
(5.0 MB, 3851x5545, SumireXL.jpg)
Previous one was bumblocked, post their art and comics
looking at these older pieces, I think one of newKip's problems is that he no longer makes the girls wider as they get fat. They grow forward in a perfectly round beachball belly, but they never get wider. His old stuff handled proportions a lot better, I really don't know why he stopped doing it that way....
doesn't he still do fan art like that though?
Can someone repost the fan art from the last thread, I never saved 'em
Awesome. Thanks, man.
I might draw something myself later, if I feel up to it
Given how many talented hidden anons are out here we might as well have a "hidden talented kip fans" thread. Maybe on alt so it doesn't take a thread space in draw?
Counter: let's keep the art here since it's on-topic and will hopefully stop the thread from devolving into the usual kip-hate
And because we don't need a thread for something that specific. The fan art can fill in the gaps between pages.
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Speaking of filling in the gaps...

I gotta say, taking inspiration and reference from Kip's style has been making my art improve FAST. This is some of the best stuff I've ever made. Enjoy.


LMFAO is that what you guys are calling it now!? LNFAOOOOOO. Nica art, but with enough practice then who knows you may be able to make some money off of it
now see, this is how tessa should have looked when she opened that door and let saiya in. saiya would have lost her mind.
Please keep going. This stuff is amazing. Do you post domewhere?
I'm wondering about that myself. do these artists have a da or anything? in the other thread someone had mentioned that they would commission an entire comic if one artist opened commissions.
(1.2 MB, 2480x3508, tessa1.png)
Awesome work man!

Here's my contribution. I've never tried to do 'kip style' before, but I found it pretty fun!
Sweet mercy me. Excellent work again!
Another stealth artist appears. This is pretty great given its your first crack.
Great job both of you, that’s some good shit
How are randoms on a chan producing better shit than Kip. It's insane, they can draw so well but it's like every hot part of the story has to be cut off prematurely so we are just perpetually blue balled instead of anything actually happening
this is written so badly. all we know is that tessa was banned. this scene might actually work if it were a few days later in the cafeteria and she found out tessa was banned for being topless on stream. clearly thats what happened and we already know thats what happened. stacy wasn't fast enough. instead of showing us / saiya that tessa was banned for being topless through an article or people talking about it and then the inevitable screen caps that would show up, not even with a 'meowgle' search of her topless but just a 'meowgle' search of tessa alone, were treated to saiya threatening to search for it herself?

I think it was a month or so ago when camila cabello was trending on twitter for a nip slip during an interview. this could be found on twitter just by being on there. thats what I'm saying here. saiya wouldn't need to search for tessa topless. it'd be everywhere whether she wanted to see it or not. I don't think stacy has the clout to have the three second video or screen caps ripped offline like that yet.

and heres something else that bugs me about this. what is saiya doing? again, she's obsessed with aika right? never once have we shown her have any interest in tessa despite tessa clearly being her dream woman. now, out of nowhere, tessa is banned from streaming for no known reason and saiya wants to search for pics of her topless? she could've seen, fondled and done her own photo shoot of her topless when she was there but she was too busy harping on aika.
Plus side, at least Saiya is starting to realize some mutual attraction to Tessa despite Saiya being terminally autistic with picking up social cues.
At this point i actually hope each time the next page is gonna be shit just to watch you stupid morons cry about a free comic on the internet that you're not paying a cent for lmao
Nice turbo-sperg rant. Kek’d.
tbh the amount of tit and belly shots more than makes up for the pacing imo, im sure someone autistic enough who cares about it could come along and edit some panels for a cohesive story
Forgetting shit again just to have something to rant about lol. There have been multiple scenes shown where Saiya is obviously attracted to Tessa (like the whole scene we just had of her fondling her gut???), and who cares how exactly Saiya finds out Tessa got banned? Such a weird thing to nitpick lol
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complains about a free comic....

>pic related
Hey, it's been a while, but I'm the guy who drew that art. Now that I've heard at least one person wants a comic, I'm gonna do it. It'll take me a bit, but I'll start with a rough draft to get it going. I'm thinking a successful max mukbang stuffing with Tessa and Saiya ( the latter as an onlooker). Wish me luck and give me any suggestions on what you hope to see with this.
I hope we get to see her like this in a version of the outfit that fits.
If we’re lucky this could transition into a dream sequence like the one with aika
her navel should be lower and more to the left, bot otherwise decent edit
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made me try too then
God damn that’s perfect
Chubby Saiya is the best
>Tessa and aika double team an immobile and too-horny-to-comprehend-this saiya
>She tries to get up because she just can’t handle it but the body that turns her on so much is pining her down
Whenever you feel you're ready and capable you mind making a short comic, with all the huffing stuffing and sweat you got going on cause that shit is hot
Dumbshit sexy saiya
is the edit guy around? I'd like to see an edit of this where Aika actually looks fat and not like she has a balloon under her shirt
The first panel and her claim that the makeover “wasn’t her” tells me exactly where this story is going. Saiya is going to get Tessa to fatten herself up while she becomes more of a mean girl.

Basically she’s going to become the person she and aika talked shit about in the beginning.
And not just in an entirely fake way either. If she pretends to be Tessa’s friend to fatten her up to make her unattractive to someone then she’ll be doing something that someone like Stacy would do.

Aika will think it was a terrible thing to do and hate her for it, thus forcing saiya to see what she had become.
That sounds very possible, and I'm fine with that story (as long as Saiya winds up fat too), but I wish this shit was much faster paced. Like, if that is ultimately going to be the point of this story, I don't see why it needs to take this long to get there
I think she might get thin like she plans but will fatten up after. It could be a means to apologize, depression eating or maybe both Tessa and aika give feeding a try since saiya got to see them fatten up for so long.

I will always advocate for a twist ending or epilogue where saiya ends up the fattest of the three.

I would have it so her mom and sister visit her at the end of school only to find not only does she have TWO girlfriends but put on like 300 lbs.
Yeah that's pretty sound reasoning. I do kinda hate this gross transition of Saiya's character into this shitty manipulator but if that's how this is shaping up then so be it. It amuses me that Tessa's probably fine with such a plan - she gets to spend more time with Saiya in "sabotaging" her figure.
I look forward to the karmic retribution when Aika smells a rat and knocks Saiya back down to earth.
Originally I was also against saiya getting meaner but if she’s going to become a bad bitch for someone’s affection then I’m all for it.
I for one hope nobody smells or eats any rats in this comic
Please don't mention rats in this thread...
haha, completely unintended.
If OSC ends up like that just kill me now. What a complete fucking waste and ultimately depressing disaster that would be…

I’m just waiting for when Cindy & Connor get their sequel.
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How can we suggest to Kip that one of the Girls eats a rat? I really liked that bit in No lunch Break i think I would like to see it again
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Fucking don't.
can saiya really be a mean character though? I mean look at how she's acting now. also when did aika gain so much weight?
Which I guess is the point. Aika's going to know that Saiya's putting on an act and the way she's being is ultimately not the same "Saiya" that Aika cares for as a friend. Saiya's gonna eventually realise that in being a shit mean girl (she can't hold a candle to Stacy in that regard) she was being a shit friend to Aika in the process. Will she stop putting her own shitty desires before their genuine friendship? I guess that's that question is what the story will be driving towards.
Best case scenario for Saiya: she realises the error of her ways with Aika and finally clues herself into Tessa's feelings. Tessa's now huge (but doesn't care, now that she has Saiya) and Aika ultimately forgives Saiya; Aika picks up on Saiya's fat kink and occasionally plays into it to tease her friend; Aika (also huge, because Aika) turns her sights to being dommed by OG-bitch Stacy, much to Stacy's chagrin who's now stuck with two fatties in her life.
who drew the 1st one
I know she's hated here but god, Aika is super hot, wish stuff was done with her
God I hope Aika becomes irrelevant
she's hated because she's a waste of a character.

did anyone else read that with saiya speaking in that "deep cool person voice" that they imitate on tv?

no way. she's the reason this story is continuing. I'm trying to understand why she's this much bigger over the course of a single day, looks pregnant and stuffed herself into that shirt.

