
Too much bitching lmao
Finally, a much better thumbnail image
Yeah, don't people know they can't talk about the artist these threads are dedicated to?
Without bitching to be honest
who cares about the useless whining if the thread is going to be gone anyway?
I wish her arms and face filled out more as she got fatter. Its pretty jarring how disproportionate she looks
That's Kip for you.
Keep wishing babyboy
kip is good for surprises. she made aika drink until she passed out. how is that supposed to work though? this is the kind of thing that gets people cussed out. if saiya were a real friend shed grab aika, curse tessa out and leave the party. there would be no coming back from this.
was this about the size people thought aika would get before this series ends? we got a long time before that folks. she might be that fourth one in the first row right now if that.


I don't know what will happen with this and how Tessa would pretend to win Saiya doing this dick move to Saiya's best friend, but at least I want to enjoy drunk Aika for a bit more time.
people on deviant art seem to think this will cause aika to either eat more or vomit. they call this tessa throwing down the gauntlet for a stuffing challenge. I think they're reading something else because kip is doing everything he can to avoid that stuffing challenge and tessa aint doing it right here, right now, risking everything and busting out of that corset. I also cannot believe theyre hoping aika vomits but the deviant art crowd is always full of surprises.

They're likely hoping that Aika yaks on Tessa, embarrassing her in front of everyone.
(65 KB, 856x810, saturday_night_stream_fever_4_by_kipteitei_d8uoau1-fullview.jpg) (1.6 MB, 1100x3561, d5tqnlq-bb1c41f1-240a-401d-8cdb-0e2b498ff450.jpg)
current guess: Tessa misread her drinking, tries to get her to pass out. Instead, Aika yaks on Tessa - and after her little tit tease a couple pages back, the guys will either try to convince here to strip to get outta puke clothes, cue shenanigans (maybe someone tugs on the corset and it misfires?), or it'll end up shrinking the corset, causing problems with fitting/bursting later on (shrink in the dry cleaners, anyone?). By the sound of it, Tessa sends a lot of cash back home, so buying a new one could be difficult (depending on how much she actually keeps for herself, but who knows at this point 🙄).

anywho, have some classic Kip
There's something oddly more erotic about Kip's old stlye even though its technically less advanced. I feel the loser style perhaps lends it self to more curved and provocative poses while his newer style will cleaner is more stiff. But thats just me
No I agree, his older stuff right there honestly looks 10x better than a lot of the work he puts out now. Here you get the clear feeling of actual handmade lines and effort, in the modern stuff, it's just all so streamlined and every character comes out the exact same
Yeah this is seeming more likely than my "Saiya fight" theory. Extra pathos for Tessa being the architect of her own downfall and all that.

I just hope Aika manages to squeeze out a "I don't love you that way, Saiya" before passing out so we can at least get some traction on this whole Saiya relationship thing. My money's still on a future with Saiya and Tessa getting closer with Aika as a firm mutual friend, but it's just a matter of waiting for the story to get there.
i really hope vomit isn't involved in Tessa's corset bursting. I hope it's not involved in any context tbh, but certainly not in that context. that might just ruin the whole comic for me.
Agreed. I feared this coming ever since the Tessa vomiting rainbows scene everyone said was "played for laughs". If this scene is another vomit one, it's all over.
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bellies are nice, but just focusing on them when they gained a bunch of weight even though they've done actual fat bodies is annoying.
Completely disagree. This isn't Kip's style. Sure obviously he's done these, but it isn't what Kip does. He specializes if massive pot bellies. Doing fat bodies like what you sent just don't feel like Kip anymore. The distinction is lost and the art just blends with every other fat artist. Kip is actually unique because of just sticking with big guts. That's how and why he has the appeal he does. All those you sent just feel wrong
That's because you're not used to them. He's really good at drawing this stuff. If you see it more then it will become natural.
I’m with anon on this one. I can see that this is Kips original style, but I feel like it’s mostly blobs he drew at this point, which isn’t really my thing. Definitely feels like Kip figured out he’s just more into tummies than the whole aspect of being fat.

Now if he drew someone like Aika at her current size, but also added some fat to her arms, that’d be a different story entirely
>Now if he drew someone like Aika at her current size, but also added some fat to her arms, that’d be a different story entirely

how big do you think aika is now? how big do you think shell get before it ends?

id say she's about the third picture and I doubt were going past the fifth.

I kind of agree but I think kip is branching out with these characters. aikas breasts have obviously grown since this started. maybe tessas will as well?
Look at the thumbnail images for every single other thread on the board. They are all art that have the exact same obese and blob body types. Except for the Kip thread, because that isn't what got him popular. Everyone else already does it, Kip has his corner of the market and has it secured. If he starts doing what literally every other artist already does, there's no uniqueness anymore
That's funny you say that considering Kip's same face syndrome.

and nah, there is plenty of unique to each of other fat artists in how they draw the fat etc.
he doesn't have to go full blob with the bodies, but i would appreciate it if he fattened up the arms, neck and legs a bit more. the beachball belly thing is ok, but it's not as fun or squishy looking imo
Double checked to see if there was a chair during the party before this page, and there wasn't any. Kip might be trying to find a way out of the party as it's been going on for 19 pages.
Oh no!
My chair!
It's broken!
tbh i hope the party ends soon if nothing else is going to happen there. i'd guess saiya is going to take aika home and maybe we see her topless at her apartment when she takes off her ruined dress
I guess that we are to assume she was sitting down in the last panel of last page. I would think saiya would have helped her with that but I thought wrong.

at this point theres nothing else kip can do. aika is drunk and out for the count. aika has destroyed a chair. she is no longer welcome there. tessas insults are useless. saiya needs to grab her and take her home. but don't forget this is kip were talking about. there may be another few scenes in this yet.

I'm very sure we aren't getting any belly in this party and we might not get a burp either. aika released that tiny one when she fell. thats probably all were going to see.

maybe its me but I've noticed that lately kips women tend to look pregnant and I'm very sure that isn't what he's going for. whenever aika and tessa get stuffed they look more so pregnant then stuffed.
>maybe its me but I've noticed that lately kips women tend to look pregnant and I'm very sure that isn't what he's going for. whenever aika and tessa get stuffed they look more so pregnant then stuffed.

it's because he only fattens the belly, and he fattens it forward instead of sideways. I saw an edit of tessa on deviantart, where her back is fattened up a little, and just that minor touch goes a long way towards making her look fat instead of pregnant
I haven't seen this one. could you link it please?
thats actually very good. it really conveys how much she's grown, how much she's trying to hide and you can tell she let herself go. thanks for the link.

they should do more work like that. id love to see what they'd do to cindy and even tessa during the workout scene and later in this story.
Would be really cool if a Kip edit thread kicked off like worm has one in alt. Kip seems popular enough for an edit thread. I remember when someone turned that fat may into a short vid. Just exceptional work.
Something that keeps this edit from being godlike is the lack of fat in the arms and face. I feel that kip style could be realy cute and sexy if the girls he draws had balanced proportions of fat all aroound the body instead of just the bellies and maybe the legs. Is something that allways bothers me because Kip has the potential to be better and doesn't do anything with it.
I grew up looking kip drawings and sometimes I have the impression that he made himself better in some areas and worse in others. And I don't enjoy shiting on him like other do here, I wish Kip get better
I'll give Kip the benefit of the doubt on this. While it is a great edit, it is actually too extreme for time period and state of Tessa's character. You mean to tell me that Tessa, the rich starlit, wouldn't wear or have clothes that fit her or in danger of bursting? Her fat is not supposed to be that noticeable, especially since it is supposed to be hidden under her coat. Tessa is someone (like many Kip characters...) that puts most of her weight on her gut, and she hasn't spiraled out of control/rebound back to her old weight (though technically, she would grow out her tits than gut, going by her old self and her top shelf~). While I would like it, and in a better paced story than OSC she would actually be at this size like 50 pages ago, it wouldn't really make much sense and is just fetish pandering (in a comic that, in fairness, is in desperate need of more...)

Furthermore, Kip is a stuffing artist first, weight gain second. It really is more of his style. Not to defend the obviously bad art and lackluster proportion (Aika really gets it bad most of the time), but it is important to remember that balanced proportions isn't what he likes and probably misses some kind of point. Making them look "realistically fat" would take away more than it adds, especially on an animesque style as this. At the very least, this stage of weight gain is not one you expect growing all around, so letting it slide is more acceptable than not. We know that Kip's bigger girls do look quite nice with a more "well-rounded" figure, but these aren't those girls.
thats what I'm thinking. id love to see some more scenes from this comic redone like this.

I kind of agree but I don't. I see what you're saying but I don't entirely agree. remember this takes place after Christmas break and she was stuffing herself whenever possible so it is possible that shed have gotten that big. its also possible that shed continue to wear the same clothes in outright denial and be about to burst out of them. thats what made that scene so awesome. it was her coming to grips with the fact that has gotten massive and that she has to suck it in almost all the time. I especially love how the weight is everywhere, from her breasts about to burst out of the bra, to her huge belly and her hips showing the jeans cutting into her. for kip this wouldn't work but I think with the set up so far that was a very good job.

aika would probably be twice as big as that.
Yeah, like I said. A better paced and written OSC, they would be twice the size they are canonically and Saiya would be joining 'em.

Instead we have to deal with Tessa being an unlikable cunt for 69 more pages and the easiest love triangle since Twilight being dragged on for another 420 before we get a hint of another stuffing scene.
Is right by kip or an edit?
How many times does it need to be explained that the “““pregnant””” look kip likes is not unrealistic and he’s incredibly unlikely to change it because that is what he likes
Bruh i just CANNOT predict where this mf party scene is going but i hope it ends soon lol
I really don't think kip understands how social interactions work. Is he an super autist?
I think that’s pretty evident
Oh boy time for 3 pages of melodrama no one asked for…..
I'm praying aika turns on her heel and storms out of the party so we can cut to a new scene with hopefully better fats and less bullshit
no one saw that coming. I didn't know aika had it in her. I don't think she did either. I think she only did this because she's drunk.

kip is good for throwing curves into stories but they're always ones no one asked for. its like he just does not want to let this party end. I mean really, where can it go from here? either aika gives her a firm talking to as she rubs her face or they fight.

just when did aika get back up and sober enough to slap tessa? how is this supposed to work?

id think saiya or aika tells tessa off but its clear aika has somehow totally sobered up. tessa is about to get cursed out or theres about to be a fight. I seriously doubt anyone is rooting for aika when they've seen this play out and said nothing so maybe they'll throw aika out of the party.

I hope so because there is nothing else to be said or done at this point but Im thinking were not getting any fats any time soon. plot wise it doesn't make sense. tessa is going to be too busy nursing her wounded pride to stuff her face.
Or maybe, just maybe, as I am god awful at predicting what Kip does. That this slap scene enhances Tessa's competition for Saiya. As in, this took it to a more personal level. An act of revenge by prying Saiya away from Aika
we can hope but I'm really thinking that were done seeing any belly here. we're about to have to sit through a lot more "back story" before that happens.

the sad part about this is that tessa doesn't realize that her being a jerk is prying her away from saiya. saiya only cares about bellies but no one is about to watch their friend get hurt as she just did to aika. tessa is screwing everything up right now so I'm expecting us to get a bunch of talking for who knows how long and maybe aika accidentally overeating at a dinner but no real progress with tessa any time soon.

it would've been nice if that slap caused her corset to burst since we already know its barely holding on but sadly that isn't how this was written.
I think it would be better story wise if the corset doesn't burst at this party. That feels like it should be the final humiliation Tessa faces, which humbles her, which should only happen after she's been a bitch to Aika for a longer period of time. She threw a couple of jabs about Aika's weight out, and before that, they've barely interacted. I think her corset getting busted needs to feel more earned, so if it does happen here, it will feel awkward.
For fucks sake this party's been going on for weeks I just want to jack off to some bellies man
Spoilers: Aika and Tessa both get WLS and Saiya kills herself. The next 400 pages will be the girls talking to their doctors and starting the WLS process. The last of the fap material will be the girls getting weighed and examined.

Source: I might be Kip when I get drunk.
God I'm so fucking confused man.
Tessa is meant to be the primary belly target of this series, it's extremely evident.
Aika started off chubby because Kip needed filler to keep people entertained enough.

Tessa so far has been an irredeemable cunt. She's clearly got the hots for either Saiya or Saiya's attention but that's literally it. I dont know what the whole ordeal with Stacy being her manager is but I could care less, it doesn't impact shit, let's face it.
And Aika, who exists as eye candy, has been nothing but childish and unenjoyable since she showed up. She whines, needs clothes, has mental capacity of a 6 year old, probably autistic, but Saiya is obsessed with her not at all because who she is, but because her body, because Aika has no personality beyond idiot.

Who the fuck are we supposed to root for? The one intended to get fat (whose been literally nothing but an overtly rude dickhead for whatever dumb reason) or the one who just acts like a child every other sentence, who suddenly got willpower to slap the bitch? I don't know anymore, I'm genuinely fuckin lost.
I usually just lurk these threads but fucking hell this plot is all over the place lol
Pfffft. All bets are off for where this is going to go. They might just end up making out next page for all we know. Though dang, Aika's got some fire when you put some firewater in her!
(1.6 MB, 1125x1575, tessakitz_after_christmas_by_nobblegobble_deuzpd5.png)
thats true but she's nowhere near big enough for it to be considered a pay off. we need her to be at least two or three times bigger than she is right now. we need that belly to burst out of something, jiggle everywhere and for her and everyone else to look at it horrified. I'm thinking of this pic, we need her easily this big or bigger, looking at it and screaming in disgust. this party isn't big enough. maybe it should be at one of her concerts or something and going by the way kip is progressing with this story it needs a lot more buildup. she is nowhere near big enough to be humiliated right now. if her corset broke right now people might point at her and laugh but she's really not that big. we need twice as big as aika. I don't mean just right now, I mean aika would be there and not even as big as tessa. this needs to happen after tessa finally beats her, has saiyas attention and is still trying to hide it. thats going to be a very long time from now.

do things work differently in finland?

thats what I'm saying. I'm not even trying to complain. I'm trying to make sense of it. this would have made sense if saiya slapped her. id have gone with that and cheered but aika? when'd she get it in her to do something when she can't even clothe herself? and this isn't like the whole story she's been mocked and she's standing up for herself. literally nothing led up to this and it ought to be interesting to see what kip does next. there aren't many other places he can take it after this. aika and tessa are done. how is that going to affect saiya? is saiya going to curse tessa out and they leave? at that point will tessa gorge herself on food out of sadness and finally put on some weight?
this is kinda my main issue right now is the lack of character. I think Kip was trying to do a Betty and Veronica style love triange + fats, which is fine in theory, but he structured it really badly. I think it would have worked better if he'd released this in chapters, with every other chapter focusing on a different girl as they slowly gain. Also, it would have helped to make Saiya more likeable and charismatic, giving more of a reason why the other two would be interested in her at all.

