
(20 KB, 519x519, Er16YJPVcAIR4UD.jpeg)
You know what to do. Post all the things you think is wrong with the fats community, whether it's about a specific artist, a current trend, or heck, something about this website. Use this to vent!
Yay, it's back on /bbwdraw/ as God intended
Continuing the last argument: Yes, shitty artists exist everywhere. Japan isn't some haven of god tier artists. There are some absolutely god awful artists from Japan. Just browse the BBW, Gaining Weight, etc tags on pixiv and you'll see.

The fact that multiple blocks is hidden behind a paywall is brilliant on their part.
Not really here to complain, I just find it funny that interest for Axel Rosered's art is in the fucking toilet. I guess he finally ripped enough people off with his mystery surprise box image packs that everyone just decided he wasn't worth it. I guess all those diaper and macro packs finally clued people in.
I went to go see what this was about and someone responded to a post of three randomly-plucked shitty pixiv images going "these are good though". I felt pain.
See you tomorrow in the thread begging for it, Joe.
I haven't thought about Axel in forever. No killer app content made him drop off the radar for me. Curiously is Rolling-Cutter still hanging round him being a nob to fans?
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>be me
>complete free loader, not gonna pay a cent to any artist
>random artist decides to make free art poll
>can suggest any character
>fuck yes
>suggests relatively popular character (popular enough that its still underrated)
>actual poll comes out
>see my character
>vote for it
>see artist’s oc in poll
>mfw people are voting artist’s oc
>mfw poll ends with oc winning

Why are people like this? Why don’t they like anything that’s not artist oc?

Pic unrelated
I really don't get it either. Doesn't help that most OCs are ither really flavorless or ugly
Besides the few that actually like the characters for how they look; depending on the person, they're just doing it to suck off the artist or because the list is filled with anime characters and they hate anime or it's filled with popular choices that have been driven into the ground by the sheer number it gets.
Every time I think Axel's hit rock-bottom, he grabs another shovel and keeps digging.
My only problem with OC's are when they're blatently based off an existing character heavily. Cough some of Axel's OCs look like panty & stocking cough.
He doesn't listen to anyone, why doesn't he just ask people what they want? You can't convince me that amputee diaper cum jar packs are selling better than the regular fatty ones.
They're not panty and stocking? lol
(639 KB, 808x501, 1627853175956.png)
Almost all of his OCs are Chinese knockoffs.

The thing I hate about OCs are that they're hollow things made by Frankensteining parts that the artist likes about other characters while also being incapable of using anything more than two palettes.When they do try to fill in that hole with an actual personality, it's always an egotistical prick, a goofy acting fuck who can't take anything seriously for five seconds, or it's solely focused around their fetish. Good luck finding one that isn't a mary sue or as interesting as watching paint dry.
Speaking of OCs, do good ones exists in fats community. I can't think of any.
the point is he likes the designs but wants characters disconnected from the pre existing lore/canon of the ones he took from
I don't really care for it and I liked his older OCs like Annette and Shannon but I'm just explaining how it is
Was this by any chance one artist drawing another artists unlikable OCs constantly based on a poll that may as well not exist?
Some artists share the same living wallets via collabs/art trades so if it's something like that you're doomed from the start.

>OCs that are blatant bootlegs of existing characters
Glad to see that I'm not the only one that notices this.
If I recall Axel shat out at least a dozen "OCs" around the same time period, had something to do with laws/politics effecting selling art packs including copyrighted characters, I don't remember all the details. If anyone else remembers, feel free to correct this.

I'm still kind of convinced that cutter is/or at least was just his proxy.
In the same boat as you regarding no longer paying him any mind. Along with many other artists whose names pop up in these threads a lot
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OCs are bad because the artist doesn't want to explore from the viewpoint of a girl or a woman. Japanese cartoonists often try to write girls realistically with mixed results
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Fuck it I’ll channel my austism for a bit. Most times/10 OC’s have good design but have little to no personality a beige Toyota Camry is has more charisma. I cringe whenever I browse Twitter and I see an artist ask “What do you think of my OC? 👀”. I’m not sure what makes your character worth talking about let alone thinking about when all they do is partake in sexual activities. Yes it’s hot to see her eat a bunch of food, shake her fat ass, etc. If people to see your character more than eye candy, then get off your ass and do some characterization, show us what your character does on a normal day, how they react to a situation, etc. You don’t need a serious-deep plot to make a good character by the way.

I would also like to take this time to call out Vakdrawsstuff, some of your characters are the epitome of “original, the character (do not steal!)”. I’m not saying that to be malicious, I like your drawings and you are improving so this is to let you know that you can do better than copying the design of already popular-established characters.
>some of Vak's characters are the epitome of “original, the character (do not steal!)”
This. Had to unfollow because of that honestly, like calm down with the OC stuff man god damn
I generally prefer OCs to "what if flavor of the month character got fat," it's just more immersive to have characters purpose built for fetish content than repurposing others. It doesn't help that most anime and every single JRPG design are trash.
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The point is that he's trying to insulate himself against potential copyright bullshit he might come across in the future.

>had something to do with laws/politics effecting selling art packs including copyrighted characters
Yeah, it started happening when there was rumblings of more goobermint bullshit. I think it was something after the SOPA/PIPA hubbub.

Shit's got nothing to do with sex, they just don't know how to write, period.

>Most times/10 OC’s have good design
The fuck you've been looking?

How's it more immersive for a character to be built around gaining weight and does with little to no conflict than a person having to work at finding a way for a character to become fat and do it without breaking character?

>It doesn't help that most anime and every single JRPG design are trash
Compared to what?
(265 KB, 1310x916, hana2.jpg)
Pic related is the only I can think of that I liked and I mostly blame it on the hairstyle and being drawn by woot
>How's it more immersive for a character to be built around gaining weight and does with little to no conflict than a person having to work at finding a way for a character to become fat and do it without breaking character?
Because 9 times out of 10 they DON'T do that, they just break character entirely and get them fat anyway.
Fine, I will be constructive. I have states that GnarlyOtaku's OCs and Ilikapie's OCs flat out sucks because the characters have no personality to work with the fetish. Making characters pregnant or fat just doesn't make them interesting
Microcult leader demands devotions from the plebs.
Slippery slope to the troonhood
Is this that hard to think out the basis, on which the character would be created? I mean, even cliche-d world building with şoke anime tropes would do its bidding. Nobody is asking for some completely original concept, really. It almost feels like mental impotence, if you try to stuff your crap into already existing story.
Same goes for the OCs without sufficient worldbuilding being made. Characters do not exist in a fucking vacuum.

That's why I have a boner for the rpgmaker games, since there is a enough lore to make my dick go ballistic. Jrpgs are the best in this type of thing.

>FeederFantasy 5.0
>SlaveFeeder (god-tier)
>Maid long vacation
>Raising money in town
Western RPGs:
>Heroes on a budget (looks promising)
>Princess goblin story

Majority of western ones have too much of bullshit to make them playable, however.
oh shit its the autist from the last Community Salt Thread
>I have a boner for the rpgmaker games
I haven't played a RPGMaker game yet that has had a decent story and combat, though I honestly can't really speak for the Japs games since I don't feel like I can trust the people translating them.
By good I mean characters like Axel-Rosered’s Annette or Shannon, not earth-chattering amazing, if I don’t cringe or want to gouge my eyes out sort of stuff, then I’ll consider it good, most OCs I’ve seen over the years fall under that umbrella.

I have seen some artists joke every now and again that they show their audience superficial stuff whilst their character actually don’t behave like that, they have a stories they’d like to tell but they don’t because they fear of backlash or no interest. To that I say the 99.99% of the audience you’ve accumulated are coomers they are a fan of your porn not your character(s) and story so their opinion should not matter, now there are few austist like myself that loves a good character and story who would be more than happy to read any the stories you want to tell.

I've haven't tried any video games people have made, I don't know why, I've know weightgaming existed for some time. A game that has gotten my attention is Some Bullshit because it has stuffing, vore, and A LOT of good artwork by clinkoclinko all of these things appeal to my interest.
Some Bullshit is really good, and my favorite by a wide margin. It has likeable characters and the fetish elements are good but don't get in the way of story progression. IE they aren't all slapped onto bad endings encouraging players to lose on purpose to see fat content as it's already incorporated into the story or side quests. The cast is pretty enjoyable with good banter and synergy between them. Game also has a really solid artist which helps a lot. Best rpgmaker fatty game that I can think of. The games name might come off as a joke but it's worth a look.
>To that I say the 99.99% of the audience you’ve accumulated are coomers they are a fan of your porn not your character(s) and story so their opinion should not matter
That kind of thinking is how we end up with Kipteitei's garbage excuse of a SoL comic. Thinking your character is worth more than just porn is fine, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the audience.
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I'll post a few I've saved recently.
I guess it depends on what exactly you mean by OC. Do they need to be a home-made character an artist spend hours writing about, or is any fat girl with a unique design someone's OC?
Personally I love bws' girls if only the former camp counts, while I can't help but admire huurin's ability to churn out massive schoolgirls and Orristerioso's pot-bellied witches.
you know what I hate?
how flavour of the month this community is

some new marvel show will come out and you'll get a non stop barrage of fat art for a character for the entire shows run

like jesus christ I REALLY do not care for Kate Bishop or the actress who plays her, Hailiee Sienfeld or whatever it is
like fucking hell draw something else
It's also starting with the Spy x Family chick but Fotm syndrome is something that affects just about any community nowadays.
Adding to that I wish people would look deeper into pre-existing franchises instead of drawing Cynthia, Lucina, Tifa, etc for the millionth time

It's bad enough being inundated with Marvel shit whenever something new releases but it's worse when the rise of fat art of characters/actresses I don't care about from them increases tenfold too.
Does anyone believe that AbsolonAnonymous is actually gonna release/finish that paid comic he was working on before he nuked everything?
I don't remember it being interesting; maybe I'll give it another try to remember what turned me off if it doesn't stick.

OCs are characters people create for themselves.
>Gothic Lolita
>Calls anime and JRPG designs trash

>flavour of the month
>marvel show
There's barely a handful of artists that still bother enough with the trash Marvel and the Mouse puts out, to actively make fat art of it. Even with their combined production, it doesn't come close to what I'd call flavor of the month.

If only companies hadn't started fucking up something as easy as remakes.
Goddamnit I gotta work on my clarification. The kind of stories these artists wants to tell has little to no relations to the porn they draw, they fear the repercussion of performing a change that drastic.

I’ve seen a few artist attempt to do this but failed due to - you guessed it no interest.
>something popular comes out
>fat art of popular character from popular thing
no way, it's as if artist want to draw whats blowing up.

Yeah. Im still working on it. I’ve just been busy and haven’t had the most time to work on it.
I have no idea if you're the real Absolon but in the off chance you are then I just wanna say I hope you do release it because those preview pages you had on your twitter were fucking FIRE! Wish I saved them
twitter brainwashing.
Same reason my feed was mostly male this morning.
Which artists' patreons are worth subscribing to?
The ones that update more than once every few months
(146 KB, 1200x899, 1_F4AAnKaQSGE1a712XhJVDg.jpeg)
I doubt it. Hoteps think BLM and globohomo are scams. I just watch Marvin the Millennial Mouse get dragged on twitter by a hotep
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>Imageboard brainrotted morons bitching about Twitter brainrotted morons
Same shit, different day, huh?
Fetish artists post on twitter now, so I have been silently watching them fight others on twitter
See, you don't need Kisame to be pure cringe because this guy is doing a perfectly good job being an edgelord

Yeah it’s me. And I appreciate it. I kinda want it to be my last big thing before i focus more on my webcomic.

Ive been working with another artist to make it easier, though even so its a big project.

Thank you for your patience.
Have you not noticed artists in the past and present being weirdos or absolutely nuts? There's a connection between actual mental illness and creativity. Just look at Van Gogh or the eccentric art community
dr-black-jack's is pretty good, they're a writer who organises comic and game projects. the comics are regular, with a couple pages a week from concurrently running projects, but the development of the games have been pretty drawn out and don't follow schedules closely.

they were aiming to release a sequel to their 'five nights at fatties' 2020 halloween game for halloween 2021, but they're still working on it due to numerous delays and slow work from the various people in the project. It does look like it's going to be pretty big for a fat fetish game though so I think it'll be worth it when it releases. I think the game projects get released to non-patrons at the same time, but I think it's worth subscribing to support their development since there's so few good games from this community and blackjack's projects have been pretty great quality. they organised the "DDLC Sayori's special day" to give an example. They have 2 other game projects they'll work more on when FNAF2 releases iirc
I know mine suck.
>this is to let you know that you can do better than copying the design of already popular-established characters
Noted. I'll try to keep away from drawing them as much in the future, or at least the ones that heavily borrow from preexisting designs.
I can only suppress my autism for so long anon
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For me it was okay, but >little gain made me seethe
Besides this it was ogey, I guess.
>middle one
Displeasing to look at. Those bottom lumps look like balls. And those faces resemble fat comeheads.
m2m8, never understood this thing aka flavor of the month
Spending too much time on the internet doing meaningless things, reading worthless trash, listen to the dumbasses too much.
Yuo hab kemono.party and bbwchan for this exact purpose
Let yourself be free anon
>Let yourself be free anon
Lol appreciate that but I certainly draw my donut steels too often (I'm surprised I even have as many followers as I do). Mainly I just find a lot of popular character designs intimidatingly complicated to draw, or I'm afraid I can't get them to look like their source style. But of course if I never try I'll never grow as an artist.
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I swear to god some artist do really be one of the most maladjusted people ever.

