
Anyone updating the kemono.party page?
I assume there was a new art piece recently that wasnt posted I'm not sure tho
there is. Apparently though it has been updated, not everything is up on Kemono. (I am talking about the 2nd recent Lucy pic)
i get why shes blue but whys aerith red
hey bws just posted something related to sammy can someone post it
(4.9 MB, 2470x1582, lucyedit.png)
oh, and I got the edit without the hands from the edit thread.
It would be amazing if someone would make a commison for a nude version of salt's Orihime art
Can someone upload here all the nude versions of the artworks he has done so far?
I just realised I posted a clone. surprised R9K didn't kick in.
Can someone post all the Serena and Nikume art with the nude versions too if possible?
The same image can be posted if it's from different locations.
If anybody here is sick of seeing Lucy guy’s self insert shit, you could try editing his hair and changing it to pink. Then it could look somewhat like Natsu. Wont fix the entire problem but it at least wont be self insert then.
Huh never noticed that good advice
Honestly with the fairly mundane clothing that Lucy is always put in and the genericness of the self-insert, Im not even bothered by how much he commissions.

Ten minutes with a lasso tool and fill bucket on the hair, whole new characters now because of how basic they are
Has anyone here actually read the stuff that Lucyguy writes?
Only a little bit but his self insert gets really weird, fat Lucy is the only thing good that comes from his "writing"
What's your favourite thing to come from salt?
Laughing at people dunking on lucyguy
The thing is, Lucy is so OOC she might as well just be another OC.
shes been in so much art ive seen that the name lucy and related contexts just dont mean anything anymore
(24 KB, 212x190, NoseSteamWelrod.png)
welrodguy here, what sorta welrod do you guys wanna see me comm?
(12 KB, 216x204, edu.jpg)
non blob, laying pose would be nice
(27 KB, 410x628, Untitled99.jpg)
How about a leglock around some dude's head with BIG MEATY THIGHS
Extreme slob. Crash the plane with no survivors.
Salt’s blob stuff is just god-tier.
A gts and bbw welrod would be nice to see 🤤
if I'm correct on your identity can you do your OCs nikume and Serena at the beach and what's your social medias?
i forgot to mention that both should be fat
Skinny welrod recieving the shikicoat and shikihat. [spoiler]post uid[spoiler]
I did after years of seeing fat Lucy and wanting to "get it." It was randier than I expected and it's nice to see a fat story that isn't overwhelmingly American in its references, but all-in-all it only drove home the crushing loneliness of that feel when no massively obese gf who loves stuffing herself silly.
Honestly I can't hate him after reading it.

A big blubbery Welrod compacting Sangvis girls under with her butt. Bonus points for an aftershot of their twisted metal limbs and leaking fluid.
Ass. PLEASE. Salt needs to do more ass/behind shots.
>that second pic
I'm going feral.

Tall muscular welrod groping and teasing short fat welrod.
nikume and serena, even though those two arent his OCs, i still love them to death
Man do I love clothes comparisons. One part of it is seeing how much they shrunk. Another is to see how big the new clothes and underwear are compared to where you began.
Unfortunately. The actual stuffing and smut scenes are decently hot actually, but everything inbetween is painfully cringeworthy battle-shounen-tier misunderstanding-driven OOC m'lady garbage. It's among the worst attempts at organic romance I've read, not that I usually go out of my way to read amateur fanfiction. There was sort of a morbid curiosity with this guy though
(29 KB, 387x259, pomf.png)

Y'know what, why not. Gonna suggest pic related for this month's upgrade poll, hope that it wins.

You. I like you. Not saying it's gonna happen now, but it's going into the idea folder.

Wouldn't call it extreme, but there might be something like that in the future. Maybe.

Damn right. Check the december 2021 sketch sheet for one of those!

Freaking adorable. Ngl I might give in and get it at some point.


Y'all are in luck. Soon! Ish! This year probably!

Tempting af too. Makes me wanna get a nerdy shy welrod, would be adorable.

...........Who are you?

Puh-dum tish!
Would lowkey like to see a nude orihime version
Too bad Salt does so little of it.
anyone got the new pic
many thanks
can someone update his kemono?
damm, i love his art style

What a fag. Get off my dick, nigger
as wide as possible. Humongous ass
Nothing wrong with appreciating art, I don’t know why you gotta act so hurt about it. Lmao get some help you fucking corn ball.
While you’re mad and fatherless. Lmao!
Should've been more weight on this chick as her gain has taken years, but this is still one of his better sequences. Far better then Losing Control was.
No what this is mid as hell what are you talking about
you must be fun at parties
They’re exaggerating a bit but it’s still a great sequence. Can’t people just enjoy things
They should enjoy things within reason. Even though BWS is one of the best, there's artwork of his that's overrated. Sometimes people need to be more objective, and you can tell that the three recent sequences of his were rushed.
Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about someone's opinion on fetish art unless they're fucking spergs. Ignore and move on.
hey just a heads up he's sick, so he may not post tonight
k nvm he posted, tonight, can someone post it?
(3.4 MB, 5469x2100, What Have I Done..png)
This is the third part of them eating burgers apparently. Someone connect the images
Been dying to see him draw women this size, and I'm glad it's these two. Easily the biggest he's ever done.
Dick hardened instantly on my end.
i would kill for a story with these two
You guys are brilliant
How do you figure they’ve been “rushed”? Because they’re in a different style? Just because they aren’t fully shaded doesn’t mean he didn’t put a lot of effort into them. They seem perfectly good to me
Death to all blobniggers, this makes me sick

