
(456 KB, 498x449, wario-triggered.gif)
Yup, it's back.

You know the drill by now, original thread got locked due to the 400 message limit, and now there's a new one.

Pour your salt here if you wanna complain about the FA community!
>>87401 (OP)
How about it on the general discussion board? That's where it belongs, dude!
Here's are some complaints:

- I hate that this shit has a community
- I hate that there are so many genuinely developmentally-disabled people in this "community"
- I'm fucking tired of those same disabled people being commission spergs
- I'm tired of reading about inane fat art "community"/artist drama

No one that isn't an artist needs to have a presence, and even then I don't need to hear about your personal life; I'm not your friend, I'm a stranger on the internet. Just post good pictures (requires good art), we go our separate ways and coom in private. That's it.
>>87401 (OP)
How about you move this thread to the General Discussion board? That's where it belongs, dude!
So many of the April Fools jokes were lame
>Oh haha I drew a weight loss sequence instead, oh I drew a thin girl what an ironic twist!
(47 KB, 406x182, DontLook.png)
Go back to twitter, or click this fucking button if you don't want to see the totally optional thread that you don't want to read.
How about you quit bitching. I assume you are the spaz who reported this thread so many times a mod had to show up in the last one to tell you to fuck off. It's clear the mods have no problem with these generals since they let the last three threads go to post limit. Take the hint.
>its always hilarious seeing blewdle of all people pushing this garbage considering the sick shit that they're into

I noticed this was brought up in the previous thread and never answered. I figured I’d ask what the anon who posted this meant.
But THIS is out of place. It's obviously a discussion thread.
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Every time I see this autist post I both laugh and cry.
Their alt, @Bluudew
Brace yourself for couch TF

Im not tainting my device with those pictures. I feel like Id get a virus
I was expecting something bad from that description. I did not expect the horrors that I saw when scrolling down, and I wish I could unsee that shit.
I have seen with my own eyes how decieving appearances can be, but if someone told me that I looked like I liked men, for example, from that point on I would go out of my way to find a way to try to look as manly and unfeminine as possible, and I'm not even very macho.
Cereal-Stuffer, stop spamming every SINGLE thread with your traced art.

I know it's you, no one else in their right mind would share that "art".
>every SINGLE thread
Now now, anon, don't misrepresent him.
He's only spamming the threads on the first page. You know, for visibility.
He really wants to promote his DA account, you see. The one where all his traced art can be found in. All of it. In one convenient place.
They just want people to have that information. And I'm sure letting some artists know would give him just the sort of boost that he needs.

For real.
I'm seeing you spamming as well. Go start a drawing course like drawabox or something. Behaving like this isn't doing you any favors. This shit is what I'm talking about too, just invest the time into learning the process instead of causing a massive ruckus for zero reward.
I know you haven't taken your meds, anon, so I'll cut you some slack and let you know that making a single post pointing out one of the pieces that lobotomite traced is not actually spamming.
>one of the pieces
Buddy, there's at least one in every other thread I've clicked on.
>people start complaining about cereal-stuffer
>all his posts disappear
Mods are you really here? If so what did you do to make that guy seethe so hard in Nadya's thread on the BBW board?
He wanted my game to have elephant anthros lol
(18 KB, 456x673, images (28).jpeg)
And I thought Mistystuffer having a Twitter account was bad enough
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This world shall be purified.
The most abhorrent and outmost vile piece of media I've ever seen. Imagine being this wretched and sick down to the very core that you decide to draw something like this, and even find the support to keep your horrific dance of insanity going on.
Chris-Chan is strong in him.
(66 KB, 640x473, 127637.JPG)
I’ve been ballin’
I’ve been slippin’
I’ve been tryin’ get ‘im pay attention
Drop tha top
They ain’t listen
I don’ wanna lose my life to prescriptions

I’ve been ballin’
I’ve been slippin’
I’ve been tryin’ get ‘im pay attention
Drop tha top
They ain’t listen
I don’ wanna lose my life to prescriptions

I be stressin’
Way to much
I can’t help
Xans stop my nervous wreck
It was built
It be fucking up my head
It was built
It be fucking up my head

I be stressin’
Way to much
I can’t help
Xans stop my nervous wreck
It was built
It be fucking up my head
It was built
It be fucking up my head
You know,

I’ve been witnessing a lot of weird shit here, this is far from it.
(87 KB, 640x640, 1554621687724.jpg)
After making a dummy account on Twitter to follow some artists can I say how much I hate that so many of them have Twitter as their only plattform or abandoned their previous one(s) for it?
There's no good way to look through somones gallery and artists constantly like or retweet stuff I'm not into.
(218 KB, 1280x1813, BWS218.jpg)
>"Oh I can't wait to eat 1,000 cheeseburgers."
>"The perfect date is when you feed me messy cake all night."
>" I haven't eaten in 30 minutes omg I'm gonna starve!!!"

It's hard to be into this when you get tired of the insane focus on food and eating. I get it, you get fat when you eat a lot, but I'm also just generally into fat women. I want to see more content of fat girls going on dates, falling in love, trying on lingerie, being sexy or flirty, ANYTHING but content creators seem to be hyper fixated on making sure we know they eat 70 Nutter Butters for a snack while in the nude and begging for more food. It doesn't escape me that feeding large bodied hotties isn't part of the fantasy, I like it too.

But where's the variety? Where's the porn aspect? I'm not *really* bothered by what's coming out these days, but I do think there's more that could be done we're not really seeing. I see it in other kinks that people go wild when the characters in that content are more fleshed out and I feel like we're missing out.

idk I just think there's more attractive things to fat girls than just "Oh I wanna eat."
The people who are trying to save the Instant Girl thread are trolls. Why keep a thread of an artist who only uploads once or twice a month when we have a Weight Gain General thread that's meant for ideas that don't provide enough on their own?
Don't get me wrong, I love food and those with a hearty enough appetite to appreciate a big meal, but it's also a bugbear of mine when artists just slap an arbitrarily high number to a pic. A feedee eating 50 pizzas or demanding their 25th helping or something equally stupid. It just spoils the moment for me.
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>Everyone runs away in terror
>That feel when you realize something's wrong when it doesn't faze you in the slightest
I mean, that was exactly Cozynskovich's complain about this community, but people got mad at him for using Softon as an example.
(252 KB, 567x320, 93a.png)
No fucking words man. Just actions. And the action i'm taking is painting the wall with my brain matter.
>>87699 I wish I was as funny as you
you must be 18 to post here
>>87401 (OP)
stop posting these schizo threads here
There's a huge difference between some rando saying it's a problem in the community in general and a relatively big name going up to a new artist and saying "I expected more from you".
>>87401 (OP)
Artists who get upset when their Patreon shit is posted elsewhere should shut the fuck up, it's being redistributed and shared among comrades. Berniebros rejoice.
Kozynakovich? He cant probably even do art anymore. No more Paypal in Russia.
You know, despite how many artists go here, I'm surprised they haven't tried usurping this place like the commies they are.
Why bother changing anything? Most already use Twitter and Discord for social/community stuff and having an anonymous place for content and, in this case, venting is probably as useful and fun for them as it is for you.
Cozy is a little pretentious but I guess that is part of his charm anyway and he is a master at shading and such, although he's not my favorite in style compared to like Bamboo-Ale
I know Tumblr has a porn ban but most of the fetish stuff doesn't fall under the rule, and Twitter is a horrible insufferable place if you're not there for something you really need. Discord sucks hard too,i hate servers. Bring back classic forums.
To be fair, drawing your own art instead of relying on others to or commissioning them or waiting months just to miss a slot is much more sound reasoning. So making it yourself is good but doing so for a whole ass game is a different story and takes a lot more work and skillsets.

He's still around? I'm shocked his forum site is still up.

Excuse me, Couch transformation? And I thought Cars movie Transformations on DA were bad enough.
Twitter is horrible for archival purposes and is disposable by design, even the accounts themselves are. Just make a throwaway burner for following everything you want to see later. Best case just download everything you see because it might not be there tomorrow.
>He's still around
He's been hold up on Pixiv ever since DA finally had enough of his shit. Could've sworn he killed off the forum part of his site years ago but maybe it was just the gallery.
>Durr what's da point of a salt thread if you post salt
i fucking hate that this community cant seem to pander to my objectively better tastes

i hate seeing oversized blobs with no definition, i hate seeing slight barely noticeable weight gain, i just want that sweet spot man with some regard to realism. like show some diversity man, i cant fap to the same body with heads swapped.

like there are so many body types that are attractive to me, and fat artists seem to do only the worst ones.
On that note, I am shocked at how unpopular Echo's body shape seems to be. It feels like every artist draws apple or hourglass shaped bodies.
Isn’t it a meme at this point that artist in this “community” end up pivoting to just doing normie bottom heavy fat asses if you’re tired of the typical apple belly heavy art go look an bamboos art or something they’re plenty like him
>i fucking hate that this community cant seem to pander to my objectively better tastes
Alright calm down
>i just want that sweet spot man with some regard to realism. like show some diversity man, i cant fap to the same body with heads swapped.
Ok never mind based

It's basically how they """escape""" the label of chubby chaser because solely big asses have normal-person-tier popularity power, and they get to "slim down" and become weird and insecure like Bamboo still drawing fat art behind a Patreon "don't ask don't tell" subscriber tier.

Because all they do is invade a space, change it and shit it up and move on when it does because of them.


I've seen some of it here and there but mostly I was just thinking out loud what with Musk buying stocks in Twitter and some people freaking out from the urban legend they made him out to be.

I expect an attempt because some clearly post/come here but I don't see it being successful.
>>87973 (Cross-thread)
I was in the same boat as you. Thought I found a neat new artist but when I tried to see more of his work, I spent like 20 minutes scrolling past the same fucking vibe check and Jerma memes in his media tab. Whenever I tried to check his timeline instead, it was a constant stream of passive aggressiveness or UNGA BUNGA ME HORNY. Then all I started seeing from him was shortstack nerdification and I eventually decided fuck it and muted him.
(126 KB, 383x372, 1643207855396.png)
People got mad because he's a poncy fucking hypocrite. He has the gall to get mad at other people's fetish art when his own output is stagnant at best, and when that's pointed out he just goes "w-well that different! This is my job!" with zero self-awareness. There are plenty of artists that actively try to shake things up, Cozy's absolutely not one of them. He has no room to talk, but is too busy with his head up his own ass to realize that.
Why is this still here on this board?! It needs to be moved to the General Discussion board, for Christ's sake!
>why won't the mods pander to only me!!!
I swear he is in every thread whining and moaning about this. Isn't he that cereal-stuffer guy?
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The fact that the first fucking thing he posted on that account is a goddamn dorse really is just the cherry on top of the shit cake, it was all downhill from there. Fucking hell, I think got a migraine just by browsing. I've seen my fair share of /d/egeneracy, but that account is a war crime.
Belly was and still is the biggest on the market and the increase in booty was caused by the recent shortstack boom and the words subsequent degradation into short females with massive asses.
ie the grand niggerization
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The dude wants to be a "legit" artist but he's big sad that he's stuck drawing fat of she and booba. :(
Oh he also likes to take commission money and run.

>become weird and insecure like Bamboo still drawing fat art behind a Patreon "don't ask don't tell" subscriber tier.

I subbed to Bamboo when something of his leaked that I liked a lot and thought "I've always liked his work and he does good content, so I'll sub." This was around the time he was easing off on the SSBBWs really hard but I didn't know, so it was pretty much nothing but asses for a stretch. Crappy characters kept winning his polls, and anytime a character I liked would win, thicc with an ass, so it was becoming more and more disappointing. I was around during a stream when someone asked him if he'd still draw SSBBWs and he pretty much said "no", so I decided to unsub from him then and there. It wasn't long after that I found out he started back up drawing SSBBWs.

I always found it weird that people said switching over the fat asses makes you more money when Bamboo's Patreon is low despite the quality of his work. Most Patreon numbers grow over time, so you can't really attribute growth to just a switch in content focus, and he was known for his big girls. It feels like it'd hurt him more to tuck that stuff away and make it seem like he's just pear focused now. I mean I get having reservations and wanting to do things your way and curating your image, but it's still a little baffling.
>I always found it weird that people said switching over the fat asses makes you more money when Bamboo's Patreon is low despite the quality of his work

People like Bamboo are under the assumption that Twitter clout has any sort of value. In reality that shit is worthless; it doesn't reflect anything in the slightest because the vast majority of users are bots to begin with, making sub counts and likes for pretty much anything highly inflated after a certain point.

Meanwhile Bamboo went out of his way to alienate his main audience by hiding what he actually draws under a paywall and not even trying to hide his contempt for the fat community as a whole. He genuinely thinks fat shit is beneath him now because he's """popular""" on Twitter, of course that's going to drive people away. He did all of this just to chase an audience that isn't actually there.
I'm not really talking about ass, I'm more referring to giant legs (like Echo). No one really draws super fat legs unless the whole body is also super fat which ruins the pear body proportions.
(2.7 MB, 480x366, GyHf.gif)
Fetish artists: Yeah, this artist charging 400 dollars for a pic is totally reasonable and whoever has a problem with that is a loser, artists need to make a living! Muh market prices!

