
(58 KB, 600x800, 1505187459827.jpg) (82 KB, 831x800, 1505187131948-2.jpg) (664 KB, 1600x1900, 1505234225000.jpg) (779 KB, 1000x1095, amazon_s_diet_operation_by_kurocaze_s-dbncars.jpg) (143 KB, 1000x1000, 1505238775949-1.png) (81 KB, 720x540, DJKrCVTV4Aob-an.jpg large.jpg)
An obscure franchise with a slightly less obscure girl.

If you haven't heard of Amazon's Running Diet, it's a free NES endless runner in which the titular Amazon attempts to diet. She can fail to do so quite dramatically, which inspired a few fats. Post 'em if you got 'em.
(182 KB, 500x647, tumblr_ovzz1fAeZA1qj87c7o1_500.png)
Oh this feels familiar! I think I remember some YouTube called "connerthewaffle" talk about that spinoff thing in an older I don't know if it's still up or taken down. Can you also tell me how you found those fat pics cuz I tried Googlng the game and got nothing new that I liked.
people tend to use "series" and "franchise" interchangeably when it comes to media. i don't like it either.
If anyone knows about the games she is in I would love to know more like do they keep the Amazon girl cute and chubby in the main games?
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Trawling Pixiv and deviantArt and the occasional Twitter, I think? Twitter is a pain in the ass to navigate though.

She's chubby by default in the games. I don't know too much about said games, though. I've heard they're somewhere between action and tower defense, though.

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