
Why are you such a squidward? Do you do it intentionally? Do you derive pleasure from others looking at you and their reaction being to think hateful thoughts?
gonna need a link to that collection for uh, verification purposes
(286 KB, 1103x1024, c0d6a39afd1e86ccb1fe3ec583c634a5.jpeg) (648 KB, 1220x1600, 3b1f0a9d6e3a5a2e86d44b7094b16167d0f100d0c642a7617920953f6bde869a.png) (619 KB, 923x1470, cf0404e3e9173122bd1e8a929b10ada3fd9f02cce2b717c270482c7291401419.jpg)
"The greatest single work of fat art" is a very broad sentence because it doesn't specify if it just includes fat people in it or if it's supposed to make your dick twitch, nevertheless here are my top 3 favorites from my fat folder.
(573 KB, 1200x900, sekiniku)
Anything by Squarewave29
(2.6 MB, 1388x1041, dex32ij-9c3f2b19-ee56-4392-b4c1-3381c5905a1b.png) (1.2 MB, 1491x1042, E4vXqORUcAMJErK.png)
woot really is the Da Vinci of fat art. His original bold in conception and strikingly original in a scene where most artists are happy to imitate.
I would also like to recognise huurinkazen for a love of fat in all its forms. Special mention to any piece of art (You) have personally commissioned.
>>91355 (OP)
Orukaniumu’s fat art is probably my favorite of all time. Too bad it’s the minority of his posts, like 3/4 of his stuff are garbage breast inflation, lactation, pokemon/furry shit, and pregnancy. Seeing a new fatpost of his is like a christmas miracle
(165 KB, 1450x2048, FRfzLnQaQAAAr66.jpg)
>>91355 (OP)
Agree that Oruka might actually be one of the absolute best, if not the best. He has everything nailed: proportions, shading, color, body fat, how body fat interacts with clothes, how gravity impacts body fat, etc. Genuinely couldn't stop staring at his most recent pic of Ranko.

To add something different, I'd probably nominate Nikoi. I think this duology (files too big for upload) by Nikoi might be one of the best I've seen period, but Nikoi and others have surprised me before by putting out something even better.


There's a warmth that few artists have in their work, but Nikoi is one of them.
(594 KB, 3582x2115, 06c6fa19270f00a032673ac90297d224790e1026e6ea0946d758a2f48e4e3f6e.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2252x1764, 3955e3bc22f58de5b6197175633d9451ea59f578498d8bfdacf8ab36878b8074.png) (68 KB, 959x834, _ko_fi__ringo_by_pinkforsythia_ddjqr47-pre.jpg) (197 KB, 1080x1080, -366323936.jpg)
To be far that's like almost impossible to show a single favorite fat peice but it's probably the mysteryDad miku art the most for quite a lot of reasons. The lighting, the softness, plumpness, ass teasing, rubbing belly. And how expressive it kinda is! Another I think is tied is the colossal Camilla art by jakbenlmbel. It has a good amount of the good things listed and I love immobile blobs so much. There like my favorite types of fat and I remember hearing someone talk about how they love being powerless and being covered in your fat in fat art and I should have that mindset to. The art in question may not be as kinky or expressive but there's always stuff to love about these comfortable places of art! Also the other not listed are close runner-ups.