Besides, why are there little to no quality weight gain comics anymore? Like I don’t mind if it has no sex or something because I focus on the weight gain, but besides Kipteitei, BWS, and maybe some others (Pixiveo, SuperSpoe,etc), no one really does comics regularly or properly.>>92262 (OP)
You can only drink so much kool aid before your swollen gut tells you that you're trans.


>There's a connection between actual mental illness and creativity
What creativity?
>Let yourself be free
>No not like that

You can't even keep your logic straight for one post, how is anyone meant to take you seriously?
Yeah, i noticed the lack of quality comics and stories has gone down drastically, could be my tolerance levels are too high from overconsumption or maybe its because the same small group of paypigs only want certain things nowadays and artists just appeal to them

Its gay af
(36 KB, 580x472, Uncle Phuncle.jpg)
Fat artists who censor character and franchise names on Twitter are pussies. That is all.
people actually do that?
(25 KB, 598x218, Screenshot 2022-05-12 151506.png)
Christ, just retire your OC already, Aka. This whole pussyfooting thing you're doing over not letting your landwhale be a fictional blob is cute, but it's reached annoying level.

She had a redemption arc and you love your OC waifu. Bring her to pasture and get a new schtick.

How and why he has 14k followers I'll never understand, his art isn't anything to write home about and the dude just comes across as annoying.

Also the fact that he made an OC a dead trans ghost unironically is hilarious.
I totally forgot about that and I seriously wonder if anyone has told him yet because WOW.
On that note, catboymech is a shitty person through and through.
It's a passive-aggressive way to prevent them from showing up in searches. Stupid, right?
What? Passive-aggressive? It's just to not make people randomly searching normal terms see fetish art.
It's to prevent images from showing up on normie people's feeds, especially if it's a really popular IP or one with a particularly shitty fanbase. There's nothing wrong with it, it's more like a courtesy or a way to avoid getting unwanted attention/flak.

>likes to draw fat girls
>builds an audience by drawing fat girls
>tries to make money off the audience he built drawing fat girls
>make a scenario where if his audience wants to see fat girls, they're too dumb to read, don't care about the feelings of his fictional character, or are trolling
>also you might kill her

What in the absolute fuck is this moralizing bullshit? I understand health risks and unhappy WG are aspects that some people enjoy, but this doesn't feel like a kink, it doesn't feel like a joke, it feels like actual contempt for the people in his audience. And no, you don't get to play this off as a joke or an attempt to "bait the bigots on BBWchan", this just makes you look like a jerk.
You know what this reads like? Some petty revenge bullshit for his donation drive resulting in his waifu's NONCANONICAL weight being over a metric ton. I get that unwilling weight gain can be hot but this whole not-actually-devil's-advocate thing he's doing is getting old.

>Oh no my character that hates FAs and being fat is over a ton!
>Well now I will make it so the average Twitter user will help her lose weight and she'll finally be skinny!
>Or YOU might kill her! Not me, the artist and creator! How dare you!

(294 KB, 1600x1930, pocharimochi-speechless.jpg)
>>93040 >>93077
This defeats the whole point of fat art to me. Fat art is a good way to enjoy the beauty of a cute fat girl without the shame or the guilt. I don't have to worry about hurting her feelings or encouraging bad behavior in real life. The character's not going to die young because of her weight and she's not going to get freaked out because we think she's hot. It's just the good parts. It's what we wish fat girls were like.

You mean Cakecatboyhoardermech or whatever their name is this week?
Cool, let's kill Garmine then. A ghost blob sounds way more fun than a thinly veiled, moralizing mouthpiece.

This just reeks of aka being mad that people would rather just fap over girls getting fatter than patting themselves on the back pretending to be virtuous over his OC's weight loss journey.
>Tenjo Tenge and Gyanko
>School brawler anime and a girl that's not actually fat
Give actual reasonable examples.
Yes, whatever it’s name is.
True, but it depends on the context.
You named the only artists who get paid enough to make a comic. Most artists patreon's sits around $400 a month. Only other artists outside Kip, BWS, Pixiveo that earn enough to warrant even doing a page/per week comic is Worm and MetalForever. Anyone else here working on quality comics is doing it on pure passion.
Is kemono down again?
Belt creating the equivalent of 7-8+ pages a week... or that's when it's a longer part.
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Anko from Boruto is fat. I don't know what Orochimaru did to her. Maybe this is all part of his plan to destroy the Leaf. You know how these Japanese Anime villains get with their body modifications. Most reasonable examples I can think of are in hentai where it takes a full hour or 30 minutes to describe the process that turns these 90lb characters into about 300-400 lb breeders
ngl ankl still is a SSS tier waifu
90% of japanese fat artists draw the most ugly, unappealing, and frankly disgusting fat girls ever for some reason
Anko's weight gain was explained.

The curse mark she had in Naruto physically ate away at her body, so she had to eat in order for it to not kill her. After Orochimaru was defeated and the curse mark left her, she never changed her eating habits, which lead to her being fat in Boruto.
(38 KB, 1200x628, boruto-naruto-orochimaru-1243383.jpeg)
>Orochimaru gave the one fat kid in the village a curse mark that puts her on a strict weight loss regimen
> Fat girl complains that being a /fit/ titcow is hard because the gains hurts
>Anko is now a fat girl with the cardio vascular health of a Olympic athlete and can eat allo she wants without the curse mark

Why is Orochimaru the villain again?
I think she was skinny when she first got the curse mark. One of many flashback scenes the series had.
i thought it was explain that due to peace time anko didn't get the exercice needed to burn off the calories she eats daily
She's just a natural glutton for sweets.

Because almost everyone who reposts art here only bothers with near immobile or downright blobs. For the most part they're shit at the really large sizes.

Wasn't the story that he wasn't the true villain and that he was working to stop something else?

Yeah, I don't think there are any fat ninjas outside of the Akamichi clan.
What artists are you even looking at? If you're just looking at Huurin and Biroon_jr that's all you're going to see
(72 KB, 310x489, Mung.png)
>come out hard against underage characters in kink art
>self-flagellate over the shit she drew in the past
>still draws what are clearly shotas in sexualized situations
Catboymech? More like Ratboykek!
Huurin’s art is perfection. And jr’s doesn’t bother with huge sizes, his problem is his writing has ZERO restraint.
(559 KB, 2221x2472, fusa-sonicoandpochaco.jpg) (828 KB, 992x1392, mizusawa-yukayasasaki.png) (96 KB, 706x1000, orizen-inamoribikini.jpg) (615 KB, 849x1200, akina-rapunzelsmall.jpg)
First pic is Fusa, second is Mizusawa, third is Orizen, fourth is Akina. All from Japan, all found on Pixiv. If you think they're ugly and disgusting, then we clearly have different tastes, since I like very cute fat art.

Most Japanese normie artists do make fat girls look terrible however. The way they see the world trickles into their art. If someone who likes fat girls draws a fat girl, she's going to look prettier by default.
Huurin's art is the exact kind of art that the guy I quoted has a problem with: ugly, unappealing, and overall disgusting. Biroon did plenty of huge sizes in the past, and his entire shtick is blatantly making the girls he draws ugly and unappealing. Again, the same problem the guy I quoted has. Buzz off.
She should just draw a popular characters and not this shitty OCs.
Based Mungposter
>Biroon did plenty of- LIES
>Everyone's art needs to be kekkektei and shitxon ripoff.
Nitsuki bro btw

>Jr doesn't like far girls because he hurtd thier fefes in his comics
>Every artists needs to be Uwuu plz don't misgender me
Done? Done. Head to the fucking cannon? Headcannon. Whale lover? Love em. Don't csre about body positivity ageneda? Not one bit. Gokubro btw
Shit, I missed abso.
Hi Abso! I can't wait for your last hurrah. I'm gonna buy it for sure.TTake as much time as you need. We are want for more decent fat comics.
People do Marvel art? Alls I see is anime bullshit and OCs. The few times I've seen western characters that aren't OCs, the work is from the earlier '10s.
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>dead trans ghost
you gotta be shittin me
nah i’d agree these are attractive, it was more hyperbole than an actual statistic. but another user indeed pointed out that my annoyance mostly comes from biroon jr and some others
Let me guess, it tied a noose around it’s neck, right? That’s how every troon goes LMFAO!
And this is why Aka putting those two details together is an awful idea. It actually strengthens the resolves the mongoloids like this one to be themselves.

Make Garminé Immobile Again!
yikes sweatie
does your twitter clique know that you're using racist no-no words?
I think someone from the Alt board has invaded this one. A Fatty Fucking thread, a Reverse Trap thread, lots of Alt content in various franchise threads... and all this rule breaking is on top of the bumping without content that was already happening in various threads that people refuse to let die. Most reports do nothing now even though they were done for the better of this board. I can't keep up anymore, not alone anyway.
A Mommy Long Legs from Poppy Playtime thread just showed up. Those threads you mentioned, the Minecraft Alex thread, the FNF thread and the new thread I just mentioned seriously should be removed.

Gonna start hiding certain threads until the mod decides to be helpful again. It's become really frustrating how reports with legitimate reasoning just don't work.
(98 KB, 750x486, media_FB5KP_hVUAA6cxS.jpg)
>A Fatty Fucking thread
How does sex make it alt?
>Reverse Trap
It's just a girl dressed like a boy and with not enough content to keep it alive.
We already have a ton of your misplaced garbage in /bbwalt/, we don't need anymore.

Honestly I feel like this sudden chaos might be the first signs of the Zoomers that aren't completely reliant on Pisscord, starting to come in.
Alphabet nonsense aside, the "Likes: X, Hates: Y" gets on my nerves //EVERY TIME// I see it on a character sheet. Give me some actual character backstory instead of a grocery shopping list.

Isn't aka like, 30 or something too? This is something you see 13 year olds do on their Sonic recolor OC. Disastrous.
he's a complete spaz and complains about every thread. he thinks everything he doesn't like has to be against the rules and loses his mind whenever the mods don't comply.
(240 KB, 1296x730, xmen_tv_400_-_h_2017.jpg)
No. Marvel or rather Disney keeps breaking up Superhero Teams like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four for Spiderman, Ironman, or American Chavez, or Carol. Marvel can't even market Black Panther despite Black Nerds writing Star Trek in Wakanda.
>How does sex make it alt?
It's considered extreme content, which under the rules here, it should be in the /bbwalt/.

>We already have a ton of your misplaced garbage in /bbwalt/, we don't need anymore.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with that over there as well, but that doesn't excuse having misplaced stuff here too. I can at least speak for myself that I'm not responsible for anything that's misplaced in /bbwalt/.

I'm not THAT person. You wouldn't know because of my ID getting changed for reasons unknown, but I'm actually the OP of this thread, and the person you're talking has been aggressively against the existence of this thread.
I thought alt was for the more deviant categories. Sex is pretty vanilla compared to everything else there.
Sex and other types of hardcore porn from what I've gathered over the years is not liked much in the fats community, so I wouldn't call it "vanilla". There's a reason why so few fat artists draw that kind of thing.
(430 KB, 1565x863, action.png)
I doubt it since Baalbuddy jokes about Taimanin Asagi . Even Christ Centered Gamer did a review of Taimanin Asagi and admitted to to using fan translations
>under the rules here
there is literally nothing in the rules that says there can't be drawn porn. you are on a porn site, there are no safe for work boards.
Alternative or extreme female content goes on >>>/bbwalt/
This includes slob (brap-posting), vore, muscle, etc.
Take it you ignored or didn't count the etc. at the end? It makes it a loose rule, but a rule nonetheless.
>only you get to decide what etc means
it's a list of fetishes followed by etc. clearly it means other non-mainstream fetishes. sex isnt a fetish you clown.
(77 KB, 527x551, 1651623959234.jpg)
Xmen is a group of fascist villains now and after all the time they had F4 locked away to spite the rights away from Fox, they have no idea what to do with it and have too many idiots on payroll. America Chavez is failing just as hard as Carol and Kamala Kahn. Marvel gets a grain of sand compared to anime because the comics are dogshit, the cartoons are dogshit, games are nonexistent and dogshit when they aren't, the movies are boring as fuck after endgame.

>extreme content
Now that I think about it, with how many I bet are pissed about the abortion thing, I'd say the main reason now isn't because they hate sex but because sex is an easy way to get knocked off of their sources for income, then it's money better spent on two girls.
>sex isnt a fetish
For how much people fantasize about it and lust for it, sex is absolutely a fetish.
Fetish: "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc."
The people who are having sex can be viewed as "objects" in this context, as there are people who find pleasure in watching them do so.
Idk man, that's a stretch. You're essentially saying all porn is a fetish. You sound very repressed, my man.
>You're essentially saying all porn is a fetish.
That's technically not wrong because of the definition of fetish as said before. There's some truly fucked up people out there.
Fucking same, holy shit. Likes and dislikes do not make a character. Take a writing 101 class and learn what a real character trait is for fuck's sake.
It's honestly amazing how many people try and be writers while not having the kind of basic writing knowledge you can get from a book. Not even a course, just a damn book.

Characters are not made from a list of likes and dislikes, they are an aspect of Story. Basically parts of a whole--shit, let me just quote from one of the books I'm screeching about:

>Most writers come at character all wrong. They start by listing all the traits of the hero, tell a story about him, and then somehow make him change at the end. That won't work, no matter how hard you try.

