
Any sources for these? Saucenao came out dry.
Ah, Fairy Tail: One Piece for Poors
this dude drawings are spreading
Stop, god fucking damnit. These drawings are cancer
Dude fuck off
Anything that looks like it's drawn in MS Paint shouldn't be considered. And don't use the "I made it in GIMP" card, as GIMP is capable of producing more potent artwork than this.
Did y'all literally delete my message? I was telling the truth about that drawing lmao
Are you fucking serious? Again with this shitty art?
"Oh no, we can't have males in fetish art!1!!11"
Then where's Natsu, Gray, or any of the other male Fairy Tail characters
You didn't understand jack shit. What's the point in editing a male character out of a drawing!?
Get Lucy guys cock out of your mouth.
Unexpected of you to do an edit, but... I'm not complaining! Thanks!
There's art with the male characters stuffing the female characters and vice versa don't act like that wasn't the point of the comment
Yooo its the guy that doesnt let anyone else ask for comms…..stop asking for self inserts pls lol and stop asking for lucy go touch some grass
come on guys, if they really were the lucyguy, they would've put a name in instead of being yet another anon.
This is not about having male character in the picture, it's about that people don't like that OC character.
This 100%. If it were Natsu instead of Lucy guys cringe self insert OC I wouldn't give a shit.
guys, we are NOT having the same thing happening like in the BWS thread.
He got the inspiration from my page I draw Cana alot
Shut the fuck up your soulless bitch
That art is 🔥😤
Calm down people, anything can be considered art. However, 90% of said art is utter garbage.
I've seen better artwork made from MS Paint on DA and Twitter before. The stuff you just posted was "soulless" in a sense that low effort was put into them. I'd suggest you look at kipteitei's artwork instead, at least they don't have quality as low as that.
Stop talking shit hsters I'm not a top notch artist like Salt Belt buster or Sweetdreamcoffee and I put a lot of effort into those drawings and these are just sketches damn!😂
Effort doesn't matter if the result is terrible
Maybe it's best you'd keep them to yourself.
I'm sorry, you'll have to practice a few more techniques than basic shapes and coloring. Try doing that, then maybe you'll get better. Maybe try doing it on paper and pencil first.
Ok, out of sheer honesty, why of all things must you post a picture of he-who-shall-not-be-named, and telling a beginner to commit suicide?
Being an artist takes a lot of time and patience. That to me just looks rushed, like you just wanted to draw a fat girl, and not put any visual effort. You did say you put effort into your drawings, but there's one problem right off the bat. Just look at what you drew. Doesn't look very appealing, doesn't it?
Because it's to the point and easy to understand Unlike this care bear roundabout shit >>116148
racism is not the answer to everything. You should at least know that much.

I know that I just came out of nowhere, but in what way exactly was anything that he said racist? Rude, insensitive, sure. But racist? Does simply mentioning Hitler's name now amounts to a hate crime? I might be wrong, but it just looks like a baity shitpost rather than a call to anything.
We need Acnologia to nuke this thread now!
No, this thread is perfect. People are criticizing that autistic kid's art just as they should
I'm autistic what's wrong with that!!!!!!

You're on a fetish-oriented subgroup of 4chan, everyone here is to some extent.
What does it mean to be autistic then? If the word is to be thrown around all over the place, please tell me.

Not in a literal sense (as in an actual disorder), but when people refer to someone as autistic, most of the time they mean that the person is anti-social, obsessive and partially divorced from reality.
In other words, an asshole. Use that word instead.
Shut the fuck up who are you calling autistic you bastards chill the fuck damn😂
You guys complain about the lucy guy every fucking second and i bet half of you who are talking all this shit don't know how to draw bro
You don't even know me to be calling me that so chill the fuck out and keep your nasty ass comments to yourself and post your own art and ignore my art if you don't like it shit!
Well... You do have a point.
Chill retard, you don't need to get so heated lmao
oh look, a low iq nigger.
also, nobody needs to know draw when the art in question is shit.
Finally, someone who knows what's up
Fuck off and stop being bullies I don't want to see anyone coming to my page talking shit and I won't be posting here ever again you people have issues and no life bro
Who else just came here to see how much bws Lucy guy art they could find
Nobody, really. Fuck off
(120 KB, 707x1000, FhHk8RcVsAAYkMt.jpeg)
If anyone can translate this, I'd appreciate it and will do butt stuff as payment
Right to left (as any Manga/Jap comic):
1: Yeah!
2: I still look good.
3: I might have gained a bit of weight, but it's not that much.
4: It's still alright.
Is Erza a glutton? She's like 2nd place when it comes to fat art.
Kinda, she's obsessed with strawberries and sweats
>everygirl I've ever fucked
Here you go:
This link was encoded in base64
Does anyone have Lucy from BWS
Who made the last one?
You're still sharing your shitty MS Paint quality art? You should be ashamed of yourself

it gets worse, the first one is a budget version of one of Nikutsuki's works
where did you find this? Any sources?
Some hentai site
it could be kurocaze, the style's similar
Hey guys, some guy is doing a poll with fairy tail characters, I was wondering if you wanted to participate in a poll. The user Earzland on deviantart or chaotic123 on aryion will make a continuation of the eating on who gets next page with enough votes based on comments.
Could you leave some links please
Hoping for mavis to win next round, the first few rounds where unfair do to a miscount
Really wish someone could edit out the text for the entire comic.