...She isn't? She just stuffed herself into the first outfit she was wearing.
she's hated because she's an unfunny comic relief character and an inept retard
I meant like, despite all her issues, she's still super hot smh my head, gonna kms rn
it's not so much that' she's bigger; she's about the same size as at the party. Kip's not great at fat proportions though, so she looks pregnant here rather than fat/bloated. Her belly should be sagging downwards rather than sticking straight out like a balloon
I know that Kip wants this to be some sort of emotional moment but after how shit of a character Aika has been for the 180 pages or so before this I don't feel bad in the slightest
same. I'd vastly prefer a version of this focused just on tessa without aika or saiya
Maybe I’m just easy but this did make me feel pretty bad for Aika
you mustve forgotten aika grabbing and kissing tessa just a few comics ago.
with how much text is in this thread i dont blame you
imagine reading the words in a fetish comic
Hard to avoid when they comprise like 99.7% of the content
Sooo sports bitch only helped Tessa because she’s famous? Saiya is actually schizophrenic and hallucinated the whole training thing with Tessa? What’s the takeaway here?
Maybe something happened between her and Tessa and she wants to doge the subject as much as possible.
lmao that'd be a good twist, if Tessa and Aika don't even exist and Saiya's just dangerously deranged
I’d assume after Tessa’s nip slip, nobody wants to associate themselves with her. I don’t see any other plausible reason.
Stacy said she wanted to monetize the buzz around it. Maybe what she’s going to have Tessa do appalling to some people?
Like an only fans or something
Tessa told her to keep it a secret, I assume the denial is just part of that. Even if she knows that Saiya knows it's safer to just lie.
>saiya is schizophrenic and created tessa as an imaginary friend based on somebody she was friends with as a child as a coping mechanism
Bold move Kip, lets see how it plays out
honestly if this last page becomes the end of a chapter 1 of osc i’d love to see kip revisit full night nanny
I'm just ready to move on from this comic to something where more substantial weight gain happens, and it doesn't matter if it's something completely new or if it's going back to characters from another story, even though the return of Full Night Nanny would be nice. This love triangle has easily been Kip's most dragged out story.
after all the nothing that's happened so far, I'd be kind of disappointed if Kip dropped this and went to another comic. And I don't want him to revisit FNN, that was one of the only things he didn't completely Kip up. If he did a sequel to that, it would 600 pages of the guy debating whether he should tell his friends he's dating a fat girl because they'll think he's lame or something stupid like that. I just hope the plot of this picks up soon
Thread's dead cause the plot got boring again so figured I'd post some prompts for our based fan artists:
> the mukbang idea is still gold

> Tessa does a "Just Chatting" stream where she's half naked to fish for donations/compliments

> Tessa's ass rips the seat of her pants and she's real turned on by it

>The aftermath of a really messy stuffing, Tessa's leaning back in her chair rubbing her belly. Stacy walks in on her and she's pissed.

> Following from that, Stacy berates Tessa for being a hog while Tessa has to hide the fact that the scolding is turning her on

If the last one came to be, people would probably just criticize that she's turning into Sydney 2.0.
We might have a food court scene which is a plus - it is lunchtime after all. I could just picture Tessa openly helping herself to Saiya's food as they sit and discuss plans over lunch:
T: "What? You wanna slim down for Aika, right? ;)"
Could also lead to Aika tailing Saiya since she knows that they're both going to the mall, helping nudge this plot onwards if they were to have a confrontation over it.
Man she's probably gonna be wearing some type of dumb disguise I'm willing to bet
>page 184
Jesus christ
I don't give a shit about any of these characters and can't even remember their names.
How are we almost 200 pages in and literally nothing has happened?
Holy shit, and I thought Dinner With Sister was bad. That took 108 Pages. It's like Kip is trying to complete with Pixiveo's Log Myu comic right now to see which comic needlessly drags out more.
im still trying to understand how tessa is banned from streaming and saiya has no idea why.
now that I think of it, why would anyone let aika go with them to hang out with tessa? I mean she was literally all over tessa when she was drunk and tessa clearly wasn't feeling it. forget about the crush, saiya ought to keep aika away from her for her own good. woman might pounce on her in the mall and try to make out right there. or are we going to act as if aika doesn't remember any of it?
I enjoyed this edit, feel free to do more with even greater shitpost energy.
Kip, if you are listening. Solo saiya. Now
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The bottom right panel of the first image is my single favorite panel Kip has ever done even though it's close to 8 years old. That's how you do size difference. CindyXConner comes close, but Cindy's smaller size and her not being at a side perspective like Conner holds them back despite the quality is better. 3rd image is best stuffing scene Kip has done.
For me the cindyxconner is the best one yet from kip. Explores all the best angles, has booty which usually is forgotten by kip and a nice and still real big belly. Masterpiece
I don't think well ever see anything like this with tessa or aika even though kip could easily slide it in as a dream sequence and it would be believable.
Saiya's had a couple of racy dreams in the comic already so this isn't implausible.
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Eventhough it was short it was still the best he's done in a while.
Even though there's been many within the community who's been sick of Lesbian relationships? I wish there were more Fat Female X Skinny Male relationships, because more often then not, straight relationships have both sides be fat, and that's no good.
Unless you're projecting yourself onto the skinny male character, straight relationships give you only one person to oggle. A lesbian relationship gives two characters to focus on and fatten.

Same reason why lesbian porn in general is popular.
>Unless you're projecting yourself onto the skinny male character, straight relationships give you only one person to oggle.
I personally still only focus on the female in the relationship, but what you say is true. The point of what I said was to share a growing consensus within the community recently, namely the fatigue towards lesbian relationships. The reason why Conner in Full Night Nanny felt refreshing, was because it was the first time Kip focused on a straight pairing instead of all the other comics Kip has done where it's been lesbian.
On the flip side, I do get sick of seeing someone like Link appear when Zelda gets fattened up because of how frequently it happens. It's also one of the more egregious examples because it's usually a mutual gain for the pair.
can I just have softcore porn minus the relationships aspect
lesbians are so fucking overrated
Love how Tessa looks in those glasses.

Can’t wait to see saiya in her new mean girl outfit.

Plastic Saiya incoming? lol
God damn this comic goes nowhere. Clothes shopping during lunch break when they're still only chubby? Calling it now, there's going to be another 40 pages of everyone being the same size as they are now.
stop reading it
wtf is the name of that store? Slop Topic? That's not how a stencil S looks, kip
Indeed the worst comic he made until now
Tessa is probably going to stuff her face after the shopping sequence. Since Aika is into fit girls, it's the perfect excuse for Tessa to binge in front of Sayia (getting fatter all in name of self-sacrifice).
I doubt it would be soon after. Trying on new clothes is time consuming if you're having bad luck or dealing with recent weight loss or weight gain, which is something I've experienced both sides of. On top of that, any normal lunch break never goes on for more then an hour, so there either won't be an eating sequence, or it will be a very short one where nothing happens like the one at Tessa's place.
Saiya might be one of the most annoying characters in anything ever. She’s been throwing this tantrum for two months worth of pages
Saiya left early, she skipped classes. Tessa mentions it. The "lunch break" banner there seems like an oversight.
I know. Tessa continues to do her a solid by taking her out shopping as a thankless task. Fuck's sake, Saiya, throw her a fucking bone here and show a little gratitude that someone is still willing to give you the time of day.

Does anyone here actually read the story for what it is? Not even trying to be mean, but kip has amazing art, but it is so stunted by this long and drawn-out writing. I think kip can really improve the story if they keep it kind of isolated to a certain scenario.

The streaming idea is nice. The pressure to keep streaming daily due to her popularity, but also trying to hide her growing body. The stress making her eat more. Stuffing herself silly post-stream, but only at the end realizing it was live the whole time. You can do a lot with this concept. I am not too invested with all the outside stuff though...

I think kip can make a lot of separate comics off these different scenarios and characters and make all their comics connect via subtle clues in other ones. This will not only let kip make enjoyable, to-the-point fetish comics, but also expand their world/universe and make the characters feel more alive by having them be cameos or in sequels or a get together with the other characters with a big stuffing comic. A lot can be done.
I agree with the Kipverse idea, it would requiere a lot of planning from Kip, but the potential would be 100% worth it.
Kip has said many times that she is not interested in simple weight gain content and she doesn't like to draw girls with ssbbw size. Chubby girls with bulking bellies and story telling is what she is interested in. So, better just come back after half of year to check for progress in weight gain.
she? I thought kip was a guy.
>she doesn't like to draw girls with ssbbw size.
Nevermind ssbbw size, she can barely get them to bbw size, and even when she eventually does, it's well after people stopped caring about the story.
>Chubby girls with bulking bellies and story telling is what she is interested in.
Too bad she's awful at story telling. She needs to learn how to tell a story with fewer words. Trim the story's fat, not the character's fat.

