
Salt's uploaded another page of the Lucy remaster!
Cool wake me up, when anything other than that is posted.
>>86985 (OP)
Can't get over the fact that he drew a fatter Eve from Dragon's Lair, literally the shinest diamond among other precious stones.
Someone can upload the new page of Lucy remaster?
can someone post the lineart stuff he posted from the 28th please?
(1.1 MB, 3640x2481, $10 Sketches7.png)
Who's the one next to Homura? Can anyone color these?
Pretty sure it's Selena from Fire Emblem, but the quantity of twintailed tsunderes is too high to be positive.
when upload the remastered image of Lucy?
Can someone add his version of Eve here?
I still don't get it, why is everyone paranoid about Salt drawing fan art of Lucy?
Can someone post this?
He Hasn't uploaded it yet
anon, he literally always colors these monthly specials himself and releases them at the same time as the lines. just nut up and pay the extra $5, or at least request someone upload the color version instead of asking for redundant work to be done
one of salts main commissioners only commissions lucy and writes a cringe self insert fanfic where shes his gf
lucy just isnt that interesting a character to take up such a large portion of salts output
Cause she's a terrible character from a terrible series. Also the fact that one dude has the power to make this artist draw that character whenever he wants, is annoying. I know we get this shit for free, but come on why the fuck should we pay for his patreon if this character is always on the forefront? That's why we hate Lucy, anon.
Question: does any of this discredit any of Salt's art though?
I think some people need to lay off the salt some time (puns)
That's true. It's apparently in the works rn. I got the info from one of Salt's picarto steams, where the comic's drawing was streamed.
>If this character is always on the forefront

Dude, what's the point in exaggerating?
its not that it discredits his work, the lucy drawings are still good drawings
shes just such a mid character that being such a large part of salts output can get annoying, when there are so many other characters we would love to see
(also i just dont think Fairy Tail is a good anime which might contribute)
(2.7 MB, 1764x2235, Hanging Out Together.png)
Some Lucy guy who commission her a lot so people sort of got sick of her. I still like it though.
The fact that Lucy guy is on the other side of the bed ruins this image.
I'm not a lonely sociopath who needs to self insert themselves into images because no one ever loved them through life.

It's cringe.
the hypocrisy here is kinda funny, cause i don't know what kind of self respecting man would spend all this time bitching about something as worthless as this.
Doesn’t want to imagine he is looking at fat woman but malds because it’s implied a different man is looking at fat woman
I genuinely don't get why people think it's just one person who dislikes that Lucyguy has such a vicegrip on content. I also don't get the people who don't realize Salt likes Fairy Tail to some degree, you don't just have the OP of a semi-entry level shounen as your stream jamz if you don't like the series.
>2 liters of pop

I can already tell the type of person that Lucy Guy is.

i'm pretty sure they're jaffa cakes
Doesn't make it any less pathetic that people here of all places feel the need to bitch and moan about someone being a loser for the hundredth time.

We got it the first time. Stop wasting every thread with your mald spam.
she's supposed to be fat I don't think that says anything about the commissioner on a personal level
mate do you jerk off to her because she's fat or do you jerk off to the character? Who the fuck does the latter one? Stop jerking off to characters and it'll make everything better.
So if you had two equal quality fat pics; one of your favorite female character, and one of some gacha randy, you wouldn't have a preference between the two?

Well if so, good for you. But I feel most people prefer seeing art of characters they actually like.
Nitpicks like that will only fill this server to a bumplock. The less we argue, the less we have to remake this room.
Fair point, I admit I said this out of frustration but upon further inspection, Lucy doesn't appear as often as I thought. Lets just let bygones bygones and keep this in the actual salt thread.
i cant jerk off to her out of spite
Prepare yourselves y'all degenerates, the Welrods are about to multiply
Care to elaborate?
wait theres fucking two of them?
Why make the her fat but leave the arms and the head skinny just looks weird
Oh there’s quite a few. So far there’s been… 8 unique welrods drawn, iirc?
This is just the first picture with two of them at once
I think its making use of the dummy link mechanic in game. Expect five, maybe more.
I'm sad, I read that as dummy thick mechanac... then I re read it *sigh why can't there be a dummy thick mechanic in games...
left welrod>right welrod
>>87668 Wow....... I really hope that is not the meme you guys think is all the rage. Wow. Just wow. Is that really the big joke here? Declarations? You guys are truly special. Somehow I just lost all my worries. Incredible. I'm in the wrong board afterall. I recommend some fresh air and some vagene
so you like the right one more?
hey whats in this month's newsletter?
i wouldn't go so far as to say spite/media fatigue on their own could entirely prevent me from enjoying a well-drawn fatty, but character and scenario are like 40% of my interest in fetish art. yes, i care a lot about what's going on in the image, otherwise i would just commission literal whos instead of my favorite characters
of course the character matters, retard. this is like saying that you can jerk it to literally any woman just because she's fat
Eh I can take it or leave it
That however I will gladly take
can someone post the flat color art feb '22 work [please?
anyone got the colored of Gwen from >>87086
(7.0 MB, 2277x3054, Dress Up Dumpling.png)
>tfw your fat girl friends never let you hold their belly and squeeze it
hey kemono is back up can anyone update his kemono?
It's not back up yet at all. They were likely doing some testing or something.
can anyone post what was in this months news letter?
An explicit edit of this would be awesome
That's Corrin from Fire emblem
Anyone have the jack o pose pic
(2.7 MB, 2890x4088, Tipping The Scales Cover.jpg)
New comic