>The single biggest mistake writers make when creating characters is that they think of the hero and all other
characters as separate individuals. Their hero is alone, in a vacuum, unconnected to others. The result is not only a weak hero but also cardboard opponents and minor characters who are even weaker. This great mistake is exacerbated in scriptwriting because of the huge emphasis placed on the high-concept premise. In these stories, the hero seems to be the only person who matters. But ironically, this intense spotlight on the hero, instead of defining him more clearly, only makes him seem like a one-note marketing tool. To create great characters, think of all your characters as part of a web in which each helps define the others. To put it another way, a character is often defined by who he is not.

KEY POINT: The most important step in creating your hero, as well as all other characters, is to connect and compare each to the others. Each time you compare a character to your hero, you force yourself to distinguish the hero in new ways. You also start to see the secondary characters as complete human beings, as complex and as valuable as your hero. All characters connect and define each other in four major ways: by story function, archetype, theme, and opposition. (Not by 'likes and dislikes')

>Every character must serve the purpose of the story... Every character has a specially designed role, or function, to play to help the story fulfill that purpose.

>Theater director Peter Brook, in speaking about actors, also makes a useful point for writers creating characters:[Brecht] pointed out that every actor has to serve the action of the play....

>When [the actor] sees himself in relation to the wholeness of the play he will see that not only is too much characterizing (petty details) often opposed to the play's needs but also that many unnecessary characteristics can actually work against him and make his own appearance less striking.Even though the audience is most interested in how the hero has changed, you can't show them that change unless every character, including the hero, plays his assigned part on the team.

From The Anatomy Of Story by John Truby
This is twitter-tier "media criticism" taken to the breaking point. You are a fetish artist who is now openly whining about the fetish you have supported for years. Shit or get off the pot and spare us already.

Shoehorning in trans stuff into everything is only going to make people even more annoyed. It's quite comparable to turning everything into ponies from a decade ago, but since it's a more serious subject, anyone who criticizes it is written off as transphobic.

This. Pidgeon-holing sex itself into a fetish almost makes you sound like an incel. A fetish has always been a relatively unobtainable sexually appealing aspect that's a part of what gives a person a sexual desire. Imagine third person weight gaining greentexts and that's a lot of what a fetish is about.
Why do so many artists seem to hate their fans? It seems like someone is always complaining about them.
>It's quite comparable to turning everything into ponies from a decade ago, but since it's a more serious subject, anyone who criticizes it is written off as transphobic.

That is the best comparison I've heard in a long time
They are trying to be ""real artistes"", but the fans aren't having any of that.
Hey, if you're still in this thread; sorry about trying to get dirt on one of your friends, a while back. Was extremely dumb of me to do.
You have to be in Manhattan or Los Angeles or Paris to be a "real artists". Even then, the Guggenheim, MoMA, Sotheby's people just want to watch upper middle class orthodox Jews rebel against her strict conservative upbringing to be modern, or non Wagner Opera. I doubt the geezers who keep Lincoln Center afloat wants to see fat art.
I have seen the interior of artist discords and I no longer ask myself or anyone else this question.
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Someone brought up the topic in another thread, but...

>be a minor on the internet
>draws a scantily clad and/or very curvaceous character
>"don't be weird tho teehee"
I don't get it.

The two pictures are examples.
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>Get to the end of the Goblin village
>Game's fallen into all the same bullshit that's wrong with every other WG game and more
I don't know what I was expecting.

That's not what a real artist is in the world of today; a real artist is measured not by their skill but how much money can be laundered through their pictures.
Whether zoomers want to admit it or not, teenagers are horny bastards. If they're artistic enough, they're going to draw art of what they think is hot. It's that simple. As for the "don't be weird part", a part of it is likely not wanting to read graphic comments from adults about blowing their load to their art, but I also honestly think it's their way of trying to hide their true intentions. Because if they're honest about drawing art that makes them horny, people will go absolutely apeshit trying to oust them from the community.
>Get to the end of the Goblin village
>Game's fallen into all the same bullshit that's wrong with every other WG game and more

Care to elaborate on this? I found the goblin brewery thing to be pretty unique. Also (mild spoiler) the goblin brewmeister is one of the better characters in the game for fats later on.
Damn Anon, that's solid advice. I'm trying to think what WG comic has a cast of characters that isn't just full of throw aways. All of the Kip comics really center on 2 or 3 and everybody else could have been blank silhouettes. Salt doesn't explore outside of small scope, 1-2 characters. Pixiveo's thing has a shit ton of characters and I can firmly say I don't know what purpose the bulk of them serve. We could really do with something that has some characterization and a good cast.
When the media - be it story, comic or game - only serves as a vehicle for the kink ie, you put the kink first and work backwards from there, you will always run into these issues. Not enough emphasis is put on storytelling, for developing compelling characters and for good literary practice in which to marshal all of these concepts into a clear and cohesive narrative. It is always apparent when a one-note character exists purely to service a kink, as opposed to taking the time to develop a character and tell a story about -them- which also happens to utilise a kink.
It's horribly evident in game development. Too many coomer brains plugging away with that "Kink First" mindset so most game ideas that come out are little more than glorified toys or these dusty simulations where you click to make numbers go up. Games like Some Bullshit, that recognise that the game itself also needs to be fun to play, are a sad rarity. And hey, more power to you if that's what you're happy with but it's incredibly limiting at the same time. An aside, but it was pretty funny to see some people lose their minds over the indirect/"hands off" theme for last year's Gain Jam - some genuinely couldn't fathom a game concept where you weren't directly stuffing food into a feedee. Pure "Kink First" thinking.
I honestly feel scammed cause I gave that man money at some point, but he also was my intro to the fetish so I can't get mad
Where's the lie though
Cry me a river. I have no problem supporting the artist I like, there’s just not that many worth supporting there are a few good ones don’t get me wrong and I have no problem supporting them on patreon but a lot of them are either super inconsistent, mediocre, or they mix their good stuff with a bunch of garbage I don’t want to see cough cough jeet, lastly sometimes them just seem like shitty people that I just don’t want to give money to no matter how good their art is.
Dudes art has been stagnant for like half a decade there just way better options no a days, doesn’t help that he only draws like 6 shitty characters and every fetish you can think of besides the one everyone actually wants to see and even on the rare occasions when he does draw fat chick he finds a way to shoehorn some other stupid fetish into it like turning them into midgets or shoving them into a bar
Posts like this always come off as insecure, talking about how a very specific thing or group of people don't bother you. That, and the implication that he lurks on this website enough to know about patreon supporters being called paypigs, which makes me pretty sure that he isn't just here to read and laugh at lil bottom feeders crying.
I've never called someone who supports an artist a paypig but honestly kinda look down on the practice anyway as someone who feels like people nowadays only draw what sells and is generally popular instead of drawing what they actually like because they think it won't be lucrative
I forgot how annoying this guy was.
It really does come off as insecure doesn't it? Especially if you look at the previous posts where he talks about commissions, how you should give him money so he draws more of a thing, shilling his Kofi link because "it'd be such a funny joke if you gave him money", then this bitch post followed by talks of a donation drive for more money.
I get it, money's nice, shit happens, sometimes you need a lot of money very quickly, but damn dude.

Then there's the people jumping in on the thread just so they can decry the evil monolithic hivemind that is BBWchan, where every single one of us believes artists are undeserving of pay and should be honored to die in a gutter, starving and homeless, so long as they provide content.

Generally, I avoid places that I find unpleasant and try not to care what people from those places think or say, but I guess that's not something you can avoid if you're trawling for content that may or may not be paywalled.
>Then there's the people jumping in on the thread just so they can decry the evil monolithic hivemind that is BBWchan, where every single one of us believes artists are undeserving of pay and should be honored to die in a gutter, starving and homeless, so long as they provide content.
But we really think that here.
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Since he's probably lurking in this thread.

Stop being such a doomer coomer, Moist. You're annoying as fuck to listen to and the constant self-deprecation and "hahah but what if" shit tier "memes" you post in order to get others to draw what you want isn't a good look because it's so blatantly obvious that you're serious and not being the certified meme master™ that you think you are, you're overcompensating too hard.

You should take a step back from Twitter and Discord and work on your personal life instead of just bitching about it to your "totally my actual friends" fellow artists in private you pussy.
I do remember when most of the vocal complaints here were about art packs, commission whores who had a monopoly on people with their stupid ugly OCs and early examples of commission scammers like Axel-Rosered and TheAmericanDream who either never delivered on content or rushed it out poorly.
Nowadays all the complaints seem to be primarily focused on artists and their politics, but complaining about the ways artists make money in the community along with certain rich leeches has always been a staple for the community here.
Kek. Maybe we should start a writing thread so writefags can git gud
Wouldn't be opposed to it, if only for the fact that I need serious advice for writing weight gain stories. I don't know how to write them without making them long, multi-chapter affairs and doing it all in one go doesn't feel right unless it's a rapid-WG scenario.
This is what the NFT tards would say, they really hate it if you save and share their shitty doodles for free.
same problem here, I know how to bust them out but I can't only use the same 4-5 words for fat you know?
I mean it's not really the same because if you save an NFT screenshot you're not getting the value of the blockchain behind it, but if you get a pic from an artist's patreon without paying for it you're taking the entire value of the image
you're comparing effectively taking a picture of some expensive original art piece with stealing a poster you're supposed to pay for
they're both retarded though
I was there ten years ago, I've seen some shit.

Post some more smoothbrain takes about vtubers and hololive before all the facts are in, moist. That's more your game.
Also this. I'll give him credit for not being Yet Another Typical Twitter User most of the time but god damn he has to know when to lay off the Mad.
>Nowadays all the complaints seem to be primarily focused on artists and their politics
The people who proudly proclaim how they're gonna drop something because someone associated with it has the wrong opinions don't like it when a handful of anons on a fetish imageboard do the same for their material.

It’s cool? (I don’t remember)

I don’t really care about that stuff anymore.
Incredibly based, I couldn't have said it better myself. Moist, you have made your personal issues public so often on twitter that you shouldn't be surprised that you're getting called out like this.

To respond to Moist's original point, I support the artists I like. Liking an artist isn't just limited to them drawing well, but includes how they present themselves as an artist. I'm not under any illusion as to my relationship with the artists I support: they're not my friends, they're not beholden to me, and vice versa. However, if your entire discourse is nothing but depression/self-deprecation, "im LE HORNY", general contempt for your audience either by voice or action, unfunny references, etc., I don't want to interact with you and I hate that your actions still trickle down to impacting me as someone with this fetish. This is why I'm tired of Bamboo, Toroboro/Foxfire, etc., and why I've never thought about giving them financial support in any capacity, and it's the same with you.
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Filled with the same terrible banter and awful jokes, that factory tour shit was meaningless and totally out of place, and so far it doesn't feel like you're adventuring around; money is worthless, there's nothing to the towns beyond the place the main story wants you to go, I don't think any of the paths to and from areas even match up (you leave from the left but enter from the bottom), and absolutely nothing feels like it's taken seriously including the bosses, even though the story is about a shadow invasion and you trying to flee to safety.

The people who make comics are never writefags and I doubt any of them cares enough to bother learning.
Every once in a while I forget Moist exists, only to stumble upon his account again and I think "wait, this guy makes good art, why don't I follow him?" Then he opens his mouth and then I quickly remember why.
>The people who make comics are never writefags and I doubt any of them cares enough to bother learning.
Decent stories are long and long stories mean more panels which means more work so why bother, right?

Honestly, as much as I despise Saxxon's art, I don't understand why more people don't do his thing of making a handful of images with pure text to cover the parts that don't really need to be seen. Still lets you tell a longer story without having to draw a ton of comic panels. Hell ren.py is free and pretty easy to work with.
I'm an artist trying to make an rpg, but I'm concerned about the story being poor or downright nonexistent

Any tips or resources?
Yeah, I've written stories before but just can't help but feel they are poor. Weight gain erotica is such a niche that the only real way to get good advice is to either read a bunch of other fics, or ask good writers directly.
>Post some more smoothbrain takes about vtubers and hololive before all the facts are in, moist. That's more your game.
Oh god does he get pissed off about Vtuber shit too? Wonder if he brings it up as much as he brought up how much he didn't like Genshin Impact.
-a good conflict is the heart of a good story (conflict can be internal or external)
-character strengths and character flaws are two sides of the same coin
-characters need believable motivations to do anything significant and these should be related to their character traits in some way (this goes for the villains too)
-if it doesn't need to be there, don't include it. less is more
Yeah, more so over on his normie account strongermoist. I unfollowed him after he went on a retarded tirade over Rushia getting the boot and how Hololive was EVIL (despite Rushia getting more than enough leeway after going behind the backs of both the company and her fellow members to leak stuff to a Japanese keemstar clone).
Dude just flies off the handle and never thinks things through.
What's the issue with Bamboo and Toroboro? Kinda new to the actual drama side of the community, I would just jerk it to the fat people
Bamboo is a raging asshole who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and acts as he's above the fat community. Not sure about Toroboro, but I swear I remember hearing that he took a bunch of commission money when he closed his Foxfire account and ran.
Last thread covered it pretty extensively, but in short Bamboo is a shitheel that actively despises the community as a whole. He used to routinely make potshots not just at his audience, but at other artists too, and barely tried to hide his contempt for it all. Then he tried to abandon the community in order to be a poor man's Toroboro, but has since taken this weird half-measure where most of his more fetishy art is locked behind a patreon.