Kip isn’t Pixiveo bad, but I’m not super invested in their stories. Story is okay at best but at least it progresses so it’s hard to complain.
>Chubby girls with bulking bellies and story telling
Where is the story telling? Where is the character development? I challenge you to summarize the plot of One Serving Choice in a way that doesn't make it sound retarded and contrived. All this comic has accomplished is setting up a bunch of very soft core weight teasing and belly fetish scenarios, but it never commits to anything long enough to be fap worthy.
Retards have a bug up their ass that Kip is a woman because he hasn’t corrected retards calling him one and because he posted a fan and I think his alleged girlfriend cosplaying on his DA
I’ve seen his dox and I know he is 100% a man
Have anything better to say then just "stop reading it"? Lazy fuck.
Finally Aika being miserable and stuffing her face, that’s what I’ve been waiting for baybeee
> sits in an image board for their fetish
> berates an artist who produces free content for their fetish
> doesn't understand that there are many other artists who pump out weight gain progress pages

Remember that clothes shopping in DWS gave us some fantastic content, so chill dude. Go fap to something else for a month and you'll get to see if we're anywhere
>Remember that clothes shopping in DWS gave us some fantastic content
Speak for yourself, that scene dragged. Go figure you would try to pull something from another comic that got complained about for taking too long.
>there are many other artists who pump out weight gain progress pages
Who has a sequence or comic going on right now that has frequent weight gain and not behind a paywall? Name some if you're going to make that claim.
I agree that I find appealing the concept of Aika stuffing herself out of sadness. Maybe it is because I dislike the character but I like when she eats like a hog, so a mix of suffering and food is a win ton me
One Serving Choice is kind of a shitty WG when compared to ones made by different artists, I honestly can't understand why you guys like it so much
Also, it doesn't exactly work that way, bro. We can still criticize someone's comic while reading it. Who the hell are you to shut people up?
I have mixed feelings on it personally. I know I can be overly nitpicky sometimes, but I overall like the premise of a bitchy queen bee getting fat while trying to hide it. There's a lot of other stuff that bogs that idea down, but most of the Tessa stuff has been at least decent imo; I mainly read it for Tessa scenes. Everything else had been shitty, so overall I'm split on it. I hope it gets wherever its going soon though, because it haas become fairly dull
To be clear, Kip is known for making comics with slow AF progression and pacing. At least Full Night Nanny was a bit different and featured a (skinny) male x female relationship, along with buttshops. How the mighty have fallen...
*Buttshots. Goddamnit, I can't type tonight
case in point >>100054
We have now abruptly moved on to an entirely different location, with two entirely different characters, neither of which we have been given anything to make us invested in beyond a superficial level.
shes fat bro, all i needed
Do you guys think Kip puts any effort at all into drawing anymore? Serious question. Because this page looks like total ass.
I think this is the mall food court but I could be wrong. I have no idea why stacey is there but it makes sense for aika to be there gorging herself in sadness. that is her answer to everything. you would think that shed be even larger by now but kip refuses to let these women grow. I'm sure tessa is bigger than her and that makes no sense at all.

I wasn't going to mention that but you're right. there are so many different ways to show a woman gorging herself on food and stuck in a seat as she so clearly is. he could've gone for the whole slob effect with food wrappers all around her, belly ripping that shirt, half of her belly on the table and half in her lap, food stains everywhere, her using her belly as a table and then had her belch loudly when stacy spoke to her. that might have worked. this? this isn't really that good.
Stop being a fucking moron
nah, he’s right. stop reading and save the mode the trouble of having to scrub this every 6 hours
Do you not want fucking porn in your fucking porn comic? Jesus christ
Facts, straight up FACTS goddamnit
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They misunderstood everything. It's a very human thing to do.
>Tessa wants to be with Saiya because she gets off to being oozed by Saiya
>Saiya quite doesn't seem to grasp it
>Saiya is with Aika because she seemed like an easy fetish content for her
Nor do I understand what happens here.
Corner stone is the humiliation fetish. Saiya has one, so she tries to make it work with Saiya. Fuck, nearly everyone in this comic has one.
And yes, Aika isn't fappable.
>Talks of the current fattest girl going through weight LOSS after over 180 pages of very little happening.
Why does anyone defend Kip again? There's going to be some angry people here later.
Btw, this poor bastard got this page from Kip's Patreon as it's not on DeviantArt yet. This is a sign that you should end your Patreon pledge.
>Aika isn’t fappable
Speak for yourself, the 3 actual good pages she’s had has been the best in the comic so far
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The fact that she acts like a child is simply undermining everything else for me.
Nigga are you serious?? What the fuck!
We got too cocky bros…
(46 KB, 200x222, Kip eating all ur moneys lol.png)
Don't worry, this will probably lead to some humiliation fatty exercise fetish that fails and backfires.
Which will happen for one page after somewhere between 10-100 more pages of filler from now.
Never mess with the weight gain community, you will regret it deeply (If only people actually used their brains instead of gushing over this damn comic)
Page where Stacy gets shot in a drive by when.

Why do people bitch about Aika when she exists
Aika has had the best pages so far. Tessa's stuffing pages sucked.
stop reading this thread
Jesus I go through the same cycle 3 times a week of hyping up the next page lol. Several times in this comic I've been like HOOO BOY HERE WE GO FINALLY (gym scene and above all the stuffing w/ Tessa) but then every time it abruptly ends and the comic returns to nothing happening. It really does seem to be a deliberate move by kip lol
Wait, why is everyone upset? Does no one like fatty humilation and failed weight loss leading to bigger gains. Y'all to vanilla these days. All you want is I HUNGY!!!! GIV FOD! NOM NOM NOM FAT!
You realize there’s an intermediate point between what you described and a plot where nothing happens, right? The “humiliation” material in this comic is bland as fuck.
I'd just love it if we can skip this via montage, to the point where Stacy and a slimmer Aika have developed feelings for one another, Saiya finally realises that she doesn't love Aika, and that her true love has been staring at her in the face all this with infinite patience in the form of a fat Tessa.

The soap opera shtick is getting tiresome now.
but the soap opera schitck is the whole point. this whole comic is meant to be a long, drawn out romance drama with some weight gain in the background, not the other way around. haven't you realized that after ~200 pages of nothing?
someone had claimed it was going to go here earlier didn't they? so we about to have aika working out and tessa stuffing herself? I guess it isn't that bad if tessa actually grows but we all know she's going to stay the same weight. and I'm not believing stacey would bother with this. she despises aika and for good reason.

they'll never admit it. now we got people who just gave up and post "stop reading it". what they don't understand is that if people really did that kip wouldn't have a job. I'm curious to see how people responded on his patreon and just how many people like this mess on deviantart but I know better than to check. even when he goes horribly wrong they praise him.

what? bro the best sequences so far were tessa in the gym and then saiya force feeding her but kip abruptly ended them both.
all yall who keep defending aika, why exactly? whats so good about her again?


they aint doing jack. if they were they'd have done something by now. kip is at the point now that people should boycott this mess. people really should "stop reading this" or spam his deviant art and patreon wth complaints.

how? where? when? post them. I have to know.

because the fatty humiliation sucks too. you might get aika in a tight top trying to work out for like two pages then were going to cut to saiya and tessa. were going to see tessa in her huge trench and saiya changing clothes. then they may bump into aika and stacey on the way out. no stuffing on tessas part. all we saw was saiya and maybe a bit of aika. that is it.

they have. the drama just sucks. kip is purposely dragging it to make this comic longer. whenever it gets good he stops it again.
>I'm curious to see how people responded on his patreon and just how many people like this mess on deviantart but I know better than to check. even when he goes horribly wrong they praise him.
I don't know about Patreon, but the DeviantArt comments are mostly one of the following: People not wanting Aika to lose weight, which is the majority of the comments, others predicting a humiliation or failed weight loss scene, or the usual no lives who think the story is good, which is the least frequent type of comment.
but what does it matter if she does or doesn't? aika fans please tell me what is so good about her. I wanted to like her but she has zero personality and is nasty. did we forget her bubble gum snowman? her spitting out liquor saying it tastes like oven spray? her forcing herself on tessa at the party? what is so good about this character?
Even though what you're saying is true, it has more to do with the principal of the matter. It's been over 180 pages in the span of 15 months, and Aika is still the biggest character right now and she looks like she's just barely not a BBW weight. To come this far, only for weight loss to get brought up when Tessa's not big enough to take her place yet, it's like Kip threw mud in everyone's face.
What was that image from again
>someone had claimed it was going to go here earlier didn't they?

I think that was me. When I saw Stacy ogling Aika's boobs, I had a hunch she might try and turn her into the next Tessa
Nothing happens for 200 pages? A yes a Kip comic
Remember when we all speculated that the sporty girl helping Tessa “lose weight” would both fail to get results and end up putting on weight herself?

Call me crazy but I could see that happening here. With that one girl she was just a background character. Stacy is a key plot character.

