
Title is clearly there dumbass but ok lol.
Just like how you have shit taste in games if you think Re2 remake was garbage.
Anyone have the Ashley pictures where she’s in her rockstar outfit talking about her ballistics before it transitions to her in a black bikini in a pool?
Because the OP is a dumbass who doesn't understand how to consolidate.
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>Puts thread title in name field
>Not subject

Any remake rewrites the story and takes out chunks of gameplay as seen by also Final Fantasy 7 and every remake after G2 of Pokmeon is garbage and to make matters worse, RE2 characters were ugly as sin. Hell, my greatest fear isn't even the censorship they're planning or their butchering of monkey ears design; it's them reusing that speed runner garbage that was in RE8 instead of going back to how it was or taking RE6's mercs.

Resident Evil regularly gets a large amount of art which allows its threads to be easily sustained.

Here they are.
FF7 Remake isn't an actual remake, retard.
What I mean is that a Capcom thread would sponge most of their popular IP's into one thread and stretching it as long as possible, like the Nintendo ones.
(184 KB, 1600x2600, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_DyBd18zV4AAuP1a.jpg)
>Squeenix calls it a remake for years
>It's not a remake
They didn't start calling it a reimagining until after the ending backlash that happened after its release, so for all intents and purposes, a remake is what they were developing.

There really does need to be one for most everything else Capcom owns. Street Fighter feels like it's fallen a good bit but we'll see when SF6 starts flooding trailers, Monster Hunter only really gets the dango eater, Megaman is only really supported by Axels inflation pictures, Dragons Dogma might've had one picture, Darkstalkers gets Succubi drawings every once in a while, Lost Planet got murdered in cold blood before it could establish itself, Ace Attorney seems to have lost enough steam, I'm honestly surprised at how little Devil May Cry seems to get whenever it gets a new release, and everything else is far too dead.
(122 KB, 1024x1164, rotund_claire_by_ray_norr_dd1q1m0-fullview.jpg)
The point of the title "remake" was the double meaning behind it.

They are remaking the game yes, but the word also refers to the game being a sequel with Sephiroth wanting to "REMAKE" the story/future.
(71 KB, 700x1066, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_EU8VKanXkAI7g-R.jpg)
Knowing Squares bullshit, it's totally believable. Gonna be interesting to see how well the second part sells after a couple years between it and the first part, and with people feeling bait and switched by getting a soft reboot, instead.
And there's Dino Crisis, but as expected finding Regina getting fat is just rare as finding dinosaurs fossils.
There's no way they're gonna let that stay dead and buried under concrete when they can just edit Monster Hunter models.

>finding Regina getting fat is just rare as finding dinosaurs fossils
Doing a lot better than Onimusha.
(1.7 MB, 1080x1080, re4.png) (1.9 MB, 1080x1080, re42.png)
Little to no Lady D art, proud of you guys. It was funny like once.
Anyone got any Fat Sheva Art?
I wish there was more just chubby or muffin top or pot belly art of the Resident Evil girls, it's always the massive stuff instead. This >>96370 Ashley stuff is the closest there is
That extra wide Mr X is a thing of beauty I tell ya.
God damn I'd really dig if a RE ends up like this:
>The girls have been infected by an enhanced fat virus
>They don't know it but all of the sudden they feel hungrier everytime they eat at abandoned buffets which conveniently have food every night
>The plan is for them to gain weight on their sleep (no exercising)
>Choose your waifu
>The fatter the more indestructible
>They realized they become the bigger monsters and zombies avoid them like animals detecting danger
>They no longer need weapons all they need is momentum to demolish shit with their gigantic bodies
>Final boss is whoever gets to be the fattest
>Husbando shows up and tames the girls
>Herculean chopper carries them to be the ultimate weapon
>Now the governemnt funds go to satisfy their hunger but avoid fatteting foods
>There's no going back, they've become the biggest projectiles to catapult to the enemy
>They would become a ticking time bomb if they realize they're just objects for mass destruction and nothing else (if they do they just would expand their body mass to end the world)
(688 KB, 1332x1091, c0fcf7d867f3859754578242f98827e9e4b7dddf5da914c4ae33eefce14da405.png)
Would be better to have the virus geared towards creating far bigger monsters as nation killers, so it maximizes hunger while steadily restructuring their digestive systems to handle far bigger loads of food than any human would be able to handle while also maximizing retention of calories so that it has something to work with in creating a massive destructive force but because the main characters all have a strong immunity to the past viruses, the virus only goes as far as making them gluttonous and fat. The people who without any immunity very rarely turn into the giant monsters desired but instead they turn into cannibalistic Walmart shoppers that the zombie variants avoid because of the virus tainted flesh.
(165 KB, 1080x1080, FbaPpFvWIAEVVs8.jpg)
Usually find 3D edits really bad looking but Ada's fat face is making me go ape
lmao, they're carrying bb guns.
I really like the nip prints, the big legs, and the tiny feet on that first one. It's really cute. Sauce?
I'm sorta surprised that no one has thought of the idea of a short comic that involves Ethan thinking he's safe from Lady D in one of the save rooms until a ginormous, round gut comes out of the duke's Booth, thinking that it's him but it further reveals it's actually an enormously obese Dimitrescu who've just eaten the duke as big snack. Seemingly stuck in the booth, Lady D can't budge her way out of it. Ethan tries to escape but D tells him that her belly can provide warmth and healing. Ethan knows his health is low so he obliges by resting his head on her tremendous girth. Who am I kidding, this is no suggestion just a possible idea that some Lady D simp like me can suggest Chunks or whoever's Patreon page. Who knows and Who possibly Cares?
Which female protagonist would most likely get overweight? Would it be the ones who appeared once and never referred again?

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