
(17 KB, 282x282, 1650247382498.jpg)
This shouldn't have gotten a thread, there's only 3 or 4 pics with no real traction.
yay a thread dedicated to "insert overrated waifu of this month"
There's at least two more of the mother and one of Anya.
considering the fact she is a fucking CHILD, that is beyond disturbing
god no this is a stupid way to do a thread
The other option is Anya the child, so you're gonna have to choose.
(3.1 MB, 533x300, cPutXZh.gif)
>Anya becoming a doughy glob of peanut butter after discovering all the tasty snacks made from it
You'll hug her and never want to let her go.
wait whats the plot of this anime?
Wiki says a spy is trying to get close to a target but he has to make a family to pull it off; and so he adopts Anya and marries Yor. Sounds like Japanese "Mr & Ms Smith" mixed with "We're the Millers" but with the good laugh from seeing twatter being incapable of seeing a happy family as anything but disgusting porn.
please find the easiest possible way to kill yourself and do it promptly, thanks
Calm down it's a drawing.
Peanut butter would definitely be the best thing to fill Anya with
Imagine telling someone to kill themselves over lines on paper.

You the kinda psycho twitter user who sends death threats to artists when they draw stuff you don't like.
drawing of a sexualized child. ¯\_(•_•)_/¯
by that logic it would be ok to draw cp.
(44 KB, 320x401, 1616616202081.jpg)
The more you get me thinking about this, the more you make me want to watch this or read the manga to think of more ways to use a plump telepathic loli because now you got me laughing at the idea of Anya's wide ass sitting on her fathers lap and freaking out when the thought of cutting down on all the peanut butter pops into his head from how heavy she has gotten.

Why are you here if you believe fictional beings are real people; this place is a den of deviants who brainwash, molest, rape, kill, cannibalize, and genetically alter the DNA of fictional characters.
your point?
what made you assume i believe that fictional characters are real people? that's just stupid.
it doesn't matter whether its real or not, it's completely disgusting to depect children in a sexual way. it's just common sense.

Ok, I find this morally reprehensible, but you can't just say this without providing a source
As someone who's been following the manga since it started, you don't know how happy I am that everyone immediately latched onto Yor because of the anime. She really deserves it.
(112 KB, 828x708, C87C5E00-5A01-4D48-B2B5-654E31DE3928.jpeg)
This artist has twitter but I don’t remember the name, if you want a lead his instagram is mr.mai4rt

A higher quality gif would be more appreciated

Correction it’s mr_mai4rt
That file names giving me ptsd flashbacks to yo mama threads anon why?
This isn’t just a pic it’s full animation if anyone is wondering
Bruuuuh, wtf?
>>96597 i 2nd that like you couldn't even get a good artist to do it?
did it have to be mistystuffer
like bruh i can do better then this
Bruh what the fuck is this shit
(2.1 MB, 480x360, ff7.gif)
Why am I not surprised
He's still around? I'm shocked he hasn't already disappeared from the internet at this point.

He's making crap like this at what age now?
(119 KB, 444x440, 1374796030634.png)
At this point I'm convinced that Mistystuffer is an ancient immortal cringe demon that who will outlive us all.
(45 KB, 444x444, 444.gif)
the ancient evil never went to sleep
You... son of a bitch, what the fuck is wrong with... who the fuck made this!?
(3.3 MB, 960x520, 1628979488228.webm)
>ancient immortal cringe demon
He barely counts as a B rank demon at this point, even when you exclude actual immortal legends. He seems to have lost a good bit of his interest in fattening girls.