As for aika’s weight I’m not entirely convinced she’ll be getting any smaller, at least not visually. We at a minimum get a number on a scale but not visible evidence. I’m betting this is more a means to let Tessa catch up with the biggest character.
I’m definitely here for a chubby Saiya and a far fatter Tessa when or if it actually happens in canon. I guess that remains to be seen.
Even though it wont happen I really want to see Saiya end up as the fattest of the three
My ideal epilogue is that saiya’s sister visits her again only to find not only does she have two girls but got absolutely fat as hell.
So many posts here lost like tears in the rain. Just want to say. FUCK JANNIES
One of these days anon is going to get me real mad.
You're overreacting, child. Calm down.
please someone tell me where you all keep getting this fat saiya idea from. where? why?
For me personally I love seeing the feeder of the group get fat. Its a nice role reversal that gets me going.
but how would that fit anywhere into this story? why would saiya get fat when aika already said she likes tessa because she's so thin? when we see saiya has a clear and obvious belly fetish but hers does nothing for her? we barely see her eat. I don't see how and why saiya would all of a sudden start piling on the chub. it makes no sense.
>Weight loss in my fat fetish comic
Mf... you beat me to it

Also you guys are exaggerating, so far every main character has tried losing weight, how do you think this is gonna end up?
And it's good to add some tension ig
upside: we will probably get a pretty hot weighing/measuring scene with some good body contrast. possibly workout scene too.

downside: no god kip why????

that said, if we get a full role reversal where Aika becomes super fit and Tessa gets really fat that would probably be great. Aika is already a dreadful character so it can't get any worse on that front. but all this depends on something actually *happening* with Tessa lol
Bitch ain't gonna lose an ounce.
I know right. Everyone is falling for the bait and switch.
Mission failed. We'll get em next time.
well, lets look at it like this. we already know she changed clothes so maybe well see her burst out of this before we go back to the extremely boring clothing change sequence with saiya and tessa completely covered up.
This is a flashback. Nothing more is gonna happen. We probably will just hardcut next page back to the other dipshits.
Aika is such an annoying retard that even this does nothing for me. Please just kill everyone and make this anout tessa only
Nah, she's gonna spill something on it.
She's the slob, remember?
Good grief.
No more that retard Aika. At least for a time.
exactly. remember she's wearing this too tight sailor shirt. I think this is a flashback to show how she messed up her prior outfit and why she changed into it.

six pages will take two weeks? six pages of something no one asked for? why in the world will he not revisit cindy and connor? people would love to see them on a beach trip with pure fan service. its almost as if kip just refuses to give people what they want.
plenty of people like Syd and Tina, especially when they're doing fanservice stuff and not stuck in a boring office drama plotline. I'll take it over 2 more weeks of the boring shit in OSC right now tbh
Gotta dangle that carrot in front of those still supporting this I guess. Even they must be getting antsy from all the edging.

>plenty of people like Syd and Tina
Probably because anyone who says they didn't like these characters tend to get their comments erased on Deviantart and here.
Can't stand them myself.
>nobody asked for fat lesbians in swimsuits
Are you literally impossible to please or what?
>Gotta dangle that carrot in front of those still supporting this I guess. Even they must be getting antsy from all the edging.
I remember a month or two ago I had noticed that people were complaining on his deviant art as well as here. I thought that would start some sort of tide of change. I was hoping it would. and the most frustrating part is this story can be turned around at any point in time. he has so many different ways he can take it where he can slide in some fan service. he just refuses to do it.
Fat Tina in a bikini. YES.

What carrot? They're free comics, patrons pay for the colored one-offs.
>robbed us of an Aika burp
How dare you Kip

In fairness good page
called it. I'm glad to be right for a change.
>When she gets so full she has to take off her skirt
It’s the little things in life.
Or in this case the BIG things.
Why does Kip think clothes explode? Every time a girl rips her clothes in a Kip comic they blow apart like a bomb went off. Does Kip think that's sexy? Cuz it's actually just dumb as shit.
Kill yourself it's sexy af
How though? How is it sexier than the clothes ripping along the seams, barely holding on but still utterly ruined and unwearable in public? There's exaggerating for artistic effect and then there's this clown shit.
I prefer tearing along the seams myself. it's more realistic, and the fat oozing through the rips is sexier to me
I think it's unfair to knock Kip for this one. The vast majority of artists I've seen are willfully ignorant of fabric physics.
Yet they don't make them fucking explode like a bomb went off
I agree, it is quite stupid. the only times its sexy is on something like craving control where you can see the shirt struggling to hold lalia and her grunting. she keeps eating anyway and then it explodes. thats when its hot. or when the buttons fly off like bullets. this here was stupid. but lets just be happy we finally got belly. maybe well have them work out next to some donut joint or something, cut back to saiya for some straight up idiocy then return to see aika even larger, ripped out of her work outfit and with donut crumbs all over her. whatever happens I'm thinking this is aika "growing" larger before seeing saiya again. aika will get bigger, saiya will pass out, tessa will stuff herself to compete and maybe stacey will leave tessa alone to focus on aika instead. would tessa just blow up if stacey left her alone? that would be interesting to see.
LMAO literally getting mad at kip for having the same output he currently has but for a colored comic.

Literally anything
its not the output. its the comic no one asked for. if this were a spring break with cindy and connor or even tessa and saiya people would be hype. no one cares about the characters he chose.
You dont. Plenty of people like sydney/tina, the last fanservice comic he did for them is one of the better received ones
>>101167 Nice art. I hope you become rich and famous
(936 KB, 1800x2400, Aika Just eats too much.jpg)
I am a simple man.
If I see a belly so full that it makes the innie into an outie, I'm one happy coomer.
I'm expecting a lot of this humiliation going forward like what happened earlier in the comic with the Tessa exercising. Sika probably is going to be even worse but it's hard to not get my hopes up. The arms of the chair are tight on her in the last pages so maybe we'll be treated to a nice bit of stuckage soon.
I was wondering where the artist anons went. thank you sir or madam. its appreciated.
A gut so stuffed their navel inverts is always good
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Tessa really seems to like drinking soda. Think Saiya should try and force some more in there?
Fuck sakes….that’s what I get for leaving this page open unattended for 15 fucking seconds apparently 💀
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I actually want to dive down the whole Cindy situation for a few. If anyone here has played the new Five Nights With Fatties Second Course, you’ve seen that she plays a role in it. She transforms into her succubus form, jumps in front of the player and eats them, resulting in that last image where she’s holding her belly. It seems a bit tiny for a vore gut but it still works. Some of the other characters eat you and it’s far more obvious. But back on Cindy, I didn’t think this whole succubus thing would become as legitimate as it is. Especially with how FNN ended and the trees only created the illusion of her wings. Now in this game she transforms as the 3 tiny sprites show. So ultimately how canon is her appearance in this? Has Kip said anything else regarding her being or not being a succubus? Still waiting for that FNN sequel to see what happens with her and Connor (like most people) so I wouldn’t mind if we just took a nice long break from OSC and addressed that along with the upcoming NLB beach mini comic.
Actually *correction* I guess the player gets drained to hell basically and becomes that corpse in the corner, and all of the energy she consumes from you makes her slightly fatter.
I still don't understand how she's supposed to be a succubus. she never took advantage of connor, never did anything mean to him. she was always nice to him and the relationship seemed somewhat genuine. I don't know that they'd have had sex that fast but otherwise it was good. then he called her a succubus as she walked out the door, when all of us know thats now his girlfriend? I never understood that.
it's from a fucking fnaf parody game you babbling idiot
Proceeds to foam at the mouth, shits self and dies
We’ll see if there’s ever a sequel I guess. They should be a couple but it all depends on what Kip decides when we finally get past the ridiculousness that is OSC. There was supposed to be a FNN sequel or even prequel (idk what that would even be about because a third of FNN was recapping how she got fat so I’d much rather a sequel where her and Connor continue their connection). Instead for now we’re stuck with Aika burning out her brain cells simply by existing
you do realize I'm talking about the original comic right?
I dunno, chief. I feel like One Serving Choice will never end as long as her fanbase of retards keep praising it. People need to stop giving her money lmao
...its a free comic tho?
she's not literally supposed to be a succubus, she's just super sexy to him, so he sees her as a sex demon. Her appearance in whatever game that is where she's a succubus is probably just Kip playing up the demon thing for fun, but in her original comic, she's not really meant to be that
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Hi, I just drew this, it's one of the first times I draw fat girls, if you have any feedback it will be welcome.
Weeeell strictly speaking it's not been explicitly proved nor disproven, which is something that I appreciate from Kip. That final, fantastical little wrinkle in FNN's otherwise pedestrian story.
Pragmatically, you are no doubt right in your assessment... but what if...?
But pupil placement is a little goofy.
By the by, are we all in agreement that Stacy essentially cares about Aika - in her coarse and bitchy way, naturally? That line of "Sighh... We've got a long way to go." should tell us that Stacy is committed to this course of action, despite her outward misgivings for Aika. I'm definitely sensing some tsundere sparks igniting between the pair of them. Stacy presumably enjoys having someone she can bully yet also one who has a bit of fire in the gut, able to stand her ground and push back.
That’s pretty damn good for a first attempt. Keep it up.
(23 KB, 517x404, SpongeDisgust.jpg)
>never heard of this game before
>watch gameplay
>Sandy is in the first one
(sarcastically) "Oh gee, I bet her jumpscare involves ra-"
I'm pretty sure stacy will get some kind of redemption arc or otherwise be shown to not be a totally terrible person by the end of this
Honestgly I don't hate the prospect of a 2-week palate cleanser. After all the grousing about OSC's melodrama, some cheesecake with Syd on the beach sounds pretty agreeable.

Tessa oozing out of a croptop next page, likely in color if kip likes whatever method they use for the beach comic 😳
I was thinking that. nice one kip. he knew no one was checking for saiya trying on clothing so he's going to have tessa fan service. Im sure not one person cares but I approve.

does this start up wed on his deviant art?
agreed, it sounds fine to me
Yeah, the last 2 weeks of OSC has been a disaster. Kips likely doing damage control.