>I'm very excited to announce with this post my next comic! It will just be a 5 page comic this time, and the pages will be released closer together than Losing Control. I wanted to try doing some shorter stuff before tackling the next big comic project that's been forming in my brain. I'm looking forward to showing you all what I've been working on!
Also, some of you may look at the title and think "Wait, what's that? 'BWS's Feast for the Eyes'? Why does this have two titles? Has Salt lost it?" Well, it's the name for the type of content this comic, and some other stuff I have planned for the future, will be.
Feast for the Eyes will be an anthology of self-contained short stories and sequences, focusing mostly on one-off scenarios and characters. I feel it'll allow me to explore a variety of ideas without getting too stuck on particular storylines, and also add some more variety to my content overall.
That's not to say I'll be doing this exclusively! The ongoing plotline with Nat, Chloe, Halie and Sammy will still get more content, and I am planning on also releasing more longform comics in the future. This is a project to break things up between those longer stories, and give me more time to develop them.
That's all for now, I hope you all are looking forward to this as much as I am!
>>89393 I hope you don't mind me saying that this is one of the worst most boring pieces of art I have ever seen. I have only seen a worser art manga cover perhaps by those Canadian trans youtubers but they don't count because they are mentally ill.
desperate bastards kemono is already fixed (myself included)
sorry wrong thread
A comic of one-off scenarios? Doesn't sound enticing.
Would you rather have a drawn out long comic where things barely happen?
Jeez man, chill. It's an absolutely normal fine piece. That is literally just the cover. Besides, that's not how you talk to someone, specially for criticism. You look like an absolutely dense terminally online person. Go sperg somewhere else dog.
>That's being too nice to that comic, nothing happened there. At least this has 5 chances to have something worth a damn.

I'm almost positive this is about Kip's stuff but Pixiveo has a similar issue. Maybe I'm just missing out on the good shit but most comics I've followed or known have been sadly underwhelming. I just like being able to see the wg progression that a comic would be able to provide. WG drives do that too I guess but the gaps and jumps between are too extreme for me.

>>89393 Cover page is kinda mid but I imagine it'd be difficult to have a more interesting cover based on a multiple scenario deal.
Personally I like the idea. It lets Salt experiment which should be good for creativity and preventing art burn out and from the varying material, there's a higher chance people will find a part they really like vs following something a longer not up their alley. I'm down for it myself.
i dont mind as long as it's compitently written
>>89402 I apologize if I offended you somehow. I didn't know and I was so wrong for the way I criticized so harshly. I am opinionated to a fault it seems. Thank you for telling me or should I say setting me straight? I bow to your superior virtue-signaling.
What the fuck dude? What about it is THAT bad? It's a fat girl on a scale, pretty standard thing in fat art
Why does the level of discussion in this board drops to shit when it comes to WG comics? Jesus Christ.
Finally, some actual moderation happening lol
Tipping the scales? Is it like a role reversal comic? I like the sound of that.
the report function isn't here for no reason
Apparently saying that I don't think the new comic looks enticing isn't allowed even though it was said in the most calm way possible. What specificly about it was worth removing?
Someone didn't read the description well enough. It's going to be a 5 page comic of one-off scenarios and characters, meaning we'll be seeing someone different in each page.
My comment was positive and in favor of salt's comic and it still got deleted in the message deletions. The modding is so bizarre on this site.
i guess more people than just me hate these crybaby kip niggers who come to bitch everything and sent reports. the mods have shown several times now that if they get a bunch of reports from the same thread they don't actually bother reading all the posts. every post that doesnt have a picture or a content link gets deleted, as shown with >>89403 still being here. deleting the entire chunk in hopes that people will just shut up about it i imagine.
>the mods have shown several times now that if they get a bunch of reports from the same thread they don't actually bother reading all the posts.
It would explain why there's a Shantae pic with her showing crotch hair in her thread right now even though I reported it.

Just to be clear, I mainly report posts that really shouldn't be on this board, like vore, pregnancy, inflation, explicit nudity, furries, and males. Only other posts I report are thread saving "bumps" that don't provide any art. I don't report discussions like what we're having now.
Soooo how is this any different from his non commission work? Not that I’m complaining his stuff is good but if there’s gunna be no real connecting between these 5 images and they’re all separate then what’s the point? Isn’t that just is usual art?
In Salt's words: >I feel it'll allow me to explore a variety of ideas without getting too stuck on particular storylines, and also add some more variety to my content overall.

I don't know what he's planning, but he's been a dud for me this year aside from 3 drawings.
Because the dude you're replying to is wrong. Tipping the Scales is going to feature those two characters, while the next in the Feast for the Eyes will be totally unrelated and have new characters.
>explicity nudity shouldnt be here
where do you think you are?
The BBWdraw board. Extreme content belongs in the Alt or EE boards, and explicit nudity counts as hardcore porn, which can be seen as extreme content.
>explicit nudity counts as hardcore porn, which can be seen as extreme content.
Tell me that you're scared of vaginas without saying that you're scared of vaginas.
Vaginas are visually graphic and not everyone likes seeing them in overly detailed ways. Same applies to penises which also aren't allowed on this board.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news
you're one of the biggest lobotomites I've seen in this board, which is saying something
This guy jacks off with a condom on
Wow, and people think I'm talking nonsense.
What 3 drawings?
It’s clearly about the same character per story. The stories change each “Feast for Eyes” like any normal anthology
In his defence, this is a BLUE board...
Well, would YOU want a pregnant hand??
Feels kinda surreal seeing someone post two of my colorings lol
(5.0 MB, 6160x5719, 08-21.png)
Then might I make a request then? Can you do the last one on the first row and the third and fourth one in the last row?
Yeah, I don't know why people are so confidently saying that's not what it is. It's pretty clear that this project, a 5-page comic, is the first part of this "feast for the eyes" thing
Guy getting the Nijisanji EN girls.