Same fetish artist: *Doesn't do that themselves*
It's interesting that his Patreon numbers are low, last I saw he was neck & neck with Salt. I'm not surprised that he's unable to convert Twitter traction into full time paypigs based on not only his history but how the average Twitter consumer views it; right click save, like the tweet. Pay you? What for?

His entire arc has been so weird and it genuinely surprises me that he's put himself in the position he has. To this day he's probably still one of the most technically impressive fat-of-she artists to where if it was revealed he didn't have one of the extremely rare stable and decent-paying jobs either in or running tangent alongside the art industry, I'd be mindfucked.

There's so much smoke around him in regards to how he views his position where some rumors say he's got an inner circle(jerk) that drives this and he's technically not the bad guy and others where he clearly is the bad guy who thinks he's hot shit. Part of me doesn't care because him being an egotistical weirdo doesn't impact me at all with the good eastern and some western artists we have these days, but another part of me is extremely curious to just know the full truth because him being an egotistical weirdo has an impact on the material I consume, especially if he's still recognized as a figurehead in this "community".
I don't know how ShySho hasn't been mentioned yet on any of these Salt threads.
Depends on whether you can get away with it. I've seen plenty of furry artists in particular with prices in the thousands getting regular work.

>Crappy characters kept winning his polls, and anytime a character I liked would win, thicc with an ass, so it was becoming more and more disappointing
See any patreon ever. You pit something interesting against flavour of the month anime waifu, and the latter always wins because people have no taste.
Commission prices being a race to the bottom is a real problem, especially when a high profile and skilled artist like Pew opens them up for relatively low prices. I don't like the idea of shaming artists for having low prices, but rather other artists encouraging them to raise them for a healthier market. Fetish art commissions are a luxury service.
He's weird, but he always mind his own bussiness and never tries to act like a moral guide for people.
>I've seen plenty of furry artists in particular with prices in the thousands getting regular work
That's furries, that's what they're known for.

They gotta work on their attitudes before they try pushing to raise prices.
(2.9 MB, 386x400, 1631194704636.webm)
>BWS just uploaded a new page of Lucy remaster
>Hey guys, can someone post the new page of the Lucy comic?
>Hey guys im BWS, are you guys ready for the next episode of the Lucy comic?
>Holy shit guys I need more Lucy remasters
>Hey guys, BWS here, Lucy guy gave me 10000000000 dollars to keep posting Lucy art for the rest of my career

>They gotta work on their attitudes before they try pushing to raise prices.
In what regards?
I hope he's paying an unimaginable amount of money because that cunt wouldn't let me commission him at all because he was always "busy for the forseeable future"
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There was quite a long stretch of time where he made it very clear he was only barely tolerating the community as a whole. Around 2018 he did a bunch of "shitpost" art that was either him shit talking his audience/random 4chan posts, or just taking flat out malicious potshots at other artists.

Since then the bastard nuked his entire DA account with all that bullshit so I was only able to find a few pics. But he had a whole folders worth of the shit, and got pissy whenever anyone called him out on it or when he got criticism in general. It was this shitty attitude that turned me away from his stuff in general.
One of the best artist in this community relegated to making a tone of art of a mid as hell character. Unironically a huge tragedy
Man I’d pay good money for a BWS commission that wasn’t one of the 5 generic blonde characters he does 90% of the time
(274 KB, 720x562, 1633984449505.png)

>There's so much smoke around him in regards to how he views his position where some rumors say he's got an inner circle(jerk) that drives this

That part is true though, his private personal discord is filled with other FA artists close to him and they do mock and shitpost about other artists, ones they've praised or acted nice towards on DA/Twitter, as well as comments they've screenshot from 4chan/BBWchan threads and other convos involving him and them elsewhere in private. As expected of any circlejerk, all the artists in there who would post their work, some of which contained the very things they'd make fun of other artists for and people didn't bat an eye and would praise it.

Hell I'm sure comments from these past venting threads and his own threads when people made them (lol) were already posted there and mocked because people on BBWchan are lowly plebs beneath "Gods" like them.

t. person who was in his private server once and got a peak behind the curtain.
Oh I know, Patreon polls are the bane of my existence. My complaint was that when a decent character would win on Bamboo's polls, he'd just give her a fat ass, which I appreciate, but it's still a letdown compared to what he could've done. To reiterate, I joined because of his SSBBW stuff, around the time he started to shift away from that, so I was feeling disappointed, not """""entitled"""""".

This is another thing that's really disappointing, but also understandable, as others have pointed out: It could be a mixture of it being a character the artist likes, the commissioner being a regular who is good to work with, and/or the commissioner paying well. When you've got a good thing going, it doesn't make sense to toss that aside because a couple of fans are sick of seeing the same character.

On the note of commission slots, I do wish more artists would leave reservations up for longer instead of "Hey it's been 6 months since last time, you know the drill: 3 slots, first come first serve, reservations start at 4 AM."
Yeah, I remember these. There was a lot of handwaving that it was just bants, but all these years later it still just comes off as him being butthurt.

I also remember hearing about this happening in his discord behind closed doors. On one hand I think it's shitty to be that petty and ass-annihilated over fetish work, but on the other hand I understand how easy it is to hate the people who have this fetish. Based on the patreon polls and discord channels of the few artists I paypig for, I totally get how one can quickly develop a holier-than-thou attitude from many of the posts I've seen over the years.

There's some "In defense of Bamboo" story that's been posted on /d/ a few times where he apparently had to damage control some literal autist using his parent's credit card for expensive comms and tell the autist's father that he (Bamboo) was a fetish artist. This is one of those stories I'm willing to believe is real based on the types of fuckups I know exist on imageboards and places like plebbit, but if something like this happens to proverbial you and you go "fuck this", you can optionally choose to pack your bags but you mostly just move on with your life and make changes to avoid stupid shit like that in the future.

Rent free gets thrown around a lot, probably even by the artists who act like that, but it's weird that so many artists for this fetish have the fanbase they hate live rent free in their heads and revile in hearing the people they hate talk about their weird behavior.
this community does attract a certain type of people
Bamboo is an ass but shit that jab as axel was actually pretty funny
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>but on the other hand I understand how easy it is to hate the people who have this fetish

I can imagine dealing with commenters and fans from this community can wear away at you, not to mention the pressure from keeping a certain level of quality/output and being in the spotlight in general. There's also being stuck drawing fetish material and characters that makes you unhappy but you're stuck doing it because you need money. I genuinely do have some sympathy for artists and often wonder how I'd deal with these things if I ever go from being a fan to being a creator.

That said, I've seen artists take benign comments and blow up at them, get incredibly butthurt from simple questions, or seethe at comments that could be easily ignored, behind closed doors and out in the open. It's like they suddenly forget it's the internet and they are a content creators, and that people will talk shit for the sake of talking shit and that you can't please everyone.

It might feel like they're getting bullied for no reason, but from what I've seen, it's usually people holding a grudge after they've done something to draw ire. And no it's not them quitting the scene, drawing new stuff, or trying to monetize. It's usually shit like lashing out, trying to police/moralize, trying to make things seems "Artist vs Fan", etc. There are plenty of artists who are known well enough that don't seem to have detractors and drama surrounding them, and it's because they know how to handle situations with grace and not stir the kettle. There's also the two-faced nature of it all and the hypocrisy, as >>88275 has pointed out. I've seen the same type of behavior from other big artists behind closed doors and I sometimes wonder if it's the act of breaking into the inner circle and making friends with the big names and old guard that changes new artists for the worse.

>makes fun of Axel's butt drawings
>becomes an ass artist
>makes fun of Axel's unwanted kinks
>starts drawing furry and has light slob elements in recent works
>makes fun of Axel's monetization
>one of the posters of the "Who Shot Hannibal" meme, a main point being that artists are underpaid

Really makes you thunk.
(that stupid Hannibal meme is a whole rant in of itself)
(75 KB, 960x704, 1640008137198.jpg)
>makes fun of Axel's butt drawings
>becomes an ass artist
>makes fun of Axel's unwanted kinks
>starts drawing furry and has light slob elements in recent works
>makes fun of Axel's monetization
>one of the posters of the "Who Shot Hannibal" meme, a main point being that artists are underpaid
Gotta do what gotta do to make that sweetbux. At least if he's wasn't that hypocritical and self-absorbed with zero situational avarness, he wouldn't have acted like a closed chimp, ready to throw shit whenever he has opportunity to do so, remaining unpunished.

Who gave him the right to judge, when he cannot even judge himself? Tldr *artistname* get a fucking job. Otherwise won't be so hypocritical about yourself following the path of others.
Also big asses are for niggers.

>And the people hated him, for he spoke the truth.

Bamboo is an ass, but he's not wrong. That's pretty much precisely why I stopped posting my C- tier wg art anywhere. If the "community" is going to be this hostile to artists, there's no point feigning surprise when the art slows down or goes behind a paywall.
tbh, I only see people being hostile to artists who "deserves" it, asked for it or are controversial figures.

I don't see people talking shit about artists like Miramiraclerun, maxfullbody, Beltbuster, sizemotologist, pewbutt(?), metalforever. etc. Atleast from what i've seen. I only see shit-talking about artists when they have been controversial in the first place. But from all I know, there could be more shit-talking happening which i'm not aware off.
You really think pew is one of the worst artists in the community are you crazy?
you misunderstood my post, the artists I mentioned are people who people do not get shit-talked and isn't controversial figures in the first place.

It's less who's targetted by the shit talking, and more how much shit talking there is. You don't need to be the subject of it to hit a point where you decide "yeah, I'm not throwing these people a bone anymore".

I still draw for myself and some friends, but what's the point in posting anything publicly? No incentive to share beyond that. Hell, I'm half convinced I'm a better artist for it. Not stuck drawing flavour-of-the-month characters, booked up til judgment day by a Neo-Medician tech guy, or chasing the trends that water down and homogenize artists' styles and approach to anatomy.

My art's not good enough that anyone here would or should give a shit whether or not I post it, but how many artists have pulled away for similar reasons? How many better artists that me have? No way to tell. I can draw alright, so it's all the same to me. If I couldn't, then I'd be a bit resentful of the "community" putting their collective attitudes and egos between me and art that I want to see.

Hopefully the people really pulling this wagon enjoy whatever rush they get from grandstanding about artists.
>You don't need to be the subject of it to hit a point where you decide "yeah, I'm not throwing these people a bone anymore".

Sounds more like people giving themselves excuses to not post their stuff publicly. Why should I care about another artist being shit-talked for something when it's not related to me and my art at all? It's their fault they're at gun-point, why should I care?

There it lot of incentives to post your art, you can get opportunities you wouldn't get otherwise, get to know more people, etc.
It's more up to you what you get out of it. If getting opportunities is not important, then yea I guess it's not a lot of incentive? I just love sharing my art, that's why I post in the first place. I just love to create and couldn't care less if an artist has a shit-take or throws a tantrum and I should somehow be on their side for some reason.

Artists love sharing art, because artists in general love to create and share it to people.

If anything, It's rather the fault of people moving over to twitter that you see way more "flavour of the month" characters, since due to how twitter works.

People rely on retweets/likes on Twitter; artists need to do it to get noticed. Since art on twitter is more expendable, due to no gallery function and your art turning into flavour of the day. People are not going to care past like the first day since your art disappears down the shitty media tab timeline.

You seem a bit resentful since you seem to care enough to take the time and write a post like this, on bbwchan no less.

Also, Artists certainly do pay lot more attention to the way fewer negative comments they get compared to the abundance of positive ones. But that's just a part of our human bias.
Has anyone been sending reports to the mods on this shitshow of a thread?
It was a mod who introduced this thread to /bbwdraw/ to begin with. Surely there are better things to do with your time than continue wasting it here?
I've been busy dealing with one person who keeps making artist threads because they don't know how to consolidate.

I'm fine with this thread being here. The mods don't allow complaining on artist threads, so this thread fulfils that purpose
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They're assholes, they're spineless, or they're lazy or whatever you call the inability to stick to a schedule.

>There's also being stuck drawing fetish material and characters that makes you unhappy but you're stuck doing it because you need money
Refuse the characters, get a stable job; this just makes them sound like lazy and greedy, and that they have a habit of whining incessantly.

I've shit talked Pew a couple times since the artist has a bad habit of constantly talking like a loon and never really to you, and also having taken part in the under 18 shit but I never really dug in since the first one is just irritating and the latter is the first real bullshit I've seen them do.

Why is it that so many people feel that when you start posting art, that you're obligated to take commissions and/or requests?
>It's less who's targetted by the shit talking, and more how much shit talking there is.

You should see how much shit artists talk about fans, even the ones who leave nice comments. You should really see how much shit artists talk about other artists. Like >>88326 said, the artists you see getting dog-piled are ones who did something to draw that ire. Yes, if you post anything online, you might get some flak for it, undeserved or not, that's the nature of the internet. You will also focus in on the negativity because that's just human nature. But whenever someone is getting run out of the community or "canceled", it's usually spearheaded by someone prominent in the community, and it's because that artist did something shitty like tracing, stealing, being inappropriate with a minor, a shitty person, etc.