>who the fuck made this
A riddle as indecipherable as how the Crystal Skulls were created.
I hope MS draws her bigger
No fucking way lol

Dudes probably in his 40s by now STILL drawing the same shit style. I
(214 KB, 486x480, 1652644826141.png)
That isn't an art style you twat, that's a lack of skill. In the decades of his existence, he hasn't once shown any interest in learning the basics and when called out on his bad art, he resorts to the lazy (art is subjective/it's just your opinion, it's a style) and coddling (fans kissing his ass and defending his garbage) bullshit that pervades every corner of the WG community today.
I have a good feeling you posted this just for the reactions.
Sources for both of them?
Anyone got the NSFW version of the first pic?
I haven't seen anything to do with MS in well over a decade yet the art still looks the exact same, jesus christ.
Triggered people in 3, 2 ,1...
>>97810 rightfully so mate
what the fuck
there's a separate board for pedo faggots like you, just stay there ffs. we don't wanna see your shit.
These anons need everything explained to them like if they're not even humans. The problem people have had since everything went to shit isn't a matter of being part of a "club". I wouldn't personally mind if her content sucked because I like her huge boobs and I think she's sweet, but only as long as she were being genuine. Nevermind the fact that most anime fans feel like anime has already been destroyed both inside and outside of japan fans think that. It was a forseeable event that some actively tried to prevent. Without getting into the specifics of sabotage and what it means within an industry or its usual preventive measures like anti-monopoly laws and anti-trust or anti-consumer laws, the only thing these fans ever cared about was the quality of the anime and the prices and that is because it's something they loved. Some grew up with it. Others, they would pick up a manga to be reminded of simpler times. Many of them were manga artists themselves. Though all of these many different people disagreed on almost everything they came together against this most heainous foe as soon as it reared it's ugly head everybody knew that things were beginning to change and that it was likely part of a master plot to destroy anime in America from within.

Most people probably first noticed something was afoot with the emmergence of e-thots and cosplay earlier on when places like youtube were mostly used by weebs. Even though outsiders took offense to this notion of a "club" as nerds being unreasonably over protective of an art form they called fandom, a simple look in the mirror would've been all that was needed to reveal the monetiastic whore that weebs were so afraid of, and with just cause. Within a decade the face of anime would be transformed into an abomination. An abomination that very well could've been made in china. These ideas of inclusivity, internationalism, and "kawaii" got rid of everything that was good and unique about professional anime.

Right about that time people thought that with the web they could make do. Then what happened? Artists began infiltrating these markets as well putting on the disguise of a weeb in order to sell anime and hentai online. Places like Cartoon Network started changing their styles trying to copy anime because of its proported popularity. Video games became garbage. All of it because anime became popular and whores love money.

It's not that these nerds were trying to keep out newcomers from the joys of the fandom. It is the disengenuity of "westerners" that weebs hated and had always been running away from. Destroying everything they touch with their tiny femboy fingers for a few mesely dollars and then jumping onto the next penis to suck on. Take one look at what has happened online to places like youtube and I dare you to tell me I am wrong with a straight face.

The people who purchase most anime and hentai these days are not the real weebs. I don't know who they are but a real weeb would never buy art from someone they don't know for sure is a real weeb.

It doesn't matter how good your sketch is if your style is copied and disengenous. It's about heart. And if you are going around copying other people's styles then you ain't got no heart. And that is what we call "shadow". Barely human. The void in the darkness of the night
Sir this is porno board for jacking off to fake women.
Isn't this guy a pedo or something? As in lusting after real children?
Wow really? I couldn't possibly tell by his drawing :O I am flabbergasted by this revelation
Posting fat Anya in this thread at least makes more sense than posting fat Loid like this idiot >>98955
There are lolicons that keep that shit to themselves and those that become actual kiddie diddlers. I don't defend the former but the latter are, well y'know, more worrying and all.
Sexualizing children is cool and all but how DARE somebody sexualize a (spoiler tagged) MAN! Are they trying to turn us all GAY!?
(1.3 MB, 2650x2000, Yor.png)
Does anyone have the spicypaw yor sequence?
Fat male, fat kids, and the spoilers are of a fat toddler. The fuck is wrong with you?
After taking some time to look through this thread, there's a few fats of that pink haired little girl here. There's some nasty pedophiles in this thread.
If we’re gonna be putting Anya in this thread at least age her up to an adult. Not whatever pedo shit has been going on.
(2.7 MB, 2141x2041, rxs1.png)
Time to trigger some twitards.
Honestly? When you keep the creeps out of your head and focus in Yor, fat Anya isn't a concern more than a bother.

