
(1.6 MB, 2570x1738, _im_perfectly_balanced_by_nickgam_deau3p6.png)
Let's get a gay/lebsian thread going! I've never seen this thread before and I would like to see more content like this
Artist is Nickgam on deviant art if you wanna know
>>86665 (OP)
That guy's proportions are getting better, but he really needs to work on his faces.
(107 KB, 1130x707, thems_some_dangly_ronpauls___by_genpis_chong_dei2ipf-pre.jpg) (74 KB, 1026x779, comm__tomb_lovers_by_the_kappass_d9ruvuv-pre.jpg) (97 KB, 975x820, cm__nero_and_altera_by_jakbenimbel_dez9ape-pre.jpg) (1.4 MB, 3472x3800, 3c52aef3f3668ac08d989f445c76bcd172dcde266713771f0e36403afc7ea446.jpg) (76 KB, 1037x770, becky_and_katie__by_c3tubberinos_ddv0mf5-pre.jpg) (81 KB, 859x930, _com__hitched_and_hefty_by_buttery_inkling_ddcmcy0-pre.jpg)
This reminds me of this more heterosexual based thread but I like such a change here since I'm bisexual and had fun searching for these

(53 KB, 755x580, bump_by_densen813_db0dm2v-fullview.jpg) (54 KB, 600x714, touched_by_an_angel_by_densen813_dbed5zh-fullview.jpg) (375 KB, 1024x2944, so_inappropriate_by_densen813_dbxecy5-fullview.jpg) (365 KB, 1024x415, keep_growing_by_densen813_dbelx1p-fullview.png) (80 KB, 1016x787, this_holiday_is_gay_by_densen813_dc338ta-pre.jpg) (59 KB, 850x850, he_has_a_crush_by_densen813_datz07h-fullview.jpg)
Also densen813 is king when it comes with fat gay stuff and I love his drawing about shipping his ocs (Joseph X Llewellyn) and Joseph who's the blonde boy is Hella hot and I wanna strok to that handsome belly of his!
(60 KB, 1024x732, commission_for_tom_alchemist_irelia_x_syndra__4_5__by_jinenji89_dce6ykz-fullview.jpg) (68 KB, 1024x732, commission_for_tom_alchemist_irelia_x_syndra__3_5__by_jinenji89_dcd552u-fullview.jpg) (59 KB, 1024x732, commission_for_tom_alchemist_irelia_x_syndra__5_5__by_jinenji89_dcf4rcp-fullview.jpg) (51 KB, 800x800, whatever_sinks_your_submarine_by_densen813_dbiqhth-fullview.jpg) (63 KB, 1024x680, wall_of_belly_by_densen813_db1fqyy-fullview.jpg) (94 KB, 926x863, daily_sketch__69__nice__role_reversal_by_shysho_fats_de4sqiu-pre.jpg)
If we're going to have a gay thread, keep it to just girls. No posting males.

Check the file name. They're both women.
>>86665 (OP)
Might want to remove remove this. This site really hates gay stuff.
They had males in them when I first remarked on them, but the mods didn't delete my post when they removed the males on the other ones. My post is gone now because I removed it myself.
(460 KB, 2196x2223, media_Ehk0XDgXkAYQOt5.jpg)
>>86665 (OP)
>I've never seen this thread before
We've had many yuri threads but they die quickly because not much gets produced and of the little that does, only a fraction of it is any good.
I made one myself a few months back, but as you said, it died quickly. Think people are too caught up on it being girl X girl instead of seeing it as two soft bodies squishing into each other.
(154 KB, 1000x900, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_ESIJZFVVAAEA-eY.jpg) (166 KB, 1000x900, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_ESIJnZ_UcAAEqR6.jpg) (277 KB, 1389x1365, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_EPD8dv2WkAAqft9.jpg)
>Think people are too caught up on it being girl X girl
Vast majority of people aren't bothered by yuri, and the ones that are bothered seem to be because of burnout or from wanting to see a heterosexual relationship during a homosexual boom where it's hard to find anything that isn't.

They could also be like me and just don't care for Western interpretations from them rarely being anything other than crass, combative, mannish women.
You're gonna love kipteitei lmao
(1.2 MB, 2113x2053, 7454656.png) (156 KB, 1494x1168, 1637383866227.jpg) (685 KB, 2000x1375, 16991576.jpg) (2.7 MB, 2364x2515, 76dcecfc16f89ac1e9b02a4df4e275ad81365c62f6263d3967e8e59da675d1f1.png)
What are you even talking about? Most fat art is either one girl or many girls. And the art featuring multiple girls usually has varying degrees of yuri undertones in it.

Though if you want outright sex or other couple acts, that's more rare in general, straight or not. I feel like yuri is way more common there too though.
These threads always die because people don't support gay stuff like this. If it was just a multiple girls thread maybe, but making it lesbian makes it LGBT and people here hate gay stuff like this enough to avoid it.
(1.3 MB, 3611x3185, dek5d2b-0a64be7c-adff-4822-a363-2aaaf2c6928a.jpg) (794 KB, 2812x3007, dexfdbd-b72ac62c-306c-46cd-be92-2e62e8b42a40.jpg) (1.6 MB, 3097x3173, deqjh8b-990212d3-594c-49f1-a156-9ac01e05a0c5.jpg)
>They could also be like me and just don't care for Western interpretations from them rarely being anything other than crass, combative, mannish women.
Can relate as someone who also doesn't care for that.

Most heterosexual art I see involves either an OC being cringe, a fat man, or both unfortunately. As for yuri, I don't see good ones often and hardcore isn't for me.

What I do like from yuri is seeing 2 soft bodies press into each other or size difference.
(2.4 MB, 1254x1771, 1576471459029.png) (114 KB, 555x592, 1542760617880.jpg) (764 KB, 700x851, 9c284bfe529a804535c4f00556c14167.png)
People don't like it hamfisted down their throats while being preached to with badly written and more often than not, ugly characters, and every sector of Western media has been beating people over the head with it for almost a decade which has caused people who might've been indifferent if not in support of it, lashing out against it.

For yuri, I want to feel the emotion in the picture but for WG yuri, it's just pure profit.
Third pic ain't wlw, you can see the cock bulge.
You are a fucking idiot
>Local Anon doesn't know how vagina's work.

I mean, it doesn't really matter since it was obviously posted as a mistake, but that's a boy. She calls him "Tora-kun" in the dialogue.
Homie that ain't no vagina you just fapped to a dude. Now I have no problem with that, I'm no homophobe, I just thought you'd like to know is all.

Or are you implying that just because the person in the picture has a penis it doesn't exclude them from being a woman? How progressive of you.
>Or are you implying that just because the person in the picture has a penis it doesn't exclude them from being a woman? How progressive of you.
Fuck off with your trans acceptance bullshit.
I am living inside your walls
Don't like the creepy incest stuff and I'm not a fan of the body proportions

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