You da real MVP.
Maybe. You’d have to tell me the names of the first two characters and I’d also need to see if anyone’s colored them before already
Yo, some of these are godlike
also is that the biggest he's ever drawn someone?
(223 KB, 850x1511, IY2lfKy.jpg)
First one is Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate
Both are wrong.
Her name is Nikume, one OC of the same client who comm both OC couple.
If you're too stupid to understand just say that bro
Oh can this guy just fuck right off.
I'm watching this dude on his page and somehow I always miss his stuff. I guess I just instinctively overlook stories because I'd rather look at the art.
This dickhead has way too much money lmao
Did he say what the release schedule was going to be?

and honestly? That's pretty goood
When you're spending so much money to get your waifu and her clones getting drawn in completely out of character scenarios where they may as well be different characters along with you being their boyfriend and they're also part of the real world...isn't it just better to make OCs at that point? I can't even wrap my head around this shit.
Looks cute.
He’d rather spend all his money on drawings of him fucking fictional characters as opposed to using it to get actual bitches lol
This dude has never felt the warmth of a woman irl
That makes two of us.
when will salt take comms that aren't from the same 3 fucking people jesus christ
if that dude is self inserting in those drawings does that means he sent BWS a picture of himself or something? and said "yeah dude put me here looking like a CHAD with my 5 lucy clones being all wholesome and sexy"

because that sounds funny af.
wouldn't be surprised but it's also possible he gave him a rough description and then said when it looked right
I'm pretty sure they're good pals with each other. Though at this point, that seems fucking obvious lmao
im gonna be honest i dont entirely buy that “lucyguy” (forget his name) and BWS aren’t the same person using different accounts. I’ve had this theory for a couple of years and have yet to see anything that really contradicts it
Have you read Salt's writings/stories? Salt's work is on a completely different/much higher level than Just-SomeDude's. There's no way they are the same person.
I was about to say maybe the attraction is to the character design, but then again if they're being bloated up with fat they don't even look like how they do in canon so what exactly the point of appeal is here.
You're an actual braindead retard. It would take literally a minute to find a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
>a mountain of evidence

Get a load of this all-American genius. You must be a youtuber
what's wrong with what I said? It's true
I don't believe this...
Every time, EVERY TIME lucyguy gets mentioned, there's complete pandemonium in this thread. I know he's paying Salt a lot, but please will you guys just calm down??? It's bad enough the last few threads bumplock because of arguments like these. So what if it's the same characters over and over? So what if there's a self-insert? So what if Salt is being paid money?
Just let him make the art...
They're mad that a turbovirgin has the money to comm salt so much while they are poors
>>89758 No thank you
>>89760 4 words. The last one rhymes with bigger: Suck my
I wasn't targeting you...
>>89762 I don't know what you just said but my bad I must have got confused
Agreed we should just ignore it when it gets posted, however cringe it may be sometimes. Or spoiler tag them, with Lucy Guy. I already learned my lesson; keep the actual Salt in the Salt thread
Easy fix
There now it's just a fat girl.
The real big brain is that Salt is actually Undertaker. That's hwy one writes and one draws, and why Salt only just recently got that blonde OC
Bang, bang, bang, suck my devil trigger
Kemono is back up if anyone wanna start posting there
Says it's still under maintenance.
Already queued an update a while ago, it just hasn't been chosen for any of the tests yet. It'll be added eventually
dynamic ip I think
makes it easier to ban evade for you)))
Never was like this before this place was down a week or two ago.
hey what are the options for the polls for may 22?
Can someone colour thw 4th one in the last row? Where a skinny girl lies with the fat one?
Did someone has all the sketches? I'm looking for a gallery, but can't find them. sketches like these:
<No.87086 <No.89543
I think they can be found on Kemono.
yeah this comic fucking sucks already
lol what? Why?
the black haired girl reminds me of the girl that gave me a shitty blowjob in a bar bathroom stall, to this stay i still regret that BJ
This one sucks. Almost no fat and tits look too saggy.
Man yoose like to complain dontcha?
Waste of time unless this other girl ends far heavier then the fat girl.
no i didnt mean that i just meant the black hair girl is too mean spirited for my taste
I'm not the biggest muscle fan, but I do respect BWS' range.
Variety is the spice of welrods!