Anyways. Not enough Twilight.
The biggest problem with Spy X Family art isn't fattening Anya, it's that everyone else that isn't Yor is being ignored; there has to be other women beyond Yor in that anime.
Nightfall and Paula (Paula? Yor's coworker, I think her name was Paula) are right there, but since most artists are Anionlies... It's MHA all over again
Becky is super cute, hopefully they get some content soon
As if you lolifags are tolerable people, stay away from preschoolers.
>since most artists are Anionlies
What? Is that what people are calling the group that jump on something for a character but never touch the anime or manga?
It's anime only watchers, not touching the manga.
>>102602 I'm the opposite, where I'm almost always manga only.

Preference aside, is the series any good?
Pretty good, actually.

It's not reinventig the wheel, and there are more series that do the things SxF does better than SxF, but it's very funny and actually heartwarming. Very wholesome stuff
can respect a beginner artist but this is like the level behind that. this looks like it was printed out, crinkled a bit, and THEN rescanned. literally how does that even happen in this type of style jesus
Calling the original artist a pedo was a bit too much raging, but the sole act is based
Considering Anya is questionably 6 and could be younger, no I think calling him a pedo is valid
She's a fictional drawing you autist.
Its still a sexual attraction to character thats made to resemble a child in looks and writing. It doesnt matter much if she's fictional its still the qualities of a child
my man why would you, on your own free will, post this
Just thought I share it here
Sauce? Nao and Yandex give me nothing.
Look at the sequence again. You'll find the artist's mark.
(351 KB, 642x515, 1-287569694.png) (305 KB, 562x515, 1-1233789346.png)
We need more drawings of these ladies Yor Forger is hot as fuck but there other ladies in spyx family
Stop posting these shitty childrens drawings bro. Here and in the other threads you've polluted.
106638 you fuck off and my art is my art can share it if I feel like bro you rando's popping here insulting my art every chance you get if don't want to look at don't look at and keep you nasty comments to yourself
102814 posted all art of my Yor Forger who that person is seems to like my art
You can't even direct your comments correctly. How old are you?
I type fast everybody makes mistakes you rando's
All do is post one pic of my art then you random haters come out of nowhere saying oh this is trash this crappy art again I like to see some try and draw and post here bro like fuck off I get it when I started off I admit my art was trash but now I'm to improve here give me a break
There are two threads that think your art is absolute dogshit (this one and the OP thread). If I were you, I’d start off with DeviantArt, they value simple circles than here.
Hey rando's if you don't like my art then all just not post here no more but if somebody posts my art here take it up with them and leave me out of it
Because this is like a weird annoying habit you people have as soon as post my art here it's nasty comment attack time
Like I said just need more drawings of Camilla and Sharon
I respect the effort and all but how tf do we leave you ‘out of it’? It was your choice posting these, now you have to face the harsh reality of it.
Like said 102814 whoever that is posted my art here it was never me somebody out there liked my art enough to post it here
104199 and recent Camilla art is me who posted it
Feels like a toddler drew this and that's an insult to the toddler
See what I mean more nasty bs comments how does that look like a toddler drawing
because a toddler has no sense of proportions, facial structures or fat distribution on a body, much like the drawing. colored poorly with overlapping lines much like a toddler with a crayon and with shitty grammar
What the fuck are you talking about the grammar makes perfect sense get your nasty ass out of here that's it whoever likes art try not to post it here I'm done with this site and these dumbass comments
Dude, just stop. We don't want to see your shitty crayon "Drawings".

