
I apologize for not noticing this thread. ):
Going to bump this thread to re-direct back to this one.
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Correction to Translation #2: Here are the actual 3-4, I apologize for the incorrect post.

>>91442 Wish I could thank the color Anon myself.
(973 KB, 1536x1071, Untitled.png)
What happened to FattyloverAnon's Love Live! translated pack? It's gone and I can only see the post through Google Cache and the only place that uploaded it is in low resolution at E-hentai
Somehow, when I set the post schedule, it set to private. It should be visible now
naked fairy --> Estrish --> Startress
Gloves fairy --> Pintu (-) ---> Beauttyssie

black haired girl -> Leticia (Leti)
Freckled girl -> Nancy

"Wassup, Beauttyssie?"

-"Whats with that speech, Startress ?
"It's from earth, i have been practicing..."

"hear me out, i want to take advantage of the judicial recess and go hang out at earth, yes?"

-"Mmmh, whatcha got in mind?"

"A bet: Whatever you want agaisnt whatever i want to whoever fattens up a teen the most, 10 points"

-"Yeah, yes, i like it... up to 155 kilos, i like it!"

4. "So we begin now!"
"Hey cheater! wait!"

-"forget it Startress ... Oh! what a interesting life,
Hello Nancy sofia!"

6. Far away from there... another day..
"It cant be shes such a rascal!"

7. "Fuck..
( I only made you gain 2 kilos in two days)
does that seem little to you?
(if you had cash id buy more food)
go to some other body!
(ya dont have ease to lard up, its but a matter of time)"

- Jose
"" Leti

"(Time for plan B...)
Plan B?"

- From the momment i took you in you havent stopped to gain weight and..

"but.. but.."

"is there nothing i can do for ya, Jose?"

- no, Leti, i think...

"Comon dont be like that.. (NOOOO!!!)

-Leti.. what?

"Comon, cutie, dont you like me?"

- Ay... yess.. come're chonky...

"Aaah yeah (SONUVABITCH!!)

-i like you.. i like you..

(I a was virgin, you cunt!)

"I think as for now ill take over total control of my body" <--- In thoughts

"Eight with fourty, miss"
Click trak trak

4. "and thats it for today.. lets go tease lil Jose and then straight home to eat something.."


"Let me go, stupid! with my hair like this i look even fatter!"


"I have gained 30 kilos!"
"I have gained 30 KILOS!"
(Shut it!)

"Only in a month.. in a single month!"

"I weight 83 kilos, i have feckles! my life is over!"
(What a drama..)

(Today is our second aniversary)

"Its been two months already..?"

"And in two months only.. so MUCH?!"

(Bah! so much? ; you are only 135 kilos...
and recently your gain has been slowing down..!)

"You are just afraid to lose your bet!"

6. (last pannel page 2)
(Today we wont go to school)

"Why not?"

(We will see a partner... to spy on her mostly)

"Is she that Startress you mentioned before? the one you made this crappy bet with?"

(Yeh, SO WHAT?!")

" Serves you right, you are really fucked up!"


"Where are we going?"

(Dunno... ad neither do you know the south zone... but thats from where i sense her signals!)

"What happens if Startress makes her girl reach 155 kilos first ?"

(Whatever she wants with me..)

"Let me move away!"

(what? dont like it?)

"Where the hell are we?"

(Shh... zip it...)


(There she is! ill cut contact with you now.. she could hear me..)

"Hey! she should weight about as much as i do... Beauttyssie?

Not the OP, but thank you!
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I translated this WG manga short, it's my time trying this so I hope the translation is alright
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great comic, is there a title for it? and who's the artist? is there an english alphabet version of the artist's name?
Looks like the artist is Kukuru100. Don't know the name of the comic.

looking through my collection it looks like this is the art style of Auroramix is that right? I have an untranslated auroramix manga from this chan:

[Auroramix (Various)] Diet wa Oyatsu no Ato de [Digital]


In case you're looking for more translating to do :D
(1.2 MB, 840x1193, 31A1197F-A536-4B17-B95C-F111B74E90BC.png) (517 KB, 700x984, A3A9AF73-60E3-41EA-8BA7-88F62E855B14.png)
To singleboost someone from a deleted thread. Any idea what either of or both of these say? Both seem to be some sort of meme (or a kink masquerading as a joke) I don’t get. It was posted in a non-inflation-fetish server and lit the whole art channel on fire for several minutes.
1st pic:
I smell some yummy sake

2nd pic:
she looks kinda heavy

I'm not terribly involved in the kemono friends fandom so I don't get the joke either, but hopefully it makes more sense to you. Both pics are mostly the same text, and I'd translate them (specifically the first) as something like this:
Ok, Calendar (Karenda? a name? idk), about that affair...
let's think about it over some donuts at home
(in english) Hey, friends, we have gift for you

1st pic:
Happy New Year, doctor~!
Nana gained weight over New Years

2nd pic:
....today seems like good meat day, huh (the 29th of each month is good meat day. meat = niku; 2 = ni, 9 = ku)
w-where are you looking when you're saying that!!