Lmao ya'll are trippin as usual
I always wonder why Kip returns to the No Lunch Break crew rather than the original cast.
i think it might be more that even kip is getting bored of the glacial pacing in his own story
i wonder that as well, it's been a while since we've seen kip (the character) in any form
kip(the artist) hates kip(the character)
I can't remember the exacts but last I remember she got too big for him and was "too flat of a character" or something
(203 KB, 730x479, Authors mouthpiece.png)
Likely because Sydney is closer to being like Kip than Kip (the character) is.
When you remove the fetish aspects of Sydney, all that's left is a vapid gold digging narcissistic bitch.
Someone probably would've shooped his IRL head onto the bottom picture with wings drawn on it if there was a good enough image floating around.

On a related note, does anyone else remember the shitstorm when Sandy went from a quirky weird side character into the "villain", back when people called her best girl?
Funny how most people really don't put 2 and 2 together on why that happened.
I thought nobody cared about Sandy.
We didn't until she became the bad guy and just made things annoying. Including that pointless scene with the police girl in her house

Lmao imagine being this butthurt over free comics from an artist you wouldnt support at all even if you liked what they producer
WTF? Did Kip predict the hanging soyjak?
"Good for drinks, those mice"
I still have no fucking idea the point of that line besides Kip justifying eating dead rats.
Sandy is an awful character and exists only to keep pushing Kip's fucked up kidnapping/torture/eating animals fetish
I always just figured Kip didn't want to keep making comics about lesbian incest
The incest + underage combo is pretty cringe, ngl
>Fictional characters reeee
Popping in after finally reading his latest comic after several months (dropped it after the first 10 pages), all I gotta say is I don't miss the days when I checked on this shit weekly. Will post back after the next few months
Yeah, not to mention how kip even retroactively made some normal scense into incest.
Really throwing those northern European customs out there, huh?
I know it isn't real, that's why I used the word 'cringe' instead of 'wrong' or 'gross'. I'm not tryna get moral or anything, they're just drawings after all.

Everyone should do this.
I don't care, i still want Dessert with Sister. Kip and Kat > any other of Kip's girls any day.
>northern European customs
Isn't it an anime thing?
I learned my lesson after NLB and don't even care enough to complain about Kip's story pacing and characters anymore. Ok now i'm really gone. See yeah later space cowboys
>vore gut but it still works.
Technically she doesn't eat the body, she's just drinking a shit ton of blood from exsanguinating the player. You can even see the dried out body in that last picture.
Mhm, yes, blood. That's the liquid succbui drain from their victims.
Kip says that this will only be 6 pages long, and is meant for practicing colored pages. Best to keep expectations low for this one.
I know, but it's already better than OSC. And the colour/shading does look good as well. Kip should stick with small, max 30 pages strips.
Well, at least it's off to a promising start. Fatty shenanigans already
(63 KB, 1280x720, saruman.jpg)
>it's the beach
No shit.
>It's the bitch
No surprises here as well.
Let us see how it cna be done, making a good comic 6 pages long.
This is boring. We've seen so many of these belly and fat angle shots from kip numerous times that it becomes mundane. Who would fund something so repetitive ?
Herr coomer and his subordinates.
>the same shot again and again
Yeah, the ass shot I swear kip traced from his own comics it looks so similar lol
im not impressed so far. is she squeezing into a blue one piece? I thought we were here for belly? why not a two piece?
Kip was at his peak when it was about incest
The incest gave him power
A new comic? And one that is not utter shite? Damn! I have a bit more faith in humanity now
You're saying that too soon anon. Wait for more pages, cause it could be shit later.
It's a scene Kip has done a lot. Let's hope that's not the entirety of this comic.
That bottom-right shot of Sydney is better than the bottom left panel in the new comic page... Like in the new one, it literally looks like her boobs are growing out of her neck or something. Kip's gotten worse holy shit
The poses aren't exactly the same, the new drawings do look worse tho. Because of the rendering and by the amount of rolls the older drawings look more soft and supple, while the belly in the latest panel looks dense and hard, it's also much less squishy and looks completely unaffected by gravity.
Call it a stylistic choice but it's not a great way of portraying fat, I don't think this is comparable to her not drawing fat arms or properly distributing fat on the character, because this barely reflects what fat actually looks like
>Help, my swimsuit is too small!
>She's smaller than she was when she was wearing it in NLB
Fucking hell Kip, stop retconning your character's sizes. I swear, every time we get new Sydney art she's smaller, but Kip is gaslighting us saying she's gaining more weight.
(1.0 MB, 4096x2730, 211A06A0-E119-49D6-8507-D847BABA867C.jpeg)
It’s honestly frustrating to know she’s significantly smaller than she was towards the end of NLB but Kip wants to act like she’s gained a truckload of weight. He’s so inconsistent with his character’s sizes.
wish kip drew asses consistently like that bros. i know not to look but sometimes i can’t help but notice that her characters only have a set of thighs
(131 KB, 731x1028, NoLunchDinner31.jpg)
wasn't it supposed to be this size? what a pity :c
Nah he said this wasn't canon.
kip is a man
kip also never draws proportionate fatties because he’s way more into the stuffing shit where the bellies get massive while everything else stays relatively the same than he is actual gaining
why is she wearing a one-piece though? is she going to burst out of it before this comic is over?

maybe she loses the weight immediately after the comic is over and starts out chubby in the next?

kip wouldnt start her off that huge because i dont know that he has any idea how to go larger. if she were that big in this bathing suit it might have covered her behind but it would have ripped in half trying to get over that belly. shed be in a two-piece, which she should be anyway, and kip would probably have her sitting the entire comic because i doubt hed try to draw such a huge belly standing up.
No Lunch Beach isn't canon to No Lunch Break and as I think it's supposingly taking place in the same "timeline" as No Lunch Take Out. And yes Syndey does grow gigantic in this comic but if her size wasn't exaggerated af anyway that's just how growing in Kips comics works
That's because his accuracy sucks. Just look at the neckboobs.
Dude, there are 4 pages left. How do you think it's possible to cramp that much into the format this little.
>that anatomy
anyone have that makima pic?
1. What’s with Kip’s soda bloat obsession these days?

2. Does Sydney’s shape feel different to anyone else? It feels like she’s become more like the typical Kip figure than she used to be.

3. Jesus fucking Christ I know people are going to call me autistic for this one but Kip has been doing comics for years, and characters still just teleport between different poses and positions with no explanation. In my mind the only possible explanation at this point is laziness, because there’s no way the girls switching places in the last two panels was something that was accidentally overlooked. It’s obvious as hell.
why is her belly sticking up, and not sagging down across her lap? Fat is heavy, it sags downwards

Bloated from chugging and held up by the tight swimsuit

How? Whole comic is just mindless fanservice, belly got bigger, syd got bloated, titty shot....

Ya'll wanna be salty at kip every week more than you want him to listen lmao.
It's like its a non-canon side story or something. You fucking idiot.
The first picture is straight the second to last page of the actual series. Nice try being so confident in being wrong, retard.
>instantly prove me right
I wouldn't have bothered even posting in the first place if I knew you had the IQ of a single celled organism. It's really not hard to follow a simple conversation path. The beach comic he is doing now is just a fanfiction side story is what I was talking about. Her size being different from NLB is irrelevant because its not canon. You fucking idiot. Again.
There is no mention of it not being cannon on any of the posts on deviant, nice head cannon.

Even if you were right, being an annoying faggot to the other guy about it is cringe. Bring a kip dick rider is the worst.
No, I'm so sick of you cunts. Every single time I come on the site there are new posts in this thread so I check and it's never art, it's always you fucking niggers crying about literally anything. Seek rope, every single one of you.
> Going on an autistic rampage on a fat fetish forum
So instead of trying to improve his consistency problem, he just tells us to deal with it? Why does anyone subscribe to his patreon again?
Maybe if the content didn’t suck so bad, there wouldn’t be reason to complain.
And that text post thing was from a couple years ago if I remember correctly. And yes, I see that not only does he say he acknowledges his problem, he says that it'll take time to improve. So that means after all this time after this post Kip either:
A) hasn't been trying hard enough to improve
B) doesn't care
C) both
So instead he tells us to deal with it and paints people who complain as nitpickers who complain about inconsistencies from 10 plus pages appart.
No Kip, it's called you can't even stay fucking consistent on the same God forsaken page.
Size changes, teleporting character positions, and sometimes outfit errors because I guess Kip couldn't be assed to look back a single page in his own comic. But no, we're just being assholes I guess

Kip should definitely listen to the sweaty neckbeards who sperge out on a porn piracy forum three times a week when there isnt enough fanservice, and when there is fanservice, who give him $0.