It's also worth mentioning that just because you see shit talking doesn't mean that's the entire community or how everyone feels; this is just one corner of the community where people are able to bitch more freely. Not everyone here is shitty, but it's also a Chan, so shitty comes with the territory.

>Not stuck drawing flavour-of-the-month characters, booked up til judgment day by a Neo-Medician tech guy, or chasing the trends that water down and homogenize artists' styles and approach to anatomy.
I think this says more about your mindset than it does about the community. If you decide to draw and post publicly, you are under absolutely no obligation to chase trends, take commissions, or do FotM for the sake of Likes/Favorites/Retweets. I can understand wanting to please people and feel like you have to live up to expectations, but those are obligations you've given to yourself. You are not forced to monetize your hobby if you don't feel like it, you are not forced to be a people pleaser, and you are not forced to post or draw what you don't want to. Unless people are paying for it, being able to see your art is a privilege, not a right.
He literally sends 20+ reports every fucking day. He genuinely sits here all day long reporting every single thread he doesn't like. His life has nothing in it at all, just ignore him.
Yo mod, there's a pregnancy pic on the Lewdlemage thread. Mind helping out getting rid of that?
>manage to be so annoying the admin himself posts about you
>so lacking in self awareness that you think this is a good opportunity to annoy him directly
how he has the patience to not ban you on the spot is incredible to me. i can't imagine having to deal with you clowns every day.
Me and the person who the mod was talking about have different IDs. We're not the same person.
This was supposed to be directed towards >>88419. Hit the wrong ID number.
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>SangySquish666 keeps popping up on my timeline because multiple people I follow keeps retweeting him

Can this dude FUCK OFF ALREADY? He's literally the Greg Land of the fat community, I don't get what anyone sees in their "art". Fucker barely even tries to hide how blatant his tracing is. Nearly all of his pics feel uncanny, stiff and soulless because he's either tracing porn models or swiping art wholesale. The former's bad, but not enough to call out; the latter's downright unforgiveable though.
>You should see how much shit artists talk about fans, even the ones who leave nice comments
I have never left a substantive comment in my life outside of character suggestions or likes because I've always had a feeling anyone commenting could be caught in some artist's crosshairs. Let the people who are posting "AHWOOGA FAT OF SHE SO SEXY"-level shit in comments catch heat, even if it means I don't get my voice heard anywhere but places like this.
> I only see people being hostile to artists who "deserves" it
>You should see how much shit artists talk about fans, even the ones who leave nice comments. You should really see how much shit artists talk about other artists.
This exactly. Most of of the artists I see being shit on are the ones I've seen talk shit about their supporters, some do it in their discords, behind their paywalls, the stupider ones broadly in public on twitter.

To repeat something that was said earlier: See how many of those artists you can find shitting on their fans or this site from just googling it with twitter, which is where most of the ones I stopped supporting tend to circlejerk, a few of which ironically were upset at some point at how their income has stagnated after paywalling and bitching about "piracy". Isn't it a bit strange to expect exponential growth while gating content and expecting those same people to also advertise your art for free?
It's almost like deliberately exterminating good will amongst a fanbase has consequences or something as the only people shilling said artist and their art that are left are most likely already paying their salary, and sometimes those people wake up and leave with nothing good to say about them.
Speaking of shilling, the one who keeps reporting this thread is probably crazy pissed they can't try and bury this sort of thing further in general discussion unlike in deviantart or twitter where they can censor any negative criticism or the knowledge of artists bad or (nearly) criminal behavior.
I'd suggest they go back there or learn to use the hide thread option like I've had to do for some of the threads on this board, one of which pops up more frequently than this thread does and has more of a reason to be considered spam.

Oh shit, I come back to the thread and someone did take the bait to perfect illustrate the attitude I'm talking about. Thanks for the assist.

>>I think this says more about your mindset than it does about the community

We've all seen the Kip threads, pal. Lying to me is cheap, but don't lie to yourself.
> I've always had a feeling anyone commenting could be caught in some artist's crosshairs.

I feel this. I seldom comment on Western artist's stuff because I feel like they've heard it all and it's hard to come up with something new and substantive to say. I'm much more likely to comment on a Japanese artist's stuff because I feel like getting a nice comment from a foreigner is more novel. I also try to keep my English as simple as possible because I feel like it's easier to understand, and I'm afraid of a translation site butchering what I want to say and accidentally putting something offensive. The downside to this is that I look like a childish retard who can barely speak English, and I've seen artists make fun of these exact types of comments. These same people who want to go on about inclusivity, mental health/neurodivergents will make fun of someone who is English-Second-Language and/or has a mental disability of some kind. It's not the fact that they make fun of them, but moreso the fact that they should be the last people mocking it after what they tout.

There's also the part where you don't want to be one of those ARF ARF AWOOGA commenters but sometimes that's the only way to convey how much a drawing is doing for you. Artists will talk about how much they hate these types of comments and how cringe it is, but then you will see artists do it publicly to artist friends and it's like... what the fuck are you doing? I understand there being a mutual understand with friends and how you can find it offputting to deal with but still partake in it yourself, but to do it blatantly in public makes you look exactly like the people you say bother you.


This right here. Sure, I don't understand how it feels to put a lot of effort into something, try to monetize it, and have it pirated, but at this point I'm hoping it wouldn't bother me too much. It would always bother me at some level I imagine, but again, this is the nature of the beast. If you look at Patreon numbers for artists, they're almost always on the rise, despite piracy. More and more artists are joining this community, despite being "run out and scared off" and most of them start out the gate with a Patreon or Fanbox or something. Not everyone is going to be making a living wage out of this, but not everyone should, or will from the start.

"Entitlement" likes to get thrown around a lot, but I personally think it's entitled to think you should be earning the same as a professional, industry-standard artist when you are A) Not in the "industry", and B) Not doing industry-standard work in terms of quality and/or output, and C) Not working for industry-standard clients that are capable of paying you an industry standard wage/commission fee. Even artists who do work in the industry understand that you can't just charge the common layperson the same amount as you would a professional client. In a perfect world, artists would always be paid an appropriate amount for the work they do, but that's not a problem that's isolated to the art community, it's a problem around 90+% of the population of Earth deals with.
>We've all seen the Kip threads, pal.

Kip's threads are a special brand of autism. I do have some issues with him but I also applaud his ability to, as of late, keep his head down and work and to get the comic pages out on time, regardless of the quality or how I feel about the comic. Could you explain why you brought him up in reference to my comment though, I'm a bit lost/dumb.

>Lying to me is cheap, but don't lie to yourself.

Could you also explain how I lied to you or myself? My points were:

- Artists shit talk their fans and other artists (True)
- The artists you see people have beef with are USUALLY the people who did something shitty (True, you don't see much bitching about Pewbutt or Kurocaze or PinkForsythia or RounderSofter, etc)
- Sometimes people get undeserved shit because it's the internet and human nature (TRUE)
- Running someone out usually requires someone of note to spearhead it (50/50, people generally don't care about a cause or movement unless you see enough people pushing for it, or enough people with clout/power/sway)
- Seeing one section of the community doesn't mean the whole community is like that (TRUE, look at how BBWchan acts, how Twitter acts, how DeviantArt acts, etc and tell me they're the same being. A community is not a monolith)

- You are under absolutely no obligations to draw what you don't want to (True)
- Those are obligations you've given to yourself (True, some anon asking you to do something doesn't mean you HAVE to do it unless you make yourself do it)
- You are not forced to monetize, please, post, or draw what you don't want to (True)
- Being able to see your art is a privilege, not a right (True, unless people have paid specifically to see your art/have something drawn for them, then they are entitled to it, because they paid for it)

Where's the lie? Or did I fall for more of your "bait"?
Weird thought. Maybe it was the point I quoted?
Your mindset was that people can be mean on the internet so you shouldn't engage or "throw them a bone". That's a totally fair and valid thing to think and feel, you don't have to do what you don't want to.

Your mindset was also that if you did start posting art, that you'd become worse because you'd be stuck drawing flavor of the month crap and chasing trends you don't want to. I said you don't have to. I've seen so many artists kill their mood and ability because they thought they had to chase trends and jump on fads to pump their numbers in order to "make it". As an albeit crappy artist myself, I want you to know that no, you don't have to. You don't need to be popular to be an artist. Draw for yourself first and foremost. Draw what makes you happy. Draw what you find fun. You sometimes learn the most from trying new and aggravating and boring subjects, but if this is a hobby you are passionate about and enjoy, never forget to have fun with it and do things you like.

I've seen artists up and quit because they hit a point where all of their passion and drive and love for the craft is gone. That is one of the saddest fucking things that can happen to a person, and it's a fate I don't like seeing befall anyone. Yes sometimes this is because they can't deal with the fans, but sometimes they couldn't deal with their peers either. This community is made up by more than it's fans, it's a two-way streak and so many people forget this.

I may be grandstanding about stuff, but I am pulling no wagon or trying to push any stupid movement or anything; I just want a place to bitch.
>Sees artists talking about SpyxFamily on twatter
>They're not talking about the grown-ups
>Their talking about the pink haired kid character
Stop, just fucking stop. Goddamnit.
Illustrate what attitude? Of having a head on their shoulders and not being a bitch about everything?

Understanding there is a cause and reason?

or is this just another bait for in case you are wrong to not hurt your ego?
Oh nyo, not the fwictional drawing.

Imagine getting this buttblasted over lines on paper.

I'm gonna assume it's less "Think of the children!" and more "Oh great, this series has a ton of hot, older characters but everyone's going to focus on the young ones again."
Yep and I'm so tired of that crap.
every time an artist I like makes child porn that's time they could've spent making porn I can actually fap to.

I feel like a lot of the people defending artists making child porn are also the ones screaming about artists drawing fat males/becoming "trannies" and it's a strange disconnect lol.

>>Your mindset was that people can be mean on the internet so you shouldn't engage or "throw them a bone".

This is what I said. Good job!

>>Your mindset was also that if you did start posting art, that you'd become worse because you'd be stuck drawing flavor of the month crap and chasing trends you don't want to.

Let's play back the tape and see if that checks out, shall we? Here's what I said.

>>I still draw for myself and some friends, but what's the point in posting anything publicly? No incentive to share beyond that. Hell, I'm half convinced I'm a better artist for it. Not stuck drawing flavour-of-the-month characters, booked up til judgment day by a Neo-Medician tech guy, or chasing the trends that water down and homogenize artists' styles and approach to anatomy.

Oh no! You were doing so well, too!

I point out how the community's toxicity and weird parasocial hatecrushes on artists drive those artists away or behind paywalls. If the replies are more of that precise thing, my argument is made for me. This isn't rocket science.

I feel like a lot of the people defending artists making child porn are also the ones screaming about artists drawing fat males/becoming "trannies" and it's a strange disconnect lol.

Isn't it just? The Conservative Teenlust brand of cognitive dissonance is definitely one of the funnier ones to see in action.
yes, and I still said how "community's toxicity and weird parasocial hatecrushes" doesn't happen without reason.

The artist in question generally does something shitty or has a bad take, then gets shit for it. and then they go "Man, I can't believe the community is so toxic, what did I do, who killed hannibal, it's all your fault I move away from this community"

Putting themselves as the victim, even though they started it in the first place.

and artists/people usually like to make things way worse than it is, from a few instances compared on the whole. Always focusing on the few bad comments and ignoring the majority of the positive.

Artists = Dramaqueens.
Based on your responses and the way you post, you sound extremely pretentious, unfamiliar with pre-2013 imageboard discussion (definitely not a native so the artist part is probably true), and someone was probably "being mean" to you in the distant past for a reason you're not willing to reflect on. You're also pointing out the "community's toxicity" but you're responding to someone who thinks you're blowing the aforementioned shit-slinging out of proportion by going PEEPEE POOPOO IDIOT I WIN I SAID [X] PEEPEE POOPOO YOU FELL FOR MY BAIT.

The theme in your posts is that you're just looking for further reasons to go "HATERS EBUL" and not actually acknowledge any of the (extremely reasonable, positive, and polite, funny enough) arguments being put forth that point out how short-sighted your premise has been.
>"Child porn"

They're drawings. If you're so retarded that you can't separate Fiction from Reality you really need to get outside and touch grass.
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>Not being fully absorbed by the loli whenever a loli is present

Why should either of you care, nobody's gonna do art for her, beyond two or three people and with her actual amount going no more than a single hand of counting. They'll all pat the lolis head before unleashing a flood of her mothers belly; biblical flood if the series ends up very popular.

