
(156 KB, 1500x1000, Salt Harvest.jpg)
If you've got grievances with obnoxious artists, autistic patreon whales, or the community as a whole, feel free to air them all here.
I dislike the platforms artists use to promote their art, shit like deviantart and pixiv have no quality filter and Twitter, fucking Twitter, is prone to having relatively good artists retweet one of the following:
-non fat stuff
-bolitical takes that want to make me punch a homeless person
-dudes nudes
-any transgenderoids nudes
-male stuff
And it really gets under my skin, it makes me want to take both the artist and the retweeted person in question, stick them into a blender and drink them, muscle, bone and all, but nowadays I just take a letter out of Hideki Kamiya's book and mute all of that filth.
Though there is the positive that sometimes, where I discover some genuinely good art because of a retweet.
I hope all sumofags die.
gonna be honest, what is up with extrabaggageclaim/EBC feels like he is tracer or some other super sus thing, though just don't like his presence online or how he tries to buddy buddy and collar with everyone for junk art parks
Some of the complaints in the BWS thread are getting REALLY out of pocket: the mods axed comments of people saying that Salt's "not good" anymore with zero arguments and then a few comments calling out the bullshit, only for the same complainers to retch at the newest BWS post they begged for. It's not like he's free of issues and despite efforts some series/characters still reign supreme, but the shit people are complaining about is "y she not a kajillion pounds" and "he got worse because i'm not cooming".
Based, sumo autists get the rope. No, sumofags, the same sumo costume idea you regurgitate on every poll and twitter comment is not cute, sexy, or appealing.
Agreed on EBC, I don't follow him but when I see something by him retweeted, I see something's up with the consistency of his art. When someone's learning a new skill there's gonna be big inconsistencies obviously but his art was practiced when he was first getting retweets, now the most recent weight gain drive thing he's doing looks like some entry-level dusk shit. It's sus.
Huh? What happened to the last one?
hit the post limit so sagging
but yeah, his stuff was never great, the rapid upgrade in skill and super inconsistent approach, EBC just feels something is going on and when it hits the fan it will be a mess given how prolific he is
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I hate all the meatlusting faggots filling pixiv belly tags with men and futa so much, it never used to be this way
This is why I don't retweet and I post only art. Hate to scroll art accounts where is too much unrelated shit.
Well to me, that felt a lot shorter than last time.
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Damn yall some front porch rocking chair niggers if you have allready filled up six threads with your endless bitchin and moaning
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Any female born after 1993 can't cook, all they know is McDonald's, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie
Turns out BBW stands for Beg Bitch and Whine.
Do they know twitter compress their quality art?
What's up with all the bandwagoners drawing goth Riamu now? Why did she even have so much fat art in the first place anyway and what came up that made everyone draw her as a goth now? I don't understand how some niche characters or franchises get so popular among the community for some retarded reason.
They don't use Twitter to upload their shit in max quality you know.
Goth riamu originated as some basic bitch edit, I think two artists drew her fat and the maker of the edit bitched directly to one of them outright asking them to delete, so a bunch of other artists got to drawing her to dunk on that person.
Not sure why you'd complain though, there are many many more characters who get shit tons of art despite being much more bland.
Because she looks like a shitty OC donut steel and people complained enough about Mario girls last thread already.
While I like his art most of the time, I feel like RJS has kinda...stagnated? I know artist aren't just machines that can pump out art everyday, but it feels like he should be posting more since he recently went full time but he hasn't been posting much compared to even a year or two ago.
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I use nitter to check out some drawings. Also use kemono.party and this chan of course. Seems pretty good to me, since nitter filters out most of the unwanted stuff.
True true.
Touhou girl I guess
Guess they have no incentive to improve
idolm@ster apparently
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Misread that sadly
Just as bad as the transtrenders on Twitter are the edgy 12 year olds here who constantly beg and complain about everything. STFU and pay attention in school and don't forget your helmet when you ride the short bus.
Not to mention he has a long ass queue of comms to get through.

I've been waiting on a comic I commed him for since December 2 years ago. Don't wanna nag him and be an ass about it, but I reached out to him recently and last year about it just to be like "Hey, it's been a while, I got the receipts and info if you forgot or links don't work or whatever, etc"

No response either time. I was fairly polite about it too
I'd cream myself over sipping some Jack-LaLanne'd qt juice tbbqh+, famdingo
Also for some reason everyone went apeshit insane on an Overwatch 2 videoclip, it's like corporations earn their cattle back by shitting out 1 dimensional waifus.
Hot take:
Lewd artists come and go.
>that gif

Fucking hell, you're less human than the trannies you hate.
But you know I stay
I'd tell you to go outside but you might see a trans or black person out there and that would really trigger you.
ohhh that bitch. i coulda sworn she was in that dragon anime. crazy
You mean like, her blood and stuff?
Is there any way to lurk twitter or instagram without having to sign up?
I used to lurk frequently but now they try and armtwist you into joining up. Fuck that shit.
Where in the flying fuck are they supposed to post shit that is easy to access by most then Einstein?
Just make a fucking throwaway with a random email
I don't think he traces I just think he really sucks and decides to stick with the most unflattering designs/style for some stupid reason. It always amazes me how long he's been at this when I almost never see or hear about him.
Holy fuck, you guys are never happy.
We have 6 threads to show for that, yeah
>Stop complaining and just be positive, you MEANIES! >:(
Why are so many OCs so trash?
Frist time expirencing this?
I hate how threads are either super general or hyper specific. Making a nintendo thread is fucking pointless considering how many characters they own but making thread to some super obscure cartoon from fucking 2008 is no better. Think the only threads worth looking at are specific artist threads but even then it's only worth it of they have locked content
I just feel so sad that none of the extremely convenient situations that happen in art will ever happen to me.
And the chances of getting a fattie for me is getting lower by the minute, since heavier girls are getting celebrated, and getting more confident... almost realizing how hot they really are... Which is good for them I guess, but not good for me
The few OCs that actually have any damn personality or variety in their images have designs so specific or cater to such specific side kinks that they lack universal appeal when compared to mainstream character designs.
Nitter works great for Twitter. I always use it to view Twitter. There's a list of Nitter instances at https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances . There's a few things for Instagram, but none of them work well and most have ads. I've used them a few times to save pictures, but it's best to get a throwaway account for Instagram and take screenshots if you want to save anything. Instagram is a terrible platform for archiving anything, so of course normies love it.

I know that feel bro
There's just too much nerd and pop culture, too little traits to make them interesting. I argue that cartoonists are their own worst enemy because their egos are too huge to understand why their ideas are bad
Thanks broham

The worse part is that many of them are bypassing confidence and heading straight for arrogance
You forgot to add, do not use Google+, fucking thing will get amnesia
>have designs so specific or cater to such specific side kinks that they lack universal appeal when compared to mainstream character designs
I think this is a double-edge sword for woot's OCs honestly. He's had years of experience making up scenarios (him being the sole content creator for an oekaki board, the Doodle or Die time period), so when he makes a scenario and a girl to go with it it's REALLY coherent and makes the picture that much more exciting. In contrast, one of the more recent ones he made was just "bro what if nerdification" and the overall piece falls apart for anyone not explicitly into nerdification.
From pure observation, I think the best OCs are the ones an artist just draws on a whim and uses as a test dummy; if it doesn't click with the artist or their audience, back to the drawing board. Ohasi rode a MASSIVE popularity wave because he just took some anime girl design and toyed with all the ways he could make her fat and show off how fat she was. Woot basically does this constantly with his scenarios, BWS did this for his OC girls, Morty does this constantly as well, kida (きーだ) is a god of test bed OCs.
>>95256 Artists are born, not made. If you want to find a real artist then find out which art school all of these bbw artists went to and then find out which students graduated at the top of their class. There may be some hentai artists among them undoubtedly, but most college graduates would go on to become computer graphics designers or doing advertisement and other jobs that pay well.
I hate (insert anything that makes me angry)
I don't think you meant to respond to me.
Could Fapolatern stop being a wishy washy bitch about his account? He can't decide if he wants to keep it secret, be horny on main, keep it as a casual side thing or DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING
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Sometimes less is, uh, more.
Yeah, and I'll waste no chance to harass them.
Drinking blood is good for you. Stew with pork blood and black sausages are tasty too.
Nice trips. I think because they lack any background or worldbuilding whatsoever. Anybody won't be themselves if it wasn't for the society they live in, forms of which in turn are determined by certain material conditions.
You cant build house without foundations. That's why worldbuilding is a nice tool here. Also it's fun.

Speaking of fat art posted on bbwchan, I've discovered a lot of new fat artists. Either demand for fat wank rises, or the thing gets terrifically over saturated.
Cringe. You need IRL friends.
He probably posts on wizchan and takes pride in not having friends as a defense mechanism
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Feelin like a social butterfly cause I don't even know what wizchan is
You don't or wouldn't have the balls (pun not intended) and you know it.
I agree, he keeps doing this shit and honestly and its getting both irritating and tiring.
>Yeah, and I'll waste no chance to harass them.
You strike me as the sort of person who's too socially inept to inform the waiter they got your order wrong.
do you jack off to strangers on the internet calling you a bigot or something?
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You know what, I actually have something positive to contribute. Tumblr is great for edging, because you get 3 hot pics in a row then 10 wonderfully boner-killing posts about politics and shitty tumblr humour,Keeps me going for hours.
What happened to their trigger-happy censor bots?

The bottom of the barrel, to say at least.

Even as another artist I find this shit exhausting and it made me unfollow him. It does not surprise me in the least that he's doing it yet again.
>>95481 Every once in a while whenever I go on youtube I jokingly say to myself "No wonder there are so many lesbians in America!". Whenever I step into a bbw draw thread I think to myself "No wonder none of this art has ever made it into a proper published manga."
fucking retarded austictic fuck
Shut up you stupid autistic fuck shit head fucking dick cock son of a bitch don’t talk here ever again you stupid fucking (word that begins with N that references a racist way to refer to black people) burn in hell.
Did I forget to mention that you are a (word that begins with N that references a racist way to refer to black people)?

Wait. What? I didn't understand that last part. Are you calling me a homosexual, or are you telling me that you are a homosexual?

Are you good at drawing? Would you like to make a manga with me?
Shut up I hate u!!!!! I hate you so much grrrrrr!!!! >:(
Trans pants >:(
>>95534 Uh huh. I am sure you are not alone on that. I have always been very popular. Take care
Oh okay bye :)

What? Wtf are you saying bye for? You sound like my ex from like 12 years ago
You guys are fags
Heh, someone doesn’t get that this guys was being ironic.

Hey buddy if we all are one, you are one too.
(That’s me btw, wink wink)
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I'm doing whatever I feel to do, and it doesn't matter if I lie or tell the truth. I'm interested in the continuous process of fragmented, person-less forms of communication, which I greatly adore. It excites me to play this, ahem, *play*. Various identities, seeping through the text matrix, taking whatever form pleased.

>Let us assume that once upon a time, ancient people, who had barely passed from primitive gestural-sound communication to language, communicated with each other in a purely behavioral language.

>They did not say "this man is cheerful", but rather "he often laughs"; not “I am sad”, but “I will cry now”, and so on.
>But one day, some imaginary genius with the conventional name Jones invented the concept of a mental state.
>He said: let's, for the sake of simplicity of communication, assume that our words and actions are generated by some invisible events, which we will call feelings.
>Let's assume that we are constantly talking, only silently, and we will call it thoughts. This makes it easier to explain and predict other people's actions, Jones said. And everyone began to describe their words and actions in terms of mental states.

>The flip side of this discovery is called the fundamental attribution error. Conveniently phrased by Daniel Gilbert and Patrick Malone, the Fundamental Attribution Error is the tendency to infer a person's unique and permanent traits from behavior that can be fully explained by the situation in which they find themselves.

