
Fuckin again? God I hate this clown. See him again in three weeks under a slightly different name.
Does anyone have that gif of Miku eating dozens of pizzas?
Why are you in the thread if you hate them then? Dumb faggot.
You can still find their flash movie shitting on this site, lmao they got desperate.

As long you can share his archived doodles without him sending DMCA, I don't see the problem.
>flash movie
I didn't know he made a flash movie about this place. Where could I sneak a peek?
I always thought his stuff was just okay it’s pretty inconsistent if you ask me
>flash movie shitting on this site
There is nothing like that on their NG. What are you talking about anon?
Any more of the green character? I remember a real spicy one
Was there an link/zip file that has a lot of fapin old art, especially from Tumblr?
Does anybody has that drawing of him about drawing six or more characters?
(261 KB, 598x725, Indecisive.png)
Looks like he's reactivated his account again.
(27 KB, 849x370, fapo.png)
I'm usually try not to be mean to artists but god he's annoying. Guy really thinks liking fat chicks is a form of degeneracy, no self esteem whatsoever.
Does he genuinely actually have something like a bipolar condition? I’m trying to understand what makes someone act this way and think it’s an appropriate response. What I absolutely hate is him huffing and puffing his chest and trying to make a big scene to get attention. Because anyone not a complete narcissist at this point would not even say anything. You’d delete the account without a word without doing the whole “I-I’M LEAVING FRFR NOW” in their name and everything. What an actual child.
He mentioned having real bad anxiety, trouble dating and depression (On top of whatever else he hasn't shared) b4 either on this account or his main. Its obvious through the way he interacts through his social media presence.

As an outsider looking in, he seems to spend 90% of his time on Twitter specifically and that's probably accelerating whatever existing issues he already has. I know thats how it was for me, anyway
(57 KB, 645x729, 837f8cf1fe7ef5a54a690a1e8c5b797a[1].png)
"ok guys im leaving cya"
"uhmmm nvm guys im back i changed my mind"
"UHMMM WAIT WAIT actually i thought about it some more and i'm definitely leaving for real now"
"actually on second thought-"
Can this guy make up his mind already?
I don’t want to to be too harsh on the guy since he’s clearly uncomfortable with having this fetish. He’s in his 30s, yet he still acts this way and it’s odd. If he were young, I could understand his behavior. He just needs to undergo some serious self-introspection to improve his emotional maturity. He’s letting his niche internet fame get to his head. Hopefully, he finds his way out of this for the sake of his own mental health
I will never for the life me understand why creators are so insistent on being part of a "community" especially on twitter. Just make some doodle post what you like and if you need cash and are good enough make a patreon so coomers support you. In regards to interactions just keep it short and simple, no need to get so attached to online stuff to the point it negatively affects your life.
Does anyone have the (uncolored sketch) sequence of a bottom-heavy BOTW Zelda? I think it was just called "unfinished fatda" on his Newgrounds.
did they ever draw danganronpa girls?
I can relate on having people find out I like fat chicks, but from what I've been able to tell growing up, people don't really give a fuck.
Nobody thinks about you as much as you think about yourself. It's a universal constant for everyone.
I personally like to have two sides.
(174 KB, 1349x1466, marie.jpg)
as an insider, it's him trying to balance sfw stuff and the like. he's been trying all sorts of systems to make things more efficient and manage burnout. when he's motivated, he's very motivated, but when he's in a slump, it's very apparent.
unfortunately some people are very vocal about not being into fat chicks, and it is sad. remember that shit with sports illustrated and both jordan "kermit" peterson and ben "my wife's pussy is dry" shapiro? in any case, he'll never try to deny that he likes fat chicks, nor really try to hide this account
(118 KB, 1008x1000, FXRPJ_MVUAEG7ek.jpg)
I keep most parts of my life compartmentalized with no or as little overlap as possible.

Broswing the chans and other boards, and the like I've found people get irrationally angry at the thought of men liking fat chicks. Like its as if they feel attacked themselves by the very notion.
I just joined his Patreon, but the importer shat itself and currently isn't working, I dunno why. It might take a while
Bro he should join the circus because he's such a fucking good clown
He’s just dissatisfied with his work, at the moment. I don’t think that’s an indication of anything lol
Wait, what the fuck? I'm paying for his Patreon and the art is still low res? The hell is this? I should stop wasting money right away
His self pity is bigger than his immobile Miku.
What are you talking about?? it looks fine.
It's a little too grainy, ngl
Just run it through waifu2x then?
does he have a p/o box?
gonna send him jars of cum
The cum must be fresh though, otherwise he won't accept it
>Makes good fat fetish art and gets thousands of likes and comments.
>Still somehow felt the need to self-pity and doubt himself.
I need to know where this attitude came from.
Depression is one hell of a mental illness. It doesn't give a fuck how successful or talented you are.
(3.4 MB, 3264x1836, IMAG0779.jpg)
Remember when fap teased us with dragon quest art and then almost immediately forgot about it? Dude didn't even leave us a sketch. Not mad just dissapointed and find it hilarious.
that's just a thirst post, doesn't guarantee anything and he doesn't "owe" us jack
When did I say he owed us anything, I said that I was just dissapointed is all. You're way to passive agressive about ( you probably aren't but the way you worded it.)
Finally an actually sane post on this cesspool of a board.
What do you mean by this? This board is mostly sane compared to other boards like the "manbaby" one that has already made a new board after barely 2 weeks of the first one.
Don't you dare that drama shit here
There is nothing sane about this place when you faggots bitch and moan about every small tweet or thing an artist does, everyone acts like they’re owed something otherwise they’ll just doxx the hell out of them.
Looks like it's zoomer education hour: /bbwdraw/ is the board, this (>>95509 (OP)) is the thread.
Fapin, is that you? There has never been a single instance of artist doxxing in this scene, especially from this imageboard, in the history of the fetish. It's honestly kind of amazing that the absolute most artists suffer at the hands of this site's userbase is twitter screencap callout posts, given how callous fat artists are these days.
Who shit in your cereal and Who brung up doxxing? We're all here to see art of fat chicks and nothing more, I feel like this isn't worth getting mad about, let's all chill.
bump more
I like the dragon crown one god DAMN.

Whatever's going on with this guy, you gotta admit he at least does good art.

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