
kip hasnt uploaded the newest page to his deviantart yet.
I wonder if Kip makes any naughtier content besides nudity and belly stuffing? Or at least belly inflation and see what those girls' bellies look like inflated with air or water.
>>89980 (OP)
I'm begging you, if the old thread is locked you don't need to explain that in the new OP
Those idiots don’t know how to enjoy something without complaining about every little thing
This thread is immedeatly better than the last one because people are posting actual good Kip art instead of bitching about the awful comic.

Kip Pics are good. The comics are goddawful besides 1 panel in about 200.
you're starting it right now yourself. bitching
Ding-dong, the kip is dead! Which old kip? The kip witch
When is the New page coming out
Where were you when Kip was kill?

I were at home looksing she of fat when ring phone

“Kippers is kill”


And you??????
In one final cruel joke the most recent page was actually the last that will ever be released
What? Am I missing something here?
Kip misses one upload without mention and the board that hates his comic is suddenly frothing at the mouth for the next page. Never change y'all
kip's not dead, he's just getting bored of writing this comic. hopefully he'll take a break and come back with some good cnotent
I'd get bored and depressed writing a comic if the community reacted this way to it as well.
I don't hate the comic entirely. It has some good things going for it, otherwise I wouldn't keep reading it. It's just the tired, dry romance/love triangle crap bogging it down.
it's his own damn fault for dragging it out so long, the basic idea and characters are fine
Bored? Dead? What are you guys talking about he hasn't given a reason to the delay. At this point everyone is just flipping out and make shit up. Last time he did this he just got too drunk at a party.
Aaaaaand now the threads drowning AGAIN, there's literally a thread to bitch about the comic go there!
>>90313 pretty solid page. Tessa eating a long John whole is no small feat. Saiya seems into it based on her blushing.
>>90062 I could've sworn the mikan art kip did was fatter, guess it was an edit someone did?
well, I admit I'm usually a complainer. I was going to say theres no complaining because theres no comic. but kip is going in pretty quick here. there are eight of those and we already see saiya acting funny for one. the question is how big will tessa get off of them?
Feh, people panic at the sight of too many words here, decrying "hate" and "complaining" when really the most active discussion has been healthily engaging with the comic itself.
Tessa really landed on a decent plan here: staying true to her word in giving her some advice for obtaining Aika; getting Saiya out of her funk whilst being able to enjoy time with her, all the while indulging both her and Saiya's pleasures and subtly playing to win Saiya back over in the long run. It's a masterstroke!
Since they both have some time on their hands, I wonder if the topic of Tessa's weight loss (and someone's peeping) will come up, though it might just spoil the mood admittedly.
Nice, the comic is starting finally!

Panel 4 tho 😳
What happened to Saiya making her eat? She's just sitting there
I think it's less about the feeding, more about compelling and cajoling her to continue. Though I do suspect some physical intervention from Saiya might well be involved. Think she would be a vindictive feeder? I could see Saiya going a little rough to get the job done as means of payback.
Do you have more Kipteitei drawings that show the characters naked? I really want to see others that I never imagined had their nude versions
Prediction: this pushes Saiya over the edge and she shifts gears into a hardcore feeder (alla Sandy in NLB) with her forcefeeding Tessa and then later inviting Aika out and doing the same to her as a resolution for her anger at the two
(47 KB, 928x710, IMG_20220329_122045_534.jpg)
Habbening on the next page guaranteed.
Force stuffing I guess. That girl who forcefed Sydney comes to mind.

Im expecting aika wont be as much of a pushover as tessa is, so i think she'll try and be too domineering and itll backfire, and saiya will end up using tessa to get aika jealous while she makes her blow up more.
I think saiya needs more encouragement. if tessa ate until her shirt rolled up and her belly flopped out saiyas eyes would bulge out of her head, shed lose control and start stuffing her. tessa just has to push her that far first.
the next patreon poll is already?
>best mario princess
she really is haha
Why do you like the things you do?
I mean, all that stuff mad eby Nintendo.
Is it brand loyalty since your childhood that made you like it? Like Nintendo games are for preschoolers and primary school kids at most.
>t. zoomer
I just notice something, she's wearing a bracelet or something but it's flesh colored? And the shading is the same as her arm. I think kip might have missed that lol
>Why do you like the things you do?
What a question to ask on this site of all places.
I mean Nintendo.
Is it millennial nostalgia?
>Nintendo games are for preschoolers and primary school kids at most
What makes you think that? They're mainly marketed at a late teen to early 20s people
Nintendo makes games with the idea that anyone can pick them up and enjoy them.

>They're mainly marketed at a late teen to early 20s people
The fuck, you only play Xenoblade and Eternal Darkness or something?!
In terms of difficulty and complexity I don't feel like the average Nintendo game is more catered to children than the average non Nintendo game, the biggest difference would be in the aesthetic choices, but I don't think that's as meaningful since kids these days are playing the cods and gtas.
The main games that i can definitely say are marketed at a younger audience are the pokemon games, with pitiful difficulty and general lack of polish, but that's mainly because pokemon is its own media giant and sells anyway regardless of its products' quality.
Should just be with Tessa. She's acting to help Saiya, but she's into her and what she likes.
Tessa, who's been a bitch the whole comic?
yeah as opposed to the airhead who isn’t reciprocating her feelings lol
I feel like we've been through 150+ pages just to arrive here, where the concensual-non-concensual feeding and the comic itself can finally 'start'.
(165 KB, 489x241, Screenshot 2022-04-27 184541.png)
I thought this week was going to be a fun one and it hasn't disappointed thus far. Tessa's clearly enjoying herself with this game of hers, working Saiya over like putty in her hands.
I like to imagine Tessa's either secretly completed this eating challenge already and is just having fun with playing it up, or maybe her current record is 6-7 creampuffs and she could actually use Saiya for the extra boost.
Dude, I think it's pretty obvious she hasn't done this before, but is playing it up to get Saiya to be assertive.

I could see this reaching a point where Tessa's acting becomes real objection, but by that point Saiya isn't going to take no for an answer
(1.4 MB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_131_by_kipteitei_df096xe.jpg)
I was hoping wed get belly this week but I doubt it. I was right. kip is dragging it out. the question is really going to be this. will tessa push saiya over the edge? right now saiya is clearly holding back and tessa is trying to push it. will she eat another? will her shirt roll up showing her belly? will saiya go insane with lust once that belly appears like she did with aika? will saiya get that look of lust inner rye and start force feeding tessa, ramming the food down her throat until her shirt bursts off of her belly and she's lying there with a hugely stuffed belly bigger than anything aika ever dreamed of?

the question is just how long it'll take to get there and if this is going to be worth it. the way this is going I'm expecting saiya to walk out the door saying this isn't helping anyone.

see that look in saiyas eyes in the attached comic? this is what I think were all rooting for. we want her to lose control and start stuffing tessa until shes laying there deliriously belching with one hand on her belly and grinning as if she just had sex. that would be a decent pay off but I don't think kip is going that far nor do I think we have that much food.
Wellll, you say that, but I feel like this ain't her first creampuff rodeo, given her readiness in trotting them out, her bemusement in Saiya's apparent lack of familiarity with them, and the way she swallowed that first one down like a duck (pigs tend to chew)... Either way, excited for what's to come!
I hope Aika falls off a cliff we literally don't need her, she serves no purpose
Is Saiya gonna go the NTR route? God I hope she goes for the NTR route...
it only took 160 fucking pages but this is pretty good shit
Saiya finally tapping into all the kipteitei threads' rage that's been building for the past year over this comic.
100-106 was probably my favorite part so far. If Saiya can stuff Tessa better than Aika's mom stuffed Aika, that'll be amazing
Das what I’m talkin about.
When Neets Attack, hahaha. Panel 3 is just perfect.
>last panel
So is Tessa into the feeding and humiliation or is she just so desperate for Saiya's attention that being berated is really doing it for her?
considering kips track record it might be that she's into the feeding and humiliation. but that doesn't make much sense as she didn't seem to feel that way when other people like stacy brought it up. maybe its the fact that she's getting all this attention from saiya, being yelled at and saiya gripped up her belly?

