
>>88966 (OP)
Who even is this artist? You have to be the same fuck whose been posting all the artist threads over the last two weeks.
oh, my uncultured little guy, you've missed out.
Nothing here says I'm missing anything worthwhile.
Same. I like teasing but I don't like slob. It just hits weirds. Maybe this guy had something good once in a blue moon, but not for me.
the first one always made my dick diamonds
What slob???
the burp?
different strokes, but I liked how heavy and helpless they manage to make them look
The heavy and helpless feeling has been done much better by other artists. I personally don't care for how this guy does facial expressions, and they somehow got me to dislike stretch marks even more. They look like open wounds instead of torn skin in the OP's 2nd and 3rd images.
they also did teasing quite well~
(84 KB, 640x640, 017.jpg) (40 KB, 640x602, 018.jpg) (54 KB, 640x640, 019.jpg) (64 KB, 640x640, 020.jpg)
Sadly thats all I have saved. Its a shame, because I know there is more of this sequences I am missing and I am half convinced Im the only person who has saved the files. I liked how unhealthy and dumb she got towards the end, even becoming blind as her cheek fat got in the way of her eyes.
Can we don't post furry.
I wasn't even aware he did this. Didn't see it on his DA or Twitter page.
I had no idea these existed but I love them 6w9
Thanks for posting these.
Where did ya find that h-poo?
It was on his Twitter before burg nuked everything. He never posted the full pic, btw.
(425 KB, 2048x1536, BE9544F7-03FA-4E8B-8CD5-606092A74C99.png)
I can post the full pic,cause i actually (originally) was gonna commission him it but he decided to finish it before he just nuked everything,he didnt wanna keep me waiting,man i miss him. I can tell you all why i wanted it to begin with/more info
Wow, thanks for this anon. Never new this was actually completed.
>I can tell you all why i wanted it to begin with/more info
Sure, go right ahread.
Ok basically,i wanted to create this evil hekapoo au with her ruling over the neverzone,thats basically the gist of it,its hard to remember the other details as i had elaborated on them between me and him on discord,which has long since been deleted,i was gonna get more characters designed for the au but obviously never happened due to how long he took to even finish this and him leaving not too long after its completion. If any anons out there wanna help me see this au out to completion ,id be down for business.
Btw your welcome,too bad its the only thing i ever really got from em,i remember him doing doodles of her design before it was done but its probably lost to those aforementioned lost to time dms
Interesting. It's a shame it never really went anywhere, sounds like a neat idea for a small VN or something.
Now that you mentioned it,it would be a good VN idea,if an artist/etc would be willing to fully complete my au/idea with me
>>88966 (OP)
fat slob artists seem to vanish commonly... if twitter goes away i know a couple more who will disappear completely after that
Which is why need to archive as as much shit as possible.
I just hope wherever burgbag is,that they are safe and sound. Thats the main thing i been worried about their abrupt disappearance,and also makes ya wonder if he even knows this board exists,lmfao.
same here and i'm really not sure why. I think they get embarrassed or shamed? At least I know that's what happened to several BBW artists
IIRC, Bagburg did seem like he wasn't really satisfied with his work on Twitter. He was talking about "not doing fat women justice" before he deleted it.
These things happen for many reasons but it's not the artists fault what the people's choice determines about their art. It's a thing disproportionately copied over and iver until it looses it's flare, but look, there is nothing that ca be done about the world. It isn't the perfect that it should. But it's been made worse by powerful multimedia companies. It's not likely to get better in the years to come. If it keeps getting worse then we will suffer greatly. But for now and until things do start picking up for beautiful girls we have enough to make do.
>>138344 Oh yes you are! You're very welcome.
hey guys and gals of this thread,try using old handles he had like theburgbag on tumblr which he also later changed according to burgbag-deactivated20200524 on wayback machine,or etc. i feel like there is a slight chance cause someone captured his twitter page twice that day i linked so,there is a potential for tumblr of his to be also archived,stay ever vigilant,my fellow anons
Man, it's a tragedy he didn't do more with Heckapoo.
Doubt it, though agreed, I hope he's doing alright.

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