Thank you for sharing.
(451 KB, 916x872, imagen_2022-05-14_150013624.png)
Aside from the fact that I am obviously a Remfag.
I wholly, truly and genuinaly belive that the first Rem from Wenisberry is the single most perfect piece of FA.
He captures the softness in such a beutifulway, like little fat dough of melting butter, I love the little folds and proportions he gave Rem, i love the subtle and gentle cheek fat around her mouth, the characteristic doble-chin of disappearing neck, how it engulfs her face (and even the ear!). The way her fatness swallows her bikini and just melts in the ground is gorgeous.
This good sirs, is the single greatest peace of FA in existence, Rem aside, I just ADORE how he captures fatness
(292 KB, 1004x1618, 1646872595311.jpg)
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet by others , but god this sent me for years
(539 KB, 900x2416, A80901FC-4165-4A53-993F-BBB9C533C528.jpeg)
This is one of the 1st pics that got me into the fetish years ago and i still come back to it. Every frame is hot as hell (especially the 4th panel with that ass) and the premise is simple but effective. There’s also a pretty good dub of it on newgrounds
(53 KB, 567x461, 142092721432.jpg)
I was 16 years old when this image was new.
(289 KB, 1280x1697, E52062DA-48E6-4FA2-84D6-8CE300043CDC.jpeg)
Definitely this. Would like to meet a woman with these proportions. It wasn’t enough that Umi was “noticeably fatter than usual”, but what makes it even better are the different angles shown in this one page from a comic Trinity-Fate did years ago
(3.1 MB, 2533x3326, 1652217966783.jpg)
This one never fails to make me go feral.

If I had Elon levels of cash, I'd probably buy the entire artist out right and make them pen my wildest fantasies.
(2.3 MB, 2000x2247, e38.png)
This is it. The best of the best. This is the peak of Fat Art.
Bambooales entire gallery
(which I will now upload, even though its a tad bit outdated )
(140 KB, 520x480, immobile_ssbbw_ayeka___by_dowhatnow_by_iamasupersaiyan4_d6v463r.jpg)
Had to find this from a reupload but DoWhatNow was one of the best to ever do it, real sad he dropped off the internet. This was one of the pics that started everything for me. There's a Mihoshi pic he did as well that seems to be harder to find.
Bro u got great taste
(4.0 MB, 4500x3200, ddy8r0r-ce6af81d-9a36-4fb1-aa87-b851cb18c99d.jpg) (134 KB, 1280x990, batgirl_commission_by_ffanumber5_deh6gez-fullview.jpg) (76 KB, 1024x860, oh_look__a_cat_shelf_by_thedookus_deckyb4-fullview.jpg) (199 KB, 1920x1461, samus_wg_drive_finale__clothed_version__by_gollygeo_deagj18-fullview.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1536x5866, dekzgy6-ae3df0d4-9eae-40e2-9adb-e90a2c8e5769.png) (915 KB, 1280x1319, chubby_bunny_by_better_with_salt_de4wwq4-fullview.png)
it was incredibly hard to narrow down, but i'd say these are my candidates (the whole gollygeo sequence that samus pic belongs to is probably the #1 but it's hard to say)
(1.5 MB, 2858x4096, 20220517_131842.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2390x3010, 20220517_131733.jpg)
These two by licensed sizemologist, got me diamonds not only because of the size and shapes, but the colors are so damn beautiful,the second could actually be in a gallery tbh.
>ITT: anons with the worst taste imaginable
Then show us your favorites then.
who made the 4th one?
If I'm not mistaken, that's Pewbutt
(155 KB, 1280x1411, 1.jpg) (170 KB, 1280x1510, 3.jpg) (127 KB, 1280x1259, 5.jpg)
All of these are so good, but to me, seeing May being a cute airhead and binge herself into oblivion is some of the most hottest things I've seen in a long while
(808 KB, 426x306, 01ED825D-F718-444D-9850-511766C6BF32.gif)
As a wg main (started with tf stuff and have to use before and afters most of the time), this is the pinnacle. I also really like Nikoi, Biroon jr, Pew, woot, toro and this one Japanese artist posted in years. I miss that old wg geocities.
Who’s the artist of the fourth one?