Why would lolicons care; all the trannies and BHM artists don't do loli

You're conversing with a Twatter native; those types of people feel that everyone should be loyal dogs to the artists they frequent and take their beatings without snapping back.
Simple as that, really: Just don't be a faggot schizo
Willing to bet >>88606 's never actually interacted with anyone beyond some retarded echo chamber
Lolicons are a strange people, yes, and are largely retarded themselves; but the only thing worse are the people who pretend jerking it to lines and imaginary characters is the same as jerking it to child porn

Get a grip

Nah, man. Y'all aren't evil. It's just funny that you're all causing the problems you complain about, and insisting the artists in the room with you right now are solely responsible. It's been a team effort to get things to this point. Don't give them more of the credit than they deserve.
lol I'll admit I was being intentionally provocative by equivocating drawings of underage characters to actual child porn. I find it a bit weird and don't like to encounter it but drawings underage characters will always going be produced in great quantity and it's pointless to crusade against it like twitter crybabies. I'm fine just seeing it quarantined to its own spaces where I don't have to look at it. ultimately it's just another weird fetish like incest or rape

Case in point. How dare those crafty artists trick poor innocent posters into harassing them? It's nonsense. Everyone's been doing their part, not just artists.
Again, based on the posts in this thread, those posting here don't actually make response posts on places like Twitter because of the fear of drawing artist ire. The only people doing public call-outs are literal (man)children on DeviantArt going "lol ew who likes this shit". No one can or should have to protect you from the comments of DeviantArt (man)children going "lol u suk". You've given one half-assed example of the Kip thread of where people are creating the divide you're citing, and looking at that thread, they're not DeviantArt-level comments at all.

If you are reading this board and seeing callouts about how [x] artist isn't delivering, or how they've fallen off, etc., chances are that's simply the reality. Everyone has blind spots, and believe it or not this thread helps expose them. Fans don't want to admit it but they do not wield a lot of individual power.

Again still, your entire argument revolves around going "HATERS EBUL" and not reflecting on what might've caused your situation, which is equal part nonsense. No one knows who you are or what your situation is and it could be ANYTHING which makes your stance even more ridiculous: you could be some Butlova/Mistystuffer-tier artist, you could be that one guy on /d/ who drew every fat girl as a giantess because he didn't get proportion and scale and vanished after he got comments to that effect, you could be CapnFapin who posted his own fat fetish work on his highly-visible normal video game art account and blaming the public for going "lol ew fat" for your mistake, hell for all I know you could be Bamboo going "Only MY actions don't have consequences, all of these little apes are just autistic haters lashing out despite MY hard work and patience with random commissioner autismos".

Random Deviantart autismos are never going to go away. You can, however, control how you respond to such things. If there's a negative comment made with some kind of effort around it, sit and think for a little bit about why someone would go to that length and think about what exactly it's targeting; gamble with interacting if you think it carries low risk. If there's a negative comment without any substance like "I wish [x] artist went away instead of [y]", fuck 'em and give 'em the silent treatment. Changing how you frame interactions with large groups is important with any kind of popularity; how you handle individual interactions in a public setting as someone in a spotlight position changes how people feel about you and respond to you. I don't know about your situation until you start giving more details, but learning from the failings of people like Bamboo, Foxfire/Toroboro, Absolon, Ana, that one writefag who sucks up to Salt and tries to police /d/, etc., in regards to interaction with others would probably have saved you a lot of grief and stress.

Me personally, unless we meet somewhere else as friends and by chance find ourselves in this kind of fetish space, as a stranger I don't want the burden of hearing about your personal fears. All I would want is for you to do your thing, if there's money involved I hand it over, we go our separate ways and coom in private. That's it. You'd only hear a peep from me if I thought you were truly doing something nonsensical, like your current stance. Maybe if you reveal in an art post that you like some multiplayer game that I like such as a fighting or strategy game, that dynamic could change, but I'm not about to forcibly change it.
You cut off the first part in the first point where I said it's fine to feel that way and you don't have to do what you don't want to, as in you don't have to post or engage with the community.

The second point covers the exact same things you said, minus the part where you say you don't feel the need to share because you see no incentive and you share with friends. I literally said, multiple times, that you don't have to draw or POST what you don't want to. I am not going to tell you "Aw c'mon buddy, you should post, I'm sure it's great, things will be fine!" You obviously have your own reservations about that, which again, is totally fine and understandable.

You say I didn't cover the point you quoted earlier, so I cover it. Then you quote me and then omit parts and then say "Oh you were doing so well!" when the point you made and the point I made covered the exact same things, minus the part where you said "I see no incentive/share with friends" which I never said there was anything wrong with, and I never tried to give you incentive to share, I merely said that you should never feel like you need to draw things you don't want to or chase trends and fads you don't want to. If I'm focusing on this it's because, again, I've seen artists sour themselves on everything by trying to chase the sweet high of updoots, which is understandable, but not good for you health as an artist or your mental health as a person. You wouldn't have brought it up without a reason, and this is something I feel like a lot of people need to hear, so I covered it.

I'm trying my best to argue in good faith, I'd appreciate if you could reciprocate at least a little.
But of course, like with everything else, you don't have to if you don't want to.
I don't know the series or characters, but as someone who loves milfs and milf-adjacent characters, I know your pain.

>I feel like a lot of the people defending artists making child porn are also the ones screaming about artists drawing fat males/becoming "trannies" and it's a strange disconnect lol.
>Isn't it just? The Conservative Teenlust brand of cognitive dissonance is definitely one of the funnier ones to see in action.

There's plenty of people within the BHM/NB/Trans/Bi crowd that thought the policing of characters and trying to condemn and blacklist artists was stupid. There's also a huge difference between "Ugh I hate when artists draw that fag shit!" and "Okay guys, we can't associate with this artist anymore, they drew Yoko Littner and she's 15 and that's problematic. We need to report all of their posts of m*nor art so we can keep this community nice and clean."

Bitching is one thing, policing is another. If you don't like it or want to engage with it, that completely fair and understandable, but you should also leave people to their devices. Art is not real and it is abstract, and you don't always know an artist's intent behind a piece.

>Why should either of you care
Because too many good characters don't get fats of she and it hurts my soul. :(
>loli bad
>is a MAP ally
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This. Look at pic related and tell me that's not tragic.
Why not just imagine them aged up? You're on /bbwdraw/ for one, a place with art of a lot of canon underage characters, with artwork that is off model and are usually given features that older women have. It's a non canon scenario, so what's stopping you from using your imagination? Rape and incest are two completely different beasts, and focus way more on context.
That's the irony of it all, actual pedos don't really like lolis much. Both because lolis are nowhere near accurate to how an actual child looks/acts, and they also serve as easy scapegoats. Pedos can easily distract moralistic idiots that would otherwise rip them apart by accusing artists who just draws loli art as criminals, while they go about their day causing actual harm.
>>88655 This art looks like it was made by a queer
People vehemently against loli art tend to turn out to be pedo's in the end.
>why isn't everyone drawing art of hags
gee I dunno anon

Everyone here calls artists faggots and queer and trannies for drawing picture of dickgirls and men but the second someone calls you a pedo for jacking it to little girls you bitch and moan. For the record no one is being hurt and drawings aren't real but you still are probably a pedophile if you are attracted to drawings of little girls

Glacia's great but Drasna and the Melony hype train can fuck right off.
You're pretty retarded, not gonna lie
There's no way around that
>>88667 I apologize. Reading it a second time I can see that I should have been more clear. What I meant was that the art looks like it was made by a queer because the art sucks. The art sucks dick. I am sure I have drawn girls with dicks too before probably many years ago & then forgot about it. I would prefer a female with a strapon over a gay dude any day of the week. I don't really get along with gay dudes. Lesbians are cool sometimes though. Or maybe I just really love women a lot.
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>Because too many good characters don't get fats
That's my feel for practically every character I want to pork up.

>as someone who loves milfs and milf-adjacent characters, I know your pain
Serious question, have you or anyone ever seen anyone into 2D grannies?

I've seen far more fat art for Melony
I've seen some but I attribute the small amount to Kalos being the first major dip in Pokemon fat art since the generation was the first major turd.
Guess she was too plain to attract any attention.

People get called that for being autistically devoted to something or for simply acting weak.
No one uses that word besides themselves and the group you talk for.
Only time anyone was called that is in Kip threads by people who think crossdressing means someone thinks they're female, and will fight tooth and nail thinking they're defending a tranny.

People just don't want it outside of its board, same as with furries, inflation, BHM, and photos of real women; there's even beef with CG fatties.

>the art sucks. The art sucks dick
All of the original members of Gamefreak are gone and the company doesn't need to put in effort to sell while every other monster battler has to work.
>I don't really get along with gay dudes. Lesbians are cool sometimes though. Or maybe I just really love women a lot.
kys repping tranny
>That's my feel for practically every character I want to pork up.
True. It can be hard to distinguish between "Character I like gets art but I want more" and "Character I like hardly/never gets art and I want it" sometimes.

>Serious question, have you or anyone ever seen anyone into 2D grannies?
There's a difference between a milf and a gmilf, good sir. But to answer your question, no, I have never seen anyone lusting after actual grannies. I have seen people lust after big sisters, moms, and mature women though, or what some like to colloquially call "grannies" or "hags".

>I've seen far more fat art for Melony
And thank the gods for that. Now if people can just jump on drawing Cheryl and Lorelei. I was really hoping the remakes would help bump Cheryl's numbers a bit, but alas, Legends came out not too long after.
Speaking of, some Cogita would be nice.
So from these character age takes this place is definitely infested with 12 year olds.
You forgot his diaper/mental regression alt.
(264 KB, 918x738, Screenshot_20220411-074620_Discord-Beta.jpg)
I just think it's funny he cries about that stuff when he's pushing this stuff on the side and surrounds himself with people who draw the same stuff.
Spoiler for mental regression/diaper stuff.
>BBWchan finally not talking about Jeetdoh for once
>It's the Pedo Debate instead
Maybe I should be thankful there isn't much else to legitimately complain about but man are there really only two speeds to these threads now?
Fuck man, why can't we just all agree that drawing fat lolis is... mostly fine? Some guy mentioned before that pedos don't even jack off to loli's cause they're not similar enough. I would reply to it but I'm new here.
Why the fuck would you post this anon?
At least you put a spoiler but Jesus Christ
Oh, it's because he went to purge some stuff after the post at the start of the thread.
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>It can be hard to distinguish between "Character I like gets art but I want more" and "Character I like hardly/never gets art and I want it" sometimes
After I finally got the Pokemonkey off my back and with my habit of not following anime as they come out and instead mostly end up watching the stuff that everyone else looks over, there's nothing left for my interest that people fatten up. One good thing about it is that I can completely wash my hands of anyone at the drop of a dime.

>There's a difference between a milf and a gmilf, good sir
I mean literal gray haired and wrinkly skinned old ladies. I asked because the talk got me thinking.

>Now if people can just jump on drawing Cheryl and Lorelei
Not even being turned into a ye olde Russian loli helped her net anymore than those massively stuffed pics of her original form that one Japanese artist did.

>I was really hoping the remakes would help bump Cheryl's numbers a bit, but alas, Legends came out not too long after
Have the remakes ever gave a real boost to someones numbers without a drastic redesign? Doesn't even seem like Master Sex is causing much either.

The mods wipe the thread whenever people start talking about artists politics.
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>blewdle's such a degenerate he needs MULTIPLE alt accounts just to sate his depravity
Okay at that point, the dude really needs to start reevaluating his life.
sometimes i feel like im disgusting being attracted to huge fat bitches, but stuff like this makes me feel a lot less like a degenerate and im glad knowing there is always going to be someone with a worse fetish
That's the great thing about the Internet. There's always someone more perverted than you
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>Gets mad at people posting Gura pictures, who is a grown ass adult
>Circle jerk ensues about how morally superior they are for "being sus" about some vtuber/character designs
>Drew a shit ton of Zoe from LoL comms with zero issue.

> there's even beef with CG fatties.
tbf, that's mostly because most CGI shit is fucking awful and the lowest quality possible.

Literally who?
Itaohs. Thought his icon would be recognizable enough, guess not.
Again, who? I respect the fellow for how he releases his patreon content, but most people really don't care about the opinion of paywalled artists who only draws dudes now.
The characters a shortstack but apparently those aren't fine either, also who cares a VTuber aint the real person its a act and a persona. Same shit when people did youtubers personas like Jaiden, I don't get the shitshow over this.

Also about that Gura, funny how people were like NO VTUBERTS but yet once Gura made a joke about being a big water balloon on stream tons of water inflation started appearing from those same people who said no, like wtf.
>The characters a shortstack
Who? Zoe?
Zoe is canonically 13 years old.
She's, notoriously, one of , like, three League champions that are underage. More to it, she's a human.
She isn't a yordle like Poppy or Tristana or Vex.
>apparently those aren't fine either
Whoever told you that not only is an actual pedo desperately trying to deflect, but also a massive fucking clown, because they are pretty much alone on that sentiment.
>The characters a shortstack
It ain't shortstack if there's no milk to go with that rump roast.

>She's, notoriously, one of , like, three League champions that are underage
They want the red headed lolis feet that badly?
It's notorious because she was the second underage LoL character.
Out of 150+
Blewdle is a fag. I watched him get molded in a server and immediately start trying to fuck with people over not linking sources. It was gay as shit.
The worst thing he has done was when he slandered ShySho (on his birthday) sharing that stupid callout post Rotvir made against him claiming he was a pedo, and going all "hey don't follow this guy he's a creep".
As degenerate as the couch/dorse shit was, it didn't make his stances hypocritical. Even the diapers, by itself, doesn't make him hypocritical, but if he's into age play and mental regression, he has absolutely no room to wag his finger.

"Ye Olde Russian" design would be fucking dynamite on adult Cheryl... god they got so close to doing a good thing and now I'm upset.

