
(2.0 MB, 1942x1722, IMG 1.jpg) (1.8 MB, 3496x2481, IMG 2.png) (257 KB, 1049x930, IMG 3.png)
New thread, sorry for delay. Here is what I have of Fusa & Habutton atm, hope u guys enjoy it.
Here is the site u can use for decoding. Just follow the instructions and erase them when decoding.

If u have just missed the reups, don't worry since most of em are available over here.

And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono.

Do vote for their updates on kemono from time to time
Doesnt work can u reup the url
It does. As said in OP follow the instructions and erase them while decoding
(311 KB, 866x669, hug 2.png) (488 KB, 769x903, Hug.png)
Just a small edit that I decided to do. You guys can decided what the dialogues or context is in this
Can somebody reupload the last and second last page of aoba translated?
good works anon!
Nice work mate, though pages 1-34 and 83 of Ayano have already been colored. So technically u r doubling down on something thats already been done.

My suggestions. Try focusing more on colouring the pages 35-82 and the pages after 83 as they still yet have to be colored. Once you are done with coloring those pages and if the demand is still there/increased a lot and u still have the energy and willpower left, then focus on finishing off what u left remaining.

Also if ur images require more 2 posts to upload, no need to worry abt wasting posts (and also since there is a thread bump limit, we can't really afford to waste posts), just use this link below for uploading and sharing files transfers.

And finally if u want a reup of high res original templates for ur coloring pages, do ask for a reup. Will provide as much as possible and wishing u good luck on ur work.
>>86298 oh ty could u upload the colored pages cause u cant find theme anywhere
new after school is up
Jesus, she looks huge there!
Could someone please upload the new page?
Here's the new pages!! Hope for the translation

(Base 64 Double encoded)

also the author said in the post she is 223.6kg rn
she really got the jump on ayano and I don't see her slowing off, she's actually bigger than all of her roommates combined, what an absolute unit
(23 KB, 320x278, F9B76221-9D10-4F5F-AB17-FFEC41351A9C.jpeg)
Do you guys think we’ll get two pages this month or is Fusa gonna fuck us again for the second month in a row? He said at the new year that he was going to update more frequently again this year, but so far his output is the worst it’s ever been.
I had to unsub, money is tight and he barely updates anymore. I feel bad because I was one of the people who first started telling English speakers about how to properly access his Enty back when there were only a couple of pages, but I can't get down with how much he continues to slow down. I don't think the series has many pages left, more people will unsub over how slow it's going, and combined with how much he's clearly not into it anymore, I'd be surprised if it goes to the end of the year. I was hoping it would go quite a bit farther with Ayano's gain, but if you just read it as it is, it's still probably the best wg comic ever made.
For real. I’ve been subbed to him since like, page 19 of the original comic. Back when he was doing 4-6 pages a month and it’s been torture watching the updates just dry up. I knew getting serialized would naturally cause him to slow down, and for a while it was reasonable. Two updates in the 3rd and 4th week every month was just enough to keep me feeling good about the 500 yen. But holy shit it’s a real struggle now. I don’t even feel bad about the comic getting pirated anymore despite how good it was (and still is.)

Pochakuma can’t die soon enough
Pochakuma was already canceled. It had its last chapter sometime in Feburary, and he's done with the 3rd volume release from what I can tell.

But that probably won't get him to update Ayano more. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason for a lack of updates. He's probably focused on getting a new series off the ground.

I'm hoping that his next series is better. I liked Pocha, but I'm not too big a fan of vapid romance unless it's yuri, but that's just me.

btw, I'm looking for someone to clean the pages for Pochakuma to get it all translated. If someone's willing to do that, let me know.
>. I liked Pocha, but I'm not too big a fan of vapid romance unless it's yuri, but that's just me.

I think the issue was that it never got properly translated, this relatively niche fetish needs the foreign market to sustain it like Elf San, we only have a few translated chapters of Pocha and the rest was never picked up
Well the new page is up, only one (again), but Fusa does note in the update that starting this month updates will be more frequent, so there’s that to look forward too at least.
New Ayano same as always enjoy

Thx for upload. And as always will post the translated page in a weeks time. Sorry for the delay with the AF pages. Feeling sick atm though luckily most of the other stuff is done and its just the typsetting that is left. Will try to finish and upload the pages by Monday or Tuesday or at the latest on the same date as the Ayano upload.
I hate this sentiment. I think it sucks his series got canceled, even if he is planning to do more fat art because of it. I'm sure he preferred making his own manga over fat fetish comics, as would anyone.
new aoba
Can someone upload the new aoba and I'll translate it
(1.7 MB, 2480x3508, 019.png)
Last page bro
Here is the translated page 208 of Ayano along with pages 67.1 & 67.2 of AF.

