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Please spread awareness!!
A twitter user made a callout post about jaykuma that they owe them over 300$ Worth in commissions.
And they are saying multiple people have also said they didn't receive the things they paid for.


JayKuma started a new art account named Vividlightroom.
I speculate its to make more money with basic art and to get away from his jaykuma name.

Please do not support jaykuma/vivid!
They possible owe commissions worth thousands to people!

what an asshole
What about that russian artist whose name I can't remember that also owes a bunch comms and had already jumped shit to another account too?
Are you talking about CozyNakovich?
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1) I always love seeing artists up changing their already established style to blatantly copy Bamboo's trademark 3/4 back/side-view ass sticking out because it makes easy money from Twitter idiots. Also seems like he pulled an xmasterdavid and heavily used Bamboo's 2B picture as a reference for that dakimakura pic and just about 99% of his output under the new alias.

2 ) what an asshole and then these artists wonder why the community gets pissy at them when they pull shit like this.
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>>83457 (OP)
>Blowing over 300 bucks on Jaykuma
His whole existence is being someones knockoff; they got what they deserved.
Didn't that guy redeem himself? I remember he asked people to DM him if he still owed anyone commissions and went on a long art streak.
>2 ) what an asshole and then these artists wonder why the community gets pissy at them when they pull shit like this.

B-b-but who shot Hannibal guys!?!???!?!!!!
nice strawman, most of the currently active artists are still getting paid below minimum wage + no benefits and they haven't pulled out shit like jaykuma is doing right now, lmao, no wonder they keep abandoning this shit community to pander to the much bigger crowd of normal faggots who only craves thin bitches with fat asses

>bringing up artist wages out of nowhere

By your logic they should all become fatfur artists since that's where the real money lies. Literally the only people who actually cares about how much artist's make and the "woe is me" plight are other artists, so fess up and at least give us a hint about who you are.
>they should all become fatfur artists since that's where the real money llies.

Sources: dude trust me
He's currently damage controlling in his discord. Some people are echo chamber dick sucking, but some are actually calling him out.
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Christ. Gonna be hard to recover your public image from that one.
>>83457 (OP)
And to think that the JayKuma thread had a bunch of posts deleted. Really do have to become an artist yourself if you want ANYTHING anymore without getting cockblocked by comm-whores or some kind of drama explosion like this, at least there are resources available these days.
Its common fucking knowledge that furfags spend the most of money on art not only because they become obsessed with living vicariously through their OCs, but also because they have the strangest fetishes that they want to see pictured. Haven't figured out *how* they managed to get so much disposable income though.
>Haven't figured out *how* they managed to get so much disposable income though.
STEM my man. https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Doug_Winger

But getting back to the topic at hand, there does seem to be a pretty huge corrolation between "working on your anatomy" or "moving away from more extreme sizes" and being an arsehole on the internet. Either they were always just trying to make a quick buck or they're insufferable twitter clout chasers. Sad!
I've also done patreon subs to him although way fucking less, and I got out seemingly right as he fucking spiraled. I don't think he's literally a scammer, or regardless of if he is I think he has an undiagnosed/unmedicated mental illness. He's taken way too many comms through patreon (his sketch tier is like 10-15 I think and all the other ones are 2-4 slots for full pieces so I think he owes an absurd amount of art a month) and he appears to actually respond and do work seemingly at random, combined with the larger number of disappearances and I believe threatening suicide to people in dms before, He seems really unstable. Also changing his art style like 4 times in the last two years probably wasn't a good sign either. Bummer all around
Most don't deserve as much as minimum wage for what little they put out a month.

>I think he has an undiagnosed/unmedicated mental illness
Sounds like he has a severe case of stupid ass motherfucker who procrastinates too much.
>threatening suicide to people in dms
Common defensive move for social media dwellers.
>changing his art style like 4 times in the last two years probably wasn't a good sign
That's just him trying to emulate popular artists to try and get more money.
Isnt Latoria that fag who was caught intentionally inflating YCH prices so artists could ‘get the highest bids’?
I just wanna look at fat asses. All this stuff is depressing.
Oh well though, his girls were getting too skinny anyway, and it's even more disheartening watching him rip off an already repetitive artist.