I'd say the remakes gave Cynthia quite a boost but she's already popular so it doesn't really count.
That's weird considering he basically shut the "no underage characters" crowd's asses by saying "you guys would be drawing Pokémon girls if you were needy of money".

But that's what happens when you wanna be besties with the angloparlant sphere of the community.
Diaperfags are always the biggest moralfags.

It's simple. Artists are too old to draw porn. Pokemania was a thing when I was a kid in the 90s. Now, Pokemon gets low ratings because adults are tired of Gamefreak controlling every aspect of the games from the roms to the characters. Nobody cared when Misty wore a Goldeen outfit because the anime established that the games were a simulation and the anime characters lived a different life. Now, the anime follows the plot of the games with Ash and Pikachu in the background. Keep in mind kids nowadays watch Demon Slayer, Black Clover, and Steven Universe in their laptop. Pokemon made sense back when television aired anime weekly and on Saturday. It doesn't make sense now cause people get confused
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>Having two lolis in 150 characters counts as notorious
That's it? You should avoid touching Timesplitters Future Perfect, the shit you can do to Edwina would make you guys go catatonic.

>I'd say the remakes gave Cynthia quite a boost
Felt the same amount as always.


>Now, Pokemon gets low ratings because adults are tired of Gamefreak controlling every aspect of the games from the roms to the characters
Shit, whatever universe you came from; let me hitch a ride over there! Pokemon still sells like hotcakes and its brain dead fanbase still does its best to defend getting less and less with each new game.

>Keep in mind kids nowadays watch Demon Slayer, Black Clover, and Steven Universe in their laptop
>Steven Universe
You were that desperate to put in a cartoon that you lied out your ass?
Honestly, everything can be blamed on the Pokemon Company except for the mainline games being shit.

>It doesn't make sense now cause people get confused
Nah, it simply went full blown toy commercial so it just goes through the motions and try to be as sterile as possible. Really sucks that all the competition (Digimon, Dragon Quest Monsters, and Monster Rancher) have left to focus on mobileshit, though Digimon still has its upcoming SRPG left.
The thing that pisses me off about the “waah no underage” crowd is they act like people don’t grow the fuck up
I’m allowed to like the concept of an underage character as an adult without being some sort of pedo and if you’re not a literal retard you can understand this, but I guarantee most of these people just say that shit as a smoke screen because they have actual kiddy porn on their hard drives and don’t want to get caught
To all the artists that don’t give a shit about “muh underage characters” and actually side with reason and are willing to age them up, you’re all great and generally deserve my money
Aging up is a good middle ground but sadly most are still reluctant to touch any character especially Pokemon ones given the mob of white knights who defend pieces of fictional paper.

I wish Bakugan, Beyblade, Digimon, & some more niche media would come back or gain a cult following again.

Cynthia has more art than before and she was already popular. Thats like if they brought back Hex Maniac. A popular character who definitely doesn't need a boost and would only flood artist with only that character as they blow up again.
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Aging up characters is a shit way to go about it if you're not gonna change their actual appearance beyond making them fatter, but if you're doing it just so people won't call you a pedo instead of not caring or being a completionist yet wanting the stacked body of a woman, it's even dumber.

Went to shit after the first series but is still around.
Went to shit after the first season and the last time I gave it a watch, it was the shittiest thing I've seen in all of toy commercialdom. Still around though.
Still around and with a bigger following and has been remaking practically everything and seems to have its next sights on Digimon Frontier. There's still series with with a new one having recently came out. There was a small spike in fat art when the Cybersleuth games hit but people never noticed the Monster raiser that got released later on. Digimons greatest weakness is Bamcos inability to properly advertise them.

Medabots is still around too but the company that owns it refuses to release them in the West because they don't think it'll sell without an anime.
I just stopped playing the games and stopped following trends to focus on work
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I keep seeing people bump/request on the Kemono thread saying it's taking patreon content again so they're either being dumb or my cookies/cache are fucked and it never updates on my end. Someone else confirm.

I don't mind the time it takes the kemono devs to create a work around, but seeing people constantly act like it's falsely up again is annoying.
They're taking advantage of how the Kemono Devs haven't publicly said anything about the issue on either their Twitter page, or the announcement page on Kemono Party itself.

I was one of the people on the Kemono thread telling others that the issue still isn't fixed, but my words are usually ignored with people still requesting updates that aren't possible.
>> 89440
Actually we literally had an admin over there at one of the threads tease abt it being fixed. So yeah the hope or in this case hype of it being was literally warranted this time.
You changed my mind on that; also my small brain cant comprehend Digimon's labyrinth of lore, story, and the sheer amount of characters I cant bother to remember all their dumb names there's too many Digimon no wonder they stopped making them cross over to other games to save on dev time.
(834 KB, 1253x940, Agumon01.png)
The problem I have with Digimon is that there's no cohesion or logic to their designs. Like Agumon is the icon of Digimon but he's subservient to Tai even though the demon is smarter than the two. Mimi and Palmon, Joe and Gomamon are the only two that I can think of where the Digimon and trainers are equals.
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There are so many retarded/underage people that post on this forum and places like it that I genuinely worry about my own mental health and how I come across to people. It doesn't help that people respond to posts like this seriously either.
They fuck up Patreon polls and they get chosen for commissions over anyone else, it's absolutely mindboggling. I feel like I belong in a straitjacket for having this fetish based on having the same fetish as people posting shit like this, Patreon comments, Twitter comments, etc.
>8 Baked Potatoes
Shit, my sides. This level of autism is funny enough that it almost stopped the aneurysm I got from the capitalization.
>tfw remember when I capitalized every word when I was really underage
I think I just cringed myself unconscious
Children shouldn’t be allowed on the internet
Why, does this thread exist? -_-
Because mods don't like bitching on the artist threads themselves. Why are you against this thread being here?
Why do you keep coming back to cry about it?
Shouldn't it be on the General Discussion board where it rightfully belongs?
My guy, this type of thread has been going on since it was first made. Either continue to cry about it or just block the thread entirely if you are having such a hissy fit or it.
I'm not going to delete the thread no matter how many times you send me reports screaming about it in capital letters. Hide threads you don't like and stop acting like a child.
Thanks BananaMan.
Cry about it more, baby.
have you seriously been reporting and complaining about this thread for two weeks straight? are you autistic or something?
cope, seethe, mald, dilate, etc
(140 KB, 1330x1773, media_EXDBoREWoAILrpL.jpg)
>there's no cohesion or logic to their designs
That's programs for ya. Deep down they're all the same 1s and 0s but the visible layer that you see is drastically different from each other. I think the big thing that people into Digimon have been annoyed by is that there's been an increasingly heavy focus on producing humanoids.
He nuked the account lmao
That traitor! He doesn't deserve to be human!
>>87401 (OP)
You're simply breaking the rules.
BananaMan needs to get a life first.
>directly insult the admin when he just got done telling you to fuck off and stop annoying him
abayo, nigga
(242 KB, 720x862, Screenshot_20220421-085112~2.png)
TFW there's a muscle post and it's not getting removed even though muscle is against the board rules and has been reported.
Can we just ban this asshole already?
Can we get rid of this clown already?
Op here. No I’m fucking not. There where threads before this. Why are you complaining now?
haven't you got anything better to do
yeah i member jeet kip and bamboo drawing a pic of their chars dabbing at a post made on trash awhile back.
community was not happy
its tumbled down even moar since
>yeah i jerk it to lines and imaginary characters
>yeah i jerk it to clumps of cells that developed for 12 years
when you take out the context it doesnt sound so bad
boy shut your unfunny ass up
I'm not unfunny, I'm an orange! XD
I don't understand why there's been an inconsistency with what gets removed from this board. I reported five different posts. One had fat males, one was focused on muscle, the other three had penises in them, and none of them were hidden under spoilers. Out of the five, only the one with fat males was removed even though the other four should've also been removed. I wish I knew what was going on. I'm not the clown who aimlessly reports, I report the ones that actively goes against the rules of this board.
it's not inconsistent. if a thread is for a specific artist then whatever they draw can go in their thread. pregnancy can go in lewdle's thread, that muscle picture can go in bws' thread, jeet can have his weird girl boys, etc. it's really not hard to understand. it's been this way for years.
The three posts that have penises in them are in the Weight Gain General thread which isn't dedicated to a specific artist. As for the muscle post in the BWS thread, it's not a fetish he's known to be affiliated with, unlike Metal or Lewdle who are known to be affiliated with pregnancy.
>if a thread is for a specific artist then whatever they draw can go in their thread
If that's true, then why didn't the mods list this as an exception to the rules when they last updated them about two weeks ago? I'm convinced that there's a mod who wants this and another mod who doesn't, because I've had some reports still be successful despite what you're saying.
oh you're that sperg. first of all it's not even an actual dick, it's a living pink phallic shaped thing. it has arms even. and even if it was a dick it doesn't matter. this whole website is for sharing fat chick porn, there are no "safe for work" boards. where do you think you are?
>first of all it's not even an actual dick, it's a living pink phallic shaped thing. it has arms even.
It spews sperm juice like a penis would so it's close enough for it to be worth reporting.

>even if it was a dick it doesn't matter. this whole website is for sharing fat chick porn
Way to contradict yourself. We're here for fat chicks, not to see dicks.
just because you are so far in the closet that even the idea of a dick makes you uncomfortable with yourself doesn't mean you get to decide how the board works. and it seems your posts about the welrod picture and the sequence in the general thread got removed. stay mad.
If you saw those posts then that means you're likely the person who reported me, because they weren't up for long at all. You can fuck off with your gaslighting attempts and trying to get stuff on this board that doesn't belong.
i didn't but lets pretend i did.
so you reported posts that "don't belong"
and i reported you complaining about them
the mod saw both of these reports and chose to remove your posts instead of the ones you were complaining about.
so clearly, according to the mod staff's very own decision, you are completely wrong about what does and doesn't belong here. do you even read what you write before you post it?
(50 KB, 310x231, schizo.PNG)

Not that guy but even in your sarcastic interpretation of the opinion those two things are so far apart from each other it's not even funny.
Did you not fully read what I said on >>90225
>If that's true, then why didn't the mods list this as an exception to the rules when they last updated them about two weeks ago? I'm convinced that there's a mod who wants this and another mod who doesn't, because I've had some reports still be successful despite what you're saying.

Why would my reports towards similar types of posts work sometimes and not work other times unless there's truth to what I'm saying? Those instances over the last few days didn't work, but other times before have worked. There's an inconsistency going on, and I believe it's because of mods not seeing eye to eye.
(138 KB, 720x638, Screenshot_20220422-213906~2.png)
Do you see anything here that says, "Any type of work can be added to a dedicated artist thread as long as it was done by the artist the thread is for"? ...No? Didn't think so.
You are fucking pathetic
Any type of work can be added to a dedicated artist thread as long as it was done by the artist the thread is for.
Every single one of the reports you and that other psycho send every single day are dealt with by me directly, as are the vast majority of all the reports we get. Hide threads you don't like, I don't understand how this concept is so hard for people to understand.
This thread is worse than Twitter
I'm not pathetic, I'm an orange!
>Any type of work can be added to a dedicated artist thread as long as it was done by the artist the thread is for.
If you're actually a mod, go add that exception to the rules. Do that and I will back off, never again bringing up this subject.
quit acting like a nigger this isn't reddit
Please just bite the bullet and do this small favor for this >>90287 faggot. He is a loudmouthed omnipresent faggot that derails any thread he gets his grubby hands on and never listens to reason. Maybe once the rules explicitly allow what's pissing him off he'll fuck off for good, and yes, I know it's pathetic that he's so autistically literal-minded, but getting him to shut up is probably worth more than spiting him and suffering the extra grief he gives you on the daily
Sheesh such angry words, it's not that big a gamble.

Well he did it, so I'll make sure to keep my word.
(24 KB, 947x231, stay mad.png)
HAHAHAHA the mad man. get fucked faggot
Aren't you forgetting about NO DISCUSSION THREADS?
(1.2 MB, 500x284, jVp.gif)
Eh. He did what I wanted, so I've no reason to care anymore. A win for everyone.
>>90299 Might want a slight disclaimer text for said spoiler to be on the safe side. I've seen people upset they click on a spoiler and its entirely not what they expect. Spoiler's good but lack of clarifying text can be a bit of a mixed bag and could cause more drama. This is common sense of course but better safe than sorry. Might as well future proof it.

Please leave if you have an issue with this. Or better yet block this thread. Simple as that.

Stop trying to cope with the fact that your wrong. Also, stop rping as the god damn Annoying Orange of all things. It makes you look autistic.
>Kip's threads are a special brand of autism. I do have some issues with him but I also applaud his ability to, as of late, keep his head down and work and to get the comic pages out on time, regardless of the quality or how I feel about the comic.

I just want to say this is really funny considering kip is posting his comics literally a day late now.
A whole day!? My god, alert the pope!
I get what you're saying and I can laugh at the joke but this is half the problem. its almost as if kip is untouchable around here. the stories suck. one cannot fap to anything he has written in months. he keeps ramping it up then straight dropping the ball whenever it gets good. people point it out and they're the problem. now someone says "he has problems but at least he puts his work out on time". no, he doesn't.

look at his patreon. man makes $7k/mnth for this. I don't know about where you work but first off, I don't make $7k/mnth. second, if I dared not show up with no word whatsoever id probably be reprimanded if not fired. he's done it about three times now. three times id have been fired even if the boss liked me but this is kip so lets go on and let it slide.