im glad were finally getting somewhere with this. the next few strips might be good if saiya goes along with it but saiya has no sense. tessa just gave saiya the exact same look that saiya gave aika. this is a match made in heaven but saiya has no sense. hopefully kip will ignore that serious plot point and give us what we've been clamoring for all this time.

thats pretty good. wheres the dude that redid that scene of tessa before the gym? I'm sure everyone would love to see his take on tessa before and after this is over.
I think that was me lol
Oh nah not those but i did make edits on that aswell
I think its the attention from saiya specifically and maybe from getting dommed, but again she knows saiya is into it so she doesnt feel embarrassed. She'll still clam up around others.
I like to think it's also the offhand comment of her eating the entire bakery ie, Saiya's recognition of Tessa's prowess, that's also flicked a switch in Tessa's head. Like, it's almost Saiya giving permission for Tessa to cut loose and push herself - which she is more than happy to do since she knows it will please Saiya in return... Here's me hoping that these creampuffs are just the start and they both go a little crazy tonight!
Fuck you, Canadian men are fugly
Watch the next page have Saiya realising that Tessa is getting off to this and a 20 page long discussion starting covering Tessa and Saiya's entire backstories again for some reason
exactly what I'm expecting. something like that or saiya being disgusted with herself and refusing to do this any more.
That is indeed a concern, that Saiya bottles it and looks to flee the scene. Hopefully Tessa can impose hew will on the situation to prevent that from playing out fully.
Yep that last frame and the look on Saiyas face has me a bit concerned that she is going to uncover Tessa's ruse to help her out
I wonder if Kip has ever traced his influences?Why he draws the way he does, artists he likes etc
Has Kip ever traced his influences? Why he draws the way he does, artists he likes etc?
Honestly I’d say his art style is anime inspired at most, I don’t think he’s ever traced anything. If you go back and look at some of his much older work you can see how his art style has evolved over the years, seems like a very natural progression
How do you know? We already got a backstory that they used to be friends.
Can anyone post the latest lewd alt? I think there was not only Raven and Cerberus, and they have not been updated on Kemono.
Also I remember an old lewd alt of Lucoa, but I don't know if it was an edit or not.
how we we know which? the backstory of them being friends has nothing to do with this. saiya loves bellies. saiya refuses to give into that kink unless its with aika. whenever tessa has shown her belly or anything saiya has run. now we see, and I think saiya can see, that tessa is her dream woman. tessa is literally getting off on this. if this were more lewd the chair would probably be soaked from tessa being so aroused. how will saiya react? up until now she's run away. why would she change that now when she's already pledged her heart to aika, who does not feel the same and is totally useless?

on top of that kip has a nasty track record of building up and dropping us all. tbh I don't know that kip will finally follow through. watching this is more a question of just how long kip will keep this going. how much further will he let saiya go before he lets us down again?

and yes, I'm expecting twenty pages of exposition no one asked for because thats the easiest way out of this. have her run away, lie down, think about this, have tessa think about this, have aika think about this, bring in saiyas family again, have aika go back to church, anything but giving the people what he knows they want.
knowing kip, saiya's going to realize tessa's ulterior motive, remember aika, and storm out of the house

and to make things even worse, she won't even try this with aika. shell just go back home and seethe.
Whist I think it's a decent likelihood that Tessa is Saiya's childhood friend, I still don't get how they don't recognise one another. Hopefully not gonna be some half baked ass-pull like the discovery of prosopagnosia, amnesia from head injury, repressed childhood memories, twin shenanigans etc.
Also worth noting from comments from the earliest pages that Kip was estimating this story taking ~300 pages. Even if that number isn't accurate, it should indicate that Kip was planning a slow pace from the outset to exhaustively explore certain areas of the story. Either way: strap in, folks.
With how drastic a change Tessa’s gone through (from chubby nerd to popular girl) it’s not too hard to imagine that Saiya wouldn’t recognise her. But Tessa definitely recognises Saiya and that’s probably why she’s doing all of this to get with her
Not recognising Tessa with the TessaKitz getup I can understand, but not recognising her "Tienai" family name or her more modest, normal look when Stacy showed her is unusual. Short of some plot bollocks, it could very well be "Tessa = childhood friend" is a red herring after all, despite how well it fits.
An aside, but for those who know of Absolute Unit's YT channel, his latest Tonkatsu Sinclair video touched on a familiar issue that we all know in relation to Kip and this comic - that of hamstringing the main relationship and padding things out with additional romantic choices for artificial drama. I found the parallels entertaining.
>>91464 Here comes the Saiya arooga eyes that pop out of her head like she's a looney toones character.
I don't know that saiya is ready for all the belly that tessa is about to break out. and with the way she's acting she knows saiya is about to lose every bit of control that she thinks she has here.
Kip got sick so no new page for tomorrow

There are probably a billion Teinais. The Kipverse last names all sound preposterously similar, but the worst part about last names is that some are so common you have to question whether you're actually related to someone (i.e., "Smith", "Rosso/i", "Nguyen", etc.)
I think all the Kipverse last names end in -ai the same way nearly all Armenian last names end in -ian or -yan
long lost race of humans, the kippais, all but extinct in our timeline
That's true. And with the fact that a surname beginning with "F" denotes some form of status, as mentioned by Saiya in the beginning, one could assume that T names like hers and Tessa's (and Grace, curiously) could be much more common, being at the other end of the alphabet.
kip does the pages like a week in advance so that shouldn't affect it
He literally said no page Wednesday though
thats why people were going off awhile ago. man makes $7k/mnth on this comic and he can't even do a comic on time. people tried to say he does and now it comes out that he really does do them last minute as many may have guessed.

it doesn't matter though. hopefully this will mean two comics on fri or even three on sun. if he keeps up the way this looks we should have a nice surprise waiting for us when he makes the comics again.

There's been like 3 late pages, and now I think this makes 2 that he's just missed. Chill out lol. He does a lot of art in a month.

Scroll down and find something else to wank to, it isn't the end of the world.
I mean that’s what he told me a while back but I also haven’t talked to him in well over a year
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gotten lazy an does them last minute now
(458 KB, 923x1470, TRACER.jpg)
Got REALLY tired of all the complaining on here so I dumped a few things LIKE THE POINT OF THIS THREAD IS SUPPOSED TO BE
did he say anything about dropping a bunch of comics to catch up once he returns or is he just going to return to his regular schedule?
He said he would return to posting on Friday as usual if his cold cleared up
Delayed until sunday, he'll return to normal posting schedule then
no tessa don't say it
So, missed two days worth of pages.
I expect three tomorrow then

>Delayed until sunday, he'll return to normal posting schedule then

so I guess were getting one tomorrow and one from then on out.

maybe hell surprise everyone and do it in color at least?

I'd expect 2 at the most today. If we're lucky(and if Kip feels like it), maybe 3.
kip posted on deviant art two days ago that normal updates will resume next week so I'm not expecting anything today either. if he does ill be pleasantly surprised.
¿Is this pussy matherfucker gonna upload the comic?
or what, he is screat about Russia, what a retart, he belives le
television like a N.P.C. transfering the messege: le Russia BAD, le
Ukrain GOOD, what a dumbfuck. ¿Who can somebody be this retart with
that age? because he must be pretty old with all the year on the internet
in his back.
¿Is this pussy matherfucker gonna upload the comic?
or what, he is screat about Russia, what a retart, he belives le
television like a N.P.C. transfering the messege: le Russia BAD, le
Ukrain GOOD, what a dumbfuck. ¿Who can somebody be this retart with
that age? because he must be pretty old with all the year on the internet
in his back.
Sorry for doble-posting. I thought that I written the captcha badly for
the 3 time but it wasen't
I'm this guy:

¿Is this a joke from an agent of the C.I.A. trolling department?. Because
it's blindly glowing that I post the comment and 10min later he uploads
a new comic page;

and (out of joke) ¿is he -Kipteitei- gonna really completely patch her
situation about the Russian conflict? because staying in Finland, if
he is scared, is braindead. ¿has he said something? or we are gonna
have more posting irregularities.

