
post muh kim possible grande size me remaster page 2 plz!!!
It's on his DA... nothing happens
Can someone upload the mystic manga maidens Ch 6
Its on his da but it aint free. Hoping his other series get uploaded there as well soon.
of course it cost money, did u really think he's going to post it for free?
Yes! Post more of the comic!
Any news from the KP comic?
New pages release every Friday
Anyone got the new pics today?
These are fucking terrible.
They look a lot better than some of the shit posted on this website.
They still have Banna Galactic logo, they're old. No shit they ain't up to snuff.
No page of KP yet?
So like what's the deal with the pages of the Grande Size Me comic remake, has the project been dropped, are their new pages like what be the fate of them?
Is there a new page of the remastered KP WG comic?
Doesn't answer my question, not gonna pay for a sub when all I'd be subbing for is the KP comic
It's updated every friday

Didn’t even realize last weeks page was posted — thanks Anon! Anyone have today’s page?
Gonna take a few days before a brave anon steps up
>>89262 hasn't been posted yet
Kid, be patient.
I predict she'll end up like how big Starfire got in the Teen Titans comic he did
I am, I'm telling them it hasn't been posted yet, I checked the website
Lmao. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The dude peaked with the original Grande Size Me comic. After that everything he drew looked like an actual balloon. That said, god bless this remaster.
Has a new KP page from this Friday, come out or something?
This will be the ultimate test to see if his style got better or shittier over the years
Currently nothing new
Bumping cause of a new KP Grande Size Me Remastered page
Bumpity bump for more Grande-Size Me. Excited that we hopefully get a little process in the next page

A true king, thanks!

Remaster is looking really good. Really looking forward to next week
does anyone have the new pages for mystic magna maidens chapter 6
Thank you for saying it
Next page is make or brake. Will she be nice and fatty like the OG or will she immediately turn into a balloon animal?
Anyone got the new pics today?
Thanks Anon for sharing, Does that mean we'll have another page on Friday?

Oh man, what an awesome surprise. Really liking the remaster! Thanks Anon!
Does anyone have the direct link to AnonGTS to see Banna's content?
New page of Kim Possible today?
Great, now people can upload ExpandaPanda on Kemono!
Someone can upload the new pages of The Adventure the comic please?
so we do subscribestar now?
Yeah we should be someeonetake for the team
nvm just saw that you posted the last 3 pics in that drive.
I mean does anyone have more of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6 then the 3 pages
He even had knowledge that Ron will come and how he'll save Kim. Drakken might be prepared.
(940 KB, 1650x1350, last_week_on_expandapanda_4_4_2022_by_seriojainc_df2zerq.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1650x1350, last_week_on_expandapanda_4_29_2022_by_seriojainc_df4icjg.jpg)
Can anyone post the pin-up post art on the middle section of these "Last Week On ExpandaPanda" photos

Because I am interested in these photos and would like to see them, especially the one with the purple-haired woman in the second picture.

The name of that purple girl, Erola Suppaatoka from Honoo no Labyrinth. by the way.
What if the new twist that he got fat too?
You and me both man
Jed's not good drawing fat males. Just look up for the full avengers comic.
But, he has come a long way and improved a lot. Maybe he'll get it right this time.

Which avengers comic? Kinda curious now.
It is the comic where Loki kidnapped Black Widow and one more agent

