
>>90553 (OP)

That's all you get. You're stuck with it.
You started a whole thread just for that?!
fuck off autist
Trinity-Fate did put out a collection of his works years ago, I think I still have it on a USB dongle, but unfortunately I don’t have a computer atm. Probably check if he still has that collection up, and maybe next time ask for stuff on a request thread instead of making a whole new one
Omfg i think that's rare stuff, how did you find it ? I have a whole collection of trinityfate old work and im a huge simp of Umi, i never seen this picture before. I will dedicate all my soul and my simpness to find this timeless masterpiece. I will come back if i found something. I dont care if this is the right thread or not but anyways, thanks anon.
Send all of the old trinity fate art here to save the thread.
Or we could let it die.

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