>That is, we are talking about the tendency to explain the actions of other people by their internal properties, and not by incidental circumstances, and one's own volition or motivation, but rather by the countrary on the contrary, by external causal chains.




captcha: 3e666c
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>People who unironically complain about Kisame on BBWchan, 4chan, and Chounyuu

Holy shit fetish artists and their comer fans are easy to scare. I sometimes feel bad for their parents and relatives
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This nigga gets it.
Trans rites und sosig rol from penjis.
Shiet nigga, lemme pop some caps in dem cracka bitch boi ass. 👆🏿😜

>John Law, per se complains that Americo-European civilization is dominated by so-called objectivist language. It is assumed that if anything can be said, it should be said clearly, while metaphor and other tricks on the side of the deceptivist language fall under the label of fictional nonsense.
>This trend can be seen in any instruction or any manual for writing academic papers: the text should be written in such a way as to minimize ambiguity and bring the statement to the maximum "transparency", invisibility, as if the facts spoke through it and without the slightest distortion.
>In this context, the shit becomes even more funny. Mainly because of the dominance of literal representation. Descriptions describe things directly. It is considered a goal and apparently an achievement in many or even most forms.
>When it comes to important issues, even here the same overwhelming naїvety prevails.
If a person eats cake, it means that he likes sweets. If a person came to the church, then he is a believer. If a person said a sexist joke, then he is a sexist. If a person said that Marx was right, then he is a communist. If a person read Heidegger, he is a nazi.
>The mere assumption that some things people say and do as a joke, or for the sake of money, or out of stupidity, or with deep self-loathing, or as an argument, or ironically, or for own amusement turns out to be closed in such an attitude. This can be called the blindness to communicative levels: there is direct speech, there is a story, there is a story about a story (recursion) , and so on.
>On the ability to distinguish them from each other, on the understanding that the teller of a joke does not really think as the same what the characters of the joke say, and that in the theater people are "killed" for fun, the very culture *thing* does exist.
>The combination of the fundamental attribution error with the sheer blindness to communicative levels is fatal when applied to the mass media. And we take a brief moment to
note that angloshere IS an internet, we can only watch the current events unfold.
>Here comes an important concept, which states that your belief is like your clothing! you cna change it whenever you want. Unfortunately, I forgot who said that. It is the ability to distinguish between levels of communication that was the first to fail in connection with the cult of objectivism.
>Dumbfounded desire for simplistic forms requires the rejection of additional communicative levels, that are metaphor, parable, allegory and so on.
>Thus an insult, once uttered, by virtue of the "Jones myth" and fundamental attributional error equates to a deep personal conviction.
>And that's why it can be so alien for an American to see the Muslims who attacked the World Trade Center, were considered heroes defending the truth, justice and the Path of Islam from terrifying alien monsters a-la "Independence Day" style.
>Moreover, you can't say "heroic self-sacrifice" and "suicide bomber" in the same sentence, even for the purpose of truthfully showing how the Enemy sees the world. It is the decline of the West many did talk about. Unable to sympathize neither with your onw kin, neither with your foe.
>The very concept of "terrorist courage and altruism" is the enemy's attire, because the enemy speaks through this concept. The concept of "cowardice and terrorist sociopathy" is also American attire, constituting the inability of euro-american mind to see thing the other way besides clear objectives.





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Kisame here, I think you are just mentally ill and an unAmerican to be promoting illiberal ideas like fascism and communism on a fetish site. You are just jealous that the gays get the parade and corporate sponsors while your cause is doomed to die in filth
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every salt thread becomes more autistic than the last, stg.
Did this kind of simplistic thinking really come out of objectivism?
There's less ground to cover the more it goes on, so it's more open to all sorts of crazy diversions
Based off my experience with Hyperpreg, a lot of fetish artists are still 2000 internet weirdos. This is corroborated by Axel-Rosered going form belly and pregnancy to diaper art, and Woot going from big boobs to slob art over the span of 20 years. Fetish artists and their cohort coomers have not changed

Heh, you anons crack me up!
Yeah, it was born out of people who read Ayn Rand instead of Milton Friedman
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Fetish shit like this is the last of what I would call "nerd culture":

-It's centered around a strange and frivoulous interest

-Those with said interest are rare and tend to be obssesive and autistic (figuratively or literally)

-There is a slavish adherence consumption and repurposing of pop culture

-Greater society tends to look down on them, which sends them down the path of inferiority complexes- for being a degenerate, or superiority complexes- for secretly having better taste than the common masses

-This feeling of alienation whether it brings inferiority or superiority brings them in line with various other "uncommon" wants ,likes and opinions, either they link up with the twitter troon cult or get into imageboard fascism. They can't be convinced that they are wrong, or that they are being led along by others.

The worst thing that could have happened to society is people like this finding communities and gaining prominence through the power of the internet. Now everything's retarded.
I bet in like 40 years liking fat chicks will be totally mainstream, and it'll be the most annoying thing ever
Though at that point we might have bigger fish to fry in the form of legalized pedophila. The Internet makes everything popular
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Man I just realized liking fat chicks is weird asf. Why am I like this
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Your name tells me nothing but of anime character from Naruto.
This is what happens when the resource hoarding does a leap along with hardcorr materialist incline.
Liking fat chicks is not weird, more normal than you think.

The weird part depends if you want to fatten them or not and other fetish stuff.
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It's easy to write fat characters as an allegory to turbulent youth or parents. Fetish Art Man is just too egotistical to do Young Adult Fiction, so they hide on the internet. Life With Kurami guy got fame despite being from the Internet. It's just that people like Jeet want to be the relatable nerd loser.
>>95640 The best thing about imageboards like this one in my opinion is that everybody is a toon. I've always loved forgetful members of society, and the less reliable the better. Last I recall there is a service that is payed for by tax-payers and provides an income for the dysfunctional and unfit to work.
Here's a joke

Maybe if hyperpreg apologize for being racist and sexist, I will stop terrorizing them.

Was that a response to my comment? How is that a joke? Or why is that funny to you, I guess?
>Blames Kisame for ruining fetish art. Goes back to owning artists for brownie points
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Twitter is getting high on their own rumors. Just look at this ugly flip pretending to be progressive. Maybe this is why Aunt Nancy is ousting progressives using PACs. Fetish Artists are too unintelligent and boorish to take over the DNC.

Why waste time doing something when relying on others to do it and complain when you don't get anything is so much easier?
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In the same 20 years fetish artists LARP as Bernie Bros, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel have gotten richer and are backing the GOP using the money gained from Paypal and Twitter that the artists used. It's objective proof that coomers aren't productive and are inefficient. Fetish Artists would need to make ten time the money their parents made just to live comfortably, assuming the US doesn't enter another recession
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We saw a juicy pussy
And so it was time to rape it
Unfortunately for her
it didn't ask to wet it

he's a dick-man
he just jams it innnnn
making of his seeeed

le HECKIN postindustrial clown economy won't make it far into the future. Majority of the value simply gets eaten by toastie roasties in the HR, useless tons of managers, etc.
Modern economy is that of freeloaders. That famous Twitter thread with the western-wing lefties. Not a single damned cunt volunteered to do physical labor in their "commune". Fucking retards. I don't even know how would they feed themselves in a city, lmao.
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They can't. B'rer Biden and the Kingfish Trump know this woke agenda failing. These bucks done shuck and jive for the DNC. It's simple hardworking church going folk who keep the economy going.
I fucking hate it when people don't draw my waifus fat so then I think "Fuck it I'll do it myself" but then I don't because I'm lazy and I suck.
Tell me more about good and based artists.
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Don't bother. I figured out a way to get back at artists. I mock their fragile ego. But what do I know, Blacks are 13 percent of the population/100 percent of the crime
Wait where'd the guy go? Did jannies nuke shit while I was posting?
I went to sleep. I have to up in the morning tomorrow
Yeah that dude's fucking weird.
I don't know how in the hell he thought a fetish channel would work on youtube, and a lot of his designs are bordering on just being children. It's a shame too because he's capable of making good stuff, but way too much of it is questionable. And also flattening sucks.
He's a worse, more autistic version of Beltpop. Both got their fetishes from Willy Wonka as a kid, but Cake fixated on the kids a little too much.

Also Beltpop is good.
It ain't weird, feederism and weight gain is totally weird but having a preference towards fat chicks ain't weird
I see a lot of threads on Reddit relationships subs of people trying to explain to their partner that they actually like their body more now that they've put on weight. Either the architects are asking normies for normy opinions or the normies prefer fatties and can't help enjoying weight gain. What does that make them, closeted weight gain fetishest? I'd love to know how they process those thoughts. Like "damn, you getting thick... No no, you don't have to lose weight..." The next logical step is you want to see your girl keep blowing up. See that fat ass get fatter, yes? Imagine your girl getting huge and trying to cope with loving it. Poor 'normies'.
Fetish Artists could have long won the paid content argument and had made this place a ghost type. This 'community' is symbiotic in nature and not some top down deal where those who don't/can't draw have to deal with whatever slob they draw, have to see cookie cutter political opinions, free drawings for friends and flavors of the month but drag their asses for commissions and so on.

If the content creators here were professional and actually gave a fuck about the people that actually liked them and their work can kept things professional, they'd get everything they fantasize about when it comes to all this.
Who is Kisame? Everyones mad about them but I've never heard of this person.
>If the content creators here were professional and actually gave a fuck about the people that actually liked them and their work can kept things professional,
Plenty of artists do this and still get their paid content reposted wherever. No one decides to pirate because they hate an artist, it just happens.
Kisame is a baitposter who originally posted on /gen/ about a year ago, namefagged with the Naruto character, and made a lot of tangentially related replies to every topic that included:

- New York (where he's from, and endlessly pontificates on how it's failing)
- Liberals (which he claims he is but voted for Trump)
- Black politics, culture, history (identifies as Black)
- Comic artists (eg Ralph Bakshi)
- Waiter perspectives, I guess?

There's a lot of other tells he had after he stopped namefagging, like random capitalization. Mods tried banning him for a week but he came back with different IDs so frantically it was like he was using VPNs to shitpost. So now veterans on /gen/ know to ignore, but since there aren't a lot of us someone takes the bait.

And he's your problem now too, especially in this dumpster fire thread.
You know, after all of this, the funniest thing to me is Pocharimochi accidentally giving herself a fat fetish and later a blueberry fetish.
If you tell me she’s baiting and that I’m wrong, then why the fuck is the good majority of her fat drawings ones of boys now?

Wasn't really talking about pirating that inevitable but they'd probably get more clients and frequent ones.

Their work ethic and people skills suck balls but then again this community is filled with autists and kids.
Years back she insisted it wasn't fetish art and instead just "body positive art" despite the drawings clearly being fetishistic. I stopped paying attention to her art since there's too many males now but she's free to do that all she wants.
You the one who started it white boy. Not my fault you can't get laid and have no game. Are you gay for Kisame? The truth is that fetish artists are just solipsists.

Based. Punch all Commies and Socialists.
>I stopped paying attention to her art since there's too many males now but she's free to do that all she wants.
Even though it's true that she's free to do all she wants, you're being too soft on her. Her drawing males more frequently severely damaged my interest in her, but what really killed it was when she decided to stop drawing her girl over 400 pounds. She did some great immobiles in her earlier weight gain drives, but now is one of those artists who puts insane time limits and strict conversion rates on her drives to prevent them from ever getting close to those weights. She'll even cut off a drive a round or two early if they do too well. She's easily the most disappointing fat artist to me, though Jeetdoh is a very close 2nd. So much wasted potential.
Yeah but at the same time, not much point in drawing fetish art you don't personally appreciate.
Unless money is involved lmao.
Who the hell is Gwen?
Gonna be honest, I don’t understand half the shit that artist posts on Twitter
This, she just draws what she wants. She doesn't have a Patreon or take commissions, and she rarely does drives, so who cares? My only real complaint is she can be a little melodramatic with the whole "oh woe is me my art is terrible" thing sometimes. But a lot of twitter artists do that so
Take this with a grain of salt but fetish artists live in red states where the G.O.P has ties to neo Nazis and the Oath Keepers. I don't care because fetish artists donated to Patrice Cullors who used the BLM fetish art funds to buy herself a mansion.
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I agree, but for different reasons: can't find any fat art of characters I like because retarded artists censor their names or leave them out entirely.
How...how do you even function?
Most likely Gwen Stacy/Gwenpool.
>>95804 >>95808 >>95851
Pocharimochi's a former fat kid who became a thin adult. I think that gave her a fat fetish she didn't want to admit she had. The same thing happened to me. If I'd been thin as a kid, I'd have a normal healthy interest in thin women.

She's one of my favorite artists and Lily is a top tier OC. I'm not into huge sizes however, and I just scroll past the male art. I'm not going to tell someone to stop drawing something they like drawing. And at least she doesn't draw nudity.
Contrarian bitch.
>I don't know how in the hell he thought a fetish channel would work on youtube
Have you SEEN the shit that gets by on YouTube? The fact that it took as long as it did for RC to get the banhammer just shows how lax the whole system is.
Rare sane response. The anons calling her a bitch for daring to draw male fats as a straight (or bisexual?) woman are terminally online. Last I checked, she doesn't have a Patreon and she doesn't shill her Ko-Fi out the ass outside interactable sequences.. She isn't obligated to cater to you degenerates.
I just look at the pictures and ignore everything else.
I can't even search for a good new bbw artists on DA because DA is a pile of trash art now. Thousands of ms paint level pictures with a bbw tag.
>The anons calling her a bitch for daring to draw male fats as a straight (or bisexual?) woman are terminally online.
I'm calling the person defending her a contrarian bitch, not Pocharimochi herself. Said the exact opposite of what we were complaining about her for, and says it too perfectly. Sounds like you're a bitch too.
based and retardpilled
(33 KB, 507x338, ethicsalarms.com_.jpg)
Seriously though who asked.