This man speaks wisdom.
You three are weaklings, bashing the first immobile he's done in months. You're the ones asking for all the chubby or barely fat art in the other threads aren't you?
Does anyone have the Chiho pics? Pls
kill yourself slimspic
Chef kiss, blobbros have btfo the bitter twats.
just because one of the jannies is a blobnigger as well, doesn't it mean you're any less wrong. just saying
This isn't just a nude version.

Her belly is now stuffed. So I guess it's a continuation.
Jannies? You mean a mod? You didn't try to report these, did you?
Already posted
The art quality kinda went down since last piece but I don’t care cuz its still hot
hey the final part of beach body is out
Criticism is good to do for an artist, but just saying random stuff like the quality has gotten bad or you don't like a certain thing is not criticism. Explain why you think these things.
Criticism here is worthless though, he's not gonna read shit posted here and no one cares either.
Exactly. We are but (mostly) anonymous individuals in a thread, posting art from a well-known artist, and have no say in what is right or wrong in reality, especially when BWS starts drawing skinny girls or even Lucy, or Welrod, need I elaborate? We are just here to look at stuff, not write baseless slander just because their style changed or draw humongous sized girls.
This board has too many genuine autists, third-worlders now, and people who will go "BWS is mid now" and then beg for kemono updates for the wackest shit I've ever seen. You're never gonna see real criticism pop up here anymore outside of general shit in the salt thread.
Man am I tired of every single one of his sequences turning into "actually i'm super confident and sexy now" at the end
This is peak girl gut. Blubbery perfection.

Trust me, if you've ever gone out with a fat girl you'd wish that she was able to have a bit of confidence in her body.
>every single one of his sequences
Yeah, you have this one… and… Losing Control…… and……….. um……………
If we're being honest, if every wg sequence ended with a girl being obese and miserable, it'd be kind of downer. Better to end on a positive note, right?

I strongly agree with this, its absolute perfection
NTA but I've exclusively dated fat girls and the ones with no confidence are the best kind. The humiliation and occasional despair attached to any action that forces them to acknowledge their weight is cream of the crop.
(3.0 MB, 5148x2069, 32eee7d0617165df3ec5f8141cd72bf7dd0fe30f9f101a2aff04e4f7ee268b82.png)
While a bit of embarrassment is hot, I'm talking about some basic arithmetic here. The more confident the girl, the happier she is to have you play with her butt and belly. There's nothing worse than going out with a big, beautiful woman... who wants you to pretend that she isn't big and beautiful. And a girl without any self-esteem can't treat her man right.
agree with this whole heartedly
Wow, you sound like such a catch.
Noticed the tan lines on the year 3 image.
Im into that shit too but keep it in fantasy & roleplay, fucked up to mess with low self esteem people like that
That guy 100% doesn't do this.

No girl would even get close to him.

Total incel behavior
>iNcEl BeHaViOr
Whatever you need to tell yourself, champ. Go back to twitter and stay there.
(39 KB, 613x649, 92f.jpeg)
nigga, women love to be beaten down and treated like garbage, they unironically love that shit, that's why they date chad and jammal, have you ever wondered why they always complain about all men being the same? that's because they love to date assholes who abuse them and avoid nice guys like you, keep being a white knight simp online bro, you'll get a ton of pussy as reward
Incel who’s never fucked or talked to a woman spotted.
Remember guys, never take any dating advice from some stranger on the internet, especially image boards, or you'll end up like this terminally online virgin here.
It's genuinely sad that you think that. Like you've never had a meaningful relationship in your life.
hey guys i think bws isnt posting tonight
Oh right, she won a sequel poll. She's definitely bigger, but wish he went with a different perspective.
My god. Who would actually jerk off to this? What a waste of effort:
The colors are amazing, too bad I ain't into waterwings. Aind it's a shame to have that pose with no ass shot.
Prefer more of a belly shot myself. Her being on a cloud does it no favors
Bws pulled a jeetdoh, where he draws characters in poses and angles which makes it hard to appreciate the body. First the aerith post and now this.>>99299
As opposed to "i'm completely miserable and want to die"? Yeah I aint a fan of downer endings and I curious as to what you think he should do.
Right? And in Salt's case it's always the sizes that are bigger then what he normally does.
As an artist myself who's on hiatus, this is probably Bws trying something new, but it didn't quite work. Like a cloud is already soft and it struggling to carry her is not the best idea, maybe if he pushed the shape of the cloud more downward it could have been conveyed better. You can tell that the guy does like his big boobs though those fat arms are very nice aswell, but in this fetish we know the belly is were we want to look at.
(36 KB, 664x348, dccg866-8f69c330-8aef-4149-8dc0-157de365fba4.jpg)
Do y'all have any actual criticism besides "mUh PeRSonAl PrEfeReNce" There's shit I don't like here as well but christ. Either find someone else or make it youself.
>As a professional in [insert profession to make statement seem credible]
>speaks for the people
thanks bro it nice to see psychics on here knowing everything that I want. I definitely don't have my own selfish taste in what I want at all.
One: the Aerith was a comm so idk why the fuck you’re blaming Salt for how it turned out
2. The wedged in small space front view/back view combo is a community staple, maybe you just don’t like the trope
I like his older Nami draw better, the perspective on that one works better.
Even though I can respect the craftsmanship behind the new one.
Hard to judge it fairly because I'm not an ass person, but there's nothing wrong with it.
>not an ass person
Yeah that'll explain it. That Aerith comm was fucking spectacular
How the hell else are we supposed to judge things besides our personal preferences? Is there an academic standard for big fatty art?
>That Aerith comm was fucking spectacular
I'd probably agree with you if I were an ass person instead. Are asses your preference?
Holy shit, on a website filled with bad takes you still manage to have the worst possible one. The dumbass energy of this post could fuel all of Europe until it crumbled beneath its own density.
I wish this was on the explicit poll
They're right though.
I hope bws includes this in the next explict poll he does. I'd love to see that
I cannot believe that I have to share a planet with you two bozos. You better grow a garden because these insane perspectives are a complete waste of oxygen.
Y'all will complain about anything lmao

