
Does anyone have Absolonanon’s Bulma sequence?
The hard thing is finding new images
So? Post the old ones
yooo who made that kale one?
(596 KB, 2131x1800, _art_trade__bun_bun_belly__part_2_by_cafebig1_df29kwf.png) (1.0 MB, 2774x1800, _art_trade__bun_bun_belly__part_3_by_cafebig1_df29l28.png) (1.6 MB, 3997x2449, mia_and_pan_s_big_ice_cream_binge_by_thebluebritblur_dbvqoqa.jpg) (134 KB, 1024x766, 18_huge_by_yer_keij_fer_cash__colored__by_bbwtopia_df268q3.jpg) (2.4 MB, 1920x1687, big_saiyan_bunny_by_kim381_df2a3jz.png) (141 KB, 856x934, mrs_brief_by_yer_keij_fer_cash__colored__by_bbwtopia_df25z0w.jpg)
Out of curiosity which DB girls do you guys want to see more or any fats of?
Pretty sure the artist behind that Kale drawing is ChechecheArtist.
I’d have to say chronoa, Cheelai, Videl, or kefla
Ribrianne, Monna and Bonyu
Good choices, Chronoa in particular could definitely use some more love.
You’ve got some good taste as well. It’s great to see fat girls getting even fatter.
Thanks, fat waifus deserve to be fatter waifus
You’re welcome and damn straight man.
Videl is the best girl.
Sauce on the Android 19 pic?
who did this one
>>86210 (OP)

Who is the artist for that Bulma pic?
(71 KB, 1068x700, 20220404_093332.jpg)
Hey does anyone have the full image of that?
That Bulma's pretty good, I wish someone would color it
Where did you found these?
Doesn't anyone have this at full image? Seriously?
Sorry couldn't find the full resolution, if anyone can it would be appreciated
(982 KB, 2645x1520, 210116j.png)
Found this
(1.0 MB, 2645x1520, 210116e.png)
Found this
(487 KB, 2102x2696, 210131.png)
And this
why did they ad child trunks
Sorry, about the double chi-chi pic, that was a mistake but I can't delete it for some reason, am I doing something wrong?
I dunno i just realize this was a pedo incest board, Ill go back and try to find the bbw board.
Anyone got the bulma pic from cutiepopblue? Please?
Anyone know the artist for these?
Doesn't anyone have the full picture? It's on patreon of cutiepopblue sheesh >>87719
(34 KB, 640x640, ALZKvbO.jpg)
If anyone as a full resolution of this photo, please send it
Sauce on that caulifla?
Do anyone have the full bulma pic by cutiepopblue?
Thank you for asking, and um I don't think it's a good idea to use that peticular name
I mean use your nickname here, if you understand what I mean
I don't see the problem with my nickname. :/
No I meant that you should have used anonymous to remain anonymous
There. Anyway, do anyone got that Bulma pic by cutiepopblue?
For god's sake man how hard is it to obtain this?
pay for it you bum
if he could, he would
Do anyone got the full Bulma pic by cutiepopblue?
Do anyone have the full bulma picture by cutiepopblue?
(99 KB, 1039x1334, 20220424_080351.jpg)
Hey question does anyone have the rest of nikutsuki's dragon ball fats?
Do you, or anyone else if possible, have that 3rd image in a better quality? I can barely read what 18 is saying because it's blurry.
Isn't this from Thatguye?,I thought He hadn't finish it, but it's amazing
Okay okay look I am not really about it
But I speak for many when I say, can we get the full bulma pic by cutiepopblue pretty please?
i think its floraleshoppe
many? it's only you who's been begging for it non-stop
I just checked and he left? What the fuck he just left these amazing works and then just left?
Sheesh man we just want that pic, what's wrong with that,
Then ask you parents for your allowance and buy it yourself.
😒 sure maybe i can later ask them to buy a store for me *sigh*
Anyone got the full bulma pic from cutiepopblue?
Anyone got the bulma pic by cutiepopblue?
Say is that android 18 comic by theamericandream out?
Do I look like got any money for that?
You're a grown man so yes, get a job.
Nah. I'm going to the beg thread
So where you shoulda been this whole time? Great.
finally, that dude can shut up lmao