Hope u guys enjoy em and do let me know of any errors
No need to. The translation will be out soon on the authors page.
That works. Anyways hope the request threads come back online soon.
New Ayano page coming out shortly. Looks like he’s already making good on his word.
I mean, when you are unemployed because someone cancelled your subpar romcom manga you gotta make money somehow lmao
Pocha Musume ended sadly it's all that's left for Fusa now
Yo, new Ayano is out. Anyone willing to do the Lord's work?
Here ya go

New page is boring, but Fusa seems to be setting up something for Rio (which is long overdue) so that’s something at least.
Yo, poggers, Rio Arc incoming. And even if this page doesn't have any "money shots" it's nice to have an update on Miyuki and Moemi.
Thx for the upload and as always will post in a weeks time. Hope he starts releasing even more pages from now on, so that the lag time can be reduced.
the translated page*
I’d like to see Ayano get to a new big milestone like 250kg before starting another character arc.

But if we do get one sooner I’d be excited for the Rio arc, or maybe even another Miyuki arc.

Not a big fan of Moemi tbh.
Yeah I found the Meomi arc to be very meh since she was already a little thicc to begin with, but I'm dying to se Rio start gaining, always great to see a gain start from the ground up
Totally agree, always nice to see where the side characters are at in a WG comic
Never a fan of the side char arc tbh, slow update + sidetrack feels not too great.
You aren’t wrong. The previous two arcs kind of just rehashed plot we already saw from the other character’s POV. I hope the next one focuses on new stuff instead of recycling events we’ve already seen.
The Link is for me brocken!
Rio feeder arc let’s go!
>>86298 where are the first color pages published i can't find them
Guess i'm the only one who didn't want Rio to gain, I actually wanted Rio to end up being a closeted feeder and have a steamy relationship with one of the other side characters. Having yet another fat chick seems redundant
Like the idea a lot actually and if that's where the story goes I'll be cool with it but I also like the idea of Rio possibly wanting to be a feedee who has BBW's as her feeders
I just want to see Ayano get as large as she possibly can, and we're at the point where she's going to need an enabler.
re-upload please?
IDK, with Miyuki and Moemi Fusa showed them stealthily gaining weight during Ayano's various arcs before givin them their own stories. Nothing like that happened with Rio.
Rio didn't gained weight. But she is also the only one still thin in the group and ayano awakened her inner feeder self so... Can happen.

God, I never noticed how much of a short stack Ayano is now seeing her next to her main friends now that she's this fat. She's all curves and hills.
Or how massive her titties have gotten since been gaining
(146 KB, 1254x1771, fusa-bikiniandsoftness.jpg) (195 KB, 800x1129, fusa-hestia.jpg) (1.8 MB, 851x1200, fusa-superpochaco.png) (2.7 MB, 2150x3035, fusa-12000.jpg)
Hope it's okay if I post some of Fusa's old stuff here, back when he did standalone artworks.

A lot of Fusa's usernames (starless2323, kohntarkf1) are references to classic prog rock. Any fat artist who's into prog rock gets extra points in my book.
Oh shit you're right, I never noticed that.

As an aside, I wonder if Fusa likes Boogiepop as well. Whenever I think japanese media and prog I always think of boogiepop.
(2.1 MB, 2150x3035, Bakery 1.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2150x3035, Bakery 2.jpg) (2.3 MB, 2150x3035, Bakery 3.jpg)
No sauce for you, I translated them myself. The original japanese pics are from Fusa's pixiv.
I've added these to the collection on E-Hentai.

On another note, I love this baker girl, she's my favorite. I like her much better than the goth girl and I hope someday we get more from her.
New After School page is out, can someone post it??
Where are you people getting the idea that he's setting up a Rio arc? The chapter title is the same as always, and the only mention of her on this recent page is a contrast of her weight to Miyuki and Moemi, who are the focal pieces. I guess I can see this potentially transitioning into a more proper setup, but I think you're all jumping the gun
immobility soon? letsgo habutton
Hold up just noticed this. How do u know her current weight? It isn't mentioned any in the image u posted.
it seems that habutton now writes the girls' weight as plain text with the updates. he's doing the same with aoba. it's a shame bc I really liked the weigh-in images
That's a bummer. Those weigh in images were something to look forward to. Anyways here is the translated page 68 of afterschool.

Sorry for the delay was backing up some files on account of the patreon importer working again. Hope u guys enjoy the page and do let me know of any errors.
New Ayano is being drawn.
New Ayano here you guys go same as always enjoy

so beautiful
I don't want to be annoying, but would it be possible to translate Ayano chan into Spanish?
Has translated page 209 been posted here?
I think someone is already doing that and its getting posted on e-hentai. If any has a link to the e-hentai page, do post here.

Yeah was already posted here >>90322
Will do a reup of the page along with the upload of the translated page 210 next Monday.