Yeah, to a degree preference does dictate how a person will judge art. But if a person's primary complaint amounts to "this pic focuses on the ass and I don't like ass" then your criticism isn't worth salt
Well tough shit, that's life for you. It's impossible for everyone to agree on everything. At least we explained why we think the way we do. You haven't even bothered to say why you think our takes are bad, or anything about the images we're talking about.
I feel like this comparison is pretty harsh. While I do prefer the older Nami more cus there is more of a focus on the belly and I’m a sucker for a bit a sweat. The new one is still pretty good specially the arms plus you do get a bit of belly still. Long story short BWS’s Nami still has plenty of fan service. Jeet on the other hand will end up making extremely complex images with little to no fan service that just so happens to also have a fat woman in it
You're confusing explaining with bitching my friend. Someone challenged an opinion of yours you tried to present as fact and your ego couldn't handle the idea you weren't objectively correct. Because of this fact you have been trying to manipulate your stance from one of objectivity to subjectivity to protect against criticism. At this point you've got to have the last word on the subject otherwise you'll feel emasculated in front of a group of anonymous perverts online who "should" bear no impact on your life. Prove me wrong.
There's something about Aerith that makes everyone wild.
I don't want a nude alt, I'm up for a dressless alt, I wanna see those panties riding up between those fat cheeks.
hey has anyone here wanna see BWS draw more detailed backgrounds in his art?
No not particularly. I don’t look at fetish art to admire the background. Obviously I don’t mind if the background helps accentuate the figure but the figure should always come first
Could any patrons tell me what options came in the final 7k poll?
Just waiting on an update on Nat and Halie.
Tifa, Rebecca?, BOTW Zelda, Yor.
Snore City, population Nintendo trash and FotM.
something other than Welrod holy shit I'm gonna have an aneurysm if I see her one more god damn time
Commissioning the same character this many times has got to be the result of some weapons-grade level of autism
Sperging out because of a few Welrod pieces a year reflects more poorly on you than the guy getting the comms.
Welrodguy, are you still taking suggestions? If so, I wanted to know the kind of things you like, from characters, angles, or what part of the body you like seeing get fat.
Go vote for her then
thoughts on the latest poll?
no, it tends to distract beyond a certain level of detail. i don't want my eyes wandering to anything but the fat
hey bws just posted some can someone post it?
damn, her face looks great
hey can someone colour that celestia ludenberg sketch? she's the one with the drills
Damn a rare sketch post where all of em are hits nice. If anyone is willing to color rogue on the very bottom left you’d be a legend
Didn't know service corps members were allowed to carry lightsabers.
Who’s the Jedi?
A Burp AND a hiccup in the sketch?

I don't care what this board thinks of them I adore both.
Rias was sooo close this time to be a part of this
Honestly, yeah, I am I kind of curious about how accurate he can make a background in relation to normal-sized people and big girls. A good background could help lend a sense of scale to a girl's size and fat squishing against props (or other people) in a tight space is untapped territory for fat art.
I'll never understand why in almost all of Mina's fat-arts she has extremely fat arms, or rather who started that trend with her, but I love it!

I want to be tired of Lucy content especially since all it tends to be is just her eating, but goddamn she's gotten so damn big that it drives me crazy.

sometimes I don't even recognize her as Lucy anymore and that kind of makes it hotter. I just wish she was in better content if she was gonna be drawn at all.
I've gotten so sick of seeing BWS draw Lucy so often. It's like Lucy guy is pointing a gun at his head to draw more, throwing more and more money at him. Goddamnit, where has his addiction for Welrod gone?
I just want more Nat and Halie content. I love those dorks.
Even a written story would be great.
man i would suck a fucking dick for fat junko enoshima drawn by bws
New art is out!
(30 KB, 217x160, bws.png)
can someone post this pic from his patreon banner?
thats his Halloween one from 2018
Dang... I have never been to pixiv or deviant art and those other types of online art sellers, but by looking at the arts on these patreons I feel like I can understand why these draw threads are such a mess.