I think it'd be a lot better if people just admitted that kip can do no wrong in their eyes so that all of this mess can end.
>More kip-shit
A lot of us who noticed these sorts of things long ago and dislike kip/their content just outright hide his threads now.
I imagine anyone that's left after the other shit he did in the past are going to let anything he does slide at this point, as being a day late is relatively minor in comparison.
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I don't read kip's comics because his beachball gut aesthetic has low appeal for me, but I'd still like to point out that this analogy of comparing the expectations of your wagecuck job to an essentially independent artist is hilarious.

Kip is closer to your owner in status, as he only answers to his clients. Your owner absolutely can skip a day or three without getting fired, because he's the one shouldering the possible financial consequences and he's not gonna fire himself.
but thats the entire point. even the owner has to answer to someone. most of kips "clients" outright refuse to admit the man has a problem, whether with storytelling or art. if you look at his deviant art lately people have started talking and they've also been getting comments deleted.

I'm actually surprised he hasn't become like myfetishsituation whom people seemingly outright avoid nowadays.
It doesn't even make sense, schedule the post if you forget what day is what but have the work done ahead of time. I personally don't care for minor delays, you're throwing a shit fit over nothing. But his excuse is total crap. He is missing schedule on Patreon also where he can just schedule it. Which he probably should, his fans are anal aF.

Who do we even have in the community putting out comic content on par with Kip if we don't like him or his latest?

- BWS is quality but his first foray had some ehh story telling components to it with the narrator only dialogue thing. Now his latest 6 page comic project he says he doesn't want to tackle any big comic again.

- Pixiveo's Log Myu comic has meandered for so long in sci-fi interpersonal drama nonsense it fell off even his own thread's radar with leakers saying it's not BBW/WG related, not going to post it.

- Belt Busters webtoons style comic is just such low quality in each 'panel'.

- Anonxyz's Revenge faces are hideous.

- Chubby Muffin's (formally Little Piece of Cake) comics are seriously bottom of the barrel in both story and art. Why do all the girls look so shiny and fake, damn.

-Fusa's Ayano Weight Gain Diary started off golden but not a huge fan of the later pages. His SSBBW anatomy is on the ugly side. And the whole story is eating which makes sense but once the gain speed dropped off it is boring.

-Ana is on my shit list for including that cow transformation and male weight gain.

-Axel diaper fetish, spanking fetish and whatever else no thank you.

Damn this turned into a review session. Any comics I missed? I just want some fucking good comics to fap to.
>It doesn't even make sense, schedule the post if you forget what day is what but have the work done ahead of time. I personally don't care for minor delays, you're throwing a shit fit over nothing. But his excuse is total crap. He is missing schedule on Patreon also where he can just schedule it. Which he probably should, his fans are anal aF.

the thing is he said that same mess last year with full night nanny. he claimed something about missing his schedule and asked fans to get him a core membership to deviantart. he was given one and dude still can't post on time.

I often wonder if kip is like artists I know in real life. they literally sit around and goof off right until the work is due then they try and get it all done at once. that would explain why he's running late so often. and I admit that it is being anal but this is just one more thing that he's screwing up. ive subscribed to patreons before and kept on paying even though I lost interest in the comic just to support them because they put out consistent comics in color with no excuses. these people are their own boss and they still hold themselves to such a standard. its obvious kip doesn't care. I'm just trying to understand why and how people continue to justify kicking out money to someone with such an attitude. I've actually wanted to become a patron before but the way things are id have quit.

> Who do we even have in the community putting out comic content on par with Kip if we don't like him or his latest?

we don't. thats the point.

what I don't understand is why were sitting here defending the garbage instead of calling it out for what it is.
Wait a minute since when was kips comic considered quality? The dude is the definition of a stagnant artist. Art is mediocre, writing is garbage, barely qualifies as a WG comic, it’s been dragging on for what seems like forever and shit ain’t even colored. I dunno about you but I’d take artist like BWS and belt-buster over kip any day. Honestly I think he should just drop making comics completely and focus on pinup commission I tend to like his one off pieces more anyway

Hey there, anon who wrote the first post you were quoting. Saying he gets it out on time might be a misnomer every now and then, but my main point was that after a few controversies, he learned how to keep his mouth shut and just work.

There are arguments to be made about delays being excusable/inexcusable or about the quality of his work, but the important thing to remember is he doesn't have to adhere to professional deadlines and standards and he doesn't have to answer to anyone, for the most part. His income comes from Patreon, which is essentially a tip jar in his case. He does have paywalled content and he has been at this for a long time, but I strongly believe his comics are his main draw, regardless of how myself or others, here specifically, feel about them.

It's going to take a lot more than a delay to get his supporters (fans) to start dropping like flies. And as >>90456, the quality of Kip's comics didn't suddenly become good or bad, the quality has been stagnant for a while, and his numbers have only been going up, so again, it's going to take a lot for Kip to take a hit.

>Honestly I think he should just drop making comics completely and focus on pinup commission I tend to like his one off pieces more anyway

For ages I had been bitching about how the shift to comic focus was a travesty, but I've learned to accept it. I don't even like his pinups as much as I used to either. That said, this would be a colossally bad move. He's making bank because of the comic, which might be easier or give him more freedom than focusing on pinups. Sure it's disappointing as hell, but at 7k a month, can you really blame him?
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I'm hopeful of sweetdreamcoffee new comic now that she stopped doing that femboy disgusting shit. With everyone moving to do male content lately its nice too see her swearing off of it and only doing girls now.
I don't think they stopped drawing males/femboys. That comic has been on a new Twitter account of theirs that's only for fat females. This comic has been good so far.
She made a post saying she would only finish what she had patreon obligations to do and fully stop at end of may. But artists flip flop all the time so we will see.
If what you're saying is true then that would be great news. Always liked her style, but hated how her males and females were impossible to distinguish unless you knew the characters beforehand.
The fact that he’s making 7k a month for consistently putting out mediocrity while there are objectively better artist in this “community” who don’t make nearly as much is disappointing.
It looks better because it's probably traced like everything else he makes.
Probably the most overrated artist to start drawing fatties within the last two years.
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>Who do we even have in the community putting out comic content on par with Kip
I'd say all of them since they're all shit.

People rate Sinpie? Seems insanely rare to see retwated.

I dunno, Atleast Belt's comic has gotten better artwise over time, and probably will continue to improve so
>People rate Sinpie? Seems insanely rare to see retwated.
After all the discussion about how bad certain artists are, and you say this?
(13 KB, 249x228, 1306651285720.jpg)
>It looks better because it's probably traced like everything else he makes.
Is this true? I've definitely noticed strange inconsistencies in their art, but nothing to strongly suggest tracing yet. Is there any evidence for this?
BWS,FUSA, and Belt Buster produce some god tier content and "comics". Pixiveo is alright, I preferred Annonxyz's earlier gritter content in regards to his comic (really loved the brutat stretc marks post stuffing). Chubby Muffin, Axel and Ana I don't really follow
Kip is pretty normie tier entrance level stuff, his comics are pretty meh ever since Breakfast With Sister but his one offs are pretty good despite him having serious same face issues. The main problem with Kip isn't even his art its his writing
(2.9 MB, 4000x1500, snipes tracing.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1102x614, yummiesnipes overlay.png)
Yeah almost everything he makes is traced either from games, real people, or other artists. It's why his heads look so weird compared to the bodies.

Here's on of the easy to see one. The image on the right is his art overlayed on a screenshot of genshin from google images. It lines up perfectly on the entire head and then he gets too lazy to finish tracing the hair. A lot of his art is like this.
>character gains 300 pounds after eating 20 pounds of food
>character is gaining weight during the feeding session
>gut is way too bloated for the stated amount of food
>character doesn't react appropriately to their size/isn't written believably
>no one does a decent hourglass
Shit's annoying.
Case in point with >>90621 for characters that aren't written believably. Who the hell would ever act like that? Comes across like she's braindead. Complete boner killer.

Not that that awful tracing could get a rise out of me anyway. Can't believe they have the balls to shill a Patreon on this shit.
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The one huge chick I saw in that thing looked like a mess and there's no background. The story seems to just be teen drama shit except whenever it's a stuffing scene, and a potential magic demon thing brewing.

What, people are supposed to say every name in the book, even the ones they don't know or don't see much wrong since the artist only started two years ago?

>Yeah almost everything he makes is traced
I'm not surprised, there was a lot of people trying to legitimize tracing for a minute because people in the industry do it, even if there's an ungodly massive difference in work load.

I'll never understand why people would settle for goat milk when they could have the rich full taste of cow milk and then have steaks when it runs dry.

>Can't believe they have the balls to shill a Patreon on this shit
Not only are you talking about Patreon, you're talking about the WG community; the majority will pay for a bag of fat with a crudely drawn on face and see nothing wrong.
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I just want to point out how hilarious it is that are people prepping lifeboats on sites other than Twitter after the Elon thing and the worry about NSFW being banned. Doubly so after some of these retards nuked their already established DeviantArt accounts, tried to make Pillowfort a thing (lol) and are now trying to hop to either pixiv or itaku yet refuse to go back to DeviantArt despite all this nonsense.

Bunch of rats.
(453 KB, 1850x1850, media_E1jZ1KEX0A4QV9q.jpg)
It would be fucking hilarious if he actually did that but I don't see it happening since Elon seems too smart to pull a tumblr.

>trying to hop to either pixiv or itaku
>try to run off the lolicons
>try to invade their domain after free speech guy scares you
Inshallah I hope all of the artists go back to deviantart so I don't have to search through 3 different platforms to find all of their art
What kind of world is this where fetish artists are against free speech
Leftards have been made afraid of free speech after using it to hijack institutions
They can’t fathom someone misgendering them
When they’re so autistically woke they just go full circle
Goddamn you guys are fickle, with all the complaints in the past 4 threads about Twitter, it's culture and the website just being a horrible platform for art, isn't a big user migration actually a good thing, no matter the reason why?
With any luck they'll go to somewhere with an actual gallery and tagging feature.

Here's the thing. Artists, at least those who haven't maintained a presence on other sites or kept their DA account active in addition to Twitter, are "stuck" on Twitter for the most part now since trying to convert your followers/outreach on Twitter to an entirely new platform on a whim is unrealistic. So they'll bitch and moan about Twitter being ruined and want alternatives yet they only have themselves to blame for putting all their eggs in one basket.

I just find it all funny because for the most part they all assumed Twitter would remain the perfect base to hunker down and live out the rest of their online artist life and never really planned for any contingencies.
(38 KB, 598x318, puntthecunt.png)
Few things are more pathetic than a fetish artist trying to virtue signal. One of those things is a hypocritical fetish artist, with an almost embarrassing amount of easily visible dirt on him already, trying to virtue signal.
Im just interested, what are you DONT like about BBW art? Like bad poses (where you are cant see the belly). Im not very good at English but I draw a lot of BBW art so Im iterested at what people dont like to avoid it.
When they make the ass ridiculously huge and nothing else and call it Bbw nah man I want belly, also on the other end of the spectrum when they make them a giant puddle like the fuck am I supposed to do with this. You gotta hit the sweat spot in the middle
Their art is hot garbage anyway couldn’t care less
if the crowd he's attempting to cut off includes you and the filename of your screenshot calls him a cunt.....

sounds like he made the right call.
99% of art being flab
easy there, poodle
Yikes. That's really blatant.
I like Pun the Poodles art (save for the fart stuff) but dude really should stop while he's ahead and not get embroiled to deeply in the "community" since it doesn't take much for them to turn on you.

I have an irrational hate of femboys especially when they are drawn for all sakes and purposes as a woman. I don't like extreme slob stuff like farts and other. For comics I don't like when they add to much content that isn't directly related to the fetish (big reason why i dislike Kip's later works)
For me its when they are massive but speak normally. I like it when they are practically wheezing every other world due to being engulfed in fat, or if they are big enough having slurred words
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Belts comic was always good, it did more to touch on the social shame of gaining with Lene (well at least before she became confident and a man stealer lol) than the entirety of No Lunch Break which was supposedly its premise
Isn't that the person that retweeted transphobic and offensive shit and had a meltdown over it?
Why is tracing such a common problem with this community? Even more so, why isn't anyone actually calling these people out?
Short answer NWO
There was some tracing discource a couple of threads ago, and what I made from it was that it's considered a generally acceptable practice now.
Plenty of anons stood up and made arguments and excuses defending the habit. Considering that this place houses the most critical and cynical attitudes towards artists, I really don't see where any backlash could come from at this point.
Good time to become a WG artist if you're interested in a side hustle with some profit in it, but aren't really interested in learning any fundamentals of the craft.
I've heard people defend tracing art to practice, but I certainly haven't witnessed people defend tracing for commissions and paid pieces. that's straight up theft and malpractice
Exactly and that's what Yummysinpie is doing.
Tracing, as a mean of practice it's ok, hence why people like Sanguinousquish haven't been called out yet.