Also, anyone got the next part of the remake?
(2.4 MB, 1474x7092, Erza Saxxon.png)
since one guy's already asking, I'd appreciate it if the slob version here could get colored
(252 KB, 1024x1039, da1151766bd70737da1bfaae23e646db9c316a912aad3f0eca5a5f8651d5857b.png) (234 KB, 1280x1386, 86c52d308135c0e16c97b7b853b56f2f185e8cd3f1898aed6c34bead605f6284.png) (69 KB, 948x842, df897de8b7c441285fc2428d06aab1fcd9e371a6958f8807c779c68dc646221f.jpg) (67 KB, 952x839, f092a37d569938d05859685d4e7c138008ab3907be53845583c7ec2719c1f1cc.jpg) (1.6 MB, 1750x1000, 6cff51df402fe188ee61dbcbd20806e5f1881fbfb912677ed7531d8ef26b6c4d.png) (1.5 MB, 3817x2016, 996c35394dee7b536187b0603900ab3f753190ee55b2145385be08ed7e87424d.png)
(680 KB, 1554x2000, A_ ft_erza_and_mirajane_final_round_1_6_color_by_overlordofnobodies_d77ica8.JPEG) (732 KB, 1548x2000, A_ ft_erza_and_mirajane_final_round_2_6_color_by_overlordofnobodies_d77icc4.JPEG) (620 KB, 1551x2000, A_ ft_erza_and_mirajane_final_round_3_6_color_by_overlordofnobodies_d77icd3.JPEG) (637 KB, 1548x2000, A_ ft_erza_and_mirajane_final_round_4_6_color_by_overlordofnobodies_d77icea.JPEG) (640 KB, 1554x2000, A_ ft_erza_and_mirajane_final_round_5_6_color_by_overlordofnobodies_d77l8k3.JPEG) (596 KB, 1548x2000, A_ ft_erza_and_mirajane_final_round_6_6_color_by_overlordofnobodies_d77l8hi.JPEG)
Full Comic
(220 KB, 1280x1662, fairy_tail_c_bonus_round_1_10_by_overlordofnobodies_d8q6sel.JPEG) (254 KB, 1280x1652, fairy_tail_c_bonus_round_2_10_by_overlordofnobodies_d8q6sfp.JPEG) (346 KB, 1280x1655, fairy_tail_c_bonus_round_3_10_by_overlordofnobodies_d8q6sio.JPEG) (338 KB, 1280x1649, fairy_tail_c_bonus_round_4_10_by_overlordofnobodies_d8q6sm3.JPEG) (349 KB, 1280x1650, fairy_tail_c_bonus_round_5_10_by_overlordofnobodies_d8q6spj.jpg) (344 KB, 1280x1705, fairy_tail_c_bonus_round_6_10_by_overlordofnobodies_d8qcku9.jpg)
Part 2 of comic
is there any extra content?
Source? Thx in advance!
(1.5 MB, 1400x2000, 641.png)
Does anyone have that colored sketch of Cana by Better With Salt?
Who's the artist for the Lucy pics?
>>181337 All expect for 4 are MorningPanda. 4 looks like Squarewave, but I could be wrong.
more arts maybe?
Didn’t Axel Rosered post a series about Brandish with a bunch of fat girls in jars? Does anyone have that?
(3.0 MB, 2500x3500, Steamed Buns (1).png)
Fairy Tail is coming back in July.
So... Let's celebrate!
Holy shit! Is someone tracing the Overwatch Pancake sequence!?
Is there any are on kagura
(264 KB, 2048x1559, lotioning_risley_s_huge_belly_by_gokuandsonic707_derj1yv.jpg) (1.6 MB, 1200x1700, shading_practice_6_erza_scarlet__not_my_lineart__by_epiclytitan_deohmkd.png) (3.8 MB, 6273x6000, risley_law__gear_s_proud_fat_bitch_by_gokuandsonic707_dfhax6h.png) (549 KB, 1111x1472, 5f5c6905fdd9c0f73cf08cc108fb27d49e023809e0d6b1d0786fdc20593904ca.png) (707 KB, 1622x1752, Sloshed.jpg) (4.9 MB, 3400x3800, lucy_lardphilia_by_epiclytitan_de96uvl.png)
(273 KB, 994x1213, _wips_n_sketches__8__grand_magic_waistline_by_epiclytitan_dgr7tk4.png) (189 KB, 726x1331, _wips_n_sketches__4__atearaxia_armor_erza_by_epiclytitan_dgr7s9o.png) (264 KB, 1195x1244, _wips_n_sketches__7__corpulent_cake_by_epiclytitan_dgr7tj5.png) (191 KB, 738x1282, _wips_n_sketches__6__clear_belly_clothing_by_epiclytitan_dgr7thz.png) (844 KB, 2500x3000, _wips_n_sketches__3__scolding_by_epiclytitan_dgp5mic.png) (642 KB, 2500x3000, _wips_n_sketches__beach_fun__1_by_epiclytitan_dhb60ll.png)
Wow, this brainless retard is still making art? Didn't he have a mental breakdown on twitter or something?
who is the dude in the corner is he a new character
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about ButtyButter...some posted a screenshot of his twitter rant in the old discussion thread
Unless some expansion happened, don't know why you're showing us this.
(159 KB, 1280x1435, 123.jpg)
I swear I once saw a great picture of Erza with her hands bound by a chain, eagerly about to get fed an entire cake. Does anyone else have this pic? Can't seem to find it.

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