Toroboro himself isn't nearly as bad, but still more or less tried to abandon the community as well for a more mainstream audience. His modern stuff is downright tame compared to his old alias FoxFire486, which he tried to erase all traces of while pretending that he was doing it because his "new job" wouldn't allow it.
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Bambooale was in a tricky situation because some of his first ever uploads were already an extremely high quality, so he eventually fell down the rabbit hole of extremely unfunny and tasteless "japes" where he went out of his way to make fun of fellow artists by with short comics that bordered on "schrodinger's douchebag" levels of irony. He has since deleted his Deviantart and locked all his WG content behind Patreon. He also got commissioned by Pyrocynical.

Toroboro isn't nearly as bad. He had a bunch of previous accounts which he deleted for various reasons. His art nowadays is a coin flip for whether he wants his OCs to have fat bellies or not. At least him not doing WG actually improved his anatomy skills a lot. It doesn't really help that he keeps disappearing only to redesign his OCs for the 6th time then dip again. But hey, the dudes being commissioned to work on 2 games, so who am I to judge.

Also Tororboro and Bambooale keep doing this lame af joke about them secretly being the same person, to the point where they share a twitter account called Zhuzi Huli (Which literally translates to "Bamboo-Fox") where they upload some Furry stuff and allows Toroboro to draw slightly bigger sizes.

TLDR: Bambooale is kind of whack and Toroboro alright I guess.

To be fair, Saxxon deserved being called out. The guy can't write for shit, but that won't stop him from shoving it into every fucking page. Sameface and out of character blobs making unfunny quips about their fat for the hundredth fucking time gets old fast for some reason.

Still doesn't make him half as disappointing as Bamboo though. Fuck his squidward pears and the disgusting furshit he likes.
>Also Tororboro and Bambooale keep doing this lame af joke about them secretly being the same person
Honestly of all the shit Bamboo's done, this is probably the most sad. It's one thing to be clearly inspired by another style, but I can't imagine sacrificing your individuality as an artist entirely for the sake of clout. Like, I'm not even mad, if anything I pity his own lack of self-confidence. All that talent squandered just to be an inferior version of another artist.
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>Decent stories are long
The quality of a story is dependent on its content, not its length. The only thing length helps with is if you're putting focus on more than two characters and to get people more invested so that you can draw out their emotions.

>I don't understand why more people don't do his thing of making a handful of images with pure text to cover the parts that don't really need to be seen
Because the way he does it looks as terrible as his art and turns off people from being a wall of tiny text; you'd do better to use the writers who put a picture above their stories that they're either writing it for or are just using it as an example.

>Any tips or resources
Visit your local library; get a RPG and a book on creating stories.
Besides what the other Anon said, I'd suggest writing the characters as if they were someone talking on a street in real life, don't make everything a reference to something, and give all the characters names with meaning or specific titles or classes for the name of groups of mooks.

Vtuber shit is contributing to the death of simple gameplay videos that have no commentary and its fanbase are just as psychotic as the Idol community.

>Genshin Impact
>Giving all your hard earned money to a bunch of dirty commies

>doesn't make him half as disappointing as Bamboo
How can anyone be disappointed by someone who was never good?
Oh that's not as bad as him bitching about people liking popular thing or how much he doesn't like popular thing. Still, considering how he is, I can see that being incredibly annoying. I was interested in his art a while back but I bounced off because of his personality.

As others have said about Bamboo, the potshots and mockery of the fanbase and other artists wasn't a great look. He started out nice enough but once he got popular and started making friends with other artists, it felt like he receded into a clique and became less personable. There's this detached, dry, "memester" air he has about him that really drives me up the wall, where it doesn't feel like he's being sincere, even if you're talking right to him.

There's also the matter of him tiptoeing around drawing fats and how his shift to thicc megabutt feels like a hollow, failed attempt to blend in with the normie crowd/distance himself from the fetish community. I can understand a change in preferences or wanting to break out of something, but it's the way he's gone about it that bothers me. He'll up and close down his DA and his discord group without a notice, but he'll still draw fat chicks behind a paywall even though he says he's not interested in it anymore. It's half-hearted and feels like it's done because he has contempt for the community he ingrained himself in and built his name off of.

>Toroboro isn't as bad
He may not have made public potshots like Bamboo did, but I'd say he's about the same. I feel like he has a massive ego that tells him he shouldn't be a fetish artist and needs to be a "real artist" because he's above it, so he tries to appeal to the thicc crowd. The problem with that, just like Bamboo, is the way he renders and the shapes/weights he draws are generally outside of that crowd and still veer pretty close to, or straight into fetish territory.

There's also his constant act of vanishing and rebranding, like when he redesigns his characters for the umpteenth time or those stints where he tries doing realistic features or mimicking the Disney Princess look. It's good to try new things in art, but these always felt like cynical attempts to distance himself and chase a newer, bigger, more socially acceptable crowd. Pair this with him seeming to cut friends and peers out of his life and it just rubs me entirely the wrong way.

Criticism, sure. Mocking, well it happens. Deserving to be "called out"? Not at all, it's not like he's doing anything malicious or harmful (that I'm aware of). If anything I'd say it's super shitty for another big artist to call out another like that when all they're guilty of is not being up to the former's standard. All it does is rile up the fans and cause drama for no real good reason.

I sometimes wonder if them becoming such good friends is what led to them deciding to distance from everyone and everything else. Also:
>All that talent squandered just to be an inferior version of another artist.
There's arguments to be made that he became the superior version.
Both lead to everyone's favorite marketing result:
>You own nothing be happy about it
Not to mention guys like Lewdsona are watching every move his subscribers do, god forbid if you dump his weird ass cow transformations elsewhere.

Other thing I find unbearable to vtubers is the way they talk, like they're talking to toddlers.
>like they're talking to toddlers
that's because they are, vtubing is essentially children's entertainment
>Other thing I find unbearable to vtubers is the way they talk, like they're talking to toddlers
A lot of people into VTubers seem no better than toddlers.

I don't care for it but I wouldn't go that far since it's pretty much Space Ghost Coast to Coast or Mystery Science Theater 3000 but focused around vidja gaems and geared towards waifufags. Now, the ones geared towards Zoomers on the other hand...
The difference in the threads here and the thread you've linked is that here it's a handful of anonymous people that may be the same person that actually do supposedly think that way.
There in what you linked almost 30 people all just outed themselves as the type of person that believe what they're told based on the words of someone who's likely a meltdown away from being a lolcow because "IMAGEBOARD BAD."
Won't speak for others but my money tends to go towards artists that aren't jackasses with an obvious horse in the race they're complaining about.

This. I immediately stop supporting artists when they're stupid enough to out themselves like this. Shame this isn't a decade ago when imageboards would do a bit more shredding on attention whores for trying to instigate shit with them over nothing. By all means, they can continue to show off what hypocritical sacks of shit they are for good cattle points on twatter. The supporters will likely run out of their parents money sooner or later.

>Other thing I find unbearable to vtubers is the way they talk, like they're talking to toddlers.
>>93837 and >>93845 already nailed it.
They could have the camera focused on somebody jingling keys for half an hour and it'd likely have the same effect, an experiment I'm disappointed hasn't been done by one of the bigger streamers yet.
artists, i know piracy sucks, but face it, it will happen. It's unavoidable.

You will find subscribers if uou are a good artist and person, I subscribe to artists I genuinely like and want to support, not clowns
Eh, aren't you just projecting pretty much everything about what you're saying about Toroboro? And you're even saying he's as good as Bamboo even though Toro has never had that kind of attitude towards the community publicly like Bamboo. I seriously will never get the animosity towards this dude around this parts, like yeah, he deleted all his stuff without previous notice years ago but people keep hating on him simply for turning over a new leaf and saying all sorts of crap about him just for not wanting to draw blobs anymore.
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As someone who will forever remain salty over FoxFire/Toroboro I figured I'd chime in, my "fuck that asshole" attitude towards him stems from him not having kept his final promises/art drop to his Patrons right before he closed down his Patreon, nuked everything without any sort of warning and then turning up not even 6 months later under a new pseudonym pretending to not be FoxFire. Woulda been a helluva lot different had he just been more forthright with everything since money was involved right up until he closed the Patreon down but the cut and run under the cover of night has permanently soured me on him, whether or not he had malicious intent or not.

It was never about him deciding to not draw blobs considering he didn't really do them that often anyways before closing up shop for the final time as FoxFire, but his shift in style from fat girls (not blobs) to just bottom heavy girls with weird proportions because he refused to give them bellies or spread the fat distribution around didn't help either but that's something more easily moved on from.
Personally I just don't like how dishonest he was about the whole thing. I don't blame him for wanting to branch out into something new, but to insult the intelligence of his audience with a laughably paper thin lie as an excuse to nuke all of his shit and change identities like nothing happened was beyond shitty. And all for what, a chance to move onto a slightly more mainstream audience? I still wouldn't care his modern output seeing as how boring and stagnant his work has become, but if he was more honest from the start I wouldn't dislike him nearly as much.
I can understand that
It sounds like Dobson (CathyN) without pretending to be a chick.
I've talked to the dude before and have a feel for what his personality is like behind closed doors. He can be a nice enough guy, absolutely, but I also feel like he's a bit prideful/has an ego. It could be projecting, but with what I know about him, and discussing with other artists and peers, it feels like he's trying to "have his cake and eat it too." It's like he still wants to be a part of the scene in some capacity, but also wants to be above it or not associated with it. This extends to his peers too, as I feel like he's distanced himself from groups and friends without much warning or anything, and that doesn't sit right with me.
Because adults don't do fucking anything to push back on known minors from publishing lewd drawings. The art community's style of progressivist happy-go-lucky way of life is too ingrained for people who actually want to say something to say it without backlash.
I don't make any assumptions about who he is away from the keyboard, I just know what he's done and how he's reacted to things in the past. He's generally put out a negative internet presence despite not saying anything blatantly/overtly negative which includes general prickliness about his inattention to weight distribution to places like the neck and arms, the aforementioned cut-and-run when people had commissions lined up with him as FoxFire, he's come and gone as Toroboro where he can't decide if he's stuck as a chubby chaser or wants to try to be "normal", and there's a sense of general disdain/self-loathing for having the fetish that he shares with Bamboo with all of the art they do behind closed doors that leaks out in various forms.

I personally have dumped my reasons for him and Bamboo in the past, and it's pointless to expend any energy on people who aren't going to listen to you or change, so I don't really see a lot of reason to talk about either of them anymore outside of citing them as examples of highly skilled artists I no longer like because they went down questionable roads.
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I feel like I have to make this post each month, but I'm so sick of all the gay/trans art that seeping into the mainstream of the community more pervasively than furry shitte ever could.
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This you? Cause you are doing a hell of a lot of projecting.
>I also feel like he's a bit prideful/has an ego
>it feels like he's trying to "have his cake and eat it too."
>It's like he still wants to be a part of the scene in some capacity, but also wants to be above it or not associated with it.
>feel like he's distanced himself from groups and friends without much warning or anything
>general prickliness about his inattention
>he can't decide if he's stuck as a chubby chaser or wants to try to be "normal", and there's a sense of general disdain/self-loathing for having the fetish that he shares with Bamboo

You do you guys but that sounds like hella of a fanfic you got there lmao. It's fine if people have misgivings with him about deleting all his art without notice despite promising the opposite (although that was nearly 4 years ago my dudes) but somehow you can't mention the man here or in /d/ without people going apeshit and making up all sort of crap about him for some reason. I don't even like him that much but I find crazy that he still lives in so many heads rent-free despite completely avoiding drama unlike Bamboo, Jeet and the likes.
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for me it's the tranny artists that post pictures of themselves on the same account where they post their art
But this is how I can be sure that it is a trans shit and unfallow them without reading some pronounces. I don't fallowing any trans insanity.
A shame you found the game to be not to your liking. I'd argue the points raised, but honestly if a non-conventional JRPG isn't your thing then maybe SB just isn't the game for you. I will say that that you're only about 8-10% into the game and there are amazing scenes later on, so if you were to stick it out I'm sure you'd find something of interest.
>hella fanfic
These things I mentioned are pretty clear cut, there's nothing there that's demonstrably false or fictitious. I'm not doing any armchair psychoanalysis like the other guy, just stating what his previous behavior was and the very easy inferences based on it.
Remembering someone's actions isn't rent free at all. This thread lives rent free in the head of that one guy who keeps reporting the thread because he thinks it's "bad". If I personally was dumping essays about why I didn't like Toroboro everywhere and constantly, sure, that'd be rent free.
(8 KB, 242x208, 1652913732457.jpg)
>if a non-conventional JRPG isn't your thing
What, because it's about stuffing the girl?
No, inasmuch as it doesn't hold rigorously to standard JRPG conventions (kinks aside, natch), often parodying them. The set pieces that do harken back to more classic RPG action (the river pirate incursion, the sea fort raid etc) are pretty well done and suitably dramatic.
Nerds puts characters and humour first before plot and gameplay, but that's not to say the latter two are neglected with both rising to the occasion throughout play- seriously, I've yet to see someone strain to squeeze the most creative gameplay out of RPGMaker than Nerds (the developer) has. Case in point, the next town after the goblin brewery has you emulating Ski Free. Shit's wild.
I'm not an expert on the guy, I'm not a close personal friend, but I was around Toroboro for well over a year, probably more, so that has to count for something. If anything, I'd say I'm psychoanalyzing Bamboo more since I was around him a lot less, but considering how close the both of them are, how similarly they've acted, and literally sharing an account to post their fatter women/furry stuff, I don't think what I'm saying is completely unreasonable or outlandish.