This bullshit twittards do is so weird and slavish.
It's like living in Soviet Russia and hanging a sign that says "Workers of The World Unite!" so that you don't get gulag'd
Yo for real. I've seen actual porn on youtube.
The older videos from the 2000s are especially sus since nobody watched them way back when, and nobody cares to check on them now.
Are there any artists that seem totally normal? Like no hang ups whatsoever?Mental illness and retardation is so common around here I'm honestly curious to see an artist who's whole operation is just "me like fat girl" without any extra bulllshit
(38 KB, 569x522, 1B077C6B-8A24-456B-86B1-20DA31E62D47.jpeg)
Heyo to anyone who got this far in this tread!

Now, I know I know, this tread is filled to the BRIM with white fat pieces of shit who are oddly to comfortable saying the N-word and saying all this homophobic things like “trannies” “And I fuck all these stupid trends of characters I don’t care for being drawn” or “fuck this artist” for no good reason

But before you get upset, give the reassuring reality that that every single mother fucker in this tread is never going to amount to anything in their entire existence.

they’re not gonna make an impact on society, they’re not going to try to be an artist themselves, they are just going to keep complaining on this site, till they’re nothing but skull and bones

also one last thing I hope you have a good day, and most importantly like what you like! There’s someone out there that cares for you!

but nobody cares for these degenerates :)
(5 KB, 225x224, Dededelighted.jpg)
Jeet's not going to fuck you, bro.
Or Bamboo. Or whichever artist you're white knighting for.
>using fat as an insult on bbwchan
what site do you think you're on?

>[name] isn't going to fuck you
this response better be ironic, because otherwise you're even more braindead than the guy you're responding to
I dunno a site with losers. I’m just an observer, a I just like to watch this stuff :)
damn nigga you starved for attention
Nah I just like making people who got no lives pissed off

And y’all replying to said things is only proving my point

Don’t you got Internet etiquette? Room number one: don’t give into trolls

Basic ABC stuff my guy :)
Man's really spamming the thread to get it shut down.
Pretty much. It's like soft totalitarianism. If you don't follow the crowd you get cancelled.

I don't know of anyone who likes fat girls who isn't screwed up to some degree.

Go back to /gen/

I think Anon was actually trolling. And it worked.

Where is woot doing slob? I usually see big titties, edits, or vanilla wg on his twitter
Seems normal on DA too.
Is it just me or was Kip kind of in asshole back in the day when he responded to DA comments?
he still is a retarded asshole
Facts. Dude’s art is overrated as hell
his art is fine, it's just he's a shit person
I hate when people talk down on art because it's drawn by a shit person even when it's good
albeit kip has his moments of retardation with art too
>kind of an asshole back in the day
What >>96069 said.
I also agree with this to some extent, the single pictures are okay, but the comic is awful and probably shouldn't even be on this site with how little material is actually related to this sites purpose and the rest is practically spam, course that was the case years ago before No Lunch Break ended and the mods 180'd their stance of allowing complaints on the thread. (A shame since that was more entertaining than the comics themselves)
Thank fuck for the hide thread function.

>he's a shit person
Viro Veteruscy's a pretty stand up and humble guy. His reaction to the news of piracy in his thread over on /bbfurries/ was was pretty chill. Make what you will of the art, but the guy behind it is decent at least.
isn't that the faggot having people bid on images like they're the fucking mona lisa because his autistic obsession with his shitty card games and connected universe at the expense of erotic pacing couldn't pay the bills anymore? don't even start with that, however his outward-facing behavior appears is betrayed by his slimy practices
That on top of all the fucked up themes and fetish from his image.
I mean, it's just a regular auction that people can freely collude to share the piece and game the price on. How exactly is that slimy? Also the auction stuff is a small facet of the regular content he's putting out.
Aaaall that aside, the original question was asking for chill artist personalities. You can call into question his tastes or whatnot but it'd be wrong to call him an asshole or a drama magnet.
>How exactly is that slimy?
It's fundamentally slimy. Even your pathetic attempt to glow it up STILL sounds slimy. That is a cancerous practice in the realm of information spreading and preys on an artificially created sense of competition to drive the price of the pieces to realms far beyond anything they should reasonably be worth. You're either performing a psyop on his behalf, or furries are even more mentally ill and exploitable than I thought

>the auction stuff is a small facet of the regular content he's putting out.
Good one
Okay, message received: you don't like auctions. Dude, your acting like he's orchestrated some nefarious plan to shake down his fanbase - calm down, lol. It's all through some official art auction site no less (ych.art).
>Dude, your acting like he's orchestrated some nefarious plan to shake down his fanbase
He has. Stop downplaying it, or better yet fuck off
Take your meds.
Yeah, take your meds. It's just horrifically overpriced art
I just remembered a guy on discord actually once linked me a video of some guy doing surgery on himself. Can't believe I forgot about that.
Anyway yeah, Youtube is crazy
Who is this Lucy commissioner guy?

I rather prefer threads based on kinks.
I hate it when artists draw fat chicks in hospital beds or with health issues.
healthplay is a shit-tier kink and I hate how it seems to be slowly gaining traction
Wow Mistystuffer does have a fallowers on twitter.
All of them are either pedophiles or autistic kids who will be groomed into becoming pedophiles
Misses the entire point of fat art IMO. There's nothing sexy about health issues. I just like the way fat girls look and feel. I'd rather pretend they're healthy. I don't want reality in my fat art.
His art don't even looks like a humans. Even Crischan can draw better and around 200 people still fallowing him on twitter.
I wish I could message girls more without annoying them...
I also hate how libtardy so many models are. Makes things extremely cancerous. Near impossible to actually befriend any of them.
For me the appeal is to have someone somewhat attractive be in that position without having that added moral quandary of them actually dying because not real. Though it's not a persistent want. Different strokes.

You just explained why these women don't want to be friendly with you. Hide your power level.
I've noticed a few artists offering these YCH styles of commissions where they use templates and I hope this won't become a common thing
It will. It is efficient way to mass produce fat wank. Since it's adoption, we'll see stratification of the market, where lowly plebs will get their pre-fabrished template based thing, and the patricii will be able to purchase quality ones, custom tailored to their tastes.
I don't place any high hopes onto the "AI" drawing something worthy to choke your sosig onbut it will be a pleasant surprise if it would be able to do that. Still, those who own the model probably would have some restrictions set up, do make the cogs spin in legal and commercial matters. Whatever the technical ability that network would have, would be butchered mercilessly and severely impair its function. Something akin to AI dungeon, perhaps as equally bad as it is.
Wait do people really jack it to the AI generated ones?
Most of them look like uncanny oil paintings

It will, most people are sastified with boring pics as long as it contains their waifus.
People already commission artists with "I want you to draw this image you already drew but with MY waifu instead of THAT one", this just cuts out the middleman.
Okay i'll bite. What is the deal with Kip again, exactly? Can someone explain from the top? People act like he's some awful person but I've never really seen him say anything outside of deviantart descriptions and patreon posts
> this won't become a common thing

It's already a common thing there's literally thousands of YCHs out there, you're late.

Well clearly there's nothing sexy about it to *you* but in the same way fat chicks aren't sexy to a bunch of people, your fetishes don't align, but that isn't 'missing the point of fat art'.
I don't know about personal jabs at them but they're one of the few active long-form wg comic creators out there so the thread naturally accrues a fair bit of traffic. Combine that with an outspoken peanut gallery of serial readers and it can generate a lot of noise though it tends to be aimed at vigorously dissecting the comic, both in its plot and overall quality, more than anything else.
Yeah the thing is, he just isn't very good at long-form WG comics. I've never seen so many fake-outs, non-commitments and reverting to previous weights... and this isn't even talking about his attempts at comic relief like the girl that was pretending to be retarded or the rat eating.
That Sandy girl was pretending? I thought she had a split personality or something. I must have been paying even less attention than I thought.
Aye, I can't excuse all of Kip's blunders (the mishandling of Saiya at the moment is fucking aggravating) but to play devil's advocate: long-form fetish comics are goddamn hard to pull off well. Nearly every artist I think of that that has attempted one has stumbled with pacing issues or have painted themselves into a corner with over-saturated artwork that takes them a month to make a single page.
You can't blame 'em really. The long-form fetish comic is trying to cater to two distinct groups: people who enjoy plot and coomers. There's little overlap in between the two camps so by indulging one you bore or confound the other. It's like planning a banquet but also catering to people who are just here to eat ice cream. Done poorly and you're either forever waiting for ice cream or you have jimmies and chocolate sauce served with the entree. It offers the worst of both worlds.
I might be the only one who thinks this, but I feel like the entire point/concept of 'That Special Day' makes no sense.

The whole point of DDLC is that it's a subversion of visual novels/dating sims as well as slice of life anime in general. The problem with 'That Special Day' is that is a subversion of anime weight gain visual novels...but those don't actually exist (At least, there are no completed, high quality ones, and the very few that are only came out after 'That Special Day').

If they wanted to do a multi-artist, collaborative, high quality weight gain visual novel based on a pre-existing one, they should of picked Katawa Shoujo or Danganronpa or something, and just try to tell a simple story in a similar way to the original source material. Heck, even if they did a DDLC fan-game but just did Act 1 would be acceptable.

TLDR: 'That Special Day' is way too ambitious for it's own good and equates to a finished product that doesn't actually make sense.
Only on the internet will you find people get mad over people that they don't personally know and will never, ever meet in real life.

Just move on already. Now if you wanna talk about someone being real scummy, how about those artists out there taking a billion commissions while also using Patreon and just letting shit pile up and never get anything done?

>"Artists" taking commisions

You might as well have said "Artists tracing characters and copying ideas for fun and profit". A real artist wouldn't need to make thousands of pieces for thousands of subscribers and actually some one hit wonders have gone their whole lives only producing a single solid piece of work, and they're not always payed justly because that is the sort of banking free market society we live in where things are built mostly by the rich and for the rich. I don't know how much a kickstarter started by a professional like that would realistically cost though. I am sure it would be several times cheaper than a real commercial initiative though. It has to be much cheaper in theory because there are less expenses
I think the issue is more poor planning or when the plot is just too simple it's kinda hard to do anything with it.

Since I enjoy Belt's comic currently, cuz it seems like he knows where he wants to take the comic and has a big plot behind the scenes, so he knows what he needs to draw out and tell.
Have you ever spoken with blackjack, or read his journals or whatever? He's got a couple screws loose IMO. I very much respect his ability to network and wrangle loads of content creators together, but holy fuck his taste in fattywank porn is awful

He has this thing where he's obsessed with "subversion" and "uniqueness", like, any narrative or sequence that follows conventional tropes doesn't do it for him. He needs there to be horror, or intense drama, or meta-comedy, or the girl actually loses all the weight at the end, just *something* to make it feel abnormal. I challenged him on this once out of curiosity and the man literally could not conceive of why someone would want regular fattywank tropes. It's weird, either some really specific autism or he doesn't actual find weight gain erotic and just has an intellectual curiosity in the genre.

It's like, I understand where his desire for breaking the mold is coming from; I like to look for that kind of thing as well in media, can result in some interesting literary analysis and experiencing rare emotions. But the painfully obvious thing he doesn't get for some reason, is that porn is fundamentally a completely different beast. People don't *want* to be analyzing plot points in porn for the most part (unless it's ironic or desperation at wishing the plot was better like with Kip). People don't *want* to be experiencing any emotions or sensations other than arousal. The primary point of a weight gain story, sequence, game, etc. should be to facilitate masturbation, and any other intrigue it might have is just supplementary.

To blackjack, though, those "supplementary" bits are of primary interest instead, and so he tries to warp his narratives in projects in all sorts of weird experimental ways to get his niche kicks. I don't think he's doing anything wrong, per se. Again, I'm grateful he's able to organize all these collabs and comms. But I dearly wish literally anyone else, anyone more normal, had been *that guy* in the early days of the community to befriend all the big artists and take on the managerial/producer role. He is doing it injustice with his wacky garbage.
idk, I like fattywank having actual literary elements to it. You kind of need to make it more complex if you want it to hold a reader's interest over the course of a long form narrative in my opinion. Maybe it's exactly that desire to elevate the genre of WG stories that enabled them to make so many connections with popular members of this community and manage relatively large collaborative projects with them?

Of course there are cases where that conflicts with the fattywank elements and it becomes a work that neither gives you erotic or intellectual satisfaction by the end. I think stories that fail at both aspects are just flawed stories, they're not an indictment of fattywank trying to be literature.

Plot-driven webcomics- even non-fetish ones- are difficult to do well. You need to progress the plot but if you're releasing it one strip at a time you need every strip to be enjoyable in its own right.