Also also, I think this type of story works better when there's an early established end point; i.e., some kind of event o concert that chracters keep talking up, to cue the audience in to the idea that the story would culminate there, so as characters say stuff like 'it's only X days until the big festival' or whatever, we could know how far we are through the story.
yeah i agree. I want her a lot bigger before the corset bursts. this party is, within the story, only a few days after saiya saw her at the gym, so she can't be too much bigger than she was there. I hope she has a blowout at a concert on stage in front of everyone for maximum embarrassment points
>Also also, I think this type of story works better when there's an early established end point; i.e., some kind of event o concert that chracters keep talking up, to cue the audience in to the idea that the story would culminate there, so as characters say stuff like 'it's only X days until the big festival' or whatever, we could know how far we are through the story.

thats kinda what I was saying. I was thinking this. I'm sure this won't happen but heres what I was thinking. saiya curses tessa out next comic and she and aika leave. we might get a time skip or maybe some random comics in school showing tessa looking on at aika and saiya together. aika is still gaining weight. I'm sure kip will slide some random panels of her slapping her belly and smiling and saiya with hearts in her eyes. tessa looks on in anger. next thing we know theres another huge event coming up. maybe a tessa concert, I don't know. its like a good month or so. tessa starts gorging on food. I mean she just goes insane ad she even stops going to school. no one knows where tessa is or what happened to her. even stacey is baffled or maybe stacey is aware and cut her off. the big event comes and we have a slight reveal of tessa struggling into her clothing. she reveals herself and we can see, like that pic, that her clothes are struggling to contain her. she meets saiya and maybe she tries to show her her new belly but, of course, she is stopped. I'm thinking this could go so many different ways from there. maybe theres some food and aika gorges herself. tessa laughs at her and eats, just to mock her, and does something simple like a singular piece of candy. kip could have creaking sounds coming from her clothes just to show they're struggling. that piece of candy is entirely too much and her clothing bursts open revealing a belly twice as big as aikas. if she's in front of a table it could rip out of her clothes, land on the table and even almost flip the table over because its so big. that would be horrifying to her and that would be a good payoff after all of this.

thats going to take a long time to get to though.
that sounds great honestly. I love the idea of Tessa seductively eating a piece of candy on stage, and that single pice of candy being the straw that breaks the camel's back. I don't think she needs to disappear or stop coming to school though. she could just keep wearing the corset at school all the time, and if anyone asks why she's always in a corset, she could say she needs it to support her huge rack
God damn this page is already gonna hit limit in like 1-2 weeks
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today on shit I did not expect to see: that

(say what you will lads but at least he's not completely predictable:/ )

new predictions: Aika goes off on Tessa and accidentally outs Saiya in her rant, while also making it clear she thinks Saiya is gay for Tessa (embarrassing them both). She continues to tear at Tessa, making it clear she doesn't believe Tessa deserves Saiya in anyway.

Tessa starts a catfight, her corset gets ripped up, and she has to either end up revealed, or leaving with her tail between her legs. Saiya throws herself at Aika (makes her emotions clear), and either gets rejected or Aika passes out by then and confession is delayed AGAIN.

also have an NLB gif for your troubles, along with some OSC fanart
Kip has never been good at making likable characters and always either flanderizes them or straight up assassinates character in favor of "BIG BELLY GO WHOOP". In his entire decade long career I can only say Kip's (character)dad, Sara and Cindy have been good everyone else has been either manipulative or just straight up bitchy.

The more I see Kip stories unfold the more I appreciate literally every other bbw artist, Belt-buster can write better characters actually lets them have sex and doesn't ruin personalities, kumaneko and Orca0091 can do better stuffing and Fusa can do better long burns without wasting time with filler.

I honestly think he should've just stayed a waifu fotm artist instead of trying to get into comics, these are not his forte
I genuinely do not understand how you can write comics for 10 fucking years and still be this awful at it

And I understand even LESS how there are still people in kip's DA comments jerking him off over how good every page is
belt-buster makes some good stories just like blame-thrower does. I really wish some of these artists would take one of their stories and draw them.

this man makes $7k/mnth and I'm still trying to understand how. the art is okay at best. the story is horrible. whenever you think its getting better it takes a turn for the worst. I don't know what those people are seeing but I do remember they loved aika.
ez prediction: They fight and Tessa's corset break
Remember when fetish comics actually had their fetish in it? Crazy concept. This party had so much potential but jesus this shit is weeks of nothing happening.
then stop reading it
It’s too hard for them to comprehend doing that so they’ll just sit there seethe, and cry everytime
"Stop making valid criticisms of the thing I like! I just want to exist in an echo chamber where I can revel in my shit taste!!"
Nobody cares about your valid criticisms, it’s not going to stop people from reading it
It’s clearly not stopped you
It's stopped me from paying for it. And that's kind of the core of the issue, it's baffling that someone can be making over 7k a month off of these comics
If y’all want to circle jerk about how amazing this mediocre comic is go to the comments sections on deviantart in the same light if people want to shit on this comic here shut up and let them cus lord knows this mid as hell comic deserves it
not going to happen.

the pay off isn't there anyway. that belly isn't big enough for it to really embarrass her nor will any of us care.
Does anyone have the newest patreon post?
The capacity of making boring plots or giving shitstorm makes me feel is not gonna be that. I mean, the next thing he may submit it will be the deviation number 1000, and seeing the downgrade since Waifu Quest (probably one of the most laziest stuff made in human history) I think he will put some cliphanger before a "to be continued..." God I really miss the Sister series, not this forced try to make "complex character" with a hot scene every 10 pages
I remember being hyped for the fight in lunch with sisters. Now I am dreading this bullshit. Time was ago
Subnote does anyone else prefer old kip to new kip. Artstylewise. I hate using this word but it lacks "soul"

Was really hoping she'd get bigger before busting out of something in front of someone. Such a waste of a good scene when shes only chubby. I guess the party could just be largely belly-less but no way even kip does that after dragging the scene out so long.
Possible outcome: the corset get ripped in the fight and the fat gut reveals itself publicly.
Her corset gets ripped off to reveal... she actually is skinny underneath! She misread saiya watching her in the gym as saiya having a thing for fit girls and spent the last week losing her weight. followed by 37 pages of her realizing what saiya's actually into and gaining weight again
Me too, but with Tessa’s current rate of growth it’ll take a few more months at least for her to reach any calibre of Sydney or Kip weight (towards the end, at least). It would be a waste for Tessa not to burst out here and for that to the catalyst for some jew plot point with Saiya or Aika, hoping for literally anything to advance the plot or characters substantially
yeah tbh I think the fun part of the corset idea is having it burst from her being too fat to be contained any longer as opposed to getting it torn off in a fight. Could still be a fun scene depending how it plays out, but idk. This comic has so many good ideas that just feel too awkwardly paced to be truly satisfying.Tessa being a bitch to Aika should have been a thing from much earlier in the story so her comeuppance here feels more earned. She's only really been mean to Aika for like 3 pages directly proceeding her humiliation
thats what I'm saying. this came totally out of left field in every regard. aika doesn't have it in her to slap tessa. aika can't even dress herself. are we really to believe saiya is just going to stand there and yell "hey cut it out". the saiya that I thought I knew this entire time would have walked up, slapped tessa herself, grabbed aika and left the party. tessa is nowhere near big enough for anyone to care. this isn't going to be a "big reveal" if the corset breaks. it looks like she just gained a little bit of weight over the holiday. she needs to be much bigger than aika for it to be a reveal. if tessas belly were much bigger, she started this fight and this humongous sidney sized gut flopped out that would make more sense and be much more humiliating. where can the plot go if the corset breaks now? why would she continue to gain after being humiliated like that? I could be wrong but I'm thinking that would cause her to rethink everything and this is the biggest wed get her before this series ends.

just how mad would everyone be if this is as large as they get when this story ends?
I dunno, Tessa's still pretty big. Far bigger than what she's letting on to her fanbase at least. It'd still be pretty reputation damaging.

Also Aika's drunk. People act impulsively when freed from inhibitions.

Since I can't help myself with the predictions, I think this is where we'll see Saiya wade in to defend her crush Aika, to which she will finally make a point of declaring her love aloud and where Aika in return reveals that she doesn't feel the same way.
Pretty academic from there on: Tessa and Saiya are both heartbroken, the corset fails, Tessa is ruined and hits rockbottom, Aika conveniently passes out and Saiya's left picking up the pieces with Tessa after being abandoned by all.

Of course, given how accurate these predictions are, for all we know there might be a 12-page detour where pizza arrives and they have an eating contest. Who knows.
thats fair but that doesn't answer the question of why tessa would continue to gain. if she hits rock bottom now why would she continue to stuff herself?
People don't often choose to get fat, you know. Especially when they're in a bad place in life, food can fill the hole inside. Especially if you've gotten used to it.
I don't know if she's gotten used to it though. she's stuffing herself for saiya. to have that gut that she is so obviously ashamed of, and went to a gym to work off a few days ago, laughed at would probably cause her to lose weight imo.


B:constant stuffing/bloating increasing appetite make it harder to cut back

C:She could barely do a push up so her fitness was likely pathetic even before her gain

D:Anxiety over dealing with gym people
The end goal I still hold to is Saiya and Tessa in a relationship. We know that Tessa has feelings for Saiya, and the reason for her gaining has been largely for Saiya's sake (along with former eating habits that Stacy broke her out of but that's a small aside).

I feel that once Saiya admits that what she felt with Aika had just been her impulsively crushing on a friend (a good friend, but a friend nonetheless) and discovers not only Tessa's feelings for herself but the deeper connection they both share, Saiya will finally come to realise her feelings in Tessa.

From there on out and with things patched up between the three, Tessa will be free to gain as she and Saiya work to rebuild her brand - presumably in a more fat-friendly direction.

Idk where they started going wrong either. Tessas gain reveal and the gym were fantastic with imo an acceptable level of plot in between, with lots of great themes getting thrown in. now we're here.
not really sure what 'great themes' you mean, but I agree that Tessa's post break reveal in the bathroom and the gym scene were the peak of this comic so far. I'm hoping there's another scene on par with the gym scene by the end of this
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okay so, new idea (which is stupidly out there, but then again who would have guessed this was how the party progressed)

What if Aika kisses Tessa?

She asked about what Stacy was to her, and about the church pastor's take on being a lesbian. She keeps picking fights with Stacy, and kept saying Saiya should avoid Tessa... could this end up being a convoluted way of showing that Aika was into Tessa this whole time?!? at this point it's anyone's guess what Kip does, so possibly!
Humiliation/dom, fitness deterioration, voyeurism, etc
Oh, that kind of stuff. Yeah, the gym scene had a lot of great ideas. i wish this comic leaned a little further into that type of stuff and less into the character drama
Saiya get's cucked and the two attractive characters become fat lesbos and get huge. Sure why not, I'd ship it. lol
Maybe! Would be an interesting twist for Kip to pull the rug out under Saiya, the protag. A cautionary tale about chasing two rabbits and losing both (as fat as they are).
thats actually an interesting idea. it doesn't make sense that aika is arguing with stacey about tessa. what does she care? why is she sending saiya on recon missions to ask tessa questions? maybe she likes her for herself? not a bad idea at all. I doubt its true but I see your logic.
I honestly couldn't care less who likes who as long as someone eats some food and gets fat in the next 50 pages
Maldita sea, Aika y Tessa se van a besar, solo quiero ver como se rompe el corset
It looks like you might be right, lad.

No está tan mala; a lo mejor, algo está pasando...
>In the kipverse, the World Wildlife Foundation never came into conflict with the World Wrestling Federation leading it to rebrand into World Wrestling Entertainment
>I knew from the shart you were a mean bitch

what did she mean by this?

Oh no no no no.

They're about to make out and this is going to be a stupid love triangle that goes on for 10,000 more pages with lots of crying.
"Shtart", as in "start".

While it does feel like a confession of love or a kiss (or more) is on the horizon, this smells like a fake-out. Kip continuing to play us like fiddles. My guess is that she'll peter out now, and possibly snag and pull on the corset on the way down before lights out.

As fun as Tessa x Aika would be, I just don't see Kip throwing Saiya under the bus like that. I think this is Kip's way of saying no matter who Saiya ends up with, there's enough feelings between all three of them for the trio to remain inseparable going forward.

Are we gonna go down the poly route? Maybe, or
somewhere damn near close to it.
I still can't believe saiya is just standing there. I thought she was in love with aika? I thought she was smitten with tessa? is she hoping something bursts off just like everyone else?

isn't it cute that aika is so drunk she can't talk? when did she get huge words like "insufferable" and "narcissistic" in her vocabulary? when did she start cursing?