I also literally DID say I may be projecting some of this because hey, maybe I'm completely wrong about one or the other or both. Only reason I chimed in was because someone asked, people answered, and I feel like people saying "Yeah Fox doesn't seem as bad" is a little weird when they seem largely the same to me.
I've grown tired of a lot of the trans people in the community just assuming getting obese is going to feminize them instead of like HRT
What's even stranger are the cases where you'll see an HRT before and after where they think it's making their tits bigger, when it's mostly likely just the weight they put on.
Yeah? It's so silly and they always expect to turn out not like IRL BBWs but some fat art you see on deviantart, where it's not gonna happen.
>they share a twitter account called Zhuzi Huli (Which literally translates to "Bamboo-Fox") where they upload some Furry stuff and allows Toroboro to draw slightly bigger sizes.
Okay, that's just bizarre.
Shame Toroboro associates with that walking bipolar disorder. If Toroboro doesn't want to do super big fatties anymore that's fine, his style is more fit to fat asses and absurd hourglasses anyways. I do agree that the patreon shit he pulled was scummy as hell, though.

Kinda hilarious to see artists do that most of the time, and then once in a while go all "If you're a minor following me I'll literally kill you."
Artists these days gotta learn that teens going through puberty are going to be horny and will still enjoy their smut if it gets them hard.

The more it happens, the more it feels like an overblown fad.
Something about Roxas617's drawing doesn't sit well for me. I swear it's all traced but I can't seem to figure out where I've seen them. None of his stuff is really conistient and idk why it's not talked about
Anyone else annoyed at the recent adoption of fat artists bringing up the whole thing with Jordan Peterson? Don't mix real life shit with your art.

We get it he doesn't think chubby girls are attractive. Moving on.

scommath is guilty of doing this. Like I want to see chubby punk girl not hear about his disdain for the psychologist.
(183 KB, 611x493, Screenshot (263).png)
>bookmark her art and unofficially follow her anyway
>can't block me because twitter doesn't let you know if people bookmark your tweets
In other news FFA is still a touchy, insufferable cunt.
jordan peterson doesn't think chubby girls are attractive?
wtf man i thought he was based??? and redpilled
It's not really draw related, but rip weeblord. Kept it to a different account and everything and seems more genuine than a lot of fad types so nothing personal and glad they're happy, but I sure miss good fat stories instead of the same fucking blueberry scenario for the 100000000000000000th time once every two years.
>pinned tweet is a thread being mad over this site
lmao christ
Haven't seen his stuff in forever but I guess I'm not missing much.
He's only slightly better than Ben Shapiro but I'd give him a pass with all the shit going on with his wife. Dude just isn't in a healthy mental state these days, and honestly the SI Swimsuit shit is just more pandering and posturing. No one truly reads SI anymore.

He's a Boogeyman for them so they need to dunk on him to virtue signal
I can ignore stuff like his behavior well enough but something that really bothers me is how often FFA draws things that I'm not into whatsoever, yet he also made a few of my personal favorite pieces of fat art when he isn't doing males or furries or whatever
Looking at his stuff, and yeah it definitely seems suspect. Though I can't seem to point out what art he's tracing. At least Sangysquish666 was dumb enough to trace something immediately recognizable, this seems a bit harder.

Literally who? I follow a shitload of fat artists and I've never heard any mention of that.
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Nerds hate psychology because the field pretty much ruined comics by destroying the horror and war genre. To Peterson's defense, he is telling fat artists to stop juvenile delinquency and become an adult, which is no different than Anno and Miyazaki telling otakus to get a life because they are running anime with their obsession. Keep in mind that Japan frowns upon psychology which is why the country is so messed up
>>94034 >>94039
I'd love to see a non-left wing figure talk about liking cute chubby girls. I'd love to see a fat artist who retweets moderate right-wing or libertarian stuff alongside the fat art to keep the SJWs out. I bet they could get a lot of fans even if they aren't that good at art.

Jordan Peterson's philosophy doesn't work and his theology is terrible. I tried to read "12 Rules for Life" and gave up partway thru. Doing the opposite of his advice helps me, and his advice obviously hasn't helped him much in life. I don't care either way about his political views.

SI Swimsuit is too little too late. 20 years ago it would have meant something. At this point I'd prefer they keep fat/chubby girls out of their magazines, especially since they always pick the worst looking ones. Plus-size models used to be conventionally attractive apart from their size. Now it's an anti-beauty movement that does nothing but reinforce the idea that only thin women can be attractive.
Right Wingers hate fat chicks.

Ben Shapiro is an Ultra Orthodox Jew. They are so Uber conservative that they make fundamentalists look like liberals. Ben's problem is that Pentecostals and Southern Baptists, Methodists, and Mormons dominate the Christian Market and Jews simply care about money, so he can't draw in a large audience.
the simple fact of life is being overweight is not healthy and you're not going to see right wing pundits advocating for unhealthy lifestyles
it could be argued whether the SI chick is just plump or overweight, I would argue the latter, but who cares
just enjoy this shit in private and be cognizant of the reality of it
I hate all the fucking retards here that have cognitive dissonance because they're attracted to fatties that they refuse to believe it's not healthy, or unironically push body positivity crap knowing it's wrong
why are people so unwilling to accept consequences and reality?
I dunno. I stopped doing pregnancy fetishism because I became cognizant of the fact that it's unhealthy. I even try to give away Li Li because it's hard justifying a pregnant ninja
>Keep in mind that Japan frowns upon psychology which is why the country is so messed up
Pure ideology. Asians didn't care about psychology, nor should. It's Westernization that's at fault of the mass neuroses of the Japanese people, not necessarily a fundamental fault of the Japanese ethos itself.
(4.6 MB, 2400x3000, Joe_Biden_presidential_portrait.jpg)
Anon, it hard to justify pregnancy fetish or fat fetish is times of inflation and rescission combined with food shortages. Us Blue Dogs are the one thing keeping the country going.
Glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Maybe it's just heavily referenced instead of traced, but a lot of his art looks a little too similar to some stuff by Eishiban to be coincidence. I also find it surprising how he just sort of came of out nowhere and has already done a bunch of trades with huge artists that don't normally do trades at all.
What's with the they them pronoun? Nobody I know talks like this
I've found a few, including one who actually drew Peterson berating two chubby girls.
>At least Sangysquish666 was dumb enough to trace something immediately recognizable

tracing something from someone recognizable is dumb, thats like asking to get caught lmao
>>94066 Welcome to today's internet.
Do you think there's an artist who could benefit from drawing immobiles/blobs who either doesn't draw them at all or not very often?
I think they are aware of what it means.

i think the annoyance is brought up when if;
You can see someone being of the female sex but then they go "uhm, I go by they/them thanks", and thats where the annoyance comes from.

Of course one uses it when they don't refer to a specific gender in a situation where " find someone to help, they could maybe call the ambulance" or "a murderer has fled the scene of the crime, they are around 5'8 feet tall" where the gender is unknown/unidentified.

But i can understand the annoyance of the whole gender identity bs that's going around and making it harder than it needs to be.

But if someone tries to hide their identity online, then yes. Then it's understandable if they go by "they/them".
>and making it harder than it needs to be.

Bruh, they're literally telling you what the correct answer is. Doesn't get much simpler than that.
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I can say without a doubt that this guy’s art is easily one of the worst, most unappealing styles I’ve seen. The only thing that rivals it was that Orchid pic I posted in the previous salt thread.
Sometimes I wonder whether I'm blind to the differences between the features in good and bad art. But this a barely anatomically correct, it looks more disturbing than anything else. Though on what planet would someone think using the round pen for sweat, food, and stretchmarks with no variance be a good idea?
Meh, I honestly don't mind his style much. I just hate the fact that he draws fat dudes occasionally.
this is something more so im worried about

>be me
>see favorite character win a poll
>ask people in thread to post the art of character
>artist shows up and gives a sketch of character
>how did the artist find out?
i feel like someone is telling on us
Occasionally? He draws more dudes than chicks.
You know my opinion on fat guys!
Nah, most simple thing is "of the male sex? He/him", "female, She,/her".

Simplest solution would just be calling everyone they/them though if people want to be so annoying about it.
if you complain about people using singular "they/them" you're a retard
I don't subscribe to any of the tranny/non binary bullshit, it's just a common fact of english that you can refer to people ambiguously as they/them, and that has been a thing for as long as I've been alive
god I hate trannies for making this basic english such a contentious thing
The original "they" was in reference to when there was discussion of Bamboo and Toro both using that one joint furry-posting account. Someone incredibly managed to read "they" being used as a plural pronoun as a singular pronoun instead. Now we have a bunch of idiots arguing about the singular "they" pronoun. You guys are illiterate retards.
Eh, discussions shift. That's the nature of open public discourse.
Honest question, but do complainers of pronouns also find it confusing that people have different names too?
>"I'mma call you Jim. Hey Jim!"
>"Er, my name's actually Alan..,"
>"GUH why do you have to make things so complicated, Jim?!"
If you can learn a name, you can learn a pronoun if they happen to correct you. I just don't get what's so complicated about it.
a pronoun isn't chosen, a name can be
Not that that point has any particular bearing on the claim that "learning pronouns is hard" - who says pronouns aren't chosen? If I made a sexless robot and programmed it in a certain way or gave it certain characteristics then people can and will choose to engender it as they want, irrespective of my wishes as the creator.
people aren't sexless robots so your point is null and void
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Why the fuck would you even "choose" the pronouns? I just don't get it. This is some first world problem to me.
(3.3 MB, 640x610, OMG.gif)
They/them pronouns aren't complicated. They're just stupid. Anyone unironically using them should do a swan dive off a skyscraper.
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Anyway, this whole pronoun shit looks artifical as fuck. I am used to addressing someone with the pronouns as it intended. And if someone looks like a freak, I'll gladly avoid those mentally ill faggots and self-entitled twatter whores.
Gender bullshit makes no sense.
The point it's in our nature to engender things. sometimes incorrectly, but hey it's no big deal if a mistake is made. If someone flagrantly ignores the correction then that simply makes them an asshole at the end of the day.
Let's just try to have less assholes in the world, hey?
You see everyone, here is a prime example of why furiously masturbating to the point of brain damage doesn't make you a desirable human.

Hey, if you want to be an asshole because your cum soaked brain doesn't remember what basic empathy is, sure you do you.
and what does that say about you considering you're here as well
>thread about venting about fat art
>just use it to scream that you hate that trannies exist
Nice vent thread you got here
I've got plenty of empathy. I want to see crazy people treated, not humoured.
Whatever happened to that Firez guy? Did he stop doing fat art or am I just retarded?
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It's not you, Firez doesn't do a lot of chubs any more.

>>94241 >>94251
This condescending attitude is why I quit the left. I have nothing against transgender people, I try to be tolerant, but it weirds me out a little. It bugs me when a cute feminine-looking girl says she's "he/they". It's the trap stereotype in real life.

What I'm sick of is trigger warnings over dumb stuff. Nobody cares about my triggers, so why should I care about anyone else's? I don't want to see trigger warnings when I'm looking at fat art. I don't want any reminders of the SJW world. I want to enjoy cute fat babes in peace.
Don't worry, in New York we pretty much cut districts to get rid of the left.
>writes all that bullshit
>assumes minors will not simply make an account lying about their age
so what treatment do you believe would be the correct one
>>94270 I understand why artists do the 18+ thing, but seeing artists constantly complain about it is just annoying. Plus puberty is a thing, and teens are most likely gonna be horny as a result.
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Honest answer: Adult characters like Rie from Cyber Sleuths or Lusamine from Pokemon are in control of their emotions and don't want to fool around. That's why they get Ryuji and Guzuma to do their bidding. Notice how the P5 crew had to run because Sae was going to throw the book at them for ruining her career as a prosecutor.
Fuck off back to twitter
To whatever member of the tranny defense force that reported this thread, I don't care. There are a million hugbox safe spaces you can go to, this isn't one of them and no amount of your crying is going to make it one. I don't even understand what you are doing here, it's a board for drawings of fat girls. Take your pronouns and go anywhere else.
As for the rest of you, at least pretend to be on topic. Bitch about art of fat trannies, or even a tranny artist, but if all you want to do dunk on troons unrelated to anything then take it to /gen/, you can talk about whatever you want there.
I second our mod, get back on topic and keep it within the fats community.