Look forwards to more musclerod in uhhhhh
6-7 months or so?
yeah i feel like the black haired girl is too mean spirited for me
>>89924 Ah role reversal. Good first premise.
>>89977 I can see where you're coming from, but the way I interpret it, she's genuinely concerned for her wellbeing and frustrated about it. Athlete girl is clearly a health nut and she's seeing her overweight roommate be inactive for an entire day and overeating, while also making excuses and procrastinating on making an effort to be more healthy. She could be 100% a bitch, I'd concede, but I would need to see another page or so. The sample size is a bit too small for me to make that call. Her reaction seems warranted and most people not involved in a fat fetish would have a similar response. A realistic response is kinda refreshing.
Someone forgot muscle content is supposed to be in Alt, no matter if it's standard muscle or musclefat.
No slob/icky Alternative or extreme female content goes on >>>/bbwalt/
This includes slob (brap-posting), vore, muscle, etc. Copied from the rules.
(242 KB, 720x862, Screenshot_20220421-085112~2.png)
Muscle is against the rules, mods. You even updated your rules recently and kept muscle as something that should go to Alt as you consider it slob/icky. Stop letting angry BWS fanboys blind you from doing your duty.
Who let this tool in?
She’ll probably soften up as she… softens up? That’s what I’m hoping for at least
the amount of cookies between pics implies that she ate one, took off her clothes for no reason, and decided to start eating again

and idk why thats funny
bro id kill to have the sketch where the 2 are weighting themselves coloured
I do hope that it’ll be a case where athletic girl gets fat as they both end up as gluttons and not just having them switch lifestyles
i think it be fitting...thematically, goes to show in life, we sometimes turn into the things we hate with a passion
>asset swap
top tier fetish material
I think the main thing for me is that this is only five pages, so there's only two left. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have a weight gain happen at a faster pace without being filled up with padding, but 5 pages seems just a little too short. I wish this was just a few longer, like maybe 8 to 10 total, that would be the perfect range for me.
pretty sure there's 3 left. the cover doesn't count
So, Is this just going to be those cases were the atletic one get fat and the fat one get fit and kinky about their partner putting on weight? That's boring ngl
That's why weight swap/role reversal is low on the totem poll. You already know what you're getting because artists typically don't go beyond the fat one's starting weight.
Yea I have to agree with you there. Feels like it would just jump to much between the weights and changes
We’re probably gonna get a much faster gain in the next page, then the final page will show the athletic girls now much softer body, perhaps giving up on exercise and deciding to indulge with her friend
im honeslty waiting for the bikini page
In before somebody's going to inevitably get salty about Lucyguy paying Salt money.
I'd take a step further and wait for ALL THE PAGES.
It's not Lucyguy commissioning the remake. He said that it's not him doing this, but was granted permission by Salt to post the remade pages to DeviantArt because he commissioned the original.
Not all artists can nail the right double chin look but BWS does great ones. The way you can't see it in the first panel but can in panel two and four is nice.
this is the first one i actually feel like is an upgrade. the technical skill on redos 1 and 2 was higher than their respective originals, but the direction and weight gradients felt pretty scuffed
Who knows what 4 will be like?
(339 KB, 1385x1130, BWSComm1colored.png) (162 KB, 823x850, BWSComm3.png) (158 KB, 748x1095, BWSComm2.png)
A few commissions I got from BWS last year, really happy with how they turned out and figured I may as well post them.
hey just out of curiosity what would genre of music would BWS's OCs like?
k i'll ask him tomorrow when he posts on DA
Yo, I hope this ends with the red head becoming a muscle girl.
wow, salt really sold out on this one lol. this looks so amateur. the colours, panel layout, everything
I mean they’re meant to be pumped out quickly so obviously he’s gunna cut some corners to save time but it’s still pretty good
True, it's not on the levels of Lucy restuffing or losing control, but it works.
i was expecting this to be a longer comic, a bit disappointed
I think people are disappointed in him this time just because he's set the standard so high for himself. Like he seems to be pretty liked among the whole community for his quality, cut the guy a break even what some call his lower quality work is still better than most
Agreed I understand that bbwchan is one of the few places you can critisize artist without backlash but I think majority of the "fans" here have completely unrealistic expectations of these guys every last one of them are amateurs except Fusa and Synecdoche who became professionals.
Took the words right out of my mouth my guy
I agree with your point that people need to cut BWS some slack on this, I still really enjoy the art even if I'm personally a little disappointed in the total length. But BWS is definitely not an amateur either, they posted not so long ago that they seemingly are making enough patreon money that they can hire an assistant now to help manage their workflow. To me, if that doesn't make you a professional artist I don't know what does.
(352 KB, 1280x1953, feast_of_the_godess_by_better_with_salt_deubd4k-fullview.jpg) (164 KB, 1920x580, denial_continues_to_weigh_on_you_by_better_with_salt_deuxmcr-fullview.jpg) (166 KB, 1280x1916, i_used_to_think_this_was_big____by_better_with_salt_deqesvq-fullview.jpg)
Salt's overall track record does not make him immune to criticism, and the recent negativity toward him I think is understandable because of how his recent works have been either lower quality or uninteresting. My thing with him is that while he's arguably the best in terms of pure quality, his art can also lack the details of what people like about weight gain so it can come off as uninteresting. While he can do things like spilling cleavage and sometimes double chins well, he doesn't do things like belly rolls or having fat squish often, but when he does, it can look stiff compared to other artists. For the sake of trying to make a fair argument, here's a few images that have parts of what I think is good about his work and others I think look stiff.