B.T.W.: Thanks for keep uploading the comic pages Anon, you are a
he didn't draw saiya because saiya passed out.
Tessa looking sexy as ever with that smooshy gut spilling out. Certainly looks a bit like Cindy. It would be neat if they’re related (and regardless if they are or not, here’s hoping for a Connor & Cindy cameo, sorta like Grace in NLB)
What the fuck are you talking about?

It was worth the wait
I was going to be shocked if there was more than the 1 page we got today. Kip must've been pretty sick if it delayed art for most of the week. Being 2 pages behind where we'd normally be is frustrating when we're at a good point but shit happens.


Page itself is quite good. I like the full focus on Tessa over a panel of Saiya shocked or something.
I kinda want to ask wheres that anon from before that made tessa bigger in that gym scene but that just won't work here. any bigger and shed be breaking the borders of the comic. its nice that kip made it apparent she has a gut now instead of that almost pregnant looking belly she had before. saiyas reaction ought to be interesting.
Lick the forbidden water, Saiya. Quench your thirst with streamer sweat.
Bruh, scroll up...
(2.5 MB, 1800x2400, OSC fanart.jpg)
Here's something I made. A man can dream.
Saiya taking a trip to Sandy Town I see, heh.
I mean I know a lot of us wanna see it. So I thought I'd just get the idea out there cuz we all know Kip probably won't do it.
Also if any of you want to see more Tessa or any of the others in different sizes (ie No Lunch Take Out Sydney levels of fat/stuffed) I'll be willing to draw it if any of you guys ask.
Bro can you make more and with an even more overstuff tummy? Doesn't even have to be Kip's characters either, this is some good shit
Aight I got this continuation that jumps forward a bit with Saiya and Tessa just to stay on topic with the thread.
thats pretty decent.

any chance of a cindy x tessa meeting with both of them fully stuffed?
I'll get to that right after the Tessa continuation piece.
(1.2 MB, 1800x2165, 20220510_144100.jpg)
Aight bois, what do we think? Has Tessa had enough?
im surprised that bra is still intact. looks like tessa is trying to quit but saiya has other ideas.

cool, thanks!

Not trying to shit on your art, I really like these drawings.

But you could make so the faces and head are a little bit more round. Not circles, but the pointy egg-like shape of the character's head make it look a bit weird and disproportioned. As well, making so the style is not that kippish and try to give them your own touch would make a bunch of already good drawings, a great bunch of great drawings.

Just that. Loving your work, bud
dudes send your art here "Your art thread V2" and don't spam here, thank you
Ok I see it now. Thanks man, I'll try to improve upon it in my next piece, which should be posted later today.
Sorry man. Just thought it'd be best to post it here since so much other fanart has been here before. Not to mention I wanna try and deliver on what Kip takes a bit too long to do, and that's draw some taut, stuffed bellies on his characters.
this is kinda on topic and he or she is right. plenty of fan art has been posted before. this is actually making this thread kinda nice and interesting.
(1.3 MB, 1794x2259, 20220510_200018.jpg)
Alright I think I got it. It definitely looks better. Thank you brother.
much better! you know, if you keep this up you're going to end up swamped with requests once people get ideas.
Got me to post on this thread despite largely ignoring Kip's comic

Legend, can't wait to see more
I'll be sure to pace myself, and I'm kinda happy that I can successfully bring something here that people can get a little hopeful for. These threads were getting a bit stale between the waiting, posting a comic page, and getting let down.
>want to get tessa art
>don't want kip to have the pleasure of getting more free art of his OCs
the struggle is real
(1.8 MB, 1800x1808, 20220510_230214.jpg)
Here we go, Tessa and Cindy, hot and ready!

And hey man, I do this for you guys, not Kip. I do this cuz Kip probably will never do it.
oh I know I'm saying commissioning other artists
Can someone post the new art?
Ur a damn legend. Nicely done and thx
Which also reminds me, is that FNN sequel ever gonna happen? I need Cindy & Connor beach episode in my life. Just imagine all the feederism hijinks that those two would get in to, and Cindy with her gorgeous gut in a bikini… Shit even just as a singular image that would be dope.
Ranni The Witch from Elden Ring.
looks like an adjectivenoun artstyle
>Tessa on her knees is almost as tall as Saiya standing up
>When they're both sitting she's a head taller
I hope Kip makes use of their size difference in the comic
thanks man! its awesome!

its amazing how everyone is doing kips characters better than kip isn't it? if I were him id take this as a challenge but we all know better.
I know it's probably just the angle. But Tessa looks like a literal giantess.
I'll see what I can come up with.
this is a minor gripe but anyone else feel that tessa isn't near big enough for us to enjoy this yet? is kip going to keep stuffing her or are we going to have this issue like what happened with fnn where it ends here?
I still think we're a ways off but I'm not expecting her to get as big as Sydney. Hoping but not expecting. I wonder if these two are going to continue these little sessions and Aika is going to spy on them and find out what they are doing.

Could lead to Aika thinking Saiya is trying to sabotage her crush on Tessa. Thus more drama
I read back the past 'chapter' of the comic, and this current page is set a couple days after the party, which was only a few days after Tessa's gym scene. In universe, very little time has passed. I suspect that, despite the glacial pacing, they will bet pretty big by the end of the comic, however many years that takes. maybe that's just wishful thinking though

I would love to see your take on kip herself, I kinda miss her
>>92860 ngl the combo of One Serving Choice and adjectivenouncombo's art style is god-tier 🥵🥵🥵 idk why but it just fits perfectly????

maybe it's just everything
Comic is looking better, very happy with where it's going!
While we wait, share you're favorite Kip drawing (or comic page)!
Loving where the comic is going now!
Let's see all of your favorite Kip pictures (heck, even comic panels!)
this first panel is so hilariously bad holy shit
why is saiya so small
She's not small, she's faar away
It’s perspective drawing
It’s not particularly good perspective drawing but you’re kind of a dumbass if you can’t figure that out
You're kinda stupid, huh?
Im not into giantess shit but ive found tessas amazonian size oddly attractive, especially when shes sexually harassing Saiya. Maybe kip is awakening something in me
Yoooo that’s awesome thank u
Ya I see it too
No he's right the angle of which its drawn is quite poor she's not situated far enough to be drawn as small as she is. But meh its a fetish comic and among my gripes with Kip this among the least of them
Because Adjective had been working on the Layla series (after the original creator left it) for years and understands how to draw lustful hedonistic gluttony. If this is him I'd like to see him make some short comics. They really new how to draw an over packed gut
not gonna happen. noun is still around but his love is vore. he might do a quick stuffing comic to get people interested in him again but thats all anyone is getting
great job man! any other ideas as to new illustrations? gonna do aika and tessa trying to see who is the biggest?
if you guys can't see how unbelievably shit this attempt at perspective is i don't know what to tell you
Amazing job! Morphs are seriously underated
Is it okay to request a morph or two from this page?>>92612
This is the ideal belly size, I really hope Tessa keeps around this size whereas Aika can do whatever fucking kip size bullshit. Aika is the worst part about the comic so I don't care what happens with her
There’s a commission slot free on their patreon if any of you have a character you absolutely need to see Kip draw
These last few pages from a fetish standpoint have been really solid, and I’m glad things like this are happening. But because Kip insists on making this “more” than a fetish comic, with developed characters and a story, I have to ask… how the hell is Saiya so stupid that she doesn’t understand that Tessa’s just playing dumb?
sorry. no. saiya has a severe belly fetish. right now tessa has the upper hand but the moment aika walks in any larger tessas lost it and saiya will be in love with aika again.

hopefully she's busy salivating over the belly and doesn't have time to think.
Don’t care what happens to her but will still show up for the next few pages
youre getting better with each illustration!