Also that first image is inflation.
106929 shut the fuck up it not me posting it here
Why in your right mind would you ever want to post the 2nd and 4th "drawings" even a toddler can draw better stuff than that
Oh my fucking god, this stuff is pure shite. I could draw better, and wearing a blindfold at that
That's an insult to the shite
(2.4 MB, 3153x2448, Yor ENG.jpg)
New drawing I just made!
Yor may be an excellent assassin but not such a good liar.

Honey grab the bleach
Get that inflation shit out of here.
Fuck you for not hiding Loid under spoilers.
I'd like to see more of this blobby Yor
Dude! Delete that post! No children allowed!
Are you a fucking idiot or what!? Goddamnit you pedophiles
Then I reckon you'll love Emi Isuzu, if you don't already know about her
Anyone have the Yor sequence anastimafilia did?
What the fuck is this shit? Seriously, nobody reports loli art anymore?
Loli isn't banned; why do you think the Pokemon and Mega Man threads are totally untouched.
Any one got this file i've been tryna find it but no luck.
She’s literally 5, wtf I mean we’re all degenerates here but you need to not be allowed near schools
She literally doesn't exist, you fucking idiot.
Its Spy X Family related, and that's it. To keep this thread alive, need to give it content
You're probably one of those faggots who justifies males getting posted using that same logic even though there's a whole board dedicated to them. Fuck off you nasty pedo.
"kill yourself, now."
- Some douchey black guy who sucks at videogames.
someone please get rid of this post and the person behind the computer to make the vile decision to even post this garbage
So you aren't gonna talk about that shitty drawing of Yor lifting weights yet you draw the line at lolis? The mods are literally useless, asking them to delete this won't change anything
Schizo, you need to go out and touch grass if a fucking picture is making you this angry.
You had the bright idea of clicking on a spoiler image so who’s at fault
People should say why they're putting something under spoilers, so it's more >>115014's fault. Shouldn't get mad at someone for losing a coin flip.
Nah, y'all niggers for getting heated over Mistystuffer's shitty art
idk man but the real schizo here is the likes of you who think mistystuffer's shit is wank-worthy
Honestly? I cannot stay mad at that last drawing... It's so well done and I freakin hate it for it XD
i can lmao, still pedo shit if an ai did it
We found the pedophile
If you are gonna call me a pedo, better make it funny.
Anyways, we need more fat Loid. That or Handler. Why is there NO Handler fat art? It's beyond me.
maybe because this BBWdraw not BHM, ALT, or EE, fuck off pedo
Sheesh, I see this thread suddenly became twitter...
Also, Handler is Loid's boss, Sylvia. Just so you know.
Why do you keep consistently posting this ms paint shitshow you fucking brainlet
Because he has no fucking brain. He also blocked me on Deviantart after I criticized his monstrosities lmfao
>>116358 lol, also I will say, maybe it's not so bad ai art is blowing up in popularity, at least an ai can draw better then this xD
Fuck all nasty bastards and don't come on my page talking shit I'll Block all your asses you bitch ass kids!😈😤🖕
Oh no, the kid got angry! What are gonna do, guys?
Fuck yeah, let's do a raid
Fuck however banned me from this site y'll are bullies bro and seriously the reason shitposting this is the second time however the idiot is banning me from this site like fuck off and get a life bro
Whoever banned me from this site is fucking stupid and has no life and really the reason shitposting seriously bro
Are these AI generated and then edited after
(395 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, pink hair, panties, short, small breasts, big belly, child, pregnant, [bad hands], [multiple hands], embarrassed, s-1378956948.png) (425 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, pink hair, pajamas, short, small breasts, big belly, sitting on bed, child, torn clothes, s-2102851108.png) (534 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, pink hair, pajamas, short, small breasts, gigantic belly, sitting on bed, child, torn clothes, s-2494504938.png) (460 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, {plump}, big belly, child, pink hair, pajamas, short, small breasts, sitting on bed, midriff peek, midriff peek stuffed, [bad hands] s-1026844920.png) (406 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, fat, {big belly}, stuffed, pink hair, panties, short, small breasts, child, [bad hands], [multiple hands], embarrassed, sleeping, s-131246655.png) (475 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}},fat, {obese}, pink hair, underwear only, petite, small breasts, large belly, younger, loli, [bad hands], eating, s-1682707150.png)
there's a loli thread in alt, why you gotta do anya like this...
They're spoilered and labeled.