(1.7 MB, 2894x4093, 648DF15A-5E8E-4B55-A7D3-B076AC961CB7.png) (2.4 MB, 2894x4093, 4098136E-F9FD-4B17-A044-100D31C7C7B6.png) (2.0 MB, 2894x4093, DC5811EF-8B3D-4C94-B9F0-9FCB074D1E20.png) (1.8 MB, 2894x4093, 40F151D8-2B9D-4D0D-AE8B-A307A1E4A1BA.png) (2.5 MB, 2894x4093, 119C4169-58B6-48D3-B10C-A8950F0F0AB8.png)
This role reversal comic from BWS is so godly. Not only is the original fat girl still pretty big at the end of it, her originally fit roommate is way bigger than she ever was.
Yeah, BWS really knocked it out of the park in all honesty. There are always a bunch of retards in the BWS thread and in the comments of his Patreon always making inane content wishes or saying that any comic he did could have been better and this one was no exception, but this was god tier.
I don't blame them for not being optimistic about Tipping the Scales when it was shown to be a Role Reversal comic. It's something most artists are straight forward with, making it an exact weight swap with no surprises. While I think he could've gone further with the weight difference at the end, it's a definite step in the right direction for the genre. Far better then Losing Control which never went anywhere.
This is the exact kind of retardation I'm talking about. The balance of detail and "cheap out" in the artwork that allowed him to have consistent release timing, the pacing that improved considerably from Losing Control, and the end result that wasn't the typical 1:1 swap - which is a spoiler from the get-go for 1:1 swaps anyway - isn't just a step in the right direction, it's execution that I haven't seen anyone else pull off successfully for a comic hands down and I've had this hellscape of a fetish since the AnimeExpansion days.

Instead we get the absolute NUTTIEST forms of whinging because the weight swap wasn't exactly like all the other three dozen weight swaps that have been done in the past by various other artists, completely ignoring all of the god tier aspects of it that made the comic highly fappable and a cut above anything else. Give me a break.
Can't tell if you're referring to the usual handling of weight swap or me as retardation, but it sounds like you and I share the same grievances towards it.

I wish BWS added more details to his works that shows how fat and heavy a fat woman is, like the Rem image or the Peach sequence that were posted earlier in this thread.

I was the writer of that subpar fic and seeing how I wrote it in either late junior high/early high school, yes, it was subpar lol
100%, Da Vinci is probably the weakest of the big Renaissance artists, I'm no art expert but his colours and shadows and detail and shit don't look as good as Caravaggio or someone
>>91355 (OP)
impossible to pick a single thing but as for one artist... pewbutt maybe?
Yeah, I was pretty much just adding whatever thing I was really into at the moment. It was so blatant looking back on it now.

"I Really like Guitar Hero and Rock Band! What if the Titans start a band?! Oh, I just watched Evil Dead 2 for the 50th time? Time to make the Titans fight Deadites!"

and so on and so forth :P
i mean the black haired girl has the right body for gutting with a chainsaw. that would be better than the whole fucking comic
Seek mental help
bro thinks hes patrick bateman
(96 KB, 1024x1477, big_round_belly_by_lordaltros_dbec5tt-fullview.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1280x1563, 1502436282.tach0012_ryousakaiart_kate_tumblr_oug1uhievu1tjk5vto4_1280.png)
Something about this image by LordAltros is just utterly arresting to me.
The spoilered image is furry, but it's an incredible pic of Tach0012's Kate that is just simply too good not to share in such a thread and fits the bill. One of my favourite anthro pics, hands down (artist was a chap by name of Ryou Sakai).
i read that in bateman's voice
Impressive, very nice
(331 KB, 2441x1885, obeese_by_hypnagogum_d7tfgek.jpg)
For me, it's this image right here

>absurdly-huge lower body versus thin/chubby upper body
>prominent stretch marks/cellulite
>sweat all over
>the fabled triple-belly (smaller upper roll + big lower roll that's bunching up in the middle)
>legs so fat they're cuffing on the thighs and calves
>upper half is normally-clothed, while lower half is almost nude, belly is way too massive to contain in any respect
>eating some radioactive-looking shit by the fistful
>absolutely no fucks given and/or actively enjoying it

I couldn't give two shits about Bee and Puppycat the actual show, but this image is fucking exquisite to me
Source on goth girl?
this is more of an artist version but LWB-after-dark is a good artist in my opinion
Petrified rock has a better opinion.
Rock is rock. It’s petrified by definition.
(453 KB, 929x1229, wg.jpg)
To me, it has to be the Ayano's comic by Fusa. I have like zero complain about the comic in general. Everything feels perfect
THAT SECOND ONE (put positive words here, I can’t)
This here is amazing, but I cannot find any more...
(230 KB, 1240x1694, IMG_0129.jpg)
I know, ew axel, but this one always makes my unga