I'm not saying all this to rag on him. I say this as someone who thinks certain aspects could be better but still enjoys his work, and am concerned that his work load could start harming other aspects of his it, much like what happened with MetalForever.
When a quality artist posts stuff like 3 times every week and people still manage to complain while looking at his leaked art is when you know this place went to shit lmao.
Most people who always critique things don’t have any experience in doing that thing themselves or just have no ability to, so their opinion is worthless tbh.
Salt posts fat art
His fanbase fat copes

It makes sense, when you think about it.
I'm not saying any of this just to disagree, but for the sake of a bit of discussion. I'm curious what you think is different about his recent works that makes them less interesting than his older ones? Besides the new comic being lower quality (Not surprising considering he's putting it out alongside all his usual stuff, and it's coming out every other day rather than once a week) I don't really see that issue anywhere else? Also, how is his stuff stiff compared to other artists? I generally think he does pretty well with that
>>90720 im glad someone's also acknowledged metalforever's quality, they have stagnated HARD, their rendering is good but their work has become more and more stiff
(276 KB, 1280x1810, an_office_worker_s_indulgence_by_better_with_salt_df2tcob-fullview.jpg)
Let's use the 2nd panel of this as an example, in terms of what I mean by stiffness. Her belly is just barely against the table and is used as an indication of how she hasn't noticed how much she's gained. However, considering the weight difference compared to the 1st panel, don't you think it should be pressing into the table more to show off how fat she's gotten?

Then there's the Arezu that >>90416 posted. Her design is normally pretty conservative, and when she got fattened up the only changes to it is there's now slight tears on the side of her tights, and her belly being visible though not by much despite the amount of weight she's gained. There could've been more noteworthy tears with her tights, and for how little of an overhang her belly has, giving her love handles that flow over her hips would've been nice, as it would complement her bottom heavy frame more.
>don't you think it should be
(2.0 MB, 1280x1708, maou__1_2__by_miramiraclerun_de22oyv-fullview.png) (919 KB, 999x800, beached_meat_by_miramiraclerun_dddg9t8-pre.png)
Here's 2 table interactions that had more going on with them, shared for sake of comparison.

Both of their bellies are pushing into the table more. Maou's hip is going over the arm of her throne, with her arm resting on it, and you can see her fat legs squish against the leg of the throne despite the dress she's wearing.
Sena has her hand pressing into her thigh and her butt is spilling both over and through the arm of the chair she's in, is was done to illustrate how soft and fat she is. I get that this is a nitpick on my part, but it's also why Salt's Elma seemed stiff to me.
This looks way more stiff overall wtf are you talking about
Care to explain in lengthy detail why you think so?
Exactly, nobody wants bumplocking salt in here.
The 3rd image of this is the sort of thing I'm looking for from Salt. More then one detail that shows how fat the character is without coming off as stiff.
Have they said they are even redoing this fat? Honestly this is close enough in style that I can't see much being improved.

Page 11 is where everything starts to feel like the current style, and this one on wards is where he really settled in imo.
hey the final page of tipping the scale is available can someone post it?
....well at least her personality changed
(3.3 MB, 2894x4096, Comparison.png)
Thanks for uploading the page man ;)

I like the comic, simple but effective story, I would have liked more pages where they show how the black-haired girl gets fat slowly :D

Good Lord, I know this site's all about girls being massive but red-head here is fucking perfect at that size hnnnngggggh that pouchy looking belly and her arms still being really fat is one hell of a look
Goddamn. She's practically double the size her roommate used to be
No fucking shit its not on the quality of his usual drawings he made them in a few days instead of weeks or fucking months.
A lot of people on here have insane demands despite having 0 talent and understanding how much time goes into making the art. This short comic BWS came out with took a few days and still manages to look better than most things out there yet people still bitch about it
i don't come to salt for average quality
Salts “average” quality is A tier quality for like
90% of the artist in the community stop complaining
(15 KB, 186x301, What is wrong with you.jpg)
Where is the janitor.
Half this shit should be in the bitching and moaning thread
Agreed. Sometimes less is indeed more. Also +1 for the big arms. I'm not for arms absolutely swaddled in fat cascading off them, but there is a definite sweet spot for arms where they go from pleasingly big to "flabby".
Anybody got the sketches?
how the fuck does the black haired girl get mad at the ginger for being fat and then become an even fatter whore than her before she started working out?

That's role reversal for ya
still she's a fucking hypocrite
How were you able to get ahold of him for it? Was it through Patreon?
is this your first day in the fetish or something?
i think its just more so i dont know what role reversal is so i mistaken it for hypocrisy
shit im retarded NVM im sorry for this.
>ends up bigger than her roommate
If only the Roommate could have relapsed
guys im sorry if i lost my shit for no reason
Where is the real raynor?
wait whos raynor?
Where is the real raynorr?
Nah man get out of here with that weak shit
Silence blob lover
i feel like BWS should draw more chibi art
i mean she does become nice by the final page but it feels like a major tonal whiplash
I’m begging someone to color in senko (The fox on the left side, first column)
(339 KB, 746x1201, E4A17E6D-0A1A-4866-8468-F85E82BB35AB.png)
>>91234 anybody know who that girl in the bunny suit is in the top row?
Whenever I see a bunny suit I think/hope it’s Mai Sakurajima, but I don’t think it is her here…
I hope someone colors in the top left one which is Marin kitagawa holding a yang xiao long vest cosplay
(2.0 MB, 4000x1000, 51.png) (1.9 MB, 4000x1000, 57.png)
Aren't those pixiveo's drawings?
yeah of bws' characters
I think I like this version of the comic better actually
Yeah gotta be honest I'm disappointed it went the fitness swap route.