>As fun as Tessa x Aika would be, I just don't see Kip throwing Saiya under the bus like that. I think this is Kip's way of saying no matter who Saiya ends up with, there's enough feelings between all three of them for the trio to remain inseparable going forward.

its a funny thing about feelings. I doubt such a thing would work that way in real life. I seriously doubt that they would remain inseparable. if one got tessa the other would have to leave because those feelings won't just vanish. the problem is that kip hasn't set this up right. saiya has no feelings besides lust and "oooh big belly". aika is an idiot but we have legit evidence >>85615 of her feelings for tessa. why would tessa feel anything for her? I think that the only reason tessa likes saiya is that she sees a genuine person there. someone who likes her for whom she is and not what she is. saiya doesn't care about 'tessakitz'. saiya would rather be playing chubbimon. and if that other plot point of tessa being her friend from childhood comes up aika doesn't have a chance. there is the whole belly thing but I don't know how long thats supposed to last since kip refuses to let her eat. but the bitchier tessa gets the less chance she has of getting saiya or aika out of all of this. I don't think that there will be a kiss or anything. I think aika is about a step away from passing out because kip really doesn't want that love triangle and that'll make this story even more complicated. where could he take it after aika kisses tessa anyway?
You go, girl! This thread and that writing is awesome
(542 KB, 731x1028, osc (28).jpg)
idk, Tessa might have the hots for Aika on some level. She did seem pretty interested by her belly earlier in the story. I think the love triange thing could happen, but I ahve no idea how long this story will wind up being if it goes that route.

>"Shtart", as in "start"
I know I'm just memeing.

I think aika might faint after kissing tessa but I'm guessing/hoping she wont pop the corset when she does. That would seem like an idd way to wrap up the party, since Saiya would want to stick around to see Tessa's belly, but would have to take unconscious aika home. idk, seems like it'd be a strange way to conclude things here.
>idk, Tessa might have the hots for Aika on some level. She did seem pretty interested by her belly earlier in the story. I think the love triange thing could happen, but I ahve no idea how long this story will wind up being if it goes that route.

it sounds interesting but I just have no idea how kip would pull it off. its dragging as is. how would he pull this off in such a manner that people would remain interested? wouldn't there be tension between saiya and aika? if aika kissed tessa and passed out tessa would probably be horrified. saiyas eyes would bulge out of her head. yes shed take aika home but that would mess up their relationship. saiya wouldn't know how to act around aika and tessa would go out of her way to avoid aika from then on out. I think that if it went that way kip would try to make saiya into the "good friend" that tries to get aika and tessa together but it wouldn't work because of her feelings for aika and the obsession with tessas belly. it would mess everything up from then on out but maybe thats what kip wants.

>I think aika might faint after kissing tessa but I'm guessing/hoping she wont pop the corset when she does. That would seem like an idd way to wrap up the party, since Saiya would want to stick around to see Tessa's belly, but would have to take unconscious aika home. idk, seems like it'd be a strange way to conclude things here.

its a terrible way to end the party but it jumped the shark back when tessa splashed liquor on her breasts.
Good lord they’d better not fucking kiss. The plot is already over complicated as it is, that would just send this whole thing into a fucking tailspin
The timing for them kissing here would be horrible, but given Kip's track record I think that's exactly what's going to happen.

Was hoping the party would've gone in the direction where one of the girls would've done a beer bong, guzzling a fuck ton.
I was hoping the party would have a 7 minutes in heaven thing where Tessa and Saya wound up together, and Tessa showed off her belly and needed Saiya's help to squeeze her gut back into it. Or at least some alone time between Tessa and Saiya. Tessa talked to Saiya for 1 page, then got interrupted and decided to spill beer on her boobs and bully Aika to get Saiya's attention back. I don't have the faintest idea where this is going, they could kiss, the balcony they're on could collapse under their weight and send them to the hospital, they could have an eating contest, it's really off the rails at this point
They’re going to kiss
Kip really spent months on end writing characters nobody cares about and now they're making them kiss
Fucks sake, just give us the belly scenes
I think her corset is gonna come off by how hard she hit her back on the wall I'm sure it's will happen just saying
Good observation! It could also be that the corset cord catches against something on the wall, causing it to undo as Tessa pulls away from it.
Ok, but hear me out. Kip sets it up so that Saiya tries to interfere, only for her to be right between the kiss as she gets kissed on both cheeks from the two girls she’s got the hots for. Plus it with how wild of a rollercoaster the story’s been so far, it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine that Saiya ends up getting both girls loving her
I could see that happening
that could happen but again, where would that lead?

im just trying to think of the plot here. having aika and tessa even attempt a kiss is going to throw a wrench in a plot thats already entirely too complicated. if that happens we aint getting belly for a good long while because theres going to be a ton of thinking and talking afterwards.
>if that happens we aint getting belly for a good long while because theres going to be a ton of thinking and talking afterwards.
either that or they won't get any bigger. i don't see them not kissing here and it would be disappointing.
The more I look at this, especially when going through the last few pages in succession... are we so sure they're going to kiss? I mean, sure it could happen, but tbh Aika still seems like she's just genuinely angry and chewing out Tessa, not like she's getting turned on and preparing to make a move
she's drunk enough to for it to be a possibility and they are up against each other.
Passions are high and inhibitions are low so it looks likely, but I still hold that because the setup is so likely that we're due for a fake-out.
>trying to predict a kip plot as if he operates on any internal logic at all
Any updates?
I think the most impressive part of this comic is seeing how kip constantly changes things. just when you thought something was going to happen something else happens which makes no sense whatsoever.

thats true.

he updates on wed, fri and sun at varying times during the day. I thought he got that core membership so that he'd upload the comics at a specific time but he uploads them whenever he gets around to it.
Goddamnit. Guess we're not seeing anyone get bigger for a long time if ever.
Well, there is the possibility that Saiya gets sad that her crush has fallen for Tessa, so she gets fat out of depression eating (wouldn’t be the first time Kip’s done that idea either)
This is seriously, in my mind, the worst possible outcome to all of this. Aika made so much more sense just being the kind straight girl who Saiya had a huge crush on. It’s actually just bizarre. I can’t imagine anything remotely decent coming from this story at this point.
it's heading toward saya having a fatty threesome with these two. how many hundreds of pages it'll take to get there is anyone's guess, but I'm sure that's the endgame here now
God damn it kip
This is such a fucking batshit stupid outcome that I'd fully believe the next page would show them married in 4 years and Saiya living homeless and depressed and then the comic ends right there
Incredible anon you cracked the kip code, what's next and when should we expect belly action?

Based off Tessa's reaction she's not into her, or it's just genuine shock. But it's looking like a classic A likes B who likes C who likes A love triangle.
>>86180 don't write it into existence, we've already had times kip in this comic already.
Kip on the patreon comments said its a Love triangle and not a love V
This shit is so ass it's actually kinda funny to me

Oooor, second possible saiya might get fat and each them come to an agreement of having a threesome instead while looking like three best friends (might sound dumb but it’s the only way that all three could be happy, possibly)
I thought the name One Serving Choice made reference to the fact that Saiya had to make a choice between the two girls (aka the "servings"). Guess I was wrong.

Or was I?
See that would make sense, and that's not how kip works. You have to expect the unexpected with this shit.
well, thats that then. kip chose the hardest and worst possible storyline. saiya is destroyed. I can't believe they are cheering for this on deviant art. maybe if she pulled tessas belly out and started playing with it but nope. tessa is horrified.

if kip thinks this is going to play out like archie with betty and veronica he has a surprise waiting for him. this isn't anywhere near as well written and that love triangle has been annoying for years.
>I can't believe they are cheering for this on deviant art.
Because people are incapable of speaking against who they like.

>People are shit talking this, so I'd better say something that's contrary to what they're saying while adding nothing meaningful.
This is so fucking funny to me
Problem is Saiya is the least interesting and least attractive of the three so that just feels like wasted time that could be used on Tessa or Aika instead. Lol
reading this over, I'm very curious as to how this will go over in the church. the preacher assumed that the lady aika liked was nice due to aikas nature. clearly he was wrong.

but who are we kidding? the church will never come up again.

just in case y'all didn't know we aint getting belly for a good while now. expect saiyas family to show up again as she vents to them, stacy and tessa to talk about this and aika to continue to be a slob. the funny thing is that saiya has no right to be mad about any of this. she was running away from tessa and she didn't say jack to aika so this is her fault. she lost out because she didn't say anything.

saiya isn't getting fat. saiya is going to go into a corner and cry. I'm expecting to see plenty of pages of her crying with her family about this.
And meanwhile through all of this ridiculousness I just want some more Cindy & Connor or Tina & Sydney content…

Kip was supposed to do a printed version of FNN but god knows if that’s even gonna happen now. There was also talk of doing a Cindy story while posting OSC two days a week and the new Cindy story 1 day a week and that hasn’t happened either. I’d like to enjoy OSC but it’s just been becoming more and more of a depressing clusterfuck to even enjoy one bit of at this point. That could change but it really doesn’t seem likely now.

Correct me if I’m wrong but NLB/NLTO & FNN tend to be Kip’s highest regarded works and it seems like they do little to no related content for them. It’s a shame.
>obsessive crying and bitching is """meaningful"""
You want this thread to just be the pages that are available for free on DA? Cause that's all that'd be left after the complaining is gone (it's not like the patreon posts get shard because no one want to pay for this bs).

If you don't want to read "crying and bitching" feel free to hide the thread bozo
the irony of telling someone to hide a thread they don't like when you've been reading and crying about a comic you don't like for months
Wellp, there's your love triangle. Hope you guys are liking the comic because we're probably gonna see another 100 pages of this meandering on.
How is the two gainer chicks making out a bad outcome?
Tempting fate here, but honestly the real manbabies are the ones who report because they can't handle a little discourse about the comic. Case in point, the last page had loads of discussion and no-one cared. A few negative sentiments about the latest page and people start clutching at pearls for fear of D-d-d-drama.

It's absurd. My last post was about the comic. Thanks to reporting and mass deletion, my newest post is about posting. Good job.
All the comments got deleted? Not like they were all negative.
For me, I'm excited to see two hot fatties kiss. Saiya needs to get fat or get lost.
(21 KB, 200x131, thumb_i-dont-know-i-never-thought-id-get-this-far-38629744.png)

85615 here and uhhhh

this was my reaction to finding out I got this shit right

like I was guessing (hoping) for a Spin the Bottle or 7 Minutes in Heaven kinda deal (later a proper clothes ripping catfight), and while going over older pages for spank material I noticed a trend and went "haha wouldn't that be crazy"

God fucking knows where Kip's gonna go from here. Maybe Saiya blurts out next page that Aika can't like Tessa bc Saiya likes Aika, then Stacy intervenes to tug Tessa away. Fight breaks out between Stacy and Aika, Aika's dress rips, and she passes out, leaving Saiya to collect her and everyone to gossip (and maybe Tessa mulls on Aikas belly like she did oodles of pages back). Let's say 12 pages.

if I'm right then you can call me Apollo and chuck dodgeballs at my head
yeah can the mods please check the content of the comments instead of just mass deleting everything? I was just commenting this was probably setting up a 3 way down the road, I didn't have any 'mindless bitching' in my comment, not sure why it would get reported or deleted
People in the comments on Deviantart absolutely swooning over the fact they each individually "CAllEd iT"

Like, was it not obvious based off the last panel? Kek
Surely report abuse is a thing here? Maybe redirect that wrath at the people spamming reports rather than the on-topic discussion.

Anyways, back on-topic. Whichever way this story heads now (and it could go any direction now since Saiya's plotline momentum is now in the doldrums) it's gonna take time to build back up to a satisfying conclusion in light of this event. It could still go the Poly route, with all three coming to the same conclusion about one another, what with the mix of feelings and general inseparability for each other - honestly might be the best outcome.
By the end of this thing, my prediction is Saiya x Tessa and Aika x Stacy. The latter may sound out there but upon seeing how much Aika likes Tessa’s bitchy persona here, it’s not off the table.
Dare I say, one of the girls might even get a taste for *exhale*... dick?

I know, I know. Disgusting heresy on my part.
There may be an angry fanboy around who reports everything when there's even the slightest bit of negativity and doesn't check for the comments that don't have it?
I think aika x Stacey is a possibilty. I was kind of thinking this story might be going that way for a while tbh, they have that kind of hatefuck dynamic, and if Aika realizes Tessa got most of her bitchiness from Stacey, she may end up more attracted to her. I'm not sure about Saiya/Tessa, but i think they have marginally better chemistry than Aika/Saiya, since Aika's shown no indication she likes Saiya at all
Not a bad call at all regarding Aika x Stacy. We know Aika's got thick skin so maybe she thrives on that animosity? It would be amusing if by Aika going on the attack that Tessa, so used to being the aggressor herself, has no idea how to handle being predated upon (again, the TessaKitz persona is a fabrication) and balks under Aika's attention. Like Pepe Le Pew choking when Penelope turns the tables on him.

This could lead to Aika being frustrated and turning to a genuine bitch like Stacy. Is this a bad idea for a relationship? Of course it is, but when has Aika made good life decisions?
You must be new, Kip threads has been like this for years.
Hehe, thick skin.
Because she's fat.
I think the mods just have fragile egos, I made a completely on topic prediction post and replied based to >>86224 and get deleted again for some reason, when my only other post was exactly what you said in this post.

