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>>85396 (OP)
Why didn't you just call it a Souls thread; not like you or anyone else interested in this has any idea of their other games.
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Welcome home good Hunter. What is it you desire?
Because I wanted to include games like Elden Ring, which isn't a Souls game
It's a Souls game in every part but it's writing and the last time I've heard anyone talk about the writing was never; Demons Souls, Kings Field, and Bloodborne also fit the bill.

I got news for you - Elden Ring is a Souls game. Same shit combat and movement, but now you get a mount and magic is currently pretty broken.
I think the name suits the board well. an umbrella term capturing everything it needs to. just means more room for content
That's the right mindset to have. Now then, Evergrace fats when?
require meself fat sharline
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>why are you crying, isn't this what you wanted?
I miss Armored Core
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>Bumping this thread from the literal edge of death
There's been dozens of pics for Goro Smurf and a couple for Snake and you try to revive it with a crappy faux deep fake pic instead of just letting it die.
anyone have more bbw pic of the doll from bloodborne?

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