Thx for the upload. And as usual will post the translated page in a week's time.
Hola, yo traduzco el de ayano al español uwu hasta tengo pagina de facebook, lo tengo en pdf y todo, tambien traduzco el de after schoom y varios mas no solo esos 2 hasta los de better with salt
Hi, i'm the one who is translating ayano's weight gain diary into spanish and yeah, posted on e-hentai, but for many reasons i could continue posting it on e-hentai the most important thing was that my external hard drive where i storage the manga ended completely burned in a fire so... I lost everything, luckily i have a faebook page where i had posted every page of the manga... That's why i don't upload on e-hentai anymore...
Hay una página de Facebook llamada Feedism Translations, traduce el manga de Ayano, After School y muchos más, disfrútalo ^^
oh, that makes sense, but, the pages are not in hd when I zoom in and I would like to see it as H-hentai, but thank you that you are still alive.
I'd like a Portuguese translation
I wid like it translatit indae scotts
Simon, esa es mi pagina uwu
Ah that explains why the updates had stopped over there.
new aoba
For the life of me, I don't understand why you like Fusa more than Habutton.
But you don't need to understand someone's likings
His art and sytlings are more appealing to me, especially the way he curves the body of his characters rather than being more static and straight
Anyone got the new Aoba?
I think there a error with the second case. "How about we 4 go on a trip?" sound wrong.
Yeah wanted to put Anyways how about 'we all/all 4 of us' go out together somewhere Ran out space in the bubble.
Here's the new Ayano same as always enjoy the new page

I'm going to say that the other girls including Rio are fatter than they appear
Man, I miss when Ayano was that weak and pathetic, I like it for her more than Moemi
Man Malore, talk about a sight for sore eyes, how's been going
Do you know if there is any site that is translating the manga and is up to date?

I would like to read it, it looks like a nice romantic comedy but I can't find anything about this manga in english.
You can only find it online translated up to chapter 5 I believe.
I've been in the middle of translating them for a bitt, I'm already on chapter 13, but we've been having issueas finding cleaners/typesetters

Im just happy we have someone who's out of control and not liking the gain. Moemi is hot af and her rapid, unchecked gain and fitness deteriotion is a nice contrast for the more wholesome ayano moments.
Yeah, me too. Ayano's fine, but I generally prefer unwilling gain
The group that scanlated 5 chapters of Pocha Musume is actually looking for a new translator. You could probably speak to them about translating the rest of the manga.
Same having yet another girl into gaining would be boring
Ayano is a grade A feedee who is totally into it
Miyuki jis ust sort of got fat by proxy but isn't completely opposed
Moemi is a MASSIVE glutton but hates it having forced herself to lose weight only to rebound hard due to not being able to control her appetite
Translated page 211 of Ayano and reworked page 210.

More evidence in 211 pointed out that they were talking about completing a bakery mill tour rather than finshing assignments.Though still not a 100% sure that might the case. Was thinking about waiting for the next issue to come out before making a final decision. But since that would take too long, I decided to post the pages now and then maybe rework them again if the next raw provides any evidence that they were actually talking about homework assignments.
And as always do enjoy the pages and do let me know of any other errors u guys find.
New after school
Do u have it in the original res as well?
I do not know how to get a better res image
Yup thats the one. Will translate and post here asap.
So did her black haired friend just brought her to a group of fat loving girls?
New Ayano is up
Judging by the preview its now 100% confirmed that its a bakery mill they were talking abt in the previous pages. Any 1 who has the new page or is updating the kemono page, either post the image here or update the page when u can.
New Ayano same as always enjoy


Reup of 211 and rework of 210 please ? as always thank you
Will do a reup of those pages along with the upload of the new translated page this coming Sat. In the meantime do check out some of the sites listed in the OP for the pages.
New Aoba
Can anyone reup Ayano 208 translated? I missed that one. Thanks
Anyone got the new Aoba?
New Ayano that was fast huh? Same as always enjoy you guys!

Well he did say he was gonna start increasing the frequency of the uploads for Ayano. Guess he is really enthusiatic about the trip arc. Anyways always thx for the upload. Will post the translated page by next week (lag time might decrease if more pages are uploaded).
And as usual, here is the translated page 212 of Ayano along with reups of pages requested
Hope u guys enjoy em and do let me know of any errors found.
I can't view Ayano's new page for whatever reason, could they please upload again?
Which one are u talking abt the new raw page or the translated page?. Both seem to be fine.
The raw page, it tells me that the page was not found.
Might be just a decoding errror or a copy paste error. Try doing it.
what would be the correct link?
This aint a spoonfeeding thread. DIY.
Surely my mind play tricks on me but I fell like Rio is a bit less sharp?
(959 KB, 2320x2500, Untitled.png)
Debate people is Rio getting thicker or is it just for the scene?
I think it won't be long before there is a somewhat rio chubby...
Thanks for the reup
Rio's looking less sharp? did she eat with the other girls?
Did Rio eat with the girls early in the page?
No, Ayano was the only one seen stuffing her face in the last page
does anyone already have 213 pages?
>>96334Where does these link too?
Somebody have last aoba?
(83 KB, 262x266, Screenshot_82.png)
the virgin "ougggh rio is one pixel wider than the last page that means she's gaining weight like the others ouughg based" vs the chad "holy fuck is moemi already bigger than miyuki"
I like Moemi's dynamic the most, she clearly isn't into gaining weight but she's a natural glutton so she can't stop shoving food down her throat, now in a few months she's already far surpassed Miyuki
Do u have it in orginal res?
Can you please reupload 212?