I actually like some of his bbw/stuffing stuff, and he actually seems like hes improved on that front lately, its the shitty art pack formula, scummy behavior, and diapers that get me. (Pig tf is based af tho)
(89 KB, 884x904, cm__goddess_of_indulgence_by_cookies_cat_dcpbt7u-pre.jpg) (668 KB, 1650x2550, cb388dfcc0e7df196d6f0698ce9c4a242ebf6ec5509920b418a4907f50b077b9.png) (165 KB, 1280x1458, conniewolf55 - unknown - Ling Xiouyu.jpg) (622 KB, 2800x2200, c0d5acbed1b11b75b10a4f0da8df26f3b4c2151c465f64507013cc5676f65aee1.png) (1.4 MB, 2891x3768, c8f9dc389cfc8637c6322e72af4be0a4-imagejpeg.jpg) (4.0 MB, 2480x3508, 3cdb5abd412730a3e657a8a5b218ad48662bc0d67ea26292dc3fad07ff6291fb.png)
>blueberry girl's mom
Is there a de-bluefyied version?
(5.8 MB, 3649x4535, a_day_at_the_beach_by_trinity_fate-d8fd8eh.png)
there's lots of good stuff in this thread:
- woot for doing great pixel-ish art and body types >>91378 & scenarios that leave imagination running wild >>91424
- mira who manages each of his girls looking incredibly soft at any size >>91469
- oruka who really knows his stuff >>91618 >>96934
- jouzi, also great art and concepts >>94580 (3rd)
- japanese 3d model dude >>94580 (4th)
- honourable mention: satsurou >>93478
and lastly trinity fate's great proportions >>97363, >>93507 and also this one

picking a single greatest work is hard and by no means objective but I'd probably end up with one of trinity fate's non-furry artworks
(2.0 MB, 1600x1281, beached_meat_by_miramiraclerun_dddg9t8-fullview.png) (1.0 MB, 3588x3766, df6oiqs-f87992d2-2c6e-4036-afba-7b7105f3e8ec.jpg)
Mira doesn't just make women big like most others do, but also makes them actually look like they're soft and fat too. It's why I like him more then someone like BWS, who doesn't make use of the softness aspect as well as Mira does. TheBreadGuardian is another artist who also does softness very well. He's come a long way from coloring the works of others, and truly came into his own.
Also I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Rubens yet
isnt the second picture the cover art for the holy bible my the manic street preachers lmao
lmao i never post here but yeah it is, thought the same exact thing- such a good album
(182 KB, 1500x1500, 71MXG2iWUdL._SL1500_.jpg)
Agreed, PCP is my favorite track, it ahead like a fine wine. I also heard that this was the last album made with Richey Edwards as the band's lyricist before he went missing/died in February 1995
I like how you didn’t include the part where she gets pregnant, lmao.
(844 KB, 1263x893, 1497913166132.png)
It's hard to pick just one, but I find this one's my go-to. Not that I really care for Touhou, but it embodies what I want irl from a partner: fat (but not too fat), happy, well fed, and just wants to relax and let it all hang out. Maybe no wolf ears, though.
Now that’s peak right there. Can you post “fatfished?” That sounds good too
Dogshit in quality. I wonder what kind of rock was used to pulp your frontal lobe. How could you ever come to the conclusion that this is anything above C-tier art.
(139 KB, 959x834, tinder_date_3_by_whoamitheman10_dfadu19-pre.jpg)
For starters: The psychopath dyke managed to make her DA account locked up like in madhouse room, so it's impossible to obtain her decent quality shit, there's no simply a "Download" button (Thank DeviantArt's Everyone is a Renaissance Artist update bullshit). Also it was this or Saxxon's, you see what I mean it's a rare kink? You'll most likely stumble with even more shitty RWBY fats because it's the birthday of one those forgettable protagonists, no wonder why chubby chasers are like the 4th place of rock bottom fetishes along with lolifags and the cartoon gags fetish.
(252 KB, 1350x950, orihime_page_11_last_panel_by_satsurou-d2z05oz.jpg)
Satsu's fat Orihime, this one frame in particular, enough said.