I do remember that one, though I can’t recall seeing any male stuff in it. Strange…
Loki was the one who got fat. That's why Iron Man is bursting out of laughter in the next panel.
if remember jed did some male expansion in his deviantart account
Jed has been interested in doing make fats for years now, but sadly he sold his soul to paypal kiddies that woukd rather see Passion Patties played out for the thirtieth time.
Does anyone has a Google dive folder that has current comics from Expandapanda
Then make a membership
Do it your selve
How about NO on Mary?
Ok no on mary from Wall-e
(10 KB, 185x272, images.jpeg)
Mary is replace By Umi Ryuuzaki it's gonna be the first fat of clamp girl
I Would Love A Fat Naked Image of Mary I Love Her
Ok do it
Hello Does anyone have images of expandapanda or accounts?
No is for ideas
Page 12 of GSM remastered is here!
I love mary from walle would love a fat naked image of her would be a dream come true
Is anyone going to post the new pin-up pictures featured in these two photos?
now all we can hope is that her tits and more importantly nipples come through x3
one downside to the OG tbf
would love a naked image of mary from walle it would be a dream come true
Sorry dude my account is terminated
Does anyone know if they are going to update the drive folder with the new comics and pin ups that Jed is doing?
I think he won’t do it cuz Kim is underaged
If that was a concern then why remake the comic in the first place. Her boobs are only being held back by the torn remains of her shirt so not much more and there coming out
the hands and feet are drawn so much better in the new one. in the old one they look pretty weird in the bottom panel

If they're referring to Kim and Ron as BF/GF, thrn they're high school seniors. She's legal here.
Or high school graduates (+18) but legal either way
Me too.

I wonder if there is someone who will update that Google Drive too, as Jed has posted new comics and pin-ups in ExpandaPanda.

So might as well be a good time to catch up and add in those new art Jed made.>>93810
Next KP comic page when?

Should be yesterday but there is no hero who could post it now :/
He hasn't posted the new page on his website yet so we have to wait
Oh great, here comes Ron to ruin all the fun! I'd like to see Kim gulp down all that space Jell-O and let Drakken and Shego win for once.
(262 KB, 1280x1849, Swelling_Invasion_4_13.jpg) (222 KB, 1280x1849, Swelling_Invasion_4_14.jpg) (222 KB, 1280x1849, Swelling_Invasion_4_15.jpg) (239 KB, 1280x1849, Swelling_Invasion_4_16.jpg) (287 KB, 1280x1849, Swelling_Invasion_4_17.jpg) (88 KB, 1280x925, Swelling_Invasion_4_18.jpg)
Anyone else feel like once you've seen one of each body type from Jed you've seen them all? It just makes me feel underwhelmed seeing his pinups, but I don't feel like that when he does his comics. I wish he did more of these kinds of comics more.
Well if Drakken is there in the reboot then we should expect him and Ron to fight while She-Go and Kim blow up shouldn't wwe?
I still want to know how The Adventure and Magna Mystic maidens continued, and see what new comics will come out soon