Not tailored to you does not mean bad.
I'm asking for the most basic shit. Why should I pay someone who can't even do their job correctly?
And also did you even read what I wrote? I didn't ask for fan service, I'm asking him to do his job and draw whatever he does correctly and consistently.
So let me simplify it for you, ok?
Girl eat, girl get bigger, on next panel/page, girl stay bigger.
So what, you're saying if I did pay for it I should still just be complacent and lap up whatever he puts out? That would be like if I payed someone for a weight gain sequence and the girl changes size every part and I'm just told to suck it up and now I've paid for a bad product.
And on another note I don't want to hear anybody go "oh take your bitching to the salt thread" because I'll go there and I'll get "go complain on [insert artist's] thread, this is a general complaint thread"
Kip might actually be inconsistent just to see autistic fucks like you screech over his shit lmao. Why do you care so much man, kinda sad tbh
Why do you care so much what we think that you have to reply, defending an artist who doesn't give a fuck about you and makes more money than they deserve? Kinda sad tbh
I don't, if he wants to be a bad artist then good for him. I just can't stand people slobbering all over Kip and fervently trying to defend him.
What do you gain from perpetuating bad, stagnant art? More of it.
But if more people called him out on it, things could improve. Instead you get laughed at and call "sad" and "a neckbeard" for asking for the smallest, most basic thing
> And on another note I don't want to hear anybody go "oh take your bitching to the salt thread" because I'll go there and I'll get "go complain on [insert artist's] thread, this is a general complaint thread"

Then maybe you should take the hint and just get a grip and stop whining. We don’t care
Fuck you dude you're whining about people whining, you're no better. At least we aren't sucking the dick of an artist who doesn't give a fuck.
The hint is that people are stupid and can't make up their minds/no one is on the same page.
Now, mods, please come delete this whole conversation from the thread so that a different group of anons can have this same conversation again sometime next week so this whole cycle of stupidity and anguish can repeat again.
Thank you
These threads are always a good laugh
Just outta of curiosity how long since OSC started and how many pages in is it?
April 7th, 2021 was when the first page was published. We're currently 190 pages in
I like when people argue on the kip threads and complain it's part of the charm
I endorse this post.
Yeah, literally everyone here is talking if they were experts drawers telling every shit the think its wrong. Dude just shut the fuck up. I think it would be better if someome create a thread where everyone of you can cry and tell literally everithing wrong in the world. Jesus
Dude you don't have to be a chef to tell if you're being served shit. This is the same, Kip is serving a shit product and people are allowed to complain if they want to. What is wrong with you fucks defending everything Kip does? What does it get you to defend mediocrity?
We’re literally discussing Kip’s work, whether mediocre or not, which is the point of the thread. Sorry that us discussing his work softens your chub. I would never come to these threads if I wasn’t looking for a place to find other people who don’t endlessly praise his work like all his worshipers on Deviantart. This is the only place I can actually critique while also enjoying. Also, learn to type retard.
Nah you dont discuss shit it's just a weekly circle jerk about how there's NeVeR AnY BeLlY and then when there is belly its how kip didnt draw it to your specific tastes
Dude jesus christ it's not just "it's not to our tastes," there are real anatomical issues with the drawings most of the time or weird things Kip decides to do that make the art look stupid and less appealing.

Also, when a character used to have a different shape, I think it's ok to criticize that it isn't being drawn the right way.
If Kip is such a terrible artist that can't do anything right then stop fucking looking at his art. It's really that simple. We are here to look at Kip's art, not look at """"critiques"""" from a bunch of retards that don't even like Kip in the first place. Hide the thread and fuck off. The mod needs to start banning you niggers instead of just deleting posts.
kinda surprised the mods arent banning you all for dropping the n-word so easily. do you even know what that word means? its one thing to insult some possibly crappy art. its another entirely to throw racial slurs.
>Chan site
>Dropping slurs

Nah it checks out
image board, you misbegotten pavement ape
Good to see that only a day has passed and it's right back to the same shit.
Very good, this site is a special breed of stupid
If you just want a Kip circle jerk, why don’t you just go to their DA where everyone slobbers their cock? The reason people here complain is because Kip is the biggest artist in the community, and doesn’t deserve it. It’s human nature to want to point out that unfairness.
Alright anon who do you think deserves to be the biggest artist in the community then?
Fucking hilarious. Lmao
I don't know who should be #1, but I don't think Kip should even break the top 5.
Who the fuck cares if people complain about Kip’s work? People still post his art and we have plenty of art anons in the thread contributing as well. People complain. Get the fuck over it, holy shit. Watching you bitch and moan for mod intervention is some pathetic shit.
that second pic is one of the best edits ive seen yet. yall think tessa might have a belly like this when this comic picks up again? remember shes wearing a crop top and just snuck in the room with saiya.
Anyone else think the reason why Kip doesn't make his characters bigger is because he knows someone else will?
Kip is the Bethesda of fat artists lol
I love these very literal posts.
(1.1 MB, 2463x1706, Tessasequence.jpg)
Kip still has the ability to bless us now and then
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A blessing from the lord.

I do wonder when/how Tessa is gonna reach these proportions at this point. She seems to be a lot less top-heavy this time around. I also hope Kip starts drawing more ass (or just bottom heavy characters in general) because they can really draw a nice badonk the few times they do.
How i feel every fucking day on this site. Majority of people here are idiots
not enough in the gut
god I wish I could commission someone tessa art but I don't want to give kip the satisfaction of getting free art
Yep, just start telling them to fuck off. This is a place for degenerates to come find shit to whack it to, not have an idiotic discussion about something that no one gives a damn about
Majority of people are idiots, period.
this is fan service?
im not trying to complain but I thought they were going to sit on the beach and stuff her. are we just going to get random panels of her belly getting in the way?
> kip draws their hottest page in years, after an extended self indulgent story

> "this is fanservice??"

okay man
Your standards are real fucking low man if you think this is the hottest thing Kip's done in years. I'm with >>103002.
kip worked on a visual novel? I might check this out. do you know anything else about this? any gaining or anything in it?
You got to admit though, that's a damn juicy ass in the 3rd panel

I mean, yeah?? Tight clothes, bloating/chugging, numerous belly and ass shots, stuckage...

Only one more week of complaining about this evil free comic and we can get back to complaining about the other free comic tho don't worry!
(1.5 MB, 1055x1080, Monika dress wg1.png) (1.5 MB, 1055x1080, Monika dress wg2.png) (1.4 MB, 1055x1080, Monika dress wg3.png)


Yuri Blue Edition is the one that you want to download. Monika does show up in the other version but her sprite is drawn by a different artist.

Kip's version of Monika gains weight 3 times in the Yuri Blue Edition. I made those belly edits because she only wears her uniform in the early stages.

Keep in mind that the VN features different artists for the other characters plus the mini stories that play during intermissions. So be prepared to see different levels of weight gain, a lot of which reach hyper or slob territory so proceed at your own discretion. You can fast-forward through those segments no problem but not the other character sprites. There are also multiple endings for you to discover based on the decisions you make for each character.
(635 KB, 1491x1948, MEGUBASE_copy.jpg)

On a related note, Kip was working with them again to make a Konosuba VN in the same style but it was cancelled after some controversy with a few of the characters being "underage".

Kip was in charge of the Megumin sprites at the time. No idea if the drama was from them or the community itself. The only news I remember was a teaser from Kip's Patreon. IIRC it was never brought up again, hell I didn't even know it was cancelled until years later on a different forum.
>Stupid stairs
>Why they have to make them so small...
...What? What does that even mean??
>but it was cancelled after some controversy with a few of the characters being "underage".
Obesity glorification is cool tho
thanks for the information. I just checked that out. it seems fairly interesting. does he do a lot of visual novels like this? someone should get him to do one of a story with cindy and connor. id buy that in a minute just to watch cindy keep growing.
I thought it wasn't cancelled and that they decided to put it somewhere else because Weighgaming are a bunch of chickenshits.
Did... did she just call a ladder stairs?
Keep is tired out old man.
So far, this new comic is meh. Not great, not terrible.
(67 KB, 523x607, konosuba.png) (132 KB, 566x1013, konosuba2.png)
the konosuba VM is still on the schedule for dr-black-jack's patreon and has been promised for a while, the reason given for the delay was that they were focused on creating five nights at fatties 2 for halloween 2021 (just released this month lol, that project was delayed a lot). I didn't know about the drama about underage characters surrounding it but that probably made it less of a priority (plus FNAF2 was more complex and probably more interesting to work on). I remember first subscribing to his patreon to support future fat game projects after monika's special day, too bad I hate five nights at freddies lol

I don't so much hate Five Nights at Freddy's but I'm not it's target audience either. I don't deal with jumpscares very well and it doesn't help that the weight gain parody legitimately plays like the real thing.

Fetish parody or not, if you can't manage all the game's systems under pressure, you won't get to see the rest of the content. It doesn't help that the environment is actually unsettling to look at in the dark. On top of that, you have the creepy audio mixed in with whispering to deal with. With that said, it feels like the horror supersedes the fetish side of the game. Just my opinion anyway. They still did an amazing job but it's just a little too close to the source material for my liking.
As the guy who started the whole VN project (I had first comm’d BlackJack for a Darkness story, that then snowballed into a VN with her and then a VN chapter for the rest of the girls) I never actually heard anything about controversy’s regarding underage characters, one thing I do know was that Kip sort of moved away from the project since the sprites they drew were definitely much smaller than how Megumin is described in the story.
There was also naturally a whole bunch of causes for delays such as the pandemic being quite a dent in motivation and just smaller things that needed working on but couldn’t due to scheduling. But here’s hoping we’ll be able to see it soon
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>Can't handle jumpscares
Can't tell if legitimately that pathetic or a shill who does it for free.