Thanks for your assistance with cleaning up the redundant threads popping up recently.
Here's something that's slowly getting on my nerves again: the predominance of fat art of girls from basically one company and one franchise. If Pokemon is one franchise that has a vise grip on this fetish, Persona is the other. It's genuinely unreal how much content Persona gets to the degree that they have a recurring fat fetish thread on 4chan's /trash/ board AND a recurring thread on here. It's a selfish gripe that'll never happen but I wish there was a 10 year moratorium on both of them for fat-of-she content, and even if it didn't happen the Nintendo princesses, Tifa, BNHA, and DBZ girls would just fill the void. I wish I could be good at drawing now instead of in like 2-5 years.
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Kek off jew worshipping, child grooming, nigger loving, aids ridden, neov*gina sharting, twatter posting, dilator flagellating cum guzzling ma'am.
Can't help that Nintendo has so many great fat-of-she choices, especially from Fire Emblem, but at least Pyra and Mythra from Xenoblade finally died down this year. Will say that I've been sick of Arezu from Pokemon and Daisy from Mario. Can at least forgive Peach and Rosalina because even though they're both common, neither get much high level fat-of-she art.
Idk what Persona is, but I guess its millennials working in IT with their autism all over again.
Pokémon dudes included.
Oh, and I hate cartoon wg generals on /trash/ peak cringe that it is. Unbearable almost. Not only6thr western cartoons look like ugly piece of shit, but applying wg to it only makes the matters worse. Oh God, I even remember bigmouth wg shit. Almost pukes from disgust that day.
To artists reading this, daily reminder some of the posters here are in your inner circles and discord servers too.
Pyra/Mythra was genuinely a breath of fresh air but I completely understand being sick of seeing them since they rode a huge hype train since XC2 released. I don't know what you're smoking but there's been tons of good Mario Princess fat art over the years, it just seems like there isn't any when you compare it to how much focus Pokegirls get.
Persona is a game series from Atlus, generally focuses on a group of high schoolers that gain the ability to summon supernatural/demonic avatars and they have to fight off some supernatural/demonic evil. The older games are pretty cool JRPGs but they start to focus less on the paranormal themes and more on the "Japanese High School VN" part from Persona 3 onward, so there's a huge amount of waifuism for the same half-ish dozen characters from people who mostly watched playthroughs on youtube.
This is a pretty big no-brainer unless you're trying to dunk on the thread for the trans discussion, in which case the bossman already said to take that shit to >>>/gen/
Honestly I feel the same about the Danganronpa thread. How we're on the fifth one already blows me away.
>I don't know what you're smoking but there's been tons of good Mario Princess fat art over the years, it just seems like there isn't any when you compare it to how much focus Pokegirls get.
No, it's because artists like to focus on Daisy and not Peach, Rosalina, or Pauline, while Pokemon fat-of-she art was spread across many different female characters. Back to the Mario girls specifically, Daisy eclipses the other three in terms of high level fat-of-she art and how frequently she appears. Lets use Peach as a comparison. She got a bit of an outbreak on Twitter this last week, but that's the first time she's gotten something like that in years compared to Daisy's 5 or so outbreaks since she got added to Smash. Speaking from personal taste, the first time Peach got any fat-of-she art that I would call amazing in ages, was the sequence roundersofter did of her. Before that though, high level art of her was rare.
>especially from Fire Emblem
Imagine having a cast this big and only defaulting to Lucina, Camilla, Tharja and Three Houses
Would it kill people to check out or draw something that came from before Awakening
I agree even though I enjoy seeing characters like Lucina, Female Corrin, and Female Byleth be fat. Would like to see characters like Eirika, Palla, and Cecilia, and some Tellius girls like Mia, Nephenee, and Micaiah.
>"Daisy's the main focus based on very recent artwork numbers!"
>implication that pokegirls aren'tt hyperfocused on 6 characters between gen 3-5
Sorry boss, this is copium. Peep the Nintendo thread.
First of all, 4 to 5 years is not "very recent". Secondly, later Poke girls like Melony, Bea, Nessa, and especially Gen 6 Hex Maniac and ORAS May got loads of attention, and Lusamine did ok. The focus on Pokemon girls is more wide spread then you say. Thirdly, look at how well the Daisy thread on the Alt board is doing compared to the Peach board that's also over there. That's why there's not much Daisy on the Nintendo thread here.
>Peach board
Thread, not board.
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Only the Boondocks knows how to draw fat people, but since Hollywood sees fat people as thugs or bullies, the only work fat characters get is villain for the anti-hero. It's the same reason you don't see Big Smoke fat art despite him consuming 10,000 calories or any Amanda Waller fat art
>Only the Boondocks knows how to draw fat people
The Boondocks almost always portrays fat people in an unflattering light, the claim that only they know how to draw them is an odd one considering the rest of your post. It's not even correct anyway, there are several mangaka out there who are very good at drawing fat.
>It's the same reason you don't see Big Smoke fat art despite him consuming 10,000 calories or any Amanda Waller fat art
Uh, I think the actual reason might have something to do with neither of those characters being awfully attractive. Almost all of the most popular characters in fat art are anything but fat in official material, their popularity has nothing to do with how Hollywood portrays fat people.
(46 KB, 500x333, why god.jpg)
Wait, they made entirely separate threads on /alt/ JUST to dump each princess? AND there's the general Nintendo thread here?
>It's real
>There are just threads for characters
>There are just general threads for artists who sometimes have content that borders on /alt/
What the fuck dude. Alright, that information has deflated my argument on the Mario Princess front.

>4 to 5 years is not "very recent"
It is if you're here forever.
>It is if you're here forever.
Been around the community longer then artists like Belt Buster, Better with Salt, and MiraMiraclerun, so I've seen a lot of artists and trends come and go.
Similarly, which probably means you're from around the same fetish entry period as I am, because I definitely saw a fair bit of global Mario Princess focus. Do you remember when Pew was MasterP123 or something along those lines?
more based than a fucking bass guitar
(630 KB, 1000x968, d7kpfzd-09e602a0-6964-4abb-beb5-6bf4d11bf124.jpg)
I wasn't aware of that being Pew's name at one point.

What I do remember is seeing this when it was new, Belt Buster's first fat post on DeviantArt back in 2014. It's what had me start checking into DeviantArt on a more frequent basis after being very casual for a month or 2 before this was posted.
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>Find promising new artist
>Only women in their gallery
Oh, you're way after my entry period, that explains where you're coming from in regards to your views on the princess popularity.
So if lewd artists have pronouns or pride flags it's because they have permanent brain damage, like special ED children?
This. I have no idea why people are so obssessed with those two. They're mid at best.
I hate this shit SO much.


Based pronoun respecter
Actually the waifu obsession is a very strange tendency.Why are people so strongly inclined to any one character or set of characters? There are pieces of media that have totally rocked my shit,(like Eva maybe), but I don't especially favour fat art of those characters over any others. For me it hinges much more on the strength of the artist.
I'd chalk it up to emotionally bonding with the character on some deeper, personal level. But you are right in that the artist can't be discounted. The waifu connection normally pairs a specific artist to a character design.
All in all I think it's pretty normal. The fan gets hooked by a particular artist/OC pairing; from there they can explore both more of the artist's work as well as fan art of the OC from other artists, building up their exposure to the art scene in the process.
Cecilia is a very underrated pick, would love Neph to get some too though Micaiah used to be at least a popular pick for artists a while back.
For what its worth Ishtar gets something new pretty consistnetly and there was this excellent holliday sequence Roundersofter did with Eirika and Tana

For me emotional connection definitely plays into it but there's also the aspect of me having a thing for established female warriors or other disciplined characters really letting themsleves go
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>Only women in their gallery
You clearly haven't looked all that far into it. Also the dude's been around for a while and has yet to even move past being mediocre at best, it's not like you're losing much here.
That sequence was so fucking good, even added characters as guests from nearly every other game in the series.
based Jeet saving the meta
Doesn't excuse him posting more male fats. Beginning to wonder if he's given up on drawing fat females. Hasn't drawn many females this year.
he has forsaken his duty to give us fap material tbh. I'm beginning to think he's willingly breaking the sacred fat artist oath he made when he first joined the ordered community of online artists who draw sexy fat women wank material to never draw anything except sexy fat women wank material :(

if he keeps on drawing art I can't personally fap to I'm going to keep getting more and more possessive of him and his creative output to a pathetic degree
Forreal man we gotta stop this gayass shit
And they say sarcasm doesn't communicate well through text...
I respect someone's desire to be and actions towards becoming transgender: that's one thing, to feel like you belong to the wrong side of the coin and want to make the flip as far as all legal and practical purposes are concerned. It's

But to request to be called by a pronoun that is different from what you immediately appear to be to the untrained eye (especially if it's some "in-between" horseshit, that's a whole other can of worms) is pathetic attention-seeking behavior. Decent human beings are not constantly on the lookout for a reason to be offended. I can see trying to enforce something like that within a tight-knit friend group, where you're likely to interact on the daily, but anything larger like, say, a streamer/twitter e-celeb/etc. doing the same thing is willfully creating a culture of white knighting and hatred where everyone is constantly looking for an opportunity to lynch new blood. A decent human being who identifies as something they don't appear to be would do the same thing as every other fucking person on the internet and not give two shits how they're referred to by strangers.
Mod was already here telling us all to not talk about this subject unless if it had to do with fat trannies or a fat trans artist. Drop the subject, or take it to the /gen/ board.
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I hate how asexuals come into a fetish community and refuse to see the dissonance. Being ACE is already stretching what is normal, but being in an explicity sexual community and getting grossed out when someone "Makes it sexual" is such a level of selfishness and stupidity that I can't help but think their asexuality came from a head injury of some sort. I have never, in all my years as a part of this community, met an asexual person who was actually worth talking to. This is especially the problem when you point it out to them that the literal definition of a fetish has sex in the description. If they have a fascination with weight gain, that's fine, like you have an fascination with a genre or hobby. If you come in here, acting like this isn't an inherently sexual community, you don't have a fetish, you have a fascination, and the more you fight it the more I think you're just a serial killer in the making. These are also people who join in on complaining about artists drawing underage characters fat, whatever your opinion on that matter is, you can at least see the problem, right? So it is either a completely nonsexual thing that you just so happen to have a problem with or you're lying to feel special and give you carte blanche to be an asshole. Either way, you're a tard and I think even worse then trannies, cause at least trannies, as batshit insane as they are, are at least able to play along with the vibes of the community without ruining everyone elses fun. If you're a member of the ACE community in a Fetish community, then get your shit together or fuck off, no one wants you here, even if they're too stupid, cucked or chickenshit to admit it.
I'm not dismissing you out of hand, but I've never actually encountered an asexual in this community. Do I have to be on Twitter for this?

Though the majority of those 'asexuals' willl leave replies on posts like "Unfff that's good uwu" and other sus stuff so I'm not convinced their even asexual. They probably just think their asexual because they obsessed over bellies long enough that they forgot how to find anything else attractive.
I think most are underage or just retarded and think that if you're not a sex pest you're asexual
I get your point and it is interesting how attractive the kink is to non-sexually active individuals, to the point of regularly finding and consuming non-sexual content (which, as an aside, I find it weird labelling as Mature /Adult content since in most cases it simply isn't despite its intended purpose).
Given that the kink is often founded in innocuous source material such as cartoons and children's comics, it's easy to potentially foster a disconnect between the kink and sexual activity. Most who shy away from sex also duly shy away from or abide sexual imagery in kink content, though rarely you'll find someone taking umbrage of the "graphic sexualisation" of content.
Is it a problem? Hard to say but probably not. The people who cross the aisle to take offense to sex in sexual content are very few in number, yet they still have purchasing power and can influence an artist's output. I would say that the issue has been ever-present and largely self-regulating in that regard. An asexual audience will find refuge with a friendly artist and content can be enjoyed by all, even when sexless.
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Goddamn I hate fat faggots so much it's unreal.
There isn't anything more disgusting on this earth than two fat faggots having an intercourse.
Neber liked his Michelin proportions.
Yeah, I support trannies too. They voluntarily remove their defective genes, and I'm more than happy for them to do so.
>proceeds to draw fetish stuff
Modern world is tiresome.
A lot of people just take 'asexual' as meaning no interest in sexual intercourse.
Saw a couple more twitter accounts crying about the board again, mostly about piracy.
I bet the discords are seething at our difference in opinions again.
I don't think it's that deep, it's just flavor of the month stuff with a fetish chaser.
Yeah, people are taking "asexual" to mean "just don't care for sex" and it's really flexing what asexual actually means. But hey, everyone else is doing it and words don't mean anything anymore these days.
>Saw a couple more twitter accounts crying about the board again, mostly about piracy.
I bet the discords are seething at our difference in opinions again.
That's not saying anything unless you say who they are.
Don't know who's complaining about it now but If I like the content and style and the artist is on the level, I'll pay, especially if there's "making of" or learning content. One of the cool things about Nikoi's fanbox is that he'll occasionally upload planning/draft sketches where it's more in line with translating a 3D mental image to 2D, Kurocaze used to do this too, but most people who paypig are just coomers so they'll just use that space for light feelings on the project or updates on what they want to do next. I saw Squishmeister upload his draft/progress sketches for that monumental Kumiko spread on Twitter. Art streams are cool, though it feels like I'd be inviting some kind of raw hell to the artist's stream by asking any remotely technical questions, so I keep my mouth shut especially as someone who knows what it's like to bring up knowing a skill and getting people trying to bandwagon on you or ask you how to do [x].
I do understand people like Nikutsuki complaining about it, though, since the beliefs of the doujin/independent fanwork creator scene are moderately different from westerners just trying to make a buck or "live the dream".
They're the exact type of losers (annoying at best, deplorable at worst) who get off on being mentioned on here, so no, I don't think I will. Let them stew.
If anything that's the sort of advice I wish those people would take. If they don't intend to please anyone here then why listen to the opinions and rants here? Just focus on the positive feedback you do get rather than anons crying into a Tibetan Knitting Forum for Plus-Sized ladies.
Isn't that what Jeetdoh did? Focusing more on positive feedback to the point that he started the maid shit and drawing males more often?
Well shit, I guess you're right about that.
>>94535 >>94589
I think some people call themselves asexual because their fetishes are very different from actual sex, or from any concept of "sexuality" they grew up with. I think oral and anal are gross, I won't do them, and I don't want to see people do them, but in the end I'm a boring straight guy with a fat fetish.