Since when has a character being underaged ever stopped him from drawing them nude?
Occasionally he does surprise me and he does try something different which is 90% a win, but it is rather rare.
I loved that segment of the adventure comic with Mai from fatal fury and Liara from mass effect, cause we got to see them both get fatter over time and each of them reacted differently to the scenario.
Like with Liara she was chubby at first, but then ballooned to a massive size, and then with Mai the expansion started at her ass and traveled to the rest of her body, all while she tried to avoid it. It's a subtle difference but it's variety, it's why I like Jed's comics more than his pinups.
why are his pants missing
I guess it's a ron thing
What the heck?! Where's Ron's pants?!
Classic Ron
The disintegrated before the majesty of Ron, the cuck commander. I hope to god he's only here to hook Shego up to the fat machine.
Recurring gag from the show. Ron would lose his pants whenever operating his grappling gun or repelling equipment
Ultimate twist
Ron gets attached to a machine
I’ll ddos his fucking site
double twist
Ron starts gaining as you said
Jed does a self insert that fails harder than JayTee in the new Dice Game.
Who the hell is that
he might have peaked with this one comic, hasn't drawn an inflation sequence anywhere near as good since
Let me make sure.. new page of KP Comic is only every friday or one per monday, wednesday and friday along with the other two comics ?
Speaking of other comics any new pages of Mystic Magnum Maidens post chapter 6 page and of Adventure post page 120? Just saw some of his new previews the other day. Seems like they got updated with some new pages.
post page 3*
A new Mystic MAGNA Maidens page is out now
Would love a fat naked image of mary as she is my fav
Hate to be that guy. However would like to ask. Could u also upload pages 4-13 as well?
(1.5 MB, 1275x1650, Hibana.jpg)
(1.5 MB, 1275x1650, Hibana.jpg)
I got this
Can you upload pages 4-13 of MMM ch 6
Next KP-page soon?
Can you accept a Picture from Mary of Wall-e
It’s like some weird nightmare
i know its a kim possible comic but i really dont want ron to be a part of it. not sure why its worse than drakken being part of it, but it is
Isn’t Ron in the old comic pretty much doing the same thing he’s doing here? Why are you guys complaining?
>because male in weight gain comic=gross in there simple minds
It's weird how Kim has no nipples
It has no fucking place here
wow I thought people only felt visceral disgust for sexualised men in their fatty wank, I didn't realise having any men at all ruined it for some weird people. Is all the REEEing about men in /bbwdraw is even more autistic than I thought?
Ron is literally just there as a plot devise to move the comic along so Shego can eventually get captured and fatten up. What are you on about?
IKR tell me about it, only bummer to the OG imo, i saw some people saying its cus kim is uneraged, but if that was the case then why bother in the first place if its obviously porn. Oh well her shirt is still holding so maybe theres some nippage underneath but at this point im doubting it.
Hopefully shego at least has fully exposed breasts since she is an adult (if that was the case) and there was no reason for it to be that way in the OG, idk just my weird lil rant about this stuff xD.
So what happened that caused people to think that Ron would gain weight this time? Besides him not wearing pants, everything about this comic has been faithful to the original release. Ya'll are spazing out over something that won't happen.
they don't think ron will gain weight or be sexualised, they're spazzing out about males existing at all in the comic. why they didn't spaz out about drakken being in it idk and they don't either for some reason >>96298
It's weird how Shego places her hand on the spot where Ron is standing.. well maybe Kim's belly continues to grow and moved him a bit forward heheh
For a comic that is based off a show, it sure is out of character. Wouldn't Bonnie make more sense? I just can't see Shego going for a plot that has the madness of DCAU Joker
Nah might be just continuity error. Though it's kinda weird we are losing our minds over something hypothetical instead of the actual pressing fact that there are 10 missing pages between the latest and the second latest upload of the Mystic Magna Maidens series.
>instead of the actual pressing fact that there are 10 missing pages between the latest and the second latest upload of the Mystic Magna Maidens series.
Who cares about that series? Besides, there's been some needy little shit whose tried making a dedicated thread for that one comic at least two times now. Even if I had access to that comic, I wouldn't reward constant bitching.
You are entitled to ur opinion,mate. But frankly speaking there are a lot more people who actually care abt the series. Fact of the matter is thats its a seriojainc series and if anyone wants new uploads and request reups of pages(in moderation), its still a valid request. Don't scrutnise people for making requests on the basis of ur disinterest and especially not cause a few anons who don't know the rules make begging threads. We all hate those dipshits and hope they accidentally reveal their true age.
What if the twist that Drakken gained weight?
What if the twist was your neck?
It's like the Aladdin one where the comedy relief character ruins the mood by doing his schtick and there's no option to toggle it away
How about no on Mary?
RIP Mr. Williams ;_;
Hi everybody.
Ron without pants isn't the best thing... so, i tried to re-drawing it, with his cargo pants.

I'm not an artist, i just tried my best.
i hope you will appreciate that effort :)
(2.0 MB, 5313x6875, Kp_gsm_page18 re-drawing.png)
Sorry guys, i saw i used a wrong brush for the second pic, now everything looks better
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
man people are throwing bit of a fit because a gag that was done in the show
> get ready to join your jiggly girlfriend
You're reading into it too much. That smile from Ron says that things will be the same as before, and he will be fine.
Wow, i see somebody just had a bad day here.