Take it slow, Jay.
OP here:
After reading through the replies here is my take:

Yes, Latoria is a "comm-whore", they are just someone with lots of money who wants lots of art.

I don't think there is any way to defend JayKuma, he just kept procrastinating.
I think he just hoped for the trust of his fans so he doesn't need to work alot.

If it was a one time thing for like 200 bucks, then I would also say that Latoria is overreacting.
But these are many people and art worth in the thousands that didn't got made.

Jay/Vivid fucked up, easy as that.
>Sounds like he has a severe case of stupid ass motherfucker who procrastinates too much

right on the nose

jaykuma was probably sitting on a bunch of pledges and held off on working on comms so he can get those sweet monthly Gibson from clients still waiting on commissions.

gibs, phoneposting is fun
>spend 300 bucks on Jaykuma art
>get mad when it takes too long to finish all the work because you bought in bulk
>badger, pester, and constantly change the spec
>get more mad because you're too dumb to just shut up and let him draw
>change the spec and price again for a dakimakura and don't state a concrete deadline
>get mad, even though you didn't set a concrete deadline, because he's taking too long
>Jay finally rushes something out to get you to stop pestering
>still not good enough, you demand it be "fixed"
> Jay reminds you he's dealing with nasty shit IRL because your autism prevents you from realising that
>"Don't care wtf's my art"
>get blocked on all platforms

Sorry, what did Jay do wrong here?
>some random person paid us what this other person owes
this smells like complete bullshit
Did you really just waste a different thread for this useless Bullshit?

Fuck off cunt.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, OP.

Coming here with drama...
Shows how little you know about this site. BBW-chan users would never engage in such a thing.
If he's a problem client, then refund him. (Even if it's a partial refund) Blocking a client after they've paid you is a really bad fucking idea for a lot of reasons.

Trust me, I've had plenty of awful clients in this scene. I've just cut my losses, given them their money back, and told them to fuck off.
Did you just purposely ignore the things he did wrong or something? plenty shown already in this thread. I can make it easy for you though.

>Owes 5500 dollaridoos worth of patreon rewards and comms to multiple people

>took 1.5 years on a shitty looking Daki commission

Easy enough.

you dont have to suck his dick that hard, cmon man.
>spend 300 bucks on Jaykuma art
more art for us
>get mad when it takes too long to finish all the work because you bought in bulk
its a monthly reward
>badger, pester, and constantly change the spec
*ask every few months
>get more mad because you're too dumb to just shut up and let him draw
providing updates is free
>change the spec and price again for a dakimakura and don't state a concrete deadline
nothing wrong
>get mad, even though you didn't set a concrete deadline, because he's taking too long
>Jay finally rushes something out to get you to stop pestering
there's no rush
>still not good enough, you demand it be "fixed"
he did forget key details
> Jay reminds you he's dealing with nasty shit IRL because your autism prevents you from realising that
he offers a fake reward
>"Don't care wtf's my art"
nobody cares about his mom
>get blocked on all platforms
gets cancelled

jaykuma stole 7k dollars
Remember when Jaykuma was just a Trinity clone, those were the days.
>If it was a one time thing for like 200 bucks, then I would also say that Latoria is overreacting
200 bucks is a lot of money these days.

He was a terrible Chinese knockoff Trinity and honestly made me feel that the bastards with such low standards jumping on him was what caused Trinity's large decline in quality.
jay’s mom is deadass half-paralysed right now and his colour palette swap oc-having german fucker starts kicking up a fuss when he doesn’t get his millionth generic bland comm.