The redhead was way cuter, could have just been her.
I agree, the redhead was by far the hotter of the two.
Anyone got his new post?
damn that comic at the end looks good
That last panel with her sprawled out is perfection imop
No more dynamic IP for me :(
>>92382 That's what you get for being gay.
>>92384 You must be trying to get me banned...... What a joke. You know well what you are, you don't need me to repeat it for you. I look forward to seeing this play out.
That Rogue is making me act up.
Ok, that's nice. Also, I like the shading on that Lucy in the other one. It's better than BWS' official coloring.
Would you mind coloring this?
Who're all of these gals anyway?
I can only recognised 3, Rebecca, Lola, and ofc, Lucy
Late, but kindly requesting colors for third down, third across.

Wouldn't be surprising, many artists get sick of blob/immobile level stuff because it's very hard to do interesting poses.
That's why soft fat is so important for immobile/blob art. Gotta make those girls look like they would be amazing to cuddle, fondle, or do whatever you want with/to them to make up for the fact that their posing options are limited. Salt has always been more focused on the scenario itself, making sure that the environment or lighting looks good, and not so much of how fat a fat girl is.
>how fat a fat girl is.
Or rather, how soft a fat girl is.
(286 KB, 820x653, e71a2ba9b779eadd944238a294d483e66ac45210602c4d7316a85641d6158ef8.png)
It's just sketch #1 from pic related upgraded. #7 will be upgraded this month so there's your blob for the time being. If it wasn't clear enough from his output already Salt seems to be fine with drawing immobile but it's not really his thing I would say. I don't expect any sequel to that May sequence unless it gets voted in a sequel poll.
Thanks for the intel. I could tell it wasn't his thing from what I said before about how he doesn't often make girls look soft. Sketches 9, 15, and 16 are examples of what I mean. They're fat, but there's nothing going on that shows off how, and a lot of his works are like this. On the other hand, there are signs of softness going on with sketches 7, 8, 11, and 12, but considering their sizes, there's not much of it. It's the only area I think he could use improvement in. Make them look like they're fat and soft instead of simply being big.

>I don't expect any sequel to that May sequence unless it gets voted in a sequel poll.
I expect it'll never happen. Pay no mind to my wishful thinking.
is this the witch from Harvest Moon Animal Parade?
Wow, that's a very specific catch. But I think you are right. The outfit matches perfectly at least.
hey can someone post his art he posted earlier tonight
yo BWS posted the first page for the next FFTI comic, hopefully its better than last time
can someone post it please?
is there a cover page?
Seems like this one is a sequence instead of a comic, so no cover page. Salt said he’d be doing a mix of both.
(872 KB, 1400x1201, Littorio.png)
Pretty late but here's the one in the middle row. Littorio from Azur Lane
Does anyone else feel like salt’s art isn’t as good anymore? Like mechanically it’s never been better, but something about the style doesn’t get me going like it used to
its called burnout
funny enough i got insane burnout from that "tipping the scales comic" soon i assume it gets better
He doesn't do enough with how fat or how heavy he draws women, even though there's nothing inherently wrong with his art. I'm spoiled by other artists who utilize what makes a fat woman fat, so his work sometimes feel bare by comparison.
Until I hear/read it from the man himself, you people are fucking insane. He's gotten better at everything to such a nutty degree and every time I see this thread get bumped it's someone going "man [thing he drew didn't match some inane requirement] homie must've fallen off" yet STILL begging for the newest post.
No. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug though.
Don’t start looking for a problem where there isn’t one
Them wanting something more from what they like is not a problem, and I feel the same as they do. The only problem is you having beef with what they're feeling.
“Wanting something more” y’all are beggars on bbwchan. Look BWS’s art isn’t perfect but compared to like 90% of the other artists in this community it’s pretty damn good, so yeah the original post really does come off as complaining for the sake of complaining, like honestly if you’re gunna bitch and moan about stuff in this community there’s plenty of other legit things to complain about
I think this is the kind of behavior that creates environments where no one is satisfied, the anon that started this chain didn't even really say anything inflammatory. One thing i've noticed is that if someone has an issue with an artist it usually is minor stuff not "looking for a problem where there isn’t one", if everything were "perfect" there would be no need for that right?
So basically we are now in a situation where someone thinks there could be improvement (As a former artist there is ALWAYS room for improvement this is something we can apply to everything not jsut art but I digress) What was said wasn't even that bad and was stated as a random opinion. Getting angry because you are satisfied with BWS current level of skill doesn't invalidate the opionion but more brings up a question of why anyone would defend him so quickly or why anyone wouldn't want Salt to do better? And another reason people "complalin" is because here they can where as the opinions are either drowned out or completely not allowed on the other platforms mainly because people like you enforce that notion that things are 100% perfect and should never be questioned.
Sounds like a you problem.
Did you read my post? Literally said his art isn’t perfect I just think there are better things to complain about
>This kind of behavior that creates environments where no is satisfied.
speaking for the people off to a great start.
>Not everyone that critique the artist is looking for a problem.
I agree but if the critique is "man thing isn't as good as it use to be" without actually saying why then they shouldn't be surprised some people are gonna attack them for it. also I'm pretty one of the critique before was "damn he's not doing blobs, did he fell off?"
>as a former artist
As a former worker at a company I was always doing better each work day but was still fired anyway, when asked why they said "we don't care we want bozo the clown because he's funny and exciting, not boring and generic like you". Being better at something doesn't make people like it more especially if you put effort into pleasing a certain person/group you might end up losing more people because of that.
>People are angry because someone dared to criticize the art.
Or people don't want this to ending up being a thread where nearly every single thing is criticized to the point of the thread being maxed out with little to no content being presented.
>People are free to complain but when they complain about the complaint it's not ok.
You do realize you're enforcing the same logic as "people like them" right? and I'm pretty sure no one said their art is 100% perfect. It's ok to critique or whatever just don't act like no one is suppose to challenge you on it.
Change your fapping rotation for a while and you'll be fine.
I disagree in general, but I do think several of his redraws have been distinct steps down from their originals, like, over half of them.
>the anon that started this chain didn't even really say anything inflammatory
Dude straight up said "Salt's art is not as good anymore"
>"looking for a problem where there isn’t one"
The Tipping the Scales comic, which has insane quality for the publicly short length of time it was created in, had people complaining that it wasn't the typical and predictable 1:1 weight swap and that it "wasn't detailed" which fits that bill specifically. Salt posted a preview for the newest comic and """people""" are both doomposting and begging for it in the same breath, continuing to fit the bill.
>As a former artist
If you were a former artist you'd realize how insane and unfounded "he's just not as good anymore" reads without any kind of supporting argument. There are other artists who have genuinely fallen off and it's 100% realistic to describe why. None of these complaints can describe why outside of "the fat isn't to my particular liking".
>doesn't invalidate the opionion
If an opinion has no supporting argument, it's invalid.
>why anyone would defend him so quickly or why anyone wouldn't want Salt to do better?
No one wants him to NOT do better; when he improves, we all benefit. After seeing coomer randos go off that various excellent works "aren't good" without much challenge (scroll way the fuck up in the thread), eventually some people are going to call out the bullshit.
>people like you enforce that notion that things are 100% perfect and should never be questioned
One of the cornerstones of this thread is the constant questioning of his character variety, which has gotten better as of late since we're not seeing back-to-back Lucy anymore. We used to see back-to-back Lily from Katawa Shoujo too and that relaxed as well. There are things that can be criticized about Salt's work, but a bunch of the complaints have been COMPLETELY out of pocket.
(4.9 MB, 3357x2029, Relaxed_Sei.png)
We have this kind of thing every month now where someone questions/complains whether his art is good anymore. I just ignore it because I still think he is good at certain things. I like the sizes that he does, even the blobs. I don't like the muscle pics which is not for everyone, but he still does them for people who want them. Don't really see any other problems with his art, so I guess I don't have that "eye of a fat critic".