The intention was not to upgrade the original art or spending too much attention to the details.

Just read some people not liking to much the gag so i tried to do something about. if even one person is happy, the time needed is worth that.

PS. Autism?
remember that this is a Porn Fetish Comic, based on Kim Possible... just to say...
Once again, NO.
(1.0 MB, 500x220, ceb.gif)
How bout yes
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Now you're talkin.
And who says that large obese people are useless?
Ron went straight for the boobs like it was nothing 😂 not to mention that one boob is almost bigger than him
I'd say your edits are good. As you said you saw that some people didn't like the original so you changed it. I don't see any reason for someone to call you an autist just for making a small edit.
(652 KB, 600x694, 7b3.png)
I kinda hope he does a redo on the Aladdin comic he did.
New page of the Mystic Manga Maidens is out

Same. Thats always been my favorite comic of his. Those two Jasmine sequences are *chef’s kiss*
Also requesting this as well along with pages 4-13 of chapter 6
There no new Kim possible pages ??
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Surely someone will make a nipple edit
You give me time young son…
I plan on putting them out when it is done.
(654 KB, 1275x1650, kp_edit_bbwchan1.jpg)
this is the first edit of anything I've ever done but I honestly think it's necessary, having Kim have no nipples was always a strange choice
Thx for the upload. Wanted to ask. Do u have access to MysticMagnaMaidens as well?
You should give up asking. No one has been posting them.
I was going with a lighter color a larger areolas but your are good.
>> 98128
Its only a matter of time. One thing I am certain of is that people are unable to resist gaps and always vie for closure/completion. Sooner or later some one unable to ignore the gap here will upload the pages.
New page of the Mystic Manga Maidens is out
Bump for tomorrow's page
Does anyone have Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6 on their Google drive
No Kim Possible today?
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Yet it hasn’t been posted here yet. :\
Does anyone have Adventure ch. 5? The other 4 are free on Jed’s site but I can’t find 5 anywhere.
Claire Dearing from Jurassic World
Is anyone gonna post this Kim page lol
Oh, that's why it took some time for someone to post it. Should've put it under spoilers.

I'm pretty sure it's just Rufus.
Maybe? Still think it would be better safe then sorry in case it isn't
It is he put the tube in Shegos mouth in the original so it looks like that'll happen again
Wait a minute if Rufus is coming out of his boxers and presumably he’s holding the tube to shove in shegos mouth doesn’t that mean the Rufus snaked the tube through his boxers?
No he just grabbed the tube in Kim's mouth and put it in Shego
Oh shit you’re right my bad
"Is that a Rufus in your pants or are you happy to see me?"
Do you have the next page?
You know, I got a legit question, once these latest chapters in the comics are done, are they gonna go public like the old chapters did when Jed was sick? Cause if that's the case I'll just wait, or check anongts or something. Shit.
Is there a kind anon for the recent double post.
No new Kim page ??
A new pages of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
anyone got the Claire Dearing from Jurassic World image
>Shego gets fattened
Fucking nice, I've been waiting this entire time
new page of Mystic Magna Maidens is out
Shhhh we're busy, Shego's about to get fat.
the split in Shego's suit omg x3
Does anyone have a new page of Mystic Magna Maidens ?
When do the new KP pages usually post?
That's how fat faces should be done instead of the ugly ass jowls japanese artists like to do.
You should post new Mystic Manga Maidens pages every Monday
Bruh it's nic enough that thhe posts them for you every weeks and catches you up. They probably doesn't have the time to post them every week or gets distracted. Instead of shoving your horny needy ass down their throat how about you pay for a subscription and support Jed yourself
so there was a 4 page zero two comic that was on the original seriojlnc post but it got deleted so i was wondering if you guys know where i could find it
nvm there is another seriojlnc post with it
Thx for the uploads mate.
Actually the missing pages are 4-13 not 4-8.
What about pages 14 -15
Do you know the link to the remastered Grande Size Me comic?
Already was uploaded earlier.
Any of ya got the latest page of the Kim comic?
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now