>I'm not terribly involved in the kemono friends fandom so I don't get the joke either,

I’m going to assume it’s as simple as Calenda being American to be honest. To you, >>93244, and >>94020 assuming you’re all different thanks a ton for offering translations to those in the thread.

>I smell some yummy sake

No clue how the based on a universally fat snake lady only three total pics. Guess this image’s outcome would make with the original game’s version being an alcoholic.

>Happy New Year, doctor~!
>Nana gained weight over New Years

Since this is from an artist who draws almost exclusively muscle girls I was wondering what the deal was with this. I don’t find it the most appealing picture, but with that caption I might write a story about it.

>....today seems like good meat day, huh

(798 KB, 1000x1414, p31.jpg) (718 KB, 1000x1414, p32.jpg) (717 KB, 1000x1414, p33.jpg) (804 KB, 1000x1414, p34.jpg) (557 KB, 1000x1414, p35.jpg)
Now that it's over I've translated the last few pages of Ai-san aims for 100 kg. I was getting pretty tired of the work it takes and then had the harddrive I keep this stuff on fail on me, which is why I stopped posting for a couple months.

It's done now though, so I went through the final batch in one sitting. Did not expect this to go on for as long as it did, don't think I'll be taking on any continuation if one does happen, so hopefully somebody else can take the baton if/when that happens. Learned a lot about Japanese and Photoshop through this whole thing, it was an interesting project.
(1.1 MB, 1500x1060, p36.jpg)
That all being said, given the harddrive failure I now ironically have to be the person to ask:

Can someone reupload the rest of the Ai-chan pages?

Thank you for all your work anon, its really appreciated. Great work truly!.

Also thanks for translating the fanbox stuff too!
Didn't realize this got TL'd, thanks anon.
Thanks bro. Knew

I didn't actually translate any of the Fanbox stuff, that's somebody else's work.
(5.2 MB, 2480x3508, 2.28a.jpg)
Can anyone translate these? They weren't included in the file.

what fanbox stuff? the only translated stuff I have from takaya is the ai-chan specific stuff? am I missing some side panels/art?


this is just the main ai-chan story
(42 KB, 566x800, The final page.jpg) (5.5 MB, 4963x7017, other series.jpg)
>I didn't actually translate any of the Fanbox stuff, that's somebody else's work.

Oh I never knew, well kudos to him too.

He has the main Ai-Chan and then he posts the more lewd pictures on his fanbox (most of those are translated but there are a few left that aren't). He also has another story where Ai chan and the slender blonde one are dating.

Geez if you thought American went off the deep end, you should take a look at the hentai and manga. What a nightmare
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Any kind gentleman saved the P30 from the ai-chan arc? I wasn't able to grab it in time and now it's lost to time. Much appreciated!
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did this comic ever get a translation?
I think everyone totally forgot about it
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here's the rest of them, and NO, I do not know the source
much appreciated!
My japanese is.... rusty. But you don't want that translation posted here. It says something derogatory about Africans (gaijin)
外人 (gaijin) is foreigner, has the kanji for outside and person, not specifically dergatory towards Africans