This is the pic that legit got me into the kink, when I was younger I kept going back to it regularly to simply... stare in confused amazement, trying to process what I was feeling and trying to make sense of why did I like this pic so much, until the years went by and I finally understood it. This pic feels truly timeless to me and I could never lose it, forever changed how I see the character in ways I couldn't be happier with LMAO

Since the thread mentions "Mona Lisa", I'd take this a few steps further and say that Satsu was probably the Da Vinci of fat art for sure, this guy basically INVENTED good fat art at his prime, I feel his pics are essentialy timeless as a result.

This guy's darws from 2009 kick pretty much most fat artists i've seen out of the water, like few even come close to this guy's level of excellence, a shame he had to go.
Even his old ass sketches can wake you up, not fap worthy compared to the era when he discovered Photoshop, but why is some of his stuff getting deleted? Ironically KnowYourMeme has some of them archived.
Who made the May comic?
I see what you mean. Orihime Gains Weight (and that little sequence of the catgirl on the scale) were totally brainwave-altering back in the day for me. Especially for the time, really great clean digital inks and colors combined with a skillful depiction of size and scale.
Did they rig her breasts?
(270 KB, 2048x1536, media_EETR-OfUEAAUQpR.jpg)
Too bad Kawaiidebu's feed is filled with really dumb shitposting, making it difficult to find his drawings.
(877 KB, 2700x3000, Masterpiece.jpg)
>>91355 (OP)
This is one of if not my favorite, there's so much going on with so much attention to detail, the sweat beads, the rolls, the lust mixed with gluttony, the several sizes of fat, the way the hands interract witht the fat, the fact that the chick whose taller than galko has tip toe just to get around her massive ass, i could just go on
I never understood whats supposed to be oozing out of the tits in art like this. I see it so often in fat or stuffing art as if what theyre eating is oozing out their tits, always kinda grosses me out.
cream, because they're so fat cream would come out instead of milk
>>107323 cough cough StrangerMoist

the trick is to use the twitter downloaded extension to mass download all their pics at once
>>107442 I'm still bothered by what the Galko mangaka did. He could've made more chubby chasers but nope, he didn't.
It was totally obvious since Gal-ko's mannerisms are off for a teen girl and Gal-ko's sister fell for the porn loving otaku.
These images are probably older than a majority of the people on this site. That's a terrifying thought...
(1.7 MB, 8900x5928, Lucy_Stuffing20.png.JPG) (402 KB, 1683x2164, Lucy_Stuffing22.png.jpg) (80 KB, 662x837, Lucy_Stuffing10.png.JPEG) (1.8 MB, 1655x2216, Scale_Sei (1).PNG)
I know this is going to be a controversial opinion but I gotta say the Lucy's stuffing comic. I'm gonna be honest this one comic changed my life. I discovered aspects of myself I never thought I had through this stupid fucking fetish.

If this isn't enough there's also this too. Honestly I got many ideas for the best fat art ever made but for the sake of me not being banned for being a faggot I won't post them all here
He sometimes does accordion necks, which isn't pretty to look at. Everything below the neck is usually good though
this is a safe space anon, it is not usual for people here to comment in detail about how they feel but it would be great to hear something like that more often
(471 KB, 1826x2000, 1641757920037.jpg) (2.3 MB, 4071x3782, StuckGettingIn.png)
Spoilering in case this isn't for this board but:
1st image:
>Cum induced weight-gain (Instead of Cum-Inflation)

2nd image:
>Fat ass/pear shaped and stuck because of it (Love the idea of taking advantage)
>Double Belly Roll
(235 KB, 800x991, Kaiserin_Maria_Theresia_(HRR).jpg)
1. its all subjective and thus impossible for anyone to come to any conclusion on that front unless we put together some international thicc art committee
2. Maria Theresa got it better
Thanks for sharing this. Photo realistic fat art is rare.
I asked the DeviantArt user who posted these (EmilyWithLove) what AI they used on one of their submissions and they disabled the comments on all their submissions lol
(120 KB, 406x568, IMG_3910.JPG)
damn and I thought I was the only one who thought this way about this art piece. Honestly the best fat art that features these two to this day in my opinion.