Anyway I can see this being how Tessa gets her since she doesn't seem into the advance, and now there is a reason for her to try and make the dumb one jealous by going for tessa.
inb4 inevitably threesome, knowing Kip he'll probably try to sneak Saiya's sister in the triangle somewhere along the way.
saiyas sister did appear to be a butch lesbian didn't she?
(186 KB, 620x1035, de0nemm-2541098c-3efe-4c85-b09e-bd47379c0d37.jpg)
If this made any sense with what we have been shown so far, in a way Kip kind of made this easier and less convoluted. If the story followed any logic, it would be easier for Saiya to score Tessa. Tessa has no atraction towards slowpoke. None at all. The belly comment from the restaurant is just confusion, a fetish awakening. and she has actual attraction towards Saiya. Meaning that this is easier for the plot: Saiya won't waste any more time trying to confess to slowpoke, Tessa has no business with slowpoke, and both Tessa and Saiya have some sort of attraction towards eachother. at least there is something mutual there, with Aika she's just on a lost battle. So just dump Aika, and go full Tessa.
But thats what logic would do, so no idea what happens now. Probably a pannel of Aika finishing her sentence with "hot" or something similar, surprised crowd, filler panel with the eyeless dudes, and maybe a panel of either Stacy or Saiya surprised again. So the plot probably moves forward on the page after that, with hopefully someone running away in shame and the Tessa corset bursting open.
I really don't think tessas corset is busting open any time soon.

kip is missing out on a nice dream sequence here for saiya. have her go home and dream of this scene with aika fondling all over tessa, them pulling at each others clothes, corset busting open, dress ripping, bellies out, kip could deliver that so theres at least some fan service here but we know he won't.
here's a thought- what if Saiya is the one who sabotages Tessa's corset? She knows Tessa is fat underneath, and she might now see Tessa as a rival for Aika's affections
saiya doesn't have it in her.

but you could be right. I mean, I doubt anyone saw tessa getting slapped by aika so it could happen. I don't think saiya has that in her and I also don't think shed do that. aika doesn't care about fat as she engorges herself daily. tessas belly bursting out might just turn aika on. saiya wouldn't sabotage aika like that because she's too nice. I think that the way this will go is they'll go their own separate ways to deal with this "fall out", get back together, and saiya will try to hook aika and tessa up.
I doubt Kip will do this, but something that could be kind of a funny idea would be if the lights at the party went out and came back on to reveal a fully nude, fat Tessa, and the story turns into a Clue-esque mystery to see which of the cast revealed her flab
I kinda thought that Stacey might see Aika's "potential" (read: huge boobs) and try to shape her persona the way she did with Tessa
Could turn her into a mukbang streamer too, would at least make more sense to the story in terms of fan service
possible that Stacey has a thing for chubby girls with fat tits and is just really in the closet about it
85615 here, aka guy who predicted Aika crushing on Tessa

came back to see what was new, found the whole thread deleted :/ so imma repost my predictions again - see if lightning strikes twice and all that

Saiya blurts out she likes Aika in shock. Party gossips around them, Tessa's stammering in surprise - maybe Aika goes full on seductive drunk, pressing against Tessa and pinning her to the wall with her belly.

Stacy intervenes to get Tessa out, and a full blown catfight erupts between her and Aika again - only this time her dress rips open completely, and she passes out on top of Stacy, pinning her to the floor. Saiya eventually has to pull up Aika and take her home, while Tessa muses on Aika's belly like she did early early on at the start of this whole shebang, and maybe Stacy does as well????

86235 has an excellent point on her and Aika possibly ending up in a hatefuck relationship, and given how everything has gone so far, it ain't completely off the wall anymore :/
Considering Saiya is the main character, I doubt the two love interests would end up in a relationship and leave her out to dry. Not even Kip is THAT bad at storytelling.
inb4 we get a situation similar to what kip did with fiina but with saiya

depression gaining ftw

Or with tessa 😳 would prefer it if didnt devolve into the usual "everybody has a fat fetish" situation he usually does and keep exploring relatively unwilling gaims with tessa. Hes done a good job so far
(1.4 MB, 1125x1575, Patreon post image-10.jpg)
Given how much kip is having aika slobber on tessa here and the specific mentiom of her "tight body" im guessing saiya is gonna start pushing tessa to gain and being bitchy/humiliating to her (hot) to try and get aika. In the process of bullying tessa aika will gain enough confidence to realize tessa is crushing on her and theyll get into a relationship towards the end, and aika either replaces tessa and stacy becomes her manager for contrast or she just turns into a classic crazy kip bitch

*in the process of bullying tessa SAIYA

not aika
Holy fuck this sucks
Y'know despite everything I’m not opposed to this direction. Surprised myself there.
How is he even making the 'erotic' scenes feel like filler, that's genuinely impressive at this point
Kip please... learn how people talk... this is dialogue is max cringe
wait, you're thinking that saiya will bully aika? why? is saiya even capable of such? this entire time she's been portrayed as having a nice personality. i don't think that she will bully aika. I keep saying this. I think things are going to get extremely awkward. maybe saiya will try to be a good friend and hook aika up with tessa only to finally realize that tessa likes her instead? I don't know why she hasn't realized it already.

the irony of aika petting tessas corset and talking about her "tight body" has not escaped me. that should have been when the corset burst. you can tell that she gained weight in that second panel so her petting it in the third should've made it explode.

I am because it provides more filler. in an earlier thread someone posted that kip said that this was supposed to "ramp up" this year. if this is ramping up he should have left it the way it was. people were hoping for more belly and this man threw in another lover which no one asked for and obviously more dialogue and awkward scenes.

everything about kip is impressive tbh. the fact that this man gets paid $7k to write and draw this, that he has such hardcore stans that love this, even real writers and artists get dragged for filth but kip is untouchable.

I think he's trying to show aika is cute when she's drunk but no. this woman went from stuffer with zero personality to feeling all over the main reason everyone reads this comic.

maybe tessa will gain to get aika off her back? wheres stacey to pull her out of this mess? can stacey do her job for a change?
the irony of aika petting tessas corset and talking about her "tight body" has not escaped me. that should have been when the corset burst. you can tell that she gained weight in that second panel so her petting it in the third should've made it explode.

She hasn't gained that much yet. This party is only a few days in universe after the gym scene, so he's probably only marginally fatter than she was there, and probably not as big as Aika yet

me too. it's annoying because this will probably cause a lot of filler for the remainder of the story, but I think Aika and Tessa have better chemistry than either of them have with Saiya
If this is meant to be cute it's definitely not how to do it. She's basically harrasing her at this point
What? How on earth do Aika and Tessa have chemistry?

1. Aika's a dumb slob, Tessa would hate dating her.

2. If Tessa actually started to like Aika, she'd soften up around her and Aika would completely lose interest because apparently her attraction is mostly based on the fact that Tessa's a massive bitch.

I genuinely can't imagine two less compatible people.
opposites attract + porn comic logic, idk. I like the idea of a spoiled bitchy girl like Tessa being disgusted but simultaneously attracted to a loser like Aika
>She hasn't gained that much yet. This party is only a few days in universe after the gym scene, so he's probably only marginally fatter than she was there, and probably not as big as Aika yet

I keep forgetting that. at most tessa has a cute potbelly. maybe shell gorge herself to get out of aikas sights and into saiyas?

I wasn't going to say that but yes. she's all over her and tessa wouldn't be wrong to yell for the authorities. this is actually nearing "uncomfortable".

>>86485 (Dead)
I keep thinking about that kissing scene and I think that in the real world tessa may have thrown aika off of her. you think aika bathes? she might have for this party but usually, probably not. brushes her teeth? doubtful. we've seen she can barely groom or dress herself. saiya is doing that for her. tessa doesn't know all that but I'm sure that she picked up on some of that. she may stink. bad breath or an overall bad smell about her. im sure that kiss tasted like old food, liquor and oven spray. she smells, she has no personality, I don't know that tessa likes bellies anywhere near what saiya does. tessa was more impressed that aika had pride in hers but that is it. it wasn't a turn on for her. she isn't going to be taking her out to stuff herself which saiya so clearly does. I'm thinking that tessa is slowly starting to like her own belly as it was shown in that older comic where she fondled it as she streamed but thats it. she can't have a gut and be with aika which is why I keep thinking she's going to go all out and pile it on. there is no reason for tessa to like aika. I can kind of see aikas attraction but there is no reason for tessa to like her or even humor her.

come to think of it, the only one that likes anyone for who they are is tessa. she seems to like saiya because of who she is as a person and the connection they share. she's gaining weight to get her attention. aika likes tessa because she's a jerk and has a tight body? saiya likes aika because she's fat. thats all she's got. the most fleshed out character is the jerk.

the way this is going I guess were going to find out that stacey is secretly in love with aika but that wouldn't work because if you all recall when tessa was marveling at her belly stacey was telling her to cut it out and shut up. stacey has fondled her gut a few times but she clearly hates her.

maybe then shed fall for stacey if she hasn't already?

I understand where you're going and kip may yet pull it off but that'll make this even more complicated.

just how long is kip planning on making this story?
Now I'm hoping for the corset to fail at the party, as I'm amused at anticipating Aika's reaction. Honestly it would be a refreshing change of pace to not have one of the main cast be a chubby chaser, as hilariously hypocritical as it would be. Although such a result would sadly render all of these pages even more pointless.
you guys argue way too much about undeniably mid writing
Who's arguing? We're just discussing the comic. A bunch of words isn't cause for alarm.

I dont think they were pointless. Way too drawn out? Absolutely, but not pointless. Aika being into tessa is a big plot point and will certainly change how the characters interact with and think of eachother.
The plot thickens
>asymmetrical docking
>dirty talk
>those fuckin titties
Can we have the last paintings ?
Perhaps "pointless" was too strong a term, but I had meant in the sense they don't further Saiya's plotline and only serve to complicate the affair. Now if Aika's interest in Tessa evaporates upon discovering that she's fat, then this truly would be a pointless detour.

Whilst it may result in Aika being yet another chubby chaser crowbarred into the story (or at least someone neutral to Tessa's chub), I'd take that over the alternative of just wasting people's time with this sideshow.
Idk if this will ultimately mean anything but it seems like Aika is into what she thinks Tessa is, but in reality it’s all what Stacy really is (bitchy cuz she wants to be, trim belly, etc) So yeah, I guess Aika x Stacy and Tessa x Saiya isn’t too unrealistic by the end of this thing, as long as Aika isn’t just drunk blabbering and she actually means this stuff that she’s telling Tessa.
aika loves tessas big breasts though.

stacy is nowhere near tessas bra size.
If they do get into a three way relationship I think a funny ending would be Tessa and aika deciding to gang up on saiya and make her the biggest girl. That would be really amusing.
I was thinking something similar to this as Saiya will try to remove Tessa as competition to Aika. Blowing away her "tight body" in the Hope's that Aika will lose interest and come back to her
the funny part is that aika thinks anyone cares what father biscuit says as she's standing there drunk and fondling all over this woman.

father biscuit is shaking his head in shame and disgust.

when is someone going to break them up already?
>>86694 Throughout this entire reveal and back and forth convo, I feel like a lot of visual focus was designed around expressing Aika's breasts and how they compare too Tessa's which make me believe previous Anon's opinion on Stacy "seeing her potential" probably has merit as a realistic possibility. Surely she'd easily recognize the breast size similarity with the two next to each other.

Tessa floundering to reply feels a bit past mere shock at this point and highlights her backstory of being the shybook worm character type and with Saiya probably too stunned to do anything, I think it'd be up to Stacy to move this forward.
Shy/flustered Tessa cute
>Throughout this entire reveal and back and forth convo, I feel like a lot of visual focus was designed around expressing Aika's breasts and how they compare too Tessa's which make me believe previous Anon's opinion on Stacy "seeing her potential" probably has merit as a realistic possibility. Surely she'd easily recognize the breast size similarity with the two next to each other.

but aika has that annoyingly huge gut. stacy likes her tessas thin body and huge breasts so I don't see why shed care about aika. aika wouldn't do anything for stacy but stuff her face on cam.

>Tessa floundering to reply feels a bit past mere shock at this point and highlights her backstory of being the shybook worm character type and with Saiya probably too stunned to do anything, I think it'd be up to Stacy to move this forward.

anyone would be flustered at this point. I'm surprised tessa isn't screaming for an adult and that neither stacy nor saiya have broken this up.
Don't do something, Saiya! Just stand there.

I don't know if Aika will be down with streaming for Stacy, but who can say these days? It would be interesting to see if Stacy took some personal interest in Tessa's "assets" so maybe there is something in it for her, besides a new plaything to bully.
I don't see what you all are saying here. stacy hates aika. stacy hates that tessa is gaining weight. we can assume that its because of stacy that tessa lost weight to begin with. why would she take interest in a fat slob like aika? yes her breasts are big and getting bigger but she also has that belly and her love of food. this won't work because aika will continue to stuff herself and grow bigger. surely stacy knows that so why would she take any interest in aika?

And before stacy got to Tessa she was a chubby nerdy bookish girl, and it was implied the only reason she was interested in her was her tits. She would make aika into whatever she needed just like she did tessa.
I see where you're trying to go with that but aika and tessa are two different people. tessa had potential. aika has no potential. she would not lose the weight. shed only gain weight. aika has no personality. there is not one redeeming thing about aika unless they were doing mukbangs and stacy wouldn't allow that because aika would keep gaining weight.

if she changed it around though, that could work and they may even end up dating. but the way things are right now I don't think that would work.
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Saiya gets Cucked
Is Tessa the one doing the cucking or is it Aika that's doing it? The semantics are confusing me.
>Is Tessa the one doing the cucking or is it Aika that's doing it? The semantics are confusing me.

Just a casual reminder that the party/corset arc has been going for two months now. That's all.
Only two months? It feels like more than that
well, we get about three strips a week so thats roughly twenty-four strips right? no wonder it feels so long.
Anyone got any latest Patreon art?

oh god that dragon crown's one is good
well that de-escalated quickly.

how did stacy not see what was going on and where is saiya?

So I suppose this implies this entire scene happened outside on a balcony with opaque doors where nobody but the the two involved witnessed what happened. Or Kip is just completely wiped.
That's what happen when you can't storyboard correctly and tell a story.
Kip should take time to create quick and dirty drafts of his page.
wait a minute. I just noticed they're outside in the rain. when and how?

I was trying to figure out why these people were on the side yelling at them and now we find out they had somehow gone outside into the rain?

seriously kip? were supposed to believe that saiya would have allowed that the way aika was acting? were to believe that stacy would have just wandered off and yelled at her from afar? this isn't complaining, these are serious issues. even the readers on deviantart are confused.

they were in the rain here too.

are we to believe that aika literally pushed tessa outside while feeling up on her and everyone just allowed it?

after kissing her?

this doesn't make any sense.

here it is. way back they were fighting and it appears that aika pushed her outside. its easy to forget because kip can't seem to remember if they are in some sort of patio area or actually in the rain.
I burst out laughing at how dogshit this all is. Seriously, it's the most contrived sort of storytelling to have the main character see what happened so their plot can progress, but keep all the other characters in the dark despite them all being right there to avoid overcomplicating matters. It's legitimately like the plot covered Stacy and the dude's eyes and said "sorry, you're not allowed to see this"
Imagibe reading a smut comic for the purpose of hog cranking.
Yeah, a pretty confusing page overall. Were there no spectators to the kiss other than Saiya, despite there clearly being spectators?