How is it you always know that new page is out but you never ever share images..
Do u also have access to mystic magna maidens as well?
Is there a link to the grande size me remastered comic?
if they're are no shego nips its still amazing but a 9/10, if we get full on titty then its a FAT 10 in my book x3
I’m doing a redraw I will post it when the comic is done.
Does anyone else have pages 4-15 of mystic manga maidens Ch 6
I love that her legs fidget and buckle while she's being filled up, that's such a good touch.
Really hope he draws out Shego's gain a little longer than the original comic
Yeah it was like at most 2 pages long. Kinda made up for it with the ending, she had to take all of Kim's fat too.
yeah you're a god damn siant honestly ^^ for kims nips at elast, but i still have a lil hope that shego will be rocking a pair, since in th OG she ended up bigger and way fatter than kim with her suit completely totalled xD
Is there a link for the remastered Grande Size Me comic? Like a Google Drive link or a mega.nz link.
All of it's here, if you want it in a whole google drive thing you might have to wait till it's finished.
New page of Mystic Manga Maidens is out now
Is there a link for Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6 on mega.nz link.
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Well then post it ya goober
A new pages of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
We fuckin heard the first guy, someone will eventually post it
There is no new page yet
That's makes it funnier.
I hope its not rushed we get a view of her ass too
oh god oh fuck, female presenting nipples!?!
Thank you kind anon
I was surprised he actually had her topless.
Yowza, it just gets better
> shego shows her merciful mammaries
> kim doesn't and probably won't
Going to edit it when it is done
Fuuuck shes getting huge this comic is best i have seen in a long time
Yeah, in the Discord, Jed has confirmed he isn't gonna blow Kim's top 🙄
Is he like ok? i can understand if its an age thing sure, but then like why bother even making her fat cus at point the second she starts gaining someone is gonna be masturbating to it, so you might as well show off the boobs, also makes no sense since before they even came out you could see shego's nipples, so kim must just not have any, at all ;p
I hope someone makes a grand size me remaster dub with sound effects when the comic is finished
New page of Mystic Manga Maidens is out now
blueberry Tsunade from Naruto

Yall will complain about anything huh...like really?
Can't you just be happy with what you got?
It's a chan page, so probably not. Just be grateful they aren't whining about those dastardly SJWs again.
not really complaining just since its a discussion forum thought i could share my views on the image im not dispapointed was just confused at why kim didnt have nipples just takes away some of the enjoyment x3
Does anyone have pages 19 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6?
Is his discord private to the shops like how some people on patreon do?
A new pages of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Not really, it's just Jed and his wife giving updates on when things go live. There's a little conversation here and there but it's not really shop talk
Not really complaining lol, just wanted to set the record straight incase some people were still holding out hope for Kim nips

I hope we get some full body shits before shes kims size blob!!
Oh man, I wanted a little bit more of her writhing as she steadily gets fatter, but spotlighting the little things is good too. I hope she doesn't lose too much articulation though, before she reaches the ceiling.
Full body shots** jeeeez
A new pages of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Post it yourself than.

I don't know if this is always the same person but always knows that new page is out, never posts that new page..
Then post it, you moron