I used to think that anon was really bad at posting pics. Today I realized there are bigger problems.
BWS DRAW THE witch again
Draw Lucy in the witch outfit instead
Really hope you're built like Shannon Marie.
REAL mature here...
Seriously, can't you give the Lucyguy a break?
Why the hell should we?
How much Lucy art did BWS drew at this point?
hey the newsletter dropped can anyone post it word for word and any sketches that where in it?
How long until it turns into a Pixxy/Ber00 situation?

QRD: Pixxy is a deranged tranny who exploits artists/sells their commission slots to draw his goblin OC in vore/tranny BS situations, even overworking one to the point where he fucked up his hands.
>even overworking one to the point where he fucked up his hands
'ave pity good sir, I mangled me 'ands at the vore factory and now I can't fed me family no more...
Trans rights are human rights. Stop making everyone uncomfortable with transphobia and weird stalking of this internet rando. We get it, you’re a pathetic loser who hates on minorities because your life is shit. Take it to the man baby thread

Mald + report’d
A) This isn't targeted harassment as whoever this pixxy guy is isn't in the thread to be targeted
B) Tranny isn't a slur
C) The manbaby thread isn't for complaining about trannies
D) I don't give a fuck what people say about trannies, it's not my problem. If you don't want to be bullied for being a fucking weirdo then stop being one
E) If you aren't a tranny yourself then getting triggered for the sake of other people you don't know isn't a reason to send me a report. If you are a tranny then feel free to fuck off, this site was never a safe space and never will be. Cry anywhere else.

Please stay on topic, thank you. I get enough reports already without people triggering the cry babies.
Shut the fuck up, twitter user
It's called sticking up for oppressed people instead of being a selfish, unlovable bastard like yourself. And the fuck do you mean that isn't a slur when you literally called trans people "fucking weirdos." Get a life, dude.
And what does this have to do with BWS?
holy shit fucking how does this even happen this is a thread about fat drawings of girls why the fuck is there a flame war about transphobia holy shit shut the fuck up this is so fucking dumb and irrelevant nobody cares about this shit if youre trans or not this is not the place about that holy shit you people are retarded as fuck just post some shit related to the topic
This is the Better with Salt thread, not the Manbaby thread mod guy. >>100638 posted on the wrong thread.
What does Dilate mean? I've never heard that one
NOW it makes sense why you and everyone else here hates kip! Thanks for clearing that up.
>>100667 Yo, my b, do you smell what the rock is cookin? Na but seriously though their mental capacity is limited by their inept perspective, like the blind leading the blind. They got big eyes though! When I heard Kip was a chick it reminded me of this South American chick I used to know who had her whole room covered with hentai that she made. I thought it was adorable because she was like a nerd to be honest. I never believed it though because the only place I know of with large amounts of female artists is Japan.
You should be doing those three things yourself.
This website sucks ass
Wow, the mods actually hate trannies. This place might not be as shit as I thought after all
are you the same kind of retard that thinks because methonium drew himself as a girl once that he's trans
You will never be a woman
I don't give a shit about trans people's feelings, but when you let people go off topic and get into anti-trans arguments it derails threads. let people post the word tranny but please clear this shit out of this art thread, it's getting clogged up with bullshit. If the man baby thread doesn't exist to contain these retards then what's its purpose?
how bout you stop trying to convent children and getting in there pants for a couple of hours
>>100696 Has Synecdoche been working on the manga recently? I'm still waiting for the next chapter.
Good lord this thread needs to be culled ASAP
Remember when this thread was about Better-With-Salt and not a bunch of retards arguing about trans folk?
and it can go back on topic just as soon as you faggots stop screeching about words on a screen
Neck yourself, tranny.
Jesus christ off yourself and let us get back to talking about the TOPIC OF THE THREAD.
Do something about it then, faggot.
This whole conversation had better disappear soon because jesus fuck
I really want an NSFW version of this one, but it prob won’t happen.
or what? you'll leave? good. don't come back
(181 KB, 1280x937, nice.jpg) (218 KB, 1280x1470, nice2.jpg)
Let it be known once more that you don't feed a troll. Any reply will be skewed for fuel. That is all.
Goodness guys, this is bbwchan, not 4chan. We shouldn't even be talking about trans or transophobia for that matter.
Dilate is what males to female trannies need to do so that the gaping wound that's supposed to emulate a vagina, doesn't close up. Pretty much the same rules as ear piercings.
Why are you telling me to leave? I'm fucking right. Why not tell all the people not wanting to move on to shut the fuck up?
Anyways trans are bad, period. Let's just close this fucking thread
Oh my god just DROP IT
hey i think bws isnt posting tonight
He saw this thread and decided to not post over how stupid it got due to a troll.
i mean you had me in the first half ngl
Gross... I learn way too much trans stuff here.
Her standing on 1 leg in that pose is amazing. It's one of my favourites from bws
(2.0 MB, 480x300, 1654290274277.gif)