I'm fine with "asexual" people in the fat art world. One of my favorite artists says she's asexual and she's an awesome person. Most of my favorite pieces don't have any nudity or sexual content. I don't always want a boner, sometimes I just want to see pretty girls.
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As much as I think a lot of 'Asexual' artists are a bit silly, I kind of have to agree. You'll see a lot of people around these parts complaining about how almost no one draws sex in WG art, and the very few that do draw sex are either terrible at drawing it or do it without taste.

Honestly though, I think almost all of my favourite WG drawings aren't even really sexual at all, and aren't even that erotic, just nice to look at.

So if the non-sex art is better, then that's perfectly enough for me.
No offense, but I don't think I'll ever understand that, and the fact that I was talking about the fat fetish community and you changed it to fat art world (community) I think proves my point. If you enjoy fat art in a nonsexual way, I can never understand it.
The problem is, is that the very act of a fetish forming in your brain, is from exposure to something sexualized as a kid, in cartoons and children's comics. In my case Totally spies exposed it to me, and that show was sexual up the wazoo, the very basis of Fetishes themselves (As in the pic in my OP) is sexual, and sexual, is in reference to sex, you can't really have one without the other, why, instead, you have a fascination, or a hobby even, but a fetish involves sex, with no way around it, sorry to burst the bubble.
This is autism. You can't tell me with a straight face that every fetish is about sex when shit like giantess exists.
And like 50% of people with this fetish at the least couldn't care or actively don't want to see sex.
>Modern world is tiresome
It's not that deep; no different than jaded artists who draw commissions for furfags with deep pockets.
No one said fetishes had to be practical, that still counts since giantess is literally giant woman you can dive into the pussy of, read the op retard, or google fetish, it is literally in the definition. and if you even think of coping with some "they need to change the definition" bullshit, go back to your fucking delusional bubble with every other delusional piece of shit denying their own loves because they think it's bad.
>Be me
>Not a sexual kind of guy.
>Have a Giantess fetish
>Love to watch some sick shit, the usuals.
>I queue up the Totaly Spies episode and get to work down below on my dick.
>Again, I'm not a sexual guy, asexual even, but when the girls grow I do too.
>The bitchy girl is getting taller by the minute but I'm edging, it's coming...
>Sam gets hit by the growth laser beam
>Watching her size blow up, cartoon breasts bigger than my body and a vagina I could crawl into!
>It's too much, I cum all over my fucking keyboard
>I've still got more in me, I do my best with sticky keys to rewind to the growth beam hit again.
>I blast off a second salvo imagining myself nustled between her 50ft breasts.
>There's more in there and it's only going to come if I imagine Sam lifting me up effortlessly and rediculing my small useless-to-her dick size
>I clean up a bit and feel proud that I don't have some sick fetish that involves sex, for I am asexual.

I think the asexual fetishes go something like that. Don't get me started on my definitely no sexual thoughts BBW fetish rituals.
fetishes are inherently sexual, but you can have a fetish unrelated to genital intercourse. I don't watch any hardcore porn and I don't seek out sex irl but I masturbate to weight gain art. I'm not thinking constantly "man, I wonder what it feels like to fuck those fat rolls", I'm just thinking "man those fat rolls are hot". I figure that's what these people mean when they say a fetish can be not about sex. Lots of people with giantess fetishes probably aren't thinking about "a vagina I could crawl into!" but just the psychological/aesthetic aspect. Some people don't have any sex fantasies, just arousal. There is a legitimate distinction to be made here but the language around it is vague and prone to misinterpretation
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For me it's Winnie the pooh getting stuck kek.
Yes, I had a boner at the age of three.
I once actually saw fat fetish comic with Winnie the Pooh in it.Animefied of course
Perhaps you're right, I'm a big enough man to think i could be wrong about something, but no offense, I think that not wanting sex and still masturbating is like saying you don't want to eat but munching on fries, either something is very wrong there, or you're lying, because masturbation is meant to be a simulation of sex, it is inherently hitting the nodes of your brain that says "I am trying for a kid to spread genes", why do you think you make an O shape with your hand in the masturbatory pose, or girls insert either a finger or something phallic inside them to get them going, you may have rewired it at some point to make it respond differently, but that is a fundamental rewiring of your own psyche proving this anon >>94544 right. It isn''t natural, neither is being gay or trans, it's ok not to be, just don't walk into a fetish community when you say you don't want to have sex, and if you masturbate while being asexual, please stop lying to yourself to make yourself feel special, just accept that you have a sexual desire like everyone else, or, fuck off back to asexual fascinations and stop acting like you can ride the line.
Considering people in the last tread were trying to say sex itself is a fetish I think a lot of Ace people are in the community.

I hate this phrase but it's a spectrum, some people are grossed out by genitals but turned on by huge ass and belly. So they don't want to see sexual stuff but masterbate because it feels good. I know like 3 artist that draw this stuff but would never do sex stuff because their Ace.

I couldn't care less myself, just going to fap to fatties
Masturbation isn't sex man. You're still a virgin.
I was the person who brought up the whole "sex is a fetish" argument in the last thread, but I'm not asexual. I'm sexually attracted to women, but seeing genitals still grosses me out. I know I'll need to get over it someday if I'm to be in a serious relationship in the future.
I will never get that and I think it's one big fucking cope, but I agree, as long as they don't make it a big deal when sex does come on for the people who actually look at this as a fetish and not a fascination
Who said it is sex? I said it's a simulation of sex,like GTA is a simulation of murder, better a virgin then a retard.
Cheers to you Anon, recognition is the first step, albeit sex is literally how the human race continues existing, so I think you're off the mark at least practically
go back being a fag
>>92262 (OP)

People who genderbend canonically fat characters and suddenly they aren’t fat anymore. If it is a woman at most it’ll all go to their chest. /:
There was this really old childrens short story I read at like 6 that I cannot remember the name of that initially fucked up my brain I think.

It was about like a donkey that's owned by a poor starving that gets bought by a king and gets really fat. Ironically it never transferred into a furry fetish, but I do distinctly remember having a weird fascination with it.
*starving donkey that's owned by a poor farmer
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>it doesn't hold rigorously to standard JRPG conventions (kinks aside, natch), often parodying them
That's meaningless and they're still doing them even if they call them jokes; if they allowed the jokes to actually die after the first or second use, then you might've had a point but even if they did, none of them were ever funny. Maybe if they tried to make it feel more organic instead of them rattling off every little thing that pops into their head no matter how dire the situation is supposed to be.

>Nerds puts characters and humour first before plot and gameplay
And that's why they'll only ever be able to make shit; also because said characters are just as bad as the jokes. One is perpetually a cocky fighter and the other is an innocent eater and they have nothing else to their personalities.

I've reached the capital's sewers.

Damn, I never noticed it; I must be losing my edge or his mental retardation is keeping me too distracted.

Has DBZ gotten that bad? It feels like it has become a regular thing but nowhere near as high of a production of all the other stuff you listed.

Dude, the vast majority of Fire Emblems fanbase are people who only started because of Waifu Emblem, and those type of people aren't the type to go looking at old games. I wonder how many people in the WG community are still playing FEH.

That isn't a Hollywood thing; the average person sees a hero as a fit to the point of being muscular and the actual role tends to need the smaller frame and agility.

Lotta those threads need to be purged.

I've been around since before DA was created, since before old man stuffer had a site or at the very least a forum, back when people were using geocities and Yahoo groups, and the Japs created their own sites to host their art instead of using social media which didn't exist. In my vast sagelike knowledge, I can tell you the reason why Daisy is getting a surge in art is because there's a new Mario Soccer game, like how Rosalina got her's with her introduction to Smash Bros. I think the real attraction for Daisy is from her not being prim and proper like Peach or bland with the faintest personality.

Show some god damned respect; the mentally challenged are smarter than those loons.

>They're mid at best
Characters or games?

>The fan gets hooked by a particular artist/OC pairing; from there they can explore both more of the artist's work as well as fan art of the OC from other artists
What do you mean when you say "OC"? It couldn't possibly be original character, since you can't make your own waifu.

The only bad thing about it is that he didn't fuck off completely.

It ain't asexuals you twat. Look at the WG community as a whole and realize how few try to get or make pics involving sex. I'd say the people you're talking about are mostly people who want sex but can't get it, people who are more conservative with their view on fat art, and people who go to the Japs for that whether it's from disgust at western depictions or out of habit. I imagine that one bastard trying to get the threads about sex sent to /bbwalt/ is either an extremely rare occurrence or a bad omen of what's to come when the next batch of Zoomers hit 18.

Wouldn't that leave them pushing belly fucking?

>mostly about piracy
You wouldn't pirate a thickbot?

>the beliefs of the doujin/independent fanwork creator scene are moderately different from westerners
Drastically different.

>If you enjoy fat art in a nonsexual way, I can never understand it.
It's cute; like a chubby cat or dog.

I honestly find it hard to call the art side of WG a fetish, for anyone, with how there really isn't any interest in pics with sex and how everyone seems more interested in kissing ass and circle jerking their favorite artists, with their fellow tools.

I can't believe you typed that with your hand; what'd it ever do to you?!

Would've just looked fugly anyways.
Was that last thread? I'm pretty sure it's up here somewhere.
It's in this thread. It was one spaz 11 days ago. It's the guy who reports everything.
that guy's so pathetic. when the old thread got bumplocked he tried to start a new one in /gen and prevent another salt thread from being made here. his /gen thread got deleted by mods lol
>I don't find Some Bullshit funny.
The game has a lot of fans and its not just for Clinko's art alone. You don't have to find the writing funny or even like the game as a whole but it does place your opinion in the minority. I'd suggest the game just isn't for you but then again you are still playing it, which is a little odd - just go into the games art folder and jerk off to the art assets there to save you time.
They're talking about the other person who reports frequently (me). The one you're thinking of has been completely against this thread existing, and while my ID doesn't show it anymore, I'm the OP of this thread.
I don't report EVERYTHING. Only things I report these days are bumps without content on artist and franchise threads that try to save a thread from dying while providing nothing, and board inappropriate content that's on franchise threads or specific idea threads.
it upsets me that the Japanese can draw some really good BBW waifus, but would rather draw fuckable kids instead. this is the wrong timeline.
Yeah, ignore that dipshit entirely and use Some Bullshit as a reference. It's the gold standard for fetish game writing, and I don't say that lightly having suffered through countless amateur projects and Japanese swill. There are a few key points that keep it feeling fresher than other attempts to do the same thing.

For one, like someone else mentioned, the fetish scenes are fundamentally baked into the narrative. There's a little bit of variation depending on how you play, but in general, you never have to hold yourself back to access erotic scenes; they just happen naturally as you progress through the game and complete side content. I find that far, far too many creators try to get too clever for their own goods and tie weight gain (or whatever other situational fetish shit) to the gameplay itself, making it a "punishment" for losing, or sometimes giving you a game over if you indulge too much.

Next, and this is underselling the execution a bit, but the main characters are essentially performing a continuous, extremely long manzai bit. They each have one or two character traits that are exaggerated in turn to set up situational comedy and/or eroticism, and the other cast members comically retort in turn. For example, the female lead will get lured away from the task at hand by the vague promise of some food, and the male lead will drag her back like a disappointed father, time and again, seamlessly mixing with whatever else is going on. It shows a deep level of planning and understanding of the characters' personalities on the creator's part and helps the setting feel really genuine instead of a thinly-veiled excuse to look at fetish art.

Finally, and following from that: it is not a thinly-veiled excuse to look at fetish art. The fetish elements and scenes are wonderful rewards for moving forward in the game's narrative, but they do not consume the plot. There's a genuine, regular story worth telling there, with rising action, several climaxes, character arcs, the whole shebang, that would hold up even if the reader weren't turned on by girls' bellies. It's something that must have required quite a bit of planning and focus on pacing to execute properly, just like any good book. Think with your brain before thinking with your dick; you can do that later by spicing things up between critical plot points
>It feels like it has become a regular thing but nowhere near as high of a production of all the other stuff you listed.
DBZ's been that bad for a while but it's a bit more like Tifa art, where it'll ride hype waves where we see nothing but it because [x] happened and as it fades we'll still see a dripfeed of it but not anywhere near the hype wave magnitude.
Aye. They're a dysfunctional group that get embroiled in increasingly food-related bullshit shenanigans and yet the straightman, Pro, isn't just some one-dimensional entity like a flanderized Marge Simpson. None of them are, really.
Best thing was when the demon possessing main character Emmie was finally revealed and she became personified over the course of the story, so that Esse Ter Vigila went from an unknown and dangerous entity to a complex character with depth and a rich history, all the way to a trusted and valued member of the party.
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>The game has a lot of fans
There's a lot of trash that's popular, what's your point?

>I'd suggest the game just isn't for you but then again you are still playing it, which is a little odd
>Say that I've never played a RPG Maker game with a decent story and combat
>Get suggested Some Bullshit
>Play it and realize it's just as shit as the rest
>But Anon, you've only played 10%
>Decide to push through to be thorough
>I don't know why you're still playing

The both of you are reading far too hard into it when it's blatantly obvious that it is as deep as a puddle on the sidewalk.
Well if you're just gonna complain all the while... You know you don't have to play it if you're not enjoying it, right? Either way, you do you. Here's hoping you find something good about the game if you stick with it.
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I haven't actually played the game past the first few minutes myself to actually judge the writing and such but can we just get serious for a moment about the art? Our fetish in what's supposedly a good JRPG is great and all but the art is the sort of art that you would be laughed out of any threads on this site. It isn't even comparative to clinkoclinko's usual art - it all looks like speed draw competition in paint.exe entries. The standard for BBW/WG art in games is just at rock bottom I guess so this sits at the top of the pile?
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>making it a "punishment" for losing

God, I hate that. Don't get me wrong, I like those sorts of 'Game Over' sequences where the hero gets fattened up by a villain. I've just seen too many RPG Maker games where losing is one of the only actual outlets of the fetish.