see, now this would've made more sense. for her to lift up her shirt and this huge boulder to have fallen out would have made sense. I get that its only a week after the gym incident if that but she's also been stuffing herself so it should be big and bloated. maybe I'm nitpicking but I really think tessa should be much bigger than the way kip insists on drawing her. if she stays this size shell never get saiya.
(604 KB, 1000x1200, Tessa.png)
apparently it's fanart season... I'm going to put mine. This is (literally) the fifth time I've drawn fatty girls, so feedback is welcome.
(sorry if I made any writing mistakes)
>>93270 looks pretty good
Excellent stuff(er)!
>>93442 uh oh, she's getting aware.
Another good page, but not sure how long it'll last.
I'm gonna chalk this up to Saiya being in a funk and not having her head straight but I'd like to think she'd normally be quicker on the uptake than this...
"..You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Well golly gee, it would look pretty fucking weird if I didn't, Saiya."
Would you be able to think straight with such a gorgeous gut in your hands? I sure couldn't.
saiya is thinking entirely too straight right now. this woman is monologuing about this when ordinarily shed have bugs bunny eyes, an anime nosebleed and passed out on the floor. this is really taking me out of the moment because saiya shouldn't be thinking she should be enjoying it then maybe think it over when she gets home.
Based Kip art for once
What are you talking about? It's the same unoriginal body Kip has done countless times before. Pot belly, noddle arms, and similar facial expression to many of their existing pieces.
This post won't last long
Because stating an observation is a crime apparently.
Still better than 95% of the garbage posted to this forum and found on deviantart. "WAHHHH how dare kip not draw women as grotesque blobs, this is the wrong kind of false anatomy!!!!!"
how many of y'all were waiting for kip to stop it?
Well that was clumsily handled...
It was fun while it lasted, lads. See you in a few months.
This is just borderline depressing now…
the editing of One Serving Choice is borderline experimental
You think that after abruptly ending steamy scenes on multiple occasions, they'd figure out a better way of doing it. But this page feels so forced, like kip was just itching for the moment to stop it. Now Saiya is gonna leave in a huff because they refuse to communicate, we're gonna go back to the love triangle dynamic that prevents them from getting together again, until we finally get something steamy again in like 30 or 40 pages. Fucking annoying
it was very badly handled. the best way to do this would have tessa keep her mouth shut and enjoyed it. she's been fantasizing how long? she gained that belly for saiya so tessa shouldn't have spoken, leaned back and let this go on as long as possible. saiya has spent 160+ pages fantasizing about feeling up a belly. the last thing shed do is start talking about it. shed be drooling and so would tessa.

now the way this could have ended? saiya gets too into it. saiya starts feeling her sides and then her breasts. something goes wrong here. maybe tessa leans in for a kiss and that snaps saiya out of it. at that point this awkward silence would be called for but heres the real problem.

if kip were paying attention he'd realize saiya has burned her bridges. yes she wants aika but aika is almost dead to her. she confided in tessa but now she knows tessa enjoys being fondled up. where can this go from here when saiya sees anyone? it'll be awkward when she sees aika and she will run away again. shell look at tessa and not trust her whenever she sees her. who does saiya have now? absolutely no one.

this is probably where the comic is going to go. saiya has no friends right now so were about to get some nice long boring internal monologues. expect to go back to aika and see her in the church and saiya with her family. maybe we will get something worth seeing by Christmas.
Law of kip: Any time things are finally getting good in a kip comic, kip finds a way to fumble it.
its actually brilliant. I'm sure I'm not the only one that was just waiting for kip to end this abruptly.

you would think so but no. kip was waiting for his chance to end this. thats why people get so mad in these threads. kip never delivers and when he gets close to it he ends it for no reason.
It always blows my mind that this clown is one of the most well paid artist in this community
1: This comment is outdated as fuck, there's much better artists than Kip all over Twitter these days.

2: Even if you were right, "BuT oThErS aRe WoRsE" is one of the shittiest forms of criticism possible
It's over, back to 70 pages of filler
Hey, autistic degenerate that removes any and all discussion related to kip's art and comics, what the fuck is your problem? Did someone shit in your cereal and now you have to take your anger out through pointless power trips on fetish boards? Do you really have that little going on in your life? Would love to hear what's going on behind that pea-sized brain of yours, assuming there's anything there to begin with, but I doubt you'll respond, you're obviously too much of a pussy to actually communicate with other living beings.
The silly thing is that each time a discussion purge happens, all it does is cause more off-topic posts to be created, railing at the mods or reporters. As if that was any better than the former on-topic comic discussion. It just smacks of cowardly white knighting to purge any dissenting opinion of Dear Kip.
the thread summarized
(65 KB, 1024x576, The Architect.jpg)
They made Mai fatter in the new game and Japanese sthicc lovers are mad.

This is the weigh.
Source of that information? Know her boobs look like they have more weight to them but I haven't heard anyone being upset about her.
>I-I didn't say stop!!
im kinda torn. Im glad that she stayed. I like the little touch of tessas belly hanging out of the bottom of her shirt. clearly she's a bit stuffed. I'm very curious as to what tessa has up her sleeve. but this internal monologue of saiyas is annoying. "but this might be useful if aika likes it"? since when did aika like being felt up? but I like that we have her torn here talking about maybe, just maybe, she can feel tessa up again.

hopefully she gets bigger before this night is out but I doubt it.
nice save, Tessa

Because she came here under the guise of tessa helping her win over aika
These very literal posts are always funny to me
Kip has to draw Purple Heart eventually..
totally late but why is saiya wearing a black sweatsuit? woman looks like she's about to break in some place.

also why is this not on his deviant art?
Apparently it was but Kip deleted it?
It's jeans and a hoodie
you still around? your illustrations are awesome!


thanks. maybe kip is trying to give saiya that depressed look with the all black? she's usually wearing much lighter clothing.
This seems like a missed opportunity for a booty shot, what with Saiya walking behind her up the stairs like that.
Yeah I'm still here, I've just been going through a rough patch and haven't had much inspiration to draw much. I'm starting to feel better and some ideas are currently on the burner. Expect some in the next few days.
Trolling withdrawal maybe? That's usually the answer with Kip, grows bored, does weird shit. The plan isn't to sabotage the comic this time apparently, so that's a bonus.
(1.2 MB, 1125x1575, df5whcj-fd8e83a0-9a5a-4d26-8c4b-0fda27d71cbd.jpg)
New page is pretty cute and innocuous. I like how the silhouettes really show off the size difference. Also the previous page is finally up on DA for those interested.
we all knew she was getting a makeover but that doesn't mean people actually wanted to see it.

watch this take a very long time. maybe well get some nice profile shots of tessa during it and saiya "thinking" about her fat belly pressing into her?
Yoooo wtf decent perspective???
Could kip actually be practicing?
Where the shit is the new page
this woman about to break out into a belly dance to the pussycat dolls. okay kip. have at it. didn't I tell y'all she wasn't eating all that food?
Is Saiya finally going to realize that Tessa is just desperate for some normal friendship and company? It should be obvious by now but every character in this comic has been a bonehead so far
Now Saiya is just being a bitch for the sake of it, let Tessa be happy she’s got a friend for once sheeeeesh
I'm guessing the phone call is Stacy saying she's coming over.
Christ, can Saiya connect the dots any slower here? I pegged her as the smart one but her thinking here is glacial.