its the outline to see thru the wall and details like it that puts an artist a cut above the rest
hey can someone update his kemono?
(2.2 MB, 4569x5100, 01d_Marci_Stuck Again.jpg)
Looks like either BWS is a fan of Viro Veteruscy or drew inspiration from one of his pics as the woman stuck here seems very reminiscent of his character Marci as shown here (spoilered due to anthro). Even down to the butt outline!
i mean that pic is prob old as shit so id say he took insperation
If furries get to pollute the internet by making an anthro version of everything, i don't see this as a problem.
Y’all serious? You do realize that drawing of Salt’s is a redo of something he drew in like 2016, right? And the redo pic you’re referring to was in 2019. If anything the furry dude took inspiration from Salt.
Yep, you're right. To quell the misinformation I'll put my hand up now and say it's my fuckup as I had assumed BWS's pic to be newer since I didn't recall the picture from before. My bad. Viro also confirmed that he drew inspiration from the pic over on his Discord so that settles that.
I wasn't trying to smear BWS with any insinuation, by the by - just spotted the similarity and saw a harmless connection between two artists I enjoy. Had it been true, since V's pic was paywalled (previously leaked over here, so eh) it could've meant that BWS was a supporter which would've been wild!
Wow, surprisingly level-headed response for someone on a chan thread, thanks for owning up to your mistake and explaining.
Also want to say that regardless of who took inspiration from who, there’s not actually any problem with doing so imo. The pieces are different enough. Just didn’t like the misinformation is all.
Plus it’s not exactly like one artist owns the right to a certain pose either. At the end of the day, we get to have two fat gals that are stuck in doorways and I see that as a win
Don't want to be rude to ask or anything but does anyone have a pictures of the entire sketch pages he does? Like the full pages of just lineart or his sketches. I've been in the mood to color some of his pics.
Look through his Kemono page
hey bws just posted on his patreon
Well... it's not Lucy again, but it's close enough to feel slightly disappointing.
"BWS makes art that isn't another lucy pic"
"Still complains"
Juvia is far better than Lucy, Top 5 favorite Fairy Tail females
Orihime deserves the love!
it feels fucking wierd seeing nikume skinny
although i do hope next time we see them, they will both be big
funny enough the 2 get the most artwork out of other people's OCs in BWS's gallery
Pretty sure this makes a new timeline? One where Nikume is skinny and Serena is fat.
bro this shit deeper than some game's lore
Dude hasn’t this image already been posted like three times?
yo bws dropped the new art
anyone got the new picture?
oh sorry, I could've sworn that picture already had a newd alt
(2.7 MB, 3094x2182, You.png)
i was gonna say bws posted on his patreon but its one of those posts that he also post on his public the same day
Honestly his drawings of diane are fun
new post just dropped it involves chloe,nat and halie
Won't let me download the video
my dumbass just realized its a "it has to be this way" meme
That video Salt posted is fucking amazing lmfao. BBW anime when?
can you post it if you can?
You can’t just leave us hanging anon…
Bumping until any Anons deliver.
You’re going to be bumping for a long time, the video is embedded through Vimeo. There’s no video link or embed url that’s able to be obtained through Patreon (at least not as far as I can tell.)

I’d say there’s decent odds the video won’t be shared here, and you’ll all have to wait the month before Salt posts this publicly
One of salt's greatest works too. Chloe gets absolutely MASSIVE gorging on Nat's food and Halie get's revenge in the best possible way. Holy shit it's so good.

This is how wg animation should be.
Someone could screen record, if they're so inclined. Wouldn't be the best quality, but still something
Seems like a lot of effort to go through for nothing in return. With an image, it's so fast and simple to just copy and share, it doesn't really matter that there's no benefit to the poster. This would require pointless effort.
we would at least be seeing it
Why should anyone give a shit about you seeing it?
there is no i when it comes to this, there is only "WE"
I see you typed the M in "ME" upside down
cope + seethe + stay mad
how massive does Chloe get?
The standard SSBBW size Salt normally does. Doesn't reach the size that Nikume and Serena have before.
can you screen record the whole thing please?
And there goes my fun. Have fun dealing with the spergs.
it was cool but that dude that was hyping it up completely exaggerated it. chloe just eats the food and the other girl starts punching her anime style and it shows her jiggling. there was no weight gain
Sorry, I don't know how to.

Happy to take away your fun you lying piece of shit.