Others like Xmasterdavid on the other hand are really blalant with the tracing to the point of not just using irl model photos as a base, he also uses other people's work, and makes money out them.
What characters out if curiosity?
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I'd rather have the people fleeing twatter because Elon is buying it, quit the internet; but the people being jumpy because every time a site gets bought, it starts getting rid of them can move on to another site.

Laziness for the artist and immediate gratification for the consumer.

Come on, we all know what characters; they only ever get on a soapbox for one type.
Basically everything I said in >>90623. Also when only the belly is fat and everything else is skinny, or when there's no sense of weight or softness and everything's too round.

>When they make the ass ridiculously huge and nothing else and call it Bbw nah man I want belly
What's with this idea that it's not BBW because the belly is small. Big bellies are nice but I like my pear and hourglass figures too, yet almost no one does them because it's "not BBW"

I don't mind a bit of wheezing and panting after physical activity, but if they're constantly out of breath that's getting into health issues territory and I'm not really into that.
>Tracing, as a mean of practice it's ok, hence why people like Sanguinousquish haven't been called out yet.

Does it really count as practice if he isn't being transparent about that? Nowhere does he say that his work is for practice, nor does he actually post his "references" so people can see a fair comparison. He just swipes art and claims it as his own.
He said the same thing about Furries, which is why he deleted his account and rebranded from Anthroskunkfromthe90's into his current form. Not new. Also the crowd he's potentially trying to defend himself from isn't going to care that he now has "all characters drawn are 18+" in his profile. Overall a stupid move, on his part. Still gonna jerk off to his art, though.
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>"I don't like where my brand has been going and I'm finished wasting my talent on it when as an artist I could be doing so much better"
>wasting my talent on it when as an artist I could be doing so much better
>I could be doing so much better

Unless he decides to expand and try new things with what he draws, he won't be doing any better by not drawing certain characters since 99% of his pieces blend together anyways. Trying to act like this is some huge burden preventing him from progressing as an artist is just performative bullshit for the twitter masses in hopes they don't target him down the line lmao.
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Idk why they are all crying so much about "questionable" shit, if anyone want something like a girls from Pokemon or Kanna from dragon maid or whatever character I can draw them. The only thing they are got for those sjw bitching is a less commissions.
Femboys, slob, major health issues, poses where you can't see the belly, stuffings that don't result in any weight gain, art that puts all the fat in only one area, and most art that's less then 300 pounds.
Would this happen to be your art, because it's super cute. Do you have any socials?
Baqua7 on twitter
First things that come to mind are circle tool bellies and extremely bottom heavy body types with almost nothing going into the top area
Maybe this should have gone in WG General, but I just want to say Koudelka is active again. No new art, but posting.
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Stuff like this image drives me up the wall, because it looks like sizemologist (still a very good artist) drew the image with a slightly bigger belly in mind then changed their mind and reduced it to show off more of her hips without adjusting the rest. It just looks bizarre because of canvas size and how the fat is distributed on her body in general and ironically draws more attention to the middle of the image than the hips which I assume wasn't their intention

Also the aversion to bellies/upper body fat by artists nowadays is incredibly annoying.
I agree, and it's disappointing that it was Shantae who paid the price for it. Wish people would stop trying to chase two things at once with her and would instead commit to either having her dance or making her fat. Trying to do both can lead to weird shit like this, and is why there's not much amazing art of her.
Stop with the 'take your meds' bullshit already. It's annoying.
>ban expires
>instantly come back to shitpost
stop being a fucking spaz and maybe people will stop treating you like one
This is weapons grade autism.
I think what's bizarre to me isn't the work itself, but the responses to it, because I don't totally disagree with your assessment. Maybe fake is the word I'm looking for in regards to the comments, maybe disingenuous? Nerd essay incoming because I felt like I was missing something when I was reading them: I have a craft for work and I have a craft for my hobbies. I have to maintain them at minimum, study and practice at maximum, and do stuff for fun with them as a compromise between. If I don't engage with my crafts, I get sloppy and I have to de-rust by practicing.

All the responses from various artists going "I gotta step up my game!" and slobbering that it's the best that Size has done feel insanely weird; it looks like a bizarre self-deprecation/hype-up circlejerk. People like SchizoMoist and CapnFapin are on board so initially I went "whatever" but Mister Man, of all people, is spearheading it? Really shocking skilled names coming up to bat for it as well: Dookus, Mofuwafuwa, Mr. X, Lewdsona, KawaiiDebu? Maybe some of them are just paying lip service, but it's throwing me for a loop.

Yes, I completely understand just not wanting to do something because it feels like work, or I'm just not in the mood. I get injuries, I think Mr. X is on hiatus because of an injury actually. I've taken long breaks from my crafts to do other things, but I'll never let them get to the point where I've lost a lot of the ability I accrued unless it's out of my control.

However, if you like doing something or doing that something rewards you, wouldn't you practice to maintain it or improve it if you could? Isn't that exactly what Size did? Am I insane for wondering why all of these individuals are posting like they're NOT practicing or maintaining the craft they feel joy or reward for doing, barring strain or injury? Tired of reading "muh depression" too, Fapin has talked about being depressed for YEARS at this point. Pew logged off real fast after saying he was diagnosed with clinical depression, stop fucking posting twitter soundbytes and see your psychologist.

I know what you mean, the fact that so many artists commented on it praising it like it was the second coming was a bit strange today. I think it's a bit of self-loathing/jealousy, not knowing what else to say outside of "good work" and a slight hint of sucking up to size for potential good boy points in the community.

I don't really know anymore, all the old guard seem to be depressed, whiny fucks that constantly cry "woe is me, art is so hard ;_;" and don't seem like they wanna draw anymore. Shit like the comments from Mister Man about being in a fat art (later referred to as just art in general) renaissance just comes across like they're realizing their time has passed and that the new blood has taken over. Again I don't know, I hate Twitter and seeing all the artists circlejerk each other in public and/or complain.
Most artists are far leftists or enough of a lefty that they watch mainstream media and their loyalists, and as such, they're miserable as hell most of the time. Also, KDubs hasn't been of the guard for a couple generations after their retarded attempt at making a forum (Muffintalk), Mr X and Mister Man never put out enough work that I'd call them major players, and the rest mostly aren't worth two shits so they never were part of any real guard.
There's complaining about things and then there's being unhinged. Holy fuck, what the hell are these posts?
There’s plenty of pear and hourglass shit, hell it’s a meme in this community that the second one of these artist gets any kind of real attention they just pivot to drawing big asses and tits to appeal to normies. Out of the three I just prefer bellies the most personally

Sorry, anon I didn't like having my twitter feed filled with some weirdo going on and on about an art renaissance as if it's some revelatory thing.
It is a shitty normie "bbw" = no belly/big tits/big hips and ass. Oh yeah totally a fat girl, lets praise.
I think it's wack to start assigning artists to "guards" as if they're tier lists, because the names that surprised me are good artists regardless of what generation they're part of.

>Again I don't know, I hate Twitter and seeing all the artists circlejerk each other in public and/or complain.
I'm fine with complaining if it's something real, like an artist actually makes a thread on them feeling burned out or something like Lewdsona where he's getting cucked by Twitter nsfw content soft-bans, but there's so much "boo hoo my inspiration kinda doo-doo lately :(" that this swing was enough to make me question shit.

>Nooooooo stop posting reasoned criticism about the PUBLIC inane and insane behavior of artists
There's been a lot of garbage popping up here. Franchise threads getting content not meant for this board and people making threads asking for something that should've been done in the Paid Content or Kemono Party threads. Consolidation people!
>Nooooooo stop posting reasoned criticism about the PUBLIC inane and insane behavior of artists
The complaints seemed a bit odd to me as well. I get being annoyed by circle jerking and constant bitching but it's important to remember some artists go about their stuff as if they don't have a following. Sometimes you just want to bitch into the void just for the sake of it, and not because you want sympathy or asspats. Sometimes you will see something that genuinely inspires you or makes you want to gush a bit, and you say something as a fan, not as a peer looking to circle jerk or earn points. The Renaissance stuff might seem kinda cringe but I will take someone being unabashedly happy and excited about something over cynics who just want to bitch about how the fans are ruining artists' lives and shooting their Hannibals.
I’ve talked with Mr X and he has some sort of health condition that he’s trying to get sorted out by doctors, but not much info beyond that
I do hope he gets better soon though, he makes damn good shit
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Animators like to complain about characters being shapely and mediocrity is intentional. Artists don't understand how hard it is to find their model sheets correct the anatomy of their female characters cause the suits are irrationally afraid of women
>I think it's wack to start assigning artists to "guards" as if they're tier lists
That's what the old guards essentially are, you jive turkey; everyone who was seen as great but also exuded an influence that drew many people to them and allowed their names to be the most lauded out of all within the community.

Whenever one starts to lose their influence, they all seem too and that's when the new guard starts to slowly gain their influence.

>I'm fine with complaining if it's something real
>like Lewdsona where he's getting cucked by Twitter nsfw content soft-bans
How's that real? Sounds like he just has a name that triggers the algorithm or have been running his mouth outside of the community.
Neither. Porn is not permitted on Twitter or Tumblr because social media companies lose stockholders. Porn is also stereotyped as being for far-right conspiracy nuts by liberals and actual far left groups because it gives women low self esteem and undermine them getting into college. Fetish Artists think they are in the industry, but Aunt Nancy hates them cause she can't own stock in Google and Disney if it's filled with porn. Banning Trump on Twitter was a test to see if the left can purge undesirables
Tons of leftists think you're an alt-right neo-Nazi if you have any problem with "sex work", including both porn and prostitution. Nobody I've seen on the left complains about porn any more unless it's porn they don't like. I only see anti-porn arguments from the right, and the few porn people I've seen on Twitter are mostly far leftists themselves.

Of course, the right and the left both accuse each other of harboring pedophiles or being soft on pedophilia. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of far leftists are against porn.
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This goddamn nigger has the balls to comeback and think hell have an audience after leaving

What was your baki-ripoff not doing so hot so you try and revive your dead fuck channel? Fuckin fag...
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is this some kind of reverse psychology thing where you fake being an edgy 13 year old who uses random slurs slagging yourself off to promote your return to deviantart?

look retard in this whole thing theres people complaining in a SALT thread about other artists .Just because I dont use your sjw language doesn't mean I cant shit on an artist I dont like
>Retreats into an ergo decedo
>Consistently uses reddit spacing
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>one of my biggest kinks is (very) fat chicks in bikinis or two-piece (bikini, sports bra, crop top, those little jackets that intentionally only cover the chest area, etc. + bikini bottom, shorts, short shorts, short skirt), clothing tight or straining, implicitly or explicitly a huge glutton, and a variety of personalities
>generally something that's tastefully clothed instead of nude, basically "hot day on the beach" wear, except it's casual clothing worn just about anywhere
>tfw it's so vanilla compared to everything else it gets passed over by most artists in favor of full-nude (often with hyper nipples and inflated vulvas) and crossovers with different fetishes
Ifunny tier bait
>He came crawling back after burning every possible bridge
lol. lmao. The unbelievable part is that this community is filled with enough autistic/desperate fucks that he'll slink right back in.
Considering people have forgiven and let back in way worse people, that outcome won't surprise me at all. Scumfucks like him need to go away and stay away
i like your take on things the most, surf's up bro
Viking Skirts got caught trying to hook up with a 15 year old and sending 16 year olds her troon tits and people defended her and got her her following and friends back, Mistystuffer is still around and has followers despite being Mistystuffer, Cakehoarder is a manipulative attention whore with her own cult of personality, Bamboo-Ale has openly said how much he despises this fetish yet is still around banking on people having said fetish for his money, to name a few.
ShySho drew porn of a 15-year old's self-insert character/persona (which looked exactly like him), as a direct response to the kid admitting "yeah I liked about my age and I'm sorry, I'm leaving the community until I'm of legal age in my country".

People immediately forgave Sho when he came back and was like "oh but people were SO MEAN TO ME OVER IT :( all I did was draw porn of an actual real-life kid!"
>Mistystuffer is still around and has followers despite being Mistystuffer
Everyone's still gonna have some amount of a following but for MS, he's the only person I've ever seen people actually stick to running off.

>Cakehoarder is a manipulative attention whore with her own cult of personality
That's what being female gets ya.
I forgot about this, god he's like a special brand of retard
What shoclu did, while being a minor, was a drawing of one of Plumpy_bread's (formely chubbies-express) old OCs, and during the time said artist was 14.

It was Rotvir (the purple dragon furry) who claimed that Shoclu drawn an irl minor out of nothing, and years after Blewdle said the same thing using Rotvir as a source.
>Viking Skirts got caught trying to hook up with a 15 year old and sending 16 year olds her troon tits and people defended her
Christ, sucks how all you need to be morally immune these days is to chop your dick off and announce to the world that you're mentally ill

What exactly happened? I'm a bit fuzzy on the details since I didn't follow either, but Kreat did a podcast with AbsolonAnonymous, right? I thought it was Absolon that decided to burn bridges, not Kreat.