"Wait, hold on..."
"... Does... "
>(has drink)
>(drink is eventually absorbed into bloodstream)
"... like..."
>(ice caps melt)
>(sea levels finally recedes due to shifting tectonic behaviour)
"... me...?"
I'm not gonna lie they're probably as aware as the average kip reader, us included
anyone got the new art?
pretty good. I like that her arms look soft here
einmal döner mit alles, bidde
that wasn't much. try getting her her some different clothes. lets hope they go to the mall on a shopping spree and tessa gorges herself on mall food.
>>95159 casually runs into Sydney & Tina and Cindy & Connor shopping all at that same store Kip usually features at the mall

That’s the crossover we need.
that'd be even better. have tessa say she's hungry and go to the food court. have an entire day dedicated to her going to multiple places finding out theyre sold out of food. have cindy in the middle of the cafeteria rubbing a gigantically stuffed belly and belching with connor swooning over her, or even have him escorting her out. cindy could be so large her belly might be close to touching the ground. that would be worth it but nope. kip won't do it.
Tragic if Kip doesn’t. I do hope we get some cameos in OSC tho. Anyways it does seem like we’re finally getting to the opening up and honesty between Tessa & Saiya. Will we finally get some real intimate activity between the two while Saiya is over? Well shit, it seems like now or never. Unless someone comes over to interrupt.
PLOT gets interesting.
you're back! awesome job!

can't help but notice saiya has a little pudge there.
>Saiya has a little belly of her own
I’m not cumming, you’re cumming.
Sayia was always a little chubby even since the first page, but she went from a soft belly to a little gut. I wonder if now Sayia won't fit into Tessa's clothes? She is a lot taller though.
(1.2 MB, 2000x2000, 570.png) (1.2 MB, 1400x2000, 581.png)
Welp, fun’s over.
Its not like this was going anywhere, but I swear he's doing this on purpose now.
I feel like maybe he should just stick to doing smaller comics like how BWS is doing. No more than like 3-5 pages.
Kip seems to just keep coming up with new ideas, gets bored, and then scraps the whole thing and try something different only for the cycle to repeat.
Hold your horses you negative Nelly’s, this might actually go somewhere fun
Bimbofication? I'm down for bimbofication, actually.
I agree, honestly this comic really shows to me that Kip (and most other wg artists/writers imo) are better off just making smaller, more condensed stories. I get that people wanna make big, long form content, but if you’re not gonna do anything interesting for most of it, it just feels like a waste. Kips drawings are still nice to look at, but at this point I’ve basically moved on from this story. And I feel like could’ve forgiven the lack of wg content if the story/characters were interesting or engaging to follow over the span of entire months.

As a wg artist myself, I hope people learn from Kip’s comics and eventually we start getting better stories from people; ones that can balance the fetish stuff with legitimately good storytelling. I’ve seen too many things that fall too far in one or the other, and it not being appreciated as much as it probably could’ve been.
Looks like anon called it. Even with the glacial pace this story is moving, I think this mix up has to advance the plot somehow, but I guess it's possible Stacy just throws Saiya out and we go back to the status quo.

Also, showing the size difference between the girls with clothing is clever and pretty hot imo. I wouldn't mind seeing the reverse with Tessa trying to squeeze into Saiya's baggy boring clothes and ripping them or reducing them to a crop top and booty shorts.
not gonna happen. I have yet to see any artists admit they are trash and get writers involved. if they do they do the stories as customs for the writers and charge like $200/page. artists refuse to just team up with writers even though they are the ones profiting from it whether it be on their patreon, deviant art or any other page. the writer just gets "written by" in the corner and thats it.

if they left the house it'd have gone somewhere fun. maybe. our only hope was tessa gorging herself on mall food. with this were going back to being boring.

its always nice to hold hope but I don't see how this could advance the plot at all. don't we have many other plot points that made no sense and kip has yet to reference? I'm thinking of the entire church scene with aika trying to justify dating tessa. the pastor said just because aika liked her she should be a good person and okay to date? what did that even mean? aika likes everything about what makes tessa terrible. she doesn't even know tessa. we know tessa isn't that bad. in fact she's the only redeeming part of this story but that whole scene was a waste. were on page 173 and id argue 143 pages have been a waste.

I have no idea why tessa would attempt saiyas clothing. its a nice idea for artwork, maybe someone can commission it to show tessa stuffing herself into and ripping out of that old chubbimon shirt, but kip wouldn't do it.

im wondering who is going to have the biggest belly by the time this is over. I'm assuming aika is about the same size and tbh tessa hasn't really grown besides a pot belly. if were really hoping for big bellies here were either not getting them or were looking at at least sometime next year. I don't think were getting them.
I was hoping Tessa would make Saiya squeeze her into her corset, with some more belly grabbing scenes, before going to the mall for fashion montage. I'm not surprised at all we didn't get that, but ugh...
This anon called it
>its always nice to hold hope but I don't see how this could advance the plot at all.
My thought is that Saiya will see how nice Tessa is on her own and how much of a bitch Stacy is and finally understand their dynamic and what kind of person Tessa really is. That combined with UUUOOAAH TUMMY will lead her to meet up with Tessa later on and start building a relationship with her. Then we might finally get some action.
not a bad theory but if we've been paying attention tessa has been nothing but nice to saiya since this story started. I can't think of even one time when tessa was mean to her. saiya is oblivious.
(493 KB, 731x1028, dei0dkb-eb469e86-e7f6-4c71-926b-d8ea24910804.jpg)
>tessa has been nothing but nice to saiya since this story started.
Well they had a pretty rocky road between them at the start. It was only from the pool incident at the first party that Tessa felt a spark of genuine connection that she began to obsess over.
Small detail, but Stacy appears to be wearing socks here. Pretty funny that she took the time to take her shoes off inside before kicking in Tessa's door. She's a rude bitch but she has manners at least, hah.
it took me forever to get my hands on the new game and you weren't kidding. her breasts are almost on the ground and when did she get those huge childbearing hips? did she have a baby between games or something? I'm trying to play the game and I'm busy wondering how she's moving so fast without bursting out of her clothes.
We didn't even get to finish those creampuffs to boot..
What's the game title of the game she is thicker in? And a title of a game where she look smaller before? I tried to find it but i couldn't find anything about her changing appearance.
I assume they're referring to King of Fighters XV. I remember people saying she was too thick somewhere as well
Is that you, Script Anon? You still haven't shown us your professor-approved, TV-worthy masterpiece!
My lord, I haven't heard these rare opinions in quite sometime. Could it be... is that you? Script Anon!? We have been waiting, decades it feels like, in the Salt thread for your return, my script king. The god script - please, we must have it! I have a league of wg artists at the ready. Fear not commission costs - nay, it is us artists who will be paying you! The joint profits we will make off our fine content-paying-for-denizens contributions here will ascend us all to BBW Heaven. Time is of the essence, rid of our chains binding us to the present day rift-raft we call 'wg comics' and bestow upon on the script that can even transform normies into fatty lovers! Our pens, hearts, and minds await for - thy script.
I'm an artist (quite small-time, 2.5k watchers) and I am on board for this!!
It's honestly less of a Mai thing and more of a general stylistic choice across the board. In KOF XIV, which had notoriously shitty graphics for a 2016 game, the vast majority of characters came out looking like generic anime stick figures. KOF XV comparatively bulked up a bunch of characters (Andy Bogard and Ryo Sakazaki come to mind), giving it a much broader range of body types and making it generally more faithful to the older sprites of the classic characters. I'd argue that Mai's proportions in XV are a damn good interpretation of her sprites in KOFs prior to XIII.
anyone got the new pic
that script was for an actual tv show not wg so I wouldn't be posting that here. as for my actual wg script I never saw the point in posting it. ill admit that it was something I wrote a couple of years ago back when people were using anime characters. the plot was simple. it had a bunch of random characters stuffing themselves. there was no real arc because wg fiction really shouldn't have it. what are we here for? bellies. it was a baby shower for one character and the others were just looking for a reason to stuff themselves from wanting to be bigger for their boyfriend to competing with the pregnant lady to see whom could get the biggest belly. it was maybe about ten pages of comic. nothing serious. I never got it done because no one uses anime characters any more and the prices are always too high even if I wanted to commission it. Im not even sure where the thing is because that was years ago when I wrote it.