It's like someone took that Miyamoto meme as inspiration for their game design.
Eh, it's a cartoony style that matches with the light tone of the game. Also the art does get a bit better as you can imagine Clinko gets a better feel of the characters and he himself gets better enmeshed into the project. Don't forget he wasn't providing art from the outset, instead he was just throwing out free art for a free kink game he wanted to support because he happened to like Emmie and his participation snowballed from there.
Hunting for Bad Ends can be fun, like in J8867bbw's "Fattening". The temptation to flirt with danger and imperil a character or yourself can be exciting. I agree with you on games that have you actively avoiding gaining in order to do well, like with Skyox's "Hephy's Milk-A-Thon" do irk me, but I guess that can be down to the creator's intent. Maybe they enjoy the pain or humiliation gaining/inflating causes?
I'd like this game more if it wasn't episodic and had some of the weight stick throughout instead of magically going away every few minutes.
Capital sewers is still decently early on. If you hate it that much already I don't think it will really matter, but there is definitely character development throughout the rest of the game and good side character events.
You do realize that this game is a main reason why clinko started drawing in the first place right?

Most early game stuff is definitely not the best, but also probably was when clinko was getting a hang of the style/porting stuff into rpgmaker without looking like shit. More recent updates' art is way more in line with what he posts on twitter.

Anyway I'll stop shilling, but I don't know why it's crazy to comprehend that a totally self-made game that has been ongoing for 2+ years improves over time as everyone gets used to doing their thing. It's not like they go back and update stuff at the beginning, so it's noticeably less polished.
heres a genuine question, why do all hate trans people? What nerve makes you wanna target them?
Fuck off and quit trying to dig up this conversation. Mods already said drop it, so drop it.
(2.3 MB, 498x380, exasperation.gif)
>when you can't even complain about something in the dedicated salt thread
annoying attention whores that think playing makeup is a substitute for personality
to the very few trans people out there, I don't hate you and hope you seek help to make you accepting of your own body
to all the other transtrenders, I hope you 41% yourselves
correction, very few LEGIT trans people out there
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Hell, maybe some of us could be trans people here.

It could be you! It could be me! It could even be-
Mod said it needs to be about fat art of trans characters, or an artist who views themselves as trans.
This is not related to any artist (maybe idk), it's just trans people in general
Alorok is the only trans artist I know and I heard it got into a polycule and was a domestic abuser
This thread is about the things that we think are wrong fats community. General talk of trans people should go over to the /Gen/ board.
*wrong with the fats community*
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Trannies can't take a Dave Chappelle joke or a Ricky Gervais jokes. Instead of getting mad at comedians, get mad a fetish art man who are exploiting gay culture for Patreon bucks instead of contributing to the cause.
>to the very few legit trans people out there, I don't hate you

Press X to Doubt
Slightly OT but I'm glad there's some inflation games out there (Bakery Bloatout, Wicked Pump, Gums Adventure) that have inflating be a positive mechanic and not just a losing stipulation. Still though, agreed that having the fetish play a positive gameplay role in general is rather lacking these days.

Nah, anon is right, if a little brazen. I personally don't hate trans people, I hate the people who happen to (maybe, legitimately) be trans that make it their entire personality and shit talk cis people unwarrantedly. There's an overabundance of those in the fats/expansion community.
Hell I would go as far as to say Chapelle and Gervais are now starting to wear out whatever good will they got over outrage recently RE:>>94912
I don't fundamentally, but I'd be lying if I said I don't stereotype them at least a little before getting to know them. They have a massively higher likelihood to be annoying attention whores and/or virtue signal for no good reason just to have an excuse to be angry. You know the type, the ones that cannot seem to stop constantly talking about how trans and oppressed they are. Mods want on-topic, here's on-topic: I cannot stand when tw*tter users cram their feeds with political movements when I'm just there to see their art and hornyposts.

I have, off the top of my head, I think four trans friends that just act like fucking normal people and have normal social interactions and likes and dislikes just like anyone else, the only difference being that they flipped/identify as the opposite sexuality from their birth. Normal people don't flaunt their sexuality around like a bludgeon or constantly talk about it; it's just part of who they are.
I'm glad we've established you have no argument. Sorry it wasn't for you, you don't have to play it, but don't poison a fresh writer's opinion when you've got no earthly idea what you're talking about
>You know the type, the ones that cannot seem to stop constantly talking about how trans and oppressed they are. Mods want on-topic, here's on-topic: I cannot stand when tw*tter users cram their feeds with political movements when I'm just there to see their art and hornyposts

Same shit on tumblr. I don't know who they're trying to convince with the political shit when their next post is like "AUGHHH BURP BELCH OOOOHH I WANNA GET SO FAT AHHHH", said with equal fervour
this fucking website is being ruined by every other post being "HAHA FUCK TRANNIES GUYS"

with how often you guys talk and moan about trans people i swear you have a secret fetish for them. literally every other post on something that can be SLIGHTLY misconstrued as not perfectly and ideally female you guys set your trannypanic alarms into full force and start a chain of spam

this website is becoming more and more a trann hatred board which if you hate them fine just stop fucking spamming other threads
maybe not all of them, but fuck you specifically :)
The truth is we've talked ourselves out by now. There's only so much ground you can cover on the topic of beating it to fat chicks.

Trannies are a topic of great morbid fascination, plus a number of popular artists claim affinity to this community, like Kip or Jeet.

If it were up to me, and probably a few others too, we wouldn't be talking about trannies at all, but at some point after 2014 or so everyone got assraped by the political radicalism boogerman and they're still bumsore about it to this day.
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The truth is, we ought to be more forthright and turn this into the Western Politics thread it was always meant to be.

So. Be real; what do you think is going to happen with Joe and Barack? During the Obama presidency arc it looked like they would be endgame, but the writers started Joe on all this enemies to lovers bullshit with Donald during the Trump arc, then ended that arc really abruptly with the Biden Election scene. Now it's just up in the air.

Joebama are my OTP but idk, the romance hasn't been so exciting since way back with Clinton & Lewinsky during the Clinton Presidency arc.
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I think boomers have finally gone senile and can't rely on parasocial relationships to keep a generation of dysfunctional angry white men in check. Biden was elected on the theory that an angry white man can win over boomers who voted for Trump, but so far it lead to angrier white men channeling the same energy as the Columbine shooter. Since boomers are incapable of taking responsibility, they opt to blame Trump even though Trump just cares about his golf game than governing. What as millions of Americans are radicalized because Congress wants to air the 1/6 people testimony. Unlike the 90s, where it was generally agreed to be a bad idea to give mass shooters notoriety, boomers have oversight in the present and is going to create more militia movements and more riots with their wall to wall coverage
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>And that's why they'll only ever be able to make shit;
Holy based.
For me it was giga cringe.
>but it does place your opinion in the minority.
Thanks, I have enough reasons to justify muh elite tastes.
Oh, and did you know that pigs are used to eating shit? We can view any place of public discussion which (forums, per se) where the linear power structure is enforced, as a form of a pig sty latrine. Hinc, whe only the positives of something are discussed, combined with obnoxious ass-licking behavior, nothing good will come out from that.
>t. picrelated
For me it's the following in no particular order of favor
>FeederFantasy 5.0
>SlaveFeeder (god-tier)
>Maid long vacation
>Raising money in town
Western RPGs:
>Heroes on a budget (looks promising)
Yeah, I'm biased on the jap side.
(72 KB, 810x1200, 1644336184560.jpg)
Sir, take your deworming pills, avoid sugary drinks and bewerages, do not eat cereals, avoid the food pyramid and reverse it, ie try out the paleo diet and generally any processing food. Don't drink bottled water or any water from the tap. Exercise a lot, and have some walks on the nature. Delete social media. Be aware that the certain ideas are pushed by certain groups to facilitate their goals.
Hope that will help you, unlike cutting your penis off.
Hope you'll understand that I made a typo with processed foods.
Why old politicians are so retarded?
Lead in the pipes, m'fren. Saturnismus, lead poisoning.
I've never seen anyone admit to being so mad before.

This, basically. I'd be fine with trans talk on /gen/ but we have folks here literally seething over the thought of them. So it's not an actual discussion, it's edgy cringe posting that belongs on Reddit.
>>94988 Yeah, I thought it was generally agreed that white dudes and Americans in general were mentally handicapped. What are you getting at? You think you could do a better job at governing a nation? Because I doubt it. How about instead of running your mouth about things that are evidently way over your head you instead purify your heart by giving it over to Christ and become a saint? That way you can help your fellow man. Whatever it is that you are doing with your life these days I can 99% guarantee to you that you aren't doing anything to help your own country but instead helping to make it worse. You may not believe what I am saying. The least you could do now is disappear.
>In my vast sagelike knowledge, I can tell you the reason why Daisy is getting a surge in art is because there's a new Mario Soccer game
There's a lot of toxicity going around that Strikers game right now because of Daisy not being revealed for it yet.
>like how Rosalina got her's with her introduction to Smash Bros.
Until last year, that was her only surge. Like I said before, Daisy has gotten several since her inclusion to Smash.
>I think the real attraction for Daisy is from her not being prim and proper like Peach or bland with the faintest personality.
I'm aware. I personally dislike Daisy because all that energy she has is too much for me, and I would prefer to keep my eardrums intact. Peach has her moments in the RPGs, and in Strikers she knows what she's got, unafraid to show herself off. And while I don't like Peach much as a character either, she makes for a great fatass because of her affinity with cake, and that the pink she wears along with her having long blonde hair goes great with her being fat.
Then there's Pauline, where it makes sense why there's not much of her. Was stuck in the Mario VS Donkey Kong games until Odyssey where she final got something, then got another round when Super Rush came out. She's also the only Mario female to canonically gain weight at least once because of an older page of the japanese manga.
Just because I know the administration looks at this thread, *please* give us back the "return to catalog" button in the upper tab that got removed in the last major update. It's a pain in the ass to have to either go to the top of the thread to find the only remaining button or go through the "boards" link and add a couple extra clicks
What is hot about Mario girls? They are like, very not sexual.
Please please please don't tell me you think this is evidence to the contrary
There is a vast majority of Nintendo girls with many dimensions and yet everyone's hard for the token princesses, even Waluigi has more character.
You know what Waluigi isn't though? A woman.
Seconded, its the same shit 24/7
>I'm aware. I personally dislike Daisy because all that energy she has is too much for me, and I would prefer to keep my eardrums intact
"I don't like the fat fetish porn of daisy because some of the few video game voicelines she has are high energy", are you fucking serious b?
Yes, and there are people who boycott characters in this community for simply not liking them, even if the art is otherwise to their liking.
Simply not liking the character is unironically a better reason.
Well, I don't like Daisy.
Apparently my ID keeps changing whenever my connection decides to shit itself. Anyhow, this threads is done now because of all those idiots talking about trans, and I'm not making the next Community Salt thread. Someone else can do it if they want it.
You know what your generic waifus are? Expendable, Mario games can work without them.

They dropped the ball when Daisy got included in a mainstream Mario game and it was that mediocre NSMB mod for the iPhone, no Super Mario Land representation in Smash is just her sharing Peach's animations rigs (so much for the queen of spinoffs), also if the commentators from Youtube haven't pointed out I wouldn't have noticed she got absent from Strikers 3. And since this is a case that Mario characters must have a fleshed out personality, it made perfect sense to have Rosalina replacing Daisy, but then those shitty sports spinoffs are worthless when it comes to Smash.
While I am a SB enjoyer, I love JP games. If you haven't I highly recommend trying Y.A.L (you are lost)

It's up there with feederfantasy/slavefeeder for me although it doesn't have a super big visual component it's got a similar "feed a bunch of NPC's" thing going alongside an actual RPG quest with three pretty fleshed out areas. Shame it hasn't been updated in forever.

I can't put slavefeeder as god tier even though I like it a lot though, that shit is bugged as hell.
I played slavefeeder after seeing you mention it earlier in the thread and was floored. That shit is ridiculously comprehensive and really proves that good writing is all you need to carry an erotic buildup/climax, kinda relit some creative flames in me

t. project manager/writer for the recent rounds of Feeder Fantasy mods
>You know what your generic waifus are? Expendable, Mario games can work without them.
You do realize I've been focusing more on the fats community and not the source material, right?

>They dropped the ball when Daisy got included in a mainstream Mario game and it was that mediocre NSMB mod for the iPhone, no Super Mario Land representation in Smash is just her sharing Peach's animations rigs (so much for the queen of spinoffs), also if the commentators from Youtube haven't pointed out I wouldn't have noticed she got absent from Strikers 3. And since this is a case that Mario characters must have a fleshed out personality, it made perfect sense to have Rosalina replacing Daisy, but then those shitty sports spinoffs are worthless when it comes to Smash.
If we're talking about the games themselves and who I'd like to play as or see be included, I'll take Waluigi and Rosalina any day over Daisy. In fact I'm hoping Daisy is left out of Battle League. They shouldn't reward all the bitching her fans have been doing, it's been obnoxious.

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