fuck off you constantly begging twat
not him, but in his defense he might just be checking the subscribestar and seeing the blurred out preview images
It for my post it actually a idea
Repost brooklyn nine nine comic please
Hey could someone upload the new page of grand size me remastered, please
Anything on grandesize me?
nothing yet but fear not my dude there is always a kind anon somewhere, just takes some time.
Could someone share the image of Mercy that I post these weeks, if it's not a bother?
Hubba hubba wanna if i was ron i would taking full advantage of all thay blubber
New page of Mystic Manga Maidens is out now
Does anyone have 4-13 pages of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6
Which page of Mystic Magna Maiden chapter 6 is it though?
thanks for the new page :)
>>104721do you got Page 19 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6
Can someone explain why this particular panel looks so damn hot?
We would but unfortunately there is still a huge gap in between pages.
Does anyone have “The Adventure Comic: World 5 Crystal Tokyo” by any chance?
Does anyone have the lara croft juliet starling and quiet comic
That's Adventure, the first four chapters are available for free on Expandapanda.
Does anyone have Adventure 5: Crystal Tokyo
Sam from Totally Spies is out.
could someone share it please?
*Ahem* when it's out please post the new KP page and anyone asking for the other comics beyond this point will spontaneously shit themselves apon asking
*Ahem* *Ahem*, last time I checked, this thread isn't named the kim possible grand remastered comic thread. So if there are ppl feeling a bit salty abt others requesting pages from other comics and pinups from seriojaInc, may u be blessed with a mound of salt to rub ur arses in.
could someone post the new kim possible pa- oh god, my ass, I can't control it, PFFFFFBRRRRRRRTTTTTTTCH

damn it I spent ten minutes searching for a kim possible shitting herself video and couldn't find anything that was actually funny and now my search history is filled with terms like "kim possible shits herself" and "kim possible fart fetish" fml
I can't hear you, you shifted yourself to hard
A new pages of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Dude how dumb are? U referenced 2 different ppl.
are u?*
My bad, u referenced only me. I swear that black marker block is throwing ppl off. Anyways coming back to topic, doesn't matter if u heard it or not. No one really cares. Fact of the matter is that this a seriojainc thread, so any one who requests a comic or pinup of seriojainc has the right to do so. Dissing off ppl just because they request and like stuff u r not interested in is petty and self serving. Also on a side note, requesting mods to bring back delete posts function.
Does anyone got Mystic Manga Maidens: Chapter 6?
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Sadly you have no membership. This page is so good
Again this dumbfuck who says "it will be dark any minute now" when Sun sets...
Just one small hiccup though. We don't have the filenames and seriojainc doesn't have previews.
You can see the preview in subscribestar it's just blurry but they do differ
Thx for the help. Just finished with renaming and archiving.
Thx for the upload mate, unfortunately though pages 15, 16 & 17 were already uploaded earlier (which is why filenames are important). Anyways coming back to the point now that the small gap is dealt with, all that is left is the big gap which is as mentioned b4 pages 4-13.
sam rom totally spies

did no one fucking know sam from totally spies art just came out?
Oh yeah near forgot that too.
Does anyone have pages 4-13 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6?
No, now stop asking, and if you want it pay for it!
Ron needs too have fun with all that blubber and stop being a puss boy
Not this again. Yo if u ain't gonna post it don't comment. No one's gonna stop asking just cause u said no and go pay for it urself. Almost of us wouldn't be here if we could.
Wait did Jed deadass continued the totally spies comic after almost 10 years (or whenever the comic came out lol)
That's not how it works, and this is coming from someone who has Asperger's.
New page of Mystic Magna Maidens is out
Oh man sorry
Who are you apologizing to?
Dr. Pussycat from Peepoodo
Is there a new page out of the KP comic?
A new page of Grande Size Me Remastered is out. I'm only saying this because it was just pinged in the ExpandaPanda discord, where I'm assuming >>101295 this guy gets his info from.
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
So share it mr. obvious 😒
>>106470 Where do you get the images for this comic?
I’m one of the losers that buys the subscriptions and shares it to all the cheap fucks
thank you for sharing it with all of us :)
-sincerely, a cheap fuck
Yeah bro you're a stud. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
We don't give a shit, keep burning money on this lmao
I'm considering it, this shit has been nothing but difficult. The only thing holding me back is access to disposable income
New page of Mystic Magna Maidens is out
Please post the April Ludgate pinup if you can. Thank you :)
April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
New KP anyone?
Does anyone got the new KP remastered page from yesterday
Does anyone has page 22 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6
There a page for today?
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
I have no sense of what is going on in this comic

this cheap fuck doesn't deserve your kindness
Not the beggar but thank you for posting.