G-nibbles is one of those artist where I like their old stuff better than their new stuff. Everything pre-2012 is diamonds to me. Some of his new stuff can be good but its no where as great to me.
man i really wish there were more yumeko fats out there
its AI generated you dingus
He never said it wasn't, he said it was photo realistic, which it is.

Being AI generated doesn't change that, and it's a good outcome.
(2.2 MB, 2029x2280, 24B56098-2931-49B0-8DFF-9E738D5A5A76.png)
This definitely gets a lot of bonus points for being Mai, but it is still super hot even if it wasn’t her. Gonna be coming back to this one a lot.
Technically it's something you'd see at a museum.

I mean, I haven't recognized it was Mai at first and I thought it was hot af.

Then I was told it was her. I mostly recognized the hair style and that's it.

It's mostly a very hot pic.
Can put that first one unders spoilers? This is supposed to be a no penis zone.
I was just about to post that exact page myself, you have absolutely *incredible* taste.
(215 KB, 1280x1820, 1.jpg) (389 KB, 1280x1820, 3.jpg) (311 KB, 1280x1820, 4.jpg) (402 KB, 1280x1820, 5.jpg) (326 KB, 1280x1820, 2.jpg)
found this on nhentai, absolutely bloody red gem

Ayako's Weight Gain [SpellsX]
(421 KB, 1280x1820, 6.jpg) (316 KB, 1280x1820, 7.jpg) (335 KB, 1280x1820, 8.jpg) (314 KB, 1280x1820, 9.jpg)
Oops, I forgot the website messes up the order of things sometimes. Well, it's 1-3-4-5-2. For these, these are in order now.
Im sorry nigga but theres aren't S tiers
theyre Shit tier
True that. Ironically enough, when it was being made, so did the popularity of the BWS thread, always hyped for a new page.
Nowadays it's all whingeing about Lucyguy Lucyguy Lucyguy. "Oh REbeCcA AnD LUcY, TheRE'S tOo mUCh oF iT!" They'd say. Is there anything that satisfies them?
Why bring this up here? Wrong thread for it.
(92 KB, 1280x1083, 652.jpg) (104 KB, 1163x1539, 646.jpg) (93 KB, 1180x1040, 124.jpg) (100 KB, 1170x1396, 123.jpg) (73 KB, 1247x993, 213.jpg) (111 KB, 1280x1074, 89.jpg)
Nikutsuki has become one of my favorite BBW artists of all time recently, so much so that it was hard for me to find just 6 and put in 1 post, so I had to make this a trilogy... oops...
Well, I made sure to spoil them all just in case...
(2.7 MB, 4953x3420, 8DD59E7B-EAE5-45D8-AD32-02D1DFCBC932.jpeg)
This sends my brain full unga-bunga mode.
Mai, combined with the bursting out of the outfit, combined with the burp all makes for full monkey mode for me.
(235 KB, 1535x2048, D7194602-86D9-48EF-B859-31207BB31B25.jpeg)
Alot of you guys have no taste lmao. If would be sad if it wasn't so ludicrous. Literal chicken scratch and such. Can't blame you. Many of you boomers were on the early onslaught of early internet porn and Satan's army were being a bit lazy on their attacks. But still rose tinted glasses or not alot of these are just kinda sad.
>Chris Farley woman
What's next, Birdie?
(1.6 MB, 3500x3500, Nem comm.png)
Always appreciated this one. Guy who made it was a bro too.
Neither of those women ever had talent, so they were already Chris Farley's.

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