And now we have Aika firmly cementing herself as the big fat wedge that she is. It's not even a proper love triangle anymore since it would be especially sad and tragic for Saiya to still pine for Aika now. So it means that if Saiya's going to reevaluate her feelings for Tessa (and finally realise Tessa's obvious feelings for her) now we're going to have to deal with this newfound needless rivalry with Aika.

I can't help but feel that Kip done Saiya dirty here with this whole party scene. A squandered opportunity.
These last 20 or so pages have been a monumental waste of time. Why tf does kip even bother setting up scenes that go literally nowhere? Boggles the fucking mind
they went out to the balcony a couple of comics ago.

its easy to forget because kip seems to have forgotten if they're on some sort of balcony shielded from the rain or if it was raining on them.
I used to think yall were just complaining just to complain but this dragging of plot has finally annoyed me, I honestly wouldnt mind, if kips drawing for the pages were at least 80% of the quality of their weekly poll picks(at least add color). but hey at least its free. btw next week will be exactly one year since this comic came out, the current number of pages makes you think otherwise
>the most popular girl at the party gets into a catfight and literally no one except saiya gets close enough to see what's happening
sure, kip.
I feel like being a fan of old kip and old star trek is the same. I only check out the new stuff to see how horribly it lacks the understanding of it's previous works. Then I speculate on how it can get even worse, only to be dumbfonded by it going even lower.
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Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness.
Oh my God. She even has a smug look.

Now we just wait for him to unfuck the comic.
>Now we just wait for him to unfuck the comic.

I think I'm gonna take a break from the comic for a month or two, hopefully it'll get some kind of direction in that time lol
Now Let's see Better-With-Salt's comic
Yeah, Kip, if you're out there: less convoluted stories and more of this please.

Just a single image and already she seems more fun and interesting that the OSC cast, haha.
Doesn't look like stacy was really there at the start of it.

The only person it seems actually saw the whole thing other than Saiya is the girl in the dress with the updo>>86994
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the entire party was just a dream sequence
can you drop a playlist of all your edits?
all of those burps were a really nice touch.
this is so fucking embarrassing
new theory: saiya sad eats herself fat
"And then everyone got chubby" is pretty much how all Kip's stories go down, so this wouldn't be surprising.
New theory: Saiya gets hit by a car
she gets isekaied into a better wg comic
seriously? she runs off crying into the darkness? what is she supposed to do now?

what if she went to a diner to sit down, think things over and have some coffee and bumped into cindy?
We get to see tessa tear herself out of her corset sometime within the next few weeks 😳
Aika liked Tessa for her "slim figure". Aika clearly has no interest in Saiya. Saiya was torn between a genuine affection for Aika and how hot Tessa was all the sudden. Tessa was trying to get fat for Saiya.

I hope Aika just drops off a cliff after this and it's just about Tessa and Saiya
New theory: Saiya sad eats herself a rat
Ok, and I can even help to draw it, but only if we can name the rat "Obama"?
Next scene is Saiya getting truck-kun'd, then at her funeral they serve rats and Aika eats them all while Tessa's corset stays 100% intact
It’s possible saiya may come to the conclusion that the only belly she’ll play with is her own.
Overruled, rat's name is Scrungus
I conceed. Scrungus is a much funnier name.
saiya becomes incel (crying)
"genuine" affection? she was in lust with her belly and she was in lust with tessa. tessa is the only one with any sort of decent characterization and appears to be a good person overall who's acting like a jerk.

y'all do know we aint belly for weeks right? we gotta join saiya on her new quest of running in the rain. wed want to see drunk aika stuffing herself and bursting out of that dress at the party but I doubt kip will do that and tessa is already going back home.
Precisely my point. The party would have been an ideal moment for Saiya to follow up on what she had learned about Tessa and make some inroads there. Instead we got this.
>>87293 regarding Cindy, that would be pretty cool. I mean fr, literally anything can happen with this comic. Grace from the with sister series played a decent role in the no lunch series so seeing Cindy or her & Connor would be a pleasant sight.

That reminds me, Kip was planning on printing copies of Full Night Nanny. I’m not sure if that’s still happening tho but it would be nice if it does. Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like the consensus is that the No Lunch Break/Take Out (Sydney & Tina) and Full Night Nanny (Cindy & Connor) have been Kips most popular comics. It would be great to see more of the aforementioned four characters cuz damn OSC has been dragging its feet going in every which wild direction unfortunately. So yes a cameo from any of them or decent role would be nice.

Cindy was supposed to have another story come out as well, and there was debate over it being a prelude to FNN, or essentially an FNN2. I’d personally rather see Cindy and Connor’s further feederism adventures at the movie club and the beach or something…
(64 KB, 344x323, Screenshot 2022-04-02 175856.png)
I'd be down for some more Cindy and Connor action, in a similar vein to No Lunch Takeout.

I mean, we never really explored the significance of this shot. Could be fun to see some chubby succubus antics.

Pretty sure FNN will continue after OSC, but i dont feel like digging through patreon so idk. For the prints? Kip has also said he's thought about printing DWS, NLB, and now FNN as well so theres either mega covid issues for small publishers or its just never happening.

This is just a symptom of kip winging it sometimes. Pretty sure even he said cindy was meant to be tessa originally, so having her be some sort of "succubus" that distracts aika wouldnt work since tessa fills that role already.
I think that was just a gag shot. she was standing next to some palm trees or something that cast shadows that looked like wings. it's in like the very next panel
>regarding Cindy, that would be pretty cool. I mean fr, literally anything can happen with this comic. Grace from the with sister series played a decent role in the no lunch series so seeing Cindy or her & Connor would be a pleasant sight.

for this it'd be very simple. saiya running in the rain, storm gets worse and she goes into a nearby coffee shop or diner for shelter. who is there but connor and cindy? they just saw a movie and she's already stuffed but she's getting even bigger. connor is pushing her to see how much she can eat, everyone is surrounding her as she grows. it'd throw us some more fanservice, give us a cameo and people would stop "complaining" for a few pages. problem is, how would saiya act to that? cartoon eyes bulging out of her head? nosebleed and pass out?

>That reminds me, Kip was planning on printing copies of Full Night Nanny. I’m not sure if that’s still happening tho but it would be nice if it does. Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like the consensus is that the No Lunch Break/Take Out (Sydney & Tina) and Full Night Nanny (Cindy & Connor) have been Kips most popular comics.

I keep seeing people talking about that but I don't know. would people really buy it? ill be honest, I wouldn't. his stories take too long to get somewhere. even FNN took forever to get good and the payoff was what, five pages out of almost sixty? now if he did a FNN2 with it being like five pages of them going out and then twenty-five of stuffing shenanigans like a proper comic it'd be a different story.

> It would be great to see more of the aforementioned four characters cuz damn OSC has been dragging its feet going in every which wild direction unfortunately. So yes a cameo from any of them or decent role would be nice.

> Cindy was supposed to have another story come out as well, and there was debate over it being a prelude to FNN, or essentially an FNN2. I’d personally rather see Cindy and Connor’s further feederism adventures at the movie club and the beach or something…

that was going to be the sequel that everyone was hyped for. instead we got this. iirc people were still hoping for it and were hoping to see cindy in college. instead we have this.

>I mean, we never really explored the significance of this shot. Could be fun to see some chubby succubus antics.

Imo that didn't work for cindy and it surely didn't work for tessa. saiya might be able to say that if she were distracted from something. saiya always runs away. connor seemingly had sex with her willingly so I never understood what kip was trying to say here. cindy was cool and everyone loved her. people seem to be growing to like tessa even though I don't know, does he want them to like aika? the new story is such a mess I'm not sure what he thinks he's trying to do nor how to fix it.
Of course, that's what we were merely shown, but I like that Kip left the door open for there to be possibly more afoot with Cindy's character. Could just be a gag, might not be.
not happening for the guy that keeps thinking it is, Party is over Tessa already said she wants to leave and Saiya ran out she's the MC so it will follow where ever she's going. Kip is keeping the knowledge of Tessa being fat away from Aika for a reason(s) to stretch the length of the story and to deny the veiwers payoff so he can make other character bigger and keep his usual filler shenanigans for awhile longer to milk this.

This is finally the turning point in the series Kip is trying to force Saiya x Tessa. Aika doesn't know how Tessa actually looks and doesn't seem to be into fat chicks (yet). She likes Tessa for being slim and being a bitch (traits Stacy also share remember this). Saiya has two fat choices but with Aika currently being the bigger girl and less bitchy she's winning.

The tide will fully turn once Saiya blows up (will probably happen as predicted because kip always fattens up his MC) there is a good chance it'll end with Tessa x Saiya because of the nerd culture and the "Love Hina" nonsense "You were that girl from my childhood that moved away!"

As for Aika she will become the new "Tessa" under Stacy after Tessa finally grows a spine and tells her to fuck off so she can be with Saiya.
it only took 3 months but the party arc is finally over
Also hopefully being shunned by her best friend causes Aika to go on a depressive eating binge or something
edgelord saiya arc begins
That was the right decision. If the comic gets stuck it's better to timeskip.
Can't tell if I'm coping but the party ended the only probable way it could've to change the status quo just enough to go forward with plot. Tessa corset was never going to happen. Just too dramatic of an event of someone to her of her social status to go down the drain so fast like that. Contrived as it was, only Saiya seeing the kiss was enough to advance the plot and kill the love triangle.

While the kiss was technically fan service... wait does that even count based on the audience this comic is portrayed around...eh whatever the party was really rough in terms of fat content with the current situation. Hopefully it'll get better now but who the hell knows.
My guess it the corset burst will be pretty close to the end of the story, like last 20 pages or so
Trying to see a silver lining with "Chekov's Corset", it does open a possibility that Tessa allows the corset to slip by her own hand, either to chase off Aika or to reward Saiya. Either way would be kinda hot, and not be quite so devastating to Tessa.
It would be so good if Saiya now finds confort in food and gets fatter than the other two girls. But i wont get my hopes to high, I doubt she will gain a pound.
She will finally put some dirt in Aika's eye
Damn the ramp up just doesnt seem to come
You know what i'm looking forward to the Punished Saiya arc. Good opportunity to have her swell up.
I prefer the humiliation aspect of the corset bursting. I think it'd be more fun if it blows from her getting too fat rather than taking it off willingly
the way its looking now tessa will stuff herself to get aika out of her face.

saiya may resort to food to comfort herself, even though that makes no sense. she wants aika. aika likes tessa because she's thin with huge breasts. maybe saiya will eat hoping to get bigger breasts and fail?

aika will just be there totally oblivious to everything else.

I'm expecting a lot of pointless talking for a long time before this gets good again. like this last comic, I'm expecting plenty of that. aika bumping into tessa, tessa avoiding her for "no reason" that she can see, that kind of thing. kip just bought a lot more time for himself. im just wondering how long this will go on before people get sick of it and do whatever they did to make him do the no lunch break epilogue.
The thing is, Saiya can't really even be mad at Aika outside of a lack of reciprocity for her unrequited feelings, but that's hardly Aika's fault now (and it would be a dick move on Saiya's part to torch a friendship on the back of this). What this means is that we're gonna have to deal with wallowing in fraught self-pity for however many pages now.

Question is now how is the comic going to pull itself out of the funk it's mired itself in. Is Aika just going to be demonized as a result? Pretty crummy mishandling of her character if so.
Aika already deserved to be demonized. No redeeming traitswhatsoever, she just existed as belly material and a drama starter before we get to the actual plot that is Tessa and Saiya. Aika has the mentality of a 4 year old and there's noting redeeming about it
Agreed Aika is low hanging fruit when it comes to belly content like get out of here I wanna see Tessa
> Pretty crummy mishandling of her character if so.
With the stroke of luck that was Connor x Cindy, I don't think characters in these comics have managed to make it to the end and not be flanderized one way or the other.
looks like her hips and ass are a bit fuller now too. although I find it odd she wouldn't wear her corset or like a tight jacket or something to hide her belly to school
So... why are people rooting for Tessa? She looks like she's going to rub salt in the wound to Saiya.
I think she's going to try to flirt with Saiya again... and probably get snapped at since Saiya's clearly in a pissy mood already
People don’t have to stay friends with someone they were hoping to become romantic with when that possibility is gone. If you still enjoy their company you can stay friends but if someone shoots you down they shouldn’t be surprised when you start treating them like a regular person and not the object of affection.
I'm trying really hard to read One Serving Choice, but I can't tell the characters apart at all. I can't tell who is who, I can't place a name on any of the characters, they all look the fucking same.

Also I don't know which direction I am supposed to read this fake manga shit.
That sounds like a you problem my guy
Sure, you don’t have to remain friends with someone when something like that happens, but just deciding “I’m not going to talk to this person anymore and snap at them if they talk to me” when that person has no idea what’s going on is definitely not ok
Dude, I don’t like this comic myself, but seriously you’re not making yourself look good with these complaints.
tessa looking like she's about to explode out of her jacket. its a shame and I doubt were going to see anything because saiya is going to curse her out next comic. when did tessa get this big?

I don't understand how you can't tell them apart. saiyas eyes bulge out whenever someone shows belly. tessa has huge breasts and is always showing her belly. aika has no personality. its really easy.

saiya is hurt. the woman she "loves" just admitted to being in love with the woman who wants her. she doesn't know how to act right now and is lashing out at everyone.