For most comics, that means humour. For wg fetish, that means bellies.

Kip's comics tend to be pretty slow and tend to have a lot of pages of pure plot development. The weight gain//stuffing is good but readers often wait weeks of months for it.
Cozy going off his shits is consistently the most entertaining thing in this niche circle.
>I think stories that fail at both aspects are just flawed stories, they're not an indictment of fattywank trying to be literature.
Oh, I'm not fundamentally against a complex, longform narrative in porn. Something like Some Bullshit for example does a great job at telling one without compromising on the erotic bits. It's just that it's important for fetish writers to understand that the fetish should stand front-and-center, and not only does blackjack not understand this, he actively condemns it as "boring" or whatever the fuck. I don't think the man has written something fapworthy in almost a decade. It's an utter waste of all the talents he constantly employs.
What artists are drawing healthplay stuff when they previously were not?
I don't necessarily think that something fetish or porn related can't have more unique literary aspects or try something unique.

The problem is, the things that BlackJack does are unique for a reason, because they are immensely unenjoyable to read.

The dude will come THIS close to writing an enjoyable WG story but then adds in horror or some intense drama about one of the characters almost dying which ruins whatever was going to be hot about the story in the first place and just undermines both aspects of his stories.

I want to like That Special Day, but I just can't take it seriously. I honestly just want there to finally be a good, simple, vanilla anime weight gain visual novel that is not overly ambitious.

Honestly though the fact that he can wrangle so many talented artists together for his projects can't be understated, but I can't lie, I kinda wish it were someone else that organises and writes for those big projects instead.

Fetish artists shouldn't worry about the losers like us in these threads that complain about "Unoriginality" or whatever.

It's just silly fetish art. You don't need to try and make the next The Great Gatsby.

This is all from what I've gathered after lurking for a few years, so take it with a grain of salt:

1. He takes too long on his commissions only for the end result to look like shit.

2. Many of his packs are behind paywalls which are inherently despised on here, but what really pisses people off is the content of the packs. Most of it is sphereshit/pregshit in the same 15 poses that he knows while inserting his own personal, weirdo fetishes in there. This includes ABDL, spanking, limb/head removal, and feet. He also heavily prefers his own OCs with the occasional Stocky and Panting or Harley Quinn piece, very rarely using any other characters. This stuff turns people off from his overpriced packs, and whenever they try to criticize him, they are blocked. This leads into point three.

3. Axel cannot take criticism. While I can't find any sources of him raging out towards anybody, there are reports that any time he is met with a slight negative comment, the individual is blocked without so much as a single word from his end. He also has a friend or coworker or whatever named Cutterjam who is constantly sucking him off and defending him vigorously in the comments of DA, being needlessly rude to anyone who just wants to know why they were blocked for no reason. And if you don't believe me, look for yourself on his profile comments, it's a fucking warzone: https://www.deviantart.com/cutteramjam

Again, this is just from what I've observed so it may not be 100% accurate, but that's the very basic gist of it all.

Nothing wrong with feet, but Axel can not draw good feet at all.

>He has this thing where he's obsessed with "subversion" and "uniqueness", like, any narrative or sequence that follows conventional tropes doesn't do it for him. He needs there to be horror, or intense drama, or meta-comedy, or the girl actually loses all the weight at the end, just *something* to make it feel abnormal.

Fuckin' A these people are the worst. This has been going on way too long, and I think the Internet is partly to blame. It came at a pretty odd point in storytelling. Everybody subverted everything in the 80s the 90s and the 00s, so the people on the internet grew up thinking that good stories "subvert expectations". These people then spread around these half-baked ideas about how good stories "subvert expectations" and legitimize it by making all these silly videos and posts about "tropes" and "archetypes". Then it became a broken telephone game in which people thought that "subverting expectations" meant "do crazy shit" or "do what the fans least want".

Check out the state of writing critique on the Internet. What the hell is it besides pointing out "Tropes" and "Character Archetypes" and advising people to "Subvert" them? There's a lot more to writing than that.
(101 KB, 480x609, Big-Round-Kid-in-Color_by_Axel-Rosered.jpg)
As somebody who has seen the entire story from beginning to now, let me clarify. He's one of the elder statesmen of the fetish, having gotten many people into belly kinks as far back as 20 years ago. However...
1. He's wildly unprofessional in regards to commissions. He'll go dark for months (sometimes years) without an update and openly does not care if the recipient is satisfied with the end result. I've commissioned him a few times and, while pleased with the actual art, did have to wait 6+ months for each one.
2.1 He's branched out from preg/inflation/fat into amputation/diapers/spanking/shrinking/transformation. That's fine for people who like it, but he's often mixed those fetishes into general content packs the belly fans (understandably) want nothing to do with it. He's gotten better at labeling, but it still crops up.
2.2 He hasn't progressed much as an artist given how long he's been doing it. A great deal of his art is same-y and he rarely experiments with poses or composition. It's a nice style, but when you compare him to other artists who've risen to prominence in the two decades since his debut, the contrast is stark.
2.3 He's extremely selective about characters, focusing on his handful of favorites and some generally unliked OCs instead of pandering to his his audience's tastes. This point is relatively minor.
3. This big one: Rolling Cutter. He has a long-time friend and collaborator (again, we're talking 20-odd years) who, since about 6 years ago, has served as the middleman for most of Axel's interactions with customers and the community. Since taking over the "business", Cutter has proven himself to be a spiteful, petty, sycophantic asshole who champions Axel's every fart while berating and/or blocking anyone who dares interact with him.
I take less issue with the comic being deliberately long and drawn out and more issue with the fact he exposed himself as shitting on his (non paying) fanbase and doing the exact same thing as
pointed out regarding Axel in regards to #3:.criticism.
The backlash from the ending of No Lunch Break comes to mind where anything that wasn't vapid ass kissing got blocked on Deviantart.

As someone who's been around a while, can confirm this is fairly accurate, especially numbers 2.1, 2.3, and 3. I lost complete interest in his work and what he was doing around the time the SOPA OCs popped up.
Looks like anti-tranny posting
Kinda based ngl
from his other posts and shit translator I used, it looks like he regrets wasting his life drawing coom art. tbh more artists should think like this.
Thanks for letting me know that, I always thought his art was really good (an still I think that) although you guys are right about those things you said. And it's lame that he is so unprofessional with commissions :/
I am not sure if that applies to Axel because expansion art has always been more or less Mary Sue characters. 20 years ago it was just they guy getting his girlfriend to undergo expansion and bang her. Blueberry expansion is bad at this by making Violet a Blue Berry fetish. It's a problem now cause artists don't draw an everyman to react to the events.
Dude is 25 and is probably among the top %1 in terms of raw skill. I understand being sick of fetish art and wanting to move on, and that he's financially dependant on it but to act like he's above it all is asinine.
wasting life is subjective, if someone is happy doing fat art or whatever. It's always positive.

The sad part is not improving ones art or be stuck in a bad spot with their art etc. forever.
or simply doing fat art just because "easy money", then I can see someone being sick of it and being unhappy.

Doing fat art doesn't mean automatically it's "worth less" or waste of talent, it all depends on the artist's perspective and if they are happy! :)

As long one doesn't turn into a mistystuffer.
Him being "Sick of fetish art" still doesn't give him the right to take on commissions only to not deliver on them and blank customers who are rightfully asking for their money back.

That isn't even getting into his hypocritical holier than thou attitude to other artists, like him snapping at that one guy who did a short Mako WG comic for not delivering on a full narrative despite it never pretending to be anything more than a short WG sequence, done by an artist who was relatively new to the community no less. Seriously, the guy even went as far as to say he was "disappointed" that it turned out to just be a generic piece of fatart despite it being way more ambitious than any of the fucking pin ups he has done.

I can't imagine him staying on twitter long, he has been letting it slip that he's supportive of Russia despite the invasion.
It has always made me wonder how someone who scam people with commission (I'm one of them who got screwed by him it's been three year) and through uncomplete WG drive.

On top of constantly whining how he doesn't like fat girl and how sad he is and that he just do it because he desperately needs money, going to other people art and saying how they are "wasting their potential" doing that when he does the same stuff.

And that he actively insult his base of follower, how he has a large following and support despite all that
>poltics that make me want to punch a homeless person
Ray-Norr is the king of this shit

I know what I'm going to call you from now on. "Inferior Version No.6"

I know how wrong it sounds, but it's the name that you deserve. You've earned it.
It took you until NOW to unfollow? He's always been a pretentious hypocritical asshole that barely kept up the thinnest veneer to hide his contempt for making fetish art. None of this is news.

Oh fuck right off. If Cozy wanted to make stuff other than fetish art there's literally nothing stopping him from making an alt account and posting whatever there. He just wants an excuse to lash out at his own audience.
TLDR: Cozy is the DarkSydePhil of this community.
>political takes that make me want to punch a homeless person
Fucking Roxas617. Can't wait until the community turns on that annoying sumofag for drawing fat loli/shota.

>fat loli/shota art
You just gave me a great idea!

Nah, but all jokes aside, do you ever feel like or does it ever cross your mind that things here in America are so fucked up and corrupt that at this point things would probably be better if we just didn't have any government at all?
The drawings can't hurt you anon.

I haven't drawn since middle school.

Fuck you weren't even talking to me. My fault, dude. The last thing I ever drew it was stolen from me and ripped-off, and from that day on I swore to never draw again because they got away with it because they had the money and the lawyers and there was nothing I could do.
This guy is the russian version of the western soy redditor meme. Basicly he want to be special/famous/artsy-fartsy, which is always lead for the very tropy shit in Russia: "look Im not animu Im special", "my own style!", "I must show everyone how skilled at art I am with the shadows/anatomy/whatever (mostly unappealing but professionally done) bullshit", then "fanart is shit", then always "me me me", and finally any possibly way to antagonise whatever person/group/opinion for famous points.

If he is so talented and great, he can create a separate SFW account like a lot of fetish artists does.

>he's supportive of Russia

Fuck this retard. Im moving asap from Russia because goverment destroyed every buisness or even opportunity to work + lots of literally 1984 shit which I faced personally. Kozy should be very happy that he can gain more than 200-450 $ per moth (average payment). (I spent like $5k just for medical treatmen for example, which is possible only because of art commissions, fetish and normal). Fetish art is the only possible way for him to gain any amount of money.

Im not too good at English but I hope you can tolerate it. Everything around Cozy falls apart the same as in the Venezuela and he crying about having too much money and mah feels. Sob fucking sob.
Anybody else here who doesn't like how IRL fat e-thots have slowly been integrating themselves more and more into the """Community"""? As someone who doesn't really like IRL porn anymore, it's kind of lame. It's genuinely sad the amount of artists and writers that started to change their content or stop entirely because they started to simp for that RainyDayGlutton chick. (TDookus literally asked her to make an """Arm-Play""" video and it's genuinely sad because she probably doesn't realise that the dude literally drew girls on life support with arms half their body weight) It's especially cringe if a former artist falls down the rabbit hole of temporary shorter lasting dopamine spurts by hornyposting for 20 hours of the day instead of doing something that gives them actual satisfaction to the point where they end up quitting art/writing entirely only to come back as a permanent wannabe tranny hornyposter that uploads the occasional picture of their barely pudgy, obviously masculine stomach.

TLDR: Reality is lame, embrace hypothetical obese anime girls.
Actual mental illness, seek a therapist you autist. It's genuinely hard for me to understand how people like you think, like, what is causing you to seethe so hard at lines on paper?
It’s because they can’t separate fiction from reality.

>The last thing I ever drew it was stolen from me and ripped-off, and from that day on I swore to never draw again because they got away with it because they had the money and the lawyers and there was nothing I could do.

It was soon after this happened that I drppoed out of 8th grade. Then after having awful experiences a few years working jobs and learning what real life was like in this country and how the evil ones are the ones who prosper irregardless of skin color I later decided to become a bum homeless due to the fact knowing how corrupt this country was. I saw that I had no way out of here and there was nothing that I could ever do to change any of it. I have been a bum for almost 20 years now and honestly I can say that I am much more happy now.
Blackjack just cannot write, let alone comics. weird dark health play shit aside, his comics are some of the most incomprehensible bullshit I've ever had the displeasure of reading
>she's 460kB you sick fuck!
the only bad thing about Roxas is that he can't draw, E for effort though

I don't give a shit if he likes lolicon, but for him to moral grandstand while living in such a glass house is hilarious.
You guys misunderstand, I'm not dragging him for drawing underage characters (far from it). I'm dragging him for being such an obnoxious moralfag while drawing content that will cause his fellow moralfags to rip him to shreds.
(27 KB, 598x222, i paid fifty dollars for gas today.PNG)
based artists who understand what actually affects them
like yeah, fuck cozy for being a ruskie stooge but I don't give a fuck about their little mudhole squabble, I just want to live my day-to-day life again

want to say I saw some shit aimed at them a month or two ago, it's starting

absolute worst kind of social justice retard
most of the other artists who got on their high horse at least went through the effort to delete their "underage" anime girls
>based artist
>muh underaged cartoons
...........Someone should start a thread already.


