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Is her stuff banned here or something? I've never seen any and it fantastic BBW expansion/GTS growth stuff. Here's a few pictures to give you an idea.

I know she had a big blowup about people posting her stuff on another board and they stopped dead cold which I thought was weird. WTF listens to that? The people who are looking for your stuff free are NEVER going to pay for it anyway.
>>87740 (OP)
No, please delete that thread. NOW.
If you could move this thread to somewhere like /bbwalt/, that would be a better place for this.
I’m also looking for gtsx comics especially the new ones like qwg 9
>>87740 (OP)

I think the issue is that their fanbase is small, and their work is hard to obtain. if it was just on patreon someone would've ripped it, but it's not, it's confusing and stupid how they sell the comics.
>>87740 (OP)

imo they vastly overcharge, probably because their fanbase is so small, if the prices were competitive with the rest of the stuff leaked on /bbwdraw/ I think it would leak, but instead they're charging way more than anyone else is for mediocre or poor quality stuff

probably because their work is so niche and bizarre maybe this is how they have to operate
That's very helpful and I definitely recommend that for anyone who didn't already know about it. That's where I got pretty much everything I have from GTSX. I'm looking for more recent stuff from the last 6-8 months which is when everything just seemed to stop dead.
>>87740 (OP)
Why aren't you moving this thread to /bbwalt/?
Try reporting it.

users don't have this power?
why does this need to be moved anyways? This board only allowed for japanese drawings?
The board focus is BBW, not GTS.
It's weight gain so that's right.
It's weight gain so that's right.>>88259
giants is not within the rules so if you can do this thread

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