None of you are wrong, but the characters are like 18 man, this is how teenagers act. Actually it's stupid that I'm getting nostalgic over highschool crush experiences through a fucking weight gain fetish comic kms
For me it's the names.
First, how do you pronounce those finnish names? Second, how do you remember them?
Maybe I am autistic and that's why those relationships sorcery is so obscure and hard to understand. I just can't wrap my head around the "very human" lining of interpersonal ties and connections, with all those weights and counterweights. Why people don't have some sort of guidelines for social networking or how is it called. Why there is no straightforwardness in it, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Why.
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If not for the middle girls ribbon, I wouldnt be able to tell them apart.

Kip has zero distinguishable character design sense, especially when these characters look exactly the same as their characters from earlier comic series.

Tessa can clearly tell from Saiya's outward appearance and her expression that something's wrong. She likely is going to attempt to snap her out of her funk with a quick tum show, but Saiya's not going to be in the mood for it.
I would agree with you if Saiya's goal was simply to win Aika as if she were some object of conquest, however we know that they clearly have good chemistry together romantic feelings aside. It sucks for Saiya to have her feelings be unrequited, but for her to burn all her bridges with Aika would be a huge disservice to her since that would be tantamount to saying that their whole friendship was a lie.

Does that mean Saiya should just suffer and carry on as if nothing ever happened? No! She should be open and talk to Aika about it, to clear the air and discuss where they view each other going forward. It might honestly be too painful for Saiya to continue being around Aika, but Aika at least deserves to know this. Agree with >>88083 here.

Saiya's hurting, but she's also handling it badly. This is where Tessa may come in use as an intermediary.
Is Tessa gonna find Saiya cutting her wrists in the bathroom or something
You have to be seriously mentally challenged to actually not be able to tell the difference. Like honestly go see a doctor you might have dementia
I think Tessa's gonna hilariously misread the situation and attempt her usual bullish tactics on Saiya. This is gonna cause Saiya to snap and explode at her, venting for not only her Aika frustrations but also getting Tessa to back off. Tessa, not going down without a fight, calls out Saiya's hypocrisy with her own peeping antics, possibly even letting slip her own feelings for Saiya but who can say.

I wonder when one of them is finally going to "see the Matrix" and connect the dots within this triangle. Then, more importantly, what are they going to collectively do about it. They can't each just be miserable forever, right..?

(Poly... Poly... Poly...)
Kip has the sameface, but still it's possible to distinguish them.
I think you've nailed it. Again? Good job brah
>I think Tessa's gonna hilariously misread the situation and attempt her usual bullish tactics on Saiya. This is gonna cause Saiya to snap and explode at her, venting for not only her Aika frustrations but also getting Tessa to back off


>Tessa, not going down without a fight, calls out Saiya's hypocrisy with her own peeping antics, possibly even letting slip her own feelings for Saiya but who can say.

disagree. I think Saiya's gonna yell at her then storm off and progress will be delayed several pages again
Alright, I'm going to go out on the limb of possibilities. Maybe Saiya blows up at Tessa in the next page but then an idea pops into her head. She may recall what Aika said what she liked about Tessas's thin body. Then realize she has the means to change that and take out her competition.

Then over the course of fattening up Tessa she realizes she is now actually developing legitimate feelings for her. Discovering more of who Tessa really is on the inside. She's then left with the dilemma that she has manipulated Tessa to get to Aika.

Meanwhile Aika is no longer attracted to Tessa and wants to regain her friendship with Saiya. But this means she now has to admit her manipulation to Tessa who she now has feelings for.

That's pretty far fetched but Kip is capable of anything at this point. It looks like we´re reading a romcom with a bit of drama.Well... I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Kip has in store for us.
Yeah no I think you're suffering from Kip burnout with the characters, since he keeps reusing the same tropes and personalities and really similar sounding names and designs over and over and over. You can distinguish them with certain design details but faces and facial expressions are largely the same between them all and it doesn't help. It's an issue his pinups have sometimes too where it feels like he's slapped a character's design/outfit onto a completely different person, almost like cosplay.

Trying to figure out which way to read them is a bit of a problem though. Because of Kip's style and the way it's shaded, I keep coming in from the right, and the flow of dialogue/information will still sometimes work when you come in from the wrong way, up until you hit a little snag. I then have to ask myself if I've read it the wrong way or if Kip made a blunder/sucks at dialogue. Many times I've seen people praise Kip's paneling, but I feel like if it was actually good, this mistake wouldn't be so easy to make and the flow of action/information/dialogue would be structured in a way where it's obvious, from the start, that I'm reading it the wrong way.

Seeing stuff like this makes me wonder how much better a comic this would be if it was focused just on stream bitch and her weight and not the cruddy love triangle college shenanigens of stream bitch, plain girl, and the exceptional individual.
>Seeing stuff like this makes me wonder how much better a comic this would be if it was focused just on stream bitch and her weight and not the cruddy love triangle college shenanigens of stream bitch, plain girl, and the exceptional individual.

I think it would be great if this was just a story about tessa trying to lead the double life of a secret gainer while trying to publicly appear slim for her fans. The other two characters do nothing but bog it down imo.
I think the most thats going to happen is this. >>88109 saiya is going to go off on tessa and storm off.

>Seeing stuff like this makes me wonder how much better a comic this would be if it was focused just on stream bitch and her weight and not the cruddy love triangle college shenanigens of stream bitch, plain girl, and the exceptional individual.

I think all of us would gladly read that but kip is bent on trying to make this more than it is so were going to have to continue to suffer through horrible plots and lack of fan service. an example is that im very sure tessa is going to try to show belly next comic and be stopped by saiya immediately. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even get her shirt up before saiya starts screaming. we don't get fan service in this comic. we get plot. that story idea is wonderful but it would have a ton of fan service and that just isn't going to happen.
If anyone is still hoping for Stacy x Aika but thinks her chest size is a roadblock just remember she could always get a MASSIVE boob job. (Could you imagine.)

It would appeal to Aika’s bitch girl kink since she’d have a chest that isn’t real.
At least I think that would be hilarious
isn't aika gaining in her chest too though?
She said she liked trim bellies and huge breasts
No post today. Todays page will come tomorrow instead per Kip on Patreon.
did he mention why? I was thinking it was going to be some awesome spread and wed get two pages on sunday.

I also thought its kinda funny that it seems like when its a filler comic and everyone knows nothing is happening the comic drops early in the morning. when its something people want to see it drops much later in the afternoon or evening.
Is it just me or is Tessa fatter than Aika at this point? Let Aika and Stacy keep each other and just let Tessa become a slob please

Pretty sure Aika still has her beat. Gotta agree with Tessa getting huge though, Aika might be bigger but she's so boring in comparison.

I wouldn't discount Aika entirely. The party has demonstrated that she's a bit of a dark horse - the counterpoint to Tessa's paper tiger. Now that we know her intentions with vying for Tessa's attention, we might see her continue to assert herself, potentially in an adversarial role depending on how things play out.
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tessas huge. how did aika think she was so thin? this is only a day or so later.

so we waited an extra day for what everyone had already seen coming. only difference is now tessa is claiming that she can get aika to like saiya.
>>88473 Corset people were onto something. Honestly forgot how big Tessa got on account of it until anons brought up the previous gym scene. This page went about as expected but it feels like it won't drag on like the party did at least.
>tessas huge. how did aika think she was so thin?

she was wearing a corset at the party. A leather corset stretched tight over excess fat would feel hard, mimicking the feel of a firm body, at least, in the belly area. what I don't get is why tessa seems to not be hiding her gut anymore. If it's to push Aika away, 'd think the comic would have shown some interaction between the two illustrating that.

the extra day wait was probably to finish up some of the art or something. I'm surprised Kip's able to put these pages out so fast; writing quality aside, they always have really good art

I hope we get more corset stuff in the future. I really love fat girls hiding how big they've gotten. Idk why, but that concept really does it for me
>>88473 Interesting, so Tessa's taking herself out of the equation then? Seems suspiciously noble of her..
maybe she'll give saiya bad advice and tell her to get fat. idk what that would accomplish other than getting saiya fat, but it'd be something
>>88473 I’m feeling like this will be more of a “why do you care to help me” kinda thing from Saiya, then finally prompting the longgggg overdue discussion between Tessa and her about their feelings, and eventually leading to some intense gut grabbing
Ah true, if Tessa is indeed Saiya's childhood friend then maybe she just ultimately wants to see Saiya happy even if she can't claim her for herself.

This will probably make Saiya all gooey with the realization and have a change of heart about Tessa. I imagine Aika will then stumble upon the two walking off, if not get drawn into the conversation outright.
As long as they end up together, I don't care just stop dragging it on.

It just feels like a bunch of filler and I frankly don't want that to get to see the two characters that had a bit of a personality and affinity together to just end up not being a thing after the story has been dragged so much.
Honestly I disagree on the art being that good. Kip’s art has tons of problems that makes it harder to enjoy

Nah, kip has a really good thing going on with all the humiliation/dom/embarrasement scenes with tessa, that would all be ruined if they hook up now. I agree that saiya wont listen beyond hearing her out in the moment but tessa is to shy to confess, especially after getting yelled at, so she's either officially getting rejected for the time being and sad gain or cry it out and redouble her efforts, or she really will become saiya's "manager" and probably still sad gain or just keep trying to hamfist it.

Say what you will about Aika but i think kip is doing a great job with Tessa's writing for both fetish and non-fetish parts.
I think Tessa might try to make Saiya a bitchy girl like herself and stacy. She'll do it under the guise of making her more appealing to Aika, but will use it as an excuse to spend more time with her. (Wouldn't be too hard since Saiya's already kind of a bitch)

>Say what you will about Aika but i think kip is doing a great job with Tessa's writing for both fetish and non-fetish parts

I agree, she's easily the most interesting part about this story
Its official: Tessa Route confirmed at the end of this.
>the extra day wait was probably to finish up some of the art or something. I'm surprised Kip's able to put these pages out so fast; writing quality aside, they always have really good art

I disagree. this is his job. one page every other day shouldn't be that hard. I know comics that didn't get anywhere near this far that do a page in color each day for years so I'm no impressed.

> I hope we get more corset stuff in the future. I really love fat girls hiding how big they've gotten. Idk why, but that concept really does it for me

I hope we don't. I'm tired of the corset. it was much ado about nothing. if she bursts out of it thats awesome but I'm not trying to have another 50+ page party for that to happen.

thats exactly why I'm annoyed. its more filler.

thing is we don't want tessa to reduce her efforts. we want tessa to continue to gain. I don't know about everyone else but I am not here for fat saiya. I don't care about saiya gaining weight. I don't even care about saiya as a character. she was written terribly. I will agree that tessa has been written well but at the same time kip is using her to continue to get people to read this. he knows people want to see her gain and they want to see her belly so he does everything he can to lead up to it and turn right back around and refuse to show it. the only plus of tessa trying to get aika to like saiya might be her being around more and possibly stuffing herself more. kip could argue thats in an attempt to get aikas eyes off of her so that would be nice but again, he's going to keep on leading up to it and pulling the rug out from under everyone.
>if she bursts out of it thats awesome but I'm not trying to have another 50+ page party for that to happen.

That's what I mean. I'm hoping for the corset to make a return at another public event so Tessa can explode out of it. I like the humiliation aspect of hiding weight gain, and I think this comic could do it well if Kip plays it right
Hate Scuffy, but damn isn't this one of Kip's hottest pics

Yeah, hopefully the culmination of trying to lead the double life of getting fatter while increasingly struggling to hide it to appear skinny publicly is eventually going to result in a humiliating corset failure on a major event stream/concert.

There was a story a few years back with a similar basic premise and I think it unlocked something within my brain.
I think I know the story you're talking about, and it had a similar effect on me. I love the idea of fat girls hiding how fat they are, only to later be exposed in all their flabby glory, and the humiliation that goes along with that. I was hoping this comic would do a similar thing, but I have no idea where this story is going right now tbh. I'm hopeful but skeptical.
(1.1 MB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_153_by_kipteitei_df3cg7q.jpg)
of course we can get our hopes up that tessa tries something but it'd be the worst time for it. I think the best we can hope for is her stuffing herself into something before saiya gets there, being half naked since its her house or maybe bursting out of something in her own home. otherwise were about to go into the long and boring talking filler.
I predict it's makeover time for Saiya, rather than boring talking filler.

Yeah, Kim is the one I was thinking of, it's a good story. I didn't know about the second one, but I love stories with that theme
well if we look at her clothing now she's already fatter. that jacket is riding up and her gut is showing.

personally, I prefer my older idea of her bursting out of her clothing with a belly twice as large as aikas. I'm talking ridiculously large, kinda like a craving control sized belly or in that range. her belly so big it'll knock a table over. that would be nice. but if were bursting out of a corset to show some tiny barely stuffed belly I wouldnt be impressed.
(698 KB, 1271x1644, the_white_whale_is_a_part_timer_by_kipteitei_dandmpc.jpg) (390 KB, 893x1105, craving_control___thanksgiving_special___3_by_teagankick_d53dbd5.jpg)
to follow up, a belly like this. something that just commands attention and has everyones jaws on the ground. she can't do that as small as she is now so I get that we need to work up to it but my gosh kip is taking his time. I'm just afraid shell never get anywhere near this big and it'll all be a waste.
Get real dude, Tessa probably isn’t getting much bigger in this comic than Cindy was at the end of FNN
(59 KB, 565x1004, B65D5663-39B7-484D-8360-C6E819F29244.jpeg)
I mean I’d like to see tessa get to this size, but first, you can’t contain all this in a corset anyways, and second, I’m doubtful kip will go this big even though I want to see tessa tailspin and absolutely balloon to an enormous size
Calling it now: Tessa tries stuffing Saiya because she knows that Aika prefers slim people and that way Tessa can keep Saiya for herself
thats what I'm saying. 200+ pages for that? id feel kinda ripped off tbh.

and I'm saying this despite liking FNN. cindy should have gotten way bigger than that.