Kims bra gets cut and her tits somehow launch shego off her. It doesn't really convey whats happening the best.
(413 KB, 1275x825, 17_18.jpg)
I'm just waiting for the remake of this page. It could use an update.
Do someone has the: 2022 Pin-ups Collection?
Is there A Color Page to this?
Is there a new part about Kim??
Does anyone have pages 4-13 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6?
I wish someone would make the kp comic into a animated cartoon
Is there a new part of Kim??
Just checking to see if page 35 is up, and possibly if there's a color version of page 32
>>109867 bruh it wasnt in color for a reason. It was a joke. White with black outlines represents something being flashed. And Kim's boobs just got revealed. And flashing is also a term for showing your boobs. Duh 🙄
Does anyone have pages 4-13 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6?
So about the new page
I want more shego blubber
Anyone know the comic where to female office workers fatten each other with eclairs?
(123 KB, 638x825, 1.jpg) (116 KB, 638x825, 2.jpg) (97 KB, 638x825, 3.jpg) (109 KB, 638x825, 4.jpg)
(105 KB, 638x825, 5.jpg) (84 KB, 638x825, 6.jpg) (167 KB, 1275x825, 7.jpg)
That is epic thanks anyone know anymore ones like that???
Does anyone have pages 4-13 of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6?
Does anyone has Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6 page 23
Where did you find them?
man, so that's a joke... more like, a lazy excuse not to color a page lol.

he didn't even bother at least conveying it properly! no sharp contrasts and exaggeratedly bold lines and whatsoever, what a joke of a page...
What about the Avatar comic?
A new page of kim possible grande size me remaster is out now
Does anyone have the new page of Kim possible?
Anyone have the new grande size me?
Does anyone have the new grandsize?
New page of Mystic Manga Maidens Ch 6 is out
(88 KB, 1000x773, b38e065aa3a63f9da98dfe4f8c0d0a1f22f24ef34bf573941853e2437a51b265.jpg) (58 KB, 1000x773, c3933af75f8831f88c7b9d1cd785a38842e951958b7fb7407353ef651cdbf236.jpg) (89 KB, 1000x773, bbaa4c613ecff73140224c3be96ae0c0a67f4ae66ce4db23e79f696473445d8e.jpg) (98 KB, 1000x1294, 62a4e67c931eb78ce00f4ba76633550eecf239580642adc654579720bd23bdc9.jpg) (68 KB, 1000x773, bbddf8fb27b62da9aec9e9d08b6979f5530d03744a62586ab3215d26dc475721.jpg) (102 KB, 1000x773, ff1c741947015400d962196fc80c5ca174d197e72518449db798e17abc7a192c.jpg)
I have new
(108 KB, 1000x1294, d801b9acaf17057cd94cb968f6812eea9e05061fb82f9781ff85046bdd923a03.jpg) (113 KB, 1000x1294, 52ee02a8a1ae36845d02cea427861af842d733a97bd8988d00c425b0e58fe57a.jpg) (138 KB, 1000x1294, 22b6a63f40b49cedd221d51b569304d8cbb68ad54f8aa4715a77e8d4994247b6.jpg) (110 KB, 1000x1294, dbd573a2daff8c3e8f6d2706eedcc8988710e7fec7b5842e48f34e038d15554d.jpg) (98 KB, 1000x1294, 9d1a20cf3ac8a6fd20bae6628de2de1553b1b25f00797934f1b0739aa7aa6342.jpg)
Anything on Kim possible?
Someone please upload grande size me last page please
why are mods deleting posts in this thread? it's low activity and bumplocked, who cares about people asking for new pages lol

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