I don't see what posting the script would prove anyway. I have to be some stephen king quality writer to say that a certain script is trash? do I need to be gordon ramsey to say a certain restaurants food is no good? I don't understand the logic. the bottom line is this. this is wg fiction. we are here for bellies. if you're going to put in a plot make it good. in this particular comic we are 173 pages in and we've gotten maybe four belly scenes tops along with a very tiring plot and a character that is annoying oblivious. you don't need to be a writer to see that as others are seeing it as well.
W-What are you saying? You can't back down, we're depending on a WRITER such as yourself. The god script can't be lost to time..! It it... sounds magnificent! Greater than first imagined! Yes yes yes! What we needed is a writer to show us the way - that writing a story at all was the mistake! Please, even if its only a re-writing from hazy memories, we must receive this story-less script!
told y'all she wouldn't finish them.

you're right. kof XV.

I didn't really mind the graphics in kof XIV. I'm still trying to get used to kof XV. kyo just don't look right to me and I'm trying to understand how he hasn't aged in how many years now. he and rock Howard look the same age yet were now officially adding team garou from garou mark of the wolves. why have these characters not aged? terry should at least have a beard. and why are these men so insanely huge? andy bogard is gigantic.
>>96146 Ok now tell us why most Americans are such faggets
>prices are always too high even if I wanted to commission it
You could always just post it as a script, or adapt it to prose.
The idea sounds pretty hot (and funny), it would be a shame to see it wasted.
Hell, you could even doodle up some art yourself. Lord knows some of the art in this scene isn't very good, but a strong concept seems to pull people in.
you're right. ill think about it and maybe look for it later. I'm not entirely sure where it is but I have a few ideas. I was trying to touch on just about every belly fetish out there from huge bellies, stupid huge bellies, clothing ripping, gigantic breasts, lactation, pregnancy, belching, I was trying to cover just about all bases and I notice that most artists really don't seem to bother with most of them.

I'm curious, whats your art like?
Here's hoping that Saiya will do something actually useful and stand up for Tessa.
doubtful. saiya is oblivious to everything. saiya will probably stand there mentally monologuing and then leave still obsessed with aika.

I like that kip is willing to go there but it seems like every time he really sets something up he drops the ball.

plot wise, I'm not sure that he can go anywhere with this anyway. theres no way saiya can stand up for tessa and there not be consequences. who cares about stacy? I mean with tessa and saiyas relationship. at that point I think they would have to be more than friends because saiya will know she's stuffing herself and that she likes that belly, saiya will know that she enjoyed all the fondling and then hopefully shed understand how much tessa likes her. I don't know that kip is willing to go there now or ever.
Stacy, who is thin, has thighs exactly as thick as Tessa's. I really wish kip could actually do fat proportions.
tessa's thighs are visibly thicker
take your meds
Yeah man you can see it if you squint
Also the angle for the two of them is different as well
Meds now
Dope artwork! Oh yea, certainly hoping for this at some point. NLB had them at a waterpark and a hot tub, so potentially with the end of the school year they can go to the beach, or at any point go to a pool or something. Fattened Tessa in a bikini is gonna be legit.
that artwork is great!

hopefully theyll go to the beach once she's larger and more confident. let someone run in and feed her as she lies there.
Nah, there's no way, even for a chronic ball-dropper like Kip, to fuck up such an obviously laid out setup. I mean, look at her face in the third panel. She's gonna stand up for Tessa.
you were saying?

saiya could step in at any time.

oh thats right, kip needed to hit us over the head with obvious plot points first. "this all started when you saw that fat bitch gorging herself! you're not competing with her or something?!" show, don't tell kip. first rule of writing. but fine. she went there. ball is now in saiyas court. no way she can be oblivious any more when stacy just smacked her upside the head with it.
They gonna use Saiya as a body double
this would work if Tessa wasn't a foot taller than Saiya and had tits 5 times the size of hers
they could use a mirror, or greenscreen, and set it up so everything below tessa's boobs is saiya;s body

Love how wishy washy tessa is. Totally in control with saiya but she lets stacy walk all over her.

Also lol @ the people who still come in here and actively look for things to get mad about. If there'a belly its all about how fast kip will drop it and if there isnt its all about how kip doesnt draw enough fetish shit lmao.
Obvious to us who has seen everything tessa has been doing, not to stacy who has just been seeing tessa randomly stuff herself and gain weight so idk why youre mad about stacy mentioning it. "Show dont tell" is nice but isnt story writing gospel, if a character doesnt have info that the reader has they need to find out in the story, or you would all be jumping on kip's ass for having stacy magically know whats up.

Ya'll know even less about writing than kip lmao
I think this page is fine.
-Establishes to Saiya straight up that Tessa is likely gaining weight because of her. It potentially breaks the ice and potentially better opens up where the two are as friends/more etc once Stacy inevitably storms off.

-Shows Saiya Tessa's real relationship with Stacy and how Tessa's confidence fades like a deck of cards.

-Has belly content

-catches Stacy up to speed to information readers have known for quite some time

-gives Saiya a page to see all of this before butting in. Presuming she steps in and defend her in the next page, I think this page is fine. People don't always immediately jump in to stop an argument, sometimes they need to process it happening first.
I think the complaint is more that this page didn't need to exist, what with Stacy broadcasting the situation to Saiya, had Saiya been written to be a little more astute as previously demonstrated in the comic. I mean, surely it must've clicked with all of Tessa's previous advances that she's doing this purposefully to get Saiya's attention? It's a little irritating that some side character who's barely on the scene is more on the ball than the MC who's by no means an idiot.
I agree that it's not a bad page in that we ultimately gain some traction here, but I understand the frustrations.
that was my point. thank you.

There was a page a few months ago where she almost did start thinking about it, but stopped herself because she got distracted by Aika. Also implied that she herself is too self-conscious to think someone as pretty and (in her mind) confident as Tessa being interested in her like that.
>almost 100 pages ago
>story is basically in the same place
>actually its worse now because we know that Aika likes Tessa which is the dumbest plot twist ever
if I was paying for this I'd be pretty mad tbh

Idk I always thought it was obvious Aika was going to like Tessa since the party.

And why do people always say "if I were paying for this..." Nobody is. Nowhere on kip's patreon does it say the comic only gets made because of patreon. Every page is released free.
the belly here is pretty good. I wish the arms were fatter, but kip never does fat arms.
(3.7 MB, 2772x4500, MeiyaMilkiesMILK.jpg) (4.4 MB, 2720x4633, MedakaBoxMilkyXL.jpg)
Noice. Belly button looks very deep... I wish Kip did more belly button stuff. I think of all the art he ever done there is like 2 stand-alone pieces and 9 comic pages that feature navel play.
Also, how come we never talk about milk?
(There is more, but because they are HD/4K it exceeded the size limit).
can someone upload the other art you just uploaded to your patreon please
My guess is corset breaks, manager bitch yells at Tessa, stream chat hate the gut but stream notices Saiya (or manager bitch throws Saiya in place of Tessa) and then suddenly the chat and manager bitch love Saiya and then we deal with 50 more pages of filler showing a budding relationship between Tessa and Aika that no one asked for while Saiya becomes a bitch
Jesus that’s a depressing ass outcome. Which means it’s possible. It would be a complete L of a story if somehow Saiya and Tessa didn’t end up together and Saiya just becomes a total bitch and even more of a loner than she is now.
On the bright side we may actually get broken corset. But here’s hoping Saiya defends Tessa during Stacy’s inevitable rage, and those two finally hook up soon. This summer would be nice but really not sure with the strange pacing of OSC.
is Stacey wearing a wig? her hair is drawn weird
saiya was so mad last panel that she decided to go along with stacy insulting tessa, who had just been so nice to her, and stuff her into a corset then stand by and watch as tessa is humiliated. this doesn't make any sense.