>As the guy who started the whole VN project (I had first comm’d BlackJack for a Darkness story, that then snowballed into a VN with her and then a VN chapter for the rest of the girls)
You have a problem, admitting it is the first step to getting help.

>Kip sort of moved away from the project since the sprites they drew were definitely much smaller than how Megumin is described in the story
I always figured most artists in Blackjacks VNs was from him settling.

>There was also naturally a whole bunch of causes for delays such as the pandemic being quite a dent in motivation
Please tell me you mean paid free time caused a lot of slacking.
Well, firstly, I’m not the one finding the whole thing, each of the three girls was funded by one person (I’m not that rich)
As for the artists, yeah Blackjack was the one who chose Kip (to my knowledge) but later down the line they were swapped out for a different artist to for bigger Megumin sizes.
Actually no, there wasn’t any paid free time, artists and VAs were paid for their work and the programmers who are helping with the project willingly put themselves forward for this, so naturally it’s not the highest priority thing when other commissions/IRL things pop up
>Actually no, there wasn’t any paid free time, artists and VAs were paid for their work
I meant their day jobs when the goobermint shut everything down and threw out gibs.
>or a shill who does it for free.

I don't know how hating jumpscares makes someone a shill but whatever you say, buddy.
Why wouldn't you advertise your WG parody keeping intact whatever that made the thing being parodied, popular?
God this is so much better than the regular comic, I'd die in that ass
this page is very confusing, i don't understand what she is trying to do with her belly or why she trips over.
I think she was trying to lift her belly up. I'm not sure why she felt that she had to do that.
Heres the play by play
Panel 2, she preps to jump, in doing so she both preps her legs and hoists her gut in an attempt to control the mass for a clean jump
Panel 3, legs extend(off panel) and the jump is initiated, however, shes too fat and her guy, having significant mass, initially lags behind the rest of the body and once accelerated, momentum is transferred from the body to the gut, giving upward momentum. Imagine a rising ball being tied to another, stationary ball, with a rope and how it would pull the stationary ball up once the rope was taut.
Panel 3/4, due to the rising motion of the gut and the dampened rising of the body, she is essentially pushed backwards and slips, and falls.
Nah dude it’s just stupid Kip bs
She thought it would add her some swinging momentum.
True, heh
While it's a nice sequence it's kinda spoilerino, would have been better to release after Tessa reaches that size. Granted she's already at step 3, so it's not that far away.

Jesus christ can you fucking retards go a day without hyper analyzing any think kip puts out its not that fucking deep. Not every fucking panel of art has to be 100% perfect. These are cartoon characters with cartoon proportions, inane how you fools forget that.
She plays with her belly and falls on her butt because it's cute and sexy. Same reason her swimsuit breaks. I'm excited to see how this turns out.
It’s not hyper-analytical or nitpicky when you look at something and your brain screams “this is weird” and it hurts your enjoyment because it’s all the page leaves you with.
Christ, you already chased people from discussing the comic from out of the relevant thread. You got your wish, now be happy with it.

Fuck me these friggin white knights are annoying. Anything that falls short of slobbering over Kip's knob is verboten to their delicate senses.
Ah, fuck. I thought I was on the manbaby thread for some reason lmao. I embrace oblivion with these two posts.
This comic was uneventful, but at least it was short so it didn't take up too much time.
So let's summarize.
>it was a good break from the neverending OSC
>kıp bamboozled everyone yet again saying that the girls actually gained weight, while they really didn't
>well-worn lesbian relationships (again)
>neckboobs and boring ass shot
Generally, glad it's over.
What? Your telling me kip didn’t change up his tired decade old formula of content I’m shocked…
Cindy & Connor beach scene/comic when
Seems Kip figured that rather than stalling the action in the comic itself he could just take a break from it just when it gets interesting and post irrelevant material instead. He leveled up.
Agree on everything except on the ass shot and neck boobs.
The ass shot was the highlight and those weren't neckboobs, they were 1 clearly being pushed up by the stomach and 2 it was meant to look a bit funny
this comic took six pages to have this woman get on a diving board and her swimsuit break. this was a complete waste of everyones time. when kip said "fan service" i expected six pages of pure fun such as those pages of connor and cindy making out. maybe one or two leading up to it but the rest would be stuffing or belly play. instead we got a few good panels. this comic has to be one of his worst yet. one serving choice will probably end up his worst ever made if and when he finishes. give him another few years.
I know, I know, but the persective is a bit awkward there. Maybe that's why he kips reusing those poses every time. Usually, they aren't so eye-catching, but since here they all had been lumped together - cumulative effect was quite bad.
He is literally on 2 more weeks/months/years mode. How old is he? I think he will retire after hitting 50. I assume he is near his thirties or already in them. For how long he has been drawing, to be exact?
And I have a worry that he had already peaked as an artist. What we see now is a dead cat bounce.
(952 KB, 2462x3381, Diveboard.jpg)
A drawing I did of Sydney.
Very unsanitary that she's trying on clothes without any underwear on
Now we only need some booty shots, that would be perfect
I'm simping, for both really.
thats cute. saiya has no idea how to act. is she going to start rubbing her belly in here? is tessa about to go show her how much she can really eat?
I like this but it's bittersweet knowing that Kip doesn't draw vore anymore
Tessa would be an amazing pred
Ikr. Would be a neat alternate take if anything.
I wonder what's going to kill the mood this time...
Someone interested in fixing it?
Tension are high again, what could possibly go wrong?! °/////°
I think this one fixed it pretty well.

and you're right anon, they really do need to touch on doordash more often. in fact I think that any other writer would have had either tessa or aika locked away in their room gorging themselves on doordash by now. that suits aika more since she's already good for locking herself in her room and we saw her gorging herself in the mall. if we were to stick to the characters aika would do it but no one cares. we all want to see tessa do it and get so much bigger.

I really don't get the appeal of saiya with a belly. I mean why would she gain weight? its her kink but its obvious she doesn't like the tiny one she has.
torso is wayyyy too small, it should be almost twice as tall
man, do you have functioning eyes?
Gotcha, I'll get to it right away, thank you. I'll also do some re-working on the first one too. I'm seeing some issues with it.
And then Saiya will run away crying and we'll be back at square one and she'll go back to obsessing over the four year old
Either that or Aika walks in on them creating some drama which will lead to Aika going to Stacey or some shit
This is the first time in awhile a kip comic has made me hard. Now will it be fap worthy on the next page. Who knows
to be fair, it kinda makes sense. tessa is literally smashing saiya. we've never known her to be into this so she could push her and run away and it would make sense.
Just by her facial expression, it should be more than enough indication that she's into it
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One thing that i really appreciate is the size difference, Tessa is so tall that Saya is getting her face buried in the booba. And that is definitely something you don't see everyday, at least in fat art.
It's also another way of portraying sub dom dynamics without it being tied to feeding, while still being appealing to the same sensibilities; kudos to you kip.
As great as these pages have been it's annoying how we will have to inevitably pull back from this to include Aika at some point. Kip's got gold on his hands with Saiya x Tessa but he's painted himself into a corner, plot-wise.
Bro pleeeease open up a Twitter or something so I can keep track of all your art you do in the future, I don't want to miss anything!
For real. The Tessa content has been great, especially since it is finally ramping up. Then we get sucked back into 2 months of autism girl and it's just a slog. Especially if Aika actually does end up losing weight its like why is she even wasting pages that could be used on Tessa?
that'll be happening any moment now. I'm almost expecting stacey to somehow pull that curtain open and see these two kissing.

it wouldn't be so bad if kip made it funny. like if he cut to the gym and showed aika "working out" but whenever stacey turned around she was still eating? so somehow she kept getting bigger and bigger until she bursts out of her workout clothes at the gym and shrugs as if she has no idea why? meanwhile tessa and stacey fiercely make out in the fitting room, saiya finally gives in and decides to take tessa to the food court and stuff her. what would be even better is, yet again, connor and cindy already being there and cindy waddling out burping with her belly looking overdue with triplets almost on the ground. that would be nice but nope. kip wouldn't have it.
Day 283858 of waiting for a Connor & Cindy appearance. Would be funny if somehow Cindy and Tessa are related. Even if not, it would be nice to sneak the couple from FNN into OSC.