That punching bit that was part of the screenshot I took looped for 30 seconds while the entire video was 37 seconds long. Thought more would happen when I saw the video length, but I came away disappointed.
That's kinda lame, but it's good to know Salt animating wasn't just a one off. Hopefully we can get some good wg gifs in the future. Fingers crossed.
Aw, but I didn't lie. Chloe ate Nat's food and Halie gets her revenge like in the video.
So you deleted your posts to cover up your lie about Chloe's size, what a sad life you live. And I wouldn't call Halie punching her in the stomach repeatedly "revenge" when it looks like it doesn't bother Chloe.
More like Revengeance... am I right?
Yea it'll be really awesome, just seems you will have to wait a few months for the videos to go public I guess since Salt doesn't deserve the $1 from you :)
More like Salt should've had Chloe sit on Halie after she wore herself out punching her fat gut.
Literally all my lies have been getting wiped by the mods when beggars had a stroke about the video being posted. And an opportunity to fuck with this board is just too fun to resist. Get a clue you fucking moron lmao.
Ya got karma'd, bitch. No one to blame but yourself.
Just update his Kemono page
The bigger she gets the better.
Chloe has earned the right to be amongst the biggest of Salt's gallery.
Yet she isn't. That honor goes to Nikume and Serena, which neither of them are his OCs.
the kemono page is hasn't changed
(93 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20220719-144752.png)
A prequel poll where a character is made smaller? Barely does girls bigger then SSBBW sizes and now he's doing this? Fuck him.
I mean the guy has impressive art skilles, I’d love to see him draw normal stuff for once honestly
All he said was smaller size, it could be a titanic girl going down a pants size, calm your tits.
He's drawn women who aren't overweight before, one of the Welrod comms was just that. He's also done chubby sizes more then enough times, which could be viewed as normal as he's American.

Even though that would line up with some sequels he's done where the woman doesn't gain much at all, I doubt that. Think he likes standard BBW and lower SSBBW sizes the most.
i've unironically started dressing like her, mainly the clothes in this pic
You have to be out of your mind if you believe this is true because it's pretty rare for Salt to draw girls that small. Blobfags really can't shut the fuck up if they aren't catered to on a daily basis it seems.
(234 KB, 1280x2130, killing_you_softly_by_better_with_salt_df72oel-fullview.jpg) (158 KB, 1280x1280, ffte__beach_bod_part_2_by_better_with_salt_df72mdz-fullview.jpg) (169 KB, 1280x1577, working_ladies__eri__by_better_with_salt_df63zbn-fullview.jpg) (522 KB, 1280x2414, komi_can_t_lose_weight_by_better_with_salt_devads0-fullview.jpg) (269 KB, 1280x2117, arousing_suspicion_by_better_with_salt_df63xoi-fullview.jpg) (317 KB, 1280x1811, lucy_restuffed_page_1_by_better_with_salt_dexblsh-fullview.jpg)
Besides the Hinata prequel that >>102873 posted, these are all of the BBW and Chubby sizes that BWS has posted on his DeviantArt in 2022 so far. If you wish to challenge my point, post all of the USBBWs he's posted on DA between now and the started of 2022.
>3 of those are part of comics/sequences where the character end up much bigger.
>1 was part of a trade
>3 are bigger than that Hinata's drawing
Fucking blobfags
>3 are bigger than that Hinata's drawing.
They're still BBW sizes, just like the Hinata prequel.
>3 of those are part of comics/sequences where the character end up much bigger.
Sizes that don't reach USBBW later in those sequences, which is the point of my argument. My argument is strictly regarding USBBWs, which is why I didn't post any SSBBWs.
Hope you're at least comfy on that hill you're dying on.
>>102882 challenged my argument and I posted what I could to answer it, so now I'm waiting on top of the hill to see if they can knock me off it. Much rather them at least try instead of being a little bitch who spouts "blobfag".
i mean there not wrong you want usbbw witch is blob and whining like a someone on the manbaby thread. not every one likes blobs
idk i like seeing blob lovers seeth
Sounds like no one will challenge my point about how BWS draws BBW and Chubby size girls more frequently then USBBWs. The lot of you are spineless.
No one's "challenging" your autistic argument because you're blatantly cherrypicking "small" pieces and ignoring the guy who called you out on it. Drink a gallon of bleach, genetic dud.
Who did I ignore who presented proof against my point? Nobody, that's who. Shut the fuck up unless you're gonna try to prove me wrong instead.
And how the fuck was I cherry picking? I don't have access to his Patreon, and there's plenty of other BBW and Chubby sizes he's done among his oldest artworks too that also don't have any USBBWs in that time frame either.
Yes I have. It's why I posted my frustration towards Salt about the Prequel poll idea, and why I challenged >>102882's comment about Salt rarely drawing smaller sizes, proving how their comment is not true.
who fucking cares go to the manbaby thread
am i the only guy who finds it wierd that he didnt post last night?
I don't think the issue is so much trying to prove your point wrong it's more... your point is pretty much pointless? You're saying "FUCK SALT" because he doesn't draw enough ussbbw for you. Other people disagree that that's a reason to get so angry at him.
Holy shit, that was underwhelming. First off, the animation wasn't really all that good. secondly, why of all things holy would bws base his animation off that annoying and dead af meme that twitter still finds funny? Is it just me that feels this way? His other animated gif was so much better, hope the cost wasn't to high.
I mean the tummy jiggle is pretty good, I also think the meme isn't that funny but whatever
Maybe he was just having fun?
That's exactly what it was.
I mean yeah it's not ghibli level anination, but the belly jiggle was alright, and cobsidering it's a shitpost, it's pretty good
honestly nice to see something animated even if it's an overused meme.
So Salt's not above posting nudes of underaged characters. Have a feeling his fans will likely defend him still just because "iTs fICtiOnaL". Fucking pedos.
Get back to your containment thread you stupid fag
(1.0 MB, 512x384, 1438376869447.gif)
Go back to your twitter hole or whatever trench you came from. No one cares about this stuff.
Does that look like a fucking child? Imagine it as an OC cosplaying as May if you must. But clearly she has the body of a grown adult.
>But clearly she has the body of a grown adult
That's from all the growth hormones they put in MooMoo meat and milk but I'm not sure about Blaziken; seems about as good as eating a rabbit.
Called it.