She's finally here. Maybe not the best Bulma pic, but it is a good one.
What a great sequence
it was absolonanonymous but he left twitter a while ago
Anything else?
hell naw dawg, this ain't it
I think this guy is called FloraleShoppe or something like that, I remember him from Twitter. If only he did proper lineart instead of sketches I could color them to be full on drawings god damn it
It's sunsleptos
My bad I assumed the last two weren't needed
Holy crap though the guy made dbs chi-chi super cute
Why thanking me?
Holy crap, um you are welcome
sometimes I forget actual artists sometimes see their own work here lol. must be a weird feeling.
Well if you look at the other side it's a way for even people to see their work
I wouldn't call it a weird feeling honestly. It scratches that same itch that getting replies on my tweets does.
Engagement of any sort with my work is often a very nice feeling lmao.
As a commissioner, it sucks seeing something you did with an artist be part of the Edit thread because someone didn't like a certain part of it. Otherwise, I don't mind my commissions being reposted.
Dude, your art is so good! The one of Samus getting tube fed is a favorite!
To SunsleptOS/SunsetteOS

Do think about making more Android 21 Fat art like the Good 21, Cell Absorbed and Human/Labcoat 21 in the future cause I would love to see it.
I dislike 21 so it's unlikely. Her entire personality just feels insanely obnoxious to me, which I know is hypocritical with how much I like Bulma.

Bulma, 18 and Videl >>>>>>> The rest
Well okay… Let us know when you’ll do the other versions of Android 21 in the future… I really want to see more 21 on here.
(1.2 MB, 5250x3052, Cheelarge (Clean).png)
Might as well drop this myself since it'll end up here regardless lmao
Cool can’t wait to see other versions like Good 21, Cell Absorbed 21 and Human 21 from SunsleptOS
Yo source for that 18 in the background??
godsend anon much appreciated
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(2.7 MB, 2736x3700, ddsf0js-fbdbc022-d99d-473a-bb84-fb39511a4b27.jpg) (2.4 MB, 2304x2880, dcd5wlx-37caf2be-d9f4-49a2-9c6c-696046a15c89.png) (148 KB, 1280x1739, android_18_sketch__colored__by_jerkanon_de2glbv-fullview.jpg) (567 KB, 1924x2204, a011eea83bc4bf147913d6a5bc6d01b5-imagepng.png) (99 KB, 712x1097, 944655b4c2d9642e0072ab924cdb879ba0f8504e676a79083d5df11ce6e87673.jpg)
and some more.. i'll post some more again another time
man i really like this dudes art style but i just wish he would finish his drawings more often or at least make proper outlines. bummer
Certainly trying to put forth a more concerted effort to finish things. I just tend to sketch out whatever ideas are on my head though and coloring them and such ends up secondary often, despite how easy it'd be to add flats. So oops.
Wish he was more varied with his choice of women and not stick to Dragon Ball so much. He's so obsessed with that franchise that he even did a genderbent Goku. Kinda of a waste of talent.
My man you are saying this in the dbz thread wtf. He also does steven universe art
I mean I draw what I enjoy, or what people pay me to draw. Maybe if you voiced this thought somewhere other than a Dragon Ball thread you'd look a bit less stupid my guy.

>fan of series draws characters they like
>literally free art of fat chicks
>”why are they drawing the series they like!!!”

please kill yourself promptly faggot 🙏 if you want them to draw something else so badly go buy it yourself
(1.8 MB, 2712x2708, BulmaShadingTest.png)
Just because it seems funny to do, here's a Bulma that isn't actually meant to go up on my twitter for a couple weeks.

I simply draw too much Dragon Ball for my own good, it creates a backlog :)))

"this dragon ball fan's drawing dragon ball girls in the DRAGON BALL THREAD??? he's so obsessed guys. waste of talent."

comedically retarded. fuck off to the bitching and complaining thread, dragon ball girls hardly get jack or shit.
I would've said it on the SunsleptOS thread, but that died earlier in the week, and something tells me he wouldn't go to the thread where complaints are supposed to go. I only said what I said here because it was where he was most likely to show up, and sure enough he did.
As though that's going to make me change? I'm gonna continue drawing what I enjoy drawing and some rando on a bbwchan thread isn't going to change that in the slightest.
Ehh, it was worth a try.
(278 KB, 639x774, 0916c4ceb7d4f2fd204fc2870eab1d26.png) (271 KB, 620x836, 6f7663a3bbefe3f9388f297ef17d8415.png) (314 KB, 722x931, 4c04b244dd4b7804c5af1cf81d47fd34.png)
It's a reasonable gripe people can end up with, even if they're huge fans of whatever series the artist in question is devoted to. Any artist trying to make a business out of drawing should at the very least strive for some kind of diversity of series within their catalogue to attract more wallets and people to advertise for them.