saiya just had a perfect opportunity to say something. what is she waiting for? and this corset bursting isn't worth seeing because tessa isn't stuffed. we've already seen her belly and saiya feeling it up. now if stacy snapped and said "you like stuffing? ill stuff you until you can't take any more" and started stuffing her while she was on cam that would be something to watch because then she would get stuffed, finish off those cream puffs and maybe more, burst out of that corset, belch loudly and sit there grinning while saiya stares in lust with hearts in her eyes. aika wouldn't have a chance of competing with that and how would saiya still be obsessed after watching something like that in real time?
Aika is 100% watching the stream and somehow she’ll notice that Saiya is at Tessa’s place and get jealous, leading us to our next plot point
I think you're on the money there. Good odds for Saiya somehow being caught on stream.
can someone post a better quality version of that Mori piece, or update the Kemono
thank you kind sir or madam
and yes it is beautiful
(15 KB, 71x122, thing.PNG)
ok i had a picture in my folder and its not there anymore does someone have this
Come on man, go to kemono.party, click artists, type in kipteitei and fetch the image. Oh God.
>this doesn't make any sense.
It actually does. They are women after all.
>isn't stuffed
She does quite a bit! And with some reality bending we can make it happen. Like you've said, there can be a stream brake or whatever is it called, during which the aforementioned stuff happens.
I don't see where she is insulting Tessa though? Sayia asks if she is sucking her belly in because she is struggling with the corset. She then says if they - the viewers - are going to notice. She goes along with putting her in a corset because Tessa is pretty much working as a streamer so she helps her prepare for it.
"ThEy ArE wOmEn AfTeR aLl"
What are you on dude? Have you ever seen a woman irl?
(21 KB, 168x152, 168167173616.jpg)
You already know, making fuss won't help either.
Sorry, but it's *currentyear*, and not 2017.
>no bra
At least they didn't start the stream yet.
gave us not just a whole tiddy, but TWO whole tiddy, for free too goddam
Oh goddamn it, Saiya...
She always has the slicked back hair, she's a gangster.
Sayia will probalby turn around to Tessa and see her tits out before she covers them. Less likely the stream will be on and the chat will see her tits too, though why would she be talking to Sayia if the stream was going to start.
I'm really curious where the story goes from here, it's at a really weird place to continue. But knowing Kip it's just going to end and nothing more will happen.
>"ThEy ArE wOmEn AfTeR aLl"
>What are you on dude? Have you ever seen a woman irl?
Take a red pill, women are more agreeable than men. Which means less confrontational. Which means since Stacey is an Alpha bitch, Saiya isn't likely to confront her, especially true while she's in underwear.
>Women are less confrontational than men
I don't know what planet you've been living on, friend
it looks like it's slicked forward, unless her hairline is really low on her forehead or she's trying to hide a bald spot lol
Her hairline is jaggy AND low.
You can get a better idea what's going on from the side view
Although, it DOES look like a hairpiece... 🤔
I don't think there's been a colored version of Stacy yet, so maybe the middle of her hair is a different color than the sides, hence the weird highlight for it? idk. Though I wouldn't put it past Kip to have it be a hairpiece and have Stacy be an ex-nerd who became Tessa's manager to vicariously be popular through her
(2.4 MB, 4068x3002, CHARACTERS.jpg)
They uploaded this this week, it's the initial concept so some changes.
tessa's friend is underrated wtf
I hope at some point in the future we see a moment of Saiya lying awake at 2am with the realization "Wow, I was totally being a bitch back there."
Tessa actually followed through on granting Saiya a favor and help her, out of a genuine desire to befriend Saiya and please her, and yet here's Saiya's just being a sulky fucking teenager about it. Bitch needs to get off her high horse already.
yeah, it's really difficult for me to sympathize with her anymore
Well to be fair, it felt more like Tessa wanted to get Saiyas attention by confronting her directly, letting her fondle/play. Something she realised, Saiya would love to do to Aika and maybe spawn a spark of attraction towards her. In that case, Tessa would have acted out of selfishness to get what she wanted, which is what everyone is doing in this instance. Though I can't blame her, since there are no rules in the game of "love".

But yea I agree with you, Saiya is one of the most dense MC I've seen in a long time, only acting blindly out of her fetish while not even recognizing the real person with all their struggle/feeling.

Feels more like a metaphor at this point, Saiya being the overly - horny observer (we/the fetishist) and Aika/Tessa being their lust - object. Not even seeing them as humans but rather an embodiment of their fetish
tfw this comic would be way more elite if Tessa was the protagonist
Imagine the twist
>protag is a busty bimbo who's secretly a sub
>discovers she loves stuffing herself and getting fat
>turns shy loser into her dom feeder
>third wheel other fat chick
>protag is a whiny bitch
>in an awful love triangle with bimbo and fatty
>we only see either of them every five thousand panels because we follow the protag
True, Tessa's offer was a loaded one to derail Saiya's feelings for Aika but she still played it smart and delivered on her word - she got to have her creampuff and eat it too, essentially, and hey why not? The girl could use a win.
At this point I just want Aika to knock some sense into Saiya with a cold, hard reality check that she simply isn't into her that way, just so that Saiya can realise how big a fool she's been..
Throw in the evolution of bimbo's gaming stream into a mukbang one, and a successful one at that to the surprise of her bitchy manager, and that actually sounds pretty great. Ah, c'est la vie..
Speaking of managers, it does make me wonder that if Stacy knew there was money to be made out of a fat Tessa, would she really object to her stuffing antics? I'm actually kinda warming to Stacy as the unabashed stone-cold bitch that she is, and her using that assertive drive in managing Tessa to be the biggest gainer out there. A little like Tina from NLB but ruder and cooler.
(259 KB, 220x167, raise-eyebrow.gif)
yeah I'm definitely thinking we're gonna get her as a mukbang streamer. Think Nikocado Avocado but hot. Actually that sounds like a great prompt for some fanart. If only there was a super cool and talented fan artist in this thread who does Kip's job but better...
I can dream but I’m doubtful
>Get a temporary ban for showing titties
>Stuff her face even more since she has free time now that she can't stream
>Is obviously fat when start streaming again
that would be awesome but I'm expecting to find out she wasn't streaming yet and is still setting up.
with the rate of the plot i bet shes still installing obs
now that I look at it again stacy was in back of her when it happened and you can see that she has the cable in her hand in the third panel. I think she ran off screen to yank the power cord out of the wall before anyone saw anything. it would be a nice plot twist if she were too slow but I don't know where this story would even take that. it'd probably be like one strip of everyone talking about how huge her breasts are and thats it.
Her pulling the plug also potentially pulled the plug on the decent theory that Aika witnessed Saiya on the stream. It ties in to the established facts about Aika and also would have helped looped her into proceedings. As things stand, Aika feels hopelessly stranded from the story so it made sense to connect her to this whole scene somehow.
I assume Kip will dangle this detail over us - did Aika catch the moment on stream or not?
(688 KB, 2456x2512, KipTessa1AltOverlay.png)
I know you're referring to the artist earlier in this thread but I couldn't resist throwing my hat into the ring on this one. I've been itching to draw Tessa for a while now.
(sorry for any issues this is my literal first time ever posting on here)
hot damn am I the only person in this thread who isn't secretly a great artist? You nailed it my man. Keep up the good work!
Holy shit this is even better than Kip's art
Amazing work, though I think her gut could stand to look a little more pregnant/stuffed looking

Bro. Share your talent with the world!
You are a god among men. This is absolute perfection!
Especially that belly
oh fuck we are not worthy
Sweet mercy me. This is divine intervention. Keep up the good work!
this is truly amazing. the fan artists are out here putting kip to shame.
This figure is literally EONS better than what Kip has been doing. I love this type of belly shape. Do you have a twitter?

See this is why I hate niggers. They ask me. Why do you hate America? Because it's the perfect country for niggers. It really should be Africa, but no. Then they ask me well why do you hate literally everybody? Because they are all niggers then they say "Nuh uh. I'm white white". I'm like bitch are you really going to try to tell me who is and who isn't a nigger? What you goingvto use science like your emperor Hitler's dumb ass because oh in his time the technology wasn't sufficient to execute true racism but now the time has come. Bitch I know a nigger when I fucking see one. Let me see your art and I can tell you if you're a "nigger faggot" by looking at your art skills. Fucking niggers think everybody is as stupid as them. Gay owl from outer space that you worship going to swoop down and take your faggot ass. Then you'll be sleeping with the fishes inside of a big butthole of a gay chinese man. Faggy ass Americans.