Upper right corner is Rogue from X-Men, bottom middle is Ivy from Soulcalibur. Those are the only other ones I can recognize off the bat. lol
Genuinely curious, which do you think were steps down in quality?
You've gotta elaborate or give examples of what you mean man, because I struggle to make any sense out of your comment
That's all the weight she gained in one year? You can do better then that, Salt.
It's called pacing. She needs to go through typical attractive thicc so the lack of attention when she's THICC thicc is more enjoyable
realistic gain tbh, and makes it all the better for me
Patience my boy she’ll get fat
Realistic gain my ass, as a feedee who tends to just lerk around i gotta correct this bs. You can gain way more than that in a year, I’ve done more than that in 5 months 😒
The gal is not a feedee, only trying to get curvier. Her goal isn't to get fat. That will most likely happen on its own as she gets in the habit of eating more. Cool your jets
Weight gain isn’t about the number it’s about the friends we’ve made along the way
Hardly. I lost 100 pounds in a year's time before by only having one big meal a day and doing light cardio 2 or 3 times a week, it wasn't something I always followed. Yet this woman looks like she's only gained about 20 pounds in a year's time even though it's supposedly much easier to gain weight.
I don't doubt that, but how fat she gets is what I'm focused on. Chances of her becoming immobile is very low.
That one hardass fanboy of his will likely be here within the next 24 hours telling naysayers like me to shut the fuck up and that Salt is perfect no matter what he does.
(55 KB, 398x632, BMH2dHWCEAAPMGt.png)
>MuH ReALiSm
>Sequence isn't finished and already complaining
>I'm so high and mighty that anyone that challenge my takes is automatically a fanboy dick sucker
The critics people
I don’t really mind the pacing. Her starting skinny then thicc and blowing up from there is a plus for me. Not really a fan when they gain like 300 pounds by the second part. I like the build up. Does he have to become immobile for you to consider it good?
What this woman isn’t an immobile blob the size of the earth by part two!?!?!? This is truly preposterous
What is this, a fat girl for ants?
She should be at least three times as big!
(69 KB, 1988x858, CoolSeq.png)
Guys I made a better sequence hopefully this will please everyone
Damn, looking good bamboo-ale, I didn't know you still did human blobs!
Okay but this is going to be a 3-page comic.We're getting 1 page of fat and that's it.
it's only gonna be 3 pages?
(132 KB, 494x552, chrome_EoVD3pMnch.png)
Damn I thought this disguise would work
Welp back to drawing asses while hiding what the people want behind a paywall.