I love in-universe that Ayano emits an aura that makes everyone want to get fatter or insane attracted/enamoured by her presence.
This may sound dumb but are there any fanfics about Ayano or any of the girls?
(3.8 MB, 2148x3072, Teaser 1.jpg) (3.3 MB, 2150x3035, Teaser 2.jpg)
Does anyone have the English translation of Fusa's part in the Interspecies Reviewers 2nd Anthology
Are there anyone here who post Ayano's Comics on E-Hentai? if there is, i'd like to ask why they didn't upload the translations of 212 and 213 on there.
They will probably get around to it when they feel like it. Updating multiple pages at once.
Translated page 70 of afterschool. Sorry for the delay. Had to do a bit of redrawing.

Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
I think its just the towel being thick causing the illusion.
Why is she not fat? If you're going to post a woman, make sure she's fat.
This might be a dumb question but can I have a link to this comic plz
new Ayano up
Here's the new page of Ayano same as always anyways you guys enjoy

Fusa appears to have noticed this thread, FYI. Not saying what the sharers should do, just notifying you.
Might wanna step down from posting for a bit or maybe mix it up abit on how I post it but he could also be referring to places like nhentai and ehentai which have a bunch of his works also.
Was there a post made by him in regards to the piracy of his works?
Just read the post. Seems to be like a general warning since he hasn't mentioned any particular site.
By now I am pretty sure he already knows for a while how widely his work has been shared. This could be a tactic to scare people off from sharing his work since he might be planning to ramp his uploads.
However that being said I am not gonna risk bringing too much attention here or worse risk him cancelling the series (which at this point might be more unlikely since its his main cash cow atm). I'll be increasing the lag time so expect translated pages to be uploaded more later that usual (if more pages are uploaded in lag days, lag time will slightly increase though uploaded pages will increase accordingly on postdate).
Be on guard and hope the heat cools off.
I would also consider adding a second layer of obfuscation like perhaps a private Discord server. There is also the possibility that he is seeing Ayano stuff posted elsewhere and doesn't know about this site and thread, as I have seen pages posted on 4chan's /d/ board, which I know many Japanese artists will lurk on to catch people posting paid content.
>private Discord
kindly, neck yourself
True though this chan is exactly as low key as it was b4. Also creating a private discord server could risk further exposure on account of Discord being DMCA friendly and extremely anti-cheat. Our best bet is for him to mainly focus on trying taking down the content posted over at the hentai sites and that he comes to the realisation on how futile doing so is.
isn't exactly*
i have a feeling its either kemono or e hentai and not here
It's not here some idiot is posting it on DA.
what fucking retard is doing that, got a link?
Oh Hey, I Know This Guy
Cash Cow? Is Ayano really popular?
The fact that almost every hentai site out there has a collection of it speaks volumes. For now lets focus on bringing less attention here and also keep an eye out for retarded idiots like this one >>99143 (Cross-thread) here who can't fucking read make sure their threads are taken down asap.
>>99306 (Cross-thread)
Can't risk exposure till that occurs. .Which is also why I am again requesting the mods to take down the thread>>99143 (Cross-thread) as soon as u can. It literally is a bad idea to have a thread with both the name and twitter handle of the author whose work u r 'sharing' as the name. Esepcially if its made just mere hrs after the very same author me. Do u guys(mods) want unwarranted attention to this chan?
mentioned he was keeping an eye on a particular site.*
I remember when Kukuru came ranting into an older bbw chan in broken english after someone bought and posted his comic the day after it came out. I felt bad about it but can they really do anything?
Yeah, stop making content.
They could, but they won't. Unless they are well off. Nobody is going to pass up on that easy money.

Yall need to stop freaking out over this. Nobody gives a shit about this den of degens. We aren't the majority. Most people aren't nearly as poor or retarded as us. Don't pretend you matter if you are coming here.
japs, artists and fans both, tend to throw supreme hissy fits over this kind of stuff
I was the one who told him about DA.
Yeah I'm sure he is really gonna throw his entire career away because of images on bbwchan. You guys are so fucking stupid.
where is new ayano upload?
If true you're retarded, you're supposed to just report reposters not tell the artists.

Jap artists tend to get really asshurt about their art being reposted far FAR more than westerners do. Sometimes they really will just stop or at the very least drag out putting out content.
It's being delayed because of your stupid ass.
OKay, People are starting to act negative here
Whats the point, there is only a 2 page lag in between the jap and eng pages. Keep requesting updates for the page over at kemono.

Not much control we have in regards to who keeps mum and who tattletales at this point. All we can do is hope that when shit truly hits the fan, the mods show a bit more urgency in deleting the thread.

Uh mate, what date was the report sent?

Yo chillax laying low doesn't mean carte blanche to abuse. I know I am not ideal person to say this and I am well aware there are some ppl who think very weirdly but we gotta keep cool as much as possible. We are better than this.