The fat is what's making her look older. May only has noteworthy boobs now cause they're mostly fat, and if you have to make the argument of "imagine her as someone else" then something's wrong.

Exactly, it's not from her being older.
This pot is too small for all the shit that's getting stirred
Sounds like you're going through a lot of trouble to say that she's still a child when everyone knows that Salt ages the girls up. Are YOU the one attracted to children? Because you seem very unwilling to accept that Salt drew her as an adult.
Dude they're a fictional character who people can do whatever they want with. If an artist wants to draw fictional characters older then they can. If an artist wants to make fictional characters fat then they can. If an artist wants to draw fictional characters in a different outfit they can... And so on. Your stance is extremely hypocritical and I really shouldn't need to explain why especially considering you've posted fat art of canonical thin characters in this very thread.

May is a fictional avatar who has a design people enjoy to mature in art. She is not a real child. Why complain about something that hurts no one and instead go actually do something to help the world. Like donate money to charities that help actual sexually abused children or at-least try and raise awareness of said charities.
I just really want to know why you chose to die on this hill now when I think nudes of May and Ochako are like the first thing salt made when he opened that tier on patreon. I mean fuck Illuru was like last month and she at least looks mostly like a child I could understand getting pissed at that
>Your stance is extremely hypocritical and I really shouldn't need to explain why especially considering you've posted fat art of canonical thin characters in this very thread.

They didn't post art for the thread they were trying to prove another retard point they had on here earlier before the mods cleaned it off. They were having a sperg attack that BWS doesn't draw blob 24/7
Been a while since someone tried gaslighting. What a lazy card to play.

>Your stance is extremely hypocritical and I really shouldn't need to explain why especially considering you've posted fat art of canonical thin characters in this very thread.
Except those posts weren't for this argument, they were for an argument that the Mod deleted.

I bitched about Illulu too, and I agree that she's just as deserving if not moreso of the shit talk, but it was another argument deleted by the Mod.

>They didn't post art for the thread they were trying to prove another retard point they had on here earlier before the mods cleaned it off. They were having a sperg attack that BWS doesn't draw blob 24/7
Such a backhanded defense for someone else. Don't know what to make of this.
(53 KB, 640x427, ggt556d.jpg)
>Such a backhanded defense for someone else. Don't know what to make of this.
>Except those posts weren't for this argument, they were for an argument that the Mod deleted.

Nigga you just played yourself
Regardless my point still stands on the hypocrisy point regardless of the initial purpose of those posts. Unless you aren't into art of fictional girls being fat in which case why would you waist your time here? Not to mention you ignored the rest of what I said.

End of the day we're dealing with ideas and concepts. it's not like they are real people. If you genuinely believe someone aging up a fictional girl and making them fat is going to change someone's life for the worse then you need to get some perspective man.
>Regardless my point still stands on the hypocrisy point regardless of the initial purpose of those posts. Unless you aren't into art of fictional girls being fat in which case why would you waist your time here?
Because I like fat women, both real and fictional. However I have enough standards to know that art of underage characters is wrong, no matter if they're of real people or not.
No, the time and date of when I posted those images gives away that they were for a different argument.
You're reminding me of a person who got me kicked from a discord channel for posting aged up appropriate art. You're being a bitch right now. This has been a thing for years. Why do you have such a problem with fictional characters getting aged up?
So you are a hypocrite then. Cool. Enjoy trying to get your final word on this subject since all you wanna do is get angry at people on a chan board. Or you can prove me wrong. I don't care.
Mods are on duty thank god
>>103156 (Dead)
>Question do own any violent games and kill/hurt people in them? Because If you do that's the equivalent of committing murder/assault in real life and you should be put away for a long time if you have.
Owning video games that contain violence of any sort isn't against the law, if it were then billions would be behind bars. Creating pornography of underage characters or real children is very much illegal.
your a good kid, thanks
(91 KB, 1319x829, Screen-Shot-2018-04-27-at-11.04.22-AM.jpg)
Easily the best jiggling-fat animation in the game and you only call it alright? This is what emperors would dream of having in the afterlife and started crusades for. Look at the subtlety in wave propagation on every impact, the way the cheeks and tits and arm fat and even the hair flails to sell the blow
Typical anon. All cock, but no cum.
It's the fucking Kip retards breaking containment into other threads.