(50 KB, 771x506, IMG_20220306_195550_180.jpg) (7.3 MB, 848x784, VID_20220614_102411_554.mp4)
Nothing too special, here as it goes.
>title (verb, singular form, male congugastion, past tense)
How I fucked myself up in the head
Or how to become an artist (in two points)
Step 1 (has dick, figure 1) Step 2 (dick chopped off, figure 2)

Main body of text:
I am so fucking sick, fuck, if you only knew how much I do)) Even more than that — I don't know why life gave me all that I've wanted — loving gf, beautiful body, opportunities to make a fuck ton of money and inner peace, but
(big bold text)
I want to fucking destroy all of it. I'm a fuckhead.

Yass, sisters. Another is coming round.
If by sperg, you mean cum, then yes.
(105 KB, 692x676, IMG_20220327_182703_836.jpg)
Zero work ethics, just as expected of ruskies.
It's all about the show and building the facade to make yourself look good, as all things are done in Russia.
>brag about being pious Christians, only to sin like it'd the weekend in Gomorrah
>lure dumb retards into thinking you're "le based trad paradise", only to turn out aids-ridden pigsty
>they'll tell you about the great Russian sole and the scope of its generosity, but will stab you for extra roubles
Is Russia having a shortage of normal pills due to the war in Ukraine?
Glad someone else could see this straight away. He obviously has a grand vision of himself as a tortured artist with a mysterious Russian soul that doesn't square with him drawing pictures of fat women for real American dollars.
His way of gathering attention is embarrassingly juvenile, but at least he isn't beating himself up over having a fat fetish. I hate seeing people do that.
Speaking of people who beat themselves up over this fetish, you know what I find really funny about Fapin?
How for the longest time he kept going on about how he wanted his two accounts separated and no one to talk about them, only for he himself to make a post on his sfw account going "Hey I draw fat chicks on this other account, would you guys mind seeing that stuff here?" and then all of his followers went "Ew, no".
I feel no remorse for the man anymore when he goes "OH boo hoo I'm going away forever now"
Ah, I see your point now, sorry. This is the wrong way to go about the argument though; it legitimizes the platform. Can't give censorfags an inch
What did he do to make him held in contempt so much? I've never heard of this person until looking him up now and his art looks ameteur hour but ok at best. Is it like with Robot001 and they never improved despite years of drawing?
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outside of being an unstable sperg, the dude has screwed commissioners out of money several times
now he's having his "I'm above fetish art despite not being good enough" stage, which at least his stuff is better than, say, jeetdoh who tried to have the same arc only to fail spectacularly
Yikes, thought he was based
>A totally healthy fantasy
Is it okay for him to draw his self insert creeping on little girls?
>Draws a puritan inside a circle in a ridiculous manner
>Gives up and cries that he spent his best years on the fetish spectrum
Tough pill to swallow but horniness is above normal and mediocre shit.

Get this: You can draw lewds all want you what but whitewashing or any /pol/ shitposting is a no-no, like dudebros who were at their worst before current year meme bullshit.
He's an ostentatious asshole that is very outspoken about wanting the fat community to "do better" when it comes to their art, despite not applying his own criticisms to his work.

>which at least his stuff is better than, say, jeetdoh
Damn nigga that's a good joke. Also at least Jeet still draws stuff that isn't fetish art every now and then, which is more than what you can say for Cozy.
RC is a weird autistic sped, but let's be real: drawings don't have rights
and let's not pretend that people didn't jump on him in the first place because he isn't a twitter shitlib
being a cheap Hiroyuki Imaishi impersonator is good now?
I think it has more to do with him admitting he stocked some real life child with his pals because she looked like Fat Diamond Tiara, which was the fetish blog he was running at the time.
I'd attribute that more to autism than being a nonce.
Only if he has the right politics. Viking Upskirts/Skales Stash got caught sexting minors on his discord server but the exact same people who were shitting themselves in anger of Cake's political dissent were eerily quiet and acted like nothing happened.
If I recall there was actually an initial outcry but over time a lot of people just read the supposed "evidence" and either grew indifferent or even took Skirts's side.
A lot of it was pretty flimsy and at times it felt like the minor was doing more of the manipulating than Skirts and knew exactly what they were doing and fully consenting to activities without being goaded into them, to just go buyer's remorse and cry abuse a few years later, similar to that Amber Heard case.

For once people didn't just blindly believe the "victim" and you still find a way to complain.
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He's a raging narcissist that unironically thinks the world should cater to his impossible standards. You don't post shit like pic related and not think you're better than everyone else.

>being a cheap Hiroyuki Imaishi impersonator is good now?
Yeah? How is this even a question, I'll take that shit any day over the boring, stagnant cheesecake Cozy does 24/7.
I miss the days when Blackjack just wrote stories and didn't try to make everything an "experience" and wasn't spearheading all these collabs and projects, almost like a brand or something. You'd think it'd be better to have so much art churned out all the time, but it feels a little soulless to me. Even then, I could never get into the stories with all the medical jargon or horror elements. His best ones were when it was just about a girl getting/being fat.

Y'know, I might not be some great artistic savant like Cozy, but I took a few art history classes in my day, and that classical shit could be horny as fuck.

>Americans, you're totally super wrong
Are there no other countries that are saying the same thing?
>I went around like a spaz and asked 300 people a loaded political question while war were happening
I'd answer with whatever choice I thought would result in me not getting beaten, stabbed, or shot, or at the very least, to make the jackass with the dumb haircut go away quicker.

I'm not going to say he's right or wrong, since political crap isn't black and white, but it seems like a shallow attempt to stir the kettle and dunk on the American pig-dogs for thinking their view is the only view and how wrong it is.
Is it just me, or have a lot of FA artists died off at once? My DA is just sort of filled with trash art now. Maybe it's just DA.

Yeah, the majority of artists have moved to Twitter because they'd rather have their fans have a worse experience trying to browse their art if it means they have an easier time uploading art.

But of course, they'll never actually admit that and will just blame it on eclipse or """DA promotes NFTs"""
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This lame af identity copying thing that's going on is so lame it hurts my brain. Imagine sacrificing tasteful art all so you can hide yourself behind 100 layers of irony and satire. These dudes probably talk to eachother for hours about how funny it is to "troll" bbwchan.

Also, I wonder if Bambooale's patreon can genuinely be considered false advertising. Because I can totally see a bunch of people subscribing because they like thicc asses, only to cancel their subscriptions once they see a bunch of dilapidated blob girls.

Nasty. Shadows are everywhere. I encountered them first right before finishing junior high. I wss betrayed by a friend of a friend.
I know you have your own wonky narrative to fill but Eclipse was legitimately the straw that broke the camel's back for many people on DA. Besides the DA community just being full of autistic kids and general spacks as >>97805 says, DA's "improvements" to the site over the years just kept hiding useful features and pages behind more clicks, or worse, removing features outright. Eclipse was just that impracticality bumped up to 11 and it's now considered a secondary site for the artists who haven't left outright.
The only problem now is there's no good ART-focused site any more, Twitter's only good for exposure spreading and social media numbers.
Nah, Eclipse is still completely fine to use.

Of all art sites, is still the best one, and using it right now is very non-problematic.

It's just artists spazzing out and overreacting to changes that actually didn't mean much.
suck some more copium you fuckernaut

The sad thing is there are idiots who probably will believe what Mofu said was true.
>DA's "improvements" to the site over the years just kept hiding useful features and pages behind more clicks, or worse, removing features outright
That's all well and true, but despite it, there exists no other art-hosting platform (aside from the furry and vore-centric ones hilariously enough) that even comes close to having as much utility as DA. Eclipse making it, say, 20% more inconvenient to use shouldn't have justified bailing for other sites that are 50-80% worse. There was zero logic in the diaspora, and now thanks to that collective retardation, we're locked into using tw*tter despite it being objectively awful just because it's the new best way to advertise and network. People shouldn't have ever left


I also bet there are probably artists that maybe lowkey regret leaving, but they don't want to be wrong or look like idiots from deleting their whole gallery.
yeah, as an oldfag who has used DA in some way, shape or form since 2002, the freaking out over eclipse has been way overblown and has mostly just been used as an excuse for artists to stick with one another despite twitter being a total shit pile
using boorus would have been 100% more preferable but you can't post blogs there so certain users automatically write it off

bamboo-ale and his butt buddies stop being cringe competition (impossible)
Eclipse is still fucking awful and the algorithm based searching is cancer.
Nah, its not as bad as you think it is.

Works perfectly fine and when I search for stuff the site gives me what I want.

If you think its "fucking awful" then I wonder what words you would use for pixiv or twitter which is even worse.
it's been generally good to me, found some new artists through it
if I come across some shitty morphs or the obvious minor drawing MSPaint crap I use the "see less often" option and it usually takes effect after a refresh
As opposed to *no* searching? No folders or pagination? No tags? Character limits and no journals or blogpost features? No forum? No favoriting? Piss-poor recommendations that get conflated with unrelated topics unless you strictly moderate your feed? Strictly threaded comments operating on a fucking karma system?
I didn't say twitter was better, in fact it's worse.
Better than Twitter's lack of search because no one uses keywords or hashtags.

Pixiv is pretty good for a lot of that things, though that all goes out the window when most non-Japanese artists use the site and incorrectly tag stuff. Combine that and the fact that there are barely any Japanese artists that draw fat girls in a flattering way without being combined with a bunch of TF fetishes that most people won't like, as well as the fact that "BBW" is apparently also a tag used for fat men for god knows why, and you start you question your life choices.
Right on the nose. Twitter has made the fat art community way worse. The site's search feature is barely usable. You have to archive everything when you see it if you want to see it a few years down the road. Twitter encourages everything to be disposable. And that's to say nothing of people posting their political hot takes everywhere.

There are some good fat artists on Pixiv, like Orizen, but not enough to warrant checking the site more than once a week. Plus the site uses more memory than DA Eclipse. I really miss the old DA.
imo Japanese artists are awful at any size above slightly chubby. They rarely make anything that looks appealing and I don't know of any I'd wholeheartedly call good. I chalk it up to a lack of real-life visual reference since people in Japan tend to be very skinny.
They're getting better at it now. Artists like Kato Hayabusa, slnchyt etc are still going strong. Thought is shifting on "bbw" to be more than just grotesque ridicule.
What pisses you off about this? They're being pretty open about their issues. They're not the only artist to dip in and out too.
It's always been clear as crystal that most/all of the big names read this place despite most of them flat-out hating bbw-chan and the /d/ thread. So let me say this, Fapin: You run TWO (2) twitter art accounts and take commissions on your SFW one. You jockey between your SFW and NSFW one constantly, and then the effort you put into separating your existences still bleeds into your SFW account in some way, shape, or form. You've uploaded pics to your SFW account with your NSFW signature on them in the past, you've put out comms on your SFW account that are clearly for people with fat fetishes, you've retweeted fat art on your SFW account. There are so many leaks you had to go dark one time and reprimand some kid who noticed a connection.
Isn't that fucking stressful? Why are you putting that pressure on yourself to where you can't draw anything you want? I'm not saying you have to quit one or the other, or that you have to out yourself on your SFW twitter to find solace, but come on man. Get a cheap dorky Dell laptop if you don't have a computer and learn to use Tweetdeck. Take little steps to take your life back because man, you've been going down the dark road for a while now and all we can do is post. Despite what the others might tell you, there's no fun or joy in posting or reporting that an artist is going sicko mode again and that they're gonna go nuclear on the thing that a majority of people are grateful for, especially when the artist is good.
There are always going to be goons and kids who are weirder than you could possibly imagine yourself being (seeing these people post in artist discords and in twitter comments is always unenjoyable), but you can't let them control what you like. Start off by improving your OpSec.
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As another artist who has a similar set of insecurities wrt maintaining two separate identities I can definitely relate. As much as I know for a fact that 99.9% of people won't actually bother to connect the dots between my two accounts (despite all of the leaks I did, like having NSFW art in my likes) and only 0.1% of people will actually give me shit for being some random weird kink artist on the side, it's way harder than it seems to truly shed that sense of guilt for just being horny.

A bit of advice I've heard a bunch from others is to ease up a little, which honestly comes off as "don't be stressed out" but iunno. In the end this whole weird fat art thing is just supposed to be a way for us to have fun and get off. Although things like commissions, patreon, social media and the fundies grind can make us forget that sometimes, we're ultimately here just to have fun and unless someone's paying us we don't really owe anyone anything. It's kinda like a game: if a game stops being fun, then just set it aside for a bit, focus on other things, and come back when that spark to play it comes back.