Oh and in regards to AY as said over here>>99202 for the time being lag time is increased (won't be specific for obvious reasons) but not by much.
And that 2 page gap will end up taking 3 or 4 months with how slowly it gets updated. Thats the point?
>expect the mods of a porn piracy site to delete pirated content
How dense can you be? Do you know how many models and artists come here kicking and screaming about their threads? The whole point of the site is piracy, why would the mods ever care about this artist over anyone else?
Mate, at least understand the statement before quoting. I said delete the thread only when there is no other choice. I am well aware of what u r saying and I know why this chan ain't gonna be taken down that easily. But as said b4 time & time again over here and in many other different threads as well jap artists are different. What's the bloody point of piracy if its ends up stopping the flow of content altogether. Countless jap artists (exceptionally good ones too) have literally stopped posting content and deleted their account and archives because of rampant unchecked piracy. So this is a serious matter. And also the last time I checked, this ain't the thread for discussing abt the seriousness and consequences of the 'sharing' of copyrighted content in this chan. Thats for the community salt thread.

In the end what matters is that there was a warning posted and that we need to take it srsly for the time being. Its that simple. Its not the end of the world if pages get uploaded slightly later than usual as long as there are still pages being uploaded. Now lets get back to the main topics of this thread pls.

3-4 months. Mate have u seen the page? The longest time it takes to get updated is not more than 2 months. And 3-4 months is literally nothing, I have seen good pages with good content over there that haven't been updated in years. Though if u wanna post or request rough translations for the time being, do go ahead. Fan art and rough translations are always welcome here.
If some dumb fuck wants to throw money away to have a hissy fit about bbwchan that's his fault, not ours. Moral fag anywhere else or seek rope. Preferably both in your case.
Cute, if u r thinking I am saying this mainly through a moral perspective, u are highly mistaken. I know this is the last place to be preaching morals though some level of professionalism and practicality is safeguarded nonetheless warranted. Though I see now I am wasting my breath (and thread space) reasoning with u. U crossed a line and I am pretty sure doxxing gets u banned.
Requesting mods to ban this bloke here>>99643.
safeguarded by global rules*
Nothing about his post is doxxing. If you don't want to be called out for being an annoying idiot then stop being one. Don't send me false reports again.
My mistake, just checked the rules will make a report for harrassment only.
Anyway going back to topic. If u guys wanna have the latest raw, do check here >>99183. Also as said in OP, do keep requesting time to time updates for the page over at kemono.
I feel as if there are people here who weren't here near the beginning before you started TL and it was Malorne and we'd only get batches of Ayano every 6 months or so as to not alert the author. They really don't realize how good they have it now.

So stupid
Good news one of the pages just got updated.
Where exactly is it in Kemono? Cause I can't find it, so a link would be nice.
Saw the latest issue, Rio looks more bothered from the heat than the other girls
Check OP>>84850 (OP) its all given there. Though for requesting of imports, do go over at the request section of kemono partychan and make a request first.

More like she is bothered abt how much more she drank and ate than usual (again). Looking forward to what happens in the remaining days of the trips.
Tetsujinex did. It happens once in a blue moon in regular hentai/doujin circles as well, nips get really assmad over stuff like this.

Not that I'd advocate the nuclear option of deleting the thread of course, but whining over a call for just a little more discretion is only shooting yourself in the foot long-term. I've still never gotten over Malorne being scared off from the golden days when people actually adhered to his requests
Dude. It doesn't fucking matter. DeviantArt fags are going to repost it no matter what. There is no point in delaying it. If Fusa wanted to take it down, maybe he could file, hmmm I don't know, A DMCA takedown notice? Fusa probably doesn't even know about bbwchan. You are being overly paranoid for absolutely not reason. I would personally typeset a deepl translation just to get pages out faster than care about DeviantArt reposters
Someone post the new page as well
Yeah i think u missed the point. Not paranoid cause of the reposters (practically knew abt the da accounts for week now ). Lost my cool for a bit cause of the thread (which is 404'd now) that was made with images and words a basic search engine spider can find in microseconds. Still I should learn to keep better composure next time.
New Aoba
Neat, if any1 has the raw do post here when u can.
Nvm these posts. Anon was talking abt the page 214. Will be making an upload of translated page in a few days.
Thanks for the Translation, Looks Like Rio has taken her fill with the others.

and based on what the last panel said, this is only the first day.
My guess is that Rio will be doing some midnight snacking
Pocha musume translation when?
I think there are already teams of people doing that on manga sites.

Virgin "Guys rio ate a normal meal!" vs chad "Moemi's gut is already too big for the robes"
Dipshit "I dunno when someone is saying a theory so I'll criticize for no reason"
(669 KB, 1280x1808, methodical.jpg) (780 KB, 1280x1808, uncontrollable.jpg) (429 KB, 1280x1808, complacent.jpg) (672 KB, 1280x1808, the girls summed up.jpg)
As much as I love me some hambeasts, I do kind of hope Rio stays slender, if only to maintain some distinction between the girls. Each one sort of has their role.