Also, if you're referring to >>99789 not presentt? I'm not sure what you mean
nice. thank you
Thanks for the good work!
Is there anyone here that can repost the Naruto Nikutsuki comic that was translated in the previous thread?
Please and thank you in advance!
>>100960 The manga looks like crap how is this good news?
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would someone be so kind as to translate this? I would really appreciate it
artist https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17693043
Excellent, thanks a lot
can we just have someone go through and translate sunny's works? all his shit is incredible and it is a shame that so much of it remains untranslated
(408 KB, 1496x2096, مسلسل حمية 2 الأول.png)
idk if this fits here, but it is a translation. I am trying to learn Arabic and I wanted to practice on translating some WG art so I can get experienced with vocabulary related to my fetish in Arabic. If there are any Arabic speaking bros here, can you let me know how I did? Does it read alright? Pretty good equivalent to the original?
Author has posted the translations in comments on the twitter.
SauceNAO is being finicky so providing them would be appreciated.
Yeah something fr is very off with that dude, some of these pics instantly trigger my gag reflex.
I'm glad the dude is on a roll with the fatposting as of late, none of those abominations in sight.
(1.1 MB, 3200x1800, 1659644755407259.jpg)
Can someone please translate this? Thanks for it in advance
Please translate the pokemon gym they make me bust a nut just by looking at them
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Threw something together for the Erika one. The sound effects in pink are just her wobbling and breathing heavily, so I threw panting into her text to represent that, since it was already packed with pauses
can any one please translate
Hey, since you guys talk a lot about manga here I wanted to ask, is there any page where I can read "This chubby girl can't stop acting like a little devil / ぽちゃ娘は小悪魔ムーブがやめられない第" (by @kohntarkf1 on twitter)? The manga is very good and already has several numbers, but in English I haven't seen anything beyond chapter 5. I wanted to ask if anyone knows where to read it even if it's Japanese.
>Skinny again at the end
I don't care when some normal manga has a character lose weight but why is outright fat fetish stuff like this so often
Translaties, then artist.
Can someone update this one?
Bought it LITERAL minutes ago
(Artist’s Ziran)

Hinata Sasaki

Over 190cm(6'3")
Over 100kg(220lbs)

Hikikomori Shotacon

Filthy Room
(403 KB, 784x1100, suzuki_kenya_1304238761346134017_20200911_110206_img1.jpg)
So I just discovered a piece by Kenya Suzuki featuring Nikuko, it appears to be a chapter of Please Tell Me Galko-Chan!. I wonder if there are more chapters past 108 that feature Nikuko and/or her mom. I know what he did, that he bought child porn and is on probation. If he doesn't do anything for the next 5 years, he's free to go. I haven't seen him upload any recent work, just pics of food and locations he's been to. I figure he's trying to be careful about uploading work since it could create suspicion on him. Best case for the series it gets continued, either through the current publisher, a new one or gets self published. Worst case it gets cancelled. I originally thought what happened with it was a hiatus due to the 2020 Covid Pandemic.
I figure this is like being a fan of Bill Cosby's acting career, Roman Polanski's films or the cartoons of John Kricfalusi. THey made awesome stuff, but have done some truly terrible things. We have this eternal struggle to separate the artist from their art. I brought it up because I figured someone would. I don't have much to contribute to the topic other than bringing it up. I just want to avoid this from being an echo chamber about how Kenya Suzuki is a pedophile. That's all it will be if I keep bringing up what he did. From this point on, I will only bring it up when it's relevant (When the charges affect the release of his work).
So I was a wrong, Kenya Suzuki did upload new stuff on pixiv fanbox and his twitter. According to his Twitter, Please Tell-Me Galko Chan is on hiatus. For the image I put up, I found it on e-hentai. I put it up here in hopes of encouraging someone to find and translate more pages. I am trying to see if there are more chapters from the manga past 108 that have Nikuko and/or her mom in them and if someone can translate those pages.
>>118013 So cute in the third one.
are any Kyuujuukyuusuke works translated into english? i can't seem to find them
Whoops, one minor translation mistake: it isn’t “well, if you’re offering it is fine,” it is more like “you don’t have to offer them or anything…”
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This is my first time doing one of these, sorry if it's not good
Here's pochakuma 6-13 and the translation for each of them in a text file. I never got down to do the typesetting.
I'll get around to translating the rest at some point

Bump. From what I can maybe kinda make out, it's just a girl getting fatter and masturbating to that fact
FattyloverAnons upload of E690BEE4B9B3E88289E5A5B4E99AB7 2B in english is gone, any backups
Nta, but can you translate It, please? I always loved nikutsuki's art but never understood moon runes
did anyone save the translation for the comic about the girl who feeds herself through a robot from the previous thread
Has anyone maybe some translated stuff from Fukuraminto?
I'd check with fattyloveranon. They did translations of the some of the other works
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Can someone translate this comic?
(3.5 MB, 4299x6071, 2.png) (3.0 MB, 4299x6071, 3.png)
Here is the rest of the comic to translate
(240 KB, 2048x1467, FqnoPOmaIAA4s3M.jpeg) (301 KB, 1998x2048, FqnoPOnakAAV2qx.jpeg)
This pair of images was captioned with feeder above it, so, naturally I'm interested in seeing if the dialogue is feederism related at all.
Punt this shit.

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