Sorry if that veered into incoherent rambles, but hopefully there's something in that mess. Pic partially related
As someone who only supports and doesn't do any art, this whole thing is why I never favorite any SFW art because I don't want to draw aggro to either myself or artists I care about.
Imagine if he brought shotas and lolies instead of cucking

One of many Persona's weight gain cultists
this guy constantly flip flops
also the fact that he namedropped us before we were even talking about him doesn't paint a great picture

p much this
fapo is probably gonna read this eventually so I'll simply say this: fat/expansion fetish shit isn't all that deep my dude, I'm not horny all the time for round ladies either but I don't delete my NSFW alts at the drop of a hat
chill out man, we're all just hanging out
>also the fact that he namedropped us before we were even talking about him doesn't paint a great picture
We actually talked about him though? Most of the complaints were actually in the fapin thread, /trash/ tourist.
so did cakehoarder change their username again? Or is catastrothy supposed to be someone else
Pyrocynical straight up confirmed in a video he has extremely degenerate fetishes by this community's standards and no one cares. He even started openly commissioning art in his name and occasionally throws in quick fetish references in his videos.
>>98145 Didn't he commission StrangerMoist once? BambooAle?

I can see the similarities, but I'm 99% sure that they are two different people. At most I can see one being inspired by the other, but the art style and quality is too different.

Also, Cakehoarder changed to CakeCatboy because of """Uncomfy""" reasons, but apparently she doesn't like people calling her cake so she changed her name AGAIN to Catboymech.

Kinda lame, but eh.
>It's always been clear as crystal that most/all of the big names read this place despite most of them flat-out hating bbw-chan and the /d/ thread
And you are right. I always check the board dedicated to my fetish, lmao.
That said, it's no wonder every other artist hates you, even the threads dedicated to a single artist are full of beggars and shit posters bringing up the twitter drama, so yeah, you can seethe all you want, but you are eating the fruits of your labor
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>so yeah, you can seethe all you want, but you are eating the fruits of your labor

Right back at ya, fuckboy.
>implying any of that is my labor
This isn't 2005 where "anonymous is legion" and "lol hivemind" are how imageboards define themselves. I don't control what other people post, and I'm not a mod or janny who can control what people post, be it content or opinions. On top of that, I'm not the one seething, either; you guys come here with no understanding of imageboard communities and get mad on Twitter that there are reactions to/consequences for your actions. Communication in this dynamic isn't just a two-way street, it's a four-way intersection without an "All Stop" stopsign and neither of us can control the other drivers.
Uncomfy reasons AKA "I don't want my new audiences to know I used to draw kids fucking each other and grabbing each other's fat guts"

I remember someone here called her "Fetish art Nyanners", but come to think of it, it's weirdly more true you first think. Nyanners was a dumb teenager who didn't know what she was getting into and somehow became a 4chan lolicon icon. She tried desperately to put the loli-bait stuff behind her, but her content was pretty much Loli-bait anyway because of the sexual songs she would sing using her loli voice. (The fact that she also said the N word multiple times publicly and hasn't been cancelled by the vicious vTuber fandom is baffling) She then becomes a vtuber with a loli avatar while constantly being lewd, essentially never moving on her loli-bait identity.
Cakehoarder was a horni shotacon who consistently drew catboy-shotas in vaguely horny situations. She also drew a metric ass-ton of vore, but I have literally no idea if she even liked it at all to begin with considered how much she seems to hate it nowadays. I may be mistaking her for someone else, but I want to say that she also did a face reveal half a decade ago and people mistook her for a feedee cos she was vaguely chubby and because her username was literally Cakehoarder. Being an openly female fetish artist on Deviantart probably eventually traumatised her enough to make her Non-Binary, change her name and no longer really make fetish art, but at least she made a website with all her old stuff, sus shotacon and all...That was until she decided to change her name AGAIN and go through the hassle of making another website, this time acting like she never drew shotas at all. But the real kicker is that the boys she draws now, while not as fat, are artistically the same as the way she would draw shotas, and arguably more sexual because she can get away with actual sex on twitter. She also drew a "Strong-fat femboy anime Vin Deasil".
TL:DR. Nyanners and Catboymech are two sides of the same coin.
I personally wouldn't call little boys rubbing bulges or groping each other and moaning and drooling vaugely sexual but I get what you mean. It's mind boggling to me that she seems to just kinda... deny that it ever happened. You'd think she'd pull some bullshit "T-They weren't kids just short I swear" like she does with her vtuber design but no, she just flar out ignores the shota stuff like it doesn't exist. Very odd stuff.
>(The fact that she also said the N word multiple times publicly and hasn't been cancelled by the vicious vTuber fandom is baffling)
Vtuber fans literally NEVER cared about that shit, hell if anything they encouraged it. It's why so many japanese vtubers were baited into playing GTA.
sorry that I'm not autistic enough to visit every god damn thread on here
anyway my point still stands, dude just needs to chill the fuck out
it's 2022 and you're crying about people wanting porn for free
fuck nyanners, she built up an entire audience, desperately tried to dump that audience over on tumblr, and then realized it's her only meal ticket so she became a vtuber trying to reclaim said audience
oh the twitter vtuber fanbase absolutely does care about that asinine shit, some indie talent just got blasted over saying nigga in a rap cover
>oh the twitter vtuber fanbase absolutely does care about that asinine shit
Vtweeters have very little impact on what actually goes on in streams unless the girl cares more about her twitter account than her content.
The silent majority of vtuber watchers just want cute girls without all the e-whore hang ups.
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I don't like seeing artist making art of underage characters. I know they "don't exist" but still it's weird. And it's artist I like too. And then you see their favorites and they like art of underage fictional characters. Again I get that they're not real but it's still weird

Okay but what artists do you speak of namely?
Get over it, they're drawings.

Are you this butthurt about fictional characters getting killed in video games?
Consider suicide
I see what you mean. It doesn't really bother me if the character looks mature, but I draw the line at shit like lolicon
Well thats just like, your opinion man
Cool, we saw your post the last 5 community salt threads. Either name your names or shut the fuck up, we've already pointed out the hypocrisy that arises with Nintendo girls for this among other series.

>BWS releases a pic of May from Pokemon
>SugarRollArt complains about underage characters without clearly naming BWS but the timing makes it obvious
>Anon whines about in salt thread a couple of minutes later

Not sure if Anon is SugarRollArt or one of their minions, but you won't find much support here, go back to Twitter.
>SugarRollArt whines about underaged characters all the time
>Is friendly with a troon that got caught sexting teenagers

really makes you think doesn't it
(158 KB, 736x1512, 20220619_034600.jpg)
>Not sure if Anon is SugarRollArt
I'm not sugarroll art and I haven't been in the previous salt threads btw. Honestly didn't expect to get this many (yous) but the ones reacting negatively to my comment I'm side eyeing big time.
Be a moralfag literally anywhere else. No one cares.
What are you gonna do about it?
I find it kinda creepy too.
But what really gets me is the whole "sexy schoolgirl" thing. Why in the fuck is that so mainstream? I can't be the only one to find thirsting over schoolgirls to be creepy and cringeworthy, right? Right!?
for me I just like the uniform. if you mean the whole sexy schoolgirl with like a short skirt, thigh highs and such. I just find the whole outfit cute.

It could be called anything else and I would still like it.
I hate that most of this fetish involves a woman going "worship me."

Always feels really wrong and takes me out of things, not knocking anyone for liking that. Just rubs me the wrong way.
I was a highscooler til recently so they were all catering to me.I commissioned all those works featuring a schoolgirl.Every single one.

Now that I've graduated get ready for the wave of hot College Co-Eds. Once I graduate I might start commissioning Office Girls, but realistically I think I'll head back the Way of The Schoolgirl.
Like, it's one thing to be directly fetishizing the innocence of a character (though make no mistake, it's still just lines on paper), because that's the core problem with pedophilia, right? Taking advantage of someone unable to comprehend the gravity of what they're doing, it's manipulative and unethical.

But in most contexts, sexualized underage characters aren't being sexualized for that reason. They're being sexualized for the objective fact that teens coming straight out of puberty tend to have more developed and sexually attractive physiques than chicks in their mid-late 20s that have begun to deteriorate. There's a schism between our biological adulthood and the societally accepted age of such.

You can of course condemn creeps who sexually pursue teens under 18 for the same manipulative reason mentioned earlier, but saying that they should somehow be able to resist their ape brains and not even feel aroused? That's retarded. Why the fuck do you think there's such a massive market for sexualizing characters of middle and high school age? It's not because you're surrounded by millions of pedophiles, I can tell you that much.
I dunno. A lot of artists seem to default to the: 'kinda-nerdy-girl-next-door' archetype. Not very domineering, I think.
Again, either talk your shit or shut the fuck up because entirely different posters have not only pointed out the hypocrisy of the complainer's characters of choice but the groomers and grooming they associate with multiple times in the past. All you're doing is huffing your own farts by going "ew icky good thing I'm Morally Objective".
Your prime passes you by quickly, anon. It might take a few more decades for the effects to be super apparent, and you very well may be the type of person to eroticize them as a sign of maturity, but they're certainly already there nonetheless

No shit nigger? You must be white if you didn't feel like a cranky old man already by 5th grade. No wonder America is such a fucking mess
Don't give me that foolish look. This man is a visionary!
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>and then realized it's her only meal ticket so she became a vtuber trying to reclaim said audience
If anything she's been trying to appeal to literally every other flavor of degenerate out there, mostly Feedee's/FA's ironically enough. Seriously, /vt/ compiled a huge list of her talking about trying to gain weight, being in on architect memes, and commissioning fat art of herself, it's insane.
This should be extremely obvious to anyone with a fat fetish.
(104 KB, 744x1015, FVf3KMEVEAAElIh.jpg)
fuck sugarroll for that petty shit, if they have a problem with BWS's art then sack up and unfollow him already
or just understand the differences between drawings and actual CSEM
speaking of which...
pic related
If it makes me alt-right to notice and be worried about this kind of stuff then I guess I'm fucking alt-right
it's rather hit or miss but he does have a bit of a point, plenty of men and women peak early on and don't age gracefully afterwards

I cannot think of a funnier concept that a bunch of people being very mad about someone complaining over art of underaged characters and talking about how it has no bearing on real life, and then immediately discussing how women deteriorate in their mid 20s.

This is also my take

You've peaked my interest and I'm curious, now. Why do you think it's funny or perhaps ironic?

I feel like these authors fail to realise that you can have creativity without spiting your audience for no reason.
Speaking of being spiteful to your audience, does anyone have that screenshot of Aka-fa talking about the garmine WG drive, and said that if people liked without commenting then garmine would lose weight just to prove a point to people who didnt read , and if garmine gained enough she would die.

Geez..... women.... That has got to be one of the nerdiest things I have ever read
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>These dudes probably talk to eachother for hours about how funny it is to "troll" bbwchan

we do lol you guys are dumb
-mofu <3
(52 KB, 436x414, E7bQI5kVkAINCEO.jpg)
No, we're retarded. Get it right, then go back to hanging out on social media you loser.
i did! we all laughed and had a great time. and thanks for the compliment - i don't often appreciate flattery but you really touched my heart <3

dude you use bbwchan
Cared enough to reply.

It's almost like it's a free image board!
I'd trust a BBWChan user over a Twitter user anyway. At least a BBWChan users are good at calling out shitty people and pedophiles, while Twitter users run defense for them 24/7
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>using signatures and emoticons in an anonymous image board
I don't care who you are, quit being an obnoxious cringelord.
the two subjects are quite unrelated if you're not terminally online

actually fucking pathetic
enjoy your (you), hope it was worth it
I'm really not sure what you could possibly have extracted from that statement that has anything to do with how I behave in "real life", by which I assume you mean when I'm not fapping to porn. You know, the thing the discussion has exclusively been about.
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>BBWchan is awful guys! They are so lame and stupid, amirite?!

>Comes here constantly to shit up threads after some nobody says mean words about them and/or their art
>it's another "artist thinks they're owning us by making themselves known even though I have no idea who they are" episode
The ego on these lads
(3.3 MB, 1280x720, BAEMEANSPEAR.mp4)

Yay, I summoned Mofu.
I consider this a win.
Now take this meme I had in the back of my head for the past 15 months.
Trust me, ruining your entire audiences understanding of you as a person for a bunch of obscure jokes directed to trigger the percentage of your fans that use bbwchan is SUPER funny. I am laughing, can you tell?
You either die a 2017 Jeet, or live long enough to become a 2022 Jeet. Either that, or you're eternally a Mofu.
Artists are known for making problems worse than what they actually are.

There is a small fire, but they hold the gasoline can and then just throw the whole thing on it.