I agree but this is a comic. he could make her hold back as much as he wants. it sounds stupid but Im just hoping theres a pay off after all of this. tessa right now isn't a pay off. cindy sized isn't a pay off. if were talking no lunch break sized, that would be a decent pay off.

saiya wouldnt allow it. thats the problem kip wrote himself into. saiya is entirely too angry to allow anything to happen. I don't think she's going to go along with a "makeover", tessa stuffing her nor will she be willing to deal with tessa being half nude and showing off her belly.
Here’s my wild guess for what will happen: Tessa ends up training awaits to be like her, thus switching roles so that Saiya is now the narcissistic streamer while Tessa ends up stepping down and becoming more of her old self
>the girl I like doesn’t like me back. My entire life is trash and I have absolutely nothing to live for.
I really fucking hate Saiya.
It’s just a woman moment, and a lesbian moment at that
yeah tessa really piled it on. you can see the gut in that shot of her.

"all I've got is energy drinks"? maybe were about see her bloat up and burp? but like I said saiya isn't here for this silliness so this probably won't end well.
Wow I hate you more than I hate Saiya
Stay mad yurifag
I mean, they are teenagers (I think).
they're actually dragging this in the comments. I'm surprised.

>"man, sorry for this but i really don't like this "new" Saiya, it feels like that generic stereotype of teenagers, the kind that exagerates every minor issue to the limits, and yes i know that Saiya had high hopes for Aika but Saiya is so immature that she did not realise the love she felt for Aika was a platonic one, and it only shows how immature she really is, she spent all her hopes in something uncertain and when it did not pay off she was not able to handle it, she broke and for her, her life was in shambles, for something so childish as a platonic love i would expect a college student to know the risks of it and being careful with it but no, we have a woman that _probably_ never had any experience with any form of romantic relationships.

>Honestly, i hope she suffers from this because then she can mature from this kind of situation and realise that she is in the wrong here and grow from it, right now she does not deserve Aika bc even if Aika and her get together in a romantic relationship they would eventually break up for something stupid that Saiya does not have the maturity to deal with. I hope she will grow from this aka character development.

she doesn't "deserve aika"? whats so good about her? but good point there. the relationship won't last.

>so, we're at page 154 of this comic, and it is nearly the exact situation from page 44, save for a bit of character dev and some drama. yes, i get that there are changes, but considering it has been what, nine months? and stakes haven't been raised and there's been one not-so-obvious plot twist? i don't know... i love kip's work so much, and they really do a lot for us that we don't deserve, but this comic feels like it's stuck in limbo and i really wish it wasn't. love the characters, but let's make them work, you know?

this one was followed with another comment.

>something something "how dare you have any form of criticism" something something "you're only here for fats". I said something like this a few panels ago and got bombarded by petty hate from kip simps. hopefully it doesn't happen to you.

>Yay another bloat scene this is

getting old


>Considering she was deffo larger in the gym, she's most likely sucking in again

>I have an incredible feeling of deja vu

I had asked way back when if anyone wondered how long kip could pull this mess off before people got mad and it looks like its already happening on his deviant art.
>>88874 What really burns me up though is when I go shopping for hentai.... because it's literally all garbage now. I will stay mad per your suggestion, but only because I have every reason to. They are likely the ones drawing it to be honest
college students which is half the problem. they should be more mature than this.
>>88869 unironically yes
Maybe I'm being dense but I'm confused by the current state of things. Saiya clearly saw the kiss but she didn't hear the exchange between the two, or see that Aika was taking the lead in said exchange? What did she think happened back then between them beyond the kiss?

It's just weird to me to see Saiya still pining for Aika knowing what we know as it presents a weird disconnect between us and Saiya. If Saiya -does- know Aika's feelings then doesn't that make her actions kinda shitty, to dismiss Aika's own desires and wanting to win her back irrespective of how Aika feels about it?

Either Kip has made a hash of things or decided to throw Saiya and Aika's friendship under the bus.
Same I can't stand her
did she need to hear the exchange? I mean lets go back and read that whole thing. saiya watched from inside. yes she saw her kiss but never once did tessa touch her. tessa was actually backing up and aika forced herself on her. did she not see that? how do you pine for someone that forced themselves on someone else? that was almost uncomfortable to look at. what even attracts her to aika besides her huge belly which is what was the problem to begin with? I don't know anyone that is rooting for saiya because this relationship was so badly written from the start.

saiya and aika may happen for sake of plot but I don't see how kip is going to pull it off. I also don't see how tessa can give saiya any tips. tessa is clearly trying to make a move on saiya again which I'm happy to see but this aint the time. saiya is about to lash out and exit once again and thats getting old.
I can't believe there was so much build up with the corset for no payoff... The corset coming loose at the beginning of the sequence, Saiya eyeing Tessa's "slim" middle, Tessa resisting chugging...

Huge missed opportunity for a sequence after the party. Imagine Stacy takes Tessa home drunk and Tessa releases the corset, "ahhh", her gut balloons out as it goes flying across the room, Stacy is disgusted and starts berating Tessa, humiliating her a little, Tessa starts to get mildly turned on... Stacy leaves & Tessa starts eating.

But why was Tessa even trying to hide her gain at the party if she was just going to show up at school the next day with her gut bulging out of her clothes?

And no one noticed...? Aika, who was so smitten with Tessa's "slim" body, doesn't notice? Stacy, who worked so hard to make Tessa hot and popular, doesn't have anything to say? So far in the comic there's an adoring crowd around Tessa everywhere she goes but then when she shows up to school with a big gut... nothing??

This would have been way better if it simply became a story about Tessa the mean stuck up hot girl trying to hide her gain and slowly getting fatter, building up to a big reveal and dramatic humiliation
>This would have been way better if it simply became a story about Tessa the mean stuck up hot girl trying to hide her gain and slowly getting fatter, building up to a big reveal and dramatic humiliation

I totally agree, although I think the corset may return the next time tessa has a public event. I don't know why she wasn't wearing ti at school though. I guess you could say she was sucking in her gut when people were around, but idk. I think these types of stories are more fun when the girl gaining weight goes to increasingly desperate lengths to hide her belly every time she's around people
Lol I feel sorry for the people keeping up with this chapter to chapter.
I have no fucking idea where this comic is going and at this point neither does Kip so I'm doubling down on >>88626

She was fine sucking in before with her regular clothes so we can assume her gut was poking out in the hall because she doesnt suck in around saiya. Yall are thinking too much. Shes in a hot outfit, even if it isnt the longest we're bound to get a fetish scene. Lets see where it goes.
this thread is honestly so funny. People used to complain about the plot in Kip's comics and now they're turning into tessa stans
first time i've seen many people get fed up with this crap story on DA. usually anyone criticizing kip gets attacked like it's a fringe minority perspective to be unsatisfied with this nonsensical story that goes nowhere. i believe this will force some plot/character development very soon and we won't get blueballed for once
thats what I was saying. its a refreshing change to see people saying something and others agreeing.

its because tessa is the only decent character here. one person said it on deviant art. aika x tessa and saiya x tessa is pure lust. tessa x saiya is a genuine connection and she's doing everything she can to get her. tessa really isn't that bad a person. everyone else sucks.
To be fair, most college students are still breaking out of that "stupid teenager/highschooler" phase during their first year or two of college and I think this is Plain Bitch's first year.

I figure he might get a critical comment here and there on DA but is this the most he's gotten lately?

Yeah there can be some serious whiplash in these threads at times, but I also think Stream Bitch seems the most interesting/likeable from the few glances I've taken at the comic.
Don't you talk shit about my streamer queen reeeee
No one in the triangle is good. People say Tessa's their favorite, but she's still a terrible individual.
>first time i've seen many people get fed up with this crap story on DA. usually anyone criticizing kip gets attacked like it's a fringe minority perspective to be unsatisfied with this nonsensical story that goes nowhere.
>thats what I was saying. its a refreshing change to see people saying something and others agreeing.
Didn't see much agreeing going on, nor people speaking against the story. It's still mostly "what's gonna happen next?" or "I like the drama.".
>I figure he might get a critical comment here and there on DA but is this the most he's gotten lately?

thats what he's gotten today. a few more have gone up in the past few hours.

>“My life’s in shambles” this writing is so atrocious oml

I can't believe they wrote that and it hasn't been deleted. I'm going to have to watch the comments more often because it seems like people are getting sick of defending him and others are agreeing.
Could anyone update the kemono I think it's working now
These posts along are better than the last 30 pages of the comic have been
I’m in heaven..
some comments about the writing have been deleted that were there this morning. I remember there was one guy begging kip to accept help with writing, among others
The thing is, short of Kip having the stones to write one of the main characters out of the story, we essentially know that the three are going to remain together in some form so we're basically just running the clock on things. Saiya aggressively going after Aika, then realising she's no better than Tessa chasing after her.. Realising that she and Aika had a good thing going on outside of a lust-fuelled crush and that she should mend fences..

If it's all going to play out in pretty much this fashion where all three continue to balance one another in some form or another, why drag it out? And I don't just mean a "AND THEN THEY ALL FUCKED" ending (although honestly wouldn't be unwelcome) - it just needs one brain among the three to light up and realise what's going on. You can still maintain existing character development (discovering Tessa and Aika have opposite underlying personalities; Saiya coming to terms with her own lusts etc) whilst exploring fresh new ones as they each bounce off one another.

Think about in No Lunch Break how irritating it would have been if the relationship between Tina and Sydney had been further dragged out into a tortured "will they or won't they?" scenario. It was a breath of fresh air establishing that pairing midway through the story. Unfortunately whereas NLB had the Grace and Sandy subplots to support the rest of the story, OSC doesn't really have much else to fall back on beyond riding out the rest of the academic term and then the trio deciding their futures together.

The fact we've all been making predictions on the future of how things will play out means the juicy parts of the story (tums aside) reside there, not in this artificial drama.
Bruh just realized my man spidey in the background.
(29 KB, 500x206, EVSKUIvUUAA1g65.jpg)
Just occurred to me that "One Serving Choice!" might be a misdirection, in that it doesn't refer to Saiya's choice between Tessa or Aika but instead could refer to the trio as a set package - as one serving choice.

Since Kip likes doing title drops in the comic I imagine we will revisit the cafeteria to drive the point home, with Saiya, Tessa and Aika flouting authority by grabbing both menu items and feasting on both - only one serving choice is good enough for them.
they already had a cafeteria scene with saiya and aika where the serving lady told saiya she only had one serving choice.
Sure, the title's been dropped already. But it seems plausible that when they're near to finishing up at school (or simply by refusing to give a shit now emboldened by her situation) will Saiya flout the rule and help herself to both things, in parallel to her own relationship.
Damn that cerberus one got me actin up
>Milk toast
Expressions like that are a diamond dozen
>a diamond dozen
expressions like that are a few straws short of an oil drum
You are the kind of guy who takes things for granite.
Honestly Tessa using that expression might be a blessing in the skies
>>89176 Pretty decent page from a story perspective. I like that Tessa's being honest and not trying to trick her or anything like that. Seems in her true nature to care about her friend given their previous backstory.

Not to be that guy but it's Milquetoast, but straight up seeing "milk toast" is funnier. Wonder if Kip spelled it wrong on purpose to be more funny.
Kip might have made a mistake and misspelled it. He's not the sharp pistol in the box
tessa really piled it on. you can see it with her just sitting there. its nice to see her bashing saiya like this but we all know we aren't here for the plot.

y'all think she's going to bloat up and burp before this scene is over?
People keep saying Tessa's packed it on... I don't see it??? She's smaller than she was in the workout scene after she stopped holding in her gut
Yea I don't see a change either. Looks about the same to me. Usually kip might not always be exact with size with some scene looking a bit smaller or bigger. Story wise I think she is the same as the gym scene. But hopefully we see some stuffing here
Bellies smushed under crossed arms are always nice and I can excuse kip's typical autism for that nice shot on the middle right panel

Is it crazy that this has put me off the comic the most? I don't expect authors to be -that- clever like it's just a fetish comic, but jesus man.
Aye, a bit of a snoozer this page, visually, but we at least got a reality check delivered. I figured that Tessa would be the one to set things back to rights.
I prefer milk steak myself.
Don't meme on kip obviously this was pacifically written in such a way to be a joke
y'all think tessa may throw herself at saiya to "give her an idea" of how to show aika her true feelings?
Possibly! There's certainly a ripe opportunity further for her to take advantage of, though she might have to be careful to not push it too far, given Saiya's more fragile state.

I like to imagine for the purpose of steering the comic along she's savvy enough to avoid this. That, or she doubles down on her antics, possibly triggering a dialogue with Saiya where we can finally go over the childhood friend stuff and get that squared away.
Ooh, looks like Belching 101 is now in session. Teach away, Tessa!
Almost time for them to finally fuck
>yeah trust me the best way to handle this is to be bold even though aika was bold with me and i fucking hated it
Bravo Kip
I'm almost hoping tessa is about to throw herself on saiya just as aika just did to her in an "attempt" to show her how to show aika how she feels. it almost makes sense and she could still pull her shirt up because we know aika loves her "trim belly". in fact, tessa could mention that. tell saiya that she said she loves her slim figure but she's clearly gotten fat, slap her belly and belch then play with saiyas belly and tell her she's the one that can get aika since she's still thin.

in this case I'm not complaining. I think all of us want tessa to be bold, break out that belly and belch. the question is, how will saiya take it?
While sure it's a little pre-emptive for me to assume a belching session's on the cards, it feels pretty likely for a few reasons. Firstly, we know this is Tessa's thing. It's clear over the course of the comic she's become pretty proficient at liquid bloating and the burps that go along with it - how may times have we seen her knocking back carbonated beverages over this story? And the now have some energy drinks to hand, fancy that!
Secondly, it's a pretty unorthodox "lesson" in boldness, so much so that it might actually catch Saiya off guard to give it a try, as opposed to Tessa simply forcing herself on her which Saiya could pre-empt and resist, what with her guard up in her current state. As gross as burping might be to Saiya, it does kinda make sense in a weird way..
Thirdly, this can serve as a distraction for Saiya to relax and loosen up her inhibitions, once she's more comfortable around Tessa, sharing in this weird activity together, then who knows where Tessa can take this next?
Fourthly, more for Tessa's benefit, having Saiya more comfortable with belching will ultimately mean she's more comfortable with Tessa belching as well and thus Tessa as a whole. Echoing the first point, it would be safe to assume that Tessa's picked up a little belching kink over the course of things so Saiya not being put off by that means that Tessa still has a chance with her in the long run.
if tessa were to date try this I think shed go pretty far. shed get right up into saiyas face and stop right before the kiss, leaving saiya debating whom she really wants and confused. we can then expect another night of saiya tossing and turning in lust for both women.

the question is will kip finally follow through?