>Ayano the absolute unit who we've watched methodically and (most importantly) INTENTIONALLY go from a thin girl to a whale while clearly enjoying and putting plenty of thought and consideration into it (what to eat, how to make meals more fattening, doing some exercise so she can at least have the strength to move around a bit, thinking about her protein intake, shopping at plus size stores, etc.) throughout the entire process.

>Moemi the upcoming chubster who's also gaining, but in the absolute opposte context from Ayano. Think about it. She was once fat, then managed to slim down and cling to some sense of control and dignity. Then Ayano comes along, and by osmosis of the worst possible kind, she ends up relapsing and gaining weight faster than Ayano ever did. Keep in mind that Ayano has been INTENTIONALLY gaining weight and putting a lot of thought into it, while Moemi's just such a gluttonous hog that she's packing on the pounds due to a lack of control, and she's clearly humiliated by it.

>Miyuki occupies the middle ground as a fatty who doesn't show any particular signs of loving or hating it. She's just a down-to-Earth content fatty who, by all accounts, appears to be well-adjusted and probably the most realistic picture of a young 20-something woman who's recently put on weight. Not super duper into it, but not in any particular rush to do something about it. Prett realistic, from what I've seen. A formerly-thin fat girl who's just sort of complacent and rolling with it.

>Rio, whom we've seen the least of so far, is physically distinct as the noticeably tallest and only slim one in the group. Literally a supermodel-type body hanging out with three fat girls. As much as I know a bunch of people would love to see her body get "ruined", it would most likely just re-tread what we've seen from Miyuki and Moemi. If anything, I personally feel like it'd be a fun twist if she started eating as much as the other girls, but it turned out she just naturally has an absurd metabolism (not even health-conscious or disciplined; just genetically gifted) that keeps her thin no matter what. Not just as a gag or to keep her thin and distinct, but also to see what reactions it would get out of the other girls who all gained either intentionally, complacently, or totally unintentionally. Imagine how much further this knowledge would plunge Moemi into despair.
Based on the panel I hope we get see another one of Ayano's gluttonous midnight feasts but she ends up getting caught by one of the other girls.

Same I rather have Rio stay slender for the contrast. There's really nothing that would be added if she gained weight, unless Fusa decides to use another body type for once
New Aoba plz
Check the links in op.
Yeah I doubt Rio would stay thin. Based on recent pages, her thoughts are starting to waver under the influence of peer pressure. And u know what they say abt thoughts. They can influence ur words, which determine ur actions. Those actions will define ur habits which in turn make up ur character. And ur character is what determines ur destiny.

Plus I am pretty much sure the authour intends for this trip arc to be a group wg arc with Rio-chan included.

anyone out there able to re-up just 213? I somehow missed it, just have 1-212 and 214
Plus, Didn't Ayano describe her expression indicating she ate more than she normally does?
Reup 127 AY plz? not on eh entai yet. Thanks
This may sound dumb but can you imagine a "what if" scenario where Miyuki was the one that got really fat instead while Ayano is jealous not being able to get bigger due to her metabolism or something else?
new ayano upload

Thx for the upload. Will post translated page on the date mentioned in previous link.
Yeah, those scanlations are way off plus the watermark is a huge buzzkill. And here I thought yandex was bad.
Yeah i agree with u*
Maybe it's best to not worry about Rio right now though she look likes she's still pretty slim.

And the panel with her & ayano's friends look like they're talking about worrying for her.
New after scho
Yeah we get. If u have the link, do post it or if not be patient and wait for someone to post it either here or upload on kemono.
Well do be careful next time. The post button is a bit glitchy these days. Makes u miss the delete post function even more.
Hey sooo i was bored and tried to translate the new after school page
Please keep in mind i know very little japanese (and maybe i tried to read too hard into some onomatopoeias), just take it as a proxy until a better one releases

Also I'll throw an spanish transaltion too, once i've done it in english its quite easy for me to make it in spanish too

also2 sage chan current weight is 230kg

Currently proofreading the english translated page atm. Will list down suggestions for improvement when I am done. Let me know if u r interested.
Yeah just finished anaylsing the full page. Good news is ur font selection is good though try not to use italicize ur texts unless u really have to. Italicized texts take up a lot more space than needed.

Bad news is u completely ignored the overall context of the original page and mistranslated most of the page (including the sfx). Only a top right panel and bottom right were the most accurate(though needs improvement). Usually I'd suggest corrections for the translations but honestly speaking, at this point it would be more easier to start translating the page again from scratch.

Almost forgot to mention in earlier post
Thx for the weight measurements
thx mate!! I really have little to no idea of japanese, I tried to guess most of the phrases haha
It was quite fun to edit and typesetting tho, I really enjoyed it, but translating it's def not for me
Translated page 215 of AY and translated page 71 of AF. Sorry for the delay.

Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found
Is there no English translate of this page?
Bruh, just check zephyr's message right up to yours
I'm gonna do some color edits
Drop ur favorite fusa panels and a color you like and I'll color em
New Aoba up
Does anyone have all the pages of this comic/manga?
It does not matter if it is just the raw pages or translated.
Doesn't any1 check the kemono pages these days?
Oh nm. I thought he was asking for all translated. Which would make sense unless you want to wait 4 months
Is anybody translating the aoba comic?
Yeah the author himself.
Also new Ayano

Thanks a lot, very nice back
Huh thats strange. Usually the 'b.jpeg' has more mbs than the normal jpeg.
Nvm, turns out its a png not a jpeg. Thx for the upload will be posting translated page on the aforementioned date.
someone who has it in spanish
(37 KB, 519x612, M.jpg)
I know this isnt the Request Drawing thread or the Writting Board but I was wondering if someone could do a drawing or a little fanfic of Ayano comforting a obese Miyuki like in this edit from the previous thread
that drawing is mine xD
Good job. It look like an official page
as you may observe, the other file is not a jpeg at all (thank god, finally...)
Can anyone reup the 71 transleated of Af pls? And anyone have the comic with maru? Thx in advance
Congrats to the artist. You know your art is good when it fools retards. Even when it was said who drew this just above.
Translated page 216 of AY along with reup of translated page 71 of AF and the maru series.
Hope u guys enjoy the new page and do let me know of any errors found.
Its from ha button.
>> 106040
Coloring requests are rarely taken up since most focus on translations and fan arts. I'd recommend u posting it over at the color thread as well. Though if any1 here is willing to take it up, do go on ahead and give it a shot.
new ayano enjoy guys

new ayano up please!!
It's impressive how you managed to post that while lacking any functioning eyeballs
They don't want to decode or can't, so I don't blame them for asking. Don't make people work for it, that goes against the point of this site.
Thx for the uploads. Will post the translated pages asap.

Needs to be done though if u wanna make a huge upload. Its frustrating when u spend an hr or 2 uploading something and it doesn't last a day.

No use entertain ppl like this one >>106819. They think they can stroll through life being spoonfed
Wrong refrence on the last part, my bad.
this one>>106787.*
Oh shit, Miyuki actually being proactive, let's go!!

Miyuki might actually be my favorite fatty. I've enjoyed seeing Ayano grow and Moemi succumbing to her appetite, but I think Miyuki genuinely looks adorable with the weight she's put on. The other two I would have easily found insanely attractive even if they were completely thin, but Miyuki being chubby just makes me appreciate her cuteness and I genuinely think it makes her look more attractive.

She's also really close to an ideal weight for me personally.
The encoding was confirmed to do absolutely nothing almost 2 years ago at this point.

People just have this placebo going on and keep doing it anyways.

The thing that actually helps is that URLs posted here aren't actual hotlinks any more. That means that you have to manually copy-paste the link, which means that the host sites don't referral information anymore, and can't make automatic blockers for links likely originating from this site.

That was the original problem, and the actual fix for it. Putting URLs through base64 doesn't do shit.
Correct me if I'm forgetting something, but I never understood why it was ever applied in the context of this particular thread anyway. Was the worry not always primarily 3DPDshit and the rare schizo like myfetishsituation? I doubt fusa's got bots crawling the internet for his stuff
It was completely pointless in this thread, since people update a gallery in sad panda way before the base64 thing. If none points this thread to fusa he problably would never know, even if its easy to find bbw-chan.
This week there will be a bit of delay in the uploads of the translations of these new pages due to unforeseen factors. Will definitely finish the translations and upload them here by Monday.
What the hell happened??? Were the servers down?
I think so since it was up three days ago
Anyways now that its back online. Here are the latest translated pages of Ayano and After School.
Hope u guys enjoy em and do let me know of any errors
The ayano page was pretty good, the af oage was pretty well botched,
The creator in the translated description from the japanese translation of the original said the final weight for the 4 girls will be listed at the end of the third day, All 4 of them? Rio?
Can some gentleman re-up After School Page 71?
Botched, how so? Was there any specific error/errors that caught ur eye?
"Eating as much as we want"
Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but does that mean Miyuki is gonna overeat like Ayano and actually enjoy doing this?
Lots of awkward phrases in the After School page. Here's my suggestions, assuming normal manga speech bubble order...
Bubble 2: "Usa is passed out drunk"
Bubble 6: "Though we can't just leave them lying here."
Bubble 7: "For now, let's get Usa back to her room. I'll carry her.
Bubble 9: "Was Usa always this heavy?"
Thanks for ur input. Much appreciated.
For bubble 2, yeah even I agree that 'passed out' is much better. Will be using the correction.

For bubble 6, would have used 'though' if the kanji was just 'demo'. But since the kanji was 'ma demo', I felt 'however though' was more apt.

For bubble 7, the sentence I got translating it was 'For the time being, I'll be carrying Usa to her room' which felt kinda of awkward. So I split it into 2 sentences. Another reason why I used I'll be carrying her is cause future continuous tense is more useful in describing what you or others are doing in the immediate future than future tense.