Why did you have to click them knowing what was inside? Hmm?
this belongs to /bbwalt/ how is this still up
I mean it is from spy x family I suppose
My problem is someone is drawing a five year old in a fetish manner. I'm all for adults in content but not kids
I think he doesn't give a shit about that
2nd and 3rd images are Inflation, not Weight Gain.
mfw new Yor Forger but it's just ai art
the art is great but whats with this horrible ass resolution
some were too large so had to screenshot some of them, and the bonus pages are just really small
Take you meds schizo.
Not everything in this thread has to be just Yor, faggot.
(457 KB, 512x768, masterpiece, {{{{yor briar}}}}, thick thighs, blush, red dress, pink hairband, on couch, {{{{{{{fat}}}}}}}, s-3811877993.png) (475 KB, 512x768, masterpiece, {{{{yor briar}}}}, thick thighs, blush, red dress, pink hairband, on couch, {{{{{{fat}}}}}}, s-3811877993.png) (472 KB, 512x768, masterpiece, {{{{yor briar}}}}, thick thighs, blush, red dress, pink hairband, on couch, {{{{{fat}}}}}, s-3811877993.png) (470 KB, 512x768, masterpiece, {{{{yor briar}}}}, thick thighs, blush, red dress, pink hairband, on couch, {{{fat}}} s-3811877993.png) (462 KB, 512x768, masterpiece, {{{{yor briar}}}}, thick thighs, blush, red dress, pink hairband, on couch, {{fat}} s-3811877993.png) (461 KB, 512x768, masterpiece, {{{{yor briar}}}}, thick thighs, blush, red dress, pink hairband, on couch, {fat} s-3811877993.png)
(7.5 MB, 3399x4200, yor.jpg)
(1.3 MB, 2385x3056, page_1_color.png)
Are there more parts out of "What It Takes To Be A Mother", or is BT4L dragging it out?
(115 KB, 1024x1467, yor.jpg)
SquishComplex just uploaded this on deviantart, it's the first part of a 9 part WG sequence. The whole thing is already on Patreon, but they don't have a page on kemono.party yet. Anybody think they can rectify that?
Goddamn astounding work here. Way better than the original.
If you hadn’t said anything I would’ve assumed it was an official edit.
(133 KB, 1024x1466, yor2.jpg)
second part of the sequence, already looking good

look at the bottom right corner
Why is Yor so popular for weight gain art? Was there something that happened in the show that would tie her to being fat, or was it another case of seasonal waifu syndrome? Not against her popularity, but I've never seen a seasonal character get so popular as quickly as she has.
Not sure guess it's because she's just, well again idk I have no excuse
She's in a comfy anime about a family, released during an age of forced miserableness. Had not most people had a problem with Anya, it would've been split.
She is a housewife (Well, sort of). I guess you can connect the dots from there
Is she more of a housewife or more of an assassin?
She works as an assassin using a cover job, but the series doesn't shows much that part of her life. She also sucks at being a housewife.
(2.3 MB, 2560x2048, yor.png)
back again with the nightmare fuel i see how fucking hard is it not to post that awful shit goddamn
It's because she's naive and impressionable. A perfect subject for weight gain tomfoolery. It'll be easier to understand if you read the manga or watch the anime.
I'd hoped you got actual taste for Christmas.

Alas, it seems you didn't.
I mean the first pic isn't bad (and kinda the second but that's for people that don't mind loli stuff) but the second one is aids
>>132220 I meant the third whoops lol
Aww, this one is just sweet!
(3.9 MB, 498x480, Dafuq.gif)
I remember an image by nikutsuki of Loid & Yor fattened and shocked, as they ´re bumping their exposed bellies.