One of these years hopefully we will see Saiya stuffing Tessa into oblivion, and on a side note I’d love to see Saiya pack on some more pudge as well. I like how you can see her slight pudge stick out while Tessa faces her and dwarfs Saiya & her tum with her tall stature and voluptuous gut and breasts. Fun times…..
Where is the new page
about time. now kiss already.

and let stacey rip that curtain open to show aika so that she can go gorge herself some more.
and then an employee pulls the curtain and they both get embarassed and we wait a month and a half
People on deviantart are eating this shit up, maybe the positive response will be enough to convince kip to follow through with the sexy stuff
nope. you should know better. we got about four pages of connor and cindy making out and it ended. were on page three of tessa and saiya. saiya is already getting scared. you know kip is going to screw this up. the question is just how far is he going to let it go.

a month and a half? no. I think we might see something again come halloween.
tbh as much as i appreciate everything kip does and i do like parts of one serving choice, i’d love to see them draw characters in their older/more realistic style like dinner with sister and no lunch break. this comic and some of full night nanny has just been so cartoonish and unrealistic.
With Saiya's slavish devotion to Aika, it makes you think that she's married to her. Pretty pathetic of Saiya that she can't just have an open mind and enjoy being in the moment - with a giant hottie who is literally shoving her tits into her face no less.

(And before people start, this isn't a slight on Kip or the comic, just the character decisions within the comic - fair game, no?)
anyone got the new drawing?
Well, fun is over everyone.
The dumb store lady is gonna come over and ruin everything.
What do you think will the next 150 pages of non-sexy filler be about?
Kip, please, just this one time.
It wouldn't be just this "one time" though. It's been said over and over again that Kip has done this in every major comic. Are you blind to the deja vu >>104836 mentioned? It's stale.
why does tessa always have to open her mouth and mess it up? first time she had to talk about saiya fondling on her belly. now she's bragging about how few have touched her. just enjoy it.

and yes, as we knew, its about to end. kip gave warning this time though so thats a nice change. that lady is going to rip that curtain open and saiya is going to come running out embarrassed.
Tbh as long as they kiss the whole scene won’t be for nought narration-wise.
Obviously I was being sarcastic, hence the 😉
Kip and ruining the moment is as common as the ice cream machine being broken at McDonalds.
(975 KB, 3272x2160, 20220805_233201.jpg)
Gotta love it when your customer accidentally gives you a fetish.
My geriatric decrepit ass tagged the wrong person on this initially, but the point is yes, if this goes per usual even if they kiss things will be going back to boring filler and Aika getting a lobotomy or some shit
fucking finally, after months of waiting
wow. I'm surprised kip. how much further will he let this go? and why is she calling tessa a "stupid bimbo bully"? tessa has only been nice to her from the start.
Oh god please let these two hook up and leave Aika out of the picture, I just want Saiya to find out Tessa was her childhood friend and then they just date. But Aika will probably be involved in this somehow and ruin it
Houston. The Eagle has landed.
I can't believe the motherfucker didn't bait n switch this time
Just more of Saiya's self-centeredness on show. The gall of her insulting Tessa and declaring victimhood as well.
Tessa is going to be at her max weight for the comic right now and Aika is going to be skinny next time we see her or something. I refuse to believe we didn't just spend all our good luck with this comic getting to this stage without some monkey's paw shit going down. Something has to be wrong going forward. I won't be baited again! lol
I honestly think that saiya is gonna be like bubububuh I like Aika and just revert to being autistic and run away. This is too good to actually last
The people of this thread confuse me. There's been loads of complaints about yuri content in fat art in general, yet there's not much negativity towards it when Kip does it, even when it's at the cost of the characters gaining weight.

For how things are going, I think Tessa is at her max weight for the comic too. I doubt she'll gain anymore.

Wasn't Tessa a bully to someone towards the beginning of the comic?
Yeah, she bullied Aika and Saiya and was just kinda a dick to most people around her
>Wasn't Tessa a bully to someone towards the beginning of the comic?
maybe? tbh I don't remember. I know she came off that way when they first met but that was how many pages ago? this is before they hung out at that party and started discussing chubbimon. this was before the "bonding". this was clearly before she started gaining weight. tessa has been nice to saiya since the beginning of this story. I'm pretty sure saiya saw aika force that kiss on tessa and she didn't bully her then either. if anything saiya has learned that tessa is a nice person in some bad circumstances. and if tessa is such a bully why is she at her house? why is she feeding her? why is she clothing shopping with her? look, one complaint here. just one. that line was stupid. she could've just left it with "I can't fall for her. I love aika". we don't want to hear it but thats what we expect. the insults are uncalled for

>Tessa is going to be at her max weight for the comic right now and Aika is going to be skinny next time we see her or something.
>For how things are going, I think Tessa is at her max weight for the comic too. I doubt she'll gain anymore.

yeah I don't think tessa is gaining any more. this is about as high as we go folks.

give it time. don't forget that kip gave fair warning this time. the clerk is wondering what all that noise is. they're already kissing and saiya is fondling her stomach. maybe they'll get even more hot and heavy and this is when shell step in.
So unless Aika goes through with the weight loss, Saiya has no reason to prefer Tessa over her.

>I'm pretty sure saiya saw aika force that kiss on tessa and she didn't bully her then either.
Aika was also drunk when that happened, and Tessa likely didn't notice that Saiya saw them because she ran away in tears as soon as it happened.

>and if tessa is such a bully why is she at her house? why is she feeding her? why is she clothing shopping with her?
Saiya was trying to figure out how to get closer to Aika because she saw them kiss. Things fell where they are now because Tessa likes Saiya.
So to summarize what I think right now:

All this happened because of her inability to be honest with Aika, and I find her new attraction to Tessa ridiculous. She's a shit character who deserves no one.

I have no idea why she likes Saiya. Her inability to fully commit to gluttony is painful to watch, as it's clear she enjoys it.

Other then her drunk kiss, she's an unfortunate victim in all this. It'l be the end of her if she does end up losing weight, as her extra weight was the main reason why Saiya liked her, while Tessa isn't interested in her. I don't think there's any chance for a happy ending with her.
I think we can sum it up with four words: This comic is shit.
Yes it is. Personally think it's Kip's worst one.
(131 KB, 1280x720, ddf.jpg)
Y'all still here complaining about paint drying?

mind if I watch?
The problem is that at this point Saiya has far more evidence that Tessa is actually a decent person than she has evidence of her bullying, but for some reason she stubbornly clings onto that first impression as definitive of her character. Calling her a bimbo after seeing what she looked like before Stacy got her claws into her is just tone deaf.
First impressions set how you see a person sadly, I just wish that saiya would get over it and realizd shes not bad
>>105483 that could probably be the big reveal near the end. We’re already having the popular/celebrity fawn endlessly over the geek girl so it wouldn’t be to out there to say she’ll be told that she’s the real mean girl.
Didn't she also bully Aika at the party while Saiya was right next to her?
Isn't a truism that first impressions are solidified within the first 30 seconds? Nevermind they're ostensibly teenage girls. nevermind that just because the pompous 'it-girl' known for her streaming career and asshole friend isn't mean to you but your bestie & likely others, you still have a problem with her? UHM??

Mate, the writing's on the wall. It all checks out. I hardly think Saiya's being so stubborn it jumps some kind of shark. Tessa free of her manager doesn't make her revert to who she was.

There's a myraid of good takes regarding this comic but this criticism is pretty tone deaf, ahaha.
if tessa is such a horrible person than why is saiya with her? I never hung out with people that bullied me or my friends in school. after we made up maybe but immediately after hurting my friends feelings? no. saiya clearly knows tessa is not a bad person or she wouldn't continuously hang out with her nor would she have her phone number. I'm not buying that "first impression" logic. I get what you're saying but tessa has more than proved herself and if she were as bad as saiya is trying to claim saiya is just as bad if not worse for being with her.
>if tessa is such a horrible person than why is saiya with her?
Because Saiya was wanting to get closer to Aika after seeing her drunk kiss Tessa.
Because this 200 page story has shit writing
that makes no sense. first off, saiya should have ditched aika the second she saw her drunk kiss tessa. I get running away crying and I get being mean to aika. that should have been it. nope. tessa has always been nice to her so she then went in trying to find what aika liked about tessa. if tessa were such a bully this wouldn't be an option. if tessa were such a bully she wouldn't trust her to help her and she surely wouldn't ditch aika, the woman she loves, asking her out to go hang with tessa, the bully. this isn't some 90s movie where everyone learns a lesson. this is badly written because saiya doesn't get to pull the "bully" card now. tessa hasn't bullied anyone since page 1 and were almost on page 200.
You're right. It doesn't make sense, but that's how Kip wrote it.
This thread is becoming so fucking annoying with all the whiners pissing and shitting all over the place.
Half of you don't remember what has happened in the comic and the other half is improvising themselves as armchair literary critics.

No, characters making decisions that you'd personally disagree with is not bad writing
I dont even look at the text anymore im just here for the pictures
We have a Kip simp on our hands. Takes anything and everything up the butt from Kip and willingly remains blind to the awful writing.
I’d be so much more into this if Tessa’s belly didn’t look like total shit in the 3rd panel…
Welcome to the Kipteitei thread! You must be new here.
I agree. so far this is great and I'm surprised he kept it going this long but I dont understand why he keeps going for that terrible angle and giving the characters horrible facial expressions.

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