And finally for bubble 9 (actually bubble 10), checked the kanji thoroughly on this one. The most accurate sentence I got was 'Since when was Usa this much heavy ?'. Though due to spacing and typesetting constraints, I have had to whittle it down to what it is at present.
I think it would be super hot if rio stays skinny but wants to gain, but struggles to because of her metabolism being too high, but she enjoys stuffing herself. that maintains the contrast role she seems to have kept the last few chapters, but also fulfills another aspect of the fetish...

...bonus points if it all suddenly catches up to her one day though!
New Aoba
>The most accurate sentence I got was 'Since when was Usa this much heavy ?'

The issue that >>108327 was pointing out is that "this much heavy" isn't grammatical English, period. It's just "this heavy". Kanji translation isn't the issue, it's the English construction.

But thanks for the updated page!
Yeah ur right, its grammatically incorrect. Posting new page with suggested corrections.
Edited translated page 72 of AF with the mentioned corrections.
Let me know if any more errors are found
Better, but I would still substitute "Usa too passed out drunk" with "Usa also passed out drunk" or "Usa passed out drunk too."

I also don't know why Sage-chan is suddenly spelt "Zage-chaan" now.
New aoba!

I'll translate if someone uploads!
Yeah the kanji 'mo' can be translated as either 'also' or 'too', I chose the latter. And look at the first panel on the left, the woman is clearly drunk. People tend to lisp or slur when they are too drunk due to lack of control.
It seems more like she's exasperated at the 2 of them passing out
habutton's work is always awesome

Okay sure, but "Usa too passed out drunk" doesn't really make any sense grammatically. Also it's weird for only the name to be slurred while the rest of the text is spoken normally, especially since the slurring isn't reflected in the Japanese text.
Anyone can reup aoba translate? I think i missed some pages:/

U’re cool thx king
Maybe Rio is just one of those people that doesn't gain weight no matter how much she eats because Fusa is clearly making an effort of showing that she eats a lot along with her friends but looks the same in every single pic.
It looks like by the end of this arc Rio will have put on some weight.
Is Aoba posted on e-hentai by any chance? Can’t find it on there
She could be or maybe it's not noticeable yet or she's just sucking some in.

This is just to throw in the possibilities.
Riofags would you please shutup and stop wasting space? You have been spamming this thread with the same shit for over a year now and nothing has happened.

My dude we are all jacking it to obese anime girls.
Chillax, chillax. In the end it's not up to us whether Rio gains weight or not. It's the author's call on whether and how he wants to go ahead with it. There is no harm in discussing the possiblities.

Also on a side note, thanks for the upload mate. Will post the translated page in a weeks time.
must form, ingroups… must exclude, outgroups…
True the guessing is half the fun
Rio pog

Moemi a shit
I'm looking for a specific habutton sequence. Pretty sure the girl is already big in part 1, but I'm part 2 she's immobile and laying on a bed with some handles above her. Thanks in advance.
Uuuuh lemme see if I can find that rq
Yea no I looked through his whole fanbox and got nothing
i found it, it was a different artist lmao
I am also in need.
Does anyone have the full raws or the translated?
Check the kemono link in the op
Okay, Im just gonna get all the raw aoba and post them here for ease of access
(74 KB, 871x542, am.jpg)
Small edit
New Ayano page

Rio got paunch
oh shit shes getting fat! Also moemi is looking massive
Probably just for that arc but if it does stick she might be a slower gainer than miyuki. Looking forward for some Rio pages in the future.
Considering she was thin in the last page and this is all in the same day, I raise the opinion that she's stuffed/bloated in this page.
This sucks man.
The Way You Said It Makes Me Think of The Red Guy From Cow & Chicken Telling Chicken He's Fat, After Putting a Fat Cream on Him.
Thin Rio Gang cope and seethe. Fat Rio is coming!!
i don't think i mention this, even though i kinda believe the idea of Rio remaining skinny and Hoping the girls' indulgences doesn't rub on her, i kinda wanna see her gain weight.
Only took years of autism and speculation for her to finally put on a couple KG.
Thx for the upload, mate. And as usual will post translated page in a weeks time.
New after school
Anyone have a reup of the full thing of AF? I'm missing a few pages
Translated page 219 of Ayano.
Hope u guys enjoy it. And do let me know of any errors.

Also does any know where one can get a proper font with a shadow efffect similar to the one here>>112686?
Yo can actually use the drop shadow effect in photoshop, you don't really need an specific font, just use that effect and the shadow will appear, at least that's the way I do
Translated page 73 of AF. Sorry for delay, was searching for fonts
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors

Thx for the advice. Will try that out once I get photoshop.
It's been a rough time for my fellow contrastfags with both comics.
Page 220 anyone?
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I really enjoyed this one panel in page 24 of 食色染々, so I cleaned it up. Thought y'all might enjoy
I love it too, but I can help but think she has no ass in this one
Currently making new thread since current thread has reached bump limit. It will be up in a few mins.
Page 220 is out

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