Much obliged.
Kreat burnt bridges just as much as Absolon did, he just did it in his more mopey style of doing it rather than Absolon's smarky jackass style
She was good before she stop draw good fanart of animu girls and start to draw any other crap and ocs. Personally I dont care about OCs at all.
>he's the only person I've ever seen people actually stick to running off
It helps how his art is godawful, and his art's been stagnant with no signs of improving for years now. That guy is the actual bottom of the barrel, it wasn't hard for people to swear him off.
>but for MS, he's the only person I've ever seen people actually stick to running off.
He never quite "ran off" he's just been banned from DA and chased off of most other art sites at this point. You can still see him poking about on Pixiv and Twitter.
Her art quality took a nosedive and so did her personality. Very "queen bee" mean girl bitch
I really don't know why that is, but her art is so bland and uninspired now, like she didn't want to draw it and just went through the motions with her muscle memory. But I might have a bias against artists I find unbearable.
Even then her muscle memory gives us bland expressions, bland poses, and sometimes downright bad anatomy. It's just so wild how somebody can get worse as an artist and get worse as a person at the same time as hard as she did

In my personal Anon opinion/shit take, the VSkirts thing was shady. While VSkirts is a perv and wrong for what they did, the fact that this happened years before, to the point the 'victims' were well above age speaks volumes to me. Also the fact the person who exposed the whole thing had receipts from the alleged victims who kept them from years just rubbed me the wrong way as instead of reporting to the police, they gave them to some random stranger on the internet?

Sounds like gay Ops if you ask me.
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Think it was his other thing that helped lock people into blocking him and the new generations only really kept it going because it's so deeply baked into the community that they kept it going themselves.
Holy shit, Chris Chan landed in jail before Mistysuffer.

I've known he's been on Pixiv for years
>tfw it's so vanilla compared to everything else it gets passed over by most artists in favor of full-nude (often with hyper nipples and inflated vulvas) and crossovers with different fetishes
I'm probably in the minority here, but full nudity is overrated as hell imo. Some amount of clothing on a fat girl is always going to be hotter than full nude, barely even matters what it is. Tight clothes are like half the fun of the kink. Even baggy or plain clothes express character. Some girl with elaborate fashionable outfits switching to plain, baggy t-shirts, hoodies and sweatpants to try and hide her size? Yes, please. More of that.
>implicitly or explicitly a huge glutton
Implicit gluttony is underrated but most of the time when people try that it's more "open secret" gluttony, where she eats like a pig in public but denies it and no one says anything about it. Unapologetic, full on gluttons are fun, but there's not enough appreciation for the type who can "behave herself" in mixed company but eats Nutella from the jar when she's alone.
I'm weird about drawings of bare breasts tbh. They're not a total boner killer, but they're so often drawn weirdly and become too much of a focus on the person (for example, when drawing fatter characters they make the areolas and nipples huge to the point where the nipple is the size of the person's nose and the areola covers half the breast and it's just weird to look at (does the areola expand with the breast as a person gains weight? I don't think it does, right?). clothed and bikini pictures don't have that problem. I hope this disgust for exposed breasts and genitalia isn't permanent, I'm 21 now but someday I'd like to feel like less of a mental virgin lol
Genital disgust is pretty common, anon, especially if you've been wanking it to fetish shit without them your entire life
Same. Gotten better about seeing bare breasts, but nipples that are very erect are still too much for me.

Not wanting to see genitals is something I'd never blame anyone for. It's difficult to look at.
>does the areola expand with the breast as a person gains weight? I don't think it does, right?
This varies from person to person but the areolae do generally tend to get bigger as the breasts get bigger.

I always thought vaginas looked kinda gross so I'm glad that's more common than I thought it was. Even without the genital thing I still think clothes on is generally hotter than no clothes though. I like a tease, and I like getting a feel for a girl's personality through the way she dresses herself. Open back dresses particularly are great and I think it's a shame there isn't more art that focuses on the back.
Even if it's gay ops, which I highly doubt, the fact that it got outed that she was trying to get with a 15 year old and sexting 16 year olds should be a career ruiner. But because she's a troon and cuz she "makes good art" she got off scot free, which is the point I'm making
It's bad, no argument there. Screen caps were legit, even Skirts owned up to it.

But again, it actually took place several years ago. My problem is it wasn't reported immediately and seemed to be only released out of some dumb attempt to oust Skirts.
Go back to twitter, retard. That is, if the Musk takeover didn't scare you off.
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Not entirely. People have been consistent about not wanting anything to do with "Ms"-Chemi once his discord DM's leaked and revealed that he did sexual toddler fart inflation RP with some Splatoon autist. And I'm not talking RP'ing as fictional kids or whatever, but their IRL baby/young siblings. All attempts at returning to twitter have failed miserably, and people shit on him so badly that all he's paywalling his art behind Deviantart's subscription mode or whatever it's called.
Anyone who expresses interest in sexual acts with their siblings has a non-zero chance of actually having had abused them. I hope that they were reported to the relevant authorities for this, deeply concerning.
this is the most filthy fucking thing ive ever read on this site, not only is it creepy as fuck its cringe as hell, dear god
Reading this conversation caused my mind to crash for a moment because it couldn't process how people like this exist. I don't think I've ever read anything more vile then this.
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Anon, I don't think Twatter denizens have the attention span to stick around for close to a month.

>Forcing that knowledge into my brain
Pic related.
Never underestimate twitter users and holding grudges.
Dleagueman radiates unironic coomer energy
the worst thing about him is that his art hasn't gotten better at all in like a decade of doing it
it's just sad
wtf it's so bad, how has he been drawing regularly for a decade!? he even has a patreon giving him $136 a month but he can't bother to learn basic shading or anatomy/proportions! I know a lot of awful artists exist out there who use circle tools and MS-paint, but if you've been drawing for a decade and are trying to sell your art and run a patreon how can your art be this shit wtf.
I can't get over his "weight gain" pics are just bigger gut and butts. I know people have a certain type they like but bitch plump up the rest of the fucking body
People who post Robot009 unironically should be banned.
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It's amazing how he's been at it for 14 years but hasn't improved at all
It takes a lot to turn my stomach but that just did it. And I just ate dinner too

When your Sonichu "fan" art is worse than the original

Or even better, one who could previously restrain themselves but let's the slobby side slip out more and more as the gain continues, to their embarrassment.

Idk, I assume improving just takes a certain mindset and effort when it comes to drawing, it won't just come naturally. Obviously this guy isn't poring over anatomy books or anything like BWS is whenever his art is rapidly improving.

He just never even tries anything different lmao. You see it with relatively good artists, too. Metalforever and Axelrosered's art looks exactly the same no matter what year it's from unless it's the REALLY ancient shit.
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>Bloopity drew fat Flame Princess and Fionna but made a post about how you shouldnt draw underage characters in kink work, then deleted it after someone pointed it out
>Dawmino proudly boasted about blocking his own commissioner over liking underage art but had an angry meltdown when someone publicly pointed out Blaze the Cat was underage
>MysteryDad wouldnt stop crying about how "it's not that hard" to avoid drawing underage characters in subjects and arguing with others about how bad it is to age them up, but later deleted his thread and now he's drawing Miku and insisting he headcanons her as older
>Jeetdoh did his whole thing in the first place but doesn't seem to really care that much because he leaves all his old art of Pokemon kids up in a way that's comically easy to find
>Smappa insisting Coco Bandicoot is okay because she has no given age and that she "didnt know" Amy wasn't an adult despite coming after someone over it
>ITAOHS and the grandstanding but the fact that he drew Zoe from League multiple times ofc as someone said earlier in the thread

Honestly I don't actually care how you feel either which way. I think saying "you care more about drawings than real people" or "you only care about lines on paper" is kind of deliberately missing the point. I would even go as far as to say that "I don't think NSFW of fictional minors should be produced" is a reasonable stance to have, even if I don't really agree with it.

But if you're going to have that stance, is it that insane for me to expect you to at least be genuine about it? Half these people who are popping up in artists' comments like "UHHH ISNT SHE TWELVE?" are apparently only acting this way out of convenience and it's plain as day that it's fucking working for them too. If you genuinely feel that way and stick to it, good for you, but it's insane how many artists are actually only saying this stuff to grandstand and then bend the rules or act thrown off as appropriate. Just straight up say you don't give a shit. This sort of thing is so steeped in the fetish community anyway I can't see it actually hurting your income to stick to it. Just say you don't give a shit. But this whole thing where people are PUBLICLY making their stances known but unwilling to actually back themselves up is deeply obnoxious. If you actually check yourself and aren't obviously doing it out of your own convenience, then I can at least accept it. I'll still think you're annoying but I'll block your whining and move on. The people who are clearly turning on the same artists they're friends with so they can look good in front of others on the other hand is awful and it makes me more cynical of their cause when I already was.
God bless all the artists that haven’t succumbed to this shit and are still fine with aging up characters
I hate all these retards that grandstand on that of all things when they’re all probably actual pedos and are whining about fictional character ages which are literally just a number
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Exactly! Especially clothes that have straining buttons, which are a staple of weight gain itself!

You also get it; back boobs are just as sexy as front ones, especially if they come in multiples.

Christ almighty, even DAtards would disown this level of deviancy.
They actually called him out for it even some who told him take out art they commension from him however he stills on deviantart for some reason
At least Jeetdoh was actively getting harassed and bullied, so I can't really fault him too much there. The rest have no excuse though, they're just two-faced snakes. If they never said anything no one would've cared about what they thought about the matter.
This is the most rancid shit I've ever read, how do these fuckers even get to this point?
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What bullying was Jeet getting? The way I saw it happen, he became the truest form of a backstabber after he spat in the faces of the fans of his work while trying to act like a saint; then goes back to turning Bea into a blob of fat, months later.
If someone asks me if I hate black people I say "of course not" to get that annoying brainworm infested blue-haired freak out of my face.
Same deal here.
The bulk of his drawings were actively being reported on Deviant Art, and I think there was some behind the scenes drama where he got spooked about people reporting him to his work regarding what he drew.
>Also the aversion to bellies/upper body fat by artists nowadays is incredibly annoying.
Dats raycis moffuka
Wait, Viking Skirts is a tranny? When did that get revealed?
Skirts is incredibly open that he's a tranny, plus if you ever heard his voice you could tell right away.
Strange as fuck and not really comparable at all.
Cool fucking story bro. Way to out yourself as a fucking cunt

Huh. Someone sounds bitter that Skirts is getting more pussy than them
Awe, is the little white boy triggered that other people exist? Go cry more
I don't want pussy from underaged teens.
Oh sorry you prefer them being called Lolis, right, pedo?
Don't forget >>90680 and how Punt's drawing MLAATR characters as we speak, despite them being very explicitly underage.
Fuck off skirts, go back to your discord and molest some kids instead of being a bitch
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Yeah, and I'm posting this one to finish this puzzle.
True true, see it as an extension of nuclear family, consumerism, wealth inequality, debt traps and both food and cultural poisoning. Things are pretty interlinked, I know. Everything is gone to shit, and stuff that you see is just an inner crust of societal miasma.
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This is exactly why I say that people with this fetish have zero standards and having it feels like a curse. I'm 100% a broken record repeating myself, but people who look at this person's work and go "yeah, I'm going to commission this person" have the same voting/spending power the rest of us do for polls and comms. Absolutely nuts, hell yeah I'm mad.
I try to be tolerant toward transgender people. I don't understand transgenderism, but they deserve the same respect as anyone else.

However, if you post pictures of yourself looking super-feminine, and it's 100% obvious that you were born female, and you make no attempt to look masculine or androgynous, and you insist everyone uses "he/they" pronouns, I will think you're an idiot.
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"art" like this has no appeal, it is ugly as sin and is completely worthless.
Western branch of cartoonish realism was a mistake.
>hurr whataboot dem animesques
To be honest, if the eastern style is not mixed up with western realism it's quite appealing to look at. Oh, and I forgot the cartoons. God fucking damn. Western cartoons are trash. It really is mind-boggling how can you even consume that vile shit that are cartoons.
Looking at this artist’s prices, I think this guy might’ve just gone with her because her art’s cheap. But if you want your commission done that badly, why not just save up your money and wait for a better artist to open? Sure, the prices might be higher, but you’d get better quality than that trash.
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>deserve respect
Why? Why would someone deserve respect for the sole fact of their existence? Oh, I probably know what do you mean here. It's a miracle they get to live through yet another day, isn't it?
All of that alphabet stuff is dumb, selfish and degenerate product of the modern world.
>Why? Why would someone deserve respect for the sole fact of their existence?
Do you spit at the shoes of every stranger you walk by? What a moronic thing to say.
If you crackers want a chuckle to this low standard insanity, go check the western """"loli""""" thread on the alt board. Those cretins, those vile cretins, have the same human rights as you, I and everybody else on this site.
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You clearly haven't browsed Pixiv much, because you'd know your statement would be bullshit after being hit by a barrage of absolute garbage the Jap side can put out. Bad art is universal, you just don't see it because you'd rather live in a weeb bubble that doesn't show the whole picture.
Those are good weeb art though.
>>92235 this loser English only peasant posted art with shit posed that was traced from csp. The art you posted had care put into it.

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