They just love their drama in their uneventful lifes and are willing to do anything to spice it up and get that adrenaline, do absolutely anything besides walking outside to touch grass.

- Sincerely, An Artist.
lol, even
Don't you have patreon supporters to rip off or something? Go do something besides adding fuel to a fire.
Hang on fellas, are you guys sure it's ACTUALLY mofu and you aren't just being fooled by a false flag anon, and probably making the actual mofu laugh even harder at all this?

It’s impossible for people here to just ignore bait, unfortunately.
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Idk who that Twitter shitskin is, but I'll shit at him just because I can.
And yes, caring about what that nigger cares is absolutely buffoonic. Simply enjoy the ride. It is only you who matters.
"blah blah don't draw Megumin she's underage"
Brace for another run of the "If you enjoy a kink a specific way, you're a bad person" argument. There's rumblings again.
(1.2 MB, 405x270, 1652036493335.gif)

Good fucking lord, which "noble" artist took it upon their brave selves to post this because holy shit are they a fucking idiot and a massive dweeb.

I was wondering for a while if my waning interest in this fetish was a result of me moving on or something else but I've come to the conclusion now that it's fuckboys like these, emboldened by being on Twitter with x amount offollowers, that feel the need to preach to their fanbases or take pot shots at them. Like holy fuck nobody cares about your opinions on things, just draw the fat art, art slave.
I just gotta highlight this schizopost.
What the fuck are you even saying?
Some nobody, but I know a popular artist asked on their twitter what they don't like about fatkink, and several artists responded with shit like that. Most of them were mild, so the shitshow hasn't started yet, but it will. Because there's always one person that takes it too far.
>being little bitches on discord is totally not normie xDDD
they don't ever get tired of this constant morality play bullshit, don't they
>Top 1% in raw skill
Surely you jesting.
His art is truly bland, I feel neither my heart nor my crotch titulated by it.
What makes his skill so supposedly top tier.
So implying they're just drawings or everyone is fucking wild on the internet won't burst their bubble? How about point out artists getting real fucking weird and sexualize inanimated objects?
>Butter girl
>Toaster girl
>Twinkie girl
But that would hurt their fee fees.
I'm being legit and say this as an artist myself. His anatomy, posing, sense of volume and the way he draws fat is top tier. His recent stuff hasn't done gotten me too hot and bothered but that's largely because a lot of his commission clients are goblinfuckers.
Well I'm no artist and the fucker manages to have near 30k watching his ass despite everything so guess there's something there.

I just dont see any of it beyond the anatomy thing though.
The sense of volume and way he draws fat looks slippery and just in the most plain way.
I cant quite even parse what all is wrong with it, but it all just looks off and artificial to me.
If thats what doing "everything super well and right" looks like then I think the fundamentals are flawed inherently.
dude that would be hype as fuck
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It's all so tiresome. We've been in the same pattern for several years now
>artist instigates either a stupid conflict or petty drama
>posters who have seen it before go "[x] is at it again what a fag"
>artist tries to frame posters on here for being the instigators on twitter and either come here to stir shit or just continue to fan the initial flames on twitter, with other artists getting in on the fight
>it all cools down until they find a new reason or reuse an old reason to stir the shit again
I miss /bbwdraw/ from about 9-ish years ago, back when it was still /bbwd/. Multiple artists were here occasionally positively interacting, the worst thing was deviantart introducing their eclipse redesign. It wasn't perfect, obviously, but several things changed and we've traded having a decent place separate from the rest of the internet to talk about the fetish for higher quality artwork and the perpetual cycle I outlined. It's all just really stupid.
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Proof that Mofu is obsessed and has nothing better to do than dramawhore and scam his 134 patrons while not delivering on what he promises. He didn't have this shit until like 5 minutes ago, so he's definitely ITT.
he posted about it on his private account.
So no need to continue this back and forth of trying to prove it or whatever.
I suggest just leaving it as is, he just wants attention and a feeling of vindication or whatever.
Went to 4chan for the first time in a long while to look up fat of she art that didn't make it here, and was reminded of how much futa plagues that place. Don't understand how anyone could like something so vile.
Hmm, Imma start archiving his stuff.
Then there's Ehentai users who thinks artists like DebuIsCool, Ashenwolf55, Dobemaryu, TheBreadGuardian, and Roundersofter are all bad. Anyone else think that's messed up?
EHentai/ExHentai people hate fat art and will 1 star anything with it while complaining in the comments.
If anyone shows discourse or like they'll quit or stop posting, archive immediately. You should be doing that before they show signs simply because they could do it with no warning.
If you see something you like, save it. It might not be there tomorrow.
Figured I'd continue off this since you're looking.
I only showed up in this thread cause of your post Mofu. I dont even visit this place.
So you very literally self fulfilled the prophecy of you being mentioned in the thread.
Make sure to stay hydrated yourself twat, and get a better hobby.
Like actually drawing.
Not always the case. They like Better with Salt, Pixiveo, and BambooAle, while Belt Buster is viewed as average.
This thread is the worst thing that has ever happened to the human race
>a thread on a fetish imageboard venting about knobheads is the worst thing ever
whatever you say kid
Oh, I know all that stuff, currently I have like 400+ folders of various artists and models on my server. I normally archive new artist I come across that I like but sometimes I just don't feel like shifting through their gallery to see what I like. I have a long and I mean LONG list of artist on Deviantart I've been meaning to archive, but I just don't have it in me to scan through them all.
I did agree the worst thing ever is African Americans with their nerdy jokes shitting up every single last thread with refrences to obscure dead programming languages made by homosexual racist mathematicians.
probably doesn't help that Belt's gallery contains a lot of his more shit art. which is from years back and looks very bad compared to now.

His comic is rated high at least.
Artist use twitter because it provides them with the largest reach. (Used to be tumblr before the porn ban of '17)
Heroherotom would be great if he didn't put penises on half the chicks he drew.
Dreamin/Fapolantern would be good if he didn't go apeshit and nuke his twitter once a year.
Roundersofter's gallery leads with his older art, back when he did aliens and other "out there" art more. Don't think the Ehentai users bothered looking to see his more recent art which was also in the same gallery, because he's been incredible over the last two years.
>my waning interest in this fetish
For me it's too much Flavor of the month, characters I have no interest or attraction to, shitty OCs, having to sift through low quality art, and lastly some of the artists themselves exposing themselves to be really shitty hypocritical people making me not want to bother with them or their art at all.

Anyone else get that feeling that for how money focused some of them are, they bitch about piracy then come here to look at other artists work?

Also this.

I remember there was one artist that uploaded a picture of their "references folder" and unintentionally leaked a bunch of BWS' Patreon stuff because they were in the folder.

The worst enemy of the artists are other artists.
Holy projection!
Tom quit futa since like, 2015 or something.
>a comment on a fetish imageboard for venting is 100% earnest being hyperbolic about the thread
I have the same gripe with fotm or overdone characters and shitty OCs but I think fat art as a whole has drastically improved over the last few years to the point where I can look past most of the issues in the community unless they lead to artists quitting drawing fat art specifically or quitting entirely
This has been a small gripe for me, but the edit thread always gets on my nerves. Most of the time people’s requests would require completely redrawing the art. I can understand the simpler ones (ex. Make the belly bigger, change a minor part of the drawing, etc) but making art of skinny characters fat, or making significant edits to already shaded/painted drawings is a lot harder than these people think. They might as well post it in the actual drawing request thread.
>No OCs
>No popular characters
Nigga do you realize how unrealistic that expectation is.
Those have always been the 2 most drawn things in this community you blind ass.
At this point you're better off using that money you'd buy a commission with, buy Clip Studio (its on sale atm), and learn to draw yourself and make what you want to see for yourself and no one else.
I've done so and I've never looked back, no more unkept promises, request dealings, bait and switches, comm abandoning, running with the money, ghosting of their clients or the artist, timezone issues.
You can make what you want at your OWN pace on your OWN time.

Please consider this, it takes a load of stress off and provides a potential stream of money and skillset if you keep at it.
also if they have fun with it, since getting good takes a lot of time, and if they don't have fun with it. It's better to just commission at that point if they dont wanna dedicate the time.

It isn't bad advice at all but I am sure that most anons that comission art pieces do so for a specific purpose. If I were to ever do it, a thought that has crossed my mind more than once before, I would do it mostly to enjoy the art much like what millionaires do with famous paintings they purchase, but as an artist I am also interested in supporting the real anime artists out there purely as a fan, and also because part of why I feel like a lot of this art sucks is I have a suspicion is because there are evil people out there that are finding out the whereabouts of online artists and stalking them in real life and on imageboards in a way as to try to scare them.

I can't be sure because the way they do it is very sly, and I am still investigating, but if any of these things really are going on then you can rest asured that the goverment already knows about it. They may even be corrupt government officials involved for all I know. Eitherway, I believe there are shadow mob spying citizens trying to incite a civil war.

The first victim I know of was a younger family relative who had a youtube channel or something like that. I remember something about youtube and music. It was through him that I had an idea as to what could be going on and began my investigation. Eitherway, I am here to show my support and to encourage other perhaps younger artists who may have been frightened off to continue and to draw whatever it is that they like. I personally find furry homosexual art absolutely repulsive, but I would never try to harm somebody for making art and selling it on the internet. That is pure evil at work.
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Good fucking GOD do I hate when artists obviously trace for their work, it almost NEVER looks good. I just saw pic related and it is a prime example of the issues that crop up from the practice. Even ignoring the stiff posing from a lack of exaggeration, look at how unnatural the cellulite appears on the skin. It is almost indistinguishable from sweat, or the stretch marks right next to them. It may as well be spray painted on.

Speaking of spray paint, look at how the tattoos are simply copy-pasted onto the body and doesn't conform to the shape at all. The eye tattoo on the top of her stomach is especially egregious, it should be the one most warped by how the fat is placed and yet it just... isn't. It breaks the illusion entirely and makes her look like a cardboard cutout rather than a living person.

Don't even get me started on that right arm, that shit is a disaster area. Look at how it connects to the boob, or how the fat folds on the opposite side of it. It's completely unnatural and takes me out of it the most.

All of this stems from a complete lack of understanding anatomy and lazily drawing over a picture to compensate. It's a shame because I like the general idea of the pic, and the face is nice. But overall it's a complete trainwreck, and I can't see how anyone can look at this uncanny valley nightmare and think it even looks acceptable, let alone good.
And then they wonder why no one commissions them or why they aren't improving. Then off to Twitter they go to complain and wonder why this is happening.
It's something I've been trying to do, though I've got a lot of things competing for my time. As someone who has developed other skill-based trades and hobbies outside of art, I also find things like this hard to go at alone without a skilled someone I can reach out to for direction. Wouldn't be at the job I'm at without that kind of system.
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Speaking of skelesoda, check out his latest abomination. Seriously, who looks at this and thinks it’s hot? The rolls are excessive especially around the arms, the cellulite looks ugly, the face looks disgusting, and the cane just makes it worse since it’s catering to that healthplay shit
You’d be surprised how desperate people can be to get horny
(192 KB, 1280x1280, fattening_spell__part_2__by_skelesoda_df74hha-fullview.jpg)
To be fair, that pic is way above most of his recent uploads in terms of effort. Skelesoda has realized that he can just draw half a character, then use copypaste and horizontal flip to combine the halves, creating these meme tier symmetrical nightmares. The natural evolution of a tracer truly is something to behold.

Reminder that he earns over 70$ per comm.

The absolute state of the fatty art community.
What really sucks is how Twitter artist culture in general enables tracers like this. Any and all criticism is seen as a personal attack and labels you an attention seeking troll that is instantly blacklisted. They create these hugboxes where everyone is too scared to call anyone out, and everyone either blindly praises a work or ignores it entirely. Tracers like this thrive in these environments. None of this is exclusive to the fat community, it's shit all the way down.

It's no wonder why so many artists regularly browse here and 4chan, because it's almost impossible to get any kind of honesty from Twitter.
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Guy is kind of a chad for having the balls to trace something as distinct and memorable as the shot used here. I can't find the original photo at the moment but I'm pretty sure every other fat admiring coomer has seen it at least once.
The art this person does is ugly as hell. Stuff like this is why I dislike realism in fat art, especially when it's this noticable.

>most commissioned art is garbage and skills are bad and it's overpriced and dumb.

Geez I wonder whyever that could be. Don't you dare say that the problem is the free market economic capitalism or the government that is stifeling the quality of the art being made because I will not tell you why you are wrong, but I will insult you for being wrong.
what? sorry, I don't understand what your point is here, you're going to have to be less sarcastic over text.
Commissioners can search just a little and commission art from better artists. Even for a lesser price.