Gaining weight is hard for some. I went from 140 to 210 in 7 months, but like 50 of that was the first two… it really slows down and becomes hard when you’re trying.

Losing weight for me was hella easier before as I was like 190 and went down to 120 in less than a year, but putting it back on was a chore.
Why are you like this? It's just porn, and it's clearly a slow gain comic.
Don't exaggerate my hopes, I was speaking down the line.
Really? That's fucking lame.
godlike you'll be the king of patreon and this board in no time
>Does she have to become immobile for you to consider it good?
No, but it's something I wish he did every now and again like before.
funny thing about blob lovers is that they assume all sequences inevitably lead to blob
Wrong. For how rarely Salt draws them, there's no point in assuming that.
Besides I've been using terms like "hope" and "hopeful", so there's no assuming going on. If anything, it's wishful thinking.
Have faith young padawan. June might be a good month for you.
Missed the sumo costume for the manchildren who keep begging for it.
This 100% is unironically how Saxxon does sequences now, and I hate it.
yooo new saxxon sequence
You're talking about the Continuation poll aren't you? Most of them are good candidates, but there's some monkey wrenches in there that would be a letdown.
That's almost every poll
The part about there being monkey wrenches, or something else?
Salt finally drew a good waifu... hopefully there will be less Lucy from now on
Which one? They're all good.
(43 KB, 152x153, 1420776232573.png)
Tsunade won the sketch upgrade, Ann won explicit, and Nami won continuation. Ain't mad just not the ones I wanted
(426 KB, 1329x1329, Beach Bod Part 3.png) (1.5 MB, 4168x1329, FFTE Beach Bod.png)
And that's it for Beach Bod!

...At least, that's what I'd be saying if I hadn't had more ideas for it XD

In a couple of weeks, I'll be coming back with an additional 3 panels as a sequel to this sequence! I'm really excited about what I came up with, so look forward to it!
Same. I'm glad it wasn't one of the monkey wrenches.
3 more panels? Good. That much weight in 3 years time is not much, and would've been an underwhelming end.
Honestly pretty happy with the choices
I'm okay with those. The Nami one is one of my favorites of his even though I don't give a shit about One Piece.
Three more would be perfect.
A Persona character is the epitome of a monkey wrench bro.
Opinions are neat
I hope there’s a twist with the next 3 just so the blobniggers don’t get their way
I mean I don’t really want there to be a twist I still want her to get fatter but yeah I don’t need her to become an immobile blob by the end of it to consider it a good. If anything my sweet spot is the point a little before immobility. Extremely fat but can still lumber around showing off how heavy and out of breath they are. His Nami pic he did a while back would be a good example
Shame that I posted a fact
lol ok keep thinking that kiddo
Looks like I struck a nerve, pollcancer.
absolutely stellar piece, im happy :)
i think eventually he'll do another redraw poll and you can add it to the list and maybe it might win
>that chun-li
muh dick, that one on the bottom right is pretty good as well
i like the one with the 2 girls on the bed, i hope someone colours it
Is that second one supposed to be the dark-haired girl from Tipping Scales?
<<95707 where do see the dark-haired girl ?
(264 KB, 1258x1217, possibly.png)
I meant this one kind of looked like her, but bigger.
Oh okay yeah your right that does look like her
yo bws just posted new art to his patreon
can someone post it please?
although i am glad its a eating in bed piece, i feel like i havent seen one since the one with nikume at the start of the pandemic
Ok, I guess he still does really big girls sometimes.
Aha! Lucy again! Actually, I'm more curious as to when bws patience will run out.
As long as lucyguy has money he likely won't run out of patience
As long as lucyguy pays the bills, he can have whatever he wants. He's basically paying BWS for the rest of us.

Still dying to see a new Nat & Halie though.

I couldn’t imagine doing this many commissions to one person unless I had Walter White funds.
plot twist: Lucy guys a drug baron in southeast Asia
jesse we need to wank it to big beautiful babes

He does "really big girls" (SSBBW) every single month, its you guys that sperge out with your porn addiction having warped views on what is and isnt large sizes that are the issue.

People really still huffing enough copium to think BWS could ever get sick of drawing generic blonde for large sums of money.
(5.5 MB, 2602x2105, Portly Predicament.png)
When's he going to do an explicit version of this? This would get so many votes.
yo mr white what you talkin bout? dont you need this money for your family?
hey BWS just posted something new can someone post it here please?
I wonder if he will ever do fat Tifa. I've been getting more into her lately
i wonder if someone can color in that Lucy, the one on the 1st column and 3rd row.
I'd like to see it

There are like 9000 BWS Lucy drawings that are colored because of lucyguy. That is why you suck for asking.
Anyone have the new Ann?
thats probalby gonna go up on patreon on tuesday
Could someone color the one on column 2, row 3?
I wonder how the Lucy guy feels about what the community thinks of him
Too wealthy to care about pissants like you
why bother, lucyguy upgrades all of them eventually anyway
I find it funny how we all refer to him as Lucyguy, but we all know his true username and yet we do not speak it. We just continue to mock him in this way, and nothing else lol
hey bws just posted the newsletter for this month can someone post the contents and any wip sketches that were in it?
hey bws just posted something new on patreon
hey can someone update his kemono?
hey bws just posted somthing new on his patreon
wait when did he post that?
It would be amazing if someone would make a commison for a nude version of salt's Orihime art
hey lets make a new thread

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