hammer out something unforgettable.

>Trinity Fate
Trinity had a promising future before blowing it by going to shit after getting a Chinese knockoff.
>he really needs to expand his mindset for fetishes
Shouldn't you be sucking Axel's cock, Cutter?
The moral fagging over real life people has also gotten fucking stupid. Who the fuck cares if your draw, make a morph, or wrote a story about a famous woman? They make fucking millions. You think these vapid cunts can see a shotty DA post with 100 favs?
relatively niche fetishes unfortunately make people tolerate some really shitty people to get content
IMO art is usually never a good enough reason to tolerate assholes, SJW or otherwise
I must be blessed to have never even heard of this loser before the whole hypocritical loli saga
anyone whose character arc is in that style (4chan racist to tumblr hero) never had it all there to begin with
or they're just desperate for e-fame and attention
Billie Eilish found poorly drawn fat art of herself on DeviantArt and thought it was making fun of her actual weight

Looked it up. Kinda sad.
Basically every female celebrity gets really crappy fetish art of them, but you would never really stumble upon them unless you were specifically looking for them.
My guess is that after the obligatory hate comments, she went out of way to look up "Billie Eilish Fat" or something and made a big deal out of a bunch of stupid drawings that are completely unrelated to whatever bullying she was getting.
Not trying to moralfag but just for the drawings specifically, a lot of the fat art for real women is either uncanny, ugly or plain badly drawn
>he doesn't know "cutter" is just axel using his friend's account to vent

Boo fucking hoo on that one. Such is the price of fame and shaking your ass on camera.
That's more protection for you than for their sensibilities.

I like to think of that situation as Axels ego having grown so much that it has become sentient before splitting off from the host body.
What's with the mod not deleting male content from threads that's not dedicated to an artist?
because nobody else cares you fucking sperg
Have you considered reading the name of the fucking board?
Why did you respond to me when I'm the one trying to get rid of fat males that pop up here? I know this is the /bbwdrawn/ board, and I just reported a fat Link that showed up on the Immobile thread here. The Mod straight up didn't do anything about it and deleted my posts that called out the person who posted Link. My anger is justified.
>complain in the thread and make a report
>mod clearly decides that the content is fine and deletes your bitching
can we just ban this faggot already?
Maybe you should be banned for trying to encourage the posting of art that goes against the rules of this board. What kind of piece of shit does that?
That's why I make abbreviations to my edits. it makes them go under the radar. On the plus side the algorithm will pick up the slack
He did art of the mom from as told by ginger and it's now gone in the wind
I know there're a lot of retards that show up here with overzealous complaints about the moderation, but this one actually sounds kind of reasonable, I'm curious about the context.. The artist argument is one thing, but there shouldn't just be random unchecked and unspoilered posting of males/vore/whatever just laying around in any old thread
I wonder how this can even be an issue
The mod is probably just being spiteful to whoever's reporting those images. Kind of a dickish thing to do to someone who's making a reasonable report.

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