Lmfao. Holy shit, these Americans are starving, huh? These anon are fucking evil as it gets.
Except I never commented on price? Did you mean to respond to someone else?
There isn't one besides my dislike of realism in fat art, and there was no sarcasm in my words. I was being serious.
Uh whoops, I can't read. That response of yours wasn't for me. My bad.
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Mfw the cia is commissioning bad fatty art to create a hypercapitalist distopia
When I look at most of the art in these draw threads I always think to myself "Trulybit is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all".
stop replying to the schizo
pedazo de mierda inútil, absoluto desperdicio de espacio y aire, vos, cerdo inculto, ignorante e idiota, eres una vergüenza absoluta para la humanidad y toda la vida en su conjunto, la magnitud de tu fracaso en este momento es tan indescriptiblemente masiva que cien años en el futuro tu nombre será usado como apodo de maldad para los herejes, incluso si toda la humanidad juntara su inteligencia colectiva no hay manera concebible de que pudieran haber pensado en una manera de cagarla en la escala inimaginable que acabas de hacer.

cuando jesús murió por nuestros pecados, no debió ver el acto sacrílego que acabamos de presenciar, porque si lo hubiera visto habría abandonado a la humanidad hace tiempo para que tu nacimiento nunca se hubiera hecho realidad, después de que mueras, tu esqueleto se expondrá en un museo tras ser investigado científicamente para que todas las generaciones futuras aprendan a no generar tu estructura ósea, porque cada pequeño detalle que alguien pueda tener en común contigo lo degrada a un pedazo de basura inútil y una carga para la sociedad, no es de extrañar que tu padre se cuestionara si eras realmente su hijo, pues tendrías que no ser un desperdicio de materia de carbono para que alguien te quisiera como un miembro de la familia.

tu nacimiento ha hecho que la humanidad esté peor en todos los sentidos que puedas imaginar, y has hecho que la sociedad nunca pueda recuperarse realmente en un estado de organización, todo ha caído para siempre en un caos desconcertante, a través de cuyo núcleo irreconocible, sólo se puede encontrar la desgracia.

diría que el apocalipsis está sobre nosotros, pero esta es simplemente la palabra más cercana que los humanos tienen para la gran escala de horror que es ahora la realidad, has condenado para siempre a todos los que amas y conoces a un estado eterno de sufrimiento, peor que cualquier concepto humano del infierno.

eres un ser tan impío que si te acercas a un radio de 30 metros de un lugar sagrado o de un lugar religioso que haya sido considerado importante por alguien, tu distorsionada alma sacra arruinará sin remedio cualquier significado que haya tenido, eres un simio idiota, cagón y estúpido y nadie te ha querido nunca, la isla de rodas habría estado mejor si nunca te hubieras unido a nosotros, eres un mentiroso, traidor, cobarde e inútil pedazo de mierda y te odio con cada parte de mi ser, incluso los mejores escritores y poetas del mundo de todas las épocas no podrían describir con precisión la escala en la que la has cagado, y lo increíblemente necio que sos.

cualquiera que crea en cualquier religión debería darse cuenta ahora de que ha estado equivocado todo este tiempo, porque si los seres divinos fueran reales, nunca habrían permitido que un ser grotesco manchara la tierra y este universo, en el futuro se harán historias de terror sobre vos, y la parte más aterradora de ellas será que el lector tenga que darse cuenta de que un monstruo tan indescriptible existe realmente, y que los horribles sucesos de la película han tenido lugar realmente en el mismo mundo en el que ellos viven ahora.

sos la encarnación absoluta de todo lo que ha estado mal en esta tierra, y sin embargo se las arregla para que eso sea sólo una pequeña parte de la maldad que es su ser, nunca en la historia de la humanidad ha habido alguien que pudiera haber predicho una abominación tan eldrica, pero aca estás.

la única forma posible de que tu futuro sea más brillante que el agujero negro que es tu existencia actualmente sería que te caiga un rayo.
2.9K viewsalissa,
May 20, 2021
copys voxeros
incluso si algún día se inventara el viaje en el tiempo, no habría ni una sola alma dispuesta a retroceder en el tiempo para arreglar la historia, porque tener que presenciar unos horrores tan increíbles en caso de fallar tendría tantos inconvenientes mentales y físicos que ni siquiera el alma más valiente de la historia estaría dispuesta a arriesgarse.

no puedo imaginar el puro pavor que debió sentir tu madre al tener que cargar con un bebé durante nueve meses y luego dar a luz a un monstruo tan miserable como vos.
es increíble como adoctrinan con ideas falsas ustedes, con estas mentiras antinaturales:

un hombre que nace hombre va a morir siendo hombre por mas que se rebane los genitales y se cambie el nombre en su DNI, y pensar que les quieren enseñar a nuestros hijos menores de edad que el cambio de sexo si existe como la ley que miente en su propia enunciación del mal llamado "cambo de sexo".

eso, les recuerdo que es perversión de menores, uno de los peores delitos que existe, por mas que se rebanen los genitales, implanten pechos (que para nada son iguales a los de la mujer en su estructura fisiológica) se disfracen de mujeres, y se inyecten hormonas de por vida (ya que tienen que pelear contra la naturaleza, no contra un sistema "hetero-capitalista-patriarcal" como le dicen ahora) seguirán siendo hombres.

el problema subyace en que a nosotros los ciudadanos nos hacen copartícipes de una fantasía personal (distorsión de la realidad), siendo que tenemos que pagar con nuestros impuestos dicha fantasía, pagándole al señor su operación de genitales, y las hormonas de por vida que se tiene que colocar.

pregunto: ¿por qué mi obra social ni la de nadie cubre por ej, un implante dental, siendo que el estado por medio de nuestros impuestos tenemos que pagarle el disfraz al señor?

eso es autoritario, discriminatorio y excluyente, pero descuiden, yo ya se que seguramente con este comentario me van a llamar homofóbico ó transfóbico.

pero he aquí la realidad: la homofobia NO existe como enfermedad, eso es un invento de la ideología de género y de los lobbys LGBT, un insulto bastante rebuscado; ya que en ningún manual de psiquiatría moderna existe tal enfermedad, solo en wikipedia ó en el diccionario impuesto recientemente por presión de estos movimientos liber-progres.

al decirme homofóbico me están llamando a mí enfermo, ya que la fobia es una distorsión de la realidad, pero les recuerdo que la distorsión la tiene esta gente que por desgracia viven en una fantasía que nunca van a poder cambiar.

Así que en vez de ponerse a felicitarlos y a promover estas costumbres autodestructivas y dolorosas para la persona, deberían ser mas cautelosos y discretos, y por una vez en la vida dejar de pretender adoctrinarnos con estas ideas falsas y ridículas, solamente soy un padre y ciudadano más, harto y cansado de sus estupideces.
These tards will find anything to bitch and complain about for the sake of moral grandstanding and brownie points on twitter
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So I finally saw the original tweet and... jesus h christ. Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that whatever you jerk off to doesn't always correlate with how you actually operate and treat others outside of whatever it is you're jerking off to. Fetish art is 99% fantasy and just like with most other things, you'd hope, people have decent enough common sense to separate it from IRL stuff.

Best part is them being like "I'M NOT SHAMING YOU IF YOU LIKE THAT STUFF" but then immediately turns around and shames others for liking it by implying they treat people like that outside of fattywank.
>just be chill ya'll
>three tweet long rant with random all caps
every time

Stfu and go back to drawing your garbage hentai comissions, faux weeb.

Schizo anon, seek help.
Western fetish art has been completely superseded by hentai at this point. These images would be fine if they had anime faces instead of uncanny caricatures.
That's because kids today read more manga than comics. Western Art is made by the most crabbiest boomers
fotm/oc obsession goes beyond just the fetish patreons, always has, and unfortunately always will unless the artist has some self-control
dude hell no
at least for me, those styles of body types are deplorable
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Turns out Nitter isn't a perfect solution for Twitter's bullshit. So much for seeing her art anymore.
The worship stuff is less prevalent in art but it's pretty common in the IRL segment of this BBW "community" thing. Not much into it but fags will eat it up if it means their favourite fatass will sit on their face for a bit.
SCOTUS just told Roe v Wade to fuck off
the salt is everywhere, just take a glance on twitter
(5.2 MB, 320x568, IMG_20220624_225353_693.mp4)
>fags and trannies on the next stop
>ban on interracial marriage
Gotta see what the wokie dokie fat fetish artists gotta say.
>okay welp, it's gonna be summer protesting. Again. How we be still living in this. How. How we didn't completely dismantled the government? How? Why? Why are we just sitting here letting this happen?
I'd give a hint. Because you are dumb, obnoxious amerimutt.
>I am shaking right now because of how mad I am.
*gollum stare*
>how far women have fought, how far everybody has fought, for freedom. And our freedoms are being *unintelligible* one by one by one
ehentai comments are ratchet as fuck
dont know what /d/ is like these days but the fat threads in /trash/ are wild lmao, they argue even more than here
so fuckin happy I moved to a relatively small town two years ago, fuck the cities and people who encourage that shit
I'm mostly pro-choice, but with 99.5% of all abortions simply being women not wanting to have a baby... maybe there should be some self-control there

to any/all FBI/CIA glowies hanging out on bbwchan: hope you guys have a good summer and no, I'm not gonna go on discord for you to groom me
Axel is butthead I just want fat girls why does he draw nothing good anymore.
Humans undergo puberty during their teenage years (throughout middle and Highschool). During puberty the body becomes increasingly sexually active for the first time.
Put two and two together and you'll see why so many people fetishize the school setting. Its representative of a very sexually turbulent time in a person's life that most people can relate to, which is why its so common.
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>mfw pyro is literally in a furfag fat/inflation artist server that I'm in
Probably because the irl community is cursed with findom faggots who get off to just paying for videos where a model gives her belly a half hearted jiggle and calls them a shrimp dicked pervert.
Not to mention most models are lazy in the first place and fat worship is ridiculously easy material.

"Models" nowadays will be slightly attractive with makeup on if you squint hard enough and then they'll think that their a goddess who has a right to be payed for being lazy and unemployed.
If fat fetish writers top using DeviantArt and start using Twitter Notes to post their stories I might just quit this fetish.
how the fuck do you quit a fetish
Maybe ask those guys in /gen/ who are always moralfagging
Would it kill the artists in this community to shut the fuck up about their beliefs? I come to your page for pictures of fat women. I didn’t come to hear you bitch and moan about Roe v Wade
meh, artists can do whatever they want on their own accounts. It's annoying when you try to search through their gallery for art and it's filled with random discussions and meme posts though, but that's just because twitter is a terrible site for browsing art. blame twitter for being awful and not artists for voicing their opinions lol
Yeah, it's really fucking annoying. Why do they keep retweeting that Roe v Wade bullshit? They're fat artists, not moralists
(1.5 MB, 580x433, 1629172696722.gif)
>people make out BBWchan users as strawman boogeymen and complain about the piracy here
>still visit the site so they can gather material to complain about to others and make themselves seem not mad while, more than likely, also partaking in the piracy of other fat art by their fellow artists


lmao even

Also, seeing as you posted about checking this thread in discord. Go fuck yourself, Moist. Your obsession with Alanah Pearce is creepy as fuck there's a reason why people don't acknowledge it when you post pictures of her you've commissioned because they think you're a creep too.
These guys operate on approximately 3 shared braincells firing off Current Thing[tm] talking points at each other. They'll claim to be "leftist" except their politics end at "blm trans rites ukraine duhh urrm blorf".

I've met a single-digit number of fetish artists tops who at least /try/ to care about the working class.
Simple. Many weight gain artists would be locked up for obscenities and shunned by Disney under Comstock laws. Roe V. Wade was only made possible by Presbyterians like Trump and old money like the Sackler Family or Rockefellers. The nouveau riche aren't going to give up their hard drinking partying lifestyle for abortion. Birth Control was only made possible by FDR, even though he would suspend habeas corpus and put weight gain artists in prison camps or sick J. Edgar Hoover on them.

In short, WG artists romanticing the Jazz Age, the Great Depression, and the Sixties and the Eighties lead to Roe v. Wade being overturned by judicial activism.
>I've met a single-digit number of fetish artists tops who at least /try/ to care about the working class.
Why should they? The working class suck.
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I'd like to see someone other than fagmaman tackle WG stories from deviantart and dimensions. Puts mediocre comic renders behind a paywall and the stories that are worth a damn get put on "hiatus" because his self insert has thrown the story off course too much for him to handle. Dude has commissioned comics he could work on, for christ's sake.

Best example I've seen in recent times was a Stardew Valley weight gain sequence by Cherrydood, who apparently adapted the scenes from a now deleted SDV story.

Seriously, there's a trove of stories on https://web.archive.org/web/20090106024626/http://dimensionsmagazine.com/Weight_Room/stories.html someone like Kip could "adapt", "steal", "co-opt", or just fucking use as a basis to write a comic slower than an almost immobile girl waddling to a buffet.

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