Any thread they are involved in turns to dogshit. Just like Kip threads.
It actually is this. As soon as the Kip thread manages to piss off a mod enough to wipe their thread a bunch of other threads go to shit instantly. You can watch it happen in real time.
It was some angry aspie trying to astroturf, likely the same person that was talking shit on BWS on Twitter with that underage police account or whatever. Whoever they are, they either have something personal against BWS, or are jealous of him for a reason.
Fat cells, Halie. They absorb all kinetic energy.
can you draw the celestia ludenberg one?
kip(or kipteitei) is just another fat fedish artist
that stalled in terms of improvement after a few years
and make comics that take WAY to long to get anything good
look down a few threads you'll find it
Clearly you didn't check which post I was replying to
hopin for 1,7 or 14
I'd hope for 16 if we were looking at the other side. But aside from that I'd say...5,6,8, or 14. Although 14 is already nearly perfect imo
I’m surprised no one has said 10.
Explicit version of number 10 would be awesome
12, 4, and 6 would be awesome
The options with the most votes right now are 3, 9, 10, and 12. There's going to be two winners, not just one.
Omg i love when people draw fat art of this girl
Ah shit you're right my bad, also would love 6 or 16 for the poll, bit of an ass man myself
I'd say 15, but that's because I'm a firm believer of phantom world being a fun anime.

Also fat booba and stuckage go hard.
YEEEES!!! My Girl Orihime Won!
Orihime is good, Pyra is boring.
>Pyra is boring.
Guess you don't believe in simple but effective.

I'll be interested to see how Oriime turns out, part of what makes the original so good is how tight the clothes are ;)
>>103545 Honestly if you think about it, Guts has done some strange shit with that sword. He could probably lift her.
What's simple about Pyra?
nigga what the fuck is this bullshit? lucy christmas?
(560 KB, 1479x1270, BWS Lucy Color.png)
You guys may hate Lucy Guy, but the content is still in good quality.
Yeah I'll be honest that's good shit. I think Lucy's face looks kinda weird, but that's a nitpick.
I'm surprised we haven't gotten any fat bondage with flair yet. I don't...think that's Flair but a man can dream.
The Christmas stuff is Rebecca from Edens Zero
still, why the fuck is there christmas art in july?
To give me the strength to keep moving forward for another year.
Cause Santa Claus is Coming to Town
(6.4 MB, 5137x4400, BWS Sketches 2022 4.png)
Got as many as I knew, biggest change was giving Rebecca a Wonka Bar

Can someone color Magilou please?
Oh hey, he final did a belly grab that makes a woman look fat and not just big. About time.
>Look fat and not just big
um, what?
Don't indulge his autism.
It's just a meme dude... its just a meme
crossover of characters are sometimes funny to me
Don't act like I don't have a point, because I do.
Just trying to fight for better art from BWS man, and we'll never get it unless people get their heads out of their asses so they can see what I'm seeing.
Then why don't you try drawing some "better art"
I mean like, why are you complaining about the quality of Salt's art. That's asking water to be more wet than it already is
How about you shut the fuck up and stick to the containment thread retard.
Because I know I'm terrible at creating art myself. I'm the type who is too strict on myself over the smallest of details in whatever I attempt, so nothing is ever finished. Working with artists for commissions and giving support are all I'm good for, and don't ask for me to commission him because that's fucking impossible. There was nothing saying that commissions were open before those Yang pics came out.
>That's asking water to be more wet than it already is.
You're exaggerating. No artist is that good, and what I'm wanting from him doesn't require any changes to his style. I literally posted proof that he's capable of doing what I'd want to see more of from him. >>103788
Imagine being unsatisfied about something and demanding everyone else feel the same way to "get their head out of their asses". What a psycho lmao.
Man I wanna see shinobu winning the pole but I doubt she's winning it
You've been living under a rock. Polls been done for a few days now, and these were the poll winners. >>103545 Shinobu did poorly in both of them.
>>104041 that Kuroeda looking quite nice if I do say so myself
anyone got a textless version of the Lucy's stuffing comic?

I just want to see the figures in textless glory
You know, I have to admit it's not a bad idea.
Jfc that goddamn Yor pic is god tier
She's going to start assassinating by facesit.
so whats all in the news letter for august?
Oh Man that's a nice looking Shylily I see there.
Holy shit this fucking Yor pic made me go awoooga. We need more from BWS
Man if that shylily sketch gets colored ima be over the moon
Almost perfect. All we need is a little line down the middle, perfect ass suggestion.
saving everything in one folder just isnt enough for some folks huh, no judging
I made this when someone was arguing about how many times BWS has drawn Lucy as you can probably tell most of these are from the Lucy Comic
its a neat idea tho, if i did it i'd keep the original resolution of the images, itd probably be a zip bomb tho
The funny part is that there are still some lucy art that you missed. Nice job though.
Thanks but it should be noted that I made this a while back, like a few months back I think, so not all the current Lucy work is here
hey can someone update his kemono?
hey bws just posted
Dunno why you're tagging that other post, it's a different girl. Do you have eyes?
(123 KB, 1280x720, 1420835351979.jpg)
Because when I reloaded the page it went to the last thing I quoted and I didn't pay attention when I posted.
Ah, makes sense. Sorry for assuming you had no eyes XD
it's definitely the same girl
The red head, yes. But they were responding to someone saying that the April Fool's post with Salt's OC Halie was just a meme
bump for new post
oops nevermind
Unga bunga there's an underrated girl
Unga bunga the artist doesn't give a shit lol
He is trying his best to be as insufferable as possible. Even when it doesn't make sense.

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