Tessa is incredibly embarrassed by her belching tho. I think as these sessions continue and Tessa grows Saiya will naturally become more confident in herself and it will just turn into her soft-domming Tessa, making her eat more until whatever sexual pay-off kip has planned.
>>89507 Tessa's right to an extent, at least being bold would involve confessing your feelings/interest. At the very least it changes the status quo and makes the person you're interested in aware of your genuine thoughts on them. Right now Aika just knows Saiyaka's being angry or frustrated or whatever. Being too bold is bad sure but it beats whatever she's currently doing.
This might be me reading into things a bit, but after the massive belch Tessa had right in Saiya's face back in page 85 it'd be hard to feel any more shame about it by now. It's almost liberating when your romantic interest has already seen you at your worst, so one might as well embrace it now. Be bold in embracing one's weird kinks!
well, wait. has saiya ever shown interest in burping? no. just huge bellies. tessa is bloating herself up at the very most. I don't know that she's going to purposely try to belch. thats more for our viewing.
Ah, but it is being sold as a "boldness exercise" don't forget. Saiya's not into burping, that much is true. But the aim here isn't to turn her onto burping but for Saiya to distract and take her mind off things so that Tessa can further ply her charms - let's not forget Tessa's actual goal here is to ultimately win over Saiya, not just help her.
New page will be released today?
I knew kip would drag this mess out. first he took all day to upload and now he's going to drag this out.
what do you mean, it's the best possible outcome
*blink* Wellp, I don't think many people had "Tessa ropes Saiya into forcefeeding her" on their bingo card! Hahaha

Cute that the dominant one is putting herself in a position of being dommed. Maybe Tessa enjoys the prospect of being submissive to Saiya?
you're right. it is. I was just really hoping for a nice big food stuffed tessa already or maybe by the end of this week and I forgot we need to get to that point. at this point I will admit I'm complaining. I apologize.

now if its next week and she hasn't eaten anything I think a complaint is warranted but this makes sense. aika did say she liked tessas personality so technically tessa is teaching saiya what aika wants. I don't think saiya would ever do this nor would aika like to be forcefed but we might as well enjoy her gain.

y'all think shell get that big off of this food? thats only a few pastries.
Tessa is hardly dominant (we just had the party scene where a drunk aika walked all over her, then she cried when saiya raid her voice) unless she's in complete control. She could still be setting herself up for another self esteem blow when saiya inevitably starts teasing and the embarrasment over her gain wins out over the pleasure she gets from saiya's attention (already happened with the huge belch after her first food stuffing). Id love to see saiya take liberties with this and start feeding tessa when she pleases since tessa wont ever stop her.

I just hope kip keeps tessa's feelings on her gain. Have her get steamy with saiya but otherwise be embarrassed. Its a fun dynamic and i want more total huniliation scenes like the gym.
This is forced as hell, considering that Tessa has been shown trying to lose weight. It makes no sense that she'd want this at all. It's here just to pander.

Sure it could be hot as its own isolated thing, but the thing is, Kip is trying to make this a story, with characters we're supposed to care about. That's what he keeps telling everyone anyway, and the fact that there's like 200 pages of this comic with barely any fanservice backs that up. So as that, this is a complete failure.

And I know people are gonna hop on me and say I'm just bitching, but why should I turn my brain off? People complain about Kip stuff until they achieve the bare minimum, then suddenly everyone goes nuts and acts like everything is fine. I think that's dumb tbh

Maybe not a huge gain off this alone but im sure these "sessions" will continue so tessa will be getting stuffed regulalry, and maybe saiya will start taking control with some unplanned feedings as well. She'll also start eating more naturally eventually so hopefully she just starts blowing up aika speeds now that we've been through so much set up.

She exercised once and it was implied she immediately stopped because she caught saiya peeping, lmao. We know you guys think there isnt enough fanservice and you dont like the story boohoo. Actively looking for any small possibpe detail to harp on lmao.
Yeah, you're right in that Tessa is very much a paper tiger, so she's allowing a bit more of her submissive side to show through here.

I may not have been right about the burping, but swap out "burping" for "feeding" and we're practically there. The key thing to note is that this helps normalise this behaviour in Saiya's mind and in part accept this side of Tessa.

What I find fascinating, as others have pointed out, is that this is the same girl who fretted about her expanding waistline and even sought help in exercising to reduce it. It's interesting to see Saiya causing that much of a flip in Tessa's rationale.

Either way, whilst this might feel like a slight retread of No Lunch Takeout, I'll still enjoy what's to come. Tessa and Saiya have a fun dynamic. Something something Saiya becomes Tessa'a new manager as a mukbang streamer. It can still happen!
And we know you'll excuse a crap comic by acting like every criticism is a tiny detail.

This comic sucks, please stop excusing mediocrity
I've seen it before, it's just Sandy and Sydney from NLB 2.0, he's reaching into his bag of limited tricks to provide the bloat/wg crowd what they want flanderization be damned !

It's fine like you said her stomach will bloat out a bit and her shirt will ride up exposing it bare and everyone will be happy. Are you not entertained?
>nothing happens
>something actually happens
you guys are such colossal faggots
>I just hope kip keeps tessa's feelings on her gain. Have her get steamy with saiya but otherwise be embarrassed. Its a fun dynamic and i want more total huniliation scenes like the gym.

>This is forced as hell, considering that Tessa has been shown trying to lose weight. It makes no sense that she'd want this at all. It's here just to pander.

>She exercised once and it was implied she immediately stopped because she caught saiya peeping, lmao.

all of this proves the point. tessa does not like her gain at all. tessa is only gaining for saiyas attention. once saiya is out of the picture, even going home for the night, tessa is ashamed of her weight gain hence her working out and everything else.

>What I find fascinating, as others have pointed out, is that this is the same girl who fretted about her expanding waistline and even sought help in exercising to reduce it. It's interesting to see Saiya causing that much of a flip in Tessa's rationale.

I believe that tessa will only do this for and with saiya. I also wonder if she's tapping into a new kink for herself. each time she has stuffed herself she has been seen playing with her stomach afterwards. from the time when she first did it and played with her belly on stream to the second time when saiya left the apartment and she belched. I think that she is secretly growing to like this hence her gaining weight but she also does not want to gain weight so she's ashamed of it. thats why she panicked in the bathroom and went to start working out. I'm thinking that shed be happy if she were like lalia from craving control where she stuffs herself to immobility, passes out and wakes up thin. thats what tessa would like but kip comics don't work that way so she's totally out of luck.
Complain about this comic all you want but it makes BWS's "losing control" comic look like child's play in comparison. I'll take actual character interactions and occasional fappable panels over that garbage anyday.

How? Completely different characters with different designs, motivations, etc?

Sydney using sandy to get off on her fetish, vs tessa trying to get saiya to view her in a romantic/sexual light? This may come as a surprise but theres only so many ways to write about eating/stuffing/gaining. Similarities doesnt make it a copy.

I honestly think shes just forcing it. She burps when she makes herself gassy, not when shes turned on. She gets off on positive attention. Its a kip comic so she'll probably come to some level of acceptance or enjoyment but for now its just for saiya.
seconded. Losing Control felt so weird and creepy with its second person narration. BWS has better grasp of gain anatomy than kip, but is a lot worse at writing (Which is saying a lot considering Kip's writing is, well, this)

this current page has good potential though. I hope the next few pages have good payoff
The first page may hint at her getting turned on by her own fat, but the second one is meant to be showing that she realized how much Saiya liked her gains
(387 KB, 731x1028, one_serving_choice__page_49_by_kipteitei_deo12bl.jpg)
thats actually exactly what I was talking about. her feeling herself up as she sat there. she was enjoying it. before her feeling herself up on stream and before saiya ran away we have her feeling herself up in front of saiya. clearly she enjoys that feeling. its just that after that wears off and she's stuck with that gut she's embarrassed.

exactly. everyone took that second page to mean that tessa understood that saiya liked her gains. remember this is saiya being caught snooping on her during her working out and running out of the room blushing.
Am I alone in hoping Tessa keeps trying to exercise as she gains and ends up becoming a strongfat goddess? She's already the tallest of the girls and the most dominant, it would be a nice change of pace for Kip's art too.
Have you read any of his other stuff, like Heavy Exercise or his Halloween story? If you think Kip is a better writer, you're an actual fucking invalid
id rather not. I don't understand how tessa is going to get a nice big gut and even larger breasts when she's some sort of towering amazon whom could easily bench aika.
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They're acting contrarian once they see something supposedly happening in the story and acting like they've always liked this comic. BWS' comic at least have actual progress with each comic and it's entertaining. If Kip wanted character interaction then do it where it doesn't drag out for 50 pages and get nothing out of it. Also BWS caters to almost every size while Kip only does one now which sucks.
I'm not being contrarian, Losing Control was terrible. The art was good, but I'd take this comic over LC any day. BWS other stuff is fine, but that one in particular was shit
Explain why it's bad then. You're saying it is but you're not saying why, that's why you come across as a contrarian.
I didn't like the 2nd person narration, I found it off-putting and weird in a bad way. There was hardly any dialogue, no story, and the character felt very bland and flat. It felt like the extreme opposite of something like One Serving Choice, which has way too much time spent on boring character drama and dialogue. I feel like this comic and LC are extreme ends of the spectrum, and the prefect weight gain comic is somewhere in the middle.

I prefer this comic simply for the fact that it has a story of some kind, even if it's not very good most of the time. LC was so simple and basic, that it felt like a glorified weight gain poll drive, to the point where I wonder why BWS wanted to make a comic of it at all. it was just all around really lackluster.
Fair enough. A lot of people disagree with your assessment, but I can respect that you at least justified your point of view. I can understand why you could feel that way about it
I don't like it because I didn't like the narration, didn't like the character, didn't like the ending and found it to be a total waste of time. to have a name like losing control you'd expect her to balloon and end up immobile. I'm not into that but id have enjoyed watching her grow. it never got to that point. in fact it almost felt like somewhere in the middle he just gave up on telling the story and decided to wrap it up. maybe it needed another character in it? more interactions with other people? and I didn't like how she gained weight either.

cindy has got to be amongst the top weight gain characters out there imo. I'm a fan of her, tessa and lalia. I'm really interested to see just how big tessa gets before this is over but I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't go past cindy sized.
some people like characters that blow up all over. big arms and all of that. I don't. I prefer if it goes to the breasts and the belly.

The next two pages are like this, though. https://www.deviantart.com/kipteitei/art/One-Serving-Choice-Page-50-887259631


Even by herself her huge burp mortified her. The only time she touches her belly is when she's stuffed to the point of discomfort and it's noisy and gurgly, or when Saiya is around. Every other time the focus is on her gut in any way she clams up instantly. Even getting feeled up through the corset .https://www.deviantart.com/kipteitei/art/One-Serving-Choice-Page-146-910977035
(173 KB, 2348x1816, Between Diet Failures.jpg)
That's mainly his thing? Kip used to do almost full body then he toned down to just breasts and bellies. Not my thing.
Ah yes, clearly if you dislike something it's just because you're a contrarian. "Nothing I like could ever be held up to scrutiny!" First off the main character of L C was flat out unattractive and there were no redeeming qualities ASIDE from the fact she's gaining weight. That's the bare fucking minimum and it's literally all we get. No interesting dialogue, no fat shaming, no humiliation through exposure, no good outfits to highlight the gain, NOTHING. The second person narration is a shitty excuse of a "replacement" for any actual dialogue. What's the point in hearing the main character's thoughts when they have literally nothing interesting going on in that head of theirs?? Just "I should cut back on the snacks" over and fucking over again. OSC isn't perfect and is far too reminiscent of the last third of NLB in which it devolved into uninteresting drama and completely dodged every opportunity at a good fappable scene, but it is way out of LC's league. Also, there's a huge difference between writing a story and writing a comic. BWS being able to write a decent wg fic doesn't translate into him being able to write a good comic, as proven by LC in which nothing of actual substance happens.
Some of this is valid, but a lot of this feels like the comic just wasn't for you, and it wasn't actually inherently bad. You didn't like the character, that's you. You had a different impression of what losing control means, that's on you. You didn't like how her weight was distributed? That's you.
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Ideally she would keep gaining but without turning into a blob like Aika and Sydney. Think pic related but with a bigger pot belly
Why was she unattractive? What was wrong with her? Sounds like personal distaste.
Narration isn't an excuse for not having dialogue, it's a different choice. Just because you didn't like it, doesn't mean it's bad. It has a different appeal.
Also, there was plenty of her in different outfits and showing off how she was getting fatter, especially near the end.
It definitely seems like you have very specific tastes and LC just didn't meet them.
Tessa seems like someone that is easy to get caught up in a moment. We all know she has the backstory with Saiya, and she viewed Aika as love rival and she knows what Saiya is into. Tessa likely wants to gain her attention and interest but there'd be a result of ruining her appearance. I don't think she's into gaining necessarily but accepts it as a necessary evil so to speak to win Saiya. She seems to want to maintain her public image and social status otherwise she wouldn't be wearing the corset like at the party... well I guess she doesn't wear it in school so there's a lot of inconsistency. Not sure if that's on Kip overlooking it or intended for her character.
>why would she be into someone who can't tell her how they feel.
Looked at this page again and I'm under the impression that Tessa probably doesn't recognize her being her childhood friend but might have a subconscious idea of it being the case but didn't connect the dots fully. I feel like if she fully knew, she would've mentioned it to Saiya already.

Latest page is good set up, interested to see how it pans out with such a sensual activity as force feeding.

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