Fruitcake whore.
Anon please take your meds, I am genuinely worried about you

You're worried because you're a whore. Now go back to your buddies at the brothel, and don't speak to me until I've spoken to you before I smack your dirty fucking mouth
>Gay owl from outer space that you worship

can you elaborate on this please?

Only reason I'm responding to you is because your comment made me laugh. What I said was meant to be a joke, but I have reasons to believe that there's a possible connection between egyptian pharaos tombs, the ocean, chinese culture, the bohemian grove, Elon Musk, some owl creature, and either the moon or the planet Mars. That is all I know as I really don't care about any of that nonesense and I know that it is all based on lies.

If you are some starving manga artist looking for material for your manga you should just kill yourself though. Not really though. But maybe find another profession. And do yourself a favor and don't believe a single word that comes out of the mouth of the children of the lie. I hope I could help.

I thought I wrote this but the reason I said all those things and said that the owl was homosexual for example is because of dreams I've had in the past. I was merely making a mockery of it. Don't let nobody or evil forces toy with your mind. Ever. They have no power and they don't know the future they only pretend to. It's all a lie. It's a trap and it is meant to ensnare you as part of a battle for your mind. They want to take over your body and they want your everlasting soul.
who tf let this absolutely unhinged madlad out of his psych ward

I know of Lovecraft but I don't know who he is. Something to do with squids or dark magic? I know of Sailormoon but I don't know anything about the show other than that I and Tuxedo Mask share certain commonalities. What I wrote was not meant to be deciphered. The first post was a joke. The others I was responding with an explanation for me jumping to conclusions. The conclusions were based on dreams. For example I've never watched a lot of tv because I'm different from normal people I guess, but something curious happened one evening with some acquaintences and as I took a nap for a moment I dreamt up something evil. Upon awakening I soon after saw someone on their phone watching Elon Musk unveil some design and when I saw it and heard him say "it's synthetic" it reminded of the strange dream I just finished having. A dream with what looked like a statue. I think it was on the moon with what appeared to be Mars behind it. It was dark and cold and dead silent. I believe I faintly saw a gay owl who was speaking from the artifact's direction. I do not know what the owl voice was saying but it was creepy and it sounded gay. Since both events happened minutes from one another I thought it odd. It was one of the more odd dreams I've had, and quite a coincidence. As I said it's mostly stupid.
gay owl from outerspace will now enter my personal lexicon, I genuinely appreciate this
>Kisame still not rangebanned from this site
Mods are fags
(2.7 MB, 725x504, C4648421-4965-4FBD-A3F0-160D126A5C8A.gif)
>”Oh shit I should check and see if I got any responses on the art I poste-“
Huh. Of all things, I was not expecting the ramblings of a schizoid Heaven’s Gate reject
God, that's one of the most divine Kip style bellies I've seen in ages following him. The perfect volume, plumpness, and a jiggle I can easily imagine.
Gotta say, I wasn't expecting such an amazing response, I really appreciate it fellas.
I'm bad at social media and don't have an account yet for fat/wg content. I'll probably make a Twitter/DA soon. For now I'll probably just post some more of my stuff around and keep y'all updated when I make one.
For now, I wonder if I should draw Kip or Cindy next...
cindy. please draw cindy.
Solo thread surely
Open comms and I wouldn’t mind funding a sequel down the road to that Tessa pic :^)
Cindy supremacy
After all of that, now Kip's hinting at weight loss. God, this comic is terrible.
God DAMN. Summer of Saiya here we come. Hopefully she retains that slight gut or gets fatter while ensuring Tessa gets even fatter than she is now. One can hope…
The pages description says: I'd do anything to be thin! Besides eat less and exercise of course

Also let’s not forget Tessa was supposed to lose weight and that didn’t happen.
hope kip will make her gigantic
Damn ya'll secret anon popping out of the woodwork with exceptional art. Hope you consider an alias or handle or something cause you're really talented.

>>97867 yeah Good luck with that Saiya.
(8.4 MB, 3800x4045, 2aed604a486c452e15c617943912ba6c.jpg)
What if the next page after this says End of Chapter 1? Then decided to continue a different comic. Which one would you wan to see be continued?
Ending pitch

Tessa and aika agree to both date saiya… on the condition they feed her for a change.

Cuts to months later where saiya’s mom and sister a back to check on her only to find she’s the fattest of the three
I hope Saiya stays relatively thin, contrast is hot
It is. I wouldn’t mind her gaining SOME but she’s perfect as is. Tessa will hopefully gain some more tho…
Saiya forgetting the part where Aika is thirsting for Tessa's giant tits? Lol not sure how she is going to fix that.
she's forgetting the part where she just spent how long stuffing her and rubbing all over her gut. tessa doesn't have a slender frame and hasn't since this series began.
I miss the days when kip's fats looked like this. Actual fat arms and soft looking legs rather than just inflated looking proportions
You both are pathetic lightweights. They've been their current sizes for roughly 100 pages now.

I miss when Kip did fats like that period, not only how it's distributed.
Ok Cindy is at least pretty proportional but pretty much everyone else it’s a different story.
>You both are pathetic lightweights. They've been their current sizes for roughly 100 pages now

Don't get me wrong, I want Aika and Tessa much bigger, I would just prefer if Saiya stayed around the size she is now - it would make the other two look bigger by comparison, especially considering how short she is
We'll likely not get the same size contrast that happened at the end of Lunch with Sister or No Lunch Take Out ever again.
the more I think about this comic the more frustrated I get. out of this entire stay at tessas house that is literally all she got out of it? she's not thinking about how nice tessa was to her? she's not thinking about rubbing all over her belly? tessa enjoying it? tessa, this 'thin figure' that aika lusts over, being stuffed into a corset? how about tessas personality that aika also loves? how does saiya leave such an amazing night with tessa and this is all she can think of? what even attracts her to aika?

at this point id be surprised if either aika or tessa gets much bigger.
I know. Exactly. It’s incredibly frustrating but I’ve still got a sliver of hope she has that realization soon. I could be very wrong but what if her grabbing her own flabby belly summons those lustful thoughts and that realization? I guess we will find out come Friday & Sunday…
At this point I think Kip's actual intent with Saiya was to write a character with aspergers, there's no other explanation for how dense she is. The panel where she reacts to Stacy claiming that Tessa is competing with Aika is comical.
rip thread
Correct me if i'm wrong but. How did she gain weight? I don't think we've seen her eat.
Tbh she’s always had a tad bit of chub since the first page you can kinda see it from the angle she’s drawn. Same with the recent ones where Tessa takes her shirt off.
That could be it
I was hoping that she might get turned on from grabbing her belly but I'm sure kip would have slid that in before the comic ended.

I'm really trying to be nice but this comic is getting painful. I mean I want to root for someone. at this point the only one worth seeing is tessa and kip just refuses to let her get any bigger. now I'm expecting a bunch of fluff, saiya seeing aika and a bunch of other stuff no one asked for. maybe aika will be bigger but the main issue is still here. what does saiya see in aika? does kip even know? if saiya wasn't as dense as a board one could see and understand a crush on tessa but this? this makes no sense. she's crushing on her because plot. she's obsessed because plot. tessas belly is probably bigger than hers at this point and she just got done force feeding her and living out her fantasy. she's dreaming about aika because plot and to make it even worse she's thinking about losing weight in a weight gain comic.

she's gone out to eat with aika a few times. id assume eating with someone like that would make someone pile on a few pounds but thats got nothing to do with anything. the only hope we have of this is her trying to work out with tessa to 'lose weight'.
I like my fats to have some sense of scale - something to make you understand how fat they are, be it another person, or furniture or clothes or whatever. People say that kip's fats are too small, but honestly, I think some scale (heh) could go a long way in getting people into the right mentality. This is also something that I could say about a lot of artists. How often do you see characters gain a ton of weight, only for their underwear to mysteriously grow with them? How often do we see art of just one fat girl without much else in the shot? I understand the desire to have a money-shot, but sometimes the boring stuff has to be there to really make things work.

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