Jay could of handled it a bit better ngl but come on man, this latoria fucker really isn’t helping. Few anons here also pointed out, if you’re spending THAT much money on comms you can’t really feel pity for them, who the fuck spends $200+ on porn art constantly.
If you're offering a paid service you either deliver or refund the money, doesn't matter who the client is or how much money it is. Can't believe people would defend anyone taking money and running away, especially when the guy owes more commissions and never tried to communicate anything troubling him until months later (though that's his own business and only his). He has also posted stuff on his Patreon and on that new account, it's not like he's 100% busy with his other problems as you want to imply it.
Imagine defending a con artist. Feels awfully convenient for JayKuma to only drop the bomb about their mom after controversy strikes to try and earn back some sympathy, especially right before Patreon starts billing for March.
If he brought it up as soon as it happened you’d call him an attention whore looking for excuses
It is still on him for not cutting back on comm slots when this did happen though

While it sucks what's happening to his Mom, he should not be accepting money from so many people when he knows he can't deliver. Also as other anon replied, he's still uploading art on a new account, all of which is fully colored and shaded, and non-commissioned.
And before that it was him moving. And then it was his grandma. Part of being an adult is being able to balance work and personal life which Jay clearly could not do even before the alleged incident with his mother.

Also "w-well if you pass this arbitrary threshold then people don't have to give you what you pay for!" is a pretty incredible take I must say. I get that being contrarian makes you feel intelligent but could you at least have some actual arguments that aren't just trying to excuse someone for behaving like a moody teenager who's too stupid/lazy to return Discord messages in a timely fashion?
He could have refunded. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to defend him for being a prideful fuck.
Honestly folks need to call out Saxxon for the same stuff. They have so many commissions that they haven’t made.
Latoria is a massive fucking autist and this thread is proof
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>Willingly paying Saxxon any money
>Even if he worked at a timely fashion
The tasteless fucks get what they deserve, hell, they deserve worse with how much they defend his bullshit.
It's Foxfire/Toroboro's and Bamboo has straight up admits to being smitten with Toro and being a discount version of him
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I know that guy's still got a Samsung Sam WG drive still waiting to be finished, "next pics on the way" since June
Dude really just took the money and ran, even told them to push it a bit lol
i just see all the numbers tossed around and im thinking "damn, these fuckers are loaded with cash"

Probably in huge debt or stealing mom's credit cards tbh.
He's notting even drawing fats anymore. Just...sort of bottom heavy girls. :(
I guess that's just how dopamine works though.
I love that the idea of other having substantial disposable income is such a foreign thing to some people.

Not everyone is working at McD's like you anon.
funny that you mention that, i dont have a job and im in highschool

Give back your mom's credit card and get a job to pay for your fats, poor women has enough debt raising you.
He still draws fats, it's just all on his patreon
Most people in the fats community act like they'd be shit with money and burn through it all within days of getting their hands on a large amount of it instead of paying off the college debt and locking a chunk of it in a safe or invest.
People keep commissioning Lewdsona stuff but they owe a massive amount of things.
I've gotten one from saxxon, tried to get one from Jay and tried to get 3 from butlova. All have gone silent on some and butlova in particular made me very upset just due to the fact he post on twitter and even does trades but ignores his commissioners. I and many others who've commissioned butlova have posted in his comments and on his twitter and we just get no response and ghosted.

Just commission someone else, take it as a loss and or learn to draw yourself. I've been taking up drawing and sketching on paper before drawing it digitally and its really helped me improve. This was also due in part because I kept getting burned by random artist who just went ghost or ignored other commissioners.

Taking the jump to learn yourself is quite rewarding and you could use that commission money you would have used on a artist to instead buy a tablet or art program and just do it yourself (y'know the saying) and also potentially start taking commissions yourself is much more satisfying than hoping the artist delivers on your commission.
This is likely an issue of taking on more than he can handle. Again, know if a artist is seen for taking more than they can chew and avoid them unless they deliver or just do it yourself.

I've learned to draw myself recently and I cant stress enough that learning to do things yourself is not only more satisfying, opens more roads to earn money yourself and develop your skills, but you can also make your own kink art for yourself.
Your taste is a crime against humanity.
Why do you think I've taken to making art I want myself instead of relying on/begging/paying others and their standards, art styles, wills/wont dos?
If those guys are who you look to for commissions; I don't see you getting good at making your own art.
did he deliver them or what

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