What happened to that?
I never knew this existed.

I want it.
No males, remember? Not even mutual weight gains. If Loid is to be posted here, then he needs to be his normal size.
There's some blue, tan, and turquoise.
Where’s the original?

Mutual Gain section on bbwalt.
I remember when people said this thread was gonna die in two weeks
good job, you almost jinxed it
im actually surprised
We need a new spyxfamily thread it's bumplocked
What the fuck are you talking about, you idiot? Stop posting your shitty art btw
I can't see what I'm posting and whatever you guys always say that it's getting old
>scraping the bottom of the barrel to last that long to begin with

dont make me laugh
Maybe read the goddamn filename? The artist's a pedophile anyway, so...
Drawing aren't real schizo
Yeah well the artist is still an asshole. Seems like he just purposefully gets into arguments and wonders why people hate him.
That message was for you actually
>>149662 So? It doesn't change the facts.
sequel already on my deviant art
the last part is already on my deviant art
>>149234 You the artist? Or just an avid erper of theirs?
Where's the rest of this? There's supposed to be two parts out.
its cut off cause theres fat loid to the left
Yeah your right about that
i know, i just wanted to know who mad eit
It was me
Nigga, are you really that desperate to show your "art"? It's useless, we will never like it. And that Jumbo name is stupid
(1.2 MB, 2975x1349, 2.png) (1.9 MB, 2500x2415, 1.png)
Best waifu
Any Anya fats around?
No Anya fats for pedophiles like you
Probably is traced, but at least they have good anatomy, they aren't a balloon with arms and legs like tons of her pictures
(168 KB, 889x1200, IMG_1427.jpeg)
“good anatomy”
yeah they really nailed the “half-melted slug” look
Will this thread revive with Season 2?
I think this place would be gone if that happens.
I knew somebody would remove Anya's face lmao
That someone would be Salt himself
The nude version doesn't have Anya, it's only in the original
Was there more to this who's the artist
Does anybody have the new Yor from Roundersofter?
excuse me, sir, I'm gonna need a source for that
ScaryHours @hours_scary on Twitter
That guy did not draw this lmao
Sauce on this? It’s got a signature but I can’t find an artist with that name
Anyone know the artist for this hog?
This can't be the whole thing is there more to this ?
The art is made by debuiscool, however it's another one of those series written by drblackjack so you can see it located over at their kemono.

And yes, atm, that's all there is to it. It's still an ongoing project it seems.
If I won I would of been there already lmao
Listen if you dont want all that money & attention. You know exactly where to find me.
I know youre here mr new billionaire
They will find you and never leave you alone. So let me know if you want to transfer that power over to me.
YOR is going to become a heavy spy unit,
She can charge with a lot of momentum knocking out people, and performing body slams. Start smashing down walls.

Her Body fat and Soft texture can absorb punches and blows. Also wounds are shallow superfical.

Her thickness has Boubancy she can constantly float, and swim for miles. (There are already animals that do this.)

She going to assigned to some long term, deep Artic missions after this. Swimming, and Scuba diving in very chilly underwater missions to reach facilities.
Blizzard conditions.

Note: Adipose tissue is a reserve of potent energy, it can fuel Cybernetic gear, ( maybe a mini laser ) and hand held devices.

Its Clean energy, like the process for calories that ocour in body. ( The Bio fluids flow into equipment.)

Regular packs contain toxic chemical that can leak and spill. can release Radiation.
Who gave internet access to this aspie?
Does anyone have the final page?
Shame no anya art here
>>199874 For obvious reasons, go to bbwalt if you wanna find that
ill never stop laughin at how roxas got angry when someone uploaded an edited version of that drawing without anya, but then he ended doing the same lol
A round of applause for the king who edited it.>>201011
Fuck wrong thread

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