>dragon ball girls hardly get jack or shit
What are you talking about, Dragonball gets a steady supply of fat art; it may not be up there with the heavy hitters but it's far from what actually constitutes hardly.
Why are you so desperate?
no way this nigga posted mistystuffer unironically
no way he posted it ironically either
How come snapsofhope's stuff doesn't get uploaded here?
The MF did it for the vine
Not letting it die
What's the artist for these? Can't find it anywhere.
holy shit, i really was missing some really good pics of her. Hope she gets more drawings.
Does strongfat counts?
sauce??? on the editor, I know the original draw is by Emboquo
Assuming you made this edit I just gotta give HELLA props. That shit gave me a serious moment of pause because I just straight up thought it was Embo's work.

Which tbh I wouldn't have been surprised cause man's into preg but. Regardless, solid as hell edit.
(1.5 MB, 1500x1620, dfb0fhd-e718d48b-a291-410e-a3e0-41c004392a37.jpg)
hello i was the guy who colored a bunch of those 18 pics in gimp but i need a hero to color this one for me, its a really good drawing but i cant do it currently can someone please color this image
found it by a guy called zamasu2004 on deviantart, if it could be colored itd be greatly appreciated because i cant do it currently
Um I searched it and there you seem to have made some mistakes,
It's actually zamsasu2004 and the guy states the pic was made by a guy name Miche-san
yea that was a typo sorry, u got it colored?
I tried but the photo quality is a bit too low for me to do it clearly can someone else please help
Oh Sorry
How come Maron from the Garlic Jr sage never gets fat art?
Because she looks so much like Bulma. Makes her redundant.
Bulma doesn't even look like Bulma anymore. Dragonball Super is the Goku and Vegeta power hour now. I am about to see Superhero because it's a Piccolo movie.
>Bulma doesn't even look like Bulma anymore.
I should've been more specific and said young Bulma. Like the original Dragon Ball or early DBZ is what I meant.
>Dragonball Super is the Goku and Vegeta power hour now
That's what you get out of an infinitely power creeping series that has grown into gods and demons.
>>86210 (OP)
Remember that tease in the manga when chichi joked about fattening herself up for gold from the heeters? Man, I know that in an alternate universe somewhere toyo had her dialogue be literal and fatten her up for a gag. Alas, it's but a dream.
I doubt it since Bulma wasn't that fat. Maron literally got Krillin at her beck and call while calling the 7 year old Gohan cute. Bulma in Super is using Dragonballs to get a bigger butt
Any chance if the chi-chi pic getting a sequel with two different versions? Like dbs chi-chi and gt chi-ch or just dbs chi-chi?
Kind of wish we got a view of Chi-Chi’s big belly.
(206 KB, 1280x960, a_super_saiyan_with_the_power_of_a_god_by_batspid2_df75818-fullview.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2848x2416, kefla_feeds_a_saiyan_girl_by_dilios999_df5hc8e.jpg) (101 KB, 310x480, ssbbw_bra_bulla_by_dowhatnow_by_iamasupersaiyan4_d6jbvff.jpg) (140 KB, 450x480, ssbbw_android_18___by_dowhatnow_by_iamasupersaiyan4_d6v46lu.jpg) (77 KB, 307x480, ssbbw_videl_by_dowhatnow_by_iamasupersaiyan4_d6jbvvc.jpg) (88 KB, 330x480, ssbbw_chi_chi_by_dowhatnow_by_iamasupersaiyan4_d6jbvr0.jpg)
Kinda surprised there hasn’t been more eating contest related scenarios done with Dragon ball.
Interesting, who's the